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Trading Beyond the Matrix: The Red Pill for Traders and Investors PDF

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Contents Acknowledgments Foreword Preface Section I: Transformation of the Trading Game: Understanding the Basics Chapter 1: I Just Made 130 Percent—and That Was Just the Beginning Learning to Trade Tharp Think 101 Not All Lessons Are Equal Finally, Some Winning Marbles Chapter 2: The Automation of Tharp Think My Journey into Doing the Trading Myself Training Someone Else Why This Is Possible Addendum Chapter 3: From Commercial Loan Officer to Financially Free Trader Investor My Initial Psychological Changes What I’ve Learned about the Trading Game Getting a System That Works Trading Psychology How My Life Has Changed Chapter 4: From Army Major to Systems Expert What I Have Learned and How I Have Changed Transformations Performance Chapter 5: Using Tharp Think to Go from Full-Time Broker to Full-Time Trader My New Venture Where I Am Now Chapter 6: Adapting Tharp Think to Your Trading Area One: Thoroughly Understand the Principles of Successful Trading Part 1: Learning to Trade Is Hard Work, But It Can Be Taught Part 2: Knowing Yourself Part 3: Mistakes Part 4: Objectives and Position Sizing Strategies Part 5: Probability and Reward-to-Risk Assessment Part 6: Systems and Market Type Steps to Learning Tharp Think Section II: Psychological Transformations to Help You Function at a Superior Level within the Matrix Chapter 7: Beliefs: The Basis for the Matrix Understanding the Impact of Beliefs Will Change Your Life How I Create My Experience You Are the Awareness of Thoughts that Flow through You Belief Hierarchy Changing Your Beliefs Everything Has the Meaning You Give It Chapter 8: A Journey through the Stunning World of Feelings and Trapped Emotions The Turning Point Self-Sabotage Models Accepting My Feelings Where I Am Now Note from Editor: Feeling Release as a Metric for Awakening Chapter 9: You Are a Crowd of Conflicting Parts Inside Exercise: Have a Parts Party Interview with a CBOE Floor Trader Working with Dr. Van Tharp Dealing with Conflicting Parts What’s Changed Since Then Where I Am Now (Several Years Later) Chapter 10: My Inner Guidance: A Personal Journey of Miracles My Personal Journey Conversations with God Deeksha or the Oneness Blessing My Relationship with Mitzi My Current Inner Guidance Revisiting the Transformed Engineering Professor My Relationship with Durga Grows Oneness with God Bond with the Divine The Nature of the Relationship Is Critical What Does this Mean for You and for Your Trading? Some Recent Updates Chapter 11: My Experiences Using Transformational Meditation “I” Have a Problem Using and Relating to the Word “God” Five Transformations Some More “Little i’s” That Didn’t Get the Message Dealing with Mistakes Closing Reflections An Addendum Chapter 12: Creating Your Own World Nine Steps to Mastering Yourself Section III: Moving Beyond the Matrix by Transforming Your Level of Consciousness Chapter 13: How I Turbocharged My Transformational Journey Discovering the Linchpin Transformations Turbocharged! Taming My Unconscious Fear of Becoming a Millionaire A Snapshot of Before and After The Turbocharged Transformational Model Conclusion Chapter 14: From Engineer to Spiritual Warrior: A Trading Journey Timeline 1: Downhill Accelerating Timeline 2: Crawling out of the Pit Transformation 1: Dropping the Pain of Past Projections Transformation 2: Firsthand Experience of a Benign Universe Transformation 3: Realizing My Purpose Transformation 4: Finding a Vehicle That Suits Me Transformation 5: Become an Active Manager of Emotional States Bottom Line: Net Winner in Life Chapter 15: A Professional Trader’s Journey beyond the Matrix My Early Trading Experiences Stumbling on the Van Tharp Institute Key Lesson 1: Taking Personal Responsibility Key Lesson 2: Able to Deal with Thoughts, Emotions, and Actions Key Lesson 3: Knowing My Thoughts Are Not Mine Key Lesson 4: Trusting My Inner Guidance Key Lesson 5: Understanding That the World Is Perfect Key Lesson 6: Knowing My Purpose Key Lesson 7: Reinventing Myself So Where Am I Now? Chapter 16: My Journey to Trading in the Now My Transformation Journey How It Happened Where Am I Now? Editor’s Note Chapter 17: Thoughts on Raising Your Level of Consciousness Some Exercises for Trading in the Now Trading in the Now Level IV Transformation Questions on Raising Your Level of Consciousness Chapter 18: Continuing the Journey Area Three: Develop a Personal Business Handbook for Trading/Investing Area Four: Assessing Your Preparation for Trading Area Five: Understand Your Trading Mistakes Appendix: Recommended Readings Appendix: Key Words Defined About the Author A Personal Invitation from Dr. Van K. Tharp Index Cover image: Financial Chart © Henrikjonsson/iStockphoto Cover design: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Copyright © 2013 by Lake Lucerne LP. All rights reserved. Illustrations by Jillian Ellis Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey. Published simultaneously in Canada. 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Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: While the publisher and author have used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales representatives or written sales materials. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation. You should consult with a professional where appropriate. Neither the publisher nor author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages. 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ISBN 978-1-118-52566-1 (cloth); ISBN 978-1-118-54201-9 (ebk); ISBN 978-1- 118-54202-6 (ebk); ISBN 978-1-118-54211-8 (ebk) 1. Speculation. 2. Stocks. 3. Investments. 4. Investments—Psychological aspects. I. Title. HG6041.T44 2013 332.64—dc23 2012046817

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