The Jerusalem Talmud Second Order: Mo‘ed Tractates Pesahøim and Yoma Studia Judaica Forschungen zur Wissenschaft des Judentums Begründet von Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Herausgegeben von Günter Stemberger, Charlotte Fonrobert und Alexander Samely Band 74 De Gruyter The Jerusalem Talmud ymlçwry dwmlt Second Order: Mo‘ed d[wm rds Tractates Pesahøim and Yoma amwyw μyjsp twtksm Edition, Translation, and Commentary by Heinrich W. Guggenheimer De Gruyter ISBN 978-3-11-031591-2 e-ISBN 978-3-11-031598-1 ISSN 0585-5306 LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData ACIPcatalogrecordforthisbookhasbeenappliedforattheLibraryofCongress. BibliographicinformationpublishedbytheDeutscheNationalbibliothek TheDeutscheNationalbibliothekliststhispublicationintheDeutscheNationalbibliografie; detailedbibliographicdataareavailableintheInternetat ©2013WalterdeGruyterGmbH,Berlin/Boston Printing:Hubert&Co.GmbH&Co.KG,Göttingen (cid:2)Printedonacid-freepaper PrintedinGermany Preface The present volume is the Fifteenth in this series of the Jerusalem Talmud, the second in a four-volume edition, translation, and Commentary of the Second Order of this Talmud. The principles of the edition regarding text, vocalization, and Commentary have been spelled out in detail in the Introduction to the first volume. The text in this volume is based on the manuscript text of the Yerushalmi edited by J. Sussman for the Academy of the Hebrew Language, Jerusalem 200 l. The text essentially represents an outline, to be fleshed out by a teacher's explanation. The translation should mirror this slant; it should not endow the text with literary qualities which the original does not possess. In particular, the translation is not intended to stand separate from the Commentary. In one respect the principles of edition have been changed from the previous volumes. Instead of occasionally remarking about questionable changes of the text by the corrector preparing the Venice editio princeps, in all cases where the corrector changed the text, the scribe's version is given in (parentheses), the corrector's in [brackets]. Naturally, usually the corrector rectifies spelling errors and omissions, mostly sentences left out because ofhomeoteleuton; but in many cases the corrector's additions are questionable, as indicated in the Commentary. The full text will permit every reader to form his own judgment. Translator's additions in the English text are put in {braces}. As in the preceding volumes, for each paragraph the folio and line numbers of the Krotoschin edition are added. It should be remembered that these numbers may differ from the editio princeps by up to three lines. It seems to be important that a translation of the Ye rushalmi be accompanied by the text, to enable the reader to compare the interpretation with other translations. Biblical quotations are given with the masoretic accents, except for words which differ (usually by plene spelling) from the masoretic texts. Since the quotes are part of oral tradition, the deviations in spelling are examples of substandard spelling, rather than changes in the text. Again, I wish to thank my wife, Dr. Eva Guggenheimer, who acted as critic, style editor, proof reader, and expert on the Latin and Greek vocabulary. Her own notes on some possible Latin and Greek etymologies are identified by (E. G.). Contents Introduction to Tractate Pesahim Pesahim Chapter 1, lVY ny::nN7 l)N Halakhah I 3 Halakhah 2 15 Halakhah 3 16 20 Halakhah 4 Halakhah 5 25 Halakhah 6 28 Halakhah 7 29 Halakhah 8 35 Pesahim Chapter 2, nyv );, 49 Halakhah I Halakhah 2 63 Halakhah 3 73 Halakhah 4 78 Halakhah 5 88 Halakhah 6 91 Halakhah 7 92 Pesahim Chapter 3, r1::ny )JN) 97 Halakhah I 103 Halakhah 2 Halakhah 3 107 Halakhah 4 113 Halakhah 5 115 Halakhah 6 116 118 Halakhah 7 Halakhah 8 121 Pesahim Chapter 4 umv D)i/D Halakhah I 124 134 Halakhah 2 135 Halakhah 3 Halakhah 4 141 Halakhah 5 146 Halakhah 6 146 Halakhah 7 147 Halakhah 8 149 Halakhah 9 150 Pesahim Chapter 5 onvJ -pr.m Halakhah I 160 Halakhah 2 167 Halakhah 3 178 Halakhah 4 184 Halakhah 5 195 Halakhah 6 197 Halakhah 7 198 Halakhah 8 200 Halakhah 9 202 Halakhah 10 203 Pesahim Chapter 6 D'l:J11:"N Halakhah I 205 Halakhah 2 216 Halakhah 3 220 222 Halakhah 4 Halakhah 5 225 Halakhah 6 226 Halakhah 7 229 Halakhah 8 234 Pesahim Chapter 7 )'?1~ 1~':J Halakhah I 239 244 Halakhah 2 248 Halakhah 3 249 Halakhah 4 251 Halakhah 5 259 Halakhah 6 265 Halakhah 7 276 Halakhah 8 277 Halakhah 9 285 Halakhah 10 TABLE OF CONTENTS IX Halakhah II 289 Halakhah 12 293 Pesahim Chapter 8 mJNi1 Halakhah I 299 Halakhah 2 306 Halakhah 3 310 Halakhah 4 314 Halakhah 5 317 Halakhah 6 318 Halakhah 7 320 Halakhah 8 321 Pesahim Chapter 9 N>J\J i1'i1\!.l m Halakhah I 329 Halakhah 2 334 Halakhah 3 336 Halakhah 4 338 Halakhah 5 343 Halakhah 6 348 Halakhah 7 349 Halakhah 8 350 Halakhah 9 351 Halakhah 10 353 Pesahim Chapter 10 D'nO£l ::ny Halakhah I 355 Halakhah 2 363 Halakhah 3 365 Halakhah 4 368 Halakhah 5 370 Halakhah 6 370 Halakhah 7 373 Halakhah 8 374 Halakhah 9 375 Introduction to Tractate Yo ma 379 Yo ma Chapter 1 D'IJ' nY:::t\!.1 Halakhah I 380 X TABLE OF CONTENTS Halakhah 2 407 Halakhah 3 411 Halakhah 4 413 Halakhah 5 414 Halakhah 6 419 Halakhah 7 419 Halakhah 8 420 Y oma Chapter 2 iD1VNTl Halakhah I 422 Halakhah 2 431 Halakhah 3 434 Halakhah 4 441 Halakhah 5 442 Halakhah 6 445 Yom a Chapter 3 mm~Jn on? 11JN Halakhah I 447 Halakhah 2 449 Halakhah 3 452 Halakhah 4 454 Halakhah 5 456 Halakhah 6 461 Halakhah 7 469 Halakhah 8 475 Halakhah 9 480 Y oma Chapter 4 '!:lJp:l C)1\J Halakhah 1 485 Halakhah 2 494 Halakhah 3 495 Halakhah 4 499 Halakhah 5 500 Halakhah 6 506 Y oma Chapter 5 C)Jn nN 1? 1N'~nn Halakhah I 510 Halakhah 2 514 Halakhah 3 519 Halakhah 4 523 Halakhah 5 525