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TRACKING THE AUTOMATIC ANT Springer New York Berlin Heidelberg Barcelona Budapest Hong Kong London Milan Paris Santa Clara Singapore Tokyo DAVID GALE TRACKING 1/ THE AUTOMATIC ANT ~ MA AND OTHER THEMAT ICAL EXPLORATIONS of AC ollection Mdthemdticdl Ent 'ftdinm nt C lumn from ~nterrigeficer Springer David Gale Department of Mathematics University of California 921 Evans Hall Berkeley, CA 94720 USA Appendix I-A Curious Nim-Type Game, reprinted from the American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 81, No.8, October 1974, pp. 876-879. Appendix 2-The Jeep Once More or Jeeper by the Dozen, reprinted from N.J. Fine's The Jeep Problem, Amer ican Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 54,1947, pp. 24-31. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Gale, David. Tracking the automatic ant and other mathematical explorations / David Gale. p.cm. 1. Mathematical recreations. I. Title. QA97.G127 1998 793.7'4-dc21 97-33272 Printed on acid-free paper. © 1998 Springer-Verlag New York, Inc. Softcover reprint of the hardcover lst edition 1998 All rights reserved. This work may not be translated or copied in whole or in part with out the written permission of the publisher (Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010, USA), except for brief excerpts in connection with reviews or scholarly analysis. Use in connection with any form of information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodol ogy now known or hereafter developed is forbidden. The use of general descriptive names, trade names, trademarks, etc., in this publication, even if the former are not espe cially identified, is not to be taken as a sign that such names, as understood by the Trade Marks and Merchandise Marks Act, may accordingly be used freely by anyone. Production managed by Timothy Taylor; manufacturing supervised by Jeffrey Taub. Composition by Impressions Book and Journal Services, Inc., Madison, WI. 987654321 ISBN-13: 978-1-4612-7453-7 e-ISBN-13: 978-1-4612-2192-0 DOl: 10.1007/978-1-4612-2192-0 Preface This book consists mainly of material from the column Mathemat ical Entertainments in The Mathematical Intelligencer, a feature I edited from 1991 through 1996. The column had been devoted almost entirely to problems, but when I started as editor, I was encouraged by the editor of the magazine, Sheldon Axler, to do with it whatever I pleased. As a result the problems became fewer and fewer and eventually disappeared altogether. Instead I was able to write about anything that caught my fancy. As a result the topics taken up vary all over the lot, but almost always are concerned with very elementary things. Thus three of the chapters are devoted almost entirely to triangles, two others to tiling by rectangles, three more to mysterious properties of sequences given by simple recur sions, three to games and paradoxes, and three to a particular automaton. As can be seen from this listing, there seems to be no unifying thread to the collection, but I did follow some general princi- ples in deciding which material to use. (1) Roughly speaking, one should not have any spe cialized knowledge in order to understand the y vi TRACKING THE AUTOMATIC ANT chosen topics (though occasionally the subsequent analysis becomes a bit more advanced). (2) A high priority was placed on mathematical surprises and unexpected twists, some of which have explanations, while others remain mysterious. Both of these principles are illustrated by examples from everyday life that turn out to have unexpected mathematical content. Among these are familiar children's games and two sections on tying shoelaces. In the same spirit, in a section on geometric construc tions, it turns out that one can throwaway the unwieldy compass and use instead a straightedge on which one can make marks. This apparatus allows one to make not only the Euclidean constructions, but also any construction involving equations of degree at most four, thus making it possible to trisect angles and duplicate cubes (see Chapter 10). In the first three appendices, I present the original sources for some of the material. Computers playa role in many of the sections, but in various guises. Sometimes they are used simply for performing computations, such as finding the power of 2 whose first four digits are 1492 (Chapter 7). Elsewhere they are used for experimentation and, per haps most interestingly, for proving theorems. For example, one obtains dozens of new theorems of plane geometry by discovering numerically that certain geometrically defined points are collinear (Chapter 6). When these discovered collinearities are then formulated algebraically, the computer again steps in, in its symbolic rather than numer ical mode, and provides the proofs. From the point of view of this book, however, the most intriguing consequence of the use of the computer is how it affects the way we think about mathematics itself. Tradi tionally, mathematics has been the example of a deductive science. Thus, no matter how much "experimental evidence" one has for, say, the truth of Fermat's famous theorem, it isn't considered mathematics until it has been proved, that is, shown to be deducible from previously known results. But things started to change in 1931, when Kurt G6del showed that there is no nontrivial mathematical system that can prove or disprove all the state ments that can be made in that system. Today, by enabling us to amass enormous amounts of empirical data, computers have thrown a spotlight on the crisis. For example, at latest count we now know several billion digits of "/1', and one-tenth of them are 7s to within a very small epsilon. Yet no one has any idea how to show that this behavior goes on "forever." Indeed, for all we know, there may be no 7s at all from some point on. Opti mists would say that there has to be a proof out there somewhere, and when we become sufficiently clever, we will find it. But what if there is no proof? In Chapter 3 and 5 we look at other types of questions about sequences where certain results seem overwhelmingly likely yet the prospects for finding proofs seem overwhelmingly remote. Thus, mathe maticians find themselves in a curious situation. At one extreme, by amassing data com puters can first supply us with conjectures and then go on, using programs we design, to settle them. This is the case with the geometrical results mentioned above. At the other end, the computer may be giving us glimpses of true mathematical facts for which there is no proof. Of course, between the extremes there is enough room to keep mathemati cians busy for the foreseeable and even the unforeseeable future. So the advent of computers has made mathematics more like the physical sciences, in that it now has a strong experimental as well as theoretical component. To find out what is going on in the physical universe, physicists use particle accelerators, and astronomers Preface vii use high-powered telescopes. For mathematicians, the computer now plays an analogous role. The important difference is that the computer does not give us information about the physical universe but rather about the "abstract" universe. The things we study, finite groups, analytic functions, and the like are no less "real" than atoms or galaxies. The dif ference is that the objects are abstractions, things that wouldn't be there if we hadn't invented them. Of course many of these abstractions were originally created in an attempt to understand the physical universe, the prototypical example being the books of Euclid. But there is also so-called "pure" mathematics, in which the objects of study are the abstractions themselves, and herein lies a great paradox. As an illustration let us look again at the digits of 'iT and see what is involved in describing the problem. First of all we need the notion of a circle. Nature offers suggestive examples: the sun, the moon, the head of a mushroom. But nature does not supply the center. We had to invent that, like wise the circumference and the diameter, the concept oflength as a "number" (which we also invented), and finally decimal expansions. All of these things are creations of the human mind, and yet they seem to possess a life of their own, as they rise up and present us with puzzles, some of which we may never be able to solve. The last appendix to the book explores further the philosophical implications of this state of affairs. Finally, a word of clarification. As noted, the columns were originally published as "entertainments;' and I have referred above to mathematical phenomena as providing us with puzzles. The everyday connotation of these words suggests that one is here con cerned only with lightweight matters as opposed to "serious mathematics." This distinc tion is more apparent than real. In fact, one might say that the whole scientific enterprise is about solving the puzzles nature keeps throwing at us. There is, however, one sense in which I have tried to keep the presentation on the light side. The process of trying to understand mathematical results can be very hard work. By contrast, in this volume I tried to choose topics from which readers could reap the rewards of discovery with at most a moderate expenditure of energy, in other words, to maximize the ratio of pleasure to effort. Although the book does not attempt to read like a novel, my hope is that in dip ping into its pages, the reader will find things that are entertaining, yes, but also illumi nating. University of California David Gale Berkeley Acknowledgments I would like to acknowlege contributions from people who played important roles in helping to put together the material for this book. I am grateful for the encouragement and support of Sheldon Axler and Chandler Davis, the two editors of The Mathematical Intelligencer who gave me free hand to write about whatever caught my fancy during my time as editor of the Mathematical Entertain ments column. Some of the chapters were written in part or entirely by "guest" columnists, including Donald Newman, Jim Propp, Scott Sutherland, Serge Troubetzkoy, Sherman Stein, John Halton, Solomon Golomb, Michal Misiurewicz, and Armando Machado. In addition, material for many of the chapters was obtained from discussions, email messages and telephone conversations with many people, among them Michael Somos, Imre Barany, Clark Kimberling, Elwyn Berlekamp, Joe Keller, Clifford Gardner and especially the late Raphael Robinson who made key contributions to almost all of the early chapters. All of these people have made the writing of the columns and the resulting book a sort of cooperative venture. Ih ope the readers will now share some of the pleasure that we had in putting this book together. viii Contents Preface v Acknowledgments Vlll CHAPTER 1 Simple Sequences with Puzzling Properties 1 CHAPTER 2 Probability Paradoxes 7 CHAPTER 3 Historic Conjectures: More Sequence Mysteries 13 CHAPTER 4 Privacy-Preserving Protocols 19 CHAPTERS Surprising Shuffles 25 CHAPTER 6 Hundreds of New Theorems in a Two-Thousand-Year-Old Subject: Where Will It End? 31 ix x TRACKING THE AUTOMATIC ANT CHAPTER 7 Pop Math and Protocols 37 CHAPTER 8 Six Variations on the Variational Method 45 CHAPTER 9 Tiling a Torus: Cutting a Cake 55 CHAPTER lO The Automatic Ant: Compassless Constructions 63 CHAPTER 11 Games: Real, Complex, Imaginary 73 CHAPTER 12 Coin Weighing: Square Squaring 83 CHAPTER 13 The Return of the Ant and the Jeep 91 CHAPTER 14 Go 101 CHAPTER 15 More Paradoxes. Knowledge Games 113 CHAPTER 16 Triangles and Computers 119 CHAPTER 17 Packing Tripods 131 CHAPTER 18 Further Travels with My Ant 137 CHAPTER 19 The Shoelace Problem 151 CHAPTER 20 Triangles and Proofs 163

For those fascinated by the abstract universe of mathematics, David Gale's columns in The Mathematical Intelligencer have been a prime source of entertainment. Here Gale's columns are collected for the first time in book form. Encouraged by the magazine's editor, Sheldon Axler, to write on whatever
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