American Fern Journal 97(4):199-211 (2007) New Techniques, Tracheary Elements Ferns: in and Concepts Observations, and Edward Schneider Sherwin Carlquist L. CA Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, 1212 Mission Canyon Road, Santa Barbara, 93105 microscopy (SEM) xylem were studied with scanning electron for Abstract.—Longisections of roots of Angiopteris, upright axes of Psilotum, and rhizomes of eight species of leptosporangiate using ferns of diverse habits and varied ecological preferences. In contrast to earlier studies macerations, razor-blade sections of fixed material from living plants were prepared. All materials showed membranes present on presumptive end walls of tracheids. studied porose or reticulate pit some Tracheid were observed on walls of tracheids. to non-porose lateral Contrasting pits parenchyma may have porose membranes on the tracheid side and nonporose pit pairs pit pit membranes on parenchyma thus degree of porosity in a section can represent the degree to the side; membranes on tracheary element which one primary wall or the other pared away. Reticulate pit is end walls are evidently widespread in ferns. Such cells should not be considered vessel elements, membrane-free membranes suggest degree of transition toward the although the reticulate pit a membranes do occur True absent in perforations) in vessels perforations of typical vessels. (pit produced number The preparation methods of the present study limited of fern genera. roots in a and must be altered accordingly. from than did macerations, interpretations results freer artifacts Reports of lateral, multiple, and interrupted perforation plates in ferns are probably the result of loss of pit membranes due to the oxidative action of maceration and should be rejected. Likewise, membranes dimorphism" (alternately wide and narrow pits) and "striate" (corrugated) pit in "pit probably always have secondary wall represent True vessel elements in ferns ferns artifacts. end walls different from that of lateral walls. architecture of xylem Key Words.—conductive tissue, scanning electron microscopy, tracheids, ultrastructure, elements Progress in study of the nature of tracheary in fern? and With micrc by techniques technology. light gradual, limited aquilinum were reported Pteridiuin macerations, vessels early in Nephrodium Schot and filix-mas (Russow, 1873; Bliss, 1939) (L.) numb microsco Marsilea (White, macerations revealed distinctive perforation plates in roots of and White reported possible vessels in Loyal Singh, 1978). (1962) 1961; The and Woodsia. report of possible Phlebodium, Polystichum, Astrolepis, White lem between end and which based on differences walls an appearance in turn is secondary wall architecture. walls in lateral we we microscope (SEM), Because had access to a scanning electron xylem endeavored confirm White's (1962) reports. In our studies of of to and Phlebodium and Woodsia obtusa Torr. (Carlquist et aL, 1997) (Spr.) we and obtained similar results. In Polystichum (Schneider Carlquist, 1997), SEM we by prepared Woodsia used study of sections obtusa, the case of by tracheid walls sectioning techniques. Excessive fracturing of paraffin AMERICAN 200 FERN VOLUME NUMBER JOURNAL: 97 4 (2007) paraffin sectioning in Pteridium (Carlquist and Schneider, 1997a) discouraged ns from on relying paraffin sectioning, however, and subsequent we in studies, SEM We SEM confirmed with 4 / from walls secondary lateral in wall architecture by also differ lacking pit membranes end in walls but not in lateral wall pits. This was reported in Pteridium and (Carlquist Schneider, 1997a), Astrolepis and (Carlquist Schneider, Woodsia 1997b), ilvensis and (L.) R. Br. (Carlquist Schneider, W. 1998a), scopulina Eat. (Schneider and and Carlquist, 1998a), Marsilea (Schneider and Carlquist, 2000b). In these studies, as in those done during this period on vessels of Araceae and (Carlquist Schneider, 1998b; Schneider and we Carlquist, 1998b), thought that macerations provided reasonably reliable membrane material for establishing presence pit or absence. All of the four genera above were listed regarded having as vessels. subsequent on In studies fern tracheary elements done with macerations, we therefore applied similar interpretive and criteria (Carlquist Schneider, 1998c, 1999, 2000a, 2000b, 2000c, 2001; Carlquist, Schneider et ah, 1999, 2000; Schneider and Carlquist, 1998c, 1998d, 1999a, 1999b, 1999c, 2000a); the fern groups studied in these respective papers lack differences between end walls and We walls secondary lateral wall in architecture. observed porose pit membranes, which we at that time considered indicative of vessel presence, on We pits of tracheids of all of these ferns. also observed absence of pit membranes. we Since those studies, became concerned some may that artifacts We have resulted from the maceration process. resolved to reinvestigate selected ferns using with aqueous fixation ethanol solutions, sectioning by hand with and razor blades, drying in These methods had provided air. membranes reliable preservation of pit in tracheary elements such workers for Meyl Matkrial and Mktiiods All materials studied were from rhizomes (stems) of ferns except for which Angiopteris, in roots were studied, and Psilotum, which in subaerial portions of upright axes were selected. Roots of the ferns available us other than to wen; Angiopteris too slender to be readily sectioned by hand. Suitable portions mm were 70% aqueous fixed in ethanol. Sections 1-2 thick were by hand cut using single-edged These razor blades. have sections the advantage of withstand- ing the sectioning process better than thinner sections, and our observations with SEM confirmed primary that delicate walls sectioned well and were not damaged. No more than six or eight sections were cut with a given razor blade, because sharpness deteriorates rapidly. Sections were placed between with glass slides gentle pressure applied in order to prevent curling during and were drying, air- dried on warming a table. Dried sections were mounted on aluminum stubs, sputter coated with gold, and examined with 2600N SEM. a Hitachi Cultivated material from commercial was sources used for the study of Blechnum brasiliense Desv., Cyathea cooperi Domin, Muell.) Davallia (F. CARLQUIST TRACHEARY ELEMENTS & SCHNEIDER: IN FERNS. 201 fejeensis Hook. Pellaea falcata (R. Br.} Fee, Platycerium bifurcation (Cav.) C. Chr. , The specimen of Angiopteris evecta (G. Forst.) Hoffm. was cultivated in the tropical greenhouse of the University of California, Santa Barbara. Psilotum nudum common weed complex Beauv. a in the horticultural that (L.) P. is at Polypodium become institution. californicum Kaulf. has naturalized in the Santa Cyrtomium Barbara Botanic Garden. falcatum Presl adventive in gardens of is The specimen Woodsia was Santa Barbara. of obtusa (Spr.) Torr. collected in the wild by George Yatskievich and George Taylor along a roadcut in Irons Co., Herbarium specimens Missouri (for details, see Carlquist et 1997). (collection a/., numbers by Sherwin used study have been deposited Carlquist) of ferns in this in the herbarium of the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden (SBBG). Results and "polypod" Illustrations descriptions are presented for the ferns (Pryer et 2004) followed by Cyatheaceae, then the eusporangiate aL, ferns. first, — Blechnum show brasiliense 1-6 Longisections of tracheids a re- fFigs. j. some membranes some ticulate pattern in pit (Fig. Tearing of of the strands 1). various patterns readily apparent but the reticulate in is (Figs. 1, 4, 5), membranes are remarkably intact despite sectioning and handling procedures. membrane most Porosities or spaces in the pit reticulum are readily visible in areas superimposed above apertures, because of the greater contrast with pit dark background such locations However, the reticulate a at (Figs. 1, 2, 5). membrane and nature of the pit can also be seen in front of the pit border, is membrane Where not limited to the central portion of the pit (Figs. 1-6). pit membranes porose upper are less Fig. right; Fig. top; Fig. right), (e.g., 1, 4, 5, may membrane the double thickness of the pit of the adjacent cells be which membranes represented on account of the varied degrees to pit are shaved away in the sectioning process. The more porose pit membrane portion membrane may parenchyma nonporose be that of a tracheid; the pit that of a is may The more clearly reticulate patterns be the primary wall of only one cell. However, view cell in face view. the oblique of Fig. 6 very valuable in is showing that porose membranes occur between adjacent tracheids, where pit membranes must two seem of both of the adjacent tracheids be present (the The and fused together not as separate entities in Fig. fact that the 6). sectioning process not highly destructive revealed by the presence of is is membranes portions of pit so close to the cut surface (Fig. In tracheid pit 6). membranes where no upper porosities are visible (Fig. 3, left), the pit end represented very likely not from a tracheid wall. is — The stem Platycerium bifurcation (Figs. 7-11). longisections of tracheary show membranes. The elements variously porose or reticulate pit reticulate membranes and some nature of pit clearly evident in Figs. 10. In pit is 7, 9, The membranes, small holes are present reticulum, present, (Fig. 8). if membrane, shown Where characterizes the entire pit as in Figs. 9-10). the membrane reticulate nature of a pit not visible over a pit border, as in Fig. is 8, membrane may reticules in the pit not be observable because of lack of contrast AMERICAN VOLUME NUMBER PERN JOURNAL: 202 97 4 (2007) SEM Blachnum Figs. 1—6. micrographs of longisections of tracheids of stems of brasiliense, 1) Portions of two end-wall pits, showing reticulum that becomes finer toward the lateral ends (right). 2) Portions of two (Mid-wall pits, the reticulate pit membranes of which overlie both pit apertures and pit cavities. 3) Portions of two facets; the facet at upper left shows nonporose pit membranes; in the pit membrane at lower right, reticulate pit membranes are illustrated only in the two pits at right, which have experienced more primary wall removal by the sectioning process. 4) Portions of three pit membranes, illustrating a range in pore sizes. Portions of four pit membranes; tearing of 15) pit membranes is distinguishable from the natural reticulum. 6) Oblique view of portions of pits from a cul edge of two adjacent traeheids; the pit membranes between the two tracheids are porose. = Scale for figures 2 pin. all TRACHEARY ELEMENTS CARLQUIST & SCHNEIDER: IN FERNS. 203 «H» W **> *-!» m 4 8 • I »"".-* i * **, fft^gP • •,* i r i .- f^ - 10 12 SEM rhizomes y cerium 7-12. micrographs of longisections of tracheids of of Plat bifurcation Figs. membranes which prominent (Figs. 7-11) and Pellaea folcata (Fig. 12). 7) Portions of pit in reticules are present, although a nonporose membrane is also seen (right). 8) Pit membranes with rather large holes, some of which might represent a degree of artifact formation. 9) Portions of two membranes, showing the nature of the reticulum, relatively free from artifacts. 10) Portion of pit membrane that shows a reticulate nature overlying both pit aperture and pit border. 11) a pit membranes Nonporose pits of a lateral wall, as seen from the inside of a tracheid. 12) Portions of pit = that exhibit porose and nonporose areas. Scales 2 |im. may have with the relatively bright underlying pit border, or else the reticule collapsed onto the border and fused with as a result of processing. Drying pit it memb may components account such of gel of the cell wall for pit placement mb , AMERICAN VOLUME NUMBER FERN 204 JOURNAL: 97 4 (2007) ^ WW* tj i * *:* l* * -- •' ! J* S | p ~m 13 14 I— J M W 41 K Sm^L. 15 fc^^^T** . IP * 4 ;?<•*#" '"" ^ PH(HPP^ ><£ i* . : SEM Eics. 13-18. micrographs of longisections of tracheids of rhizomes of Woodsia obtusa (Kigs. 13-17] and Cyatlwn coopari (Fig. 18). 13) A pit membrane apparently free From artifact two membranes, showing formation. 14) Portions of pit a range in size of pores. 15) Portion of a pit A membrane with relatively large holes in the reticulum. IB) lateral wall between two adjacent tracheids, cut ends of walls at left. 17) Portions of pit membranes, with a rip in one (center), the membrane = others apparently intact. 18) Pit portions showing a range in pore size. Scales 2 um. The (Figs. 7-10). lateral wall pitting of tracheary elements lacks any evidence of porosities (Fig. 11). — Pellaea falcata fFig. 12 J. Porose pit membranes were observed on some The tracheid walls pores probably occur throughout given (Fig. 12). a pit membrane, where but obvious they are less overlie a pit border. — Woodsia 13— membranes obtusa end (Fig. 17 Pit in tracheid walls contain J. notably large holes (Figs. 14, 15), although smaller pores are visible also TRACHEARY ELEMENTS CARLQUIST & SCHNEIDER: IN FERNS. 205 We have no reason believe that the holes or pores result to (Figs. 13, 14, 17). from formation, because there very indication of fracturing in artifact is little We membranes. nonhydrolyzed remnants (= reticulum) of the pit were, the membranes however, unable to detect pores in marginal portions of pit were overlying borders 13-15, Lateral walls of tracheids clearly pit (Figs. 17). membranes observed to have pit devoid of pores or holes (Fig. 16). — proved Cyathea cooperi Although material of this species (Fig. 18j. because of the sinuous course of vascular bundles, porose pit difficult The membranes were on pores occur detected several tracheids (Fig. 18). membrane. randomly over the entire surface of a pit — some Polypodium Despite fracturing of californicum pit /Tigs. 19-20J. membranes membrane strands, the reticulate nature of pit in this species is There tendency toward alignment of primary wall strands evident. a axial is The membranes 19 have pores generally smaller than those (Fig. 20). pit of Fig. shown in Fig. 20. — Our proved Cyrtomium falcatum 21 material of this species difficult (Fig. j. have Porose section because the stems a hard, fibrous texture. pit to membranes were few evident in pits of a tracheids. — Small pores were observed be characteristic Davallia fejeensis (Fig. 22j. to of some tracheid pit membranes in this species, although fracturing ol the pit common membranes was occurrence a (Fig. 22). — membranes Angiopteris evecta 23 Tracheid pit in roots of this (Fig. ). random species have a distribution of pores of various sizes. — nudum Minute densely occur Psilotum pores, distributed, in (Fig. 24j. some membranes examined. of the tracheids pit Discussion by Our using with aqueous ethanol solutions, sectioning studies fixation hand with razor blades, and drying in air provided results different from those we The obtained with macerations. appearances report as porosities, reticulate membrane membranes, and remnants here consistent threadlike are pit pit within the specimens studied. Those appearances coexist on specimens with numbers membranes which no such structures occur, and the large of pit in membranes end porose threadlike consistently occur in central areas of to pit show upper and lower of end wall surfaces transitions to walls: the tips We show know membranes. no comparisons nonporose of rigorous that pit methanol that the above methods to be any less reliable than use of or critical point drying in minimizing artifact formation in pit membranes. Cracking in membranes, an which probably results from handling as well as to pit artifact some extent from drying, can easily be differentiated from porose to threadlike We membrane have observed time prolonged appearances. in real that pit and beam can exposure current high magnification result in fracturing to at membrane peeling away of pit membranes, and in production of corrugated pit and surfaces. Such appearances are easily recognizable as artifacts are excluded from our descriptions. AMERICAN VOLUME NUMBER FERN JOURNAL: 206 4 (2007) 1)7 SEM Figs. 10-24. micrographs of pit membranes from fern tracheids. Figs. 10-22. Longiscctions from rhizomes. Figs. 10-20. Polypodium californicum. Portions of two adjacent membranes 19) pit membrane with different degrees of porousness. 20) Pit remnants tend to be strands oriented in an Cyrtomium membranes axial direction. 2 Portions of pits, falcatum; pit present above center, but 1 ) absent below, apparently because of sectioning. 22) Portion of pit membrane, Davalliu fojannsis, showing membrane a pit with small pores; the rather extensive tearing an artifact. 23) is membranes Angiopteris evecta, pit from longisection of a root, showing reticula broken by some nudum, tearing. 24) Psilotum portions of two finely porose pit membranes from a longisection of = the snbaerial portion of an upright axis. Scales 2 jam. Our newer results have produced, in our opinion, reliable images of the membranes we nature of tracheary elements and pit in in ferns, therefore are new offering conclusions here, together reassessments our witli of earlier studies. Broader issues, such as the terminology of tracheary elements the in TRACHEARY ELEMENTS CARLQUIST & SCHNEIDER: IN FERNS. 207 funct come membranes, — membranes The present study porose tracheids. Distribution pit in fern of more images porose could have been extended indefinitely to obtain of or m was in of the ferns studied. The selection not biased in favor of particular all no rhizome habit types or habitat preferences, so there appears relationship, in mb rhizomatous me ma m SEM macerated studies of and Wood, Marsilea, Pteridium, work showed Discounting reports of vessels in ferns other than these, our number and membranes surprising of ferns (Carlquist porose in a finely pit and Schneider, 2001). Our present study confirms that porose reticulate pit mbran much seem more we macerating our studies, believe, did not create the the fluid in earlier me now porose evident. The picture that emerges that reticulate to pit is membranes on end walls of fern tracheids. Variations in are characteristic networks occur, and need further exploration. these by having defined Def In dicotyledons, vessels are more one and Schneider, 2002a): there are or four features (Carlquist (1) end membranes) on the end wall; the wall perforations (free of pit (2) architecture (perforations) different from that of the lateral wall (pits); (3) is elements they vessel elements are shorter than the imperforate tracheary accompany; vessel elements are wider than the imperforate tracheary (4) elements they accompany. The two features represent a division of labor last with vascular between two conductive possible in vascular plants cells Gnetum Ephedra and possess cambia, and aside from dicotyledons, only this and two applicable ferns Thus, only the criteria are to feature. first Pteridium, monocotyledons. only the genera Astrolepis, Marsilea, In ferns, second by having and Woodsia Introduction) satisfy the criterion (see secondary wall architecture of end walls different from that on lateral walls. may Such end walls possibly occur in a few other genera. distinctive me ements micro When SEM m and dicotyledons, but in some putatively primitive families of both, pit and membrane remnants do occur Carlquist, 1992; Carlquist Schneider, (e.g., genus 2002b, Schneider and Carlquist, 2003). In fact, within the Illicium, 2"H AMERICAN KERN JOURNAL: VOLUME NUMBER 97 4 (2007) membrane various degrees of pit occurrence occur. anisatum and In L. /. /. floridanum one could designate Ellis, vessels present or absent in terms of J. membrane presence end membranes may pit in walls: pit be nonporose, and porose, strandlike, reticulate. In Illicium, the three; criteria of vesselhood membrane other than absence end pit in walls are satisfied. In ferns other than Astrolepis, Marsilea, Pteridium, and Woodsia, degree of membrane pit presence is the only criterion by which vessel presence might be claimed. one says that possession of membranes, If reticulate pil as in Blechnum and Platycerium, could constitute one could a criterion, conceiv- ably develop more 50% a criterion that hydrolysis of than of the membrane pit would result in formation of vessels, and thus Blechnum and Platycerium might be have said to vessels. Clearly, ultrastructure erases any usable boundary between tracheids and vessel elements number The in a of cases. most sensible solution seems be to to call attention intermediate conditions to when The they occur. inherent interest is not in the definition, but the in evolutionary and physiological phenomenon. significance of this Possible functional —Given significance tracheid of ultrastructure the widespread occurrence of weblike or porose membranes membrane pit or pit remnants ends walls in of fern tracheids, the probability exists that this mode structural represents an adaptive system. Reticulate or porose pit membranes would represent an intermediate on way stage the attainment to of vessels. Intermediate stages, however, are often whereas labile, the tracheid end-wall membranes One pit of ferns are not. can compare the condition in ferns to the similar differentiation end walls Telracentron in of tracheids (see Carlquist, 1992). Porosities in the margos of coniferous tracheid membranes pit also bear comparison. The margo pores illustrated Podocarpaceae by for Meylan and same Butterfield (1978) are in the size range as the pores or we spaces reticular figure for ferns. In coniferous tracheids, the margo pores may increase conductive (Zimmermann, The rate 1983). larger pores of margo a coniferous can allow passage under some air conditions, process a down shut by aspiration of the pit as the torus forced against the border. is pit The nonhydrolyzed cellulosic strands of the conifer margo permit pit the torus function among to in pit aspiration; the openings the strands are relatively The margo large. pores in conifers that are likely to transmit air are often about diameter (Zimmermann, 1 urn in 1983). whereas the pores in fern tracheid pit membranes much art; smaller, as our illustrations show. Fern tracheids do not have and tori, thus pores as large as those of conifer margo woidd a pit risk embolism The passage. adaptive significance of the porose or reticular pit membranes end in walls of fern tracheids thus appears be enhancement to of conductive without rates increase in the risk of embolism. Understanding of the physiological action of fern tracheids has lagged behind understanding of the relationship between and ultrastructure physiology in the case of conifer woods, very because economic likely of the value woods. of conifer Porose pit membranes certainly do occur between shown adjacent tracheids of ferns, as in The Pig. possibility remains where nonporose membranes that on 6. exist the