Trace of phase-space noncommutativity in the response of a free particle to linearized gravitational waves Sunandan Gangopadhyaya,b∗, Anirban Saha a,b†, Swarup Sahaa‡ a Department of Physics, West Bengal State University, Barasat, India bVisiting Associate in Inter University Centre for Astronomy & Astrophysics, 3 Pune, India 1 0 2 n a J Abstract 4 1 Interaction of linearized gravitational waves with a otherwise free particle has been studied quantum mechanically in a noncommutative phase-space to examine whether the particle’s ] response to the gravitationalwave gets modified due to spatial and/or momentum noncom- c q mutativity. The result shows that momentum noncommutativity introduces a oscillatory - noise with a specific frequency dependent on the fundamental momentum scale and particle r g mass. Becauseoftheglobalnatureofthephase-spacenoncommutativitysuchnoisewillhave [ similarcharacteristicsforalldetectorsitesandthuswillstandoutinadatacross-correlation 1 procedure. Ifdetected,thisnoisewillprovideevidenceofmomentumnoncommutativityand v also an estimation of the relevant noncommutative parameter. 1 8 At the Planck scale the space-time is thought to have a granular structure [1, 2] much like 9 the phase-space of quantum mechanics (QM). This granularity can be theoretically realized by 2 . describingthespace-timewithasetofcoordinatesxµ,(µ = 0,1,2,3)followinganoncommutative 1 (NC)algebra[xµ,xν] = iθµν,whereθµν isaconstantanti-symmetric tensorof secondrank. This 0 3 space-time is referred to as NC space-time [3] and theories defined on it are called NC theories 1 [4,5]. In recent years, there have been speculations of extending the NC space to a moregeneral : v NC phase-space1 [6, 7, 8, 9] with both the canonical pairs following the algebra: i X [xˆ ,pˆ ]= ih˜δ , [xˆ ,xˆ ] = iθǫ , [pˆ,pˆ ] = iθ¯ǫ (1) r i j ij i j ij i j ij a ¯ where i,j = 1,2;h˜ = h¯ 1+ θθ is the modified Planck’s constant; θ and θ¯ are spatial and 4¯h2 (cid:16) (cid:17) momentum NC parameters respectively and ǫij = ǫji,(ǫ12 = 1) is the anisymmetric tensor in 2 − twodimension . ThemainargumentforconsideringaNCphase-spaceisthatnoncommutativity between momenta arises naturally as a consequence of noncommutativity between coordinates, as momenta are defined as the partial derivatives of the action with respect to the coordinates [10]. Theories defined over a noncommutative phase-space has also been furnishedin [11,12, 13] in context of the NC harmonic oscillator and NC Lorentz transformations. Apartfromthemathematicalcomplexitiesinvolved,thebiggestchallengeinanyNCtheoryis toidentifyexperimentallydetectableeffectsofnoncommutativityowingtotheextremesmallness of theNC parameters θ andθ¯appearingin thealgebra (1). Although effects of theNC structure ∗[email protected], †[email protected] ‡[email protected] 1SinceweonlyconsidertheNCquantummechanicalphase-spacewechoosetoignorenoncommutativityamong thespatial coordinates and time. 2For our purposewe can confineour attention to thefour-dimensional NCphase-space 1 of space-time may appear near the string/Planckian scale, it is hoped that some low energy relics of such effects may exist and their phenomenological consequences are currently being explored at the level of quantum mechanics [14, 15, 16, 17, 24, 18, 19, 20, 21]. Typical low energy nonaccelerator experiments are the Lamb-shift [22], and clock-comparison experiments [23] where the upperbound on the value of the coordinate commutator was found to be θ (10TeV)−2 which corresponds to 4 10−40m2 for h¯=c=1. Whereas such upperbounds on th≤e momentum NC parameter [17, 9] is×θ¯ 2.32 10−61kg2m2sec−2 and time-space NC parameter [24] is θ0i 9.51 10−18m2 which are≤shown t×o be mutually consistent in [24]. Moreover, recent ≤ × studies in NC quantum mechanics revealed that the NC parameter associated with different −2 −2 particles are not same [16] and this bound could be as high as θ (4GeV) (30MeV) [25]. These upperbounds correspond to the length scale range 10−2≤0m 10−17m−and thus suggest ∼ − the potential possibility of finding the NC signature in present day high-precision gravitational wave detection experiments. WiththedevelopmentofvariousgroundbasedGWdetectors[26]likeLIGO[27],VIRGO[28], GEO [29] and TAMA [30], the possibility of direct detection of GW(s) with a strain sensitivity of the order of δL h 10−21/√Hz or better in the frequency range between 100-1000 Hz is L ≈ ∼ expected in the near future [31], where L 1km is the GW interferometer cavity arm length and δL 10−18m is its variation dueto the∼passingGW. Thisroughly means that these modern ∼ GW interferometers are capable of monitoring the (relative) positions of their test masses (the beam splitter and the mirrors) with an accuracy of order 10−18m and better [32]. Also, GW detectors based on matter-wave interferometry [33, 34, 35] have been suggested recently with similar strain sensitivity. These interferometers are thus ideally suited to monitor the fuzzyness introduced in distance measurements between test masses due to NC nature of phase-space. A NC theory where the concept of distance is fundamentally fuzzy, even in the idealized situation whereallclassicalandordinaryquantummechanicalnoisesourcesarecompletelyeliminated,the read-out of an interferometer would still be noisy as a result of phase-space noncommutativity [36]. Since GW affects matter at very small length-scale [37] and NC phase-space structure is inherently quantum mechanical in nature, a quantum mechanical theory of the GW-matter interaction in an NC phase-space would be necessary to predict the possible NC noise sources in the GW detector read-outs. With this motivation we have recently adopted a systematic approach [38] to study the effect of GW(s) in the long-wavelength and low velocity limit on the test matter, e.g., free particle and a harmonic oscillator [39, 40], in a noncommutative (NC) space. In the present paper, we extend our earlier study [39] of a free test particle under linearized GW(s) by considering a NC phase-space, where both coordinate and momentum are assumed to follow noncommutative algebra (1) instead of a NC space where only coordinates are non- commutative. The motivation of this generalization to NC phase-space is the following: In [39] we have shown that the NC signature caused by spatial noncommutativity in this system orig- inates from the matter-GW interaction term and so comes coupled with the GW amplitude. Therefore, owing to the small amplitude of GW and even smaller upper-bounds of the spatial NC parameter, the spatial NC effects may be well below the detection range of the present GW detectors. But, in the present paper, apart from spatial NC sector, we additionally consider NC effect caused by the momentum noncommutativity which arises not only from the interaction term but also from the kinetic term. So the present system will have pure NC signature of mommentum noncommutativity, linear in only the momentum NC parameter and independent of any gravitational coupling and thus may present a better chance of detection. To begin with, we consider a NC phase-space algebra (1) that can be mapped into the commutative Heisenberg-Weyl algebra between variables (X,P) through the following linear 2 map from (xˆ,pˆ) to (X,Y) 1 1 xˆ = X θǫ P , pˆ = P + θ¯ǫ X . (2) i i ij j i i ij j − 2h¯ 2h¯ With this background, we now construct the quantum mechanics of a test particle interacting with linearized GW(s) in NC phase-space. To start with, we write down the following Hamilto- nian for the system in the proper detector frame 1 Hˆ = pˆ2+Γj xˆ pˆ (3) 2m j 0k j k where the notations have their usual meaning. Using eq.(2) and the traceless property of the GW, we rewrite the above Hamiltonian in terms of the operators (X,P) P 2 θ¯ θ θ¯ Hˆ = j +Γj X P + ǫ XjP ǫ P P Γj + ǫ X X Γj . (4) 2m 0k j k 2m¯h jm m− 2h¯ jm m k 0k 2h¯ jm m k 0k This is the Hamiltonian of the system in the NC phase-space. Since it has been demonstrated in various formulations of NC general relativity [41, 42] that any NC correction in the gravity sector is second order in the NC parameter, therefore, in a first order theory in NC phase-space, the linearised GW remains unaltered by NC effects and any NC correction appearing in the system will be through the particle sector only. We reexpress the NC Hamiltonian in eq.(4) in terms of the raising and lowering operators defined by ¯h 1/2 ¯hm̟ 1/2 † † X = a +a ; P = i a a (5) j (cid:18)2m̟(cid:19) (cid:16) j j(cid:17) j − (cid:18) 2 (cid:19) (cid:16) j − j(cid:17) with the frequency ̟ determined from the initial uncertainty in either the position or the momentum of the particle [38]. This gives Hˆ = ¯h̟ 2a†a +1 a2 a†2 i¯hh˙ a a a†a† + iθ¯ ǫ a†a 4 (cid:16) j j − j − j (cid:17)− 4 jk(cid:16) j k − j k(cid:17) 4m jk j k m̟θ θ¯ + ǫ h˙ (a a a a† +C.C.)+ ǫ h˙ (a a +a a† +C.C.). (6) 8 jm jk m k − m k 8m̟ jm jk m k m k which is used to compute the time evolution of a (t) j da (t) i̟ 1 θ¯ im̟θ j = − a a† + h˙ a† + ǫ a + (ǫ h˙ +ǫ h˙ )(a a†) dt 2 (cid:16) j − j(cid:17) 2 jk k 4m¯h jk k 8h¯ lj lk lk lj k − k iθ¯ (ǫ h˙ +ǫ h˙ )(a +a†) (7) −8m̟¯h lj lk lk lj k k † and that of a (t), given by the C.C of the above equation. Note that the raising and lowering j operators satisfy the commutation relations † † † a (t),a (t) = δ ; [a (t),a (t)] = 0 = a (t),a (t) . (8) j k jk j k j k h i h i We now make use of the time dependent Bogoliubov transformations which relate a (t) and j † a (t) in terms of the operators at time t =0 j † † † a (t)= u (t)a (0)+v (t)a (0) ; a (t) = a (0)u¯ (t)+a (0)v¯ (t) (9) j jk k jk k j k kj k kj where u and v are the generalized Bogoliubov coefficients. Since a (t = 0) = a (0), u (t) jk jk j j jk and v (t) have the boundary conditions jk u (0) = I ; v (0) = 0 . (10) jk jk 3 From eq(s)(7, 9), we get the following equations of motion in terms of ζ = u v† and ξ = u+v†: − dζ 1 θ¯ iθ¯ jk = h˙ ζ + ǫ ζ (ǫ h˙ +ǫ h˙ )ξ (11) jl lk jl lk lj lp lp lj pk dt −2 4m¯h − 4m̟¯h dξ 1 im̟θ θ¯ jk = i̟ζ + h˙ ξ + (ǫ h˙ ǫ h˙ )ζ + ǫ ξ . (12) jk jl lk pl jp jp pl lk jl lk dt − 2 4h¯ − 4m¯h We shall now solve the above equation for the case of linearly polarised GW(s) which in the two 1 3 dimensional plane can be writen in terms of the Pauli matrices σ and σ 1 3 hjk(t) = 2f(t) ε1σjk +ε3σjk (13) (cid:16) (cid:17) where ε1 and ε3 represent the two possible time independent polarisation states of the GW 2 2 satisfying the condition ε +ε = 1. 2f(t) is the amplitude of the GW satisfying the boundary 1 3 condition f(t)= 0, for t 0. (14) ≤ which physically signifies that the GW hits the particle at t=0. Now the matric-valued functions ξ and ζ , being 2 2 complex matrices, can beexpressed jk jk × as linear combinations of the Pauli spin matrices and identity matrix 1 2 3 ζjk(t) = AIjk +B1σjk +B2σjk +B3σjk (15) 1 2 3 ξjk(t) = CIjk +D1σjk +D2σjk +D3σjk (16) with A,C,B ,D ,a = 1,2,3, all complex quantities. Using these forms (15), (16) and (13) in a a eq.(s)(11, 12)andcomparingthecoefficients ofI andσ-matrices frombothsides,weobtain aset of first order differential equations for A,B1,B2,B3,C,D1,D2,D3 with appropriate boundary conditions consistant with (10): Λ A˙ = iΛB2 f˙(ε1B1+ε3B3) 4i f˙(ε3D1 ε1D3) − − ̟ − Λ B˙1 = ΛB3 f˙(ε1A iε3B2) 4 f˙(iε3C ε1D2) − − − − ̟ − Λ B˙2 = iΛA if˙(ε3B1 ε1B3) 4 f˙(ε1D1+ε3D3) − − − ̟ Λ B˙3 = ΛB1 f˙(ε3A+iε1B2)+4 f˙(iε1C +ε3D2) − ̟ C˙ = i̟A iΛD2+f˙(ε1D1+ε3D3)+4iλf˙(ε3B1 ε1B3) − − − D˙1 = i̟B1+ΛD3+f˙(ε1C iε3D2)+4λf˙(iε3A ε1B2) − − − D˙2 = i̟B2 iΛC +if˙(ε3D1 ε1D3)+4λf˙(ε1B1+ε3B3) − − − D˙3 = i̟B3 ΛD1+f˙(ε3C +iε1D2) 4λf˙(iε1A+ε3B2) (17) − − − where θ¯ Λ= (18) 4m¯h is a frequency appearing naturally due to the presence of momentum noncommutativity in the system and m̟θ λ = (19) 4h¯ is a dimensionless parameter with spatial NC length-scale √θ. 4 Solving the eq.(s)(17) to first order in the GW amplitude with boundaryconditions (14), we get ̟ A(t) = cosΛt ; C(t)= i sinΛt+cosΛt ; B2(t) = D2(t) = isinΛt − Λ − Λ t B1(t) = (ε1+4i ε3)cosΛt+5ε3sinΛt f(t)+5Λε3 f(t′)cosΛt′dt′ −(cid:26) ̟ (cid:27) Z0 Λ t B3(t) = 5ε1sinΛt (ε3 4i ε1)cosΛt f(t) 5Λε1 f(t′)cosΛt′dt′ (cid:26) − − ̟ (cid:27) − Z0 D1(t) = (ε1+4iλε3)cosΛt (ε3 +iε1̟)sinΛt f(t)+(Λε3+iε1̟) tf(t′)cosΛt′dt′ (cid:26) − Λ (cid:27) Z0 D3(t) = (ε3 4iλε1)cosΛt+(ε1 iε3̟)sinΛt f(t) (Λε1 i̟ε3) tf(t′)cosΛt′dt′. (cid:26) − − Λ (cid:27) − − Z0 (20) Using the above expressions and eq(s)(15, 16, 9, 5) yields the expectation value of the compo- nents of position and momentum of the particle at any arbitrary time t in terms of the initial expectation values of the position (X1(0),X2(0)) and momentum (P1(0),P2(0)). We will give the explicit expression for X1(t) and discuss the interesting features it presents. h i t X1(t) = cosΛt+(ε3cosΛt+ǫ1sinΛt)f(t) Λε1 f(t′)cosΛt′dt′ X1(0) h i (cid:20) − Z0 (cid:21) t + sinΛt+(ε1cosΛt ε3sinΛt)f(t)+Λε3 f(t′)cosΛt′dt′ X2(0) (cid:20) − Z0 (cid:21) + ̟ sinΛt+ 4λε1cosΛt+ε3̟ sinΛt f(t) ̟ε3 tf(t′)cosΛt′dt′ P1(0) (cid:20)Λ (cid:26) Λ (cid:27) − Z0 (cid:21) m̟ + ̟ε1sinΛt 4λε3cosΛt f(t) ̟ε1 tf(t′)cosΛt′dt′ P2(0) . (21) (cid:20)(cid:26)Λ − (cid:27) − Z0 (cid:21) m̟ The above result reflect the effects due to both the NC parameters θ and θ¯on the expectation value of the coordinates of the particle. First let us note that the spatial noncommutativity leads to terms linear in the spatial NC parameters λ and coupled to GW amplitude. Hence they will produce too small an effect to be detected at the present GW detector sensitivities as we have speculated earlier. Also, they will go undetected if GWs are not present. In contrast, momentum noncommutativity brings in an oscillatory nature in the dynamical evolution of the free particle with a frequency characterized by the momentum NC parameter Λ. Some of these oscillatory terms are independent of any GW interaction and hence will affect the particle’s motion even when there are no GWs. This will lead to a noise source in the GW detectors which is not of any instrumental or geological/terrestrial origin but solely an effect of the phase-space NC algebra. Consequently, this noise will have same characteristics in all GW detector sites. Normally, the instrumental and geological/terrestrial noises in different GW detector read-outs are uncorrelated [43] and this fact is used to eleminate such noise by cross- correlating data from two or more detectors at different sites. But any noise of NC momentum origin will stand out even after such elemination because of its global nature. To put the expression (21) in a form where various limiting situations can be easily read off we expand the oscillatory factors and retain terms linear in Λ. This gives P1(0)t P1(0)t P2(0)t X1(t) = X1(0)+ +f(t) ε3 X1(0)+ +ε1 X2(0)+ h i (cid:20) m (cid:21) (cid:20) (cid:26) m (cid:27) (cid:26) m (cid:27)(cid:21) P1(0)tε3+ P2(0)tε1 tf(t′)dt′+ θP1(0)ε1 θP2(0)ε3 f(t) −(cid:20) m m (cid:21)Z0 (cid:20) ¯h − ¯h (cid:21) θ¯ t + tX2(0)+ ε1X1(0) ε3X2(0) tf (t) f(t′)dt′ (22) 4m¯h(cid:20) { − }(cid:26) −Z0 (cid:27)(cid:21) 5 The first term shows the classical motion of the free particle with given initial position and momentum. In the absence of phase-space noncommutativity (θ = θ¯=0), and GW (f (t)= 0), this is the only serviving part. The second and third terms give the modulation caused by GW in the time evolution of the particle. In the limit θ 0 and θ¯ 0, these terms, along with → → the first term, give the usual response of the free particle to linearized GW. The fourth term shows the Bopp shift effect of spatial noncommutativity coupled to GW. Finally, the fifth term is the effect of momentum noncommutativity, part of which is coupled to the GW interaction, but a contribution independent of gravity also exists. This will result in a noise characterized by the momentum noncommutative parameter θ¯and particle mass m. Since we have linearized in Λ this shows the initial linearly increasing part of the sinΛt curve with t. The identification of this noise in the GW data will provide the evidence in favour of the existence of momentum noncommutativity and the parameter θ¯can be estimated from the slope of the noise curve. References [1] S. Doplicher, K. Fredenhagen and J. E. Roberts, Phys. Lett. B331, 39 (1994); S. Do- plicher, K. Fredenhagen and J. E. Roberts, Commun. Math. Phys. 172, 187 (1995) [arXiv:hep-th/0303037]. [2] D. V. Ahluwalia, Phys. Lett. B339 301-303(1994), arXiv:gr-qc/9308007v2. [3] H.S. Snyder, Phys. Rev. 71 (1947) 38; Phys. Rev. 72 (1947) 68. [4] N. Seiberg, E. Witten, [JHEP 09 (1999) 032] [5] See for example, R.J. Szabo, Phys. Rept. 378 (2003) 207 and the references therein. [6] Jian-zu Zhang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 (2004) 043002. [7] A. E. F. Djemai and H. Smail, Commun. Theor. Phys. 41 (2004) 837. [8] O.Bertolami, J.G.Rosa, C.Aragao, P.CastorinaandD. Zapall‘a, Phys.Rev.D 72(2005) 025010. [9] R. Banerjee, B. Dutta Roy, S. Samanta, Phys.Rev. D 74 045015 (2006), arXiv:hep-th/0605277. 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