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Preview Trace formulae and singular values of resolvent power differences of self-adjoint elliptic operators

TRACE FORMULAE AND SINGULAR VALUES OF RESOLVENT POWER DIFFERENCES OF SELF-ADJOINT ELLIPTIC OPERATORS JUSSIBEHRNDT,MATTHIASLANGER,ANDVLADIMIRLOTOREICHIK Abstract. In this note self-adjoint realizations of second order elliptic dif- 3 ferential expressions with non-local Robin boundary conditions on a domain 1 Ω ⊂ Rn with smooth compact boundary are studied. A Schatten–von Neu- 0 manntypeestimateforthesingularvaluesofthedifferenceofthemthpowers 2 of the resolvents of two Robin realizations is obtained, and for m > n −1 2 n it is shown that the resolvent power difference is a trace class operator. The a estimates are slightly stronger than the classical singular value estimates by J M.Sh.BirmanwhereoneoftheRobinrealizationsisreplacedbytheDirichlet 4 operator. In both cases trace formulae are proved, in which the trace of the 2 resolventpowerdifferencesinL2(Ω)iswrittenintermsofthetraceofderiva- tivesofNeumann-to-DirichletandRobin-to-Neumannmapsontheboundary ] spaceL2(∂Ω). P S . h t a 1. Introduction m LetΩ⊂Rnbeaboundedorunboundeddomainwithsmoothcompactboundary [ andlet L be a formallysymmetric secondorderelliptic differentialexpressionwith 1 variable coefficients defined on Ω. As a simple example one may consider L=−∆ v orL=−∆+V withsomerealfunctionV. DenotebyA the self-adjointDirichlet D 0 operator associated with L in L2(Ω) and let A be a self-adjoint realization of L 8 [β] in L2(Ω) with Robin boundary conditions of the form βf| = ∂f| for functions 7 ∂Ω ∂ν ∂Ω 5 f ∈domA[β]. Here β is a real-valued bounded function on ∂Ω; in the special case . β =0 one obtains the Neumann operator A associated with L. 1 N 0 Half a century ago it was observed by M.Sh. Birman in his fundamental paper 3 [9]thatthedifferenceoftheresolventsofA andA isacompactoperatorwhose D [β] :1 singular values sk satisfy sk =O k−n−21 , k→∞, that is, v Xi (1.1) (A[β]−λ)−1−(AD−λ(cid:0))−1 ∈S(cid:1)n−21,∞, λ∈ρ(A[β])∩ρ(AD), whereS denotestheweakSchatten–vonNeumannidealoforderp;forthelatter r p,∞ a see (2.1) below. The difference of higher powers of the resolvents of A and A D [β] lead to stronger decay conditions of the form (1.2) (A[β]−λ)−m−(AD−λ)−m ∈Sn−1,∞, λ∈ρ(A[β])∩ρ(AD); 2m see, e.g. [9, 25, 26, 27, 32]. The estimate (1.1) for the decay of the singular values is known to be sharp if β is smooth, see [10, 25, 26, 27], and [28] for the case β ∈ L∞(∂Ω); the estimate (1.2) is sharp for smooth β by [26, 27]. Observe that, for m > n−1, the operator in (1.2) belongs to the trace class ideal, and hence 2 the wave operators for the scattering pair {A ,A } exist and are complete, and D [β] 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 35P05, 35P20; Secondary 47F05, 47L20, 81Q10,81Q15. Keywordsandphrases. ellipticoperator,self-adjointextension,Schatten–vonNeumannclass, traceformula,Dirichlet-to-Neumannmap. 1 2 JUSSIBEHRNDT,MATTHIASLANGER,ANDVLADIMIRLOTOREICHIK the absolutely continuous parts of A and A are unitarily equivalent. A sim- D [β] ple consequence of one of our main results in the present paper is the following representation for the trace of the operator in (1.2) (see Theorem 3.10): tr (A −λ)−m−(A −λ)−m [β] D (1.3) (cid:0) = 1 tr dm−1 I(cid:1)−M(λ)β −1M(λ)−1M′(λ) , (m−1)! dλm−1 (cid:18) (cid:16)(cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:17)(cid:19) where M(λ) is the Neumann-to-Dirichlet map (i.e. the inverse of the Dirichlet-to- Neumann map) associated with L; see also [7, Corollary 4.12] for m = 1. In the specialcasethatA istheNeumannoperatorA ,thatisβ =0,theaboveformula [β] N simplifies to 1 dm−1 (1.4) tr (A −λ)−m−(A −λ)−m = tr M(λ)−1M′(λ) , N D (m−1)! dλm−1 (cid:18) (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:19) (cid:0) (cid:1) which is an analogue of [14, Th´eor`eme 2.2] and reduces to [2, Corollary 3.7] in the case m = 1. We point out that the right-hand sides in (1.3) and (1.4) consist of traces of operators in the boundary space L2(∂Ω), whereas the left-hand sides are traces of operators in L2(Ω). Some related reductions for ratios of Fredholm perturbationdeterminantscanbefoundin[20]. Wealsoreferto[17]forothertypes of trace formulae for Schr¨odinger operators. Recently,it wasshownin[6]thatif oneconsiderstwoself-adjointRobinrealiza- tions A and A of L, then the estimate (1.1) can be improved to [β1] [β2] (1.5) (A[β1]−λ)−1−(A[β2]−λ)−1 ∈Sn−31,∞, so that, roughly speaking, any two Robin realizations with bounded coefficients β are closer to each other than to the Dirichlet operator A ; see also [7] and the j D paper[28]byG.Grubbwheretheestimate(1.5)wasshowntobesharpundersome smoothness conditions on the functions β and β . One of the main objectives of 1 2 this note is to prove a counterpart of (1.2) for higher powers of resolvents of A [β1] and A . For that we apply abstract boundary triple techniques from extension [β2] theory of symmetric operators and a variant of Krein’s formula which provides a convenient factorization of the resolvent difference of two self-adjoint realizations of L; cf. [4, 5, 7] and [12, 15, 18, 19, 24, 29, 32, 34, 35] for relatedapproaches. Our toolsallowustoconsidergeneralnon-localRobintyperealizationsofLoftheform A f =Lf, [B] (1.6) domA = f ∈H3/2(Ω):Lf ∈L2(Ω), Bf| = ∂f , [B] ∂Ω ∂ν ∂Ω where B is an arbitrarny bounded self-adjoint operator in L2(∂(cid:12)Ω)oand H3/2(Ω) (cid:12) denotestheL2-basedSobolevspaceoforder3/2. InthespecialcasewhereB isthe multiplicationoperatorwithaboundedreal-valuedfunctionβ on∂Ωthedifferential operator in (1.6) coincides with the usual corresponding Robin realization A of [β] L in L2(Ω). It is provedin Theorem 3.7 that for two self-adjoint realizations A [B1] and A as in (1.6) the difference of the mth powers of the resolvents satisfies [B2] (A[B1]−λ)−m−(A[B2]−λ)−m ∈S2nm−+11,∞, λ∈ρ(A[B1])∩ρ(A[B2]), and if, in addition, B −B belongs to some weak Schatten–von Neumann ideal, 1 2 theestimateimprovesaccordingly. Moreover,form> n−1theresolventdifference 2 is a trace class operator and for the trace we obtain (1.7) tr (A −λ)−m−(A −λ)−m [B1] [B2] =(cid:0) 1 tr dm−1 I −B M((cid:1)λ) −1(B −B ) I −M(λ)B −1M′(λ) . (m−1)! dλm−1 1 1 2 2 (cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:21) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) TRACE FORMULAE AND SINGULAR VALUES 3 As in (1.3) and(1.4)the right-handside in(1.7)consists ofthe trace ofderivatives of Robin-to-Neumann and Neumann-to-Dirichlet maps on the boundary ∂Ω, so that(1.7)canbeviewedasareductionofthetraceinL2(Ω)totheboundaryspace L2(∂Ω). The paper is organized as follows. We first recall some necessary facts about singular values and (weak) Schatten–von Neumann ideals in Section 2.1. In Sec- tion2.2the abstractconceptofquasiboundarytriples, γ-fieldsandWeylfunctions from [4] is briefly recalled. Furthermore, we prove some preliminary results on the derivatives of the γ-field and Weyl function, and we provide some Krein-type formulaefortheresolventdifferencesofself-adjointextensionsofasymmetricoper- ator. Section 3 contains our main results on singular value estimates and traces of resolventpowerdifferences of Dirichlet, Neumannand non-localRobin realizations of L. In Section 3.1 the elliptic differential expression is defined and a family of self-adjoint Robin realizations is parameterized with the help of a quasi boundary triple. Adetailedanalysisofthe smoothingpropertiesofthe derivativesofthe cor- responding γ-field and Weyl function together with Krein-type resolvent formulae and embeddings of Sobolev spaces then leads to the estimates and trace formulae in Theorems 3.6, 3.7 and 3.10. 2. Schatten–von Neumann ideals and quasi boundary triples Thissectionstartswithpreliminaryfactsonsingularvaluesand(weak)Schatten– von Neumann ideals. Furthermore, we review the concepts of quasi boundary triples, associatedγ-fields and Weyl functions, which are convenient abstracttools for the parameterizationand spectral analysis of self-adjoint realizations of elliptic differential expressions. 2.1. Singular values and Schatten–von Neumann ideals. Let H and K be Hilbert spaces. We denote by B(H,K) the space of bounded operators from H to K and by S (H,K) the space of compact operators. Moreover, we set B(H) := ∞ B(H,H) and S (H):=S (H,H). ∞ ∞ The singular values (or s-numbers) s (K), k = 1,2,..., of a compact operator k K ∈S (H,K)aredefinedastheeigenvaluesofthenon-negativecompactoperator ∞ (K∗K)1/2 ∈S (H), which are enumerated in non-increasing order and with mul- ∞ tiplicities taken into account. Note that the singular values of K and K∗ coincide: s (K) = s (K∗) for k = 1,2,...; see, e.g. [22, II.§2.2]. Recall that, for p > 0, the k k Schatten–von Neumann ideals S (H,K) and weak Schatten–von Neumann ideals p S (H,K) are defined by p,∞ ∞ S (H,K):= K ∈S (H,K): s (K) p <∞ , p ∞ k (2.1) (cid:26) k=1 (cid:27) X(cid:0) (cid:1) S (H,K):= K ∈S (H,K): s (K)=O k−1/p , k →∞ . p,∞ ∞ k If no confusion can arise,thne spaces H and K are suppres(cid:0)sed an(cid:1)d we writoe S and p S . For 0<p′ <p the inclusions p,∞ (2.2) Sp ⊂Sp,∞ and Sp′,∞ ⊂Sp hold; for s,t>0 one has (2.3) S ·S =S and S ·S =S , 1 1 1 1,∞ 1,∞ 1 ,∞ s t s+t s t s+t where a product of operator ideals is defined as the set of all products. We refer the reader to [22, III.§7 and III.§14] and [36, Chapter 2] for a detailed study of the classes S and S ; see also [7, Lemma 2.3]. The ideal of nuclear or trace class p p,∞ 4 JUSSIBEHRNDT,MATTHIASLANGER,ANDVLADIMIRLOTOREICHIK operators S plays an important role later on. The trace of a compact operator 1 K ∈S (H) is defined as 1 ∞ trK := λ (K), k k=1 X where λ (K) are the eigenvalues of K and the sum convergesabsolutely. It is well k known (see, e.g. [22, §III.8]) that, for K ,K ∈S (H), 1 2 1 (2.4) tr(K +K )=trK +trK 1 2 1 2 holds. Moreover,if K ∈B(H,K) and K ∈B(K,H) are such that K K ∈S (K) 1 2 1 2 1 and K K ∈S (H), then 2 1 1 (2.5) tr(K K )=tr(K K ). 1 2 2 1 The next useful lemma can be found in, e.g. [6, 7] and is based on the asymp- totics of the eigenvalues of the Laplace–Beltrami operator. For a smooth compact manifold Σ we denote the usual L2-based Sobolev spaces by Hr(Σ), r ≥0. Lemma2.1. LetΣbean(n−1)-dimensionalcompactC∞-manifoldwithoutbound- ary, let K be a Hilbert space and K ∈ B(K,Hr1(Σ)) with ranK ⊂ Hr2(Σ) where r >r ≥0. Then K is compact and its singular values s (K) satisfy 2 1 k sk(K)=O k−rn2−−r11 , k →∞, i.e. K ∈Sr2n−−r11,∞ K,Hr1(Σ) and h(cid:0)ence K ∈(cid:1)Sp K,Hr1(Σ) for every p> rn2−−r11. 2.2. Quasi bound(cid:0)ary tripl(cid:1)es and their Wey(cid:0)l function(cid:1)s. In this subsection we recall the definitions and some important properties of quasi boundary triples, corresponding γ-fields and associated Weyl functions, cf. [4, 5, 7] for more details. Quasiboundary triples are particularly useful when dealing with elliptic boundary value problems from an operator and extension theoretic point of view. Definition2.2. LetAbeaclosed,denselydefined,symmetricoperatorinaHilbert space (H,(·,·) ). A triple {G,Γ ,Γ } is called a quasi boundary triple for A∗ if H 0 1 (G,(·,·) ) is a Hilbert space and for some linear operator T ⊂A∗ with T =A∗ the G following holds: (i) Γ ,Γ : domT → G are linear mappings, and the mapping Γ := Γ0 has 0 1 Γ1 dense range in G×G; (cid:0) (cid:1) (ii) A :=T ↾kerΓ is a self-adjoint operator in H; 0 0 (iii) for all f,g ∈domT the abstract Green identity holds: (Tf,g) −(f,Tg) =(Γ f,Γ g) −(Γ f,Γ g) . H H 1 0 G 0 1 G We remark that a quasi boundary triple for A∗ exists if and only if the defi- ciency indices of A coincide. Moreover, in the case of finite deficiency indices a quasi boundary triple is automatically an ordinary boundary triple, cf. [4, Propo- sition 3.3]. For the notion of (ordinary) boundary triples and their properties we refer to [13, 15, 16, 23, 30]. If {G,Γ ,Γ } is a quasi boundary triple for A∗, then A 0 1 coincides with T ↾kerΓ and the operator A :=T ↾kerΓ is symmetric in H. We 1 1 also mention that a quasi boundary triple with the additional property ranΓ =G 0 is a generalized boundary triple in the sense of [16]; see [4, Corollary 3.7(ii)]. Nextwerecallthedefinitionoftheγ-fieldandtheWeylfunctionassociatedwith the quasi boundary triple {G,Γ ,Γ } for A∗. Note that the decomposition 0 1 domT =domA +˙ ker(T −λ)=kerΓ +˙ ker(T −λ) 0 0 TRACE FORMULAE AND SINGULAR VALUES 5 holds for all λ∈ρ(A ), so that Γ ↾ker(T −λ) is invertible for all λ∈ρ(A ). The 0 0 0 (operator-valued) functions γ and M defined by −1 γ(λ):= Γ ↾ker(T −λ) and M(λ):=Γ γ(λ), λ∈ρ(A ), 0 1 0 are called the γ-(cid:0)field and the We(cid:1)yl function corresponding to the quasi boundary triple {G,Γ ,Γ }. These definitions coincide with the definitions of the γ-field 0 1 and the Weyl function in the case that {G,Γ ,Γ } is an ordinary boundary triple, 0 1 see [15]. Note that, for each λ ∈ ρ(A ), the operator γ(λ) maps ranΓ ⊂ G into 0 0 domT ⊂ H and M(λ) maps ranΓ into ranΓ . Furthermore, as an immediate 0 1 consequence of the definition of M(λ), we obtain M(λ)Γ f =Γ f , f ∈ker(T −λ), λ∈ρ(A ). 0 λ 1 λ λ 0 In the next proposition we collect some properties of the γ-field and the Weyl function associated with the quasi boundary triple {G,Γ ,Γ } for A∗; most state- 0 1 ments were proved in [4]. Proposition 2.3. For all λ,µ∈ρ(A ) the following assertions hold. 0 (i) The mapping γ(λ) is a bounded, densely defined operator from G into H. The adjoint of γ(λ) has the representation γ(λ)∗ =Γ (A −λ)−1 ∈B(H,G). 1 0 (ii) ThemappingM(λ)isadenselydefined(andingeneralunbounded)operator in G that satisfies M(λ)⊂M(λ)∗ and M(λ)h−M(µ)h=(λ−µ)γ(µ)∗γ(λ)h for all h∈G . If ranΓ =G, then M(λ)∈B(G) and M(λ)=M(λ)∗. 0 0 (iii) If A = T ↾ kerΓ is a self-adjoint operator in H and λ ∈ ρ(A )∩ρ(A ), 1 1 0 1 then M(λ) maps ranΓ bijectively onto ranΓ and 0 1 M(λ)−1γ(λ)∗ ∈B(H,G). Proof. Items(i),(ii)andthefirstpartof(iii)followfrom[4,Proposition2.6(i),(ii), (iii), (v) and Corollary 3.7(ii)]. For the second part of (iii) note that {G,Γ ,−Γ } 1 0 is also a quasi boundary triple if A is self-adjoint. It is easy to see that in this 1 casethecorrespondingγ-fieldisγ(λ)=γ(λ)M(λ)−1. Sinceran(γ(λ)∗)⊂ranΓ by 1 item(ii),theoperatorM(λ)−1γ(λ)∗ isdefinedonH. Nowtheboundednessofγ(λ), which follows from (i), and the erelation M(λ) ⊂ M(λ)∗ imply that M(λ)−1γ(λ)∗ is bounded. e (cid:3) Inthefollowingweshalloftenuseproductrulesforholomorphicoperator-valued functions. LetH , i=1,...,4,beHilbertspaces,U adomaininCandletA: U → i B(H ,H ), B: U → B(H ,H ), C: U → B(H ,H ) be holomorphic operator- 3 4 2 3 1 2 valued functions. Then dm m (2.6) A(λ)B(λ) = A(p)(λ)B(q)(λ), dλm p p+q=m(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:0) (cid:1) pX,q≥0 dm m! (2.7) A(λ)B(λ)C(λ) = A(p)(λ)B(q)(λ)C(r)(λ) dλm p!q!r! p+q+r=m (cid:0) (cid:1) p,Xq,r≥0 for λ ∈ U. If A(λ)−1 is invertible for every λ ∈ U, then relation (2.6) implies the following formula for the derivative of the inverse, d (2.8) A(λ)−1 =−A(λ)−1A′(λ)A(λ)−1. dλ (cid:0) (cid:1) 6 JUSSIBEHRNDT,MATTHIASLANGER,ANDVLADIMIRLOTOREICHIK In the next lemma we consider higher derivatives of the γ-field and the Weyl func- tion associated with a quasi boundary triple {G,Γ ,Γ }. 0 1 Lemma 2.4. For all λ∈ρ(A ) and all k ∈N the following holds. 0 dk (i) γ(λ)∗ =k!γ(λ)∗(A −λ)−k; dλk 0 dk (ii) γ(λ)=k!(A −λ)−kγ(λ); dλk 0 dk dk−1 (iii) M(λ)= γ(λ)∗γ(λ) =k!γ(λ)∗(A −λ)−(k−1)γ(λ). dλk dλk−1 0 Proof. (i) We prove the (cid:0)statement b(cid:1)y induction. For k =1 we have d 1 γ(λ)∗ = lim γ(µ)∗−γ(λ)∗ dλ µ→λµ−λ (cid:0) (cid:1) 1 = lim Γ (A −µ)−1−(A −λ)−1 1 0 0 µ→λµ−λ (cid:0) (cid:1) = lim Γ (A −µ)−1(A −λ)−1 = lim γ(µ)∗(A −λ)−1 1 0 0 0 µ→λ µ→λ =γ(λ)∗(A −λ)−1, 0 whereweusedProposition2.3(i). Ifweassumethatthestatementistruefork ∈N, then dk+1 d γ(λ)∗ =k! γ(λ)∗(A −λ)−k dλk+1 dλ 0 (cid:16) (cid:17) d d =k! γ(λ)∗ (A −λ)−k+γ(λ)∗ (A −λ)−k 0 0 dλ dλ (cid:20)(cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:21) =k! γ(λ)∗(A −λ)−1(A −λ)−k+γ(λ)∗k(A −λ)−k−1 0 0 0 (cid:20) (cid:21) =k!(1+k)γ(λ)∗(A −λ)−(k+1), 0 which proves the statement in (i) by induction. (ii) This assertion is obtained from (i) by taking adjoints. (iii) It follows from Proposition 2.3(ii) that, for f ∈domM(λ)=ranΓ , 0 d 1 M(λ)f = lim M(µ)−M(λ) f = lim γ(λ)∗γ(µ)f =γ(λ)∗γ(λ)f. dλ µ→λµ−λ µ→λ (cid:0) (cid:1) By taking closures we obtain the claim for k =1. For k ≥2 we use (2.6) to get dk dk−1 k−1 dp dq M(λ)= γ(λ)∗γ(λ) = γ(λ)∗ γ(λ) dλk dλk−1 p dλp dλq (cid:16) (cid:17) p+qX=k−1(cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:19) p,q≥0 k−1 = p!γ(λ)∗(A −λ)−pq!(A −λ)−qγ(λ) 0 0 p p+q=k−1(cid:18) (cid:19) X p,q≥0 = (k−1)!γ(λ)∗(A −λ)−(k−1)γ(λ)=k!γ(λ)∗(A −λ)−(k−1)γ(λ), 0 0 p+q=k−1 X p,q≥0 which finishes the proof. (cid:3) TRACE FORMULAE AND SINGULAR VALUES 7 ThefollowingtheoremprovidesaKrein-typeformulaforthe resolventdifference of A and A if A is self-adjoint. The theorem follows from [4, Corollary 3.11(i)] 0 1 1 with Θ=0. Theorem 2.5. Let A be a closed, densely defined, symmetric operator in a Hilbert space H and let {G,Γ ,Γ } be a quasi boundary triple for A∗ with A =T ↾kerΓ , 0 1 0 0 γ-field γ and Weyl function M. Assume that A =T ↾kerΓ is self-adjoint in H. 1 1 Then (A −λ)−1−(A −λ)−1 =γ(λ)M(λ)−1γ(λ)∗ 0 1 holds for λ∈ρ(A )∩ρ(A ). 1 0 Note that the operator M(λ)−1γ(λ)∗ in Theorem 2.5 above is bounded by Propo- sition 2.3(iii). In the following we deal with extensions of A, which are restrictions of T cor- responding to some abstract boundary condition. For a linear operator B in G we define (2.9) A f :=Tf, domA := f ∈domT: BΓ f =Γ f . [B] [B] 1 0 In contrast to ordinary boundary triples,(cid:8)self-adjointness of the par(cid:9)ameter B does not imply self-adjointness of the corresponding extension A in general. The [B] next theoremprovidesa useful sufficient conditionfor this and a variantof Krein’s formula, which will be used later; see [5, Corollary 6.18 and Theorem 6.19] or [7, Corollary 3.11, Theorem 3.13 and Remark 3.14]. Theorem 2.6. Let A be a closed, densely defined, symmetric operator in a Hilbert space H and let {G,Γ ,Γ } be a quasi boundary triple for A∗ with A =T ↾kerΓ , 0 1 0 0 γ-field γ and Weyl function M. Assume that ranΓ = G, A = T ↾ kerΓ is 0 1 1 self-adjoint in H and that M(λ )∈S (G) for some λ ∈ρ(A ). 0 ∞ 0 0 If B is a bounded self-adjoint operator in G, then the corresponding extension A is self-adjoint in H and [B] (A −λ)−1−(A −λ)−1 =γ(λ) I−BM(λ) −1Bγ(λ)∗ [B] 0 =γ(λ)B(cid:0) I −M(λ)(cid:1)B −1γ(λ)∗ holds for λ∈ρ(A[B])∩ρ(A0) with (cid:0) (cid:1) −1 −1 I −BM(λ) , I −M(λ)B ∈B(G). 3. Elliptic o(cid:0)perators o(cid:1)n do(cid:0)mains wit(cid:1)h compact boundaries In this section we study self-adjoint realizations of elliptic second-order differ- ential expressions on a bounded or an exterior domain subject to Robin or more general non-local boundary conditions. With the help of quasi boundary triple techniques we express the resolvent power differences of different self-adjoint re- alizations in Krein-type formulae. Using a detailed analysis of the perturbation termtogetherwithsmoothingpropertiesofthederivativesoftheγ-fieldsandWeyl function we then obtain singular value estimates and trace formulae. 3.1. Self-adjoint elliptic operators with non-local Robin boundary condi- tions. Let Ω ⊂ Rn, n ≥ 2, be a bounded or unbounded domain with a compact C∞-boundary∂Ω. Wedenoteby(·,·)and(·,·) the innerproductsintheHilbert ∂Ω spaces L2(Ω) and L2(∂Ω), respectively. Throughout this section we consider a formally symmetric second-order elliptic differential expression n (Lf)(x):=− ∂ a ∂ f (x)+a(x)f(x), x∈Ω, j jk k j,k=1 X (cid:0) (cid:1) 8 JUSSIBEHRNDT,MATTHIASLANGER,ANDVLADIMIRLOTOREICHIK with bounded infinitely differentiable, real-valued coefficients a ,a ∈ C∞(Ω) sat- jk isfying a (x) = a (x) for all x ∈ Ω and j,k = 1,...,n. We assume that the jk kj first partial derivatives of the coefficients a are bounded in Ω. Furthermore, L is jk assumed to be uniformly elliptic, i.e. the condition n n a (x)ξ ξ ≥C ξ2 jk j k k j,k=1 k=1 X X holds for some C >0, all ξ =(ξ ,...,ξ )⊤ ∈Rn and x∈Ω. 1 n For a function f ∈ C∞(Ω) we denote the trace by f| and the (oblique) Neu- ∂Ω mann trace by n ∂ f| := a ν ∂ f| , L ∂Ω jk j k ∂Ω j,k=1 X withthenormalvectorfield~ν =(ν ,ν ,...,ν )pointingoutwardsΩ. Bycontinuity, 1 2 n the trace and the Neumann trace can be extended to mappings from Hs(Ω) to Hs−21(∂Ω) for s> 1 and Hs−32(∂Ω) for s> 3 , respectively. 2 2 NextwedefineaquasiboundarytriplefortheadjointA∗ oftheminimaloperator Af =Lf, domA= f ∈H2(Ω):f| =∂ f| =0 ∂Ω L ∂Ω associated with L in L2(Ω). Recall(cid:8)that A is a closed, densely defin(cid:9)ed, symmetric operator with equal infinite deficiency indices and that A∗f =Lf, domA∗ ={f ∈L2(Ω):Lf ∈L2(Ω)} is the maximal operator associated with L; see, e.g. [1, 3]. As the operator T appearing in the definition of a quasi boundary triple we choose Tf =Lf, domT =H3/2(Ω):= f ∈H3/2(Ω): Lf ∈L2(Ω) L and we consider the boundary mappings (cid:8) (cid:9) Γ : domT →L2(∂Ω), Γ f :=∂ f| , 0 0 L ∂Ω Γ : domT →L2(∂Ω), Γ f :=f| . 1 1 ∂Ω Note that the trace and the Neumann trace can be extended to mappings from H3/2(Ω) into L2(∂Ω). With this choice of T and Γ and Γ we have the following L 0 1 proposition. Proposition 3.1. The triple {L2(∂Ω),Γ ,Γ } is a quasi boundary triple for A∗ 0 1 with the Neumann and Dirichlet operator as self-adjoint operators corresponding to the kernels of the boundary mappings, A :=T ↾kerΓ , domA = f ∈H2(Ω): ∂ f| =0 , N 0 N L ∂Ω (3.1) AD :=T ↾kerΓ1, domAD =(cid:8)f ∈H2(Ω): f|∂Ω =0 .(cid:9) The ranges of the boundary mappings are (cid:8) (cid:9) ranΓ =L2(∂Ω) and ranΓ =H1(∂Ω), 0 1 and the γ-field and Weyl function associated with {L2(∂Ω),Γ ,Γ } are given by 0 1 γ(λ)ϕ=f and M(λ)ϕ=f | , λ∈ρ(A ), λ λ ∂Ω N for ϕ ∈ L2(∂Ω) where f ∈ H3/2(Ω) is the unique solution of the boundary value λ L problem Lu=λu, ∂ u| =ϕ. L ∂Ω Weremarkthatthe quasiboundarytriple{L2(∂Ω),Γ ,Γ }inProposition3.1is 0 1 a generalized boundary triple in the sense of [16] since the boundary mapping Γ 0 is surjective. TRACE FORMULAE AND SINGULAR VALUES 9 Proof. The proof of Proposition 3.1 proceeds in the same way as the proof of [7, Theorem4.2],exceptthathereT isdefinedonthelargerspaceH3/2(Ω). Therefore L we do not repeat the arguments here, but provide only the main references that are necessary to translate the proof of [7, Theorem 4.2] to the present situation. The self-adjointnessofA andA is ensuredby[3,Theorem7.1(a)] and[11, The- D N orem 5(iii)]. The trace theorem from [31, Chapter 2, §7.3] and the corresponding Green identity (see, e.g. [7, proof of Theorem 4.2]) yield the asserted properties of the rangesofthe boundarymappingsΓ andΓ andthe abstractGreenidentity in 0 1 Definition 2.2. Hence [4, Theorem 2.3] implies that the triple {L2(∂Ω),Γ ,Γ } in 0 1 Proposition3.1 is a quasiboundary triple for A∗; cf. [7, Theorem3.2,Theorem4.2 and Proposition 4.3] for further details. (cid:3) The space Hs (Ω), s ≥ 0, consists of all measurable functions f such that for loc any bounded open subset Ω′ ⊂ Ω the condition f ↾ Ω′ ∈ Hs(Ω′) holds. Since Ω is a bounded domain or an exterior domain and ∂Ω is compact, any function in Hs (Ω)isHs-smoothuptothe boundary∂Ω. Forf ∈Hs (Ω)∩L2(Ω), s≥0,our loc loc assumptions on the coefficients in the differential expression L imply that (A −λ)−1f ∈Hs+2(Ω)∩L2(Ω), λ∈ρ(A ), D loc D (3.2) (A −λ)−1f ∈Hs+2(Ω)∩L2(Ω), λ∈ρ(A ). N loc N These smoothing properties can be easily deduced from [33, Theorem 4.18], where they are formulated and proved in the language of boundary value problems. The operators γ(λ) and M(λ) are also called Poisson operator and Neumann- to-Dirichlet map forthedifferentialexpressionL−λ. FromProposition2.3various propertiesoftheseoperatorscanbededuced. Inthenextlemmawecollectsmooth- ing properties of these operators, which follow, basically, from Proposition 2.3 and the trace theorem for Sobolev spaces on smooth domains and its generalizations given in [31, Chapter 2]. Lemma3.2. Let{L2(∂Ω),Γ ,Γ }bethequasiboundarytriplefromProposition3.1 0 1 with γ-field γ and Weyl function M. Then, for all s≥0, the following statements hold. (i) ran γ(λ)↾Hs(∂Ω) ⊂Hs+23(Ω)∩L2(Ω) for all λ∈ρ(A ); loc N (ii) ran(cid:0)γ(λ)∗ ↾Hlsoc(Ω(cid:1))∩L2(Ω) ⊂Hs+32(∂Ω) for all λ∈ρ(AN); (iii) ran(cid:0)M(λ)↾Hs(∂Ω) ⊂Hs+(cid:1)1(∂Ω) for all λ∈ρ(AN); (iv) ran(cid:0)M(λ)↾Hs(∂Ω)(cid:1)=Hs+1(∂Ω) for all λ∈ρ(AD)∩ρ(AN). Proof. (i) I(cid:0)t follows from th(cid:1)e decomposition domT = domAN ∔ker(T −λ), λ ∈ ρ(A ), and the properties of the Neumann trace [31, Chapter 2, §7.3] that the N restriction of the mapping Γ to 0 s+3 ker(T −λ)∩H 2(Ω) loc isabijectionontoHs(∂Ω), s≥0. Hence,bythe definitionofthe γ-field,weobtain ran γ(λ)↾Hs(∂Ω) =ker(T −λ)∩Hs+23(Ω)⊂Hs+32(Ω)∩L2(Ω). loc loc (ii) Acco(cid:0)rding to Propos(cid:1)ition 2.3(i) and the definition of Γ1 we have γ(λ)∗ =Γ (A −λ)−1. 1 N Employing (3.2) and the properties of the Dirichlet trace [31, Chapter 2, §7.3] we conclude that ran γ(λ)∗ ↾Hlsoc(Ω)∩L2(Ω) ⊂Hs+23(∂Ω) holds for all s≥0. (cid:0) (cid:1) 10 JUSSIBEHRNDT,MATTHIASLANGER,ANDVLADIMIRLOTOREICHIK Assertion (iii) follows from the definition of M(λ), item (i), the fact that Γ is 1 the Dirichlet trace operator and properties of the latter. To verify (iv) let ψ ∈ Hs+1(∂Ω). Since λ ∈ ρ(A ), we have the decomposition D domT =domA ∔ker(T−λ)andthereexistsaunique functionf ∈ker(T−λ)∩ D λ s+3 H 2(Ω) such that f | =ψ. Hence loc λ ∂Ω Γ f =ϕ∈Hs(∂Ω) and M(λ)ϕ=ψ, 0 λ that is, Hs+1(∂Ω)⊂ran M(λ)↾Hs(∂Ω) , and (iii) implies the assertion. (cid:3) In the next propositio(cid:0)nwe list some we(cid:1)ak Schatten–vonNeumann ideal proper- tiesofthederivativesoftheγ-fieldandWeylfunction,whichfollowfromLemma2.4, elliptic regularity and Lemma 2.1. Proposition 3.3. Let {L2(∂Ω),Γ ,Γ } be the quasi boundary triple from Proposi- 0 1 tion 3.1 with γ-field γ and Weyl function M. Then the following statements hold. (i) For all λ∈ρ(A ) and k ∈N , N 0 dk dλkγ(λ)∈S2kn+−31/2,∞ L2(∂Ω),L2(Ω) , (3.3) (cid:0) (cid:1) dk dλkγ(λ)∗ ∈S2kn+−31/2,∞ L2(Ω),L2(∂Ω) . (ii) For all λ∈ρ(A ) and k ∈N , (cid:0) (cid:1) N 0 dk dλkM(λ)∈S2nk−+11,∞ L2(∂Ω) . Proof. (i)Letλ∈ρ(A )andk ∈N . Itfollows(cid:0)from(3.(cid:1)2)thatran (A −λ)−k ⊂ N 0 N H2k(Ω)∩L2(Ω) and hence from Lemma 3.2(ii) that loc (cid:0) (cid:1) ran γ(λ)∗(A −λ)−k ⊂H2k+3/2(∂Ω). N Thus Lemma 2.1 with K(cid:0)=L2(Ω), Σ=∂Ω,(cid:1)r1 =0 and r2 =2k+3/2 implies that (3.4) γ(λ)∗(AN−λ)−k ∈S n−1 ,∞ L2(Ω),L2(∂Ω) . 2k+3/2 By taking the adjoint in (3.4) and replacing λ b(cid:0)y λ we obtain (cid:1) (3.5) (AN−λ)−kγ(λ)∈S n−1 ,∞ L2(∂Ω),L2(Ω) . 2k+3/2 Now from Lemma 2.4(i) and (ii) and (3.4) and(cid:0)(3.5) we obtain(cid:1)(3.3). (ii)Fork =0weobservethat, byLemma3.2(iii), we haveranM(λ)⊂H1(∂Ω). Therefore Lemma 2.1 with K = L2(∂Ω), Σ = ∂Ω, r = 0 and r = 1 implies that 1 2 M(λ)∈S (L2(∂Ω)). For k ≥1 we have n−1,∞ dk M(λ)=k!γ(λ)∗(A −λ)−(k−1)γ(λ) dλk N from Lemma 2.4(iii). Hence (3.4) and (3.5) imply that dk dλkM(λ)∈S2(k−n1−)+13/2,∞·Sn3−/21,∞ =S2nk−+11,∞, where the last equality follows from (2.3). (cid:3) As a consequence of Theorem 2.5 we obtain a factorization for the resolvent difference of self-adjoint operators A and A . N D Corollary 3.4. Let {L2(∂Ω),Γ ,Γ } be the quasi boundary triple from Proposi- 0 1 tion 3.1 with γ-field γ and Weyl function M. Then (A −λ)−1−(A −λ)−1 =γ(λ)M(λ)−1γ(λ)∗ N D holds for λ∈ρ(A )∩ρ(A ). D N

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