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TPCN Budget 2010 PDF

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Texas Pregamey Care Network S85 Reseach Lsa.ovure Sire 297 ‘sty 1 TH750 Deliverable TPCN2-30 Project Work Plan & Annual Budget acrivrry STARE comp. BY 2009-10 activities SP Services to Clients Sertemaer’ 209) Auguar 31,2611 New SP Appewal aud Trani Sepleuiver 39.2609 Avyust 31-2010 Community Awareness Comfereney Attendance Oulaber 209 May 31, 2000 PCN wie ae x Gomzarity Awareteas Heoth at human sony'ecsgrofoesonal eentorevoss. “his wil rteace awareness al the Tess AlcutLves ty Aborion Sersieas Programa amd vesis in reece aller gna to moe errr tn he Pgh, Statewide Oorreach, Ceivber 15.2099 Aunt 5.2010 LIFICAND so. fae pale \elevisou, ais, nd tenespreyeaccy ory ou'rewh ehwile snc ine 1 endag on “he aac, adveisig say iu ale vine avec ea pei (Qurecme Measures Development Cowher 2009 August 32,2010 PCN oT ph uel prepe we ncleama ¢ yslem te eahuroe raeuurernet of Proggaa: cular ducatoual Material uy Neverrher 1,209 Masch 31, 20:0 ‘Wile roueri x meviced “¢ Service Premes forse "8 thet elisutscewis sctiise wi Eav> boo presoreeued by TPCN ara apreaved by Ue Texas Heslth ame Hemin Services Commsaian oer Sserion 2B a thesaneat Website Improvements smbor (2009 Rerun 28, 2611 TRCN wi ensance conten en oapabilt io, facladieg Hufogitias ine contest mucagernent stem ot tmasgungranny.are ovuoash SP Mesitoriag by TRCN Jewry 15,2000 Anuar 31,306 Service Provider Aum! Progra Ke-Traiui Raga 1, 2010 Augua 31,2018 CPA Audit of TPCN FY 2008-10 Activities Novewbe: 1.2010 Noveniber 30, 25.0 Reptemier HHP Angus 2078 MS LUQIATED COST OF OPERATIONS. “Tata TAN COMP etrecanr: euomer JownnIsrectioN tates | " ‘Salarice _. Heenasee ese 5 4.300 * ocoasal 5 ssns| Adirivate Seetey ‘ varie 4 “Jnuod Vacation & Pvaaalisiek 5 Dag Poot 4 irks ompreicin lenses 4 Engpleyos Ozu Tecra a _. 7 5 E Rein ewe 354 oa eee Sebtonll ¥__sdaco| ih. upon H ‘qupaot Sane Coase 3 2,00 oe Sabot 5 2.30; a Tan z fT . 7 Suhtotal 7 ‘Wher ee Advouiing 7s a ire Seen s ue Pevlesticnel Developaect s 96 (Coozctng TT, Asoo, Taga 8 iseme| (Cosa Ocgcing Burp by Rel steravee s 14x nding Ss iass0| Pemegsisirg 5 (ener cb taser s eetocs ad Doc ily lmerace s oc co . i _ Subeoall 5 "VEAL PRELIECH ADMINESTRALION CORES s__ave3s0] Fenlanor 200 August 20) sensu STIMATUD TEXAS COST OF OPERATIONS CSP EXTECORE. 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