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An International Journal Devoted to the Exchange of Knowledge on the Poisons Derived from Animals, Plants and Microorganisms Official Journal of the International Society on Toxinology TOXICON Editor: PHILIP ROSENBERG, Storrs, CT, U.S.A. VOLUME 29, 1991 PERGAMON PRESS Oxford - New York - Seoul - Tokyo TOXICON An International Journal Devoted to the Exchange of Knowledge on the Poisons Derived from Animals, Plants and Microorganisms. Official Journal of the International Society on Toxinology. Editors Dr PHILIP ROSENBERG, Section of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Connecticut, School of Pharmacy, Storrs, CT 06269, U.S.A. Dr GERHARD HABERMEHL, Department of Chemistry, School of Veterinary Medicine, Bischofsholer Damm 15, 3000 Hannover |, Federal Republic of Germany (Assistant Editor) Editorial Council K. ANGELIDES, Houston E. HABERMANN, Giessen A. MENEZ, Gif-sur-Yvette B. E. C. BANKs, London J. B. Harris, Newcastle-upon-Tyne J. L. MIDDLEBROOK, Frederick A. L. BieBER, Tempe A. L. Harvey, Glasgow S. A. MINTON Jr, /ndianapolis B. Bizzini, Paris R. J. HUXTABLE, Tucson S. OLSNES, Oslo J. W. Burnett, Baltimore H. IKEZAWA, Nagoya C. L. Ownsy, Stillwater W. W. CARMICHAEL, Dayton M. IsmaiL, Riyadh A. M. PAPPENHEIMER JR, E. ConpreA, Tel-Aviv C. Y. Kao, New York Cambridge, MA J. W. Day, Bethesda E. Karisson, Uppsala T. PiEK, Amsterdam M. F. EL-Asmar, Cairo W. R. Kem, Gainesville L. D. Possani, Cuernavaca J. E. FLETCHER, Philadelphia E. Kocuva, Tel-Aviv F. E. RusseL_, Tucson L. Freire-Mata, Belo Horizonte F. KORNALiK, Prague W. T. SHIER, Minneapolis P. GOPALAKRISHNAKONE, Singapore M. LazpunskI, Nice K. STOCKER, Basel E. GrisHin, Moscow C. Y. Lee, Taipei G. R. STRICHARTZ, Boston F. Gupensek, Ljubljana F. S. MARKLAND Jr, Los Angeles P. N. StRONG, London J. M. GuTIERREZ, San José D. Mess, Frankfurt R. D. G. THEAKSTON, Liverpool International Society on Toxinology President: Dr P. ROSENBERG, Section of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Connecticut, School of Pharmacy, Storrs, Connecticut 06269, U.S.A. Secretary -Treasurer: Dr D. Mess, Zentrum der Rechtsmedizin, Kennedyallee 104, 6000 Frankfurt am Main 70. Federal Republic of Germany. The purpose of this society is to advance knowledge on the properties of toxins and antitoxins and to bring together scholars interested in these substances through a common society. Membership consists of those who have conducted and published meritorious original investigations in toxinology, while persons who do not qualify for membership but are interested in the field of toxinology are eligible for associate membership. Further informat‘on concerning the Society and applications for membership may be obtained from the Secretary- Treasurer. Publishing & Advertising Offices: Pergamon Press plc, Headington Hill Hall, Oxford OX3 OBW, U.K., Tel. (0865) 794141, Fax. (0865) 60285; Pergamon Press Inc.. 395 Saw Mill River Road, Elmsford, New York 10523, U.S.A. Published monthly Annuz! institutional subscription rate (1992): £455.00 (US$730.00). Two-year institutional rate (1992/93): £864.50 (US$1387.00). Sterling prices are definitive U.S. dollar prices are quoted for convenience only, and are subject to exchange rate fluctuation. Prices include postage and insurance, and are subject to change without notice. Subscription rates for Japan are available on request Members of the International Society of Toxinology may order personal subscriptions at a concessional rate and details of these rates are available on request Subscription enquiries from customers in North America should be sent to: Pergamon Press Inc., 395 Saw Mill River Road, Elmsford, NY 10523, U.S.A., and for the remainder of the world to: Pergamon Press pic, Headington Hill Hall, Oxford OX3 OBW, U.K., Tel. (0865) 794141, Fax. 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The copyright owner's consent does not extend to copying for general distribution, for promotion, for creating new works, or for resale Specific written permission must be obtained from the publisher for such copying The ltem-Fee Code for this publication is: 0041-0101/91 $3.00+ .00 Disclaimer. Whilst every effort is made by the publishers and editorial board to see that no inaccurate or misleading data, opinion or statement appears in this journal, they wish to make it clear that the data and opinions appearing in the articles and advertisements herein are the sole responsibility of the contributor or advertiser concerned. Accordingly, the publishers, the editorial board and editors and their respective employees, officers and agents accept no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the consequences of any such inaccurate or misleading data, opinion or statement LIST OF CONTENTS 1991 Vol. 29, No. 1 Instructions for Contributors to Toxicon J. Liu and K. M. BLUMENTHAL Identification of oleic acid binding sites in cytolysin A-III from the heteronemertine Cerebratulus lacteus O. B. STABELL, V. HORMAZABAL, I. STEFFENAK Diarrhetic shellfish toxins: improvement of sample clean-up for HPLC and K. PEDERSEN determination J.-L. HUANG and W. R. TRUMBLE Cardiotoxin from cobra venom affects the Ca-Mg-ATPase of cardiac sarcolemmal membrane vesicles M. T. C. RUNNEGAR, R. G. GERDES The uptake of the cyanobacterial hepatotoxin microcystin by isolated and I. R. FALCONER rat hepatocytes J. Manar, G. L. LukAcs, Y. Li, S. HALL Pharmacological and biochemical properties of saxiphilin, a soluble and E. MocZYDLOWSKI saxitoxin-binding protein from the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) Y. Yasuki, Y. OGucHi and H. TAKAHASHI Purification of a kininogenase (kininogenase-2) from the venom of Agkistrodon caliginosus (Kankoku-Mamushi) B. Francis, T. R. JOHN, C. SEEBART New toxins from the venom of the common tiger snake (Notechis and I. I. KAISER Scutatus scutatus ) M. K. Buat, S. Kasturi and T. V. Gowpa Structure-function relationships among neurotoxic phospholipases: NN-XIII-PLA, from Indian cobra (Naja naja naja) and VRV PL-V from Russell’s viper (Vipera russelli) venoms E. SuGur, A. MAHAR and J. SuGur B-Fibrinogenase from the venom of Vipera lebetina Short Communications J. VARGAS-VILLARREAL, J. J. MARTIN-POLO, A new affinity adsorbent for the purification of phospholipases A, and E. REYNAUD and A. C. ALAGON A; from animal venoms S. Sorer, H. SHALEV, Z. WEIZMAN, Acute pancreatitis in children following envenomation by the yeilow E. SHAHAK and M. GUERON scorpion Leiurus quinquestriatus M. KLuG and J. WEBER An extract from Hydra vulgaris (Cnidaria) nematocysts increases cytoplasmic Ca** levels in fibroblasts D. K. STEVENS and R. I. KRIEGER Effect of route of exposure and repeated doses on the acute toxicity in mice of the cyanobacterial nicotinic alkaloid anatoxin-A Software Survey Section International Society on Toxinology Membership Application Vol. 29, No. 2 T. PIEK 139 Review article—Neurotoxic kinins from wasp and ant venoms J. STORZEBECHER, U. NEUMANN and J. MEIER Inhibition of the protein C activator Protac®, a serine proteinase from the venom of the southern copperhead snake Agkistrodon contortrix contortrix IV N. Opa, H. NAKAMURA, S. SAKAMOTO, Amino acid sequence of a phospholipase A, from the venom of S.-Y. Liu, H. Kimara, C.-C. CHANG Trimeresurus gramineus (green habu snake) and M. OHNO D. K. Stevens and R. I. KRIEGER Stability studies on the cyanobacterial nicotinic alkaloid anatoxin-A P. MarXEN, G. ERDMANN and H. BIGALKE The translocation of Botulinum A neurotoxin by chromaffin cells is promoted in low ionic strength solution and is insensitive to trypsin C. TaKasak1, H. Yosuipa, T. SHIMAZU, Studies on the venom components of the long-glanded coral snake, T. Teruucui, M. Toripa and N. TAMIYA Maticora bivirgata K. TAKANO, F. KIRCHNER and M. MIzoTE Intact inhibition of the stretch reflex during general tetanus M. NaGAHAMA and J. SAKURAI Distribution of labeled Clostridium perfringens epsilon toxin in mice M* F. D. Furtapo, M. MARUYAMA, Comparative study of nine Bothrops snake venoms from adult female A. S. Kamicuti and L. C. ANTONIO snakes and their offspring S. A. WEINSTEIN, J. J. SCHMIDT, Characterization and amino acid sequences of two lethal peptides A. W. BERNHEIMER and L. A. SMITH isolated from venom of Wagler’s pit viper, Trimeresurus wagleri G. LANDAN, A. BDOLAH, Z. WOLLBERG, Evolution of the sarafotoxin/endothelin superfamily of proteins E. Kocuva and D. GRAUR R. HaHin, GING-Kuo WANG, B. I. SHAPIRO Alterations in sodium channel gating produced by the venom of the and G. STRICHARTZ marine mollusc Conus striatus Short Communications N. Yoxkosawa, K. Tsuzuk1, B. SyuTo, Binding of botulinum type Cl, D and E neurotoxins to neuronal cell N. Fusn, K. Kimura and K. OGUMA lines and synaptosomes S. D. Airp, W. G. KRUGGEL and I. I. KaIsER Multiple myotoxin sequences from the venom of a single prairie rattlesnake (Crotalus viridis viridis) J. PUNGer¢aR, D. Korps, B. STRUKELJ, Cloning and nucleotide sequence of a cDNA encoding ammodytoxin NinG-SHENG LIANG and F. GuBENSEK A, the most toxic phospholipase A, from the venom of long-nosed viper (Vipera ammodytes) Meeting Announcement Fumonisins: A Current Perspective and a View to the Future, 24-25 April 1991, Raleigh, NC, U.S.A. Software Survey Section International Society on Toxinology— Membership Application Vol. 29, No. 3 Letter to the Editor S. P. Hawser, G. A. Copp, D. G. Capone 277 A neurotoxic factor associated with the bloom-forming cyano- and E. J. CARPENTER bacterium Trichodesmium Report and Abstracts 279 Ninth European Symposium on Animal, Plant and Microbial Toxins, Lohusalu, Estonia, 23-26 September 1990 P. K. KNOEFEL 301 Review article—Abati’s work on the amazing nature of the viper and its miraculous powers A. De Luca, M. J. Rano, J. J. Rei Differential sensitivities of avian and mammalian neuromuscular junc- and D. F. Story tions to inhibition of cholinergic transmission by w-conotoxin GVIA G. MAstRoME!, C. BARBERIO, S. PISTOLES! A bactericidal protein in Bombina variegata pachypus skin venom and G. DELFINO G. B. QuisTabD, C. C. REUTER, W. S. SKINNER, Paralytic and insecticidal toxins from the funnel web spider, Hololena P. A. DENNIS, S. SUWANRUMPHA and E. W. Fu curta G. A. Miura, N. A. Rosinson, Hepatotoxicity of microcystin-LR in fed and fasted rats W. B. Lawrence and J. G. Pace W. M. VALENTINE, D. J. SCHAEFFER Electromyographic assessment of the neuromuscular blockade pro- and V. R. BEASLEY duced in vivo by anatoxin-a in the rat J. L. MIDDLEBROOK Preparation and characterization of monoclonal antibodies against pseudexin Short Communications E. G. Rowan, A. L. Harvey and A. MENEZ Neuromuscular effects of nigexine, a basic phospholipase A, from Naja nigricollis venom J. A. Pearson, M. I. TYLER Immunological relationships between the subunits of textilotoxin and and M. E. H. HowpEN rabbit antisera raised against textilotoxin and some snake venoms J. S. KinCHBERG and T. M. Davipson Envenomation by the colubrid snake Atractaspis bibronii: a case report S. Sorer, E. SHAHAK, A. SLONIM Myocardial injury without heart failure following envenomation by the and M. GUERON scorpion Leiurus quinquestriatus in children M. WaACHSMAN, L. AURELIAN Human immunosuppression induced by sea nettle (Chrysaora quin- and J. W. BURNETT quecirrha) venom Reviews Software Survey Section International Society on Toxinology— Membership Application Vol. 29, No. 4/5 Letter to the Editor N. C. BUCKNALL 397 Electrical treatment of venomous bites and stings S. A. WEINSTEIN, D. CHISZAR, 401 Lethal potency and fractionation of Duvernoy’s secretion from the R. C. Bett and L. A. SMITH brown tree snake, Boiga irregularis A. R. Mattocks, S. CROSWELL, 409 Identity of a biliary metabolite formed from monocrotaline in isolated, R. Jukes and R. J. HUXTABLE perfused rat liver W. MALorni, S. Parapisi, M. L. Duputs, 417 Enhancement of cell-mediated cytotoxicity by Clostridium difficile C. FIORENTINI and C. RAMONI toxin A: an in vitro study S. NisHipa and N. TAMIYA Tryptophan residues of phospholipase A, from the venom of an Australian elapid snake (Pseudechis australis) V. CHouMmET, M. S. JIANG, I. SPECKER Immunochemical cross-reactivity of two phospholipase A, neuro- and C. Bon toxins, agkistrodotoxin and crotoxin C. BARJA-FIDALGO, J. A.G UIMARAES Lipoxygenase-mediated secretory effect of canatoxin the toxic protein and C. R. CARLINI from Canavalia ensiformis seeds Y. Sameyima, Y. Aoki and D. MEBs Amino acid sequence of a myotoxin from venom of the eastern diamondback rattlesnake (Crotalus adamanteus ) Vi C. F. B. HOLMES Liquid chromatography-linked protein phosphatase bioassay; a highly sensitive marine bioscreen for okadaic acid and related diarrhetic shellfish toxins K. HarabDa, K. OGawa, K. MATsuuRA, Isolation of two toxic heptapeptide microcystins from an axenic strain H. NaGat, H. Murata, M. SuZUKI, of Microcystis aeruginosa, K-139 Y. ITEzoNo, N. NAKAYAMA, M. SHIRAI and M. NAKANO L. Ya, YUKELSON, G. TANS, Procoagulant activities in venoms from central Asian snakes M. C. L. G. D. THOMASSEN, H. C. HEMKER and J. RosiInG B. G. STILES A non-radioactive receptor assay for snake venom postsynaptic neurotoxins Short Communications M. A. BENITEZ, E. NAVARRO, M. FERIA, Pharmacological study of the muscle paralyzing activity of the juice of J. TRuuLLO and J. BoaDA the banana trunk F. Ducance., E. G. Rowan, E. Cassar, Amino acid sequence of a muscarinic toxin deduced from the cDNA A. L. Harvey, A. MENEz and J.-C. BOULAIN nucleotide sequence E. KARLSSON, C. RISINGER, M. JOLKKONEN, Amino acid sequence of a snake venom toxin that binds to the C. WERNSTEDT and A. ADEM muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M. BaRRAL-NetTO and R. L. VON SOHSTEN Serum kinetics of crotoxin from Crotalus durissus terrificus venom in mice: evidence for a rapid clearance D. K. Vest, S. P. MACKESSY The unique Duvernoy’s secretion of the brown tree snake (Boiga and K. V. KARDONG irregularis ) H. P. DEsMOND, J.M . CRAMPTON Rapid isolation and partial characterization of two phospholipases and R. D. G. THEAKSTON from Kenyan Echis carinatus leakeyi (Leakey’s saw-scaled viper) venom Announcement Ist International Workshop on Pore Forming Toxins, Castel Ivano, 26-29 September 1991, Ivano Fracena, Trento, Italy Software Survey Section International Society on Toxinology— Membership Application Vol. 29, No. 6 C. FIORENTINI and M. THELESTAM 543 Review article—Clostridium difficile toxin A and its effects on cells S. M. Carneiro, V. R. Pinto, C. JARED, 569 Morphometric studies on venom secretory cells from Bothrops jarara- L. A. B. M. Luta, F. P. Faria and A. Sesso cussu (Jararacugu) before and after venom extraction B. KaurMaAN, D. C. WriGut, W. R. BALLou 581 Protection against tetrodotoxin and saxitoxin intoxication by a cross- and D. MONHEIT protective rabbit anti-tetrodotoxin antiserum S. B. Hooser, M. S. KUHLENSCHMIDT, 589 Uptake and subcellular localization of tritiated dihydro-microcystin- A. M. DaHiem, V. R. BEASLEY, LR in rat liver W. W. CARMICHAEL and W. M. HascHEK D. D. SHeumack, C. A. PHILLIPS, Protection of monkeys against the lethal effects of male funnel-web E. J. MYLECHARANE, I. SPENCE, R. CLAASSENS, spider (Atrax robustus) venom by immunization with a toxoid M. R. Brown, A. Comis and M. E. H. HOwDEN Vil R. D. CROSLAND Effect of drugs on the lethality in mice of the venoms and neurotoxins from sundry snakes K. Terao, E. ITo, M. Oarapba, Y. ISHIBASHI, Light and electron microscopic studies of pathologic changes induced A.-M. LEGRAND and T. YasuMOTO in mice by ciguatoxin poisoning R. M. Davin, N. R. KrisHNA and D.D. Watt Characterization of cationic binding sites of neurotoxins from venom of the scorpion (Centruroides sculpturatus Ewing) using lanthanides as binding probes . V. Sampaio, E. C. ARANTES, W. A. PRADO, Further characterization of toxins T,IV (TsTX-III) and T,IV from . R. Neto and J. R. GiGLio Tityus serrulatus scorpion venom . M. Tanizak1, H. Kawasak1, K. Suzuki Purification of a proteinase inhibitor from the plasma of Bothrops and F. R. MANDELBAUM jararaca (jararaca) H. M. CHEN, A. L. Guan and Immunological properties of the fibrinolytic enzyme (fibrolase) from F. S. MARKLAND, JR southern copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix contortrix) venom and its purification by immunoaffinity chromatography B. Lomonte, J. M. GuTiERREz, G. Rosas Quantitation by enzyme-immunoassay of antibodies against Bothrops and L. CALDERON myotoxins in four commercially-available antivenoms K. YONAHA, M. IHa, Y. TOMIHARA, Characterization of three hemorrhagic factors from the venom of M. Nozaki and M. YAMAKAWA Okinawa habu (Trimeresurus flavoviridis ) A. M. Moura-bDa-SILva, H. DESMOND, Isolation and comparison of myotoxins isolated from venoms of G. LainG and R. D. G. THEAKSTON different species of Bothrops snakes E. Giusa, H. BRAUNS and K. STOCKER Endothelium-dependent relaxant effect of thrombocytin, a serine proteinase from Bothrops atrox snake venom, on isolated pig coronary arteries A. S. KREGER Detection of a cytolytic toxin in the venom of the stonefish (Synanceia trachynis ) F. ALARD, S. GEERTS et L. TRIEST Toxicite d’Ambrosia maritima L., plante molluscicide, sur les organismes aquatiques non-cibles N. SuGIMOTO, YUN-MING CHEN, Pathodynamics of intoxication in rats and mice by enterotoxin of SHu-YvueE Lee, M. MaTsuDa and Clostridium perfringens type A CHEN-YUAN LEE M. J. Howmes, R. J. Lewis, M. A. Pout and Strain dependent production of ciguatoxin precursors (gambiertoxins) N. C. GILLESPIE by Gambierdiscus toxicus (Dinophyceae) in culture G. S. Baitey, A. At-Jouri, S. RawaT and Neutralization of kinin-releasing enzymes of crotalid venoms by D. C. SMITH monospecific and polyspecific antivenoms Short Communications M. R. D’Império Lima, M. C. Dos SANTOS, Susceptibility of different strains of mice to South American rattle- D. V. TaMBouRGI, T. MARQUES, snake (Crotalus durissus terrificus) venom: correlation between lethal W. Dias Da Sitva and T. KIpNis effect and creatine kinase release S. ManasBe, D. C. NusBer and Y. C. Lin Zone-specific hepatotoxicity of gossypol in perfused rat liver Software Survey Section International Society on Toxinology— Membership Application Vol. 29, No. 7 C. R. CaRLini and J. A. GUIMARAES 791 Review article—Plant and microbial toxic proteins as hemilectins: emphasis on canatoxin S. WEISSENBERG, M. Ovap1A, G. FLEMINGER Antihemorrhagic factors from the blood serum of the western and E. KocHva diamondback rattlesnake Crotalus atrox V. M. MAHNIR and E. P. KOZLOVSKAYA Structure-toxicity relationships of neurotoxin RTX-III from the sea anemone Radianthus macrodactylus: modification of amino groups A. Gasi, M. Karoul, Z. BENLASFAR, Purification and characterization of a fibrinogenase from Vipera H. Karout, M. Et Ayes and K. DELLAG! lebetina (desert adder) venom H. Topa, F. SakryaMA, M. You, Tryptophan 65 is essential for hemolytic activity of the thermostable T. Honpa and T. MIwATANI direct hemolysin from Vibrio parahaemolyticus T. NoGucui, A. E. Axi, O. ARAKAWA, Tetrodonic acid-like substance; a possible precursor of tetrodotoxin K. Miyazawa, S. KANOH, Y. SHIDA, S. NisHio and K. HasHIMOTO K. H. Munvicn, S. SENGOTTUVELU, Pathophysiology of sea nettle (Chrysaora quinquecirrha), enveno- P. N. MANSON, R. A. M. MYERs, mation in a rat model and the effects of hyperbaric oxygen and J. W. BuRNETT and L: MARZELLA verapamil treatment W. K. Hayes Ontogeny of striking, prey-handling and envenomation behavior of prairie rattlesnakes (Crotalus v. viridis) P. Bette, A. OKSCHE, F. MAULER, A comparative biochemical, pharmacological and immunological C. v. EiCHEL-STREIBER, M. R. Poporr and study of Clostridium novyi «-toxin, C. difficile toxin B and C. sordellii E. HABERMANN lethal toxin Short Communications M. K. BEITLER Toxicity of adductor muscles from the purple hinge rock scallop (Crassadoma gigantea) along the Pacific coast of North America K. SAITANU, S. LAOBHRIPATR, Toxicity of the freshwater puffer fish Tetraodon fangi and T. palemban- K. LIMPAKARNJANARAT, O. SANGWANLOY, gensis from Thailand S. SUDHASANEYA, B. ANUCHATVORAKUL and S. LEELASITORN P. E. GRaNuM and M. RICHARDSON Chymotrypsin treatment increases the activity of Clostridium perfrin- gens enterotoxin T. Lanaras, C. M. Cook, J. E. Eriksson, Computer modelling of the 3-dimensional structures of the cyano- J. A. O. MeriLuoto and M. HoToKKa bacterial hepatotoxins microcystin-LR and nodularin Software Survey Section International Society on Toxinology— Membership Application Vol. 29, No. 8 D. S. CHAPMAN 907 In Memoriam—Poul Agerholm Christensen In Appreciation 911 R. V. ConsipinE and L. L. Simpson 913 Review article—Cellular and molecular actions of binary toxins possessing ADP-ribosyltransferase activity S.-R. Lin and C.-C. CHANG Studies on the status of amino groups in a-bungarotoxin H. ZeRROuK, P. E. Bouais, B. CEARD, Analysis by high-performance liquid chromatography of Androctonus A. BENSLIMANE and M. F. MARTIN-EAUCLAIRE mauretanicus mauretanicus (black scorpion) venom A. S. KamicuTi, J. L. C. Carposo, Coagulopathy and haemorrhage in human victims of Bothrops R. D. G. THEAKSTON, I. S. SANO-MARTINS, jararaca envenoming in Brazil R. A. Hutton, F. P. RUGMAN, D. A. WARRELL and C. R. M. Hay L. L. DeGn, C. S. SEEBART and I. I. Kaiser Specific binding of crotoxin to brain synaptosomes and synaptosomal membranes . STRAIN, T. G. SNIDER, Hyperbaric oxygen effects on brown recluse spider (Loxosceles reclusa) _ TEDFORD and G. H. CoHN envenomation in rabbits . Fortes-Dias, B. C. B. FONSECA, Purification and properties of an antivenom factor from the plasma of ocHvVA and C. R. Diniz the South American rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus terrificus) iy" Rosinson, D. R. FRANZ and Effects of lyngbyatoxin A from the blue-green alga Lyngbya majuscula ; BONDURA on rabbit aorta contractions . F.H wan, K. P. Tai, C. H. CHUEH, Tetrodotoxin and derivatives in several species of the gastropod =, Lin and S. S. JENG Naticidae -P. SauviaT, D. LAURENT, Fumonisin, a toxin from the fungus Fusarium moniliforme Sheld blocks . KOHLER and F. PELLEGRIN both the calcium current and the mechanical activity in frog atrial muscle C. L. Ho and L. L. HWANG Local edema induced by the black-bellied hornet (Vespa basalis) venom and its components Short Communication I. H. AL-ABDULLA, A. M. SIDKI An indirect haemolytic assay for assessing antivenoms and J. LANDON Reviews Software Survey Section Internationa! Society on Toxinology— Membership Application Vol. 29, No. 9 Letter to the Editor E. KOCHVA 1049 The burrowing asps genus Atractaspis belongs to a separate family of venomous snakes—the Atractaspididae R. S. NORTON 1051 Review article—Structure and structure—function relationships of sea anemone proteins that interact with the sodium channel M. Murata, F. Gusovsky, M. SASAKI, 1085 Effect of maitotoxin analogues on calcium influx and phosphoinositide A. YOKOYAMA, T. YASUMOTO breakdown in cultured cells and J. W. DaLy A. S. KamicuTi, R. D. G. THEAKSTON, Systemic haemorrhage in rats induced by a haemorrhagic fraction H. DesMonpD and R. A. HUTTON from Bothrops jararaca venom G. S. Bonpy, S. P. McCormick, Murine lymphocyte proliferation impaired by substituted neosolaniols M. N. BEREMAND and J. J. PESTKA and calonectrins—Fusarium metabolites associated with trichothecene biosynthesis . Lewis, M. SELLIN, M. A. PoLt, Purification and characterization of ciguatoxins from moray eel . Norton, J. K. MacLeop and (Lycodontis javanicus, Muraenidae) . SHEIL 3. STILEs, F. W. SExTON and Antibacterial effects of different snake venoms: purification and . WEINSTEIN characterization of antibacterial proteins from Pseudechis australis (Australian king brown or mulga snake) venom ins CasTRO-Faria-NeETO, M. A. MARTINS, 1143 Pro-inflammatory activity of enterolobin: a haemolytic protein purified . T. Bozza, S. A. C. PEREz, from seeds of the Brazilian tree Enterolobium contortisiliquum . C. V. Correa-Da-Sitva, M. C. R. Lima, . N. Cruz, R. S. B. Corpeiro, M. V. Sousa and L. Moruy Short Communications P. OREJUELA, A. ZAVALETA, M. SALAS Thrombin-like activity in snake venoms from Peruvian Bothrops and and N. MARSH Lachesis genera N. ZILBERBERG, E. ZLOTKIN and The cDNA sequence of a depressant insect selective neurotoxin from M. GurREvi1z the scorpion Buthotus judaicus Software Survey Section International Society on Toxinology— Membership Application Vol. 29, No. 10 Report and Abstracts 1159 Third International Symposium on Neurotoxins in Neurobiology, Piriapolis, Uruguay, 16-20 March 1991 G. B. Domont, J. PERALES and Review article—Natural anti-snake venom proteins H. MoussaTcut B. G. Stices, B. C. LIDGERDING. Production and characterization of monoclonal antibodies against F. W. Sexton and S. B. GuEst Naja naja atra cobrotoxin U. ANTHONI, C. CHRISTOPHERSEN, L. GRAM, Poisonings from flesh of the Greenland shark Somniosus microcephalus N. H. NiELSEN and P. NIELSEN may be due to trimethylamine A. SITTENFELD, H. RAVENTOs, R. Cruz DNase activity in Costa Rican crotaline snake venoms: quantification and J. M. GUTIERREZ of activity and identification of electrophoretic variants L. REZENDE Jr, M. N. Corperro, Isolation of neurotoxic peptides from the venom of the ‘armed’ spider E. B. Oitveira and C. R. Diniz Phoneutria nigriventer S. Hys.op and N. A. MARSH Comparison of the physiological effects in rabbits of gaboon viper (Bitis gabonica) venoms from different sources A.S. Basu and T. VEERABASAPPA GOWDA Effects of chemical modification on enzymatic and toxicological properties of phospholipases A, from Naja naja naja and Vipera russelli snake venoms Short Communications D. A. WarrRELL. J. SHAHEEN, Neurotoxic envenoming by an immigrant spider (Steatoda nobilis) in P. D. Hittyarp and D. Jones southern England D. R. LLtoyp.G . M. NicHOLson, Frequency-dependent neuromuscular blockade by textilotoxin in vivo 1. SPENCE. M. CONNor. M. I. TYLER and M. E. H. Howven

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