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Toxicology & Substance Abuse PDF

135 Pages·2014·12.28 MB·English
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CChhaapptteerr 3344 TTooxxiiccoollooggyy && SSuubbssttaannccee AAbbuussee TTooppiiccss (cid:1) Epidemiology (cid:1)(cid:1) IInnhhaalleedd TTooxxiinnss (cid:1) Poison Control Centers (cid:1)(cid:1) SSuurrffaaccee--AAbbssoorrbbeedd TTooxxiinnss (cid:1) Routes of Toxic Exposure (cid:1)(cid:1) SSppeecciiffiicc TTooxxiinnss (cid:1) General Principles of (cid:1)(cid:1) IInnjjeecctteedd TTooxxiinnss Toxicology Assessment (cid:1)(cid:1) SSuubbssttaannccee AAbbuussee aanndd and Management OOvveerrddoossee (cid:1) Ingested Toxins (cid:1)(cid:1) AAllccoohhooll AAbbuussee EEppiiddeemmiioollooggyy (cid:1) Over 2 million unintentional poisonings occur annually (cid:1) More than 90% of accidental poisonings occur in the home (cid:1) Just over 51% of accidental poisonings occur in children under 6 years old EEppiiddeemmiioollooggyy (cid:1) Intentional (cid:1) Accidental (cid:1) Suicide (cid:1) Dosage errors (cid:1) Chemical (cid:1) Adverse/allergic reactions warfare/terrorism (cid:1) Occupational exposure (cid:1) Assault/homicide (cid:1) Neglect/abuse (cid:1) Childhood Drug/ETOH abuse PPooiissoonn CCoonnttrrooll CCeenntteerrss (cid:1) Poison Control (cid:2) National network of specially trained providers (cid:2) Typically regional or statewide (Milwaukee) (cid:2) Statewide # = 1-800-222-1222 (cid:1) Contact Poison Control early (cid:2) Assist in determining potential toxicity (cid:2) Advise on prehospital treatment (cid:2) Advise the receiving facility and Medical Control GGeenneerraall PPrriinncciipplleess ooff TTooxxiiccoollooggiicc AAsssseessssmmeenntt aanndd MMaannaaggeemmeenntt (cid:1) Standard toxicologic emergency procedures (cid:2) Recognize a poisoning promptly (cid:2) Assess the patient thoroughly to identify the toxin and measures required to control it (cid:2) Initiate standard treatment procedures Protect rescuer safety • Remove the patient from the toxic environment • Support ABCs • Decontaminate the patient • Administer antidote if one exists • GGeenneerraall AAsssseessssmmeenntt (cid:1) Scene size-up (cid:2) Be alert to the potential for violence (cid:2) Look for signs of hazardous-material involvement Enter a hazardous-materials scene only if properly • trained and equipped to do so (cid:1) Initial assessment (cid:2) Airway and respiratory compromise are common in toxicologic emergencies (cid:2) Manage life-threatening conditions GGeenneerraall AAsssseessssmmeenntt (cid:1) History, Physical Exam, and Ongoing Assessment (cid:2) Identify the toxin and length of exposure (cid:2) Contact Poison Control and Medical Control according to local policy (cid:2) Complete appropriate physical exams (cid:2) Monitor vital signs closely GGeenneerraall TTrreeaattmmeenntt (cid:1) Initiate supportive treatment (cid:1) Decontamination (cid:2) Reduce intake of the toxin (cid:2)Remove the individual from the toxic environment (cid:2) Reduce absorption of toxins in the body (cid:2)Use gastric lavage and activated charcoal (cid:2) Enhance elimination of the toxin (cid:2)Use cathartics to enhance GI motility GGeenneerraall TTrreeaattmmeenntt Monitor for complications (cid:1) Respiratory system (cid:1) Cardiovascular system (cid:1) Secure airway (cid:1) Cardiac dysrhythmias (cid:1) Bronchospasm (direct or (cid:1) Hypo-/hypertension indirect effect) (cid:1) Neurological (cid:1) Ensure adequate oxygenation (cid:1) Baseline exam (cid:1) Noncardiogenic (cid:1) Deviations may be from pulmonary edema the toxin itself…or from a metabolic or perfusion disorder side effect

and carbamates). ▫ Nerve agents (sarin and soman) . Poison ivy, oak, or sumac. • Organophosphates. ◉ Absorption occurs through capillaries in.
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