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2s) TOXICOLOGY s At 4 y ELSEVIER Toxicology 178 (2002) 271 www.elsevier.com locate toxicol Author index of volume 178 Ahmed, S.A. 178, 101 Institoris, L. 178, 161 Palut, D. 178, 221 Averill-Bates, D. 178, 193 Papp, A. 178, 161 Johnson, D.R. 178, 209 Politis, 1. 178, 135 Banerjee, B.D. 178, 161 Posada de la Paz, M. 178, 119 Basaran, N. 178, 81 Kaidbey, K. 178, 175 Pronzato. M.A. 178. 229 Botsonis, A. 178, 135 Kars, A. 178, 81 Klaassen, C.D. 178, 209 Regal. J.F. 178. 89 Calemine, J.B. 178, 101 Koller, L.D. 178, 119 Ruiz Mendez. M.V._ 178. 119 Camacho, I. 178, 241 Kopec-Szlezak, J. 178, 221 Canpinar, 1 178, 81 Kostka, G. 178, 221 Shubair, M._ 178, 81 Cheng, Y.-J. 178, 183 Siroki, O. 178, 161 Cottalasso, D. 178, 229 Larsen, C.P. ; 178, 89 Smith. M. 178. 175 Lembowicz, K. 178, 221 : ; : Sponenberg, P. 178, 101 Denizeau, F. 178, 193 Lengi, A. 178, 101 Stane. BV. 178. 119 Dési, I. 178, 161 Liberda, M. 178, 175 Sige ahs Manis : Domenicotti, C. 178, 22 Liu, M.-Y. 178, 183 Ludwicki, J.K. 178, 221 Teaverso, N. £78, 229 Fisher. M. 178. 241 Tsangaris, G.T. 178, 135 Marion. M. 178. 193 Tzortzatou-Stathopoulou, F. 178, 135 Gagne, F. 178, 193 McKallip, R.J. 178, 241 = ~ Gogal, R.M., Jr 178, Undeger, U. 178, 81 Greenberg, G.N. 178, Nagarkatti, M. 178, 241 Guo, G.L. 178, 209 Nagarkatti, P.S. 178, 241 Wiadrowska, B. 178, 221 Nanni, G. 178, 229 Hall, J.A. 178, 119 Yang, B.-C. 178, 183 Hsieh, W.-C. 178, 183 Okoumassoun, L.-E. 178, 193 Huang, B.-M. 178, 183 Owens, M._ 178, 175 Zeytun, A. 178, 241 Pil: S0300-483X(02)00406-7 =) ELSEVIER Toxicology 178 (2002) 273-275 www.elsevier.com locate toxicol Subject index of volume 178 Angiogenesis; cDNA array; 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p- Competition; Pesticides; Vig; Rainbow trout 178, 193 dioxin; Fas ligand; Apoptosis 178, 241 Computer communication networks: Occupational medicine; Apoptosis; Cadmium; Heavy metals; cDNA microarray; Gene Occupational health; Environmental health: Toxicology: Envi- regulation; Toxicogenomics 178, 135 ronmental exposures; Internet; Information services; Informa- tion storage and retrieval; Communication 178, 263 Apoptosis; CDNA array; 2,.3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin; Fas ligand; Angiogenesis 178, 241 1,2-Dichloroethane; Ethanol; Glycosylation; Liver dolichol: Golgi apparatus 178, 229 Apoptosis; Diethylstilbestrol (DES); Immunity; Gender; Dose; Proliferation 178, 101 Diethylstilbestrol (DES); Immunity; Gender; Dose; Prolifera- tion; Apoptosis 178, 101 Apoptosis; Lead; Lipopolysaccharide; TNF-x; Glial cells 178, 183 Dose; Diethylstilbestrol (DES); Immunity: Gender: Prolifera- tion; Apoptosis 178, 101 Autoantibody; Autoimmunity; Toxic oil syndrome: Mercury: MRL Ipr mice 178, 119 Environmental exposures: Occupational medicine; Occupa- tional health; Environmental health; Toxicology; Internet: Autoimmunity; Autoantibody; Toxic oil syndrome: Mercury: Computer communication networks: Information services; In- MRL Ipr mice 178, 119 formation storage and retrieval; Communication 178, 263 Bronchoconstriction; Trimellitic anhydride; TMA; Occupa- Environmental health; Occupational medicine; Occupational tional asthma; Eosinophil; Guinea pig 178, 89 health; Toxicology; Environmental exposures; Internet: Com- puter communication networks; Information services; Infor- Cadmium; Combined exposure; Propoxur 178, 161 mation storage and retrieval: Communication 178, 263 Cadmium; Heavy metals; CDNA microarray; Gene regulation: Toxicogenomics; Apoptosis 178, 135 Eosinophil; Trimellitic anhydride; TMA; Occupational asthma: Bronchoconstriction; Guinea pig 178, 89 eDNA array; 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin; Fas ligand; Apoptosis: Angiogenesis 178, 241 Ethanol; |,2-Dichloroethane: Glycosylation: Liver dolichol;: Golgi apparatus 178, 229 cDNA microarray; Cadmium; Heavy metals; Gene regulation: Toxicogenomics; Apoptosis 178, 135 Fas ligand; cDNA array: 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin; Apoptosis; Angiogenesis 178, 241 Cellular immunity; Silica; Humoral immunity; Natural killer cells 178, 81 Fluazifop: Hepatomegaly; Peroxisome proliferation: Peroxiso- mal associated enzymes; Mitogenesis 178, 221 Combined exposure; Propoxur; Cadmium 178, 161 Gender; Diethylstilbestrol (DES); Immunity; Dose: Prolifera- Communication; Occupational medicine; Occupational health; tion; Apoptosis 178, 101 Environmental health; Toxicology; Environmental exposures; Internet; Computer communication networks; Information Gene regulation; Cadmium; Heavy metals; CDNA microarray: services; Information storage and retrieval 178, 263 Toxicogenomics; Apoptosis 178, 135 PII: $0300-483X(02)00407-9 274 Subject index of volume 178 Glial cells; Lead; Lipopolysaccharide; TNF-a; Apopto- MRL/Ipr mice; Autoimmunity; Autoantibody; Toxic oil syn- sis 178, 183 drome; Mercury 178, 119 Glycosylation; |,2-Dichloroethane; Ethanol; Liver dolichol; Mrp2; Ontogeny; Transporter; Pregnenolone-16%-carbonitrile Golgi apparatus 178, 229 (PCN); Organic anion 178, 209 Golgi apparatus; |.2-Dichloroethane; Ethanol; Glycosylation; Natural killer cells; Silica; Cellular immunity; Humoral immu- nity 178, 81 Liver dolichol 178, 229 Occupational asthma; Trimellitic anhydride; TMA; Bron- Guinea pig: Trimellitic anhydride; TMA; Occupational choconstriction; Eosinophil; Guinea pig 178, 89 asthma: Bronchoconstriction; Eosinophil 178, 89 Occupational health; Occupational medicine: Environmental Heavy metals; Cadmium; cDNA microarray; Gene regulation; health; Toxicology; Environmental exposures; Internet: Com- Toxicogenomics; Apoptosis 178, 135 puter communication networks; Information services; Infor- mation storage and retrieval; Communication 178, 263 Hepatomegaly; Fluazifop; Peroxisome proliferation; Peroxiso- mal associated enzymes; Mitogenesis 178, 221 Occupational medicine; Occupational health; Environmental health; Toxicology; Environmental exposures; Internet; Com- Humoral immunity; Silica: Cellular immunity: Natural killer puter communication networks; Information services; Infor- cells 178, 81 mation storage and retrieval; Communication 178, 263 Imiquimod; Photocontact allergy; Phototoxicity; Photodamage: Ontogeny; Mrp2: Transporter; Pregnenolone-|6%-carbonitrile Ultraviolet radiation; Sunburn cell; Pyrimidine dimers 178, (PCN); Organic anion 178, 209 175 Organic anion; Mrp2; Ontogeny; Transporter; Pregnenolone- Immunity; Diethylstilbestrol (DES); Gender: Dose: Prolifera- 16a-carbonitrile (PCN) 178, 209 tion: Apoptosis 178, 101 Peroxisomal associated enzymes; Fluazifop: Hepatomegaly: Information services; Occupational medicine; Occupational Peroxisome proliferation; Mitogenesis 178, 221 health; Environmental health: Toxicology; Environmental ex- posures; Internet; Computer communication networks; Infor- Peroxisome proliferation; Fluazifop; Hepatomegaly: Peroxiso- mation storage and retrieval; Communication 178, 263 mal associated enzymes; Mitogenesis 178, 221 Information storage and retrieval; Occupational medicine; Oc- Pesticides: Vig: Rainbow trout; Competition 178, 193 cupational health; Environmental health; Toxicology; Envi- ronmental exposures; Internet; Computer communication Photocontact allergy: Imiquimod; Phototoxicity; Photo- networks; Information services; Communication 178, 263 damage; Ultraviolet radiation; Sunburn cell; Pyrimidine dimers 178, 175 Internet; Occupational medicine; Occupational health; Envi- Photodamage; Imiquimod: Photocontact allergy; Phototoxic- ronmental health; Toxicology: Environmental exposures; ity; Ultraviolet radiation; Sunburn cell; Pyrimidine Computer communication networks; Information services; In- dimers 178, 175 formation storage and retrieval; Communication 178, 263 Phototoxicity; Imiquimod; Photocontact allergy; Photo- Lead; Lipopolysaccharide; TNF-a; Apoptosis; Glial damage: Ultraviolet radiation: Sunburn cell; Pyrimidine cells 178, 183 dimers 178, 175 Lipopolysaccharide; Lead; TNF-x; Apoptosis: Glial cells 178, Pregnenolone-162-carbonitrile (PCN); Mrp2: Ontogeny: Trans- 183 porter; Organic anion 178, 209 Liver dolichol; |,2-Dichloroethane; Ethanol; Glycosylation; Proliferation; Diethylstilbestrol (DES); Immunity; Gender: Golgi apparatus 178, 229 Dose; Apoptosis 178, 101 Mercury; Autoimmunity; Autoantibody; Toxic oil syndrome: Propoxur; Combined exposure; Cadmium 178, 161 MRL Ipr mice 178, 119 Pyrimidine dimers; Imiquimod; Photocontact allergy; Photo- Mitogenesis; Fluazifop; Hepatomegaly; Peroxisome prolifera- toxicity; Photodamage: Uliraviolet radiation; Sunburn tion; Peroxisomal associated enzymes 178, 221 cell 178, 175 Subject index of volume 178 275 Rainbow trout; Pesticides; Vtg; Competition 178, 193 Toxic oil syndrome; Autoimmunity; Autoantibody; Mercury; MRL Ipr mice 178, 119 Silica; Cellular immunity; Humoral immunity; Natural killer cells 178, 81 Toxicology; Occupational medicine; Occupational health; En- vironmental health; Environmental exposures; Internet; Com- Sunburn cell; Imiquimod; Photocontact allergy; Phototoxicity; puter communication networks; Information _ services; Photodamage; Ultraviolet radiation; Pyrimidine dimers 178, Information storage and retrieval; Communication 178, 263 175 Transporter; Mrp2; Ontogeny; Pregnenolone-16%-carbonitrile 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin; cDNA array; Fas ligand: (PCN); Organic anion 178, 209 Apoptosis; Angiogenesis 178, 241 Trimellitic anhydride; TMA; Occupational asthma: Bron- TMA; Trimellitic anhydride; Occupational asthma; Bron- choconstriction; Eosinophil; Guinea pig 178, 89 choconstriction; Eosinophil; Guinea pig 178, 89 TNF-a; Lead; Lipopolysaccharide; Apoptosis; Glial Ultraviolet radiation; Imiquimod; Photocontact allergy: Photo- cells 178, 183 toxicity; Photodamage: Sunburn cell; Pyrimidine dimers 178, 175 Toxicogenomics; Cadmium; Heavy metals; cDNA microarray: Gene regulation; Apoptosis 178, 135 Vtg: Pesticides; Rainbow trout; Competition 178, 193

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