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Toxicology 2000: Vol 149 Index PDF

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TOXICOLOGY R Toxicology 149 (2000) 151 www.elsevier.com locate /toxicol Author index of volume 149 Alvarez, M.G. 149, 69 Holiday, B. 149, 143 Price, F. 149, 143 Bello-Ramirez, A.M. 149, 63 loannides, C. 149, 51 Rabbani, A. 149, 101, 109 Benn, I. 149, 143 Rivarola, V. 149, 69 Billi de Catabbi, S.C. 149, 89 Jafari, M. 149, 101 Roth, R.A. 149, 75 Braselton, W.E. 149, 75 Janszen, D.B. 149, 21 Rozman, K.K. 149, 1, 35 Burns, R. 149, 143 Rumbeiha, W.K. 149, 75 Kaneene, J.B. 149, 75 Carreon-Garabito, B.Y. 149, 63 Kehrer, J.P. 149, 43 San Martin de Viale, L.C. 149, 89 Chakrabarti, S. 149, 115 Kittle, L.A. 149, 129 Sawyer, R.T. 149, 129 Cochon, A.C. 149, 89 Schlosser, P.M. 149, 21 Lamontagne, L. 149, 115 Setton-Advruj, C.P. 149, 89 Doull, J. 149, | Shabani, A. 149, 109 Durantini, E.N. 149, 69 Maier, L.A. 149, 129 Sorenson, A. 149, 143 Marty, C. 149, 69 Sterin-Speziale, N. 149, 89 Fadok, V.A. 149, 129 Miller, F.J. 149, 21 Fitzgerald, S.D. 149, 75 Mori, G. 149, 69 Till, C. 149, 5] Gaylor, D.W. 149, 17 Nava-Ocampo, A.A. 149, 63 Veillon, C. 149, 143 Newman, L.S. 149, 129 Hallfrisch, J. 149, 143 Yslas, I. 149, 69 Hashemi, E. 149, 51 Patterson, K.Y. 149, 143 Hill, A.D. 149, 143 Pheng, S.-R. 149, 115 Zhonnie, S. 149, 143 PII: S0300-483X(00)00265-1 TOXICOLOGY Toxicology 149 (2000) 153-155 www.elsevier.com locate /toxicol Subject index of volume 149 P450; Oxidation mechanism; Heme enzymes; Peroxidase 149, Acidic-sphingomyelinase; Hexachlorobenzene; Sphingomyelin: 63 Neutral-sphingomyelinase; Serine palmitoyltransferase; Por- phyrins 149, 89 Chronic beryllium disease; Apoptosis: Beryllium; Granuloma- tous disease; Macrophage; Dendritic cell; Tumor necrosis fac- Alveolar macrophages; Caffeine; Apoptosis: Superoxide; DNA tor-x; BD-fmk; Caspase 149, 129 fragmentation 149, 10] Concentration; Time; Reference dose; Cancer risk; Safety fac- Alveolar macrophages; Lead; Apoptosis; Superoxide anions; tor: Noncancer effects; Risk assessment 149, 17 DNA fragmentation 149, 109 Concentration; Time; Response: Toxicity; Haber: Power Apoptosis; Beryllium; Chronic beryllium disease; Granuloma- law 149, 21 tous disease; Macrophage; Dendritic cell; Tumor necrosis fac- tor-x; BD-fmk; Caspase 149, 129 Cytochrome P450; Organophosphorous pesticides; Chloroper- oxidase; Oxidation mechanism; Heme enzymes; Perox- Apoptosis; Caffeine; Alveolar macrophages; Superoxide; DNA idase 149, 63 fragmentation 149, 101 Cytochromes P450; Liver slices: Krumdieck slicer: In vitro Apoptosis; Fas; Porphyrins; Photodynamic therapy 149, 69 systems 149, 51 Apoptosis; Lead; Alveolar macrophages; Superoxide anions; Dendritic cell; Apoptosis; Beryllium; Chronic beryllium dis- DNA fragmentation 149, 109 ease; Granulomatous disease; Macrophage: Tumor necrosis factor-x; BD-fmk; Caspase 149, 129 Apoptosis; Methylmercury:; T lymphocytes; Fas/Fas; I-im- munodeficiency 149, 115 Dioxins; Haber’s rule; Toxicokinetics; Toxicodynamics; Time effects; Dose effects; Heptachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin; BD-fmk; Apoptosis; Beryllium; Chronic beryllium disease; HpCDD 149, 35 Granulomatous disease; Macrophage: Dendritic cell; Tumor necrosis factor-x; Caspase 149, 129 DNA fragmentation; Caffeine; Alveolar macrophages: Apopto- sis; Superoxide 149, 101 Beryllium; Apoptosis; Chronic beryllium disease; Granuloma- tous disease; Macrophage; Dendritic cell; Tumor necrosis fac- DNA fragmentation; Lead: Alveolar macrophages; Apoptosis: tor-x; BD-fmk; Caspase 149, 129 Superoxide anions 149, 109 Caffeine; Alveolar macrophages; Apoptosis; Superoxide; DNA Dose effects; Haber’s rule: Toxicokinetics; Toxicodynamics; fragmentation 149, 101 Time _ effects; Dioxins: Heptachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin; HpCDD 149, 35 Cancer risk; Concentration; Time: Reference dose; Safety fac- tor; Noncancer effects; Risk assessment 149, 17 Endotoxin; Mercury: Mercuric chloride; Kidney; Nephrotoxic- ity: Food safety 149, 75 Caspase; Apoptosis: Beryllium; Chronic beryllium disease; Granulomatous disease; Macrophage; Dendritic cell; Tumor Fas; Apoptosis: Porphyrins; Photodynamic therapy 149, 69 necrosis factor-x; BD-fmk 149, 129 Fas/Fas; Apoptosis; Methylmercury: T lymphocytes; I-im- Chloroperoxidase; Organophosphorous pesticides; Cytochrome munodeficiency 149, 115 PII: S0300-483X(00)00266-3 154 Subject index of volume 149 Food safety; Endotoxin; Mercury; Mercuric chloride; Kidney; Macrophage; Apoptosis; Beryllium; Chronic beryllium disease: Nephrotoxicity 149, 75 Granulomatous disease; Dendritic cell; Tumor necrosis factor- «; BD-fmk; Caspase 149, 129 Free radicals; Haber— Weiss reaction; Hydroxyl radical; Toxi- cology; Signal transduction 149, 43 Margin of exposure; Haber’s Law; MOE; New paradigm: Risk assessment 149, | Granulomatous disease; Apoptosis: Beryllium; Chronic beryl- lium disease; Macrophage; Dendritic cell; Tumor necrosis Mercuric chloride; Endotoxin; Mercury; Kidney; Nephrotoxic- factor-x; BD-fmk; Caspase 149, 129 ity; Food safety 149, 75 Haber; Concentration; Time; Response; Toxicity; Power Mercury; Endotoxin; Mercuric chloride: Kidney; Nephrotoxic- law 149, 2] ity; Food safety 149, 75 Haber’s Law; Margin of exposure: MOE; New paradigm; Risk Methylmercury; Apoptosis; T lymphocytes; Fas/Fas; I-im- assessment 149, | munodeficiency 149, 115 Haber’s rule; Toxicokinetics; Toxicodynamics; Time effects; Mineral content; Water samples; Navajo reservation 149, 143 Dose _ effects: Dioxins: Heptachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin; HpCDD 149, 35 MOE: Haber’s Law; Margin of exposure; New paradigm; Risk assessment 149, | Haber—Weiss reaction; Hydroxyl radical; Free radicals; Toxi- cology; Signal transduction 149, 43 Navajo reservation; Mineral content; Water samples 149, 143 Heme enzymes; Organophosphorous pesticides; Chloroperoxi- Nephrotoxicity; Endotoxin; Mercury; Mercuric chloride; Kid- dase; Cytochrome P450; Oxidation mechanism; Perox- ney; Food safety 149, 75 idase 149, 63 Neutral-sphingomyelinase; Hexachlorobenzene; Sphingomyelin; Heptachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin; Haber’s rule; Toxicokinetics; Acidic-sphingomyelinase; Serine palmitoyltransferase; Por- Toxicodynamics; Time effects; Dose effects; Dioxins; phyrins 149, 89 HpCDD 149, 35 New paradigm; Haber’s Law; Margin of exposure; MOE; Risk Hexachlorobenzene; Sphingomyelin; Neutral-sphingomyeli- assessment 149, | nase; Acidic-sphingomyelinase; Serine palmitoyltransferase; Porphyrins 149, 89 Noncancer effects; Concentration; Time; Reference dose: Can- cer risk; Safety factor; Risk assessment 149, 17 HpCDD: Haber’s rule: Toxicokinetics; Toxicodynamics; Time effects; Dose effects; Dioxins; Heptachlorodibenzo-p- Organophosphorous pesticides; Chloroperoxidase; Cytochrome dioxin 149, 35 P450; Oxidation mechanism; Heme enzymes; Peroxidase 149, 63 Hydroxyl radical; Haber— Weiss reaction; Free radicals; Toxi- cology: Signal transduction 149, 43 Oxidation mechanism; Organophosphorous pesticides; I-immunodeficiency; Apoptosis; Methylmercury; T Chloroperoxidase; Cytochrome P450; Heme enzymes; Perox- lymphocytes; Fas/Fas 149, 115 idase 149, 63 In vitro systems; Liver slices; Cytochromes P450; Krumdieck Peroxidase; Organophosphorous pesticides; Chloroperoxidase: slicer 149, 5] Cytochrome P450; Oxidation mechanism; Heme en- zymes 149, 63 Kidney; Endotoxin; Mercury; Mercuric chloride; Nephrotoxic- ity; Food safety 149, 75 Photodynamic therapy; Apoptosis; Fas: Porphyrins 149, 69 Krumdieck slicer; Liver slices; Cytochromes P450; In vitro Porphyrins; Apoptosis; Fas; Photodynamic therapy 149, 69 systems 149, 5] Porphyrins; Hexachlorobenzene; Sphingomyelin; Neutral-sph- Lead; Alveolar macrophages; Apoptosis; Superoxide anions: ingomyelinase; Acidic-sphingomyelinase; Serine palmitoyl- DNA fragmentation 149, 109 transferase 149, 89 Liver slices; Cytochromes P450; Krumdieck slicer; In vitro Power law: Concentration; Time; Response; Toxicity: systems 149, 51 Haber 149, 2] Subject index of volume 149 Reference dose; Concentration; Time; Cancer risk; Safety fac- tor: Noncancer effects; Risk assessment 149, 17 tor: Noncancer effects: Risk assessment 149, 17 Time; Concentration; Response; Toxicity; Haber; Power Response; Concentration; Time; Toxicity; Haber; Power law 149, 21 law 149, 21 Time effects; Haber’s rule; Toxicokinetics; Toxicodynamics; Risk assessment; Concentration; Time: Reference dose: Cancer Dose _ effects; Dioxins; Heptachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin; risk; Safety factor; Noncancer effects 149, 17 HpCDD 149, 35 Risk assessment; Haber’s Law; Margin of exposure; MOE; T lymphocytes; Apoptosis; Methylmercury; Fas/Fas; I-im- New paradigm 149, | munodeficiency 149, 115 Safety factor; Concentration; Time; Reference dose; Cancer Toxicity; Concentration; Time; Response; Haber; Power risk; Noncancer effects; Risk assessment 149, 17 law 149, 21 Serine _palmitoyltransferase; Hexachlorobenzene; Sphin- Toxicodynamics; Haber’s rule; Toxicokinetics; Time effects; gomyelin; Neutral-sphingomyelinase; Acidic-sphingomyeli- Dose _ effects; Dioxins; Heptachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin; nase; Porphyrins 149, 89 HpCDD 149, 35 Signal transduction; Haber— Weiss reaction; Hydroxyl radical; Toxicokinetics; Haber’s rule; Toxicodynamics; Time effects; Free radicals; Toxicology 149, 43 Dose _ effects; Dioxins; Heptachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin; HpCDD 149, 35 Sphingomyelin; Hexachlorobenzene; Neutral-sphingomyeli- nase; Acidic-sphingomyelinase; Serine palmitoyltransferase; Porphyrins 149, 89 Toxicology; Haber—Weiss reaction; Hydroxyl radical; Free radicals; Signal transduction 149, 43 Superoxide anions; Lead; Alveolar macrophages; Apoptosis; DNA fragmentation 149, 109 Tumor necrosis factor-x; Apoptosis; Beryllium; Chronic beryl- lium disease; Granulomatous disease; Macrophage; Dendritic Superoxide; Caffeine; Alveolar macrophages; Apoptosis; DNA cell; BD-fmk; Caspase 149, 129 fragmentation 149, 101 Water samples; Mineral content; Navajo reservation 149, Time; Concentration; Reference dose; Cancer risk; Safety fac- 143

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