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TOXICOLOGY Toxicology 138 (1999) 199 Author index of volume 138 Hong, S.K. 138, 165 Adiga, S.K. Rankin, G.O. 138, 165 Rechkemmer, G. Anestis, D.K. Jagetia, G.C. 138, 31 Jin, C. 138, 59 Sagretti, O. 138, 175 Santoni, G. 138, 175 Bingman, V.P. Jung, I. 138, 59 Sawyer, R.T. 138, 155 Kim, D.-H. 138, 59 Schumacher, B.A. Brown, P.I. Schiimann, J. 138, 103 Kim, M. 138, 59 Skaggs, S. 138, 45 Ku, H.-J. 138, 59 Cantalamessa, F. Spreghini, E. 138, 175 Castro, G.D. Staffolani, M. 138, 175 Castro, J.A. Mathias, P. 138, 45 Stelzer, A. 138, 69 Chan, H.M. McCabe, M.J., Jr. 138, 81 Meserve, L.A. 138, 13 Tiegs, G. 138, 103 Toraason, M. 138, 45 Conklin, D.J. Neudecker, C. 138, 93 Trent, M.B. 138, 137 Costantini, M.H. Newman, L.S. 138, 155 Valentovic, M.A. Oh, C.-H. 138, 59 Dankovic, D. Diaz Gomez, M.lI. Walker, C. 138, 45 Doherty, D.E. Piccoli, M. 138, 175 Watzl, B. 138, 93 Pokorski, P.L. 138, 81 Werren, D. 138, 45 Fanelli, S.L. Pool-Zobel, B.L. 138, 93 Witschi, H. 138, | Pounds, J.G. 138, 81 Hansch, G.M. Pruitt, D.L. 138, 13 Yook, J. 138, 59 PII: S0300-483X(99)00138-9 TOXICOLOGY x EVIER Toxicology 138 (1999) 201-203 Subject index of volume 138 Acetaldehyde; Ethanol; Nuclear proteins; Lipids; Phospho- Cell migration; Beryllium; Blood lymphocytes; Blood mono- lipids; Tumor promotion 138, 21 cytes; Peripheral blood mononuclear cells; Chronic beryllium disease 138, 155 Aflatoxin B,; Immunotoxicity; Genotoxicity; Gut-associated lymphoid tissue; Rat 138, 93 Cell proliferation; Teniposide; V79 cells; Cell survival; Micronu- clei; Growth kinetics; Lactate dehydrogenase release 138, 31 Allylamine; Semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase; f- Aminopropionitrile; Aorta; Heart; Rat; Vascular toxicity; Cell survival; Teniposide; V79 cells; Micronuclei; Growth kinet- Medial injury; Lathyrism; Lysyl oxidase 138, 137 ics; Lactate dehydrogenase release; Cell proliferation 138, 31 B-Aminopropionitrile; Semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase; Chronic beryllium disease; Beryllium; Blood lymphocytes; Blood Allylamine; Aorta; Heart; Rat; Vascular toxicity; Medial injury; monocytes; Peripheral blood mononuclear cells; Cell migra- Lathyrism; Lysyl oxidase 138, 137 tion 138, 155 Aorta; Semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase; Allylamine; B- Convulsions; Carbapenem antibiotics; DK-35C; Cefazolin; Aminopropionitrile; Heart; Rat; Vascular toxicity; Medial in- GABA, receptors 138, 59 jury; Lathyrism; Lysyl oxidase 138, 137 Developmental immunotoxicity; Insecticide; Pyrethroid; Im- Beryllium; Blood lymphocytes; Blood monocytes; Peripheral munoproliferative response; T cell subsets; Catechola- blood mononuclear cells; Cell migration; Chronic beryllium mines 138, 175 disease 138, 155 DK-35C; Carbapenem antibiotics; Cefazolin; GABA, recep- Bioactivation; Sulfation; Nephrotoxicity; Rats; Fungicides tors; Convulsions 138, 59 138, 165 DMSA; Ca’* transients; Proximal tubular cells; Lead 138, 81 Blood lymphocytes; Beryllium; Blood monocytes; Peripheral blood mononuclear cells; Cell migration; Chronic beryllium 8-Epi-prostaglandin F,,; 8-Hydroxydeoxyguanosine; 2-Nitro- disease 138, 155 propane; Perchloroethylene; Tetrachloroethylene; TBARS 138, 45 Blood monocytes; Beryllium; Blood lymphocytes; Peripheral blood mononuclear cells; Cell migration; Chronic beryllium Estrogen bioassay; Toxaphene congeners; MCF7 cells; Estrogen disease 138, 155 receptors; Progesterone receptors 138, 69 Carbapenem antibiotics; DK-35C; Cefazolin; GABA, recep- Estrogen receptors; Toxaphene congeners; Estrogen bioassay; tors; Convulsions 138, 59 MCEF7 cells; Progesterone receptors 138, 69 Catecholamines; Developmental immunotoxicity; Insecticide; Ethanol; Acetaldehyde; Nuclear proteins; Lipids; Phospho- Pyrethroid; Immunoproliferative response; T cell subsets 138, lipids; Tumor promotion 138, 21 175 Fungicides; Sulfation; Nephrotoxicity; Bioactivation; Rats Ca?* transients; DMSA; Proximal tubular cells; Lead 138, 81 138, 165 Cefazolin; Carbapenem antibiotics; DK-35C; GABA, recep- GABA, receptors; Carbapenem antibiotics; DK-35C; Ce- tors; Convulsions 138, 59 fazolin; Convulsions 138, 59 PII: $S0300-483X(99)00139-0 Subject index of volume 138 Genotoxicity; Aflatoxin B,; Immunotoxicity; Gut-associated MCEF?7 cells; Toxaphene congeners; Estrogen bioassay; Estro- lymphoid tissue; Rat 138, 93 gen receptors; Progesterone receptors 138, 69 Growth kinetics; Teniposide; V79 cells; Cell survival; Micronu- Medial injury; Semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase; Ally- clei; Lactate dehydrogenase release; Cell proliferation 138, 31 lamine; B-Aminopropionitrile; Aorta; Heart; Rat; Vascular toxicity; Lathyrism; Lysyl oxidase 138, 137 Gut-associated lymphoid tissue; Aflatoxin B,; Immunotoxicity; Genotoxicity; Rat 138, 93 Micronuclei; Teniposide; V79 cells; Cell survival; Growth kinet- ics; Lactate dehydrogenase release; Cell proliferation 138, 31 Heart; Semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase; Allylamine; B- Aminopropionitrile; Aorta; Rat; Vascular toxicity; Medial Mossy fibers; Hippocampus; Hypothyroid; PCB; Learn- ing 138, 13 injury; Lathyrism; Lysyl oxidase 138, 137 Nephrotoxicity; Sulfation; Bioactivation; Rats; Fungi- Hippocampus; Mossy fibers; Hypothyroid; PCB; Learn- cides 138, 165 ing 138, 13 2-Nitropropane; 8-Hydroxydeoxyguanosine; 8-Epi-prostag- 8-Hydroxydeoxyguanosine; 8-Epi-prostaglandin F,,; 2-Nitro- landin F,.; Perchloroethylene; Tetrachloroethylene; propane; Perchloroethylene; Tetrachloroethylene; TBARS TBARS = 138, 45 138, 45 Nuclear proteins; Ethanol; Acetaldehyde; Lipids; Phospho- Hypothyroid; Hippocampus; Mossy fibers; PCB; Learning lipids; Tumor promotion 138, 21 138, 13 PCB; Hippocampus; Mossy fibers; Hypothyroid; Learn- Immunoproliferative response; Developmental immunotoxicity; ing 138, 13 Insecticide; Pyrethroid; T cell subsets; Catecholamines 138, 175 Perchloroethylene; 8-Hydroxydeoxyguanosine; 8-Epi-prostag- landin F..; 2-Nitropropane; Tetrachloroethylene; Immunotoxicity; Aflatoxin B,; Genotoxicity; Gut-associated TBARS _ 138, 45 lymphoid tissue; Rat 138, 93 Peripheral blood mononuclear cells; Beryllium; Blood Inflammation; Liver; Lymphocytes 138, 103 lymphocytes; Blood monocytes; Cell migration; Chronic beryl- lium disease 138, 155 Insecticide; Developmental immunotoxicity; Pyrethroid; Im- munoproliferative response; T cell subsets; Cate- Phospholipids; Ethanol; Acetaldehyde; Nuclear proteins; Lipids; cholamines 138, 175 Tumor promotion 138, 21 Lactate dehydrogenase release; Teniposide; V79 cells; Cell sur- Progesterone receptors; Toxaphene congeners; Estrogen vival; Micronuclei; Growth kinetics; Cell proliferation 138, 31 bioassay; MCF7 cells; Estrogen receptors 138, 69 Lathyrism; Semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase; Allylamine; Proximal tubular cells; DMSA; Ca?* transients; Lead 138, 81 B-Aminopropionitrile; Aorta; Heart; Rat; Vascular toxicity; Medial injury; Lysyl oxidase 138, 137 Pyrethroid; Developmental immunotoxicity; Insecticide; Im- munoproliferative response; T cell subsets; Cate- Lead; DMSA; Ca’* transients; Proximal tubular cells 138, 81 cholamines 138, 175 Learning; Hippocampus; Mossy fibers; Hypothyroid; Rat; Aflatoxin B,; Immunotoxicity; Genotoxicity; Gut-associ- PCB 138, 13 ated lymphoid tissue 138, 93 Lipids; Ethanol; Acetaldehyde; Nuclear proteins; Phospho- Rat; Semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase; Allylamine; B- lipids; Tumor promotion 138, 21 Aminopropionitrile; Aorta; Heart; Vascular toxicity; Medial injury; Lathyrism; Lysyl oxidase 138, 137 Liver; Inflammation; Lymphocytes 138, 103 Rats; Sulfation; Nephrotoxicity; Bioactivation; Fungi- Lymphocytes; Inflammation; Liver 138, 103 cides 138, 165 Lysyl oxidase; Semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase; Ally- Semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase; Allylamine; f- lamine; B-Aminopropionitrile; Aorta; Heart; Rat; Vascular Aminopropionitrile; Aorta; Heart; Rat; Vascular toxicity; Me- toxicity; Medial injury; Lathyrism 138, 137 dial injury; Lathyrism; Lysyl oxidase 138, 137 Subject index of volume 138 203 Sulfation; Nephrotoxicity; Bioactivation; Rats; Fungi- prostaglandin F,,; 2-Nitropropane; Perchloroethylene; cides 138, 165 TBARS 138, 45 TBARS; 8-Hydroxydeoxyguanosine; 8-Epi-prostaglandin F,,; Toxaphene congeners; Estrogen bioassay; MCF7 cells; Estrogen 2-Nitropropane; Perchloroethylene; Tetrachloro- receptors; Progesterone receptors 138, 69 ethylene 138, 45 Tumor promotion; Ethanol; Acetaldehyde; Nuclear proteins; T cell subsets; Developmental immunotoxicity; Insecticide; Lipids; Phospholipids 138, 21 Pyrethroid; Immunoproliferative response; Cate- cholamines 138, 175 Vascular toxicity; Semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase; Ally- lamine; B-Aminopropionitrile; Aorta; Heart; Rat; Medial in- Teniposide; V79 cells; Cell survival; Micronuclei; Growth kinet- jury; Lathyrism; Lysyl oxidase 138, 137 ics; Lactate dehydrogenase release; Cell proliferation 138, 31 V79 cells; Teniposide; Cell survival; Micronuclei; Growth kinet- Tetrachloroethylene: 8-Hydroxydeoxyguanosine; 8-Epi- ics; Lactate dehydrogenase release; Cell proliferation 138, 31

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