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Toxicology, 70 (1991) 369-372 Elsevier Scientific Publishers Ireland Ltd. TOXICOLOGY SUBJECT INDEX Volume 70 (1991) additive or adverse effects on toxicity by chemi- cadmium at cellular level, high dose nuclear cals, factors intrinsic to an organism, physical effects, low dose cellular effects, metallothio- activity, psychogenic stress, 107 nein localisation, high molecular weight heat aflatoxin B,, toxicity, myelopoiesis, long-term shock protein localisation, subcellular effects, bone marrow culture, 203 5 alcohol, ethanol, fatty acid ethyl ester, lung, 303 cadmium at organ level, simultaneous minor alcohol dehydrogenase, 1,1-dichloroethylene, alterations in cells of one organ, minor vinylidene chloride, hypothyroidism, hepato- cellular alterations in most organ systems, toxicity, metabolism, glutathione S-trans- morphological effects in the animal model, ferases, 213 predictive value for man, 39 aldosterone, atrial natriuretic peptide, cadmium, cadmium transport, cellular uptake, rat jejunal cardiovascular toxicity, renin, 185 mucosa, membrane binding, temperature aluminium, nickel, TCDD, supplementary dependence, 261 effects, cellular effects of several environmen- cancer cell lines, 4’-deoxy-4’-iodo-doxorubicin, tal pollutants, lead, 93 anticancer drug, rat, cardiotoxicity, cytotox- alveolar macrophages, ozone, hydrogen perox- icity, 243 ide, cellular ATP concentration, 195 carcinogenesis, heptachlor, ras oncogene, amikacin, aminoglycoside, cationic, guanidine, myeloblastic leukemia cells, 283 kidney, 353 cardiotoxicity, 4’-deoxy-4’-iodo-doxorubicin, aminoglycoside, amikacin, cationic, guanidine, anticancer drug, rat, cancer cell lines, kidney, 353 cytotoxicity, 243 antibody response, monocrotaline, immunotox- cardiovascular toxicity, atrial natriuretic peptide, icity, lymphocytes, natural killer cell, cadmium, renin, aldosterone, 185 blastogenesis, phagocytosis, 313 cationic, amikacin, aminoglycoside, guanidine, anticancer drug, 4’-deoxy-4’-iodo-doxorubicin, kidney, 353 rat, cardiotoxicity, cancer cell lines, cytotox- cellbiological and histochemical approach, cad- icity, 243 mium, environmental pollutants, | ascorbate, hepatotoxicity, isolated perfused liver, cell biological and histochemical methods, lipid peroxidation, propyl gallate, trolox C, localisation of environmental pollutants, cell vanadate, 141 damage — qualitative methods, cell damage atrial natriuretic peptide, cadmium, cardiovas- — quantitative methods, pathological intra- cular toxicity, renin, aldosterone, 185 cellular structures, cell death, 123 cell damage — qualitative methods, cell damage blastogenesis, monocrotaline, immunotoxicity, — quantitative methods, pathological intra- lymphocytes, antibody response, natural cellular structures, cell death, cell biological killer cell, phagocytosis, 313 and histochemical methods, localisation of bone marrow toxicity, trichothecenes, myco- environmental pollutants, 123 toxins, erythropoietic damage, 133 cell damage — quantitative methods, pathologi- 5-bromo-2’-deoxyuridine, immunohistochem- cal intracellular structures, cell death, cell stry, toxicity, 345 biological and histochemical methods, local- isation of environmental pollutants, cell cadmium, environmental pollutants, cellbiologi- damage — qualitative methods, 123 cal and histochemical approach, | cell death, cell biological and histochemical cadmium, atrial natriuretic peptide, car- methods, localisation of environmental diovascular toxicity, renin, aldosterone, 185 pollutants, cell damage -— qualitative 370 methods, cell damage -— quantitative guanidine, amikacin, aminoglycoside, cationic, methods, pathological intracellular struc- kidney, 353 tures, 123 hepatotoxicity, ascorbate, isolated perfused liver, cell-mediated immunity, humoral immunity, T lipid peroxidation, propyl gallate, trolox C, mitogen induced proliferation, interleukin-2 vanadate, 141 production, polyclonal immunoglobulin syn- hepatotoxicity, 1,1-dichloroethylene, vinylidene thesis, in vitro, human, 271 chloride, hypothyroidism, metabolism, cellular ATP concentration, ozone, hydrogen alcohol dehydrogenase, glutathione S-trans- peroxide, alveolar macrophages, 195 ferases, 213 cellular effects of several environmental pollut- hepatotoxicity, human hepatocytes, S-adenosyl- ants, lead, aluminium, nickel, TCDD, sup- L-methionine, opiates, paracetamol, ethanol, plementary effects, 93 293 cellular effects, extrapolation to diseases, environ- heptachlor, ras oncogene, myeloblastic leukemia mental pollutants, 119 cells, carcinogenesis, 283 cellular uptake, cadmium transport, rat jejunal high dose nuclear effects, low dose cellular mucosa, membrane binding, temperature effects, metallothionein localisation, high dependence, 261 molecular weight heat shock protein localisa- cisplatin, nephrotoxicity, streptozotocin, 151 tion, subcellular effects, cadmium at cellular cytotoxicity, 4’-deoxy-4’-iodo-doxorubicin, anti- level, 5 cancer drug, rat, cardiotoxicity, cancer cell high molecular weight heat shock protein lines, 243 localisation, subcellular effects, cadmium at cellular level, high dose nuclear effects, low 4’-deoxy-4’-iodo-doxorubicin, anticancer drug, dose cellular effects, metallothionein local- rat, cardiotoxicity, cancer cell lines, cytotox- isation, 5 icity, 243 human, cell-mediated immunity, humoral im- 1,1-dichloroethylene, vinylidene chloride, hypo- munity, T mitogen induced proliferation, thyroidism, hepatotoxicity, metabolism, interleukin-2 production, polyclonal im- alcohol dehydrogenase, glutathione S-trans- munoglobulin synthesis, in vitro, 271 ferases, 213 human hepatocytes, hepatotoxicity, S-adenosyl- diethylmaleate, lipid peroxidation, renal dysfunc- L-methionine, opiates, paracetamol, ethanol, tion, vitamin E, 163 293 humoral immunity, cell-mediated immunity, T environmental pollutants, cellbiological and mitogen induced proliferation, interleukin-2 histochemical approach, cadmium, | production, polyclonal immunoglobulin syn- environmental pollutants, cellular effects, ex- thesis, in vitro, human, 271 trapolation to diseases, 119 hyaline droplet nephropathy, a>,-globulin, SDS- erythropoietic damage, trichothecenes, myco- PAGE, immunoblotting, d-limonene, 173 toxins, bone marrow toxicity, 133 hydrogen peroxide, ozone, alveolar macro- ethanol, alcohol, fatty acid ethyl ester, lung, 303 phages, cellular ATP concentration, 195 ethanol, hepatotoxicity, human hepatocytes, S- hypothyroidism, |,1-dichloroethylene, vinylidene adenosyl-L-methionine, opiates, paracetamol, chloride, hepatotoxicity, metabolism, alcohol 293 dehydrogenase, glutathione S-transferases, extrapolation to diseases, environmental pollut- 213 ants, cellular effects, 119 immunoblotting, hyaline droplet nephropathy, factors intrinsic to an organism, physical activity, a,-globulin, SDS-PAGE, d-limonene, 173 psychogenic stress, additive or adverse effects immunohistochemistry, | 5-bromo-2’-deoxyuri- on toxicity by chemicals, 107 dine, toxicity, 345 fatty acid ethyl ester, ethanol, alcohol, lung, 303 immunosuppression, trichloroethylene, natural killer, natural cytotoxic, 231 @,-globulin, hyaline droplet nephropathy, SDS- immunotoxicity, monocrotaline, lymphocytes, PAGE, immunoblotting, d-limonene, 173 antibody response, natural killer cell, glutathione S-transferases, 1,1-dichloroethylene, blastogenesis, phagocytosis, 313 vinylidene chloride, hypothyroidism, hepato- individual susceptibility to toxic chemicals, organ toxicity, metabolism, alcohol dehydrogenase, microarchitecture, toxic substances versus 213 psychogenic stress, 113 371 interleukin-2 production, cell-mediated immuni- predictive value for man, cadmium at organ ty, humoral immunity, T mitogen induced level, simultaneous minor alterations in cells proliferation, polyclonal immunoglobulin of one organ, 39 synthesis, in vitro, human, 271 monocrotaline, immunotoxicity, lymphocytes, in vitro, cell-mediated immunity, humoral im- antibody response, natural killer cell, munity, T mitogen induced proliferation, blastogenesis, phagocytosis, 313 interleukin-2_ production, polyclonal im- morphological effects in the animal model, munoglobulin synthesis, human, 271 predictive value for man, cadmium at organ isolated perfused liver, ascorbate, hepatotoxicity, level, simultaneous minor alterations in cells lipid peroxidation, propyl gallate, trolox C, of one organ, minor cellular alterations in vanadate, 141 most organ systems, 39 mycotoxins, trichothecenes, bone marrow tox- kidney, amikacin, aminoglycoside, cationic, icity, erythropoietic damage, 133 guanidine, 353 myeloblastic leukemia cells, heptachlor, ras on- cogene, carcinogenesis, 283 lead, aluminium, nickel, TCDD, supplementary myelopoiesis, aflatoxin B,, toxicity, long-term effects, cellular effects of several environmen- bone marrow culture, 203 tal pollutants, 93 d-limonene, hyaline droplet nephropathy, a3,,- natural cytotoxic, trichloroethylene, immuno- globulin, SDS-PAGE, immunoblotting, 173 suppression, natural killer, 231 lipid peroxidation, ascorbate, hepatotoxicity, natural killer, trichloroethylene, immunosup- isolated perfused liver, propyl gallate, trolox pression, natural cytotoxic, 231 C, vanadate, 141 natural killer cell, monocrotaline, immunotox- lipid peroxidation, renal dysfunction, diethyl- icity, lymphocytes, antibody response, blasto- maleate, vitamin E, 163 genesis, phagocytosis, 313 localisation of environmental pollutants, cell nephrotoxicity, cisplatin, streptozotocin, 151 damage —- qualitative methods, cell damage nephrotoxicity, succinimides, prostaglandins, — quantitative methods, pathological intra- thromboxane, rats, 327 cellular structures, cell death, cell biological nickel, TCDD, supplementary effects, cellular and histochemical methods, 123 effects of several environmental pollutants, long-term bone marrow culture, aflatoxin B,, lead, aluminium, 93 toxicity, myelopoiesis, 203 low dose cellular effects, metallothionein opiates, hepatotoxicity, human _ hepatocytes, localisation, high molecular weight heat S-adenosyl-L-methionine, paracetamol, eth- shock protein localisation, subcellular effects, anol, 293 cadmium at cellular level, high dose nuclear organ microarchitecture, toxic substances versus effects, 5 psychogenic stress, individual susceptibility lung, ethanol, alcohol, fatty acid ethyl ester, 303 to toxic chemicals, 113 lymphocytes, monocrotaline, immunotoxicity, ozone, hydrogen peroxide, alveolar macro- antibody response, natural killer cell, phages, cellular ATP concentration, 195 blastogenesis, phagocytosis, 313 paracetamol, hepatotoxicity, human _hepato- membrane binding, cadmium transport, cellular cytes, S-adenosyl-L-methionine, opiates, uptake, rat jejunal mucosa, temperature ethanol, 293 dependence, 261 pathological intracellular structures, cell death, metabolism, 1,1-dichloroethylene, vinylidene cell biological and histochemical methods, chloride, hypothyroidism, hepatotoxicity, localisation of environmental pollutants, cell alcohol dehydrogenase, glutathione S-trans- damage — qualitative methods, cell damage ferases, 213 — quantitative methods, 123 metallothionein localisation, high molecular phagocytosis, monocrotaline, immunotoxicity, weight heat shock protein localisation, lymphocytes, antibody response, natural subcellular effects, cadmium at cellular level, killer cell, blastogenesis, 313 high dose nuclear effects, low dose cellular ef- physical activity, psychogenic stress, additive or fects, 5 adverse effects on toxicity by chemicals, minor cellular alterations in most organ systems, factors intrinsic to an organism, 107 morphological effects in the animal model, polyclonal immunoglobulin synthesis, cell- 372 mediated immunity, humoral immunity, T effects, metallothionein localisation, high mitogen induced proliferation, interleukin-2 molecular weight heat shock protein localisa- production, in vitro, human, 271 tion, 5 predictive value for man, cadmium at organ level, succinimides, nephrotoxicity, prostaglandins, simultaneous minor alterations in cells of one thromboxane, rats, 327 organ, minor cellular alterations in most supplementary effects, cellular effects of several organ systems, morphological effects in the environmental pollutants, lead, aluminium, animal model, 39 nickel, TCDD, 93 propyl gallate, ascorbate, hepatotoxicity, isolated perfused liver, lipid peroxidation, trolox C, TCDD, supplementary effects, cellular effects of vanadate, 141 several environmental pollutants, lead, prostaglandins, succinimides, nephrotoxicity, aluminium, nickel, 93 thromboxane, rats, 327 temperature dependence, cadmium transport, psychogenic stress, additive or adverse effects on cellular uptake, rat jejunal mucosa, mem- toxicity by chemicals, factors intrinsic to an brane binding, 261 organism, physical activity, 107 thromboxane, succinimides, _ nephrotoxicity, prostaglandins, rats, 327 ras oncogene, heptachlor, myeloblastic leukemia toxicity, aflatoxin B,, myelopoiesis, long-term cells, carcinogenesis, 283 bone marrow culture, 203 rat, 4’-deoxy-4’-iodo-doxorubicin, anticancer toxicity, 5-bromo-2’-deoxyuridine, immuno- drug, cardiotoxicity, cancer cell lines, cyto- histochemistry, 345 toxicity, 243 toxic substances versus psychogenic stress, rat jejunal mucosa, cadmium transport, cellular individual susceptibility to toxic chemicals, uptake, membrane binding, temperature organ microarchitecture, 113 dependence, 261 trichloroethylene, immunosuppression, natural rats, succinimides, nephrotoxicity, prostaglan- killer, natural cytotoxic, 231 dins, thromboxane, 327 trichothecenes, mycotoxins, bone marrow toxici- renal dysfunction, lipid peroxidation, diethyl- ty, erythropoietic damage, 133 maleate, vitamin E, 163 trolox C, ascorbate, hepatotoxicity, isolated renin, atrial natriuretic peptide, cadmium, car- perfused liver, lipid peroxidation, propyl diovascular toxicity, aldosterone, 185 gallate, vanadate, 141 T mitogen induced proliferation, cell-mediated S-adenosyl-L-methionine, hepatotoxicity, human immunity, humoral immunity, interleukin-2 hepatocytes, opiates, paracetamol, ethanol, production, polyclonal immunoglobulin syn- 293 thesis, in vitro, human, 271 SDS-PAGE, hyaline droplet nephropathy, a3,,- globulin, immunoblotting, d-limonene, 173 vanadate, ascorbate, hepatotoxicity, isolated simultaneous minor alterations in cells of one perfused liver, lipid peroxidation, propyl organ, minor cellular alterations in most gallate, trolox C, 141 organ systems, morphological effects in the vinylidene chloride, 1,1-dichloroethylene, hypo- animal model, predictive value for man, cad- thyroidism, hepatotoxicity, |m etabolism, mium at organ level, 39 alcohol dehydrogenase, glutathione S-trans- streptozotocin, cisplatin, nephrotoxicity, 151 ferases, 213 subcellular effects, cadmium at cellular level, vitamin E, lipid peroxidation, renal dysfunction, high dose nuclear effects, low dose cellular diethylmaleate, 163 Toxicology, 70 (1991) 373 Elsevier Scientific Publishers Ireland Ltd. TOXICOLOGY AUTHOR INDEX Volume 70 (1991) Agen, C. 243 Isom, G.E. 185 Scott, L.A. 151 Akao, M. 203 Stacey, N.H. 231 Anestis, D.K. 327 Jover, R. 293 Strubelt, O. 141 Anisimov, V.N. 345 Suzuki, C.A.M. 353 Kaneko, H. 173 Bernardini, N. 243 Kanz, M.F. 213 Tacca, M.D. 243 Brown, P.I. 327 Kayser, E. 141 Taj, Z. 213 Kerkvliet, N.I. 313 Teets, V.J. 327 Carlson, G.P. 303 Thomas, B.H. 353 Castell, J.V. 293 Lang, D. 271 Thomas, W.D. 231 Chuang, L.F. 283 Langrova, E. 203 Torre, P.D. 243 Chuang, R.Y. 283 Torres, A.M. 163 Costa, M. 243 Macchiarini, P. 243 Trullenque, R. 293 Cukrova, V. 203 Madan, E. 151 Manautou, J.E. 303 Uwagawa, S. 173 Danesi, R. 243 Molsen, M.T. 213 Deyo, J.A. 313 Morselt, A.F.W. 1 Mueller-Ruchholtz, W. 271 Valentovic, M.A. 151 Elias, M.M. 163 Valentovic, M.A. 327 Nicoll, D.W. 327 van Bree, L. 195 Fabra, R. 293 van Golde, L.M.G. 195 Faifer G.C 133 Ochoa, J.E. 163 van Rees-Verhoef, M. 195 Foulkes, E.C. 261 Oosting, R.S. 195 Verhoef, J. 195 Osipova, G.Y. 345 Giridhar, J. 185 Ward, J.M. 345 Godoy, H.M. 133 Ponsoda, X. 293 Wright, P.F.A. 231 Gomez-Lechon, M.J. 293 Rankin, G.O. 327 Yokel, R.A. 151 Henneman, J.R. 345 Yoshitake, A. 173 Hwagawa, S. 173 Saito, K. 173 Younes, M. 141

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