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Preview Town Topics (Princeton), Jan. 05, 1994

Remember the Town Topics Christmas Fund Planninga Cookout in Herrontown Woods? Forget It! 3 Battle of Princeton to Be Fought Again With Revolutionary Reenactors 3 Princeton Escapes the Brunt of Latest Nor'easter 6 Affordable Housing Units May Finally Be Constructed on West Drive 10 Princeton University's Athletic Director Is Retiring 29 PHS Girls' Basketball Team Wins Its First Tournament 28 VOL. XLVII, NO. 44 Wednesday, January 5, 1994 40C at all newsstands Two Meetings Called Phyllis Marchand Sworn In To Consider Changes As Mayor of the Township In Northeast Township Gov. James Florio, aTown- sus on finding the best solu- The Planning Board and the ship resident, came to Town- tion to our challenges." Township Zoning Board have ship Hall on New Year's Day The issues she highlighted both scheduled special to administer the oath ofoffice as tasks for the coming year meetings this week. The ap- to fellow Democrat Phyllis include preparing the munici- plications each will be con- Marchand as Mayor of Prince- pal budget; analyzing how to sidering involve properties in ton Township. meet theAmericanswith Disa- the northeast quadrant of the Whether was the govern- bilities Act requirements for it Township. or's presence, or the turnover the Township's municipal fa- K. Hovnanian Companies' in Township Committee ad- cilities and police building and application for preliminary and ministration, or the fact that determining whether renova- final site plan approval ofa54- two newCommittee members, tion or new construction is the unit townhouse development Michelle Tuck and Stevefi most cost-effective approach on the 26-acre Campbell tract Frakt, were also sworn in, the to housing the municipal of- between Mt. Lucas Road and annual reorganization meeting fices and police; Bunn Drive will continue this drew a standing-room-only Wednesday The Zoning crowd that spilled out into the Also, finalizing Griggs Farm Board meets at 8, and the hall leading to the Township Courtyard IV and addressing Hovnanian application is the meeting room. The meeting the next round of Mt. Laurel only item on the agenda. itself was brief and to the housing requirements; com- pleting negotiations and point, and in contrast to last On Thursday, the Planning year and the year before, the finalizing a contract with the Board has scheduled a votes to elect the mayor and Patrolmen'sBenevolent Asso- sCpheucricahl &mDeweitgihntg's rtoequreesvtifeowr RofEoPfEfiAcTe fAoFrTmEayRoMrEo:fGPorvi.ncJeatmonesToFwlonrsihoiapdmtionPihsytlelirsedMatrhechoaanthd dveapriuotuys ampapyooirntamnendtstowemraekaell chiaaptison't9o5r,1w9o93r,ki'n9g4 awintdhpetrh-e final approval of its plans to by memory, without a written statement to prompt him. Mrs. unanimous. construct a55,550-square-foot Marchand's husband is holding the bible and herson Michael ' SuperintendentInterviews taSdhtderietecitoornannetodriotBfsuhnNeonardtDqhruiavHreat.rerrissoant tirsheesaitndroeinogthnst.haGonuodvr.fcoearrnpedimcMotrnusry.e,-FtalaloklriionowgianwrgirtithviemmdeeamtofbeeswhrasmkieonfuhttaehnsedbTseofwwiontr-he pBlilaCaconeimnMmrismt.atdMeaeerwctohhmaeanndm'ostSihnoanarmoteno InTMheeePtriinncgestoNnecxotmmWuenei-k ship staff. in nomination for mayor; Mrs. ty will get its chance early Mayor Reed Looks Warily at State, Federal Plans for 1994 Marchand returned the favor next week to meet all the by placing Mrs. Bilanin's finalists for the position of BoArtotuhgehJanuraeroyrg1aPnriiznacteitoonn vlaitcieosn uatsinPgrienmceetrognenMceydiscearl- osifsftiecre.on a bible held by his tnyammaeyoinrnoWmailntaetrioRn. fBolrisdsepJru.-, dsuurpienrginmteeentdienngtsosfchsecdhuoloelds meeting, Mayor Marvin Reed Center," said the Mayor. "We The swearing-in does not president of the Princeton for Monday. Tuesda—y and cast a wary look at how need to see that we offer ef- change the composition ofthe Community Democratic Or- Wednesday nights —Jan- Governor-elect Christie Whit- fective serviceat a reasonable Council from last year, since ganization, administered the uary 10, 11, and 12 at mmialnl'iosnparoymeiasreftroosmlarsehv$e5n0u0e cosTthteo tMhaeymournicaidpdarlietsys.e"d a GboolthdfaMrsb.arTeroitnmcaunmbeanntds.Mr. oatIhn hoefroaffdidcreestos,MrMsa.yoBirlaMnairn-. JoOhnnseocnanPdairdkatSechwoiloll.be in- mpaiygHeihrstsf.eaafrfeicstthaBtotrhoisugphromtiasxe- Cthhoaruveneec-iqrlueaflrertceotroesdmfutlohl.enlTyfhaicstabmtohauaytt TcDahenem,oCcRorauayntcsWialadnsrdweomoarnitenhs.Reaptubfliiv-e TcaboehnrwadsnnedsfEhfaliolcrpetknngCoiSowvomleumentidetbgrytedeaoentudhtegmFoteriimenm-dge t7tmeetueronvi8cit:oeyn3ws0emipdse.tmmei.abn,cgehrbofsyniangaichnnoted,mmcfnioritmon--me wtSpndcB"ioreucaaolenalhncnrsslodoosr,opeu,SmtlasstgehtusaahelhitsfrDtedeiaersiodntootininhmdfsrfeicatfctttutMhehootl.reeaistempyhBipnrIiotefrconoroterpPoatpeoirwhiewnriiuidrlhstnghltytaicyhohsthettaattaaaawvophdnxxeen-e-,-- ytoiiibP1tnnheas)a9eesasr9)wkruak3k.eheniitsiond(bwcsyaBwakheloeswsl(,rrhctoeelhaubceteuaogwhtnurhehmreraioltatotafsnutfttlpiatioyivnoreapslnabd,ryQudeoauissqlaksymwudreiaeiirenlateyplaghrt AtApMRFBrennoroo.rTnnietgmindihheGctaceroahhmhlwsaeodebdMntnmfraeotluaerecynrawataibrninaulcconovisostidteonpeerhatttlatehirclolanrorfttgvihjhtaeteuoaiirhnfdsgcmsrgdiaeRiecezieuaeo,entls-nMdsisyvwatnMeeiairgrlcpatik..tl--hr. tPCcLMofohosaorem."uumtImsreecTiraedoo.tunmnntccttSektehciheheoniG,naeustflniwdiaMndaoadsrgliebssnsMne.ormetwr.iewgBtlri,mlheFmlabrbctaeaaoeenmkntgirtbahdnn.seeihwarzfaensioerlvddn,d-e dPlfTbmpiiah.eeTnkmuyeaeO.llrtiyasisafaddttnttseahge.lyeJrefr,onBgoewuohauJitoltnrwa.nletson,shuosu.,lhtniataodrOakuPyepanblapdner1keo3Tp,tt.atulhhrhaeareteescerdr-e7ee payers." The annual reorganization The Federal government, meeting began with the tiinotnoxiinca1t9ed9.2 for driving while waonrdkirnegs,pedcetfduilcaTtoewdn,sthhiopugChtofmu-l welAludaisetnhcoesemeomnbtehres,coma-s tgloaoorv,geerrmnamiyemnphtaacavtseoaanrepsmouutlnetniotcfiiaptlahlley sGMowileldadfrraierndbg.-TiBnrooottfhmCwaonounncarineld-peelDercastvoiinodsn n"oWtIendehrlaeivvmeearrlekdos,ngMphrr.aedpRaaerevededr,ysabfiaudit,r svmiuitretewese,wo"entmhweailnmlyayhioasrvseuseasiddi.tfhf"aeItraiwnmeg mifnouvrnimitste.ydBtcuootmfoimlnliltoytutteheec,o1wm8imlcleonmbt-e national debate on health to full three-year terms in No- and even-handed court sys- will face, but I am just as sure mittee memberswill be per- cspaaeirodep,,leswaiiilnld nMperae.rdtR.iceuelda.rlTyhiasf,fehcet vheemMlbsde.trh.eTrboibtlmeanfo'rsherdamuogthhteerr. tusemhoinpPertihnactettoondaByo'rsoduegchi.siLoent tohfhofanitocwereathnweidlclwoibnlfelibdtueolnietlridaanlati,tcyownoefseowinul-rl tmhiettceadndtoidaastkesq.uestions of "We have a growing popu- Mr. Goldfarb took his oath of We're Back From Vacation SCRUMMAGE SALE TPhis wAeekGin TEown STopicsit's and Continuing Our 8th ANNIVERSARY SALE t\\P STARTS 22 & 23 GEMEfl ' ¥f FRIDAY Established1967 SeeOurAd \ Details on page 3. DWhEePreEyNouDwAillBfLinEdoveBrU1S00IcNatEegSorSiesPoEfOPLE •"APPROVED BYCONSUMERS FORCONSUMERS ni 683-9333 MonlqometyShoppingCenter Town Topics say whether the one District employeewhowasinterviewed for the position had been Art selected as a finalist Calendar of the Week 15 Ski Trip Is Scheduled Classified Ads 32-44 By Recreation Dept. TheSchool Board will inter- Current Cinema 20 view the finalists after each Engagements 13 The Princeton Recreation aCcabl.eoemdmta.amhryuewwnaicttituhehtalrimy.aiwmniwaelteelitloibcnneoggmfioenrTheabitaysc7hMw:ir3ol0lf OMMRbeauiaistlliubcaEorsxiteaste Sales 23310206 satDtkodweiuoplrsatecerssaotisammdonmeendnnuttntTiewhaetiennlylsd.tbsrekiCnipeossrnpttarorareinipesssnioodrtapeihgennientgs inTclhuededamye'estiinntgisnewriatrhywtihlelaDilss-o SRpeolrigtison 2i5n trreisptsr.ictions apply for both htriigcht'sscahdomolinsitsutdreantticvoemgmriotutpe,e,a TTohpeiactsreosf the Town 138 ShTahwenefierstMtoruipntisasicnheidnulPeednfno-r andateacher/staffcommittee sylvania Tours of LltUebrOOfc and John Reed,TownshipMayorI'hylhs Shawnee is scheduled for WitherspoonMiddleSchooland Marchand, James Floyd, Saturday The day trip to Interior Design athdeiBnonearrdatofthEeduNcaastsiaounIanrncwailtsho sRlaeimno.nSaanHdufrfa, SRpoinensi,eHIa^roowledno- StkaikepWliancedhSaatmu.rdaNy.FeVbruwaUrly ,'/ 609-497-7664 on each finalist's agenda Lopez, Gerald Groves, and 12 Full day package prices Maureen Quirk begin at $39* PToheotfionfal5is0tsCwaenrdeidsaelteecsted —Myrna K. Bearse LOSE WEIGHT from a candidate pool of ap proximately 50. Some eight Admission Testing Dates finalistswererecommendedby At Princeton DaySchool SlipeiIntendentSearchConsult- WilliamMcClaary aBnotarIdarolemeLamrbseenr,salthpoaupg-h stuAddemnitsssieonnterintgestgirnagdesfoIrI and finally keep off er-screened all candidates A through V next fall will take it ContributingEdllora totaloftenwereeventually in- place in the new classroom New terviewed Thelast interviewis addition at Princeton Day for the Year! scheduled to take place Tues School on Saturday at !» a.m. SubacfipiionRatal ItS'y(P'lnoalonaraa), (Jay night, January 4, %30/Yi(NJ,NV1PA);|23*y|allollwiMUM); Asked the type of qualifica- Toregisterforthetesting,in tioastheBoardhadsoughtdur- terested families should call Easy-to-follow program tailored ing its interviews, Mr. Clear- 924-6700, extension234 Individ- to fit your needs. water pointed to the list of ual testing for junior Doctors are recommending our Criteria thai had been devel- kindergarten, kindergarten opedby Ms Larsenfromcom- and grade I may be arranged program. munity input. by calling the same number. Individualized daily counseling. T.t»phon.(flOB)•34.3200 Also, students enteringgrades .Strengthofcharacterwasthe VI through XImaycallforreg- Reasonable cost. number-one priority. Also istration materials for the DOO"l)UZZ deemed important were SSAT to be given at FDS on Call Joyce Hofmann at decision-makingandproblem- January 15. solvingcapabilities, vision,and Princeton Day School is an VOL.XLVM, NO 44 the capacity to set goals. The independent coeducational in- Princeton Professional Park Wwjnatday.January5. 1004 townalsowanteda personwho stitution, grades junior Conveniently located in Princeton Suite C-l would be a coalition builder, kindergarten through grade Ample Free Parking Princeton, NJ 08540 Superintendent healer, and communicator. XII. serving families inCentral "We had a fairly elaborate process to try and generate a SchoolBoard President John profile," Bald Mr Clearwater. Clearwater said he will not "The Board would not bring disclose the namesof the can- forward a person whodid not, didates until the day each one at least in the Board's view, is interviewed. At least one. tulfill these criteria " however, is trom Nl-w Jersry Mr Clearwiilt'i ;ilsoiehisrdto Site Visits STACY Thefinalistsareexpectedto Ik narrowed to one or two Boardmemberswillthenmake sitevisits tothecommunity in which they currently serve. Wide TheSchoolBoardanticipates Store Sale OFFICE EQUIPMENT that the successful candidate USED willbeintroducedtothepublic OFFICE FURNITURE bpyerminitde-nFdeebnrtuaRriyc,haIrndtWeirlilmeSvue-r Saturday, January 8 CLEARANCE will continue toserve until the new superintendent takes of- OPEN AM fice, which will probably be 9 694 S. Broad St., Trenton some time in April. 921-1415;392-5166 The nine members of the ^visa mastercharge^ communityinterviewcommit- • teearc Borough MayorMarvin Sportswear & Jefferson 'Bath %itchen Missey Petites Women's Reg. 118 NOW 71 Reg. 98 NOW 59 Reg. 88 NOW 53 having a is Reg. 150 NOW 89 Reg. 195 NOW 118 Reg. 99 NOW 59 Showroom Reg. 178 NOW 156 Reg. 205 NOW 123 Reg. 120 NOW 72 Reg. 196 NOW 118 Reg. 255 NOW 238 Reg. 150 NOW 90 Clearance & Dresses Coats Suits Shoes SALE. Reg. 98 NOW 59 Reg. 300 NOW 179 Reg. 97 NOW 58 Reg. 178 NOW 107 Reg. 358 NOW 226 Reg. 109 NOW 59 Reg. 400 NOW 239 Reg. 469 NOW 419 Reg. 133 NOW 71 10% 50% OFF Reg. 500 NOW 275 Reg. 950 NOW 549 Reg. 169 NOW 99 to Through Jan. 29, 1994 Furs Reduced to 50% & Instant Credit*...No Down Payment Jefferson 'Bath 'Kitchen •Instant Credit Guidelines Must Be Met. 190 Witherspoon Street. Princeton 609-924-0762 Lawrence Center Hours: Monday-Friday 9-5:30. Saturday 9-3 Route 1 &Texas Avenue Mon -Wed.-Thurs. 10-8 • Tues. -Fri. 10-6 • Sat. 9-5:30 6 Reenactment of Battle of Princeton TOPICS At Restored Battlefield Park Saturday Of the Town A reenactment of the Battle of Princeton will be held on Saturday at Princeton Battlefield State Park. The Park. which ishometotherecently restoredThomasClarke House Man & Woman Charged Museum,willhostreenactorsfrom New Englandto\ ir^mia OLD CLOCKS With Shoplifting Here whowillbeattiredinuniformsanddressoftheRe\oluh<m.uj REPAIRED War period and using muskets and artillery to rtvnact the A Township man and a battle on the original ground Collectibles & Unique Items 6F0or9A-pp9oi2n1tm-en7t0Cal1l:5 fheamvaelbeeenrecshiaderngtedobfyBTorreonutgohn ClPaurbkleiHcoeuvseen.tAsbleecgtiunreaton11twhietbhattthleeowpilelnbienggiovfetnhebyPaRrickhaanrdd Fashionable Clothing & Accessories F vpoalliuceedwaitth$1s6h2opflrifotminagccllootthhiinngg BvaatkieornJSro.c,iperteys,idaetnittof30t.hefoPlrlionwceedtobnyBdaettmloenfsitelrdatAiroenasPorfesmeur-- j^sCfo new & re-sale f^X^T1-1, 8? pWoctEatnedrReylE&abPrcAahsiI,nRa, ^ s3Tc5tro.oTevrwhneetareoesowndnolpamHtotulhaeliarncft.eti,ustAhrahnnfegSterteederrloeaiwevtteJewerranetskoidtntiwshs,oe- satiincoAd,ndamwmiruilysslksSbeoietlosdfni,oeliraslsno'fdwreegdedrr.iablvPyl.euabTalmhtieec2m:opr3are0.reiknaialncgctemiresneatmvoawniilylalbatlbee)thaetRTehveolIun- I10s%^O6VHA^wiCtOhhpamebnerd<TsQ"u7Set.rse'Qdetda".QyP*lr-iSncuetnodn,aNyGiJ-ft^^ silver & brass, outstandingcontempt-of-court stituteforAdvancedStudy in thedesignatedtotsandonone Student ID * Certificates folk art, warrants with a total bail of sideonlyofParkside Drive No parking will bea\atlable III ldaemcposra&tivfeixtturriems,, $f409o,r00ohfie5sr6sauLreerdiegsbhty.ATvDreaenvnuitedo,nLthoceomuasrentc,s- BlyatVftiolsreifttioherelsdwwPeialaltrhkaelirst.oseblfe.aTbhleeptuoblsiecesthhoeulredsdtroersastiaopnprwooprrkiaatned- GomioUmrd/'aTUfoncUinftQ* Ckeap figurines, ond suspect, was later releas- the new exhibition work of the past year Following MOVING SALE jewelry, ed and is scheduled for an ap- analysisofthepaint,theStateParkServicehadtheexterior toys & dolls,or pearance in Borough court on ofClarkeHousescrapedandstainedtotheperiodcolors The Monday. ANY ITEM carriagebarnwasalsoscrapedandstainedanda new wood 50% OFF As related by Capt. Peter shake roof added to replace the 1930s' metal roof beautiful or HanJey, the two entered the Twonewexhibit roomswereopened thissummer featur merely interesting and smaller than store shortly before noon last ing weapons, equipment, and paintings of the Battle of a breadbox. Wednesday. A clerk observed Princetonand the Revolutionary War. Pieces on loan from TOM PIPECARVER Lpaonmtasnvapluutetdinagt$t3h2reeeacphaiirnstooaf pthreivmautesecoulml'ecstoorwsnancodloletchteirohnisMtourcichsoiftetsheareexhoinbidtiswpalsayfwuintdh ALL CHRISTMAS Call For blackcarryall. Lomanwasap- edby the Princeton Battlefield Area PreservationSociety, k 60A9p-po9i2n1t-me0n8t60 & pfrroonatcehdedhibmy,thaencdlehrek,rwehtourcnoend- theInWaodmdiatnio'ns,CalnuebwofliPbrrianrcyetroono,maonpdetnheedStthaitseyePaarrkwiStehrmviocree •• SKietacshoennalGaIdtgeemtss ITEMS tahneLdopwmahnaitlnse.aonndeJeemnpklionysetehceanllleefdt tanhtainq9u0e0svoTlhuimsesloibnrtahreyReisvoolpuetnionbayryaWpapro.inctomleonnitalolnifley,afnodr 1' HCHeoaaunlsdteyhw&&arSBeensaauctkysAids &ALL policeanotheryoungemployee students, teachers, and researchers. • Hatdware followedthecouplebutdidnot ABelgianblockpatiohasbeenaddedintheformerlymud- FishingGear FOOD confront them. A short time dyarea infrontoftheinterpretivemapandmarblecolumns, « EntertainmentCenters later,Ptl. RobertShoblockap- ofthestyleonceseenoncolonialroads,havebeenplacedon »JPeowrceellrayin proached the suspects from thebacktrailstoindicatedirections.Theseprojectsapfl IIn- » SmallAppliances ITEMS behind. Jenkinsturnedaround, workofPrinceton BoyScout RichWoodbridgeaspartofhis • ..AndLoisMote saw the officer approaching, community service work towards achieving his goal of left Loman and immediately becoming an Eagle Scout. 25% OFF ON EVERY entered theChemical Bank on For more information call the Park at 921-0074. Nassau Street. ITEM IN THE STORE piAngsLPotml.anS,howbhloocakdmwitatsedsttoapk-- SPtaorlkeendCianrUnIsivReercsoitvyerLeodt Good lkUq» Cheap iuethnhenegedrwetabrthtaaeacnkrphkera.eenasdttWs,ab,hsltueahJenneednsskhwtpioeelrnaaestoceebiemrnsnpgetflrehorvriyoeem-ddm _FFoorurPa„Mr_atly_einsgAinrrWeosotdesd. sYtooArlekn1C9cNi9ote0nynw™wH-Yay*esuaonrnrd'enaswciioDv(a•et•y!rh)a•eiidnhNweearwse RT. M31-WAPT1E0PNE6NN;ITNNhI-GNFTGO1TN0O8N•;6SS0a9Hl-O79P3-57P;-I7SN0uG6n1C1E1-N4TER her backpack and place it on ThreeresidentsoftheTown- the floor by a counter, he told shipandonefrom theBorough police what he had seen The were arrested last week by RUMMAGE $30 sweater was retrieved by Townshippolicefor "partying" SALE police and Jenkins was also in Herrontown Woods, a Mer- placed under arrest. cer County Park off Snowden Thetwoweretransported to Lane. policeheadquarters. During a Charged with possession of search, police found twomore alcoholandhavinganopenfire pairs of pants valued at $32 inacityparkandbeinginaci- SAVE 50% 70% eachinLoman'scarryall.They ty park after dark wereTerry to C. Snyder. 27. of 37 Sargeant STOREWIDE SALE Street; Gregory Hunt, 20, 168 Guyot Avenue; David Lences, OFF and Winter Fall 20. 294 North Harrison, and See Our Newly Arrived Shipment SLtaenpeh.enTabor, 21.404Snowden Merchandise ofFrederick Cooper lamps! In addition, Snyder was chargedwithpossessionofless than 50 grams of marijuana and possession of drug para- phernalia *a pipe) Hunt and Lenceswerealsochargedwith possessionofalcoholunderage 21 The four were discovered after Ptl. Sean Reed, while on Sale carpatrollastWednesdayeve- ning, came upon a car parked begins Friday, outside the woods. The officer then followed footprints some January 500 meters into the woods, 7. fploaucneddtthheemfouurndesursaprercetsst.and Doors open AM PM 8:00 to 7:00 Borough Arrest In the Borough, Abraham Krangar, 31. of Trenton, was arrestedandchargedwithpos- sessionoflessthan50gramsof marijuana, after he was stop- ON SALE NOW peKdrfaonrgaspreweadisnfgl.aggeddownat Don't miss this 4:40 Friday afternoon by Ptl. Fabulous Curtis Vanchoff, working Large Selection of Brass & Porcelain Lamps rhaoduarr,infaor2s5p-emeidlienzgo3n9emoinleMsera-n opportunity! TABLE LAMPS • FLOOR LAMPS cerStreet.AsPtl. Vanchoffap- 20% 30% OFF proachedthedriver'ssidewin- dow, he detected an odor of Shepard? - marijuana. Checking further, Tjedy he found a baggie in the car's Also Mirrors & Accessories ashtray thatcontainedsuspect- ed marijuana vegetation. //addau interior issLuaetdersurmemloenasseedsfaofrtesrpebeediinngg Sat, 10 AM-5:30 PM • Sun, 12 Noon-4:00 PM 162 Nassau Street • 924-2561 aganrd ipsossscehsesdiuolnedoftCoDaSp.peKarrani-n 175 Nassau Street • Princeton. NJ • (609)921-0582 M-F 9-5:30; Thurs 9-8; Sat 9-5; Sun 12-4 Borough court on Monday | 1 ' 1 Topics of the Town Not Again! Shopping Cart Found On Car Rooffor the Third Time Monday morning in a Prince- . Ion University parking lot Last week, forthethirdtimeinthepastfewmonths,a Nas- fl tf&d/eri Proctors on patrol at 6:45 sau Street resident who parks her Toyota in a private lot ^ a.m. noticed the car's pas- senger door window was bro- behind 182 Nassau, founda shoppingcart left on theroofof kenanda closer look revealed her car. 4 5_>*^/ pthuantcihtsedigonuittioAnscwoimtpcuhtheardlboeoekn- Pet"Ietr'sHhanalpepye,newdhotortehpeorstaemdethveicvtiicmtitmwihcaesbneofoirdee,a"wshayidsCoampet.- uponthecar'splatesrevealed onehaspickedtheroofofhercarasa placetodepositshop- it had been reported stolen ping carts Boroughpoliceareintheproc- Asintheprevioustwoincidents,asidefroma fewscratch- ess of trying to contact the es on the roof, there was nodamage to the car owner, who is a resident of Plainfield orderly conduct, a violation of pjainsboro, November 5; Hua Pick Your Lucky Day a Boroughwdinanre Intraffic HuangandHongWuofPlains- moAnneyunwdaetserstmoilneendlaasmloumnotntohf cAorurrett,onMa[htfofadl,OUwdasAbfdianlelda$h7,12f4o5r okroyroa,nNdoKvoebmibn.eJrohlfn>;soanndofGLraewg-- for savings on selected winter fmreonm!ahasloldwaamyaicnhtihnee2(i1nNaabsassaeu s31p0eeHdaimnigltaonndAAvnednrueea,spFaaildleJ4yf,i renDcaeuviglhltee,rNsovweemrbeerb2o5r.n to clothing & camping gear. Street Building. for no lights on a bicycle. Michael Keville and Gloria Whenthoseservicingthema- .JenningsofLawrencevitle. No- cw,hmaismnoennowesefyonodtr„actetmodhertneeh,nse,tt,rmo,yac.bckhmiit,nTethh.ee,mr,de T.,-o, |1A>*riI"re(a,nI<S.R' eA™srip'deU"nrt<ns»n'rHteo"riei DvHh(ae'|lMmA(wbmieiNncrd„oev,r1.o,mfMhKalLhna.u,gws.a,rhtevaninocndfedMePerTlloaiiwan8nnsM-d- MJOaNn-uTaUrEy 1200-%1O6FF Capt. Peter Hanley Twin sons were born to ship, November 17. not known when the machii HowardandAlexandraPowers WED-THU 30% OFF wphraoisworemntutocerhDeedmcoe—nmeobnyelrywas21osme—ttaiknne ToPfrhiPenryicnewcteeortneonaMomenodnDigecca1el0mbboCeyersn2ta2enradt rTFprr„ei„nd„ta*o„yn„amTth^Wujand,re.rMeJimo„oblr^Fi.aalil,r FRI-SUN 40% OFF two girls born at the medical Garden State Baseball Cor- Three Residents Fined f^1^^?theweek ending poration, in cooperation with THE Monday in Borough Court sons were also born to Raj tEhmeplMoeyrcmeerntCoSuenrtvyicOefsf,icewilolf Three Princeton residents and Preeti Patel of Princeton, sponsora Job Fair for County were fined Monday by Judge December 18; Lyman and residentsinterestedinapplying NICKEL Russell W, Annich Jr. to Boi Elizabeth Page of Princeton, for staff positions with the ough court. December 19, Bill and Gail TrentonThunderMinorLeague AvDeennunei,swpasSfpirniendg,$1»5<0)Gforrodviesr 2H0o;se of Princeton. December mboasreibaalllButieladmin,g,inTtrheentWoanr. Me- FormerlyBlueRidge Mountain Sports * Learn Firearm Safety Also lo Frederick and Anna beThherled,etihdeenftirisctalfrsoemss9iotnos10:30 Princeton Shopping Center ReTvholeveCritCizleunbs,'inRiafslseocainad- HWeeisnssloufchPlaainndsbJoarnoe.! NMoerrkmiann- an.omo.n,, tahnedstehceontdhirfdrofmro1m0:r30to | N. Harrison St. • Princeton, NJ tion with the Princeton Weinsluch of Lawrenceville, lo 1:30. Each session will (609) 921-6078 Patrolmen'sBenevolent As bothonDecember21; Kenneth sist of a 10-minute informa-, tgsyorcaiamanldiinonmb,aasrwikiclslfmioarfnefaserrhmisapspafrfoeor-- ob.vfieMlirlPder,i2L2nDi;csaeavtiaoRdnnud,bainbnLdoatoDhwferobeLnonarcwDaerehecnDeacamneyd- ctttiyoioonnntsdao,lucaaoptnvpedeldryavisfebcowyrr,eaealanlnpipnsorgtpaoppfpofrrrotipcuaoenstsiis-- youngpeoplein thePrince- ElizabethMazzeoofSkillman, County and team personnel toTnhaereap.rogram will begin DeDcaeumgbhetrer2s3. were born to The final interviews are ex nextSaturday, January 15, James and Anne Stevens of 10to11:30a.m.,withaman- Princeton, December 21, and datory orientation session JohnandMarieLupcoofBelle and continue Saturdays Mead, December 22 Up throughMarch26 Those to 1 to 18 may participate with Also, babies were born to a parental permission All number of area residents at equipment willbeprovided Heiene Fuld Medical Center, 50% Interestedyouthsmay reg- Trenton. ister by calling 771-9560. GrSeoennsawnedrMeadbeolrenintoe MVeilcehzaeolf off in both our men's & ladies' departments during our WINTER SALE Starts Thursday, December 30, 993 1 HOURS •THURS., Dec. 30 - 9:00 lo 8:30 •FRI., Dec. 31 -9:0010 5:00 •SAT., Jan. 1 -CLOSED •SUN., Jan. 2 -11:00 to 4:00 •MON./TUES./WED., Jan. 3,4,5 - 9:00 lo 6:00 •THURS., Jan. 6 -9:00 lo 8:30 • FRI., Jan. 7 - 9:00 lo 6:00 •SAT., Jan. 8-9:0010 5:30 Sale continues thru January during regular store hours. ALL SALE ITEMS & Bras Pants CASH, CHECK, VISA OR MASTERCARD Buy Get One FREE 2, ALL SALES FINAL Cddki LINGERIE Mon-Sat 9:30-5:30 30 Nassau Street, Princeton • 609-921-6059 r Micawber Books* Chelsea . new. usedandrare * (rnjmpersj; 110Nassau Street > Princeton, NewJersey e (609)921-8454 J i*. f sweet /(encfaff SALE SALE SALE — 20% -50% Off :4< AH & Fall Winter Merchandise Begins January 7th, 1994 THERE WAS SKATING ON LAKE CARNEGIE over the weekend, but the area oisfdcolieanrgihceerwpiatrhtotuotesnnloarwgecotvheercwleaasreldimairteeda.. HAemraen,d8a-yiesarf-roolmdTAomraonntdoaaFnodskweatst 67 PalmerSq.W. Princeton, N.I 08542 • (609)683-8393 visiting her grandparents in Princeton over the holidays. d»d. pr„ip,„, pi,.,i„, age of Woman: how far have Topics of the Town $350,000 to Borough we come, where are we head- Just two days before the ed''" This winter will alsosee endoftheyear,theBorough the beginning of Focus on pected to be completed in was informed by the State Women, A Monthly Forum of Marchandthepersonnelhired thatitwillreceivea$350,000 Women's Issues Throughout andtrainedintimeforopening grant tobeusedtowardthe the World On January 24, the day in April. reconstruction of John Rev Jean Smith, director of Among the available posi- StrTeheet.Small Cities Public SCehaufracrhersIn'sStietruvtieceosf,NSeewamYeonr'ks And so we've moved tions are clubhouse manager, Facilities Fund Grant was and NewJersey, willspeak on to our new location scoreboard operators. PA an- appliedforinthespring Its "Women and a Harsh Work- fniocuinaclers,scmoarsecro,tpecrosnocnenesls,ioofn- apunrdposemiosdetorabteene-fiintcloomwe- ptlruacckei,n"g,wosmheinppwinogrkearnsdindotchke 2821 Alt. Route 1 swporekeedrpsi,tctheloeppehroantoerosp,eruasthoerrss,, neTighhebomrohnooedys.will be used work at the Port of Newark. Lawrenceville, NJ security, tickettakers, parking for a complete reconstruc- OnFebruary28. VinayaSaij- tloetrnsa.ttendants and office in- tiinocnluofditnhgesniadrerwoawlkosl,dscturrebest,, wtoanwio.meann'asttroirgnhtesy,cwoilmlmistpteeakd (formerly(nHerarriiSuwiinssSpBiaekgeelryI)'urniturt') For those unable to attend androadways. Somesewer on"WomenandFreedom," the any of the workshops on Fri- work mayalsobeincluded. difficult quandary for women A*tkt4S& day, applications for employ- Borough Engineer Carl raised in third-world cultures mentwillremainavailableun- Petersestimatedthecostof tryingtocopewiththegreater muaufts til January 14 at the Mercer theJohn Street reconstruc- freedoms and opportunities of County Office of Employment tion at $500,000. The grant the United States. 609-883-2056 Services, 640 South Broad willcoverapproximately70 Street, Trenton. Telephone percent of this. number is 989-6523. The design of the project will be done by the Engi- OSeptenat HCohuaspeinSSucnhdoaoyl wnMierle.lrPgieontgeoruDtsepstaaoirbdtimcdoeinnnsttt,rhueacntfdailolin.t Pass the payments' should begin by the end of Chapin School, located on the year. Princeton Pike, will hold an openhouseonSundayfrom 1 to 3. portati Coordinator Stefan Chapin is a non-profit. Goff. coeducational school for Parents of current students children in grades kinder- willbeonhandtoanswerques- to 1995. gartenthrougheightwhichhas tions and serve refreshments, been in operation since 1931. The event will close with Guests will be greeted by stu- remarks by Headmaster dent guides from grades five Badini througheightwhowillconduct 45" Table Top Big Screen ttoruardsuceofthtehmetoscthhoeoflacualntdy Ainn- Focuson Women s Issues with illuminated, ongoingslideshow,narratedby In YWCA Adult Courses learning remote npMeaeswrtrlugeyda-ewrrnieetln,loAbwveinalntilenb\dfeoocrusomnhmagopluwLrtnieebmriraniarztrkehysde ^1cSoSTuUhr^(,iJs,,Sse„5fowjfrisnmwtloeaormdc,ueulsn(tmshagesPornin,mcoaefjtojotrns VVS-H4S571Hi-Fi Stereo by Headmaster Peter J. nSaturday,January22. the Video Cassette Recorder Badini. Admissions Director Thjrd Amma| Wome„.s Con. aA..n,Md,.A?Coe1.S1LnotwHeeraoSch^oo3l!'hlaeraedi eScrheonocleatPrtihnecWetooondruonwivWeirlssiotyn wHiSt-hU4mu8lti-brand remote Joan Schwartz Upper School wi„haveasjtsmerne..ne|m. Head Linda Finkle,andTrans- DOLLAR CITY 921-0479 MoRtnet.g2o0m6er&y5S1h8op•pRioncgkyCeHnitller (6Mo0n9-F)ri 10-6; Sat9-5 down. payments. interest*.12 months. Hike! STORE SPECIAL IHREFDIAAA NO. •Kitchen Gadgets •Gifts & Novelties •Candy-Snacks A •Hardware • Health & • PartyGoods MITSUBISHI •Toys Beauty Aids •Fishing Tackle •Jewelry • Housewares * Earrings THE BIG SCREENCOMPANY We Take Trade-Ins! ALL ITEMS AskAbout EACH .79 Superb Sound! HAL'S Home Theaterl EXCEPT FOR Vibrant Video! We Take Trade-ins! Perfect Price! CHRISTMAS STEREO & VIDEO & FOOD ITEMS .59 EACH Alt US Rte 1OoaetnMTore.xanadsFM A1lvae-r.vS,pmL•SaalwrlOearnn-c5e30vpmi.lSluneI•Zp(m6^p0m9) 883-6338 )! mKistSri Topics of the Town Princeton Dodges Nor'easter WE HAVE MORE STYLE mssm OnMarch21,LisaAnderson, Princeton dodged a snow bullet Tuesday. directoroftheMiddleEast In- Whileareastothesouth,westandnorthofPrincetonwere stitute Columbia University, being hit with snow and sleet from a Nor'easter. Princeton GSZESEBinS will speak on "Women and forthemost part receivedonlya lashingofsleetand freez- IPX- £gn Fundamentalism in(heMiddle ing rain. 'MM East," how the traditional That was enough, however, to force the closing of the Princeton Shopping Cenler valuesoffundamentalism can PrincetonRegionalSchoolsystemandthearea sprepschools become self-enhancing rather — Princeton Day, Hun and Stuart A large numberofstore N. HarrisonSt. than oppressive for today's ownersonNassauStreetandPalmerSquareelectedtostay (609) 683-0060 Arab women. home and lake the day off. perhaps paying too much heed " For information, call 497- tooverlydirepredictionsofthestorm'spotential from tele- 210.1. vision and radio weather reports OnJanuary27,thePrinceton Because temperatures here hovered around the freezing mAND MORE SELECTION YWCA Tribute to Women and mark, theresult wassleet andslush insteadoftreacherous Industry (TWIN) honoreesare ice. While driving conditions were slow but not hazardous, pom oring a supper and many drivers wisely stayed home- i\ seminar. "Working Families NeithertheTownshipnorBoroughpolicedepartmentsre- *\ ' aThnedm,I1s'sfuoresIheIhp.ai!renCtsonocfetrhne hl*onmIe'-,'l".iamgmir'eIe.-diCitaTpKtif'NDiavi\dK-C.riopmfw-oeplllf 'i.n:<!t<h•esTmaorwtnsahnidpsta"yTehde Si 350childrenIn (he MU roads are slippery but there's not too much traffic " o- ( sTPhrWooIpgsNrahwmoinlloTrhebeeeseapvnretdnaiwoninlgtlewdboerobkjr ficWerh,ewnasSgatskMeadrakboEumtaanccni.detnhtes,Tohwengslhainpc'esdturpafffriocmsahfiestcyoomf-- \\ managing home and work puter, smiled, and said, "I don't even want to tell you. Be- 2 ). ENVIwiRtOIhNNMMSEEaNNmTTAAdLLeTHHurEEoAALLTTHH!\_ ccBhoahireleddeurrleseinwaiantbdhotuatfllkeidxnigrbuilgveisthwyaoarnwkd chaaSuvoseemoenIek-cnoomwmuatsesrosonweasreI sviacytiwmes'.veNehawdJneorsaecyciTdreanntssi,twea'nldl PREVENTION IS THE \ alcohol Amtrak trainsweredelayedforhoursTuesdaymorningbe- t BEST MEDICINE... The .-vent will be at causeofdownedpowerlines between NewarkandPennSta- 1 BramwellHouse. Forinforma- tion J AmongGod'sgreatestgiftsto tion, call 497-2113. Alsounluckywerethoseseekingtobuyasnowshovel Ac- ENERGY \t mnoarndsouerselmyonroenetoibsemaoutriefyustehfaunl DuringFebruary,Sensed Lin- schoorvdeilngtotboeIhravdUirnkaellnofofPrUirnkceentonHa"rIdwwiasrhe."thheerseaiwdaosnnMootn-a WARE—HOUSE tr dslobltereeeslemTehnetyatrneoaunrienndviisrpoenn-- wdbilalalcItketabaecmlhztyaifnHoFuaurnn-siwoenRe,ykuccoejurutrjiisftesiuei,nd wdahyobaesfkoerdetfhoersatsonrmo'wssahrorvievall,or"tihceatmeIlhta.d"$H10e0dfiodrneovtereyxbpoecdty — Call The Experts ' menl Thepleasuretheybring self defense, "In Defense of a new shipment until Wednesday (609) 882-6006 (NJ800) 257-6255 (SJ TIsreiemsmeaaresulriavibnlgeorganisms In- PWHrooliminsectenit,co"nH.ceoalstphonAssosroecdiawtiitohnth"ie sannHdoewlthpsefhruoelvaesrluegngloeikswetliayonntdo:bbseeinmrcoeeraeidtysinsfooewrasrttlhoyerimnnse,txhtwehownyienn?toetrbusyeatshoant JANUSAHORWRYOOMINUSTBURSORTDI SUo CLATWROENCREVYIUESALE t tended to grow in a favorable Forimprovedphysicalcondi- SAVE 20% (j1iiailqutninnunrgoodeedneslnead.sitsrimsRsibainlenetssamamttwsIheesoenhennv.elttataiprCngosleanadebposrllrlDgdoieo,daevn0smrenegledanwaasetdniyntntecahdiheanecscvdboaditanlrtatdItdinareiehydecs-yd-t. Se»CaTZ^trhavaiitioeltn£innusg,otFirn»snaTditMignnarn.soeygCtsn;hsdi-iYmrnnamaeoaeydnprnuP,-rantcreniatiSmwdlnintiioglucWenlsdedereiattdnseonTnctaandaietcipas.hl1nd/aitTCnnahiShiedyenniu,- S™S^r"c.doou',luuamr^lrt"'u,r,:rhlldlo2'"e*aaBrtd'on,if'?'*v"o"'eriBJsgf3«oocavohn^fte,ninh3frotzenraaHoil;^EMrfbi,isrurrt.tPs,oteITJHP»ama"°rco<"ipd£flee*inrlce1 ««>"fT»IO»W"N™TAOPIINCCSOfMcE?atemporary ASzauvrelSiBtuiengrooSnoolmaalsrlwCFiootnuhtrrNSoelewaGsloansss „„h winter wind., ,« and Munlcjpa.BuUdtag j1j onhcoectauvaryls,wsanbyuostwnisoStrtieocaredaim-lbydleademwwtaihetgechentoeuid1s1t;j1 tMonudrsoel' nHiatllw«w,aa»yai.Tmops Goal cmn|,hoo.l(..mr„i(eei,hlswcjrla)aoh|iselcabr-deoaacdmnte.dnpnr(gheietsohsneexuiinpnneicq,thtuhesee 92 i Through DecemberShows relationship between Pacific The Pacific Southi Southernmodelersand itslown J. eIMa.ftcclnhllHwt.loalvthCIeoitRhMoi.ctIsMkJdyOoIfInf,alllt[lef(Hdlo.$Vo.5.,kI0H0&K0I '-'"kn(-d*w'.us-"erging others to do tiTenocshpnetichcteiafontrsr,satitrnhueecdtoupreapyloerdtauomlnaege, jr) SRLqoaudcadkdey.rHCilolmFpiarsntyANi«d>&I aRnedsctuhee 199A.Jttsehnodwa,ncwehaitcthhemDaerckeemdbetrh,e SATURDAY, JAN. 8th disease and threats Thegiftsrepresentproceeds 30th anniversary of the model health and lifeofy,ow„u.rt..rveveus ^i |i from the Decembershowsand railroad,was2.4*50.doublethat FAMOUS EARLYBIRDSPECIAL \IiJ5jjf} mwPmoWaC9foeahvRI2ldreeEylNiennoVDcWuriaEtSrOernNareOedpegTeirpDaslIoeAryWafaOdertaIt.NesepionNs.pmtwiiaDesi.otbrlttnShyeyhhaenoeli(tuadn9vtimis2seWanfp4aroOyes-wyltci3Oibetnh5areDtie0gseol0eo-rtnp)f\j\*5rtij p'IusCubtotouehpsgtTCgolra>tihaiealihnletlnspeiCoottPctfnhtmhakhrhercaeeMeiiedscosfaTuiutncToTcrmpdhowrbaiaSwsnesnohynsbegouTsyhutrh$iPAlh7e1iplide0elpacr0bE.P,kntenim0r-wg0co.peiu0kiuevlp-ts-leirn OHttwippo(<ifhnrahaaioegDgtrirntaurkcapPthnolrioheheminnirereozstgnPfsadcafagewtorp-ectlraieRriotltidotafheuitniieavptiflcnrisconpadoGrSgiolaiutroamIslstfosunhirohtuetssornerphayhpgo,tetderonbhorayaeegwenrenselptnaeseraxsirfrhnaiynipu,octvottMaemeeuttt.lrnothhlloo.d-,eee-ff ONLY TAaLkAleLl7aSnAFt2oMAIc5D-kND1%IME0TeAIrWOOcMhN0RFaANnLIFdL5TiYs%Ie!ONFGF today for a no obligatic neeringDepartmentat 921- thebasement andtherailroad. INSTRUMENTS! spection of your garden 7077 if there are any ques- Showdates for 1994will beDe- tions. cember 3-1 and 10-11. SALE 50%-75%OFF DISCOUNTALLEY MEMCMLOSMEOUTmS! PRINCETON/TRENTON 40% HOME SHOW — JAN. 7-9 M%M^*MM%*mU^^mm'MMMWm^m ''•INDCCTRHLAAAUBWID0RIIRSNNEGG1•DSBRLOAIA•WGRIHDATNISBGROB•TXRAEUBSSALHEN•ESDSPM•RO•ODRJRECEAO1FCMTTPIONRRGESSTSA•OBLLRAESMSPS• TF•ALBATEU ...AND SELECTED FINE WRITING INSTRUMl 20% W3MMEEZW. TRENTON STATE COLLEGE ™ PENNINGTON RD. (ROUTE31), EXIT41-95,EWING TOWNSHIP, NJ OFF INCoLa?U,D!I5N-GS W'A«TMEAmRRCKOELRSORS• C•LAYOIL•SAL•L CAHCIRLYDLRIECNS'S•PRPOEDNUCCITLSS ., «s • CRAFT SUPPLIES • FRAMES & MATS Official Radio Stationw/»Wi , , OFIFINCCELSUUPDPILINEGS •OAURRCHINTEECWTUCRARLASFUTPPSLISEESC•TIOANND!MORE' SEMINARS! JAMESW. KRENGEL,PROMINENTNATIONALSPEAKERTO thandiseonly Fteproservices DISCUSSYOURNEWKITCHENtcBATH IDEAS - ..rile ON FRIDAY,SATURDAY&SUNDAY! - ENTERTAINMENT FOR KIDSON SATURDAY& SUNDAY! enter Allyouneed toremodel&decorateyourhome underoneroof! 609-883-3600 Remodelers. Kitchens,Security, Appliances,Cabinets. Decks, Windows, Doors, Tile.,and much, much more! — ''.T FREE Parking! srn Formore information c ill 1-800-332-EXPO Alt. Rt. 1 at Darrah Lane Lawrenceville. NJ • 2 m. So. of Quakerbridge Mall Topics of the Town 4 January Talk Postponed Sfe, A lecture by Prof Pietro Frassica. the Dorothea's Reading by the Author 356-358OfasauStreet House program originally At The Peddie School scheduled for Monday, will (Princeton Author Paul Watkins will bepostponeduntilMarch6. 609-924-2086 giveareadingfromhisworkon The next program at Friday at 7:30 p.m. in the Dorothea's House will be a Man.-Sat. 10-5:30 Richard L Swig .Arts Center presentationbySandraPuc at The Peddie School, South ciatti. co-founder of the Main Street, Hightstown Boheme Opera Company. Thereadingwilllastabouthalf Shewill guide theaudience Antiques, an hour and a reception with on"aninsidelookatopera" Country the artist will follow. onFebruary6at5p.m.The Mr. Watkins was the recipi- public is invited free of Furniture ent of The Encore Award for charge. best second novel of the year Dorothea's House is andwasnominatedforthe1992 located at 120 John Street. Unique BookerPrizeforhisnovel The Gifts Promise of Light. He is the Roger Nadalin will conduct a One Of writer-in-residenceatThePed- healthcraft cooking show He dieSchool.Foradditionalinfor- will explain how a six-course A Kind mation call 490-7550. Paul Walk meal can be prepared in 15 minutes without using water, Mr.Watkins,29,sonofWelsh young people and help them grease, fat, butter, or salt. OUR GIANT parents, was educated at the buildselfesteemintheprocess The show will be conducted DragonSchool,EtonandYale. For further information by McLaughlin Associates MOVING SALE His fifth novel. Stand Before about the Princeton Youth Corp., the state's largest and Your God, is his first work of Fund, write to P.O. Box 1240. oldest producer of trade and non-fiction. An autobiograph- Princeton 08542. consumer exhibits since 1967. STARTS JAN. 5th ical account of Watkins' days Show hours are l to 10 p,m as an American boarding stu- Open House Scheduled Friday, 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. dbeesnttselilnerEinngElnagnlda,ndiatndiswilal By the Waldorf School SSautnudradyay,and 11 a.m. to6p m 30%-50% bereleasedinAmericabyRan- The Waldorf School of dom House in March, 1994. Princeton invites interested NEED AN EARLY COPY ol TOWN Mr. Watkins' first novel. parents and friends to learn OFF Night Over Day Over Night, moreaboutWaldorfeducation was nominatedforGreatBrit- at its winter open house on ain'sBookerPrize. SetinGer- Saturday from 9:30 to noon at manyin 1944,itdealswitha 16- the main campus, 1062 ySeSaar-nodldhibsobya'sptiinistmiaotfiofnirienitnotthhee ChWearlrky-tHihlrlouRgohadt.ourswilltake You'll Love Our Ardennes Battle of the Bulge. place from 9:30 to 10:45 when Mr Watkins' second novel, visitors can visit the class- JANUARY EVENT Calm at Sunset. Calm at roomsandviewstudents'work. Dawn, won the 1989 Encore Facultymemberswillbeavail- AwardinGreatBritainforthe abletoanswerquestionsabout best second novel of the year. Waldorfeducationatthistime. Thebook, basedontheartist's Storewide Clearance personal experiences working From11tonoon,visitorsmay on a deep-sea fishing boat off attend one of four faculty the New England coast, is be- presentations to have a more ing made into a movie. in-depth look at the kindergarten, the lower, mid- dle and upper grades. There Princeton Youth Fund will also be an opportunity to Receives Johnson Grant learn about the Waldorf ap- ChTarhietaJb.leSeTrwuasrtds hJaovhensaownarSdr-. phroowactho rteoadt.eaAchginlgimpcsheildorfena Waldorfhighschoolexperience ed $10,000 to the Princeton YouthFund.Themoneywillbe wrielplresbeentaptrievseentferdombythae gusreadmtsosfuoprporcthiilndnroevnatiivneptrhoe- Kimberton Waldorf School in Pennsylvania. Princeton community. According to Mimi Ballard, For furtherinformation call Youth Fund president, "This 466-1970. generousgrantwillallowusto provide greater funding for Annual Home Show Set children's programs. We hope At Trenton StateCollege toencouragenewandcreative programs to 'try their wings'. The sixth annual Tren- The grant definitely gives the ton/PrincetonHomeShowwill Youth Fund an opportunity to take place Friday. Saturday reach more children." and Sunday at Trenton State The Youth Fund is starting College. its26thyearofsupportingedu Some100exhibitorshavere- al and served space at the college's enrichment programsandhas RecreationCentertooffernew always depended on contribu- ideas and professional advice tionsfromindividualsandcor- to home owners looking to re- porationstocontinueitswork model or redecorate This year the Youth Fund They will show new wall supportedasummerdaycamp coverings,windowsanddoors, for children who live in sub- window treatments, ideas for sidized housing, a recreation interior designing, plans for program for Hispanic youth kitchens and bathrooms, andasummermusicprogram custom furniture, swimming for teens. During the school pools and spas, ceramic tile, year programs will include landscapedesigns, flooringand after school activities and security systems. tutoringforAfrican American The show also will have students,percussionandbrass seminarsonkitchenand bath- performances for preschool roomremodeling,roomdecor- childrenandalcoholawareness ating,windowtreatments,and education for Hispanic high general home improvement 50% OFF Selected Custom Sofas & Sleep Sofas. school students. Many of the ideas. plernoggeratmhseacrreeadteisviegnetadlteontcshalo-f For the health-minded. Many fabrics to choose from. In stock; available for immediate delivery. T\ Save 40% OFF Leather Wing Chairs & Ottomans 50% & Save up to OFF Lamps, Mirrors Accessories Koses w UXoses.. European Flowers tic Sill* • Balloons tladdau ^interior* Gourmet Fruit Baskets M.~jT.vrTCl.>.Ul.;...Cr«;J™,D.•iFlTr~«.PPr«iW~j«<»"CM.JH-i.-.1.UCeAncteer— 162 NaFsIsNaEuFSUtrReNeItT•UPRriEnc•eItNoTnERNIJOR• (D6E0S9)IG92N4-2561 (^ World Wide Deliveries Every Hou Monday-Friday 9-5:30; Thursday 'til 8;,Saturday ,til 5; Sunday 12-4 CPri=«.o» SUPPi»g C.t«r »(<<>» 921-H-«>, - YOUR RESOLUTION SOLUTION! FREE TRIAL MEMBERSHIP OFFER Unlimited use offacilities Fitness assesment GYM GOLD• On'e-toS-one training session £ STEERING EDEN TO EL DORADO: Steering Committee members for "Dreams 1-800-57-GOLDS 2 of El Dorado," the sixth annual Eden Family ot Services dreams benefit for z autistic children and adults, are, from left, Steven A. Barnes of Refine Design, * co-chairperson Laurie Martin of the Hyatt Regency Princeton, Mary Kay Met- ° calf of Creative Marketing Alliance, co-chairperson Deborah Gourley of Com- modities Corporation, Margo Froehlich, and Hal Stein of Nassau Broadcasting^ tlOpiCS OJI «tLhe Ttown aEndneonuDnrceedamstheeven.sti,xtwhhiacnhnwuialll faduutlutrsewfhoorbetnheefitchfirlodmreEndeann'ds cominuodiiomProofingp«o« haveasitstheme, "Dreamsof educational,' residential. El Dorado." Theevent will be employmentandoutreachpro- "Dreams of El Dorado" held Saturday, January 15, grams. The co-chairs of the Theme for Eden Benefit from 7 to midnight at the 1994 Eden Dreams event are Princeton Hyatt Regency, Laurie Martin of the Hyatt "WinterDreams"introduced RegencyPrinceton,andDehor nenchantedkingdom worthy Evoking the splendor of the ah Gourlev of Commodities JOIN FOR ONLY oftheSnowyueen, "Dreamsof Pre-Columbian world at the Corporation. terazade,"anexoticAra time of theSpanish conquisto- For more information call $94 bian wonderland. "Dreamsof dores, theevent featuresAztec, Mary Kay MetcalfatCreative Atlantis," a subterranean Mayan and Incan themes and Marketing Alliance, Inc., 799- underwaterparadi.se, "Dreams includesa treasurequest foran 4900, orAndyArmstrongatthe IN '94 of Camelot," a golden age of elusive hoard of gold. EdenFamilyofPrograms.987- c"hDirveaalmrsyofatnhdeSpmaangisihc,Maiann.d" beMupsriocvainddedentbeyrtatihnemenJterwirlyl 0099 Limited to first 94 a pirate kingdom Kravat Orchestra and the k new members - For five years the Eden LanghornePlayers Thecost to Volunteer Orientation oFragmainilzyatioofn Pwrhoigcrhampsro,vidtehse saotnt.endVatrheioeuvsentguisar$2d5i0apnerlpeveerl At W"a-tneerrsshneeda HJS««S'nn. lifespan services to children sponsorshipsprovidetableslor Tne Stony Brook-Millstone and adults with autism, has tenanda varietyofbenefits to Watershed Association will featured a black tic. gala din- donors. hold volunteer orientation on nerdancewitha themerepre- Monday at 1 and again at 5:30 There are no more excuses. It's time to get in shape! sgeunetsitnsg acatnimoenolry pelxapceerwiheincche arAellappprloiceedetdostfheroEmdethneFeavmein-t oifnficleheofofrgRaonuitzeati3o1n'nsortmhaionf GOLD'S GYM - #1 IN FITNESS WORLDWIDE through Eden Dreams. The ly of Program's endowment Pennington These informal Eden Dreams Committee has fund,helpingto;i 45-minute presentat Route 1 So. Princeton Corporate Plaza', between Raymond and Ridge Roads designed to explain the or- • Large selection of ganization's mission and pro- Oriental Furniture grams, as well as the various GLIDER ROCKER SPECIAL volunteeropportunitiesthatex- for every room. ist for all ages. • Paintings, mirrors & screens TheWatershedAssociationis at Rider Furniture • Custom Lamps a community-supported non- • Porcelain vases. profitenvironmentalorganiza- • Jars. Fishbowls & tNiaotnurleocRaetseedrvoen ina H5o8p5e-waeclrle Elegance & Simplicity Township. Operations include environmental education pro- Oriental 7e<*4 TT grams, monitoring land-use Classic comfort in style and grace... Montgomery Center a Cm 2? f. apnrodmowtaitnegroqrugaalnitiyc fisasrumeisnganidn Comfort you can sink into... Routes 206 & 518. New Jersey. Sturdy construction for years ofcomfort! Rocky Hill, NJ Ifinterested in volunteering orattendinganorientation,call ti miles north ofPrinceton on RompZ06J Pat Pizzini, managerofoffice Oak (609) 252-1212 and volunteerservices, at737- Tue, Wed 10-7. Tim, Fn IM, Sat 10-6, Sun 12-5, Closed Mon. 3735. Doyou look atyourfurniture the same wayyou look atyour wardrobe? ...Maybe it's timefora new outfit (slipcover)? WINTER FASHION SALE at SCHWARTZ SLIPCOVER WORKSHOP 10% OFF ALL SLIPCOVER LABOR WITH THIS AD Offer good on all orders by 1/15/94 Slipcovers • Draperies • Reupholstery "We never Bedspreads • Throw Pillows • & a whole lot more sit still" FREE • Delivery & Installation • FREE Fitted Arm Covers ^S^^^R^r • FREE Shop-at-Home Service furniture Work With Your Fabric or Ours No Extra Charge 40 Years Experience 12-14 Main Street. (Rt. 27) 609-888-3888 (ask for Geoff or Milt) Kingston, NJ 2572 S. Broad Street, Hamilton Township 924-0147 » Offer good through February 28 1994 » M-T-W-F 10-6; Thurs 10-8; Sat 10-5. Sun 2-4 C9 1 — ) Topics of the Town ttohemiarnpyronpaetritvye,NwehwicJherissehyofmloe- Beautiful, Easy-Care Plants & Trees raandanfidelfdasunaar.e Tnheaerftahremlcaanndasl PfiTIO^WORLD for your home & office! Historical Society Trip and attract a wide variety of Still HasSpace Available animals, as well as breeding Area's largest quality wicker & rattan. Creative Hydroponics TStPthauiTerechsHkseilidpresapyet'oayasrnriyCce-rtaTsoaltrfiSoltolyvscipimHsleiaialttnclyse'FssaGanlturedrfsmitttpsofaouoivnrrn aemrnatDdny&amwgRihegiGmrcraehetnoetwrniylpwl-labaeyinnrifhdsosarcnrtceheaetppilrnaognpat- Uw(rAecArnocssmslflareo.lmNwQ3Jua3a0yk(3e6s-r0C.9Brn1.i9d.5g11eS-MD8oa5uli8tl5h)s|IcV2(oi28l14ul59a)ngSe5.t7o9lEe-jN2ged0l*2et2Rop(dwN.rneNaieStttcGofeopoopwsdin.nn.ogePCsat.lr V(i'sia3tm7oi9ulreAgmErwaeesetlnlhoofRu2os0ae6ds).FrBi9e&l0l8Sea-Mt3e95a9ad-m.7-N41Jp7m1 MwaaGcsucsuthltelaovmcohSsttHiacilnklfllieunyeMnot(ri1a8rl5i8sA-tm1o9ew4rn2-.) agonaOdlnsweiilsdotlfoifcerDes&aptReeciaenGsroedpieevnnewrssapiaytcves WE'RE BACK FROM VACATION! ican exponent of the arts and corridorbetweentheCanaland craftsmovement. Hefoundeda Six-MileRun. Protectionofthe furniturecompanyin1884,and Wilson property has led to a CARPET from 1901 to 1916 his journal, new project next door which ! G.FRIED "The Craftsman," spread his wouldadd55acrestothegreen- philosophy of "a fine plain- waynetwork andprovidean- ness" in art and the art of liv- other link between the two waterways ing Thegroupwilltourtheon- llyivheodusien:SttihcekleMyaeivnerHbouiulsteanadt waDye.lIanwc.arisea&noRnparroiftiatnreGgrieoenna-l CONTINUING THE CELEBRA TI0N OF OUR Craftsman Farms landconservancydedicatedto 8 anniversary creatinganetworkofprotected th Built in 1908, it isa large log openspacealongtheD&RCa- house, madewithround, hewn nal State Park and its 20 chestnut logs from theproper- tributary streams. For more ty's woods and from local informationcall452-1441 D&R stone. The house contains Greenway is located at 621 S/ILE original and reproduction fur- Alexander Road. niture, rugs, pottery, and beautiful copper-hooded Lycoming College Plans fireplaces. The setting, the Admissions Reception materialschosen, and the fur- niture exude tranquility and High school students in- harmony with nature. terestedinlearningmoreabout Lycoming College are invited to a reception at the Hyatt rafeLtseturannucorhoannwitwlillilbnebesMeasrdpveiensdtoanat.tRMoTadhc'e-s aRreTyghe1en6,cryefcre•opPmtrii6onntcoewit8lolpn.bomen.hJoasntue-d — Reopening Thurs. Jan. 6 — Sale Through Sat, Jan. 15 culloch Hall in Morristown, by Steve and Nancy Jusick of where the group will tour the Princeton. Botharegraduates ebpuleierlgitaondintp1iF8ee1cd0eesar.naAdlsfstpuyer—lcneiiasmlhaeendxshiwioibnti,ht offacAtunhletyCaodmlmeliemsgbseei.ornssancdounsseevleorra,l SAVE UP TO 'SCtOaMinMREeRsiCsItaAntL BStEaiRnblBocEkeRr j LUXURIOUS "In the Collection Fine and MAINMAMIk area alumni will beonhandto DHeocmoera"tihvigehlAirgthstsinthaerHiicshtnoersisc answerquestionsaboutthecol- 78°% CARPET afunrdnidtiuvreer,siptoyrtorfaitthsecaonldlemcitniiona:- alengde,fitnhaenciaaplplaiicda.tion process Reg. *}€ Reg. s?4 ^PLUSH ttaulrersu,gsp,oracnedlaTihno,msailsveNra,sotrciaern-- thTeoLaytctoemnidntgheCforleleeegveenAtd,mciasl-l NOW NOW\ NOW toons sions Office, 1-800-345-3920 peTrshoen,coswthiocfhthientcrliupdeiss$5t0rapnesr- Lycoming College is a pri- portation, admissions, lunch, vleagteeifnoWuirl-lyieaamrsploibretr,alPaar,tsofcfoelr-- 12'88 andavoluntarycontributionof ingbaccalaureatedegreesin32 $P8ritnocetthoen:HinsotonrmiecmalbeSrocsipetayyo$f5 dsieflfeecrteendttwairceeasb.yIUtShaNsewbese&n yd ! yd eaxntdra.rFesoerrfvuarttihoenrs.informatitohne World Report asoneofthetop .Installed w/pad Installed with pad ten regional liberal arts col- Society at 921-6748 leges in the North. Manufacturers Closeout D&R Greenway Adds Link Children's Story Reading To Open Space Network Planned at Encore Books One-of-a-Kind Area Rugs Canal-side property in Encore Books and Music ^raSto/v Griggstown has been per- staffmemberswillreadstories manently protected by Dela- initschildren'sroomTuesdays Approx. ware & Raritan Greenway, at10forages2to3'2andSatur- 4x6 Inc., adding 35 acres to the daysat10forages31kto5.The regional Delaware & Raritan program will last about 45 Greenway network. The pur- minutes. Interested persons chase includes a conservation are invited to call the store at easement as well as trail ac- 252-0608 theday before, or the cess on areas adjacent to the morningof, thereadingstosee D&R Canal what's scheduled to be read. Conservation was made EncoreBookswillalsopres- possiblethrough a donation in entajazzprogram on Friday, the form of a below-market January 14and28, from7to 10 18-58% OFF sale matched by a grant from featuring Jeff Presslaff on the New Jersey Green Acres keyboard and Andrea Brach- nofontprhoefiptroppreorgtrya.m.EmTmheetotwnaenrsd fbeeldheolndfliuntet.heThdeowpnrsotgairrasmmwiul-l Synthetics • Blends » Values to '200 MargaretWilson,havelongfelt sic department and the public CUSTOM DESIGN Karastan that they wanted to preserve is welcome Rugs & Carpets SAVINGS Similar Savings On We can make this rug... or this... oranything you desire! LEES We give you the RIGHT advice at... A border design, floral. Bigeiow MARK REED dynamicgeometric,evenyour namel Anything's possible at our one-ot-a-kind custom Furniture Restoration and Conservation area rug department. Visit us this week while our reduced ecareforandmaintainyourwoodfurniture,artifacts carpet prices make youi Whetheryourfurnitureisnewor18thCenturyChippendale. ifyouenjoyitsbeautyandcherishitsfamilysignificance. youdoneedtomaintainitcorrectly. Ifapieceis Montgomery Shopping Center deteriorating,specialattentionnowmaysaveit. Rts 206 & 518 MarkReedisaprofessionallytrainedconservatorwho canhelpyoucareforyourfurniturethewaymuseums Rocky Hill, NJ carefortheirfinestcollections. 683-9333 (609) Wkere English Tradition Meets American Technology STORE HOURS: 102FarasworthAvenue.Bordenu.«n.NewJersey08505•609-2984716 Mon-Fri. 10-6; Sat. & Holidays I There's a Glimmer of Hope That West Drive "A Breath PATRICIAS HAIR DESIGN ' Affordable Housing May Be Built at Last of Spring" 357 Nassau St.. Princeton (609)683-4114 Primroses 2 Remember the $1.6 million going to build housing on the thai Princetonarchitect Vince Complete selection garnadnt tUhratbathnefeDdeervaellHoopumseinntg atfrafcotrdaibnlethreati5o0-t5h0atmaitrkbeuitl-t dMreayweirnsguisptihnestehsechpermoacteiscsssoof of Blooming Plants sculpturedhaircuts colorpehrigmhslights B(oHrUoDu)ghagHeonucsyisnegtAaustihdeorfiotrythien GhoruisgignsgFoarrgma,nibzuattithoennuolnt-ipmraotfei-t theMyrcaMneybeerssuubnmdietrtsetda.ndsthat -J0&& 924-5770 styledry hairrelaxing October, 1986'' ly decided against going for- oncethesiteplan isapproved, Peterson's 20Itunwiatss toofbleowusiendctoomceo,nstthrruecet- /ardC,lsneroa' Directive bMysHCUrDimrmuillesUtwoilplutbeouotblaigreed * OpeGnaMrodne-nSCaetnt9-e4r longhair carbefordeyeScurl acianngld.lvfTeohuaerr-mbmaeordknreeodyomfowrraesnsittaeslpdehecoviuefsli--- D.WrTi^hveeBaHsUSaDsSitgerEafnotrfaaflnfdor*dWaeb?slte <j^felWc«tt«eaclnt,fsdoriisnpdtreoroiepnsogtsetadhlissinpfrtreholemimpiranor--- Rt.206«tw Princeton&Lawreroevilie obcshuhli;iuuuapitottiumdensseonnnhen.nonou,iltiwvttrnahhtllleenelaaaddainnnHvtdducsbaooiyu(laa«n.sarc.rtsiibq<nhtcniu|neirlgiuini.s»iuBitiiicolAytuftruivaiot™ooipfnhnipuncsol,,g.imrh*raihb...lt«*eeii=ly,.-n- 'HilZtasoe«rr^an'Br»eicgy»c|lvh"C.io>lHmi»<ZMcmnoeeelPrtri",ooJi»mhta,he"aP%datir"dreKte,sHlchi",UtedDlel2n,0ttufCvhnrl"eiio'rt1nmee vMesU.rK.nsuiiwCrl.vtny»ehmrrhekmasrisi«mntocsyroe.ioC.ppPoerrroaoiacpnbtceceoorednrtaodobtinybniagsUosunnibits--o Mark Your Calendar the Withcrspoon StTMJl BTOS maAjccIonrddeiendgbteobuMialrt< 5 Crlnt mpirlolpienrgtyaanddraafdtrafdteeedasetomenthte JWhSenSthe&graSnt \ESX mEinxS,e*xecu*tiv^ediim-tEornl"thse <|„*"h'er MNaeyworY,ePa.rus„Day ad- LANDAU'S wrote.-ill III ijuflicf lasl: chandmadereferencetoWest tS lh;it projcci.sforwhich unw housing, saving lhal in orogra;T aind'TheMZtng moneyhadbeenreservedmual the year to come.••hopefully fseAhn'gi,^p,th,,oof-To;n,,iaa,--t*IeTI.T.I«oW,e.'InlIeleVhwomwene:wwha,sp ^'"w"'""IkS""s""e""'w*h"''e'"™">r'e"«""'"M""s'""'MS'C"N""wn"eW"nm^i",m"armknfd'su'"n"uwds^"ame"sgd Su„Ine,w.Te,eLb'mslel.l-osoInensg*<W-*deaeswtvbtahueietlDtcroetoipdhnvemse*et.anr"f"tufcsPotr,™d™ma,8ba"loy'ef 1/2 PRICE wthheeBnuntleewrgtrraacdtuawtaeshnooutsianllgow- DriveaacntdivtihteyHreUgDargdrianngtWtehsatn SALE! eTdowntoshbiep'csouMnlteLdautroewlartjdimlI.hie plSanhehapdoinnotlebdeeonutdrtahwatnaupsbiet-e hmaosonbeMesn eCvnimdemnitnisnsmayasnythaat The eight acres dwindled to cause the agency had not giv- her waiting list of low income threewhenasoilsurveydeter enheranymoneywithwhichto families needing twobedroom mined that a large portion of haveonedone Shewas told to housing hasn't budged since athnedwtraasctunbcuoinltdaaibnleed Pwreitnlcaentdosn ahracvheitseccthewmahtoicmsigdhrtawbne bdoyiangn n1s«l9haSshseoemseti1m5a0tfeasmitlhieewsaiintialnlg. Starts Next Thursday Community Housing was also 'he work anyway. She reports —Barbara L. Johnson January 13th SciencesbyPopeJohnPaul II For information call St. Paul's at 924-1743 Open early 8 a.m. late 8 p.m. 'til RELIGION The PeaceWeavers will holdtheirfourthannual Peace Gathering Sunday at 1 at the UNIQUE LANDAU PRODUCTS! A\t<uRocPaksytoHrillInCshtualrlcehd ThPorhnienofcroecptueosancoefUntbihyveesgrhasatirhtieynrgiCnhignapimesult-.o EXCEPTIONAL LANDAU QUALITY!! James C Poll will be In swihci,chprawiylelrsinacnluddecepreermfoonrym, ALL SALE ITEMS HALF-PRICE!!! stalledandordained SiinH,i\ ances by theTurquoise Tribe, at 4 as pastor ol the FllBl led by Amy Ford, the Peace- LANDAU ALTERATIONS AT COST! RelormedChurch in Hockv WeaverSingersandErynPaul Sackmann,vocalist Theevent Keith Schmitt, pic-nlni! iAt.nhtml/ecealrsutieidhlrcservai,RIcIheee>wf,fiiol,wRrlthemwi.pveicrd!eh!sPiwafidlutl.eul'l.rMocavvihlfae.s.i!nori tmhiisiesuoaTnonnlhiaopietlenlcygnPyh,edatersakoegdcntreieohv.ceWwiaecntpeaeusvbdhleetiaraocrlspioaarnunorgndvedictadhoitnemnhar-ge-e FridayS-uSTnahtduuarrydd,saSayJpy,ae,ncJ.Jiaaan1nl6.:1S4a113l&1:e:831H05ao:aum9mr:-ts33o0:80a0mp-mp5m:30 pm Elk,clerkoftheclassis,and theRev. AllenBuurma,who country and to living with re- supervised thechurch's 10 With doctorates in theology svpiercotnmfoerntallpeopleandtheen- mhiosMnrtP.hhPsDoe.ita,rfcr2ho7,mpwrtiohlcelesUrsne.icveeirv-e asppnheidcliionaslopiphzhyeysdiocfisn.sctFihaeetnhcheeirsatJnoadrkyiinahtnahdse 397F.o4r654more information, call k I D A sity of St. Andrews. Scot- relationofscienceandreligion land,laterthisyear. Heand forthepast40years He is the The Princeton United -3S3E5E2gjaj In wifeLindahavea3-year- author of more than ;to books, Methodist Church will hold ' old son named Adam. of which the two most recent two worship services on Sun- 924F-o6r45m0oreInformationcall avreersGee?anneHdseisIshIaTshTehlireoctuugrhedthe dHayHaatr9riasndJr1.1,a.smen.iDorr.pJaastmoers. 1 14 Nassau Street Acr(o6s0s9)fr9o2m4-t3h4e9U4niversity many majoruniversitiesinthe Bulletin Notes United States, Europe and The Rev. Stanley L Jaki, Australia, includingservingas distinguished professor, Seton Giffordl^ecturerat theUniver- HailUniversity,willgivea lee- sity ol Edinburgh and as lurewithslidesonGenesis 1en- Fremantle Lecturer at Balliol tilled "Big Bang or In the Be- College. Oxford, 9*lQrricks ginning''" Wednesday. Janu- He received the Templeton ary 19, from8to 10p.m. at St. Prize for 1987 and in 1990was Paul's Church, 124 Nassau madean honorary member of Street the Pontifical Academy of ALJON SEMI- 258 Nassau St. PIZZA Tu~m*> Princeton Delivers 921-2477 Pizzas Subs Pinners * NEW DELIVERY •CHICKEN HOLIDAY Large Cheese Chicken Dinner ! i Scaasi Dress • Corinne O'Hare !Pizza s5??i forTtt0 *?TA Kathryn Dianos • Joan Vass I 8pieceschicken. 1/2lb.salad | 4° v1 v> Nicole Miller • Go Silk •Toppings at regular price.l olyoui choice,singleOlder Steve Fabrikant Itenchfries& rolls. IMUirtlir1ypeoirliceursotnoemresrENjomtrteost1o-c1oMmb4ineTdT*| wLlitmittun1ypoetrtcoufsottotmeresrEN«otp«toKtIo-c1oMmb4ineTdT|I 6 Moore Street • (609) 921-0338 • Hours: Mon-Sat 10-6; Thu

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