TOWN OF NORMAL CITY HALL NORMAL, ILLINOIS PHONE: 454-2444 PROPOSED AGENDA FOR TOWN COUNCIL MEETING February 5, 2018 7:00 p.m. 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Pledge of Allegiance 4. Public Comment 5. OMNIBUS VOTE AGENDA (All items under the Omnibus Vote Agenda are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussions of these items unless a Council Member so requests, in which event, the item will be removed from the Omnibus Vote Agenda and considered as the first item after approval of the Omnibus Vote Agenda.) A. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 16, 2018 B. Approval of Town of Normal Expenditures for Payment as of January 31, 2018 C. Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement with McLean County for Centralized Booking Services D. Resolution Approving a Lease Amendment for the Heartland Theatre Company at the Community Activity Center E. Ordinance Abating the Levy of 2017 Property Taxes for Special Service Area Number One 6. ITEMS REMOVED FROM OMNIBUS VOTE AGENDA GENERAL ORDERS 7. Resolution Approving the 20-Year Materials Recovery and Resource (Solid Waste) Management Plan for McLean County, Bloomington and Normal, Illinois NEW BUSINESS 8. Motion to Approve an Appointment to the Human Relations Commission CONCERNS ADJOURNMENT Omnibus Vote MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE NORMAL TOWN COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, NORMAL CITY HALL, FOURTH FLOOR UPTOWN STATION, 11 UPTOWN CIRCLE, NORMAL, MCLEAN COUNTY, ILLINOIS – TUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 2018. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Chris Koos called the regular meeting of the Normal Town Council to order at 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, January 16, 2018. 2. ROLL CALL: The Clerk called the roll with the following persons physically PRESENT: Mayor Chris Koos and Councilmembers Jeff Fritzen, Chemberly Cummings, R.C. McBride, Kathleen Lorenz and Kevin McCarthy. Also present were City Manager Mark Peterson, Deputy City Manager Pamela Reece, Corporation Counsel Brian Day, and Town Clerk Angie Huonker. ABSENT: Scott Preston 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Koos led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Mr. Preston arrived during the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 4. MOTION TO ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mayor Koos called for a Motion to Adjourn to Executive Session to consider the selection of a public official which is a permitted closed session topic under Section 2(c)(3) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act. MOTION: Councilmember McCarthy moved, seconded by Councilmember Preston, the Council accept a Motion to Adjourn to Executive Session. AYES: Fritzen, McBride, Cummings, Lorenz, Preston, McCarthy, Koos. NAYS: None. Motion declared carried. Mayor Chris Koos adjourned the regular meeting of the Normal Town Council to Executive Session at 5:03 p.m., Tuesday, January 16, 2018. 5. PRESENTATION OF EXCELLENCE AWARD BY THE ILLINOIS ASSOCIATION OF CHIEFS OF POLICE (ILACP) FOR NORMAL POLICE DEPARTMENT’S EFFORTS DURING THE ILLINOIS SPEED AWARENESS DAY CAMPAIGN: COUNCIL MINUTES -2- JANUARY 16, 2018 6. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Chris Koos called the regular meeting of the Normal Town Council to order at 7:03 p.m., Tuesday, January 16, 2018. ROLL CALL: The Clerk called the roll with the following persons physically PRESENT: Mayor Chris Koos and Councilmembers Jeff Fritzen, Chemberly Cummings, R.C. McBride, Kathleen Lorenz, Scott Preston, and Kevin McCarthy. Also present were City Manager Mark Peterson, Deputy City Manager Pamela Reece, Corporation Counsel Brian Day, and Town Clerk Angie Huonker. ABSENT: None 7. PUBLIC COMMENT: Andy Streenz, 611 N. Lee St., Bloomington, spoke in opposition of removal of buildings at 104, 106, and 108 Beaufort Street. Christopher Myers, 2765 Arrowhead Dr., Bloomington, spoke regarding his concerns with demolition of select buildings in Uptown. Paul Harmon, 1762 Lockspur Way, Normal, spoke in support of BN Advantage funding, also stating measurables are needed. Mr. Harmon spoke in support of development in Uptown, including the addition of a building at Trail East. Dawn Peters, 402 E. Grove, Bloomington, spoke in opposition of demolition of any old buildings in Uptown, but further stated her support of growth and development of the Uptown area. Marc Tiritilli, 1212 Timber Ridge Ct., Normal, spoke in support of a Trail East building with preservation of old buildings. Mr. Tiritilli stated his concerns with financial commitments for the development of the project. 8. OMNIBUS VOTE AGENDA: Mayor Koos read aloud the items to be considered by the Omnibus Vote Agenda. A. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 2, 2018: B. APPROVAL OF TOWN OF NORMAL EXPENDITURES FOR PAYMENT AS OF JANUARY 10, 2018: C. MOTION TO INITIATE A ZONING MAP AMENDMENT – 602-604 N. ADELAIDE, SUDDUTH ROAD ROW, PARKING LOT AT THE SE CORNER OF W. BEAUFORT AND THE SCHOOL STREET UNDERPASS, 404 W. LOCUST, 404 NORMAL, 507 OSAGE (ISU PROPERTIES) AND 305 PINE STREET (TOWN OF NORMAL): COUNCIL MINUTES -3- JANUARY 16, 2018 D. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE QUOTES FOR INSTALLATION OF NEW WATER HEATERS IN THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $47,233 FOR ANDERSON AQUATIC CENTER AND APPROVAL OF AN ASSOCIATED BUDGET ADJUSTMENT: Resolution No. 5522: E. RESOLUTION APPROVING THE EXECUTIVE SESSION MEETING MINUTES OF JANUARY 2, 2018, AND CONSIDERING THE PUBLIC RELEASE OF EXECUTIVE SESSION MINUTES FROM JULY 17, 2017; AUGUST 11, 2017; AUGUST 21, 2017; SEPTEMBER 18, 2017; OCTOBER 2, 2017; AND JANUARY 2, 2018: Resolution No. 5523: Mayor Chris Koos excused himself from voting on any expenses he incurred while performing his duties as Mayor. There were no items removed from the Omnibus Vote Agenda. MOTION: Councilmember McCarthy moved, seconded by Councilmember McBride the Council Approve the Omnibus Vote Agenda. AYES: Fritzen, McBride, Cummings, Lorenz, Preston, McCarthy, Koos. NAYS: None. Motion declared carried. Items A, B, C, D, and E were approved by the Omnibus Vote. 9. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE OMNIBUS VOTE AGENDA: There were no items removed from the Omnibus Vote Agenda. GENERAL ORDERS: 10. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING NEGOTIATION OF A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT WITH BUSH CONSTRUCTION OF DAVENPORT, IOWA, FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROPOSED TRAIL EAST PROJECT: Resolution No. 5524: MOTION: Councilmember Fritzen moved, seconded by Councilmember McBride the Council Approve a Resolution Authorizing Negotiation of a Development Agreement with Bush Construction of Davenport, Iowa, for Development of the Proposed Trail East Project. AYES: Cummings, Lorenz, Preston, McCarthy, Fritzen, McBride, Koos. NAYS: None. Motion declared carried. City Manager Mark Peterson first clarified concerns of those that made public comment. Mr. Peterson stated the proposed resolution is for selection of a developer only. There is COUNCIL MINUTES -4- JANUARY 16, 2018 no plan yet and no decisions have been made on demolition or construction of any buildings. Mr. Peterson further stated there will be opportunity to review, amend or deny any plan that will be presented, and the process will evolve over the coming months. Councilmember Chemberly Cummings thanked the public commenters and thanked Mr. Peterson for his clarification. Mrs. Cummings asked when details of a plan would be available. Mr. Peterson responded he felt something would be available in approximately 90 days. Mrs. Cummings went on to state the development will be a process, but the council will consider the community first and will always be open to feedback. Councilmember Kathleen Lorenz thanked the public commenters, stating she was encouraged by those with a “win win” message. Mrs. Lorenz asked if the Trail East area was part of the original Uptown plan, and asked if demolition of any buildings was also included in that plan. Mr. Peterson responded that in 2001the adopted Uptown Plan envisioned the building of a multi-story building along the Constitution Trail and removal of at least one building. Mr. Peterson indicated the plan held the same considerations for the west side development as well. Mrs. Lorenz then stated that construction speaks to the vibrancy of the community. Councilmember Kevin McCarthy thanked those making public comment, and noted the respectful nature of the comments was appreciated as was the offer of assistance, not opposition. Mr. McCarthy then stated he would like to see a proactive approach to saving what buildings can be saved without missing the opportunity for increased revenue and jobs for the community. Councilmember R.C. McBride thanked the public commenters, noting the opportunity for “win wins” and the respectful handling of their comments. Mr. McBride indicated there will be ample time for public input and the process continues, stating this is step one. Mr. McBride discussed the Town’s history on Historic Preservation. Mr. McBride asked the community not to “bury the lead”. He stated there is a developer from outside the community interested in making a major investment into the community and employers interested in locating their workforce in Uptown, and noted the importance of those facts. Councilmember Jeff Fritzen noted his appreciation for the input he received both at the meeting and in emails prior to the meeting. Mr. Fritzen stated the redevelopment of Uptown began a long time ago with saving the Normal Theater. Mr. Fritzen noted the Town began saving historic Normal at that time and has continued to work with current business owners to maintain some of that historic appearance. Mr. Fritzen then stated there seems to be an occasional negative tone with outside developers. Mr. Fritzen stated there isn’t a pool of local developers that are willing to risk a large development of this nature. Mr. Fritzen stated we should be proud that outside firms are willing to come to Normal. Mr. Fritzen then noted that Farnsworth is a legacy company in the community and we should be excited and proud they want to invest and locate in Uptown. Councilmember Scott Preston thanked those making public comment. Mr. Preston stated he has gained a greater appreciation of the buildings in Uptown after receiving feedback from the community. Mr. Preston then stated he appreciated the nature and tone of the conversation of the comments, indicating he didn’t feel there was blatant opposition to the development and looks forward to moving forward. COUNCIL MINUTES -5- JANUARY 16, 2018 Mayor Koos spoke about his involvement in the Cedar Crest Historic District. He then stated the message is clear the council is open, they are willing to make tough decisions, and they are a deliberative body that will take input to make this project the best it can be. 11. RESOLUTION APPROVING THE 2018 FUNDING RECOMMENDATION FOR THE BN ADVANTAGE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVE AND A NECESSARY BUDGET ADJUSTMENT: Resolution No. 5525: MOTION: Councilmember Fritzen moved, seconded by Councilmember McCarthy the Council Approve a Resolution Approving the 2018 Funding Recommendation for the BN Advantage Economic Development Initiative and a Necessary Budget Adjustment. AYES: Lorenz, Preston, McCarthy, Fritzen, McBride, Cummings, Koos. NAYS: None. Motion declared carried. Councilmember Kathleen Lorenz stated she wants to support the initiative but is concerned with the lack of information provided. She further noted her discomfort with the investment being asked for. Mrs. Lorenz asked about the lack of a presentation, what has been done to date, and the status of private investment. Mrs. Lorenz discussed her review of the McLean County Board discussion previously held. City Manager Mark Peterson responded this is a first-time request to invest in funding for the BN Advantage initiative. Mr. Peterson indicated Town staff has been in discussion since last fall with representatives from BN Advantage. Mr. Peterson stated he and Mayor Koos receive regular updates on work carried out by the group, seeing excellent progress in Work Force Development, and Marketing and Communications and noted that Quality of Life is moving forward as well. He indicated Metrics and Data Analysis is making good progress and there has been very little done with Entrepreneurship. Mr. Peterson stated that if Council would like a presentation it could certainly be arranged. Councilmember Kevin McCarthy expressed his concerns over transparency and accountability for the initiative and feels regular monthly reporting is reasonable to request. Mr. McCarthy stated he is a supporter of the BN Advantage program, noting a regional collaborative effort is necessary to thrive as a community. Mr. McCarthy expressed concern with the lack of private investors, stating the business community will be the largest recipient of benefits from the initiative and noted there may be a need to call for discussion with community partners. Councilmember R.C. McBride stated he feels “boxed in” on this investment. Mr. McBride stated there is not enough investment into the community, indicating he would like to invest more. Mr. McBride echoed Mr. McCarthy’s statement of wanting to know why the private sector is not more involved. Mr. McBride stated he would like to see transparency, reporting, and even leadership in some cases he feels that is needed. Mr. McBride stated investing is the right thing to do, but work needs to be done to broaden the discussion. Mayor Koos commented that the discussion was started a while back, realizing the importance of economic development initiatives in the community. Mayor Koos stated COUNCIL MINUTES -6- JANUARY 16, 2018 the we need to step up and the private sector needs to step up and invest in economic development. Mayor Koos also stated we need to know what we are getting for our dollars. Councilmember Kevin McCarthy spoke about a recent trip to various communities, seeing great models such as Conway, Arkansas, which resembles the Town of Normal. Mr. McCarthy stated Conway is doing a great job, with a long tradition of private investment in economic development, driven by the business community who invests at 80 percent to the local governments’ 20 percent. Mr. McCarthy stated his eyes were opened by a community very similar to ours with a successful model in place. Councilmember Kathleen Lorenz asked if it was reasonable to ask for a presentation in the near future to answer some of the questions and to begin the conversation in a public forum. Mr. Peterson responded the group is willing to come on a regular basis to provide reports and presentations on the progress of the BN Advantage initiative. Councilmember R.C. McBride stated a presentation would be beneficial for the Town as well as BN Advantage to show transparency and to build excitement for local buy in. City Manager Mark Peterson discussed the public/private split and the current buy in. Mr. Peterson stated there is 215K committed for 2018 from the private sector and 180K from the public sector, with some commitments still outstanding. NEW BUSINESS: There was no new business. CONCERNS: Councilmember R.C. McBride commented on how great the new Quiet Zone is. ADJOURNMENT: 12. MOTION TO ADJOURN: There being no further business to come before the Council, Mayor Koos called for a Motion to Adjourn the Regular Meeting of the Normal Town Council. MOTION: Councilmember Lorenz moved, seconded by Councilmember McCarthy, the Council accept a Motion to Adjourn. AYES: McBride, Cummings, Lorenz, Preston, McCarthy, Fritzen, Koos. NAYS: None. Motion declared carried. Mayor Chris Koos adjourned the regular meeting of the Normal Town Council at 8:15 p.m., Tuesday, January 16, 2018. Town of Normal Expenditures to be Approved for Payment as of: January 31, 2018 Page 1 Vendor Name Description Transaction Amount General Fund EVERGREEN FS INC. 3808GAL UNL@$1.99/GLN&401 $17,062.12 EVERGREEN FS INC. 3808GAL UNL@$1.99/GLN&401 $17,062.12 EVERGREEN FS INC. 3808GAL UNL@$1.99/GLN&401 ($17,062.12) CITY OF BLOOMINGTON GOLF COURSE CONCESSIONS $152.00 FEELY, CONOR SULLIVAN FEELY, CONOR SULLIVAN $275.00 LEILA BUSSAN CDM REC TRAC REFUND $16.30 ONSRUD, CRAIG PRO SHOP INV PMT 12/31/17 $43.77 ONSRUD, CRAIG PRO SHOP TAX PMT 12/31/17 $3.94 KEN PERRY EXCAVATING EXC REFUND - 904 W HOVEY $300.00 UNITED WAY OF MCLEAN COUNTY 2017 UNITED WAY PROCEEDS $14,894.85 CARDMEMBER SERVICE SHARING TREE $2,065.14 General Fund Total $34,813.12 General Fund Mayor & Council Administration EYE TO EYE PRODUCTIONS MEETING VIDEOS (9COUNCIL/ $3,150.00 CARDMEMBER SERVICE RETREAT FOLLOW UP, USCM, $1,650.31 EDC OF B-N AREA C.KOOS, C.CUMMINGS $2,200.00 MCLEAN CO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE GALA - MCCARTHY $100.00 POTBELLY SANDWICH WORKS 1/2/18 COUNCIL DINNER $143.10 CASEY'S GARDEN SHOP INC FUNERAL ARRANGEMENT-KEN S $50.00 General Fund Mayor & Council Administration Total $7,293.41 General Fund Administration - City Mgr Uptown Project CONSTELLATION ENERGY SERVICES INC ENERGY USAGE $115.30 General Fund Administration - City Mgr Uptown Project Total $115.30 General Fund Administration - City Mgr Communications CIVICPLUS WEBSITE HOSTING FEE - NOR $650.00 LISTEK CONSULTING 6 MONTH WEBSITE HOSTING $120.00 SARAH FOOTE CODING WITH THE COUNCIL V $80.00 General Fund Administration - City Mgr Communications Total $850.00 General Fund Administration - City Mgr City Manager ALLY FINANCIAL EV LEASE $172.64 ALLY FINANCIAL EV LEASE $172.63 CARDMEMBER SERVICE ICMA WEBINAR $149.00 CARDMEMBER SERVICE LUNCH MEETINGS $229.94 CARDMEMBER SERVICE LUNCH MEETINGS $316.64 EDC OF B-N AREA P.REECE $1,100.00 PARKWAY AUTO LAUNDRY DECEMBER CAR WASHES $14.00 General Fund Administration - City Mgr City Manager Total $2,154.85 General Fund Administration - City Mgr Boards & Commissions GREG LINDER PHOTOGRAPHY MLK NOMINEE PHOTOS $160.00 COPY SHOP MLK TICKETS $98.06 STEVEN A SMEDLEY MLK EVENT PHOTOS $914.99 MARRIOTT BLOOMINGTON NORMAL HOTEL 2018 MLK LUNCHEON $13,269.53 MISC GENERAL REFUND/REIMB SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETER $100.00 CARDMEMBER SERVICE BUILDING BOARD MTG $189.38 General Fund Administration - City Mgr Boards & Commissions Total $14,731.96 General Fund Administration - City Mgr General Expense Dept. CARDMEMBER SERVICE PRIZE FOR NEWSLETTER CONT $20.00 CARDMEMBER SERVICE PRIZE FOR NEWSLETTER CONT $20.00 CARDMEMBER SERVICE KIDS PARTY, EE MOVIE NIGH $1,119.40 MCLEAN COUNTY MUSEUM OF HISTORY HISTORY MAKERS GALA 2017 $1,000.00 Multicultural Leadership Progr MCLP CLASS OF 2018 SPONSO $2,500.00 A J GALLAGHER RISK MGMT SVCS PREMIUM RENEWAL $831.00 MUNICIPAL INS COOPERATIVE AGENCY MICA INSURANCE DEDUCTIBLE $5,000.00 CARDMEMBER SERVICE CANDY FOR CHRISTMAS PARAD $150.12 MARCFIRST DEC JANITORIAL CLEANING $1,665.00 KROGER-INDY CUSTOMER CHARGES CONFERENCE ROOM SUPPLIES $24.25 MCLEAN COUNTY MUSEUM OF HISTORY 2018 ANNUAL SPONSORSHIP $10,000.00 Town of Normal Expenditures to be Approved for Payment as of: January 31, 2018 Page 2 Vendor Name Description Transaction Amount B-N PUBLIC TRANSIT SYSTEM MONTHLY TRANSIT SUBSIDY $38,616.66 B-N PUBLIC TRANSIT SYSTEM MONTHLY TRANSIT SUBSIDY $32,500.00 MCLEAN COUNTY TREASURER OCT 2017 SALES TAX PMNT $123,877.80 B/N CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU MONTHLY CONTRIBUTION $18,208.33 PECKHAM GUYTON ALBERS & VIETS INC UPTOWN TIF EXPENSE $350.00 MARTIN SULLIVAN, INC. MOWER REPAIRS-CLAIM #L002 $10,083.65 GERBER COLLISION & GLASS REPAIRS TO N88 $6,083.36 Ms. Elizabeth Howard TOWING RECLAIM FEE REIMBU $500.00 GARLIC PRESS F&B TAX CREDIT REFUND - P $64.07 MISC FIRE DEPT REIMBURSE AMBULANCE FEE: $150.05 General Fund Administration - City Mgr General Expense Dept. Total $252,763.69 General Fund Cultural Arts CDM CARDMEMBER SERVICE MEMBERSHIP TO AMAZON PRIM $99.00 CYBERSOURCE CORPORATION MONTHLY SERVICE FEE $264.72 MCLEAN CO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 2018 AFTER/HOURS DEPOSIT $100.00 AMERICAN ALLIANCE OF MUSEUMS DUES FOR AAM MEMBERSHIP $550.00 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY-GAS ENERGY USAGE $810.05 CONSTELLATION ENERGY SERVICES INC ENERGY USAGE $4,206.16 CARDMEMBER SERVICE BOWLING FOR STATE FARM GR $72.00 CARDMEMBER SERVICE LITTLE CAESARS FOR STATE $42.00 CARDMEMBER SERVICE DOLLAR TREE- SUPPLIES FOR $22.00 CARDMEMBER SERVICE DOLLAR TREE- SUPPLIES FOR $5.00 CARDMEMBER SERVICE MCDONALS FOR STATE FARM G $20.00 CARDMEMBER SERVICE DIGI KEY EXHIBIT SUPPLIES $9.18 CARDMEMBER SERVICE DOLLAR TREE SUPPLIES FOR $6.00 CARDMEMBER SERVICE FABULOUS AFFAIRS GREIVING $4.89 CARDMEMBER SERVICE DOLLAR TREE - DISCOVER DA $10.00 CARDMEMBER SERVICE AMAZON- EXHIBIT SUPPLIES $36.40 CARDMEMBER SERVICE AMAZON- OFFICE SUPP NA $40.04 CARDMEMBER SERVICE AMAZON- OFFICE SUPPLIES K $25.41 CARDMEMBER SERVICE AMAZON- SUPPLIES FOR HOME $194.98 CARDMEMBER SERVICE AMAZON- SUPPLIES FOR INNO $346.33 CARDMEMBER SERVICE AMAZON- SUPPLIES FOR EXHI $6.47 CARDMEMBER SERVICE AMAZON- SUPPLIES FOR EXHI $80.61 CARDMEMBER SERVICE AMAZON - EDUCATION RESOUR $23.99 CARDMEMBER SERVICE AMAZON- EDUCATION RESOURC $275.48 CARDMEMBER SERVICE AMAZON- SCHOOL PROGRAM SU $56.18 CARDMEMBER SERVICE AMAZON- DISCOVERY DAY CAM $44.53 CARDMEMBER SERVICE AMAZON- INNOVATION STATIO $39.09 CARDMEMBER SERVICE AMAZON- SUPPLIES FOR DISC $6.84 DISCOUNT SCHOOL SUPPLY MARKERS,GLUE STICKS $46.19 DISCOUNT SCHOOL SUPPLY WASHABLE PAINT $404.44 MENARDS CLEANER $12.58 WALMART COMMUNITY BRC DEC STMT/MISC SUPPLIES $0.08 WALMART COMMUNITY BRC DEC STMT/MISC SUPPLIES $12.77 WALMART COMMUNITY BRC DEC STMT/MISC SUPPLIES $121.15 WALMART COMMUNITY BRC DEC STMT/MISC SUPPLIES $53.08 AURORA WORLD INC TOYS/DMS $664.60 HOBBY LOBBY STORES INC DEC STMT/MISC SUPPLIES $50.36 HOBBY LOBBY STORES INC DEC STMT/MISC SUPPLIES $194.96 HOBBY LOBBY STORES INC DEC STMT/MISC SUPPLIES $13.93 HOBBY LOBBY STORES INC DEC STMT/MISC SUPPLIES $12.07 MENARDS PRE LIT TREE,STARTASTIC $322.77 CARDMEMBER SERVICE HOBBY LOBBY STORE DECOR $27.13 CARDMEMBER SERVICE AMAZON- STORE- BAGS FOR X $16.99 MINERAL MINER MINERALS/DMS $817.50 STERLING PUBLISHING CO INC BOOKS/DMS $186.85