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TOWER SETS AND OTHER CONFIGURATIONS WITH THE COHEN-MACAULAY PROPERTY GIUSEPPEFAVACCHIO, ALFIORAGUSAANDGIUSEPPE ZAPPALA` Abstract. Some well-known arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay configu- 4 rations oflinear varieties inPr ask-configurations, partial intersections 1 and star configurations are generalized by introducing tower schemes. 0 Tower schemes are reduced schemes that are finiteunion of linear vari- 2 etieswhosesupportsetisasuitablefinitesubsetofZc calledtowerset. + n We prove that the tower schemes are arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay a and we compute their Hilbert function in terms of their support. Af- J terwards, since even in codimension 2 not every arithmetically Cohen- 5 Macaulay squarefree monomial ideal is the ideal of a tower scheme, we 1 slightly extend this notion by defining generalized tower schemes (in codimension 2) and we show that the support of these configurations ] (thegeneralized towerset)givesacombinatorial characterization ofthe C primarydecompositionofthearithmeticallyCohen-Macaulaysquarefree A monomial ideals. . h t a m Introduction [ In the last few years a large number of researchers in algebraic geometry 1 in order to produce projective schemes with suitable Hilbert functions and v 5 graded Betti numbers constructed special configurations of linear varieties 3 relatedtosomesubsetsofZc .Amongtheseshouldbecitedthepartialinter- 5 + section schemes introducedfirstin [MR]andgeneralized inany codimension 3 . in [RZ] and the k-configurations defined in [GS] and [GHS] to obtain maxi- 1 mal graded Betti numbers with respect to a fixed Hilbert function. On the 0 4 other hand, to study the extremal Hilbert functions for fat point schemes 1 in the plane, secant varieties of some classical algebraic varieties and some : v properties of the symbolic powers of ideals, the star configurations were Xi defined and deeply investigated (see for instance [AS], [GHM]). All these configurations lead to aCM ideals, mostly monomial and squarefree. Look- r a ing at what all these configurations have in common, in this paper we define the tower sets (Definition 2.1), suitable finite subsets of Zc , on which are + supported the tower schemes (Definition 2.3), which generalize all the pre- vious mentioned configurations. These tower sets enclose the combinatorial aspects of such configurations. Also for these schemes we are able to prove that they have the aCM property (Theorem 2.6). Moreover, we compute the Hilbert function of the tower schemes in terms of its tower set support. At this point one can believe that, at least for monomial squarefree ideals, all aCM ideals can be constructed in this way. Unfortunately, already in codimension 2, 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 13 H 10, 14 N 20, 13 D 40. Key words and phrases. Cohen-Macaulay, Monomial ideals, Configurations. 1 2 Introduction this is false as we show in Example 3.4. So the question which arises is to find the right configuration which could characterize all the aCM monomial squarefree ideals in a polynomial ring. Here we give a complete answer in codimension 2 (Theorems 3.19, 3.32 and 3.35) defining a slight modification of the tower schemes (generalized tower sets and schemes, see Definitions 3.12 and 3.13). The codimension bigger than 2 case remains open. After preliminaries and basic facts, in section 2 we introduce tower sets and tower schemes and we prove that all these schemes are aCM (Theorem 2.6). Then we show that every tower scheme has the same Hilbert func- tion as a corresponding tower scheme supported on a left segment whose Hilbert function was computed in [RZ] (see Proposition 2.11 and Corollary 2.12). Section 3 is devoted to give a combinatorial characterization for aCM squarefree monomial ideals of codimension 2. To do that we give a slight generalization of tower sets and tower schemes (Definitions 3.12 and 3.13). Then we prove numerous preparatory results about these sets and schemes and finally in Theorems 3.19 and 3.35 we prove the stated characterization. 1. Notation and preliminaries Throughout the paper k will be a field and R := k[x ,...,x ] = ⊕ R 1 n d d will be the standard graded polynomial k-algebra. We will denote by Z := {r ∈ Z | r > 0}. If r ∈ Z we will set [r] := + + {1,...,r}. If c,r ∈ Z we will denote by C the set of the subsets of [r] of + c,r cardinality c. Moreover, wewillsetπ : Zc → Z theprojection on thei-th component. i + + Onthe set Zc wewill usethe following standardpartial order. If α,β ∈ Zc , + + α ≤ β iff π (α) ≤ π (β) for every i∈ [c]. i i We will denote by (Zc )∗ := {(a ,...,a ) ∈ Zc | a 6= a for every i 6= j}. + 1 c + i j Let T ⊂ Zc be a finite set. Let 1 ≤ t ≤ c−1 be an integer and let α ∈ Zt . + + We set T := {γ ∈Zc−t | (γ,α) ∈ T} α + and Tα := {γ ∈ Zc−t |(α,γ) ∈ T} + Definition 1.1. The function ϕ : (Zc )∗ → C such that ϕ(a ,...,a ) = + c,n 1 c {a ,...,a }, will be called forgetful function. A function ω : C → (Zc )∗ 1 c c,n + will be called ordinante iff ϕ◦ω = id . Cc,n Let L ⊂ Zc be a finite set. L is said left segment if for every α ∈ L and + β ∈ Zc with β ≤ α it follows that β ∈ L. + Let L ⊂ Zc be a left segment. The set {α ,...,α } ⊆ L is called set + 1 r of generators for L if for every α ∈ L, α ≤ α for some i. The element i (maxπ (L),...,maxπ (L)) ∈Zc is said the size of L. 1 c + Let L ⊂ Zc be a left segment of size (m ,...,m ), with c < n. For + 1 c 1 ≤ i ≤ c, let F = {f ,...,f } be c families of generic linear forms i i1 imi belonging to R. For every α = (a ,...,a )∈ L we set I := (f ,...,f ). 1 c α 1a1 cac We recall that the scheme defined by the ideal I (F ,...,F ) := I L 1 c α∈L α is called partial intersection, with support on L and with respect to the T families F ,...,F . 1 c Towers sets 3 If α ∈ Zc we set v(α) := c π (α). If L ⊂ Zc is a left segment, the + i=1 i + Hilbert function of L is P H (i) := |{α ∈ L | v(α) = i+c}|. L We remind that H coincides with the Hilbert function of a partial intersec- L tionsupportedonL(fordetails aboutleftsegmentsandpartialintersections see [RZ]). In the sequel, if M is a matrix of rank r, with entries in R, we will denote by I(M) the ideal generated by the minors of size r in M. 2. Towers sets Many recent papers dealt with special configurations of linear subvari- eties of projective spaces which raised up to Cohen-Macaulay varieties, for instance partial intersections studied in [RZ], k-configurations studied in [GHS], star configurations studied in [GHM]. In this section we would like to generalize all these configurations in such a way to preserve the Cohen- Macaulayness. Definition 2.1. Let T ⊂ Zc be a finite set. We say that T is a tower set if + for every t ∈ [c−1] and for every α,β ∈ Zt , with α < β, T 6= ∅, we have + α T ⊇ T . α β Note that when c= 1 every finite subset of Z is a tower set. + Remark 2.2. If T ⊂ Zc is a tower set and α ∈ Zt then T ⊂ Zc−t is also a + + α + tower set. Definition 2.3. Let T ⊂ Zc be a tower set. Let R := k[x ,...,x ], with + 1 n 2 ≤ c ≤ n−1. Let F = {f | j ∈ π (T)}, 1 ≤ i ≤ c, where f ∈ R , such i ij i ij dij that f and f are coprime when j 6= h and for every α = (a ,...,a ) ∈ T ij ih 1 c the sequence (f ,...,f ) is regular. We will denote by I the complete 1a1 cac α intersection ideal generated by f ,...,f . We set 1a1 cac I (F ,...,F ) := I . T 1 c α α∈T \ It defines a c-codimensional subscheme of Pn called tower scheme, with support on T, with respect to the families F ,...,F . 1 c Note that if T is a c-left segment then T is a tower set, so every partial intersection is a tower scheme. Recently many people investigated special subschemes called star con- figurations. We recall that a star configuration is defined as follows. Let R := k[x ,...,x ], s,c ∈ Z such that c ≤ min{s,n − 1}. Take a set F 1 n + consisting of s forms f ,...,f ∈ R such that any c of them are a regular 1 s sequence. If s ≥ a > ... > a ≥ 1 are integers and α = {a ,...,a } we set 1 c 1 c I := (f ,...,f ). A star configuration is the subscheme V (F,Pn) ⊂ Pn α a1 ac c definedbytheideal I whereαrunsoverallthesubsetsof[s]ofcardinality α c. For more details on star configurations see, for instance, [GHM]. T Remark 2.4. A star configuration is a particular tower scheme. Namely, let T = {(a ,...,a ) ∈ Zc |s ≥ a > ... > a ≥ 1}, 1 c + 1 c 4 Towers sets and let us consider the families of forms F = (f ,...,f ), for 1 ≤ i≤ c. i s−i+1 c−i+1 T is trivially a tower set and V(I (F ,...,F )) = V (F,Pn). T 1 c c Inthequotedpapersitwasshownthatpartialintersections,k-configurations andstarconfigurationsareallaCMschemes. Nowweprovethateverytower scheme is an aCM scheme and this generalizes those results. We need the following lemma, which is a slight generalization of Lemma 1.6 in [RZ]. Lemma 2.5. Let c,r ≥ 2 be integers. Let V ⊇ ... ⊇ V be (c − 1)- 1 r codimensional aCM subschemes of Pn and A = V(f ) hypersurfaces, 1 ≤ j j j ≤ r, with degf = d . We set Y := V ∩A and let us suppose that Y is j j i i i i c-codimensional for each i and that Y and Y have no common components i j r for i6= j. We set d:= d , Y := Y ∪...∪Y and X := Y ∪Y . Then i=1 i 1 r−1 r the following sequence of graded R-modules P f ϕ 0 → I (−(d−d )) → I → I /(f) → 0 Yr r X Y r−1 is exact, where f = f and ϕ is the natural map. Moreover i i=1 Q I = I +f I +f f I +···+f ...f I +(f ...f ). X V1 1 V2 1 2 V3 1 r−1 Vr 1 r Proof. The proof is analogous to that of Lemma 1.6 in [RZ]. We report it for convenience of the reader. Observe that the exactness of the above sequence in the middle depends on the fact that f is regular modulo I , since Y and Y have no common Yr i j components for i 6= j. So, the only not trivial fact to prove is that the map ϕ is surjective. For this we use induction on r. For r = 2, since V is aCM, 1 I = I +(f ), therefore every element in I /(f ) looks like z+(f ) with Y V1 1 Y 1 1 z ∈ I ⊆ I . Hence, z ∈ I ∩ I = I . So, ϕ is surjective and the V1 V2 Y1 Y2 X sequence is exact. Now, from the exactness of this sequence it follows that I is generated by I and f I , i.e. I = I +f I +(f f ). X V1 1 Y2 X V1 1 V2 1 2 Let us suppose the lemma true for r−1. This means, in particular, that I = I + f I + ··· + f ...f I + (f ...f ). Therefore, every Y V1 1 V2 1 r−2 Vr−1 1 r−1 element z ∈ I /(f ...f ) has the form x+(f ...f ) with x ∈ I + Y 1 r−1 1 r−1 V1 f I +···+f ...f I .Hence, x ∈ I whichimplies x ∈ I ∩I = I . 1 V2 1 r−2 Vr−1 Vr Y Yr X Again, by the exactness of our sequence we get that I is generated by X f ...f I and by I + f I + ··· + f ...f I , i.e. I = I + 1 r−1 Yr V1 1 V2 1 r−2 Vr−1 X V1 f I +···+f ...f I +(f ...f ). (cid:3) 1 V2 1 r−1 Vr 1 r We are ready to prove our result. Theorem 2.6. Every tower scheme is aCM. Proof. Let X be a tower scheme of codimension c. To show that X is aCM we use induction on c. The property is trivially true for c = 1, so we can assume that every tower scheme of codimension c−1 is aCM. Let T be the support of X and let F = {f | j ∈ π (T)}, for 1 ≤ i ≤ c, be the families i ij i defining X. Let π (T) = {a ,...,a }, with a < ... < a . For every i ∈ [s] c 1 s 1 s we denote by V the tower scheme of codimension c−1 supported on T . If i ai i < j then V ⊇ V . By inductive hypotheses each V is aCM. Moreover we i j i Towers sets 5 denote by A the hypersurface defined by f , with i∈ [s] and Y = V ∩A . i cai i i i Note that by the hypotheses on F ’s Y is aCM of codimension c. h i Therefore we have X = Y . Now we use induction on s. For s = 1 i 1≤i≤s X = Y is aCM. Suppose thaSt Y = Y is aCM and show that X = 1 i 1≤i≤s−1 Y ∪Y is aCM. Applying the previous lSemma we get the exact sequence s 0 → I (−degf)→ I → I /(f) → 0 Ys X Y s−1 wheref = f fromwhichweseethataresolution ofI canbeobtained cai X i=1 as direct suQm of the resolutions of IYs(−degf) and IY/(f); since both have resolutions of length c the same is true for I and we are done. (cid:3) X Our next aim is to compute the Hilbert function of a tower scheme in the case when the defining families consist of linear forms. To do this, if T is a tower set, we define a map σ : T → Zc as follows. Let α = (a ,...,a ) ∈ T, + 1 c we set h (α) :=|{i | i≤ a , (i,a ,...,a )∈ T} |, 1 1 2 c h (α) :=|{i | i≤ a , T 6= ∅} |, for 2 ≤ j ≤ c j j (i,aj+1,...,ac) and finally σ(a ,...,a ) := (h (α),...,h (α)). 1 c 1 c The map σ is trivially injective. We set T# := σ(T). Proposition 2.7. For every tower set T, T# is a left segment. Proof. Let α′ = (a′,...,a′) ∈ T# and β′ = (b′,...,b′) ∈ Zc , such that 1 c 1 c + β′ ≤ α′. We have to prove that β′ ∈ T#, i.e. we have to find β ∈ T such that σ(β) = β′. Let α = (a ,...,a ) ∈ T be such that σ(α) = α′, hence 1 c a′ = h (α). Since b′ ≤ h (α), there is a unique element b such that T 6= ∅ i i c c c bc and | {i | i ≤ b , T 6= ∅} |= b′. Now, since b′ ≤ h (α), we have that c i c c−1 c−1 T(b′c−1,ac) 6= ∅ and, since T is a tower set, T(b′c−1,bc) 6= ∅, therefore there is a unique element b such that T 6= ∅ and | {i | i ≤ b , T 6= c−1 (bc−1,bc) c−1 (i,bc) ∅} |= b′ .Byiteratingthesameargumentwewillsetb theuniqueelement c−1 j such that T 6= ∅ and | {i | i ≤ b , T 6= ∅} |= b′, (bj,bj+1,...,bc) j (i,bj+1,...,bc) j for 1 ≤ j ≤ c. Now we set β = (b ,...,b ). By definition β ∈ T and 1 c σ(β) = β′. (cid:3) Remark 2.8. Note that if T,U ⊂ Zc are tower sets such that T ⊆ U then + T# ⊆ U#. Proposition 2.9. Let T ⊂ Zc be a tower set. Let X = V(I (F ,...,F )). + T 1 c Let Y be a tower scheme supported on T#, with respect to the same families F ,...,F . Then H = H . 1 c X Y Proof. If c = 1 then T is a finite subset of Z, say r = |T|, so T# = [r]. ThereforeI andI areprincipalidealsgeneratedbyaformofsamedegree, X Y hence H = H . X Y So we may assume that c ≥ 2 and we proceed by induction on c. We consider the set π (T) = {m ,...,m }, m < ... < m . Since T is a tower c 1 s 1 s set, T ⊇ ... ⊇ T are (c−1)-tower sets. Let X bethe scheme definedby m1 ms i 6 Towers sets I (F ,...,F ). Then each X is an aCM scheme of codimension c−1 Tmi 1 c−1 i by Theorem 2.6 and X ⊇ ... ⊇ X . Moreover, by Remark 2.8, (T )# ⊇ 1 s m1 ... ⊇ (T )#. Let Y be the scheme defined by I (F ,...,F ). By ms i (Tmi)# 1 c−1 the inductive hypothesis H = H . Now, let F = {f ,...,f }, we set Xi Yi c 1 s X := X ∩ V(f ) and Y = Y ∩ V(f ). Since X and Y are aCM then i i i i i i i i H = H . Finally, using induction on s and the exact sequences (see Xi Yi Lemma 2.5) 0→ I (−δ) → I → I /(f ...f )→ 0 Xs X Xi∪...∪Xs−1 1 s−1 0 → I (−δ) → I → I /(f ...f ) → 0 Ys Y Yi∪...∪Ys−1 1 s−1 where δ = deg(f ...f ), we get the conclusion. (cid:3) 1 s−1 Proposition 2.9 allows us to find a formula for the Hilbert function of a tower scheme. Remark 2.10. Note that, according to the exact sequence of Lemma 2.5, the Hilbert function of a tower scheme depends on the tower set and on the degrees of the forms in the families. Now we associate to a tower scheme X, supported on a left segment L, a partial intersection Y with support on a suitable left segment L such that D H = H . X Y If L is a left segment of size (a ,...,a ) and D = {d }, 1 ≤ i ≤ c and 1 c ij 1 ≤ j ≤ a are positive integers, we define a new left segment, which we will i be denoted by L , in the following way. If L is (minimally) generated by D K ,...,K , then L is the left segment generated by K′,...,K′ where, if 1 r D 1 r K = (k ,...,k ) then K′ = ( k1 d ,..., kc d ). i 1 c i j=1 1j j=1 cj Thus, let X be a tower scheme supported on the left segment L and let P P F = {f | j ∈ π (L)}, for 1 ≤ i ≤ c, be the families defining X. Set now i ij i π (L) = {a ,...,a }, with a < ... < a and D = {d } where d = degf , c 1 c 1 c ij ij ij 1 ≤ i ≤ c and 1 ≤ j ≤ a . Since, by Remark 2.10, H depends just on D i X we may assume that f = dij lh, where each lh is a linear form. Now ij h=1 ij ij we denote by Y the partial intersection supported on L with respect the c D Q ordered families of linear forms L =(l ,...,l ,l ,...,l ,...,l ,...,l ). i i11 i1di1 i21 i2di2 iai1 iaidiai Proposition 2.11. Given a tower scheme X supported on the left segment L with respect to the families of forms F = {f | j ∈ π (L)}, for 1 ≤ i ≤ c i ij i and D ={d } where d = degf . Then H = H . ij ij ij X LD Proof. By definition I = ∩ (f ,...,f ). Now we denote by Y X (j1,...,jc)∈L 1j1 cjc the partial intersection supported on L with respect the c ordered families D of linear forms L = (l ,...,l ,l ,...,l ,...,l ,...,l ), 1 ≤ i≤ c. Now if α isian init1e1ger suci1hdit1hait211 ≤ αi≤2di2 ai diai1we setiaidiai s=1 is tα := max{j | di1+...+dij <Pα}+1 and tα−1 h := α− d α is s=1 X Generalized tower sets: a characterization of aCM property 7 and p := l . Then, with this notation iα itαhα I = (p ,...,p ). Y 1α1 cαc (α1,...\,αc)∈LD It is a matter of computation to show that I = I and this completes the X Y proof. (cid:3) InthenextcorollaryweleadbackthecomputationoftheHilbertfunction of a tower scheme to that of a partial intersection. The Hilbert function of a partial intersection was explicitly computed in [RZ]. Corollary 2.12. If X is a tower scheme supported on a tower set T with respect to families of forms of degrees D, then H = H . X (T#)D Proof. It follows just using Propositions 2.9 and 2.11. (cid:3) 3. Generalized tower sets: a characterization of aCM property In this section we will generalize tower sets in such a way to characterize aCM squarefree monomial ideal of codimension 2. Let I ⊂ k[x ,...,x ] be an equidimensional squarefree monomial ideal of 1 n codimension c and let I = p ∩...∩p be its primary decomposition. Each 1 t p is a prime ideal of the type (x ,...,x ). So we can consider the subset i ai1 aic S(I) := {{a ,...,a } | 1≤ i ≤ t} of C . i1 ic c,n Vice versa to S ⊆ C we can associate an equidimensional squarefree c,n monomial ideal I := (x ,...,x ). S a1 ac {a1,..\.,ac}∈S Definition 3.1. Let S ⊆ C . We will say S aCM if I is an aCM ideal. c,n S Definition 3.2. Let S ⊆ C . We will say that S is towerizable if there c,n exists a permutation τ on [n] and an ordinante function ω : C → (Zc )∗ c,n + such that τ(ω(S)) is a tower set. Remark 3.3. Let S ⊆ C . Note that S is towerizable if there exists a tower c,n set T and families F ⊆ {x ,...,x }, such that S(I (F ,...,F )) = S. i 1 n T 1 c By Theorem 2.6 if S is towerizable then S is aCM, however there are aCM equidimensional squarefree monomial ideals I such that S(I) is not towerizable. Here it is an example in codimension 2. Example 3.4. Let S = {1,2},{3,4},{5,6},{4,6},{1,4},{1,6} . Then it is easy to check that I is the determinantal ideal generated by the order 3 S (cid:8) (cid:9) minors of the matrix x 0 0 1 x x x  2 3 5, 0 x 0 4 0 0 x6   soS is aCM.LetussupposethatS istowerizable. Thenthereexists atower scheme X with support on a tower set T such that S(I ) = S. Of course X |T| = 6 and there is not a variable x such that the ideal (x ) contains k k 4 of the 6 minimal primes of I . Consequently, |π (T)| ≤ 3 and for every S 2 a ∈ π (T) |T | ≤ 3 so we have only three possibilities 2 a 8 Generalized tower sets: a characterization of aCM property 1) π (T) = {a,b} with |T | = 3 and |T | = 3; 2 a b 2) π (T) = {a,b,c} with |T | = 2, |T | = 2 and |T | = 2; 2 a b c 3) π (T) = {a,b,c} with |T | = 3, |T | = 2 and |T | = 1. 2 a b c The first two cases cannot occur since I = I does not contain monomials X S of degree two. Therefore T ⊃ T ⊃ T and T = {h ,h ,h }, T = {h ,h }, T = {h } a b c a 1 2 3 b 1 2 c 1 for some h ’s and thus T = (h ,a),(h ,a),(h ,a),(h ,b),(h ,b),(h ,c) . i 1 2 3 1 2 1 But the numbers 2, 3 and 5 belong each to one only element of S whereas (cid:8) (cid:9) in T there are only two such numbers, precisely h and c. 3 Because of the previous example it is natural to ask which sets S ⊆ C c,n are aCM. We will give a characterization in codimension 2 (see Theorems 3.19 and 3.35). Definition 3.5. Let h ∈ Z . Let S ⊆ C . We set + 2,n S :h := {A ∈ S | h6∈ A}. If S ⊆ Z2 we set + S :h := {α ∈ S |π (α) 6= h and π (α) 6= h}. 1 2 Remark 3.6. Note that if S is aCM then S : h is aCM. Indeed, if M is an Hilbert-Burch matrix for I then I is generated by the maximal minors S S:h of the matrix obtained from M by replacing x with 1. h In the sequel we will use the following result which shows that if S ⊆ C 2,n isaCMthenalsotheschemeobtainedbyreplacing(x ,x ) ⊇ I with(h ,h ), i j S i j generic complete intersections, is aCM. Proposition 3.7. Let S ⊆ C be an aCM set, with I ⊂ k[x ,...,x ]. Let 2,n S 1 n h ,...,h ∈ k[y ,...,y ] be forms, such that depth(h ,h ) = 2 for every 1 n 1 m i j {i,j} ∈ S and depth(h ,h ,h ,h ) ≥ 3 i j u v forevery{i,j},{u,v} ∈S,{i,j} =6 {u,v}.ThentheidealJ = (h ,h ) {i,j}∈S i j is aCM. T Proof. We consider the following vectors x =(x ,...,x ) and h= (h ,...,h ). 1 n 1 n Since I is aCM we can consider M = M(x), an Hilbert-Burch matrix S for I . We claim that N = M(h) is an Hilbert-Burch matrix for J. We have S to prove that J = I(N). Let g ∈ I(N) be a maximal minor of N. Then g = f(h), with f(x) ∈ I . Therefore f(x) = λ (x)x + µ (x)x for every S i i j j {i,j} ∈ S, consequently f(h) ∈ (h ,h ) for every {i,j} ∈ S. So I(N) ⊆ J. i j To conclude the proof it is enough to show that degI(N) =degJ. By the generality of the forms h ,...,h , we have that 1 n degJ = (degh )(degh ). i j {i,j}∈S X Now we proceed by induction on n. If n = 2 then S = {1,2} and I(N) = (h ,h ). So we can suppose that degI(N) = (degh )(degh ), when 1 2 {i,j}∈S i j S ⊆ C . We can write S = (S : n)∪S where S :n = {α ∈ S | n 6∈ α} 2,n−1 (n)P Generalized tower sets: a characterization of aCM property 9 and S = S \ (S : n). By Remark 3.6, S : n is aCM. Let M(x) be an (n) Hilbert-Burch matrix for I . We set N = M(h). Therefore S:n c I = I(M) = (I(M) :x )∩(x , x ) = I(M)∩(x , x ). S n n b uc n u u∈YS(n) u∈YS(n) c Hence, using the inductive hypothesis, we get degI(N) = deg(I(N))+deg(h , h )) = n u u∈YS(n) b (degh )(degh )+(degh ) degh = (degh )(degh ). i j n u i j {i,j}X∈(S:n) {u,nX}∈S(n) {iX,j}∈S (cid:3) We recall that if T ⊆ Z2 and i∈ Z then + + Ti = {j ∈ π (T) | (i,j) ∈ T} 2 and T = {j ∈ π (T) |(j,i) ∈ T}. i 1 Remark 3.8. Let T ⊂ (Z2)∗ be a tower set. Then + 1) a < b and T 6= ∅ ⇒ (a,b) 6∈ T. Indeed, the assumption implies a T ⊇ T . Since (a,a) 6∈ T, we have a 6∈ T , therefore a 6∈ T i.e. a b a b (a,b) 6∈ T. 2) a < b and (b,a) ∈ T ⇒ (a,b) 6∈ T. Indeed, the assumption implies T 6= ∅ so, by the previous item, (a,b) 6∈ T. a 3) {(a,b),(b,a)} 6⊆ T for every a and b. It follows by item 2. Note that by item 3, |T|= |ϕ(T)| where ϕ is the forgetful function. Proposition 3.9. Let T ⊂ Z2 be a tower set. Then Ti and Th are compa- + rable under inclusion for every i and h. Proof. Let j ∈ Ti be such that j 6∈ Th, we have to show that Th ⊂ Ti. Let k ∈ Th, i.e. h ∈ T ; but h 6∈ T therefore since T is a tower set we have that k j T ⊂ T , so i∈ T i.e. (i,k) ∈ T that implies that k ∈Ti. (cid:3) j k k Proposition 3.10. Let T ⊂ (Z2)∗ be a tower set. + 1) Let h ∈ π (T) be such that T ⊇ T for every j ∈ π (T). Then 2 h j 2 h6∈ π (T). 1 2) Let h ∈ π (T) be such that Th ⊇ Ti for every i ∈ π (T). Then 1 1 h6∈ π (T). 2 Proof. 1) If (h,j) ∈ T then h∈ T ⊆ T , i.e. (h,h) ∈ T. j h 2) Using Proposition 3.9 the proof is analogous to item 1. (cid:3) Let T ⊂ (Z2)∗ be a tower set. Let h∈ π (T)∩π (T). We set + 1 2 F (h) := {j ∈ π (T) |T ⊂ T and (h,j) 6∈ T}. T 2 h j Note that if j ∈ F (h) then j <h. T 10 Generalized tower sets: a characterization of aCM property Definition 3.11. Let U ⊆ C . We say that U is connected if for every 2,n A,B ∈ U there is C ∈ U such that A ∩ C 6= ∅ and B ∩ C 6= ∅. Let S ⊂ (Z2)∗. We say that S is connected if ϕ(S) is connected. + Definition 3.12. Let S ⊂ (Z2)∗ be a finite set. We say that S is a gener- + alized tower set if 1) S is connected; 2) S = T ∪S where T is a tower set 0 and S has the following further properties 0 3) for every (i,j) ∈ S , i6∈ π (T)∪π (T) and j ∈ π (T)∩π (T); 0 1 2 1 2 4) for every (i,j) ∈ S and h ∈ F (j), (i,h) ∈ S . 0 T 0 Definition 3.13. Let S ⊂ (Z2)∗ be a generalized tower set. Let R = + k[x ,...,x ],n ≥ 3.LetF = {f | j ∈ π (S)},1 ≤ i≤ 2,whereeachf isa 1 n i ij i ij formsatisfyingsuchconditionsofgenericity: forevery(a ,a ) ∈S,f ,f 1 2 1a1 2a2 are coprime and for every (a ,a ), (b ,b ) ∈ S, with {a ,a } 6= {b ,b }, 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 depth(f ,f ,f ,f ) ≥ 3. If α= (a ,a ) ∈ S, we will denote by I the 1a1 2a2 1b1 2b2 1 2 α complete intersection ideal generated by f ,f . We set 1a1 2a2 I (F ,F ) := I . S 1 2 α α∈S \ Itdefinesa2-codimensionalsubschemeofPncalledgeneralizedtowerscheme, with support on S, with respect to the families F ,F . 1 2 In the sequel if S ⊂ (Z2)∗ we will set for short I := I , consequently + S ϕ(S) S will be said aCM if I is aCM. S In order to prove our results on the Cohen-Macaulayness of such schemes we need several lemmas. Lemma 3.14. Let S = T ∪S be a generalized tower set. Let i ∈ π (S ) 0 1 0 and let m = min{j | (i,j) ∈ S }. Then F (m)= ∅. 0 T Proof. Lets ∈F (m);thens < mandbyDefinition3.12,item4,(i,s) ∈ S , T 0 which is a contradiction. (cid:3) Lemma 3.15. With the above notation, if h∈ π (T)∩π (T) then for every 1 2 j ∈ π (T)∩π (T)\{h} we have F (j) ⊆ F (j). 1 2 T:h T Proof. If b ∈ F (j) then (T : h) ⊂ (T : h) and (j,b) 6∈ T : h, with j 6= h T:h j b and b 6= h, so (j,b) 6∈ T. Moreover there is a such that (a,b) ∈ T : h and (a,j) 6∈ T : h. Since a 6= h this implies that T 6⊆ T . Since T is a tower set b j we get that T ⊂ T . j b (cid:3) Lemma 3.16. Let S = T ∪S be a generalized tower set. Let h ∈ π (T)∩ 0 1 π (T). Then S :h isa generalized tower setwith respect to the decomposition 2 S : h= (T :h)∪(S :h). 0 Proof. Of course S : h =(T :h)∪(S :h). 0 1) Since S is connected then S : h is connected too. 2) Let a,b ∈ π (T : h), a < b. Let i ∈ (T : h) ; then (i,b) ∈ T : h i.e. 2 b i∈ T ⊆ T ; since i6= h and b 6= h then i∈ (T :h) . b a a

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