Towards the deformation quantization of linearized gravity Hernando Quevedo1,2,∗ and Julio G. Tafoya1,† 1Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares Universidad Nacional Aut´onoma de M´exico A. Postal 70-543, M´exico D.F. 04510, MEXICO 2Department of Physics University of California 4 0 0 Davis, CA 95616, USA 2 n Abstract a J We present a first attempt to apply the approach of deformation quantization to linearized 1 2 Einstein’s equations. We use the analogy with Maxwell equations to derive the field equations of 1 linearized gravity froma modifiedMaxwell Lagrangian which allows theconstruction of aHamilto- v 8 nian in the standard way. The deformation quantization procedure for free fields is applied to this 8 0 Hamiltonian. As a result we obtain the complete set of quantum states and its discrete spectrum. 1 0 4 0 PACS numbers: 04.20.Cv,04.25.-g,11.10.-Nx / c q - r g : v i X r a ∗Electronic address: [email protected] †Electronic address: [email protected] 1 I. INTRODUCTION One of the main differences between the states of a classical system and those of a quantum system consists in that the latter cannot be represented as points in phase space. In the canonical quantization approach this fact is taken into account by considering states as eigenfunctions of operators which act on Hilbert space. The eigenvalues of the operators are then interpreted as quantum observables. So, one of the main steps of the canonical quantizationformalismconsistsbasicallyinreplacing theclassicalobservablesofthephysical system by operators. Commutation relations are then imposed on the operators in order to be in agreement with Heisenberg’s uncertainty relation. Although this procedure is widely used in quantum mechanics and quantum field theory, it is still far from being completely understood. In particular, one expects that in certain limit the quantum system reduces to the classical one. This is usually done by applying the correspondence principle, according to which the quantum commutator must lead to the classical Poisson bracket when Planck’s constant vanishes. However, it is known that in general this limit is not well-defined and inconsistent [1]. One of the main successes of deformation quantization consists in providing the correct implementation of the correspondence principle. Indeed, deformation quantization avoids the use of operators and, instead, concentrates on the algebra of classical observables (see [2, 3, 4] for recent reviews, and [5] for an elementary review.) Instead of the usual (classi- cal) point multiplication between observables, a star-product is introduced that takes into account the non-local character of quantum observables and reduces to the classical Poisson bracket in the appropriate limit. Whereas the classical observables build a commutative algebra with respect to the point product, the same set forms a noncommutative algebra with respect to the star-product. Thus, it is not necessary to introduce new entities (op- erators) instead of the classical observables. The quantum observables are represented by the same functions on phase space as the classical observables. The first applications of de- formation quantization concerned non-relativistic quantum mechanics [6], but this situation has changed dramatically in the past few years. This formalism has found many uses in perturbative and nonperturbative quantum field theory [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13], quantum gravity [14], as well as in string theory [15, 16]. In this work we present a first attempt to apply the main concepts of deformation quan- 2 tization to the case of linearized gravity. Our approach consists basically in representing Einstein’s linearized equations as a field theory of a metric on the background of Minkowski spacetime. This approach allows us to apply in this case the procedure of deformation quantization developed for free fields. Our approach is also appropriate for getting rid of the concern regarding the quantization of a quantity (the perturbation metric) which is first considered as infinitesimal in order for Einsteins linearization to be valid. Indeed, intuitively one expects that quantum effects become important only when the gravitational field is high enough, and the perturbation metric in the standard approach does not behave this way. In thefieldtheoreticalapproachthemetricisarbitraryandlinearizedEinsteinsequationsfollow from a variational principle. The corresponding Lagrangian is regular and the Hamiltonian turns out to be equivalent to the Hamiltonian of an infinite sum of harmonic oscillators. This paper is structured as follows. In Section II we derive Einsteins linearized equations in the standard manner and present an alternative field theoretical approach based upon the analogy between electrodynamics and linearized gravity. In Section III, we review the main aspects of deformation quantization and calculate explicitly the set of quantum states and the energy spectrum of linearized gravity. Finally, in Section IV we discuss our results. II. LINEARIZED GRAVITY In this section we first review the standard approach of linearized gravity in which the field equations are obtained by linearizing Einsteins equations. Then we present an alter- native approach based on the usual variational procedure of field theory and obtain the corresponding Hamiltonian. A. Linearized Einsteins equations In most textbooks on general relativity, linearized gravity is considered at the level of the fieldequations. Indeed, intheusualapproachtogravity, onestartsfromtheEinstein-Hilbert action [18] S = R√ gd4x+α d4x , (2.1) m m − L Z Z where R is the curvature scalar associated to the metric g , (α,β,... = 0,1,2,3) of space- αβ time, α is a coupling constant and is the Lagrangian density that represents the matter m m L 3 contents in spacetime. The variation of (2.1) with respect to the metric yields the Einstein equations 1 R g R = 8πT , (2.2) αβ αβ αβ − 2 where the energy-momentum tensor is defined in terms of the variational derivative as α 1 δ m m T = L . (2.3) αβ −8π √ gδgαβ − In the weak field approximation of linearized gravity one imposes the metric g = η + αβ αβ h such that h << η is an infinitesimal perturbation of the background Minkowski αβ αβ αβ metric, η . In particular, one can choose a Cartesian-like coordinate system in which αβ η = diag( ,+,+,+) and h << 1. If we now consider the first order approximation of αβ αβ − | | the left-hand side of (2.2) with respect to h , and impose the Lorentz gauge condition αβ 1 hαβ = 0 , with hαβ = hαβ ηαβh , h = η hαβ (2.4) ,β − 2 αβ then Einstein’s equations reduce to γ h = 16πT . (2.5) αβ,γ − αβ B. A field theoretical approach Analternativeapproachforderivingthelinearizedequations(2.5),inwhichtheparticular aspects of a field theory become more plausible, consists in using the analogy between Maxwell’s equations of electromagnetism and linearized Einstein’s equations. To show this analogy explicitly let us consider a non-zero vector Uα and define 1 A = h Uβ , and J = T Uβ . (2.6) α αβ α αβ −4 − Calculating the D’Alembertian A γ, one can see immediately that the Maxwell equations α,γ A γ = 4πJ , (2.7) α,γ − α are equivalent to the linearized Einstein equations (2.5) if the components of the arbitrary vector Uα satisfy the equations h Uβ γ +2h Uβ,γ = 0 . (2.8) αβ ,γ αβ,γ 4 On the other hand, the Lorentz gauge condition (2.4) turns out to be equivalent to the condition Aα = 0 if the equation ,α h Uβ,α = 0 , (2.9) αβ is satisfied. In this way we see that the linearized Einstein equations can be written in the Maxwell-like form (2.7) (in the Lorentz gauge) by introducing the additional vector Uα which is required to satisfy the conditions (2.8) and (2.9). For a given metric h , these αβ conditionsrepresent asystem offoursecond orderpartialdifferential(2.8)andonefirstorder partial differential equation (2.9) for the four components Uα. So one should guarantee the existence of solutions to this system for the Maxwell-like representation (2.7) to be valid. Obviously, the trivial vector Uα = const satisfies these requirements. In principle, more general solutions might exist, but in this work we will restrict ourselves to this special case since it is sufficient for our purposes. On the other hand, it is well known that Maxwell equations (2.7) can be obtained by varying the Lagrangian (density) 1 = F Fαβ +4πA Jα , where F = A A , (2.10) Max αβ α αβ β,α α,β L −4 − with respect to the potential A . Let us now try to construct the corresponding Hamilto- α nian formalism. The configuration variables are given by the set of components A . For the α corresponding canonically conjugate momenta we obtain Π = ∂ /∂A˙ = F α, where a α LMax α 0 dot denotes the derivative with respect to the time coordinate x0. Then Π = 0 and con- 0 sequently we have a singular Lagrangian from which a Hamiltonian cannot be constructed. In field theory the quantization of such Lagrangians is performed by using Dirac’s method for systems with constraints (see, for instance, [20]). But in the context of deformation quantization this method is still under construction [17]. In the case of Maxwell’s theory, however, an alternative approach exists [21] that consists in modifying the original Maxwell Lagrangian according to (we take J = 0 for simplicity) α 1 1 = F Fαβ (A ,α)2 . (2.11) L −4 αβ − 2 α The field equations are again A β = 0 and the Lorentz gauge condition A ,α = 0 has to α,β α be postulated separately. After some algebraic manipulations, the Lagrangian (2.11) can be rewritten as 1 1 = A Aα,β + Λβ , Λβ = Aβ Aγ AβAγ . (2.12) L −2 α,β 2 ,β ,γ − ,γ 5 The second term can be neglected as it can be transformed after integration into a surface term that does not contribute to the field equations. But the main point about the La- grangian (2.12) is that it is regular. In fact, it can easily be seen that Π = A˙ and the α α corresponding Hamiltonian is 1 = (Π Πα +A Aα,i) . (2.13) α α,i H 2 Then the canonical variables of the phase space satisfy the canonical commutation relations with respect to the Poisson bracket: A ,Π = δ , A ,A = Π ,Π = 0 . (2.14) α β αβ α β α β { } { } { } We will use the Hamiltonian (2.13) in the context of deformation quantization in section III. Finally, let us mention that the Lagrangian (2.12) is invariant with respect to the transformation A A′ = A +Σ , with Σ α = 0 . (2.15) α → α α ,α ,α This is a special gauge transformation that can be used to eliminate non-physical degrees of freedom. The main point of this alternative approach is that we now can “forget” that is an L approximateLagrangianandproceedasinstandardclassical fieldtheory. That is, (2.12)can be interpreted as the Lagrangian for the metric field h which is defined on the Minkowski αβ spacetime with metric η . So we are dealing with a standard field theory in which the αβ backgroundMinkowskimetricdoesnotinteractwiththefieldh thatnowcanbecompletely αβ arbitrary, i.e. it is not necessarily an infinitesimal perturbation of the background metric. In this manner we can avoid the concern mentioned in the introduction about the quantization of an infinitesimal quantity. III. DEFORMATION QUANTIZATION The classical description ofthe evolution ofa physical system is usually represented inthe phase space Γ, which is a manifold of even dimension. If a (non-degenerate) symplectic two- form α exists on Γ, then the phase space is called a symplectic space. Observables are real valued functions defined on the phase space: f,g : Γ R. With respect to the usual point → multiplication (fg)(x) = f(x)g(x), where x = (x1,x2,...x2n) is a set of coordinates on (an 6 open subspace of) Γ, the observables build a commutative algebra. The symplectic structure α allows us to introduce the Poisson bracket of observables as f,g (x) = αab∂ f(x)∂ g(x), a b { } where ∂ (a = 1,2,...2n) is the (covariant) derivative in Γ. With respect to the Poisson a bracket the set of observables build a Lie-Poisson algebra. The equations of motion in phase space acquire a particular symmetric form in terms of the Poisson brackets x˙a = xa, , a { H} relationship which is valid for any function of phase space coordinates. In the canonical approach to quantization one replaces the observables by (self-adjoint) operators which act on the Hilbert space. The physical states are vectors in the Hilbert space. Poisson brackets are replaced by commutators which, when applied to the operators associated with the basic observables in phase space, satisfy the canonical commutation relations. Despite its great success especially in the perturbative approach to the physics of elementary particles, this procedure is still not completely understood. The passage from functions to operators is one important step in the canonical approach and despite many efforts done to explain it, today the best way to avoid all kind of existence proofs and mathematical difficulties is just to assume it as a postulate. Deformation quantization is essentially an attempt to avoid the passage from functions to operators. In fact, it focuses on the algebra of observables of the phase space and replaces theusualpoint productoffunctions byastar-product. Thecanonicalcommutation relations are now a consequence of the definition of the star-product. An important advantage of this procedure is that quantum as well classical observables are functions defined on the phase space and no operators are required. From the mathematical point of view, the deformation quantization of a given classical system consists in giving an appropriate definition of the star-product which acts (on functions defined) on the phase space. In physics, however, to understand a quantum system one needs to know its quantum states and their energy spectrum. Tothisend, deformationquantization postulatestheexistence ofatime-evolution function, Exp(Ht), which satisfies the differential equation [13] d ih¯ Exp(Ht) = H Exp(Ht) , (3.1) dt ∗ where H is the Hamiltonian of the classical system. Moreover, it is assumed that the time- evolution function allows a Fourier-Dirichlet expansion as Exp(Ht) = π e−itE/¯h, (3.2) E E X 7 where E is the energy (a real number) associated with the state π (distribution on the E phase space), or Wigner function, which satisfies the so called *-genvalue equation H π = Eπ . (3.3) E E ∗ The states are idempotent and complete. i.e.: πE πE′ = δE,E′πE , πE = 1 . (3.4) ∗ E X As a consequence, the spectral decomposition of the Hamiltonian is give as H = Eπ . (3.5) E E X Essentially, the objects that are necessary for carrying out the deformation quantization of a physical system are the classical Hamiltonian H and the *-product. For a given phase space it is not clear a priori if a consistent *-product exists or not and, for a general phase space, this is still an open problem [4]. In the case of free (non-interacting) fields that can be considered heuristically as the sum of an infinite number of harmonic oscillators, it has been shown [7] that the normal star-product is the only admissible star-product. The normal *-product between two functions f and g on phase space is defined by ∂ ∂ f g = eN12f(a(1),a(1))g(a(2),a(2)) , N = h¯δ , (3.6) ∗N (cid:12)a(1)=a(2)=a 12 ij∂a(i1) ∂a(j2) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) where the superscritpts (1) and (2) denote two arbitrary points in phase space and a = (a ,a ,...,a ). Furthermore, an overline denotes complex conjugation. The set of phase 1 2 n space variableshastosatisfythestandardcommutation relationswithrespect tothePoisson bracket, i.e. a ,a = δ , a ,a = a ,a = 0. In particular one can choose a = i j ij i j i j j { } { } { } 1/√2(x +ix ),(j = 1,...,n), where we are assuming that the configurational variable x j n+j j and its conjugate momentum x have been normalized to come out with the same units. n+j Letus nowapply thisprocedure tothelinearized theory. According to theresults given in section II, the canonical variables in the phase space of linearized gravity are the potentials A = (1/4)h Uβ and their canonical momenta Π = A˙ . The Hamiltonian is given by α αβ α α − 1 H = d3x Π Πα +A Aα,i . (3.7) α α,i 2 Z (cid:16) (cid:17) The main step inthe quantization procedure consists in solving Eq.(3.1) by using the normal *-product (3.6). To this end it is convenient to change from the variables of phase space 8 (A ,Π ) to a new set of canonically conjugate variables in which the Hamiltonian takes the α α simplest possible form. This procedure is very well known in field theory and consists in introducing the momentum representation of the phase variable A according to [21] α 1 dk A (x) = a (k)eikx +a (k)e−ikx , (3.8) α (2π)3/2 √2k α α Z 0 h i where k is a null vector k kµ = k2 +k2 = 0, and kx = k xµ. Then µ − 0 µ i k Π = A˙ = dk 0 a (k)eikx a (k)e−ikx , (3.9) α α (2π)3/2 s 2 α − α Z h i and i dk A = k a (k)eikx a (k)e−ikx . (3.10) α,j (2π)3/2 √2k j α − α Z 0 h i From the commutation relations for A and Π it can be shown that α β a ,a = δ , a ,a = a ,a = 0 , (3.11) α β αβ α β α β { } { } { } where the same value of k has been assumed in all the arguments. Introducing (3.9) and (3.10) into the Hamiltonian (3.7) and performing some of the integrations we obtain 1 H = k ηαβa (k)a (k)dk (3.12) 0 α β 2 Z We see that the resulting Hamiltonian is linear in the new variables and does not contain derivatives. It can be interpreted as an infinite sum of harmonic oscillators. This is an important observation [7, 12, 15] that allows us to formally apply the normal *-product as definedin(3.6). Infact, whengoingfromasystem withafinitenumber ofdegreesoffreedom to a field theory, one only has to “replace” partial derivatives by variational derivatives. We use this fact to calculate time-evolution function as the solution of Eq.(3.1). Then we have 1 lnExp (Ht) = e−ik0t 1 ηαβa (k)a (k)dk , (3.13) N h¯ − α β (cid:16) (cid:17)Z where the subscript N indicates that in Eq.(3.1) the normal *-product has been used. Using the definition of the exponential of a functional, the last expression can be written as 1 ∞ e−ink0t Exp (Ht) = exp ηαβa (k)a (k)dk ηαβan(k)an(k)dk . (3.14) N −h¯ α β n!h¯n α β (cid:18) Z (cid:19)n=0 Z X Comparing this expression with the Fourier-Dirichlet expansion (3.2) we can identify the corresponding states as 1 πN = exp ηαβa (k)a (k)dk , (3.15) E0 −h¯ α β (cid:18) Z (cid:19) 9 1 πN = πN ηαβan(k)an(k)dk , (3.16) En n!h¯n E0 α β Z and the energy spectrum E = nh¯k . (3.17) n 0 In this manner we have arrived at the main result of quantization: The determination of the quantum states and the energy spectrum of the system. The main advantage of deformation quantization consists in achieving this goal without using the operator formalism. Now we are confronted with the problem of finding the physical significance of our results. To this end, letusremember thatattheclassical level wehavederived Einsteins linearizedequations directlyfromtheLagrangian(2.12),andhavenoticedthattheLorentzgaugeconditionshave to be postulated as an additional requirement. It seems therefore natural to impose this requirement on the quantum states to find out which of them are physical. From Eq.(3.8) we find that the Lorentz gauge conditions are equivalent to 1 dk A ,α = ikα a (k)eikx a (k)e−ikx = 0 . (3.18) α (2π)3/2 √2k α − α Z 0 h i Clearly, this condition is identically satisfied if kαa (k) = 0 , (3.19) α what implies that only three components of a (k) are linearly independent. Furthermore, α thegaugefreedomgivenby Eq.(2.15)implies thattheharmonicfunctionΣ(x) canbeused to eliminate an additional component of a (k). So we are left with only two true components, α say, a (k) and a (k). This is in accordance with the fact that gravitational fields possess 1 2 only two physical degrees of freedom [18]. From Eqs.(3.15) and (3.16) we see that all states are specified as powers of a (k) and a (k). The results should not depend on the choice 1 2 of these two linear independent components, but one can use these freedom to adapt the formalism to different physical situations. For instance, in the case of the Newtonian limit it seems reasonable to choose the Newtonian potential φ and one of the “gravitomagnetic” functions [19], say γ, asindependent configurationvariables sothatA = (1/4)(4φ,γ,0,0). α − In the case of gravitational waves a more suitable choice would be A = (1/4)(0,γ ,γ ,0) α 1 2 − where γ and γ are now related to the special combination of the metric components that 1 2 describe gravitational waves (see, for instance, [19]). 10