Towards Synthesis from Assume-Guarantee Contracts involving Infinite Theories: A Preliminary Report Andreas Katis Andrew Gacek Michael W. Whalen DepartmentofComputer RockwellCollins DepartmentofComputer ScienceandEngineering AdvancedTechnologyCenter ScienceandEngineering UniversityofMinnesota 400CollinsRd. NE UniversityofMinnesota 200UnionStreet CedarRapids,IA,52498,USA 200UnionStreet Minneapolis,MN55455,USA andrew.gacek@ Minneapolis,MN55455,USA [email protected] [email protected] 6 1 ABSTRACT Collins and the University of Minnesota has focused on de- 0 signing tools that provide compositional proofs of correct- 2 Inpreviouswork,wehaveintroducedacontract-basedreal- izability checking algorithm for assume-guarantee contracts ness [2, 3, 4, 5]. In the context of synthesis, we recently b introduced a decision procedure for determine the realiz- involving infinite theories, such as linear integer/real arith- e ability of contracts involving infinite theories such as lin- F meticanduninterpretedfunctionsoverinfinitedomains. This ear integer/real arithmetic and/or uninterpreted functions algorithmcandeterminewhetherornotitispossibletocon- 9 that is checkable by any SMT solver that supports quan- struct a realization (i.e. an implementation) of an assume- 2 tification [6]. Furthermore, in [7] we formally proved the guarantee contract. The algorithm is similar to k-induction soundness of our checking algorithm using the Coq interac- modelchecking,butinvolvestheuseofquantifierstodeter- ] tive theorem prover. The realizability checking procedure E mine implementability. is now part of the AGREE reasoning framework [2], which Whileourworkonrealizabilityisinherentlyusefulforvir- S supports compositional assume-guarantee contract reason- tualintegrationindeterminingwhetheritispossibleforsup- s. plierstobuildsoftwarethatmeetsacontract,italsoprovides ing over system architectural models written in AADL [8]. c While checking the realizability of contracts provided us the foundations to solving the more challenging problem of [ with fruitful results and insight in several case studies, it component synthesis. In this paper, we provide an initial also worked as solid ground towards the development of an 2 synthesis algorithm for assume-guarantee contracts involv- automaticcomponentsynthesisprocedure. Themostimpor- v ing infinite theories. To do so, we take advantage of our tant obstacle initially, was the inability of the SMT solver 8 realizability checking procedure and a skolemization solver tohandlehigher-orderquantification. Fortunately,interest- 4 for∀∃-formulas,calledAE-VAL.Weshowthatitispossible ingdirectionstosolvingthisproblemhavealreadysurfaced, 1 to immediately adapt our existing algorithm towards syn- 0 thesis by using this solver, using a demonstration example. eitherbyextendinganSMTsolverwithnativesynthesisca- 0 We then discuss challenges towards creating a more robust pabilities[9],orbyprovidingexternalalgorithmsthatreduce 2. synthesis algorithm. theproblembyefficientquantifiereliminationmethods[10]. Themaincontributionofthispaperistheimplementation 0 ofacomponentsynthesisalgorithmforinfinitetheories,us- 6 1. INTRODUCTION ing specifications expressed in assume-guarantee contracts. 1 The problem of automated synthesis of reactive systems The algorithm heavily relies on our previous implementa- : v usingfrompropositionalspecificationsisaverywellstudied tionforrealizabilitychecking,butalsotakesadvantageofa i area of research [1]. By definition, the problem of synthesis recently published skolemizer for ∀∃-formulas, named AE- X entailsthediscoveryofefficientalgorithmsabletoconstruct VAL.Themainideainthisimplementationistoeffectively r acandidateprogramthatisguaranteedtocomplywiththe extract a Skolem relation that is essentially, a collection of a predefinedspecification. Inevitably,therelatedworkonsyn- strategies,thatcandirectlyleadtoanimplementationwhich thesishastackledseveralsub-problems,suchasthatoffunc- is guaranteed to comply to the corresponding contract. tion and template synthesis, as well as the weaker problem In Section 2 we provide the necessary background defini- regardingtheimplementability,orotherwise,realizabilityof tionsfromourpreviousworkonrealizabilitychecking. Sec- the specification. tion 3 presents our approach to solving the synthesis prob- In a similar fashion, a collaboration between Rockwell lem for assume-guarantee contracts using theories. Finally, in Section 4 we give a brief historical background on the related research work on synthesis, and we report our con- Permissiontomakedigitalorhardcopiesofallorpartofthisworkforpersonalor classroomuseisgrantedwithoutfeeprovidedthatcopiesarenotmadeordistributed clusions and upcoming future work in Section 5. forprofitorcommercialadvantageandthatcopiesbearthisnoticeandthefullcita- tiononthefirstpage. Copyrightsforcomponentsofthisworkownedbyothersthan ACMmustbehonored.Abstractingwithcreditispermitted.Tocopyotherwise,orre- 2. PRELIMINARIES publish,topostonserversortoredistributetolists,requirespriorspecificpermission and/[email protected]. Intheremainderofthepaper,weendeavortosolveasyn- FormaliSE’16,May152016,Austin,TX,USA thesis problem for assume-guarantee contracts involving in- finitetheories. Formally,animplementationisasetofvalid (cid:13)c 2016ACM.ISBN978-1-4503-4159-2/16/05...$15.00 DOI: initialstatesI andtransitionrelationT thatimplementsthe contract. In this section, we introduce the necessary formal Tousethiscoinductiveformulainamodelcheckingframe- machinerytotalkaboutrealizationsofanassume-guarantee work,wehadtofurthermassagethedefinitionintoonethat contract. resembles the principle of k-induction. As such, the base step of the induction ensures that given a state, G can 2.1 Example T keep responding to valid inputs for at least n steps in the Asanillustrativeexample,considerthecontractspecified future. Wecallthisstatefinitely viable,writtenViable (s): n in Figure 1. The component to be designed consists of two inputs,xandyandoneoutputz. Ifwerestrictourexample ∀i1.A(s,i1)⇒∃s1.GT(s,i1,s1)∧ tothecaseofintegerarithmetic,wecanseethatthecontract ∀i .A(s ,i )⇒∃s .G (s ,i ,s )∧...∧ 2 1 2 2 T 1 2 2 assumesthattheinputswillneverhavethesamevalue,and ∀i .A(s ,i )⇒∃s .G (s ,i ,s ) (3) requires that the component’s output is a Boolean whose n n−1 n n T n−1 n n value depends on the comparison of the values of x and y. On the other hand, the inductive step checks whether a path starting from a finitely viable state can be further ex- tended one-step. We call states that build such paths ex- Assumption : ? Guarantee: tendable, written Extendn(s): ∀i ,s ,...,i ,s . 1 1 n n A(s,i )∧G (s,i ,s )∧...∧ 1 T 1 1 Figure 1: Example of a realizable contract A(sn−1,in)∧GT(sn−1,in,sn)⇒ ∀i.A(s ,i)⇒∃s(cid:48).G (s ,i,s(cid:48)) (4) n T n One can easily prove that an implementation able to sat- Considering these underapproximations, the algorithm is isfy the contract is possible. The same though does not splitintotwoseparatechecks. FortheBaseCheck,weensure apply in the case where we omit the assumption from our that there exists an initial finitely viable state, original contract. Given no constraints over the values that the inputs can take, we have a case where the implemen- BaseCheck(n)=∃s.G (s)∧Viable (s) (5) I n tation may behave in an inconsistent manner regarding the valueofz,thusmakingtheviolationoftheguaranteespos- whiletheExtendCheck triestoprovethatallvalidstatesare sible. In the first case, the contract is realizable, but in the extendable. second, we cannot find an implementation that can provide ExtendCheck(n)=∀s.Extend (s) (6) n uswithanoutputthatsatisfiesthecontractguarantees,for any valid input. These contracts are considered to be unre- Due to the definition of finite viability containing 2n quan- alizable. tifier alternations, we can not practically use BaseCheck as the current SMT solvers struggle solving formulas of such 2.2 FormalDefinitions structure. Therefore we finally proposed a simplified ver- We use the types state and inputs to describe a state sion of BaseCheck, which essentially tries to prove that all and the set of inputs in the system, respectively. We define initial states are extendable for any k≤n. a transition system as a pair (I,T), where I is the set of BaseCheck(cid:48)(n)=∀k≤n.(∀s.G (s)⇒Extend (s)) (7) initial states, of type state → bool and T is the transition I k relation, of type state→inputs→state→bool. Eventhoughthesimplifieddefinitionismoresimpleforan A contract in this context is defined by its assumptions SMTsolvertoprocess,itcomeswithacost,asitintroduces andguarantees. Theassumptions Aimposeconstraintsover casesofrealizablecontractsthatareconsideredtobeunreal- theinputs,whiletheguaranteesarefurtherdecomposedinto izablefromthealgorithm. Totheextentofourexperiments, thepair(GI,GT)withGI describingthevalidinitialstates such a case has yet to be met, as it inherently requires the for the system, and GT specifying the new states to which user to purposely define contracts of such behavior. the system may transition, given a specific state and in- put. Notethatwedonotnecessarilyexpectthatacontract 3. SYNTHESISFROMCONTRACTS wouldbedefinedoverallvariablesinthetransitionsystem, With a sound implementation of the realizability check- but we do not make any distinction between internal state ingalgorithmathand,thenextstepwastotacklethemore variables and outputs in the formalism. This way, we can interesting problem of synthesis, i.e. the automated deriva- use state variables to, in some cases, simplify statements of tion of implementations that would be safe in terms of sat- guarantees. isfyingtheconstraintsdefinedbythecomponent’scontract. Given the above, we expressed realizability as follows. A The intuition behind solving the synthesis problem in our state s is viable if, starting from s, the transition system contextreliesonfindingasetofinitialstatesI andatransi- is capable of continuously responding to incoming valid in- tionrelationT thatwouldsatisfytherequirementsspecified puts. Alternatively, s is viable if the transitional guarantee in the contract. Unfortunately, the lack of power in SMT G infinitely holds, given valid inputs. As such, viability is T solversintermsofsolvingformulasthatcontainhigher-order defined coinductively: quantification immediately ruled out the prospect of using Viable(s)=∀i.A(s,i)⇒∃s(cid:48).GT(s,i,s(cid:48))∧Viable(s(cid:48)) (1) oneasourprimarysynthesistool. Therefore,analternative work from Fedyukovich et al. [10, 11] on a skolemizer for Usingthedefinitionofviable,acontractisrealizableifand ∀∃-formulas on linear integer arithmetic was chosen to be only if used as a means of extracting a witness that could directly ∃s. G (s)∧Viable(s). (2) be used in component synthesis. I // for each variable in I or S, The tool, called AE-VAL is using the Model-Based Pro- // create an array of size k. jection technique in [12] to validate ∀∃-formulas, based on // then initialize initial state values Loos-Weispfenning quantifier elimination [13]. As part of assign_GI_witness_to_S; the procedure, a Skolem relation is provided for the exis- update_array_history; tentially quantified variables of the formula. The algorithm initially distributes the models of the original formula into // Perform bounded ’base check’ synthesis read_inputs; disjoint uninterpreted partitions, with a local Skolem rela- base_check’_1_solution; tionbeingcomputedforeachpartitionintheprocess. From update_array_history; there, the use of a Horn-solver provides an interpretation ... foreachpartition,andafinalglobalSkolemrelationispro- read_inputs; duced. base_check’_k_solution; The idea behind our approach to solving the synthesis update_array_history; problem is simple. Consider the checks 7 and 6 that the // Perform recurrence from ’extends’ check realizabilitycheckingalgorithmisusing. BaseCheck’ isstill while(1) { necessaryforthesynthesisproblemtoensurethatallinitial read_inputs; states in the problem are valid. ExtendCheck on the other extend_check_k_solution; handcanbefurtherusedinactuallysynthesizingimplemen- update_array_history; tations. Thechecktriestoprovethateveryvalidstateinour } systemisextendable,i.e. allstatescanbestartingpointsto paths that comply to the system contract, and furthermore Figure 2: Algorithm skeleton for synthesis are extendable by one step: ∀i ,s ,...,i ,s . 1 1 n n A(s,i )∧G (s,i ,s )∧...∧ read inputs reads the current values of inputs into the ze- 1 T 1 1 roth element of the input variable arrays. Once the history A(s ,i )∧G (s ,i ,s )⇒ n−1 n T n−1 n n is entirely initialized using the BaseCheck’ witness values, ∀i.A(sn,i)⇒∃s(cid:48).GT(sn,i,s(cid:48)) we enter a recurrence loop where we use the solution of the ExtendCheck to describe the next value of outputs. which can be rewritten: ∀i ,s ,...,i ,s ,i. 3.1 SynthesisExample 1 1 n n A(s,i )∧G (s,i ,s )∧...∧ As an example that demonstrates the process, consider 1 T 1 1 the contract created for a mode controller in a simple mi- A(s ,i )∧G (s ,i ,s )∧A(s ,i)⇒ n−1 n T n−1 n n n crowave model of 260 lines of code that was used as one of ∃s(cid:48).G (s ,i,s(cid:48)) (8) T n the base case studies in [6]. The controller has four inputs, start which is used to indicate whether the microwave is Suchaformulaisexactlywhatisrequiredbya∀∃solversuch at an initial state or not, clear that is used as a stop sig- as AE-VAL in order to produce the witness for the existen- nal for the system, seconds to cook as a countdown timer tial variables s(cid:48). AE-VAL solves this formula by providing and door closed as an indicator that the microwave’s door anassignmentforeachexistentialvariableinapiecewisere- is closed or not. The controller returns the current state lation based on a partitioning based on assignments to the of the microwave’s mode using cooking mode. The contract universalvariables. Inotherwords,byexaminingabounded consists of one assumption and nine guarantees, which are historyofthestateandinputvariablevaluesinthecontract shown below informally, as well as formally in AADL. A li- (the universally quantified variables in Formula 8), we de- brarynameddefs isusedtodefineauxiliaryfunctions,such termine the next values of the state variables. An example as rising edge() which returns“true”when the correspond- of a portion of this partitioning is shown in Figure 3. In ing signal is at its rising edge, and initially true() which is other words, the Skolem relation contains, starting from a used to check a variable’s value at the component’s initial validinitialstateofvariables,strategiesintermsofhowthe state. newstateisselected,insuchaway,thatthecontractisnot violated. MC Assumption – seconds to cook is greater than Thus, we can construct the skeleton of an algorithm as or equal to zero. shown in Figure 2. We begin by creating an array for each seconds_to_cook >= 0; input and history variable up to depth k, where k is the depth at which we found a solution to our realizability al- gorithm. In each array, the zeroth element is the ‘current’ MC Guarantee-0 – The range of the cooking mode valueofthevariable,thefirstelementisthepreviousvalue, variable shall be [1..3]. and the (k−1)’th value is the (k−1)-step previous value. cooking_mode >= 1 and cooking_mode <= 3; We then generate witnesses for each of the BaseCheck’ in- stances of successive depth using the AE-VAL solver to de- scribetheinitialbehavioroftheimplementationuptodepth MC Guarantee-1–Themicrowaveshallbeincook- k. This process starts from the memory-free description of ing mode only when the door is closed. the initial state (G ). There are two ‘helper’ operations: I is_running => door_closed; update array history shifts each array’s elements one posi- tion forward (the (k−1)’th value is simply forgotten), and ite([&& MC Guarantee-2–Themicrowaveshallbeinsetup $defs__rising_edge~1.Mode_Control_Impl_Instance__signal$0 !($Mode_Control_Impl_Instance__seconds_to_cook$0>=0) mode in the initial state. !$defs__initially_true~0.Mode_Control_Impl_Instance__result$0 (defs.initially_true(start)) => is_setup; ],[&& $Mode_Control_Impl_Instance__is_setup$0 $defs__rising_edge~1.Mode_Control_Impl_Instance__re$0 !$Mode_Control_Impl_Instance__is_cooking$0 MC Guarantee-3 – At the instant the microwave $defs__rising_edge~1.Mode_Control_Impl_Instance__signal$0 !$_TOTAL_COMP_HIST$0 starts running, it shall be in the cooking mode if the !$_SYSTEM_ASSUMP_HIST$0 !$Mode_Control_Impl_Instance__is_suspended$0 door is closed. !$Mode_Control_Impl_Instance__is_running$0 !$defs__rising_edge~0.Mode_Control_Impl_Instance__re$0 (defs.rising_edge(is_running) and !$defs__initially_true~0.Mode_Control_Impl_Instance__b$0 !$defs__initially_true~0.Mode_Control_Impl_Instance__result$0 door_closed) => is_cooking; !$defs__rising_edge~2.Mode_Control_Impl_Instance__re$0 !$defs__rising_edge~2.Mode_Control_Impl_Instance__signal$0 ],ite([&& %init $_SYS_GUARANTEE_2$0 MC Guarantee-4 – At the instant the microwave !($Mode_Control_Impl_Instance__seconds_to_cook$0>=0) !$defs__rising_edge~1.Mode_Control_Impl_Instance__signal$0 starts running, it shall enter the suspended mode if !$defs__initially_true~0.Mode_Control_Impl_Instance__b$0 ],...)) the door is open. (defs.rising_edge(is_running) and Figure3: AportionoftheSkolemrelationgenerated not door_closed) => is_suspended; for the Microwave Mode Logic MC Guarantee-5 – At the instant the clear button ing in the conjuncts of the relation is named uniquely after is pressed, if the microwave was cooking, then the mi- the state that it refers to, using the $X postfix, where X crowave shall stop cooking. is an integer. In addition to each state’s variables, we keep (defs.rising_edge(clear) and trackofwhethereachstateisinitialusingthevariable%init. is_cooking) => not is_cooking; The structure of the Skolem relation is simple enough to translateintoaprograminamainstreamlanguage. Weneed implementations that are able to keep track of the current MC Guarantee-6 – At the instant when the clear state variables, the current inputs, as well as some history button is pressed, if the microwave is in suspended aboutthevariablevaluesinpreviousstates. Thiscaneasily mode, it shall enter the setup mode. be handled, for example, in C with the use of arrays to keep record of each variable’s k last values, and the use of (defs.rising_edge(clear) and functionsthatupdateeachvariable’scorrespondingarrayto is_suspended) => is_setup; reflectthechangesfollowinganewstepusingthetransition relation. MC Guarantee-7 – If suspended, at the instant the 4. RELATEDWORK start key is pressed the microwave shall enter cooking mode if the door is closed. Theproblemofprogramsynthesiswasfirstexpressedfor- mallyintheearly1970s[15]asapotentiallyimportantarea (defs.rising_edge(start) and is_suspended of study and research. Pnuelli and Rosner use the term and door_closed) => is_cooking; implementability in [16] to refer to the problem of synthe- sis for propositional LTL. Additionally, the authors in [16] proved that the lower-bound time complexity of the prob- MCGuarantee-8–Ifseconds to cook=0,microwave lem is doubly exponential, in the worst case. In the follow- will be in setup mode. ing years, several techniques were introduced to deal with (seconds_to_cook = 0) => is_setup; the synthesis problem in a more efficient way for subsets of propositional LTL [17], simple LTL formulas ([18], [19]), as ThecontractisthentranslatedfromAADLintoanequiv- well as in a component-based approach [20] and specifica- alentLustreprogramthatisthengivenasinputtotheJKind tionsbasedonothertemporallogics([21],[22]),suchasSIS model checker [14], where our realizability algorithm is im- [23]. plemented as a separate feature. From JKind, the Lustre In2010,asurveyfromSumitGulwanidescribedthedirec- specification is further translated into the SMT-LIB v2 for- tionsthatfutureresearchwillfocuson,towardstheroadof mat. In reality, the program is split into two different pro- fully automated synthesis of programs [1]. The approaches cesses that run in parallel and correspond to the checks 6 that have been proposed are many, and differ on many as- and7thatoursynthesisalgorithmisusing. Consideringthe pects, either in terms of the specifications that are being fact that the contract is realizable, we impose the negation exercised, or the reasoning behind the synthesis algorithm ofourtarget∀∃-formulaasaquerytotheAE-VALskolem- itself. On the one hand, template-based synthesis [24] is izerduringthelaststepofExtendCheck. AE-VALresponds focusedontheexplorationofprogramsthatsatisfyaspeci- that the original formula can be satisfied, and provides a ficationthatisrefinedaftereachiteration,followingtheba- Skolem relation, a part of which is shown in Figure 3. sicprinciplesofdeductivesynthesis. Inductivesynthesis,on As seen in Figure 3, the Skolem relation is composed of theotherhand,isanactiveareaofresearchwherethemain nested if-then-else blocks, which indicate the possible valid goal is the generation of an inductive invariant that can be transitions the implementation can follow given a specific used to describe the space of programs that are guaranteed state,withoutviolatingthecontract. Eachvariableappear- to satisfy the given specification [25]. This idea is mainly supported by the use of SMT solvers to guide the invari- 6. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS antrefinementthroughtracesthatviolatetherequirements, This work was funded by DARPA and AFRL under con- knownascounterexamples. Recentlypublishedworkonex- tract 4504789784 (Secure Mathematically-Assured Compo- tending SMT solvers with counterexample-guided synthesis sition of Control Models), and by NASA under contract showsthattheycaneventuallybeusedasanalternative to NNA13AA21C (Compositional Verification of Flight Crit- solvingtheproblemundercertaindomainsofarithmetic[9]. ical Systems), and by NSF under grant CNS-1035715 (As- Finally, an interesting and relevant work has been done suring the safety, security, and reliability of medical device regardingthesolutiontothecontrollabilityproblemusingin cyber physical systems). [26][27]and[28],whichinvolvesthedecisionontheexistence astrategythatassignscertainvaluestoasetofcontrollable 7. REFERENCES activities, with respect to a set of uncontrollable ones. [1] S. 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