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Towards Sustainable Road Transport Ronald M. Dell Patrick T. Moseley David A. J. Rand AMSTERDAM • BOSTON • HEIDELBERG • LONDON NEW YORK • OXFORD • PARIS • SAN DIEGO SAN FRANCISCO • SINGAPORE • SYDNEY • TOKYO Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, UK 225 Wyman Street, Waltham, MA 02451, USA First edition 2014 Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher Permissions may be sought directly from Elsevier’s Science & Technology Rights Department in Oxford, UK: phone (+44) (0) 1865 843830; fax (+44) (0) 1865 853333; email: permissions@elsevier. com. Alternatively you can submit your request online by visiting the Elsevier web site at http://elsevier. com/locate/permissions, and selecting Obtaining permission to use Elsevier material Notice No responsibility is assumed by the publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein. Because of rapid advances in the medical sciences, in particular, independent verification of diagnoses and drug dosages should be made British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A catalog record for this book is availabe from the Library of Congress ISBN: 978-0-12-404616-0 For information on all Academic Press publications visit our web site at books.elsevier.com Printed and bound in United States of America 14 15 16 17 18 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 The Open Road They were strolling along the high road easily….. when far behind them they heard a faint warning hum, like the drone of a distant bee. Glancing back, they saw a small cloud of dust, with a dark centre of energy, advancing on them at incredible speed, while from out of the dust, a faint ‘Poop-poop!’ wailed like an uneasy animal in pain. Hardly regarding it, they turned to resume their conversation, when in an instant (as it seemed) the peaceful scene was changed, and with a blast of wind and a whirl of sound that made them jump for the nearest ditch, it was on them!........ ……..‘Glorious, stirring sight!’ murmured Toad…..‘ The poetry of motion! The real way to travel! The only way to travel! Here to-day – in next week to-morrow! Villages skipped, towns and cities jumped – always somebody else’s horizon! O bliss! O poop-poop! O my! O my!’….. ….‘O what a flowery track lies spread before me, henceforth! What dust-clouds shall spring up behind me as I speed on my reckless way! What carts I shall fling carelessly into the ditch in the wake of my magnificent onset!’…. ….The following evening the Mole, who had risen late and taken things very easy all day, was sit- ting on the bank fishing, when the Rat, who had been looking up his friends and gossiping, came stroll- ing along to find him. ‘Heard the news?’ he said. ‘There’s nothing else being talked about, all along the river bank. Toad went up to Town by an early train this morning. And he has ordered a large and very expensive motor-car.’ Kenneth Grahame, The Wind in the Willows, 1908 Preface ‘Sustainable development’ was defined in 1987 by the World Commission on Environment and Devel- opment (the Brundtland Commission) as being development that: ‘meets the needs of current generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs’. Circumstances have changed markedly since this straightforward definition was proposed. For instance: • global population has expanded greatly, thereby exacerbating demands on the Earth’s resources for food, water and minerals • the natural environment has been seriously damaged by mankind’s activities • the threat posed by climate change (commonly referred to as ‘global warming’) has been recognized. Consequently, the scope of ‘sustainable development’ has been amplified and extended. Whereas significant progress has indeed been made in the re-use of metals and various other materials, world reserves of oil and natural gas are being exploited at an ever-increasing rate. In addition, there remains serious concern over the harmful effects on global ecology caused by major oil spills, the dispersion of fragmented plastics in the oceans, and deforestation. The likely conse- quences of this widespread degradation are now widely recognized but, to date, little progress has been made towards a successful remediation. There is conflict between the long-term needs of the environment and the short-term financial interests of land-owners, farmers, and the manufacturing industry. The identification of an acceptable route to a sustainable future has proved exceedingly difficult for politicians, particularly in an era of restricted economic growth, fiscal deficits, and bur- geoning unemployment. The present concept of ‘sustainability’ now encompasses the following societal aspirations: • universal access to clean water and sanitation • freedom from hunger and a nutritious diet for all • eradication or control of diseases • reduction of child mortality and improvements in maternal health • elimination of poverty and a more equitable distribution of wealth • a basic standard of education for all, with the opportunity to progress to more advanced levels according to ability • racial and gender equality • democracy and the freedom to participate in decision-making • human rights and the universal rule of law, order and justice • population control, without which most of the foregoing aims may prove unachievable. At the beginning of the 21st century, many of the items in the above formidable list were adopted by all 193 member states of the United Nations in a set of eight Millennium Development Goals, which are to be accomplished by 2015. The statement of intent is clear but the target timescale represents a seri- ous challenge. xiii xiv Preface This book focuses attention on road transport — a key aspect of human activity among the many that require attention if sustainable development on a global scale is to be achieved. The work examines the prospects for its evolution from a system that consumes irreplaceable resources and degrades the environment, towards one with a modus operandi that will be both supportable and benign. The accommodation of conventional road vehicles powered by internal combustion engines (ICEs) has reached a ‘tipping point’. As a result of the predicted expansion of the human population from its current level of seven billion to perhaps nine billion by the second half of the present century, coupled with the aspirations of people in developing countries to match the levels of personal transport that are enjoyed by those in developed nations, a huge growth in the numbers of such vehicles is expected. If automotive power continues to depend on the ICE, the surge in road transport will obviously lead to increased congestion on the roads with consequent intensified air pollution, frustration for motorists, and greater fuel consumption. The attendant release of carbon dioxide will also be exacerbated. There is no doubt that the concentration of this greenhouse gas in the atmosphere has risen steadily since the onset of the Industrial Revolution in the late 18th century. The precise impact of this accumulation on global climate compared with the effects of natural phenomena, such as fluctuations in insolation levels, cloud formations and emissions from volcanoes, is still the subject of much debate. Nevertheless, moderation of climate change is perhaps the most important long-term challenge that confronts the world today and, as long as uncertainty over its origins prevails, it is prudent to work towards limiting the emissions of carbon dioxide. The possible consequences of not doing so are simply too serious to ignore. A further consideration relating to the long-term prospects for road transport is that reserves of readily-recoverable petroleum are finite and are being depleted rapidly. For instance, already more than half of the economically-viable oil in the North Sea has been extracted and consumed —1999 was the year of peak production. The search for new oil fields is now moving into deeper waters offshore where prospecting and production are more difficult and this will inevitably give rise to higher prices at the pump. Many other petroleum-like fuels (oil sands and heavy oils, for example) can be refined to produce petrol and diesel, and other fossil fuels (coals, natural gas) can also be transformed from their native state to liquid fuels. Unfortunately, all these alternative energy sources invoke a heavy penalty in terms of environmental degradation and most require complex processing that results in increased cost. Bio- fuels, too, involve the expenditure of considerable amounts of energy in the harvesting and processing of crops over vast tracts of prime agricultural land, so that it is difficult to justify the claim that such fuels are ‘carbon neutral’ in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. The petroleum and automotive industries have gone to some lengths to reduce the impact of the ICE on the environment. Over the past few decades, oil companies have made major advances in refining technology and now curtail the sulfur content of motor fuels to extremely low levels as in ‘ultra-low sulfur diesel’, for example. Meanwhile, the automotive components industry has perfected catalytic converters for use with petrol engines to meet ever-tighter environmental legislation that has been intro- duced to control the release of hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxides. Ceramic filters have been developed to trap the fine particles of carbon in diesel exhaust emissions that are a potential cause of lung disease. Automotive manufacturers face the conflicting demands of customers for vehicles with ever- improved performance, safety and comfort ― but without any appreciable increase in cost. This dilemma has been resolved to a large degree through advances in design and the economies-of-scale that result from mass production. Although the outcomes of such developments are welcome to Preface xv motorists, many are peripheral to the issue of sustainability. Rather, it is the refinement in engine and power-train technology that is most relevant. The combined use of direct fuel-injection and turbo- chargers to allow the use of smaller engines with no decrease in power appears to have been particu- larly effective in reducing both emissions and fuel consumption. The ‘stop–start’ principle, which eliminates fuel usage whenever the vehicle is stationary, is particularly beneficial in instances of heavy traffic. It has long been recognized that to provide rapid acceleration and good hill-climbing performance, the power capability of traditional engines is grossly over-designed in comparison with that required when a vehicle is cruising on level ground. Thus, considerable fuel economy may be achieved by fitting a smaller engine that is adequate for cruising, together with an auxiliary power source. This is the basis of the ‘hybrid vehicle’. There are many possible versions of such a vehicle, but most in use today depend on electric motors to provide the necessary boost. The power-trains may have either series or parallel configurations; variants of these with progressively increasing levels of ‘power-assist’ are also available. Hybrid technology introduces complex issues of power flow and control that are managed by on-board computers, advanced types of power electronics, and suitable storage batteries. Regenerative braking, whereby some of the energy dissipated in braking is recovered in the form of electricity and fed back to the battery, is also helping to improve fuel efficiency. The progressive electrification of the power-train is on-going and further advances are inevitable. In principle, the ultimate stage in the process of replacing the ICE power source in vehicles by an electric equivalent is the move to a battery electric vehicle (BEV). Given that the driving range is infe- rior and battery recharging takes much longer than refuelling a petrol tank, the uptake of BEVs is likely to be restricted to urban/suburban use, e.g. for public and commercial services (particularly those oper- ating over fixed routes) and for commuting to work. The ‘plug-in’ hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) addresses the problem of range limitation ― the design draws most of its energy from mains electricity but has an ICE for use during long journeys. Whereas electrically-propelled vehicles are to be wel- comed on the grounds of reduced pollution and conservation of petroleum supplies, they only contrib- ute to true sustainability if the mains electricity on which they run stems from non-fossil sources, i.e. from nuclear power or from renewable forms of energy. Fuel cell vehicles (FCVs), which operate on hydrogen, represent an alternative approach to ‘car- bon-free’ transport. Notably, FCVs have effectively no range limitation, emit no local pollution, and emit carbon emissions only to the extent that fossil fuels are employed in obtaining the hydrogen; conventionally, hydrogen is produced predominantly by the steam-reforming of natural gas, which does involve the release of carbon dioxide. Unfortunately, the large-scale introduction of FCVs poses major problems. Aside from challenges associated with the on-board storage of sufficient hydrogen and from the high costs incurred in fabricating fuel cells ― both of which might reasonably be expected to be resolved in due course ― there is the over-riding challenge of providing a national/ international infrastructure for the manufacture, transmission, distribution and dispensing of hydrogen in bulk quantities. This is primarily a question of economics, although there are certainly some techni- cal aspects to be addressed. Notwithstanding these obstacles, several automotive companies see FCVs as a prospective step towards sustainability and are planning for their introduction within the foresee- able future. Until relatively recently, road transport was a straightforward matter. All vehicles were equipped with comparatively simple ICEs, fuel was widely available at moderate prices, and there were few restrictions on pollutant emissions. The situation has now changed: hybrid vehicles are more complex xvi Preface and more costly to manufacture than their predecessors and designs are still evolving; the price of fuel has escalated; strict pollutant emission limits have been imposed; and, finally, the spectre of greenhouse gases must be confronted. Major shifts are occurring in the standard-of-living of previously undevel- oped nations and millions more people around the world will expect to own their own transport. Glo- balization has led to ever-increasing volumes of freight transport that necessitate the construction of more durable roads. At the same time, however, restricted economic growth is imposing serious con- straints in many developed countries. Looking ahead a few decades, there is likely to be: a wider range of vehicle drive-trains; much innovation based on electronics and computer control such as ‘drive-by-wire’ to replace mechanical operation; and, ultimately, the driverless car. Such advances would be taking place within a rapidly evolving social framework and a changing sense of political and environmental priorities. It should be clearly understood, however, that none of the improved technologies will be adopted in sufficiently large numbers to address concerns over global climate change unless they are affordable. The manage- ment of world economics is thus expected to play a pivotal role. Predicting the future with confidence is very difficult, as witnessed by all the unanticipated develop- ments of the past century — most notably, the explosive growth in electronics and communications. Nevertheless, it is important to strive for a clear, forward-looking view of those factors that may threaten the environment and the security of the planet, as well as the quality of life of its inhabitants. In the area of road transport, as with many other areas, it is important to review all of the present technical develop- ments that might contribute to a sustainable future. This is the prime objective of the present book. Ronald M. Dell Patrick T. Moseley David A. J. Rand Please also visit the companion website for additional material, including historic Milestones at: http://booksite.elsevier.com/9780124046160 Biographical Notes The authors are senior research chemists who have spent their entire professional careers working in the energy field. Ronald Dell PhD DSc CChem FRSC graduated from the Univer- sity of Bristol. He lived for several years in the USA, where he worked as a research chemist, first in academia and then in the petroleum industry. On returning to Britain, Ron joined the UK Atomic Energy Research Establishment at Harwell in 1959. During a tenure of 35 years, he investigated the fundamental chemistry of materials used in nuclear power and managed projects in the field of applied electrochemistry, especially electrochemical power sources. Since retiring in the mid-1990s, he has interested himself in the developing world energy scene and has co-authored with David Rand several books on bat- teries, on clean energy, and on hydrogen energy. Patrick Moseley PhD DSc graduated from the University of Durham, England. He worked for 23 years at the UK Atomic Energy Research Establishment at Harwell, where he brought a background of crystal structure and materials chemistry to the study of lead–acid and other types of battery, thus supplementing the traditional electrochemical emphasis of the subject, and to the study of sensor materials. From1995, Pat was Manager of Electrochemistry at the International Lead Zinc Research Organization in North Carolina, USA, and Program Manager of the Advanced Lead–Acid Battery Consortium. In 2005, he became President of the Consortium. He is also a director of Atmospheric Sen- sors Ltd. Pat has been an Editor of the Journal of Power Sources since 1989 and, together with David Rand, was a Co-editor of the Encyclopaedia of Electrochemical Power Sources published by Elsevier in 2009. In 2008, he was awarded the Gaston Planté Medal by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. David Rand AM PhD ScD FTSE was educated as an electrochemist at the University of Cambridge. Shortly after graduating in 1969, he emigrated to Australia and has spent his research career working at the government’s CSIRO laboratories in Melbourne. In the late 1970s, David established the CSIRO Battery Research Group and remained its leader until 2003. As a Chief Research Scientist, he was CSIRO’s scientific advisor on hydrogen and renewable energy until his retire- ment in 2008. He has served as the Vice-President of the Australian Association for Hydrogen Energy. David has been the Asia–Pacific Editor of the Journal of Power Sources since 1983, and the Chief Energy Scientist of the World Solar Challenge since 1987. He was elected a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering in 1998, and received the Order of Australia in 2013 for service to science and technological development in the field of energy storage. xvii Acknowledgements The authors have consulted many sources of information including books, reports, reviews, and web sites. As the present volume is a broad-brush overview, it is not seen fit to quote detailed references. Nevertheless, our indebtedness to the work of others must be acknowledged. Similarly, we are grateful to the holders of copyright who have kindly consented to the use of their illustrations. The assistance of Dr Jacquie Berry, Professor Neville Jackson, Dame Professor Julia King and Sir Robert Watson is gratefully acknowledged. The authors would like to express their thanks also to their wives: Sylvia Dell, Heather Moseley and Gwen Rand, for their patient support and encouragement during the writing of this book. xix Acronyms, Initialisms, Symbols and Units used in this book Acronyms and Initialisms 4WD four-wheel drive ABS anti-lock braking system a.c. (or AC) alternating current AFC alkaline fuel cell AGM absorptive glass-mat (battery separator) ALABC Advanced Lead–Acid Battery Consortium AMT Automated Manual Transmission APU auxiliary power unit AWD all-wheel drive BEV battery electric vehicle B-ISG belt-driven integrated starter–generator BMS battery-management system BRIC Brazil, Russia, India, China (group of nations at similar stages of development) BRT bus rapid transit CAFE corporate average fuel economy CAN controller area network CAPP Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers CB conduction band CC climate change CCGT combined-cycle gas turbine CCS carbon capture and storage CHIC Clean Hydrogen in European Cities CHP combined heat and power CI compression-ignition (diesel engine or vehicle) C-ISG crankshaft-mounted integrated starter–generator CNG compressed natural gas CR compression ratio (of engine) CTL coal-to-liquids CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (Australia) CUTE Clean Urban Transport for Europe CV commercial vehicle CVT continuously variable transmission d.c. (or DC) direct current DCA dynamic charge-acceptance DCT dual-clutch transmission (or double-clutch transmission) DME dimethyl ether xxi

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