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Preview Towards predictive modelling of near-edge structures in electron energy loss spectra of AlN based ternary alloys

Towards predictive modelling of near-edge structures in electron energy loss spectra of AlN based ternary alloys D. Holec,1,2,∗ R. Rachbauer,1 D. Kiener,3,4 P.D. Cherns,2 P.M.F.J. Costa,2,5 C. McAleese,2 P.H. Mayrhofer,1 and C.J. Humphreys2 1Department of Physical Metallurgy and Materials Testing, Montanuniversit¨at Leoben, Franz-Josef-Strasse 18, A-8700 Leoben, Austria 2Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge, Pembroke Street,Cambridge CB2 3QZ, United Kingdom 2 3Erich Schmid Institute of Materials Science, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Jahnstrasse 12, A-8700 Leoben, Austria 1 4Department of Materials Physics, Montanuniversit¨at Leoben, Franz-Josef-Strasse 18, A-8700 Leoben, Austria 0 5CICECO, Department of Ceramics and Glass Engineering, University of Aveiro, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal 2 (Dated: January 16, 2012) n Although electron energy loss near edge structure analysis provides a tool for experimentally a probing unoccupied density of states, a detailed comparison with simulations is necessary in order J to understand the origin of individual peaks. This paper presents a density functional theory 3 based techniquefor predicting theN K-edge for ternary (quasi-binary) nitrogen alloys byadopting 1 a core hole approach, a methodology that has been successful for binary nitride compounds. It is demonstratedthatusingthespectraofbinarycompoundsforoptimisingthecoreholecharge(0.35e ] i for cubic Ti1−xAlxN and 0.45e for wurtzite AlxGa1−xN), the predicted spectra evolutions of the c ternary alloys agree well with theexperiments. Thespectral features are subsequentlydiscussed in s terms of theelectronic structureand bondingof thealloys. - l r t PACSnumbers: 61.66.Dk,71.15.Mb,71.20.Be,71.20.Nr,79.20.Uv,81.15.Cd,81.15.Gh m Keywords: Density functional theory (DFT); Electron energy loss near edge structure (ELNES); Alloys; TiAlN;AlGaN . t a m I. INTRODUCTION luted alloys8. Therefore,the here proposedmethodology - is highly relevant also for XANES. d n Wurtzite aluminium nitride (w-AlN), gallium nitride Recent developments of theoretical methods for solid o (w-GaN) and their ternary alloy w-AlxGa1−xN are im- state physics have provided the EELS community with c portantmaterialsfordevicessuchaslightemittingdiodes increasingly reliable and comprehensive tools to simu- [ (LEDs) and laser diodes (LDs)1. Cubic titanium ni- late ELNES. A particularly important example is the 1 tride (c-TiN) and in particular its alloy with AlN, cu- TelnesprogramwhichisdistributedasapartofWien2k9, 2v bic Ti1−xAlxN, are widely used hard coatings due to anall-electronfull-potentiallinearisedaugmentedplane- their high hardness, corrosionand oxidation resistance2. wave (FP-LAPW) code. It has been suggested in the 4 In both ternary alloys, a crucial requirement for getting literature10 that a calculation including a core hole pro- 8 2 theoptimalapplication-tailoredpropertiesisanaccurate vides a better description of the excitation process by . control of both the composition and structure of the al- means of the standard (ground state) density functional 1 loy. theory (DFT). To create a core hole, one takes an elec- 0 tron(orafractionofit)fromitsgroundstateposition(N 2 Electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) is a pow- 1 erful technique to microanalyse compositional features3. 1s-stateinthecaseofNK-edge)andputsitinthelowest v: The spectra can be recorded with very high spatial res- unoccupied state abovethe Fermi level(N 2p)or adds it asabackgroundchargetokeepthetotalchargeofthecell i olution, thus taking advantage of the high sensitivity X neutral10. This can be easily realised in Wien2k where of EELS to local changes in the electronic structure of r materials4,5. Its subset, electron energy loss near edge all electrons are accessible and explicitly treated. Re- a cently, the core hole calculations have become routinely structure (ELNES) reflects the density of unoccupied available also for pseudopotential codes11,12. states and provides thus an experimental probe for this partoftheelectronicstructureofmaterials. However,the A considerable effort has been spent on studying interaction of high energy electrons with lattice atoms ELNES of binary nitrides with respect to their crystal does not always have a straightforward interpretation. structures (wurtzite, rock salt, zinc blende)13–18, polari- In order to understand the experimental data, measured sationeffects13,14,18–20,doping21,andstoichiometry22–24. EELS spectra need to be compared in detail with their Theliteratureisvastandprovidesagoodbackgroundfor calculated counterparts. understanding the origin of peaks in ELNES in terms of bonding, and thus establishes a solid basis for a finger- X-ray absorbtion near-edge structure (XANES) is a print identification of materials and their properties. closely related technique to ELNES. The edge shapes are very similar5,6, it also allows for studying polarisa- Nonetheless,thereareonlyafewreportsonthecompo- tion effects7, and it has been successfully applied to di- sitional dependence of ELNES of ternary alloys. Keast 2 structure a [˚A] c [˚A] B0 [GPa] TiN B1 4.256 292 Bk 3.524 4.227 238 AlN B1 4.070 253 B4 3.129 5.016 197 GaN B4 3.216 5.238 169 TABLE I. Optimised lattice parameters and bulk moduli of thebinary compounds used in this work. alloywereoptimisedwithrespecttovolume(lattice con- stants)aswellastointernal(local)relaxations,forwhich we used the VASP code30,31 together with the projector FIG.1. Crystalstructuresinvestigatedinthiswork: (a)cubic augmented wave pseudopotentials32 employing the gen- B1 (NaCl prototype), (b) wurtzite B4 (ZnS prototype), and eralised gradient approximation (GGA) as parametrised (c) five-coordinated hexagonal Bk structure (BN prototype). by33. We used 500eV for the plane-wave cut-off energy and a minimum of ≈ 600k-points·atom (usually more). Such parameters guarantee the calculation accuracy in et al.25 measured N K-edge ELNES of InxGa1−xN al- the order of meV/atom. The obtained equilibrium lat- loys and correlated their findings with DFT calculations tice parameters (see Tab. I) and energies are in good using, however, extremely small supercells. MacKenzie agreement with those previously published34–36. et al.26 used ordered structures and averaging of the TiN is mechanically unstable in the four co-ordinated boundary binaries spectra to get a guess on the shape of wurtzite (B4) structure (Fig. 1b) and relaxes into a five- Ti1−xAlxN N K-edge. Holec et al.27 showed that using coordinated B structure (Fig. 1c). The reason for this k small ordered cells failed to reproduce the experimental is that the presence of d electrons favoursa different hy- spectrum of an AlxGa1−xN alloy. To date, a systematic bridisation scheme (sp3d) than the tetrahedral sp3 (see studyshowingtheeffectofalloyingontheELNESshape Refs. 27 and 37). Consequently, the wurtzite variant of (“evolution” of the edge), as well as discussing the com- the Ti1−xAlxN alloy becomes unstable around x ≈ 0.6 putational methodology in a recipe-like form, is missing. whereas for x / 0.6 the Bk structure is obtained27,38. The present paper is aiming to fill this gap by facilitat- This is, however, the composition where also the phase ing a semi-empirical approach in which the calculation transition to a lower energy, experimentally observed parameters (e.g. the core hole charge) are first adjusted cubic variant happens34. Therefore, in the following toreproducethespectraoftheboundarybinarysystems, we present only results for the high Al containing w- andsubsequently used to predict the N K-edgeevolution Ti1−xAlxN. of ternary alloys. As for the AlxGa1−xN alloy, we optimised the crys- tal lattices only for the boundary binary compounds (Tab. I), AlN and GaN, and then used Vegard’s rule to II. METHODOLOGY obtain the lattice constants for the intermediate compo- sition. This is justified by the workofDridi et al.39 who A. Calculation details showed for this alloy that the lattice parameters (unlike the band gap) exhibit a linear dependence on the com- The individual structures are modelled with super- position. cells constructed using a special quasi-random structure ElectronicpropertiesandtheELNESspectrawerecal- (SQS) approach28. All alloys considered in this paper culated using the Wien2k code9 employing the GGA– are quasi-binary which means that mixing of elements PBE parametrisation40 of the exchange-correlation po- (either Ti and Al or Al and Ga) takes place only on one tential. An equivalent of ≈ 900 k-points within the sublattice (bigger atoms in Fig. 1); the other sublattice whole first Brillouin zone of the unit cell, the expansion is fully occupied with N atoms. 3×3 ×2 (36 atoms) of the spherical harmonics up to l = 10 inside the non- and2×2×2 (32 atoms)supercells were used for the cu- overlapping muffin tin (MT) spheres, and R k = 7 MT max bic B1 and wurtzite B4 modifications, respectively. The were used41. The MT radii were automatically set by short range order parameters were optimised for pairs structGen (a part of the Wien2k package) to values up to the fourthorder,triplets up to the third orderand ≈ 1.70–1.80, ≈ 1.95–2.00, ≈ 1.85–1.95 and ≈ 1.90– quadruplets up to the second order28,29. More details 1.95a.u. for N, Ti, Al, and Ga atom, respectively. The about the cells and the process of their generation can spinpolarisationeffectswerenottakenintoaccount. The be found in Ref. 29. core holes were implemented by reducing the N 1s core The cubic and wurtzite structures of the Ti1−xAlxN level occupation on a specific site and putting the corre- 3 sponding charge in the background in order to keep the III. RESULTS cell neutral10. ELNES was calculated using the Telnes program, a part of Wien2k. This was repeated for all A. Binary compounds N sites in the supercell. The spectrum representing the particular alloy composition was obtained by averaging The strategy adopted in this paper is to find calcula- this set of N K-edges. tionparametersthatreproducetheNK-edgeELNESfor the binary compounds as closely as possible, and subse- quently use these settings for predicting the ELNES evo- lutionofthealloys. Figure2showshowtheedgeshapeof cubicandwurtzite/hexagonalAlNandTiNchangeswith B. Experiment increasingcore hole chargefrom0e (groundstate) to 1e (finalexcitedstate–fullcorehole). Theeffectisstronger forAlNthanforTiN.Thisisduetofastcoreholescreen- In order to experimentally confirm the ab initio pre- ing in TiN originatingfrom its metallic character5. Nev- dictedELNESspectra,twomaterialsystems,Ti1−xAlxN ertheless, some small changes can still be observed, e.g. and AlxGa1−xN were investigated. thepeakbroadeningforthecubicmodificationorthedis- The Ti1−xAlxN samples were deposited in Leoben us- appearing high-energyshoulder of the main peak for the ing the plasma-assisted unbalanced magnetron sputter- hexagonal TiN with increasing core hole charge. Lazar ing technique42. The variation of the Al mole fraction et al.23 arrived at the same conclusion for c-TiN based x in Ti1−xAlxN was achieved by using powder metal- onthecomparisonoftheircalculationswithexperimental lurgically produced targets (PLANSEE AG, 99% pu- measurements. rity), with Ti/Al ratios of 1, 0.5 and 0.33, and man- The strong effect of the core hole charge on the AlN ual placing of additional Ti or Al platelets (∅5×3mm) NK-edgeshape hasbeendiscussedinthe literature12,27. in the racetrack of the targets, respectively. TEM sam- A detailed analysis of the relative peak positions and in- ple preparation was performed by Ar-ion thinning in a tensities for the wurtzite AlN revealed that a core hole Gatan precision ion polishing system (PIPS) at 4 and charge ≈ 0.5–0.6e reproduces the experimental ELNES 2.2keVinplanview. TheEELSmeasurementswerecar- the best29. Such a comparison could still be misleading riedoutonaCscorrectedJeol2100Foperatedat200kV as the experimental results also depend strongly on the and equipped with a Gatan Tridiem GIF camera using acquisition conditions20. Since the spectra around 0.5e nanobeam diffraction mode. This ensures high signal to (Slater’stransitionstate)foreachallotropelookakinand noise ratiosand makes it possible to acquireinformation are almost equally resembling the experiment, another from individual grains, necessary for the investigation criterionwasadoptedhere. Theedgeonset,measuredas of the polycrystalline Ti1−xAlxN films. Thus, several the energy between the initial core state and the lowest different grains were measured for each alloy composi- unoccupiedstate5,isplottedasafunctionofthecorehole tion to rule out possible orientation effects. The spectra charge in Fig. 3. This dependence is rather strong, and were recorded with a dispersion of 0.3eV/channel and using the experimental value for the edge onset allows theenergyresolution,measuredbythefull-widthathalf- anoptimalvalueofthe corehole chargeto be estimated. maximumofthezero-losspeak,was1.5–1.8eV. Thecon- Taking 402eV for w-AlN15,45 (or this work) and 397eV vergence and collection semi-angles during analysis were for c-TiN46,47 (or this work) yields 0.45e and 0.35e, re- 5mrad and >8mrad, respectively. spectively, which are the values used in this work. The AlxGa1−xN films were epitaxially grownat Cam- bridge by 6×2-inchThomasSwanClose-CoupledShow- B. Ti1−xAlxN alloy erhead metalorganic vapour-phase epitaxy (MOVPE) system43. A standard two-stepgrowthmethod was used The calculated evolution of the N K-edge for to deposit a 5µm thick GaN pseudo-substrate on (0001) sapphire44 on which the AlxGa1−xN layers were grown Tani1d−wxAurlxtzNiteismshoodwifincabtyiosnosl.idTlhineersaiwn FEiLgN. 4ESfowrathsebrcouabdic- ◦ at 1020 C. The different compositions were obtained ened with a Gaussian having 1eV FWHM. Moreover, by varying the flow rate for Al and Ga precursors. The thecurvesofpureAlN(x=1)wereshiftedalongtheen- EELS spectra were obtained on a FEI Tecnai F20 mi- ergyaxis(aslabelledinFig.4)toaccountfortheabrupt croscope equipped with a Schottky FEG source, Gatan change in the Fermi energy due to the development of Imaging Filter and operated at 200kV. The electron the band gap (no Ti d-states present). beam was parallel to the h0001i direction. Thecompositionalstepusedforthecubicalloyis∆x= Priortothecomparisonwiththeabinitio calculations, 0.167 (Fig. 4a). Three developments of the main peaks all measuredspectra were corrected for the dark current are predicted: (i) the double-maxima at 0–5eV above and the channel-to-channelgain variation. The pre-edge E disappearswithincreasingAlNcontent,(ii)thepeak F backgroundwasextrapolatedusingapower-lawfunction at ≈ 13eV for TiN gradually moves to ≈ 9eV for AlN and subtracted from the original data3. and at the same time its intensity increases, and (iii) a 4 (a) AlN cubic (B1) (b) AlN wurtzite (B4) (c) TiN cubic (B1) (d) TiN hexagonal (B) k s] nit arb.u 1e 1e 1e 1e y [ sit n e nt S i E N 0.5e EL 0.5e 0.5e 0.5e e g d e K- N 0e 0e 0e 0e 0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20 30 Energy above E [eV] Energy above E [eV] Energy above E [eV] Energy above E [eV] F F F F FIG. 2. Calculated N K-edgeELNES as a function of thecore hole charge changing from a ground state calculation (0e) to a full core hole (1e): (a) cubic B1 AlN,(b) wurtzite B4 AlN,(c) cubicB1 TiN, and (d) hexagonal Bk TiN. 405 acteristic triple-peak character of the w-AlN N K-edge 440 is levelled out with the addition of only 0.125 mole frac- tion of TiN. Additionally, the spectra do not show any 430 clear trends in the peak development as in the cubic 400 case, apart from the peak at ≈ 20eV, whose position is not influenced by the composition. This is most likely V]420 connected with local relaxations taking place similar to e et [ 395 those reported for Nb1−xAlxN48. In particular, N sites ns410 0.3 0.4 0.5 nearAltendtohavethefour-coordinated(wurtzite-like) o e neighbourhood, while in the vicinity of Ti atoms, five- g d E400 coordinatedlocalneighbourhoodsare preferred(hexago- AlN B1 nalBk-like). Thestructureisthereforemuchmoresensi- AlN B4 tive to the actual arrangement of atoms in the supercell 390 TiN B1 whichisreflected,e.g. inmuchbiggerscatterofthe“op- TiN B timised” lattice constants for different arrangements of k 380 atoms in the SQS (with a constant composition x)38. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Core hole charge [e] FIG.3. NK-edgeonset(energydifferencebetweentheinitial core state and lowest unoccupied state) as a function of the To compare the calculated and measured N K-edge core hole charge for thetwo allotropes of each AlN and TiN. evolutions (Fig. 4c), a larger spectrometer broadening Theinset showszoomed-in region aroundtheexperimentally parameter of 1.5eV was used. As a consequence, the observed N K-edgeonset energy. double-maximum of the first peak in c-Ti1−xAlxN at ≈ 0–5eV above the E “smears out” and the measured F shape is obtained. It is therefore concluded that the fine small hump at ≈ 32eV for TiN broadens to an almost double-maximum character is not resolved due to ex- undetectable background at x = 0.5. At the same time, perimental limitations. The experimental spectra were a small hump develops at ≈ 26eV with increasing AlN smoothedandnormalisedtofitthe intensityofthe high- content. The origins of these composition-induced peak estpeakofthesimulatedpatternineachindividualcase; variationscanbetrackeddowntothechangesinbonding no other operation was performed on them. The theo- in the alloy as is discussed later in section IVB. retical spectra were, on the other hand, shifted by the The situation is more complicated for the w- calculated energy of the core-holed core level. The spec- Ti1−xAlxN alloy (Fig. 4b, compositional step ∆x = trathusobtainedexhibitaverygoodcorrelationbetween 0.125). The calculated spectra suggest that the char- experiment and theory. 5 5eV (a) 5eV (b) (c) cubic Ti1−xAlxN wurtzite Ti1−xAlxN x=1 x=1 x=1 s] nit x=0.875 u b. x=0.833 ar y [ x=0.75 nsit x=0.667 nte x=0.625 x=0.61 S i NE x=0.5 L x=0.44 E e g d x=333 e K- x=0.26 N x=0.167 x=0 x=0 0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 400 410 420 430 Energy above the Fermi level [eV] Energy above the Fermi level [eV] Electron energy loss [eV] FIG. 4. Calculated N K-edge evolution in the (a) cubic and (b) wurtzite phase of Ti1−xAlxN alloy. The spectra of pure AlN (x=1) areshifted in ordertocorrect fortheopened bandgap. Thedashed linecorresponds toalinear interpolation between thebinarycompoundsspectra(seesectionIVA).(c)Comparisonofthecalculated(solidblackline)andexperimentalNK-edge ELNES of Ti1−xAlxN.Note that the structurechanges from cubic(x<0.7) to wurtzite (x>0.7). C. AlxGa1−xN alloy IV. DISCUSSION A. Shape and evolution of the N K-edge ELNES The spectra of the binary TiN, AlN and GaN systems have been extensively discussed in the literature both from the experimental and theoretical perspective. De- spitethat,severalissuesremainunclear,inparticularthe edgeonsetenergy: itsvaluevariesintheliteraturewithin Asanotherexample,thesemiconductingwurtzitesolid the range of several eVs12,16,17,21,26,27,45. Consequently, solution of AlN and GaN is chosen to demonstrate the we used our own measurements to calibrate the calcula- ability of the current approach to predict ELNES. In tions instead of taking spectra from the literature. The contrast to the meta-stable Ti1−xAlxN, the wurtzite lineshapes of binary w-AlN, c-TiN, and w-GaNresemble AlxGa1−xN mixture is stable in this modification for all those previously published for the same materials. concentrationsx. Therefore,nolocaldistortionsasinthe caseofthew-Ti1−xAlxNalloyareexpected,whichresults The edge evolutionfor c-Ti1−xAlxN exhibits the same inagradualNK-edgeevolutionasshowninFig.5a. The trends as the one previously published by MacKenzie intensities of the first and third peaks of the triple-peak et al.26 (which,however,providedonlyoneintermediate shape characteristic for w-AlN decrease with decreasing composition). Gagoetal.50 usedXANEStomeasurethe AlN mole fraction, and become shoulders around a cen- N K-edge of Ti1−xAlxN experimentally. Their XANES tral peak, a shape typical for GaN. The peak at ≈24eV spectra have all the main features of our experimental abovetheE inthe w-AlNspectrumgraduallymovesto as well as calculated N K-edge ELNES. Also in the case F ≈ 26eV for w-GaN with increasing GaN content. The of w-AlxGa1−xN, the calculated evolution of N K-edge edge onset moves towards the Fermi level reflecting the ELNES correlates with the here presented experimental narrowingbandgapfrom4.2eV(AlN)to1.7eV(GaN)49. data as well with those published previously27,5152. Thisgradualtranformationofthespectrashapeistraced MacKenzieet al.26 triedto modelthe edge witha lin- down to the changes in electronic structure, see section earinterpolationoftheboundarybinaryspectra. Having IVB. The predicted evolution of the N K-edge is again inmindtheproblemswiththeaccurateedgeonsetdeter- confirmed by the experimental observations (Fig. 5b). minationandthe lackofcubicAlN (inthe B1structure) 6 (a) wurtzite AlGa N (b) x 1−x x=1 x=1 s] nit x=0.875 u b. y [ar x=0.75 x=0.73 sit n e x=0.625 nt S i E N x=0.5 L E x=0.40 ge x=0.375 d e K- N x=0.25 x=0.125 x=0 x=0 0 10 20 30 40400 410 420 430 440 Energy above the Fermi level [eV] Electron energy loss [eV] FIG.5. (a) Calculated evolution ofNK-edgeof thewurtziteAlxGa1−xNalloy and(b)acomparison ofcalculated (solid black line) with experimental N K-edge ELNES shapes. The dashed lines correspond to linearly interpolated boundary spectra of AlN (x=1) and GaN (x=0). for getting a reliable binary spectrum, this approach is not necessary. questionable. To demonstrate this further, Figs. 4a and On the other hand, when the spectrum evolution is 5a include the linear interpolations of the binary spectra pronounced, small ordered structures do not provide re- (dashed lines). Although this may serve as a first (and liable predictions. This has been shown by MacKenzie quick) guess on what the evolution should look like, in etal.26 forthecaseofc-Ti1−xAlxNandbyHolecetal.27 manycasestherelativeintensitiesand/orpositionsofthe for w-AlxGa1−xN. In such cases, the approach adopted peaks are not predicted correctly. here is essential. Craven47 showedusingseveralbinarytransitionmetal nitrides (TMN) that the spacing between the double- B. Electronic origin of the peaks maximumpeaks increaseswith increasinglattice param- eter. This is not predicted for the c-Ti1−xAlxN al- loy (Fig. 4) where the lattice parameter decreases from Thereexistsextensiveliteratureonthe originofpeaks 4.25˚A for TiN (x = 0) to 4.07˚A for AlN (x = 1)34, but for semiconducting III-N binaries. As summarised by the peak spacing is almost unaffected. The reason for Mizoguchi45 using the overlap population analysis, the thisisthatthebondingofvariousTMNissimilarandthe mainpeakstructure(upto≈10eVabovetheedgeonset) peaks follow small shifts of the density of states associ- reflects the anti-bonding N–cation interaction while the atedwiththe varyingvalenceconfiguration. Onthecon- later peak (20–30eV above the edge onset) corresponds trary, the peak shifts in the Ti1−xAlxN evolution result tocation–cation(mostlyanti-bonding)interactions. The in the first place from the changing character of bond- difference betweenthe AlN and GaNELNESshapes can ing (see section IVB). Consequently, when the ELNES betraceddowntothepresenceofthevalenced-electrons ofthe twoboundarybinarysystemsaresimilar,the sim- inGaNwhichcause (slight)redistributionofthe valence pleapproachofinterpolatingbetweenthebinaryELNES density of states, and consequently also the unoccupied spectra26 is expected to give acceptable results, see e.g. density of states. The electronic structure of the valence Ti1−xVxN53 or In1−xGaxN19. The extremely small cells band of InN is similar to that of GaN thus resulting in a (1 In and 1 Ga atom for In Ga N) used in the latter similar ELNES spectrum. 0.5 0.5 reference satisfactorily reproduced the N K-edge evolu- The ground state projected density of states (PDOS) tion, and a much more computationally expensive ap- in Fig. 6 helps to understand the meaning and evolution proach (using the averagingof several N core-holed sites of peaks in ELNES of the c-Ti1−xAlxN alloy. The site in SQSs as inthe presentpaper) employedby Holec29 is and symmetry projected DOS were obtained by averag- 7 (a) x=0 (b) x=0.167 (c) x=0.333 (d) x=0.5 (e) x=0.667 s] nit N K-edge u b. ar y [ sit n N p-PDOS e nt S i E N L E S / O Ti d-PDOS D P s p Al PDOS 0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20 30 Energy above Fermi level [eV] FIG. 6. PDOS/ELNES spectra for c-Ti1−xAlxN with (a) x=0, (b) x=0.167, (c) x=0.333, (d) x=0.5, and (e) x=0.667. The peaks in N K-edge ELNES closely reflect the distribution of the unoccupied N p states. The overlap of the individual PDOSes suggest that the double peak at ≈2–4eV above EF arises from hybridisation of N p and Ti d states while the peak at ≈10eV can beascribed primarily to N p states hybridisedwith Al p states. ing the corresponding quantities over all sites occupied with the same specie. The final states of the N K-edge 2.6 transition are unoccupied N p-states which clearly cor- relate with the ELNES. Based on the PDOS overlaps it can be concluded that the double-maximum structure e]2.4 N − charge accumulation justabovethe edgeonsetarisesfromtheNp–Tid-states ρ∆| [ ATil −− cchhaarrggee lloossss interaction which agrees with the findings of Tsujimoto e |2.2 et al.54 and Lazar et al.23 for binary c-TiN. The second g ar peak at around 10–12eV above E have the strongest h F c contribution from the N p–Al p-states interaction, the ed 2.0 only exception being pure TiN (no Al present) where a err sf small peak in Ti d-states at the same position can be n a detected. The different interactions contributing to this Tr1.8 delayedpeakareresponsibleforasharpermaximumwith clearshoulders inthe case ofpure TiN while resulting in 1.6 a rather broad (and nearly symmetric) shape when Al is present, see Fig. 6. The peak position changes by al- 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 most 1eV upon adding x = 0.167 mole fraction of AlN AlN mole fraction x to TiN, while further increase of AlN content results in only a small shift of the peak (0.5eV for increasing x FIG. 7. Bader analysis of a charge transfer (absolute values) from 0.167 to 0.667). This can serve as an example why on atoms of individual species. thesimpleinterpolationbetweenthepropertiesofbinary compounds (as suggested by MacKenzie et al.26) does not work. compound. The influence of Al on bonding in the alloy The bonding of the c-Ti1−xAlxN alloy consists of a was discussed by several authors34,35,56, generally show- mixture of covalent and ionic type. The bonding of TiN ingagradualweakeningofthesp3d2hybridisation(which has been discussed many times in the literature55. It is reflectedby the decreasedintensity ofthe firstdouble- was concluded that the covalent part is realised by the maximumpeak in the N K-edge ELNES,see Figs. 4 and sp3d2 orbitals (interaction of Ti 4s and 3d-states with N 6). Additionally, the Bader analysis57 as implemented 2p-states). Additionally, the interaction between Ti 3d in Wien2k shows that there is a significantly increased orbitalswiththet symmetrycausesanon-zeroDOSat charge transfer from metallic sites to N resulting in a 2g the Fermi level resulting in the metallic character of the strongerionicbondingwithincreasingAlNmolefraction 8 (seeFig. 7). Itisinterestingtonote thatthe differentAl D. Energy of the edge onset sites“provide”onaveragealwaysalmostthesamecharge tobetransferredonNsites(practicallynoscatteraround The edge onset energy is another important feature themeanvaluesshownbythetrianglesinFig.7),butthe of the edge; for example, Mizoguchi et al.15 predicted chargetransferredfrom Ti sites is much more influenced a range of ≈ 2eV for the N K-edge onset of AlN de- by the alloy composition. This is likely to be due to dif- pending on the crystal structure thus having a potential ferent degrees of hybridisation between Ti and N atoms to distinguish between these allotropes. It is, however, depending on the actual neighbourhood of N atoms (i.e. not straightforward to define the edge energy, in partic- second-order neighbours of Ti sites). ulardue to the ambiguityin the backgroundsubtraction as well as due to the background noise itself. Conse- quently, we have chosen the energy of the first inflection C. Influence of the local environment point above the edge threshold for the comparison be- tween experiment and theory (the edge onset is about There is some controversyin the literature on how big 2–4eV below). the supercells should be in order to suppress the mu- It is not surprising that we obtained excellent agree- tual interactions between core holes. For example, Mi- ment for the binary systems (< 0.1eV for GaN and zoguchi et al.16 and Tanaka and Mizoguchi58 claimed ≈0.35eVforAlN)sinceforthesesystemstheedgeonset that cells with more than 100 atoms are needed while energy was used as a fitting parameter for the core hole 32 atom cells were found sufficient by Lazar et al.59 for charge(see sectionIIIA).However,both the experiment GaNandbyHolecet al.27 forw-AlN.Toaddressthis is- and the theory suggest that the energy of the inflection sue we plotted the individual spectra resultingfrom core pointdoesnotvarytoomuchwiththecomposition. The hole being placed on various N sites, and sorted them variationswithin0.2eV(theory)and0.4eV(experiment) according to the number of the nearest neighbours of can be regardedas the accuracy of the present approach each specie (in total 4 for the tetrahedrally coordinated (due to, e.g. the background subtraction on the experi- wurtzite structure (Fig. 8a) and 6 for the octahedrally mentalsideorthesupercelldesign/sizeonthetheoretical coordinated cubic structure (Fig. 8b,c)) surrounding the side). particular N site with the core hole. The numbers of A common method calculating the excitation energy spectra corresponding to individual local environments is to calculate the difference between total energies of (i.e. the nearest neighbour configuration) results from the initial ground state and the final state with a full their real counts in the used supercells. Although con- corehole15,46,58 which,inprinciple,followstheexcitation figurations of the nearest neighbours of some N sites are process60. Thisresultsinvaluesof384.5eVand368.2eV the same, the higher-order nearest neighbour configura- for w-AlN and c-TiN, respectively, which are hugely un- tions differ which is why small variations between indi- derestimated as compared with the experimental values vidual spectra labelled with the same local environment of 402eV and 397eV. The reasonfor this is that the ex- are obtained. The thick lines on top of each panels in citedelectronwasputasthebackgroundcharge(Fig.9b) Fig. 8 were obtained by averaging all the curves under- rather than in the unoccupied states (Fig. 9c). When neath(theirnumberisthesameasthenumberofNsites excited to the unoccupied states values of 406.4eV and inthe supercell),andthus accountforthe statisticaldis- 404.6eV for the w-AlN and c-TiN are obtained which tribution of various local environments of N atoms. are much closer to the experimental values. Rashkova The graphs clearly demonstrate the huge differences et al.46 showedthatafurtherimprovement(towardsthe between spectra depending on the local environment of experimental values) could be obtained by performing the N site where the excitation takes place. At the spinpolarisedcalculations. Nevertheless,theedgeshapes same time one can see that almost doubling the num- aswellastheenergiesoftheinitialcorelevelsarealmost ber of atomsin the supercell(from36in Fig. 8bto 64in identical using both approaches (background charge vs. Fig. 8c) does not alter the N K-edge significantly. The valence band) thus yielding comparable results (except small changes might be due to having insufficiently big fortheedgeonset),whichisinagreementwithH´ebert10. cell in the case of 36 atoms, but also could be due to When the edge onset is calculated as the total energy a non-representative (i.e. not SQS-like) cell for the big- difference between the ground and full core hole states, ger structure which is suggested, e.g. by not having the its value is a given number without any degree of free- 2Al, 4Ti local environment present. In summary, Fig. 8 dom for adjustments. The corresponding ELNES shape demonstrates that (i) the local environment influences then should be calculated with exactly 0.5e core hole61. thefinalshapeoftheedgemuchmoredrasticallythanthe This could be useful when estimating, e.g. ELNES of actual cell size (provided the cell is big enough to model experimentally inaccessible phases. However, when one the “randomness” of an alloy), and (ii) the similarity of uses the core hole charge as a fitting parameter (as in the curves from Al-, Ti-, Ga-rich local neighbourhoods this paper) then it is well justified that also the edge to those of pure AlN, TiN and GaN, respectively, gives onset is not a unique number but instead a function of some groundsfor the interpolationapproach(see section the core hole charge. For evaluation of the energy differ- IVA). ence between the core state and the lowest unoccupied 9 (a) Al Ga N (b) Ti Al N (c) Ti Al N 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 36 atoms 64 atoms s] nit u 1Al - 5Ti b. ar y [ sit n e nt S i 1Al - 5Ti E 0Al - 4Ga N L E 2Al - 4Ti 3Al - 3Ti e 1Al - 3Ga g d e K- N 2Al - 2Ga 3Al - 3Ti 3Al - 1Ga 4Al - 2Ti 5Al - 1Ti 4Al - 0Ga 5Al - 1Ti 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30 Energy above the Fermi level [eV] Energy above the Fermi level [eV] Energy above the Fermi level [eV] FIG.8. Theresultingspectrarepresentingthealloys (thickcurveson top ofeach panel) andspectracalculated byplacingthe core hole on individual N sites and sorted accorting to the nearest neighbour configurations. (a) Wurtzite Al0.5Ga0.5N, (b) cubic Ti0.5Al0.5N supercells with 36 atoms, and (c) cubic Ti0.5Al0.5N supercells with 64 atoms. (a) (b) (c) ground state background charge valence band Fermi d d d level n n n a a a b b b e e e c c c n n n e e e al y al y al y v g v g v g er er er n n n e e e et et et s s s n n n o o o e e e g g g d d d e e e 1s 1s 1s FIG.9. (a)Agroundstateandanexcitedstatewithafullcorehole: (b)theexcitedelectronisputasthe“backgroundcharge” (i.e. effectively removed from thesystem) while (c) it is put in thevalence band (intoprior theexcitation unoccupied states). The scheme corresponds to a metallic system. state, however, the approach with background charge is V. CONCLUSIONS more appropriate since, for example, in the case of the conductive TiN it allows to get the energy of the lowest (originally) unoccupied state (compare Figs. 9b and c). In this paper we have demonstrated a semi-empirical approach for predictive calculations of the N K-edge ELNES of various classes of alloys (cubic vs. wurtzite, metallic vs. semiconducting). We used fractional core holes with charges, carefully adjusted according to the 10 edge shape and the onset energy, to reproduce experi- sityofthe NK-edgestructure≈3eVabovethe edgeon- mental spectra. Subsequently we utilised these to model set reflects a weakening of the sp3d2 hybridisation with the ELNES spectra of alloys using the special quasi- increasing Al content in Ti1−xAlxN. random supercells. We introduced core holes on all individual N sites, and by averaging these spectra we achieved a representative alloy spectrum. A comparison with the experimental measurements (for c-Ti1−xAlxN VI. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS and w-AlxGa1−xN systems) yielded an excellent agree- ment on both the edge shapes (including peak positions and relative intensities) as well as the edge onset ener- Financial support by the START Program (Y371) of gies. Finally, we related the individual peaks in the N the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and by the UK En- K-edge ELNES to various interactions between cations gineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP- and N atoms demonstrating that the decrease in inten- SRC) is greatly acknowledged. ∗ [email protected] 18 S.-P. Gao, A. Zhang, J. Zhu, and J. Yuan, 1 S. C. Jain, M. Willander, J. Narayan, and R. V. Over- Applied Physics Letters 84, 2784 (2004). straeten, Journal of Applied Physics 87, 965 (2000). 19 V.J.Keast,A.J.Scott,M.J.Kappers,C.T.Foxon, and 2 P. H. Mayrhofer, C. Mitterer, L. Hultman, and C. J. Humphreys,Phys. Rev.B 66, 125319 (2002). H. Clemens, Prog. Mater. Sci. 51, 1032 (2006). 20 G.Radtke,T. Epicier, P.Bayle-Guillemaud, andJ.C. L. 3 R. F. 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