Towards Parallelizable Sampling–based Nonlinear Model Predictive Control R.V.Bobiti M.Lazar ∗ ∗ DepartmentofElectricalEngineering,EindhovenUniversityofTechnology, ∗ TheNetherlands(e–mails:[email protected],[email protected]) Abstract: This paper proposes a new sampling–based nonlinear model predictive control (MPC) algorithm,withaboundoncomplexityquadraticinthepredictionhorizonN andlinearinthenumberof samples.Theideaoftheproposedalgorithmistousethesequenceofpredictedinputsfromtheprevious timestepasawarmstart,andtoiterativelyupdatethissequencebychangingitselementsonebyone, starting from the last predicted input and ending with the first predicted input. This strategy, which 7 resemblesthedynamicprogrammingprinciple,allowsforparallelizationuptoacertainlevelandyields 1 a suboptimal nonlinear MPC algorithm with guaranteed recursive feasibility, stability and improved 0 costfunctionateveryiteration,whichissuitableforreal–timeimplementation.Thecomplexityofthe 2 algorithm per each time step in the prediction horizon depends only on the horizon, the number of samples and parallel threads, and it is independent of the measured system state. Comparisons with n a thefminconnonlinearoptimizationsolveronbenchmarkexamplesindicatethatasthesimulationtime J progresses,theproposedalgorithmconvergesrapidlytothe“optimal”solution,evenwhenusingasmall 2 numberofsamples. 1 Keywords:suboptimalnonlinearpredictivecontrol,sampling–basedoptimization,embeddedmodel ] Y predictivecontrol,dynamicprogramming,constrainedcontrol S . 1. INTRODUCTION concerns in ENMPC related to robustness, feasibility of the s offline optimization and finding the neighbors in the sampled c [ Avastliteratureonnonlinearmodelpredictivecontrol(NMPC) gridfortheoff–gridstates,ENMPC,whensuccessful,reduces has proven both the theoretical (Gru¨ne and Pannek, 2011), as significantlythecomputationalloadofMPCattheexpenseof 2 well as the practical advantage (Magni et al., 2009) of this anacceptablecostdegradation. v methodintreatingoptimallythecontrolofmulti–variablenon- 0 Input and state space sampling–methods for solving NMPC linearsystemssubjecttoconstraintsonstateandinputs.Com- 6 via approximate DP have also been proposed, see (Bertsekas, mon research interests include methods for reducing the com- 6 2005a), though they inherit the dimensionality issues of DP plexity of the NMPC algorithms, to make them applicable on 2 (LeeandLee,2004). devicesoflowmemory(ASIC,FPGA),suchasexplicitNMPC 0 . (ENMPC), see, e.g., (Johansen, 2004). Much work has been Another relevant sampling–based strategy, the so–called sam- 1 doneontreatingotherlimitingfactors,suchastherequirement pling based MPC (SBMPC), was proposed in (Dunlap et al., 0 of NMPC of solving an optimization problem online. This is 2010). The method therein is applicable to nonlinear systems 7 1 not well achieved by common optimization tools, which have in general, though, its performance is dependent on a user– : no specific termination time, especially due to non–convexity specified heuristic. A more ample discussion on sampling– v which involves multiple local–minima. Therefore, real time basedDPandSBMPC,inthelightofthemethodproposedin i X requirementsarenotmet,whichlimitstheindustrialimpactof thispaperisreportedinSection2.3. NMPC.Toalleviatetheseconcerns,theliteraturehasproposed r Acommonproblemofsampling–guidedmethodsforNMPCis a multiplesolutions,suchasapproximatedynamicprogramming the sampling strategy. For example, with each input sample, a (DP) (Bertsekas, 2005a), suboptimal MPC (Scokaert et al., treeisexpanded.Afterthetreeisbuilt,thepathofleastcostin 1999), approximative DP and suboptimal control via rollout the tree is selected from the initial state to the desired state. algorithms(Bertsekas,2005b),NMPCbasedonsystemapprox- If the sampling is performed over the input space, and each imationbyneuralmodels(Ławryn´czuk,2009). sample is connected to all the samples in the input space for AnalternativestrategyinNMPCistodrawsamplesfromeither the next time step in the control horizon, then the tree growth the state or input space, to design computationally feasible isexponentialwiththehorizon.Alternatively,asinrandomized NMPCmethods,seeforexample,(PiovesanandTanner,2009) MPC (Piovesan and Tanner, 2009), sampling randomly in the which proposes a randomized approach to sampling the space input space, of dimension m, augmented to the horizon of of predicted input sequences. More recently, in (Chakrabarty dimension N requires a large number of samples, in an mN et al., 2016), an ENMPC method was proposed based on dimensionalspace,toachieveasignificantaccuracy. sampling of the state space for continuously differentiable In this paper we adopt a suboptimal formulation of NMPC, nonlinear systems. The method therein solves optimization as originally proposed in (Scokaert et al., 1999), where it problems offline to find optimal control sequences, which are wasshownthatfeasibilityofasolutionimpliesstabilityunder used to construct the ENMPC strategy. While there are still suitableconditions.This,togetherwiththefactthatsuboptimal max{|x |,...,|x |}. For a scalar x ∈ R, denote by (cid:100)x(cid:101) the 1 n NMPChasthesameinherentrobustnesspropertiesasoptimal smallestintegernumberlargerthanx. NMPC,see(Pannocchiaetal.,2011)and(LazarandHeemels, A function α : R → R is said to belong to class K, i.e., 2009),suggestthatsuboptimalNMPCisaviableandinfactthe + + α ∈ K, if it is continuous, strictly increasing and α(0) = 0. bestonecanhopeforwhenasampling–guidedMPCstrategyis Furthermore,α∈K ifα∈Kandlim α(s)=∞. undertaken for the control of nonlinear systems. Furthermore, s ∞ →∞ we aim at a sampling method which provides a suboptimal solutionthatyieldsgoodcontrolperformance,hasareasonable 2.2 SuboptimalMPCproblemformulation computationalcomplexityincreasewiththepredictionhorizon andallowsforparallelimplementationuptosomelevel. Letusconsiderthediscrete–timesystemdescribedby In this paper, the main idea for achieving this goal is to use x =f(x ,u ), (1) theshiftedsequenceofpredictedinputsfromtheprevioustime k+1 k k step as a warm start, and to iteratively update this sequence wherexk ∈ Rn isthestateanduk ∈ Rm isthecontrolvector by changing its elements one by one, starting from the last at discrete–time k ∈ Z+. We assume that the map f : Rn × predicted input and ending with the first predicted input. This Rm → Rn satisfies f(0,0) = 0, which is, the origin is an strategy resembles the dynamic programming principle, espe- equilibriumpointforsystem(1). ciallytherolloutalgorithms,see(Bertsekas,2005b),whichim- The goal of MPC is to regulate the state to the origin while proveaheuristicbasepolicyforoptimalcontrol.Additionally, satisfyingcontrolandstateconstraints,i.e.,u ∈U⊂Rm and k in this paper, we sample the original input space, which is x ∈ X ⊂ Rn for all k ∈ Z , where U and X are proper typicallyrepresentedbyapropersetU⊂Rm.Samplingallows k + sets.MPCreliesonareceding–horizoncontrollawinorderto for parallelization of the calculations performed for updating determine,foreachk,afinite–sequenceofcontrolinputs each of the elements of the predicted sequence of inputs and U(k)={u ,u ,...,u }, it enables limiting the computational time according to the kk k+1k k+N 1k | | − | requirements of the considered application. An upper–bound where N is the control and prediction horizon, which are onthecomplexityoftheoverallalgorithmisquadraticwiththe considered equal in this paper, for simplicity of exposition. If predictionhorizonN andlinearwiththenumberofsamplesin theinitialstateisx = x andthecontrolsequenceisU(k), kk k U.Thisenablestheusageoflongpredictionhorizonsorreal– thesolutionofsystem| (1)inclosed-loopwithU(k)attimek+i timeimplementationoninexpensivecomputingdevicessuchas isdenotedbyφ(x ,U(k),i).Thecurrentcontrolactionu ,is kk k ASICandFPGA.Thesuitabilityforreal–timeimplementation selectedasthefirst|controlactioninU(k),i.e.,u =u . k kk is also enhanced by the fact that the algorithm can be stopped | atanyiterationperformedwithinasamplingperiod,whilethe Toachievethis,optimalMPCminimizes,ateachdiscrete–time complexity of the calculations per iteration depends only on k,acostfunctionofthetype the horizon N, the number of samples and parallel threads, N 1 (cid:88)− and it does not depend on the measured state of the system. J(x ,U(k))=V (x )+ L(x ,u ), (2) kk f k+N k k+ik k+ik Moreover, the updated predicted sequence of inputs obtained | | | | i=0 at any iteration will guarantee recursive feasibility, stability where J : Rn × Rm → R is the total cost function, V : and an improved cost function under the same conditions as Rn →R isaterminalcosta+ndL:Rn×Rm →R isastafge insuboptimalNMPC(Scokaertetal.,1999). + + cost.TheminimizationisperformedwithrespecttoU(k)and The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Sec- itissubjectto tion 2, basic notation is introduced, together with the problem x =f(x ,u ), ∀j ∈Z , (3) k+jk k+j 1k k+j 1k [1,N] formulation and a discussion on the relation with the existing | − | − | andtothestateandinputconstraints. methods.Section3presentsthemainresultasaprototypealgo- rithmanditscomplexityanalysis.InSection4,threeexamples When the dynamics f is a nonlinear, possibly non-convex illustratethepotentialofthedevelopedmethod,andSection5 function,theoptimizationofthecost(2)cannotbeguaranteed concludesthepaper. to converge to a global optimum, in general. Alternatively, suboptimalMPCwasproposedasaviablealternative,see,e.g., 2. PRELIMINARIES (Scokaert et al., 1999), to deal with this inherent shortcoming ofnonlinearglobaloptimization. 2.1 Notation Assume that the following constraints are required to hold at LetR,R ,ZandZ denotethefieldofrealnumbers,theset eachiterationoftheMPCproblem: + + of non–negative reals, the set of integers and the set of non– x ∈X,u ∈U, ∀i∈Z , (4) k+ik k+ik [0,N 1] negative integers, respectively. For every c ∈ R and Π ⊆ R, | | − and defineΠ :={k ∈Π|k ≥c}andsimilarlyΠ .Letint(S) denote th≥ecinterior of a set S. Let Sh := S×..≤.c×S for any xk+N k ∈XT, (5) h ∈ Z 1 denotetheh–timesCartesian–productofS ⊆ Rn.A where XT ⊆ X is a proper|set which represents a terminal set S ⊂≥ Rn is called proper if it is non–empty, compact and constraint. Moreover, define by U(x ) the set of control kk 0∈int(S). sequencesU(k)which,appliedonx ,|satisfy(3),(4)and(5). kk | For a vector x ∈ Rn, the symbol (cid:107)x(cid:107) is used to denote Suboptimal MPC relies on an initial feasible solution, a warm an arbitrary p–norm; it will be made clear when a specific start sequence U (k) ∈ U(x ) at each step k, which is warm kk norm is considered. For a vector x ∈ Rn, define |x| := improvediteratively.Thesuboptim|alMPCproblemconsidered [|x |...|x |]T.Alsoforavectorx∈Rn,bymax|x|wedenote inthispaperisformulatedasfollows: 1 n Problem2.1. For each k ∈ Z , given U (k) find a states are typically discretized to apply DP algorithms. The 1 warm sequenceU(k)∈U(x )suchth≥at main idea is to discretize the state space with a finite grid and kk | to express each state outside of the grid as an interpolation of J(x ,U (k))>J(x ,U(k)), (6) kk warm kk nearbygridelements.Thesameinterpolationlawisappliedto | | andtheconstraints(3),(4)and(5)aresatisfied. computethecostofthecurrentnongridstateasafunctionofthe costsofthenearbygridstates.Assuch,bydiscretizingboththe Consider now a locally stabilizing control law k : X → U. f T state space for each time in the control horizon and the input AssumethatX isasublevelsetofV .ForstabilityoftheMPC T f space, a transition diagram is obtained which approximates closed–loopsystemitisalsorequiredthat: the dynamics of the system in the continuous space. On this • V (f(x,k (x)))+L(x,k (x))≤V (x)forallx∈X ; discretetransitionsystem,DPisappliedtodeterminethepath f f f f T • there exist α1,α2 ∈ K such that α1(|x|) ≤ Vf(x) ≤ with the smallest cost, which, for a given initial state xkk, α (|x|)forallx∈X ;∞ providesthecontrolsequenceU(k). | 2 T • thereexistα ∈ K suchthatL(x,u) ≥ α (|x|)forall 3 3 SolvingMPCwithDPviadiscretizationsuffersfromthe“curse (x,u)∈X×U; ∞ of dimensionality”, due to sampling of both state and input Remark2.2. ThefirstpropertyabovelistedimpliesthatXT is spacesandtherequirementforconstructingthecompletetran- positivelyinvariantforthesystemxk+1 = f(xk,kf(xk)).The sitiondiagram,byevaluatingthesubsequentstateandcostfor secondandthirdpropertiescanbesatisfiedif,forexampleVf eachsampledstateandallthesamplesintheinputspace. andLarepositivedefinitequadraticfunctions. An alternative to approximate DP, namely sampling based These properties imply that the cost function J(·,·) is a Lya- MPC, was developed within the area of Robotics, where typ- punovfunction,see(MayneandRawlings,2009,Lemma2.14). icallyoptimizationproblemsarisingincontrolarenon–convex, Assuch,ifFisthesetofstatesinXforwhichthereexistsacon- due to either kinematic constraints or constraints posed by trol sequence U(k) which satisfies the constraints (3), (4) and obstacle avoidance. Sampling–based motion planning such as (5),thenthesolutiontoProblem2.1providesanasymptotically rapidly-exploringrandomtrees(RRTs)(LaValle,1998)orran- stabilizingcontrollerwitharegionofattractionF. domized A* algorithms (Likhachev and Stentz, 2008), have beenextensivelyusedtoconstructtreeswhichconnectaninitial In(MayneandRawlings,2009),analgorithmwasproposedfor state to a final state based on sampling states in the search suboptimal MPC with stability guarantees. Given the current spaceandsearchingforfeasibleinputstoconnectthesestates. state x and the previous control sequence U(k − 1) as an kk To approach issues related to the, possibly unfeasible, search input,th|estepsofthealgorithmthereincanbesummarizedas for an input after sampling only in the state space, a method follows: (SBMPC)wasproposedin(Dunlapetal.,2010),whichsamples • Ifx ∈/ X ,usethewarmstartsequence: the input space at each sampling period and creates trees that kk T | containfeasiblestatetrajectories.Theoptimalpathtoagoalin U (k)={u ,u ,..., warm kk 1 k+1k 1 thestate–spaceisthensearchedforwithinthetreeusinggoal– | − | − uk+N 2k 1,kf(xk+N 1k 1)}. (7) directedsearchalgorithms,suchasLPA*.Suchalgorithmsrely − | − − | − SolveiterativelyProblem2.1viaoptimizationtoimprove on computing a heuristic measure of the distance from the U (k) with a U(k) ∈ U(x ). Apply control u = current sample to the goal. Selecting the heuristic is however, warm kk k u . | notanobvioustaskforgeneralnonlinearsystems. kk • Ifx| ∈X ,setu =k (x ),or,similarlytothepre- kk T kk f kk Therefore,adesirablefeatureofasampling–basedsuboptimal vious| case, use the w| arm start|and solve an optimization NMPCalgorithmisanon–exponentialgrowthinthetreegen- algorithmiterativelytofindanimprovedcontrolsequence erated through sampling of the state or input space at each U(k)∈U(x ). kk step in the horizon. Furthermore, it is also desirable to reduce | Optimization solvers, in both optimal and suboptimal MPC, thedependencyofthealgorithmonthenon–obviousselection present difficulties in terms of parallelization and a priori of a heuristic, which significantly impacts the performance of known execution time independently of the current state x . the sampling–based strategy. To circumvent these issues, an k To circumvent these drawbacks and enable a computationally alternativesuboptimalstrategyforsamplingtheinputspaceis efficient and parallelizable nonlinear MPC algorithm, we pro- proposedinthenextsection,basedonsequentiallyupdatinga pose a sampling based approach to solving Problem 2.1, as warmstartfeasiblesequenceofpredictedinputs. illustrated in Section 3. To this end, we first review existing, similarapproacheswithinnonlinearMPC. 3. MAINRESULT 2.3 Existingapproachesbasedonsampling In this section we present the proposed sampling–based algo- rithmforsolvingsuboptimalNMPCproblemsandweprovide This section provides a brief in depth review of two main adetailedcomplexityanalysis. existing approaches for NMPC based on sampling, namely approximate DP and sampling–based MPC, which were also 3.1 Prototypealgorithm mentionedintheIntroduction. An approximate version of DP, as a tool for solving opti- Inspired by the suboptimal MPC and DP principles, we pro- mizationproblems,wasproposedin(Bertsekas,2005a,Section poseasampling–basedsolutiontoProblem2.1,which,bythe 6.6.1). DP has been successfully applied for determining ex- mechanisminvolvedintheiterativeimprovementoftheinitial plicit solutions for linear MPC controllers, see, e.g., (Mun˜oz feasible control sequence U (k), has a low increase with warm delaPen˜aetal.,2004).InnonlinearMPC,thestateandinput thecontrolhorizonofthecomputationalcomplexity. j =0 j =1 j =2 • U(k)jq isafeasiblesequence,i.e.,theconstraints(3),(4) uw00 uw2|0 u12|0 • athnedn(5e)whoclods,t, J = J(x ,U(k)jq) decreases with | new kk uw u22|0 respecttoJ(xk|k,Uwarm(k)),| 10 | u3 then Uwarm(k) is replaced by U(k)jq and the algorithm con- 2|0 tinues backwards with respect to the prediction time j, in a similarmanner.Withthisapproach,atanypointintime,ifthe maximallyallowedcomputationaltimeisexceeded,afeasible, j =0 j =1 j =2 improved control sequence exists and it can be utilized as a u310 suboptimalMPCsolution. u4 | 10 uw | By choosing to cover the control horizon backwards, we can 00 | u1 reuse at each step j, the states φ(x ,U (k),i) for all 1|0 uw1|0 uw2|0 =u32|0 i ∈ Z[1,j], which, by the feasibilityk|kof Uwwaramrm(k), already u2 satisfy the state and input constraints. This holds not only for 10 | the original U (k), but for any subsequent improvement warm of U (k). As such, also the stage costs up to the jth state warm j =0 j =1 j =2 can be recovered from previous computations. The reusability u100 uw =u4 of previously computed costs and states by navigating the | 10 10 | | control horizon in a backward manner resembles the working uw0|0 u200 principleofDP.Thissuggestsintuitivelythattheproposedcost | uw =u3 improvement method could deliver good performance, which u300 u4 2|0 2|0 issupportedbyresultsobtainedinnon–trivialcasestudies,see | 00 | Section 4. A formal analysis of convergence towards the DP solution, as the discrete–time k increases, makes the object of Fig.1.Samplingprinciple. futureresearch. Algorithm1Sampling–basedsuboptimalNMPCalgorithm. When k = 0, we can select an initial sequence Uwarm(0) as the solution of the optimal MPC problem. In this case, we Input: NU,w{anrjm}(jk∈)Z[=0,N{−u1]wk,kx,k.|k..,,Xu,wkU+,NXT1,kJ}(·,·) csiabnlepsroeqceueedncweiUthwkarm=(01),. aAnlt“eornraactilvee”l,yb,ywreancdaonmsleylescetleactfienag- Output: U(k),u | − | sequences of inputs in U until a feasible U (0) is found. k warm In this case, if it is feasible to afford the computational time, 1: Jsub ←J(xkk,Uwarm(k)); wecanproceedwithAlgorithm1inanattemptofobtainingan 2: forallj =N|−1:−1:0do improvedsequence. 3: Selectnj samplesuqj+kk ∈U,q ∈Z[1,...,nj]; For k ∈ Z , to choose the input U (k) for Algorithm 1, 4: forallq =1:1:nj do| one can us≥e1the receding horizon prwinacrimple of MPC. As such, 5: ifj ≥1then theinputsequenceU (k)={u ,...,u ,u} 6: U(k)jq ={uwkk,...,uwk+j 1k,uqk+jk, is a warm start at twimaremk. If φ(xk|k−1 ,U(kk+−N−12)|,kN−1) ∈ uw| ,...,u−w| }|; X and X is positively invariankt−f1o|rk−th1e system x = k+j+1k k+N 1k T T k+1 7: else | − | f(xk,kf(xk)), one can select u = kf(xk+N 1k 1). In this 8: U(k)jq ={uq ,uw ,...,uw }; case,U (k)isafeasiblesolution,andthere−for|e−acandidate kk k+1k k+N 1k warm 9: φ(xkk,iUf (φk()xjkq|,kN,U)(∈k)XjqT,|it)he∈n X|,∀i ∈ Z[j+−1,N|−1] and arwenamdrmanionsstkafrfet(af·so)i,rblteehv,eeinr.eyo.,knφe∈(cxZan≥1se.lIefctth,Ueure∈exUis(tsksu)nc,ohNtte)hra∈mtiXUna.wlIansremtthX(eksTe) 10: | Jnew ←J(xkk,U(k)jq); circumstances, however,ks−ta1|bki−li1ty owfarthme closed loop is not 11: ifJnew <Jsub| then guaranteed.SuchanexampleisillustratedinSection4.3. 12: Jsub ←Jnew; Remark3.1. Common sampling schemes are employed for 13: Uwarm(k)←U(k)jq; sampling of the input space U at each iteration, among which 14: U(k)=Uwarm(k),uk =uwkk; weconsiderdeterministicuniformsampling,whichplaceseach | sampleatequaldistancefromeachother,tocoveruniformlythe spaceU.Alternatively,“true”randomsamplescanbeselected, Theprinciplebehindtheproposedsampling–basedapproachis whicharesimplertodrawinhigherdimensionalspaces.Quasi– illustratedinFig.1andformalizedinAlgorithm1.InFig.1,the random low–discrepancy sequences, see (Chakrabarty et al., iterative improvement of an initial cost provided by an initial 2016), may be used as well, considering the fact that they feasible control sequence U (k) is illustrated for the case warm appeartoberandomformultiplepurposes,suchasMonteCarlo when N = 3. The algorithm keeps always U (k) as a warm simulations.Suchsamplingmethods,e.g.,SobolorHaltonse- reference sequence, and it covers the horizon in a backward quences, have been shown, see, e.g., (de Dios Ortu´zar et al., fashion, in N iterations. Starting with j = N − 1, at each iintepruatticoonnsstterpa,inntjsesatmUp.lFeosr{euaqkc+hjs|kam}qp∈lZe[,1,tnhje]raerfeedrernawcensferqoumenthcee 1R9e9m4a)r,kto3.b2e.ttAerscsouvmeertthhaetskpfaciseathlaoncarlalnydsotambisleizqiunegnccoens.trollaw U (k)ismodifiedinthejth location,andanewsequence, onXT,asublevelsetofVf,whichispositivelyinvariantforthe warm U(k)jq isobtained.Ifthefollowingpropertieshold: systemxk+1 = f(xk,kf(xk))andVf andLare,e.g.,positive definite quadratic functions. Considering that the sequence N(N +1) C =c +c N. (10) U(k)providedbyAlgorithm1isasuboptimalsolutionsolving 1 2 2 Problem2.1,then,bytheargumentsinSection2.2,Problem2.1 The complexity bound given in (10), though quadratic in the is recursively feasible and it ensures stability of system (1) in predictionhorizon,yieldsareasonablecomplexity,considering closedloopwithuk =uwkk. that, in NMPC, a horizon N = 10 is considered a reasonably | Remark3.3. The working mechanism of Algorithm 1 resem- largehorizon. bles the working principle of the rollout algorithm described Ingeneral,ifwehavep∈Z processors,thenthecomplex- in the survey paper (Bertsekas, 2005b). Therein, a rollout al- [2,n) ityofAlgorithm1is gorithm improves iteratively a base policy (here, the feasible (cid:18) (cid:19) N(N +1) control sequence Uwarm(k)) to provide a suboptimal solution C =(cid:100)n/p(cid:101) c1 +c2N , (11) to an optimal control problem via approximative DP and sub- 2 optimalcontrol.Theworkingprincipleoftherolloutalgorithm where the term (cid:100)n/p(cid:101) appears due to the fact that a thread withsamplingbasedMPC,i.e.,choosingattimek theiterated can not engage in computations related to a subsequent time solution of the previous time instance, k−1, as a warm start, horizon until all the threads have finalized the computations andasamplingstrategy,isnotprovidedtherein. relatedtothecurrenttimehorizonj. Remark3.4. Due to the sampling procedure having a discon- tinuous behaviour, the inputs might be varying more than it is 4. ILLUSTRATIVEEXAMPLES safe for some applications. This problem might be alleviated by either smoothening the inputs via interpolation of the ob- The sampling–based suboptimal NMPC strategy proposed in tainedinputsequencewiththeinitialsequence,orbypenalizing Section3isillustratedonthreenonlinearsystems,tohighlight ∆u =u −u viaconstraintsorviathecostfunction,such variousfeaturesofthismethod.Alltestshavebeenperformed k k k 1 thattheinputva−riabilityislimitedtoacceptablebounds. on a system with the following specifications: Intel Core i7- 3770CPU3.4GHz,16GBRAM,64-bitOS. 3.2 Complexityanalysis 4.1 Cart–springsystem InordertoanalyzethecomplexityofAlgorithm1,thefollow- The method developed in this paper will first be applied to ingassumptionsareundertaken,foragivenstatex,inputuand a system incorporating an exponential nonlinearity, i.e., the inputsequencesU,U ,U : 1 2 model of a cart with mass M, which is moving on a plane, 1) Thecostofevaluatingf(x,u)andperformingafeasibility see(Raimondoetal.,2009).Thiscartisattachedtoawallvia testf(x,u)∈Xisc ; aspringwithelasticconstantkvaryingwiththefirststatek = 1 2) ThecostofevaluatingJ(x,U)isc2; k0e−x1, where x1 stands for the displacement of the carriage 3) ThecostofcomparingJ(x,U ) < J(x,U )andchanging from the equilibrium position. A damper acts as a resistor in 1 2 J and U (k) if necessary, i.e., steps 11-13 in Algo- thesystem,withdampingh .Thediscretizednonlinearmodel sub warm d rithm1,isnegligible. ofthecartandspringsystemisthefollowing: 4) ThecurrentcostJ isinstantaneouslyavailableforcom- (cid:20) (cid:21) sub x (k+1) parison with each of the nj samples according to step 11 x(k+1)= x1(k+1) =f1(x(k))+F2u(k), (12) 2 in Algorithm 1 and each of the new sequences U(k)jq may where modifyJ ifthenewcostJ issmallerthanJ . sub new sub (cid:20) (cid:21) x (k)+T x (k) Tinhge:complexityofAlgorithm1foragivenxk|k isthefollow- f1(x(k))= x2(k)−TsMρ10e−x1x1s(k2)−TshMdx2(k) , N 1 N 1 F2 =(cid:2)0 TMs (cid:3)T , (13) (cid:88)− (cid:88)− where x is the velocity of the cart and u is an external force C =c1 (N −j)nj+c2 nj. (8) 2 whichactsasaninputtothesystem.Theparametervaluesare j=0 j=0 T =0.4s,ρ =0.33,M =1,h =1.1. Ifweassumen ≤nforallj ∈Z ,thenthecomplexity s 0 d j [0,N 1] (8)canbeupperboundedby − The MPC controller has to steer the cart to the origin from a non–zero initial state, while satisfying the input and state N(N +1) C =nc +c Nn. (9) constraints,whichare 1 2 2 |u|≤4.5,|x |≤2.65, (14) A possible reduction of the bound (9) might be attained, con- 1 and reducing the cost (2), where the stage cost and terminal sideringthefactthatallthestatessubsequenttoanon–feasible cost are quadratic functions, i.e., L(x,u) = xTQx + uTRu state are no longer evaluated and checked for feasibility. This meansthat,instep9ofAlgorithm1,ifφ(x ,U(k)jq,i)∈/ X andVf(x) = xTPx.Choosethefollowingparametersforthe kk for a specific i ∈ Z , then φ(x ,|U(k)jq,r) for all MPCproblem: [j+1,N 1] kk (cid:20) (cid:21) r ∈ Z , are no longe−r evaluated, in|which case steps 2) 7.0814 3.3708 [i+1,N] M =4,P = ,Q=diag(1,1),R=1. and3)areskippedalltogether. 3.3708 4.2998 In(Raimondoetal.,2009)itisshownthatthecontrollaw Consider now that many threads are available, from multiple processors.Noticealsothatateachtimeinthehorizon,alln u=k (x)=−[0.8783 1.1204]f (x), j f 1 computationscanbeperformedseparately.Intheseconditions, islocallystabilizingintheset assuming we have n threads available, then the complexity of X ={x|V (x)≤4.7}, Algorithm1isupperboundedby T f State trajectory evaluation time[s] 0.16 6 terminal set fmincon 0.14 5 n=0 j 0.12 n=5 j 4 nnj==1300 me [s] 0.1 j ti0.08 3 0.06 x2 2 0.04 1 0.021 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 k 0 Fig.4.Computationtime. −1 (cid:8)(cid:16)(cid:17)(cid:18)(cid:1)(cid:12)(cid:19)(cid:15)(cid:11)(cid:18)(cid:13)(cid:16)(cid:15) (cid:3)(cid:6)(cid:2) −2 −2 −1 0 1 2 (cid:3)(cid:5)(cid:2) x 1 (cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:2) Fig.2.Statetrajectory. inputs (cid:3)(cid:2)(cid:2) 4 2 (cid:19)(cid:10) (cid:7)(cid:2) (cid:17) (cid:9) 0 u (cid:6)(cid:2) −2 −4 (cid:5)(cid:2) −6 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 k (cid:4)(cid:2) Fig.3.Inputsappliedtothesystem. (cid:2) (cid:4) (cid:5) (cid:6) (cid:7) (cid:3)(cid:2) (cid:3)(cid:4) which is a terminal set where the conditions for stability of (cid:14) MPCmentionedinSection2.2aresatisfied. Fig.5.ThecostJ . sub Algorithm1isappliedfortheMPCcontrolofsystem(12).We comparetheresultsofthismethodwiththeresultsprovidedby Computational performance. Computational details for N<=20. fmincon in Matlab, even though, as it will be seen later, the 25 0.3 optimization tool does not always provide the optimum, due fmincon 20 sampling to local minima. The scalability of the algorithm is tested by bound (9) 0.2 varyingboththenumberofsamplesnandthecontrolhorizon s]15 bound (10) s] e [ e [ N.Thetestsillustratedinthispaperareperformedonafeasible m m initialstatex =[−2.5,3].Thechoiceoftheinitialcondition ti10 ti0.1 00 does not influ|ence greatly the results, which are similar for 5 otherfeasibleinitialstates. 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 5 10 15 20 For the first experiment, fix N = 10. An initial U (0) N N warm is provided by a random “oracle”. Consider n = n, for all j j ∈ Z , taking various values in the set {0,5,10,30}. Fig.6.Computationalperformanceversusproposedbounds. [0,N 1] For n = 0,−U (0) is propagated though iterations without warm immediate smoothening of the trajectories and input sequence anyinterventionorchangefromthesamplingmechanism.This even for a small n. In Fig. 4, the computational time, without servesasareference,tonoticetheimprovementsbroughtinby parallelization,isillustrated.Atk = 1,thecomputationalcost Algorithm 1. The results are illustrated in Fig. 2–5, where the offindinganoracleisincluded.Fig.5illustratesthevaluesof legendfromFig.2holdsuntilFig.5.Iterationsareconsidered J for each iteration. Notice, overall, that even for a small from k = 1 until k = 20. Though the different sampling sub number of samples, the performance of the closed loop sys- optionsproposedinRemark3.1provideinthisexamplesimilar tem is significantly improved and the computational time is outcomes, Halton points have been used here for illustration. promising,evenforanon–parallelimplementation.Also,asthe This choice is motivated by the practical feature that, adding iterationkadvances,theinitiallymodestperformanceincreases extrapointsonlywhentheyarerequireddoesnothaveimpact onthecoverageofthesetU. significantly,duetothecontinuousimprovementofUwarmand the receding horizon principle. Interestingly, even for n = 5, In Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 the state trajectory and the inputs u(k) at iteration k = 4, the cost J (4) is smaller than the cost sub applied to the system are illustrated. The constraint specifica- computedviafmincon,which,duetolocalminima,provided tions (14) are satisfied for all cases, at all times. Notice the afeasiblebutnotoptimalsolution. For the second experiment we aim to test the computational Cost function complexity of Algorithm 1 in terms of the control horizon. 250 fmincon Theimplementationusedheredoesnotuseparallelization.Fix 200 n=0 n = 10andN takesvaluesintheset{3,10,20,50,100}.The j n=5 rceosmulptslexairteyiflolursAtrlagtoerdithinmF1igis.d6e.pWictiethd,raendd,itthiesaclowmaypsutsamtiaolnlearl Jsub110500 nnjj==2500 j thanthebound(9),whichisfollowedclosely.Itisexpectedthat ondedicateddevices,thecomplexityofAlgorithm1issmaller, 50 due to the processors not running in parallel threads related 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 to other system applications. With parallelization, further re- k duction in complexity is expected, as described in Section 3.2 evaluation time[s] and illustrated in Fig. 6. Notice that, for smaller horizons, 1.4 the complexity of Algorithm 1 is smaller than the complexity 1.2 of fmincon, even without parallelization. For N = 100, 1 fminconprovidessolutionswhicharenotfeasible,whilethe 0.8 proposedAlgorithm1stillterminatesin21.6seconds. t[s]0.6 0.4 4.2 Buck–Boostpowerconverter 0.2 0 Next, the bilinear model of a Buck–Boost power converter is 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 k considered,asin(Spinuetal.,2011): (cid:20)x(k)TC (cid:21) Fig.7.PerformanceofAlgorithm1onthepowerconverter. x(k+1)=Ax(k)+Bu(k)+ 1 u(k), (15) x(k)TC2 Alltheconstraintsweresatisfiedforallthepresentedsituations, wherex := [v i ]T ∈ X ⊂ R2 isthestatevectorconsisting and it is expected that, through implementation on dedicated C L multi–thread systems, the computational time for the control of the voltage across the output capacitor and the current throughthefilterinductor.Theinputu:=[d d ]T ∈U⊂R2 lawdecreasestotheextentoffittingthetightsamplingperiod 1 2 ofthepowerconverter. stands for the duty–cycle ratio of the control signal applied to theswitchingnode.Theparametersare 4.3 Wheeledmobilerobot (cid:18) (cid:20)− 1 0 (cid:21)(cid:19) (cid:20) 0 0(cid:21) A= I2+Ts R0HC −RL ,B = vs 0 Ts, Thelastexampleillustratesthemethodologydevelopedinthis L L (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:20) (cid:21) paperforanobstacleavoidancetaskbyanonholonomicsystem 0 0 0 −1 C = T ,C = L T , with trigonometric nonlinearities, due to kinematics, i.e., a 1 0 1 s 2 0 0 s C model of the wheeled mobile robot (WMR), as described in with the values RL = 0.2Ω, C = 22µF, L = 220µH, (Kuhneetal.,2005): Ts =10µs. (cid:34)x (k)+u (k)cosx (k)T (cid:35) 1 1 3 s The aim of the control loop is to stabilize the system to the x(k+1)= x (k)+u (k)sinx (k)T . (16) 2 1 3 s equilibriumpointx := [20 0.5]T,u := [0.81 0.4]T,under x3(k)+u2(k)Ts e e theconstraintsi ∈ R ,v ∈ R ,u ∈ R2 .The In (16), the state x ∈ R3 describes the position and the ori- L [0,3] C [ 0.1,22.5] [0,1] terminalcontroller − entation of the robot with respect to a global inertial frame {O,X,Y}, and the input u ∈ R2 gives the linear and an- (cid:20)−0.0014 −0.3246(cid:21) gular velocity, respectively. The parameter Ts = 0.1s is the u=u +K(x−x ),K = , discretizationperiodofsystem(16). e e 0.0001 −0.0055 stabilizing the system in the terminal set X given in (Spinu The MPC strategy aims at driving the WMR from an initial etal.,2011,setPinSectionIV.C),andtheqTuadraticcostwith state x = [0 6 0]T to the origin of the inertial frame, i.e., 00 thematrices x = [|0 0 0]T, while satisfying the input constraints u ∈ (cid:20) (cid:21) g 1 46.6617 42.8039 R , u ∈ R . A quadratic cost function of Q=diag(1,2),R=diag(1,1),P = , [ 0.47,0.47] 2 [ 3.77,3.77] 42.8039 69.4392 the−form − satisfies all the conditions for stability formulated in Sec- N(cid:88)−1 tion2.2. J(xkk,U(k))=xTk+N kPxk+N k+ xTk+jkQ(j)xk+jk+ | | | | | j=1 Similarly to the previous example, we apply Algorithm 1 for N 1 the MPC control of system (15). Fix the initial state x00 = + (cid:88)− uT Ru [1 2]T + x , which is outside of the terminal set X ,| and k+j|k k+j|k e T j=0 N = 10. U (0) is given by an oracle and we use random warm is considered, with the parameters: Q(j) = 2j 1Q, P = sampling of U. See in Fig. 7 the effect of varying n on the − 50Q(N),Q=diag(1,1,0.5),R=diag(0.1,0.1),N =5. cost function J and the time necessary, per iteration, to sub compute the corresponding control law. Notice the effect of In this example we illustrate Algorithm 1 with the above pa- the unknown termination time on the evaluation time for the rameters. Consider U (0) generated by an “oracle”, and warm optimization performed through fmincon and the relatively sampling of U based on random sequences. The result for equalcomputationaltimeofAlgorithm1overtheiterationsk. n = 30isillustratedinFig8.fminconcouldnotbeapplied State trajectory around obstacle. 6 improvesintermsofcostaninitiallyfeasiblecontrolsequence. ThissuboptimalNMPCstrategyprovidesapromisingcompu- tationalcomplexityevenforlargecontrolhorizons,withgood Algorithm 1 5 perspectives for parallel implementation. 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