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IEICETRANS.??,VOL.Exx–??,NO.xxXXXX200x 1 LETTER Towards Interactive Object-Oriented Programming Keehang KWON†, Kyunghwan PARK††, Nonmembers, and Mi-Young PARK†, Member 3 1 0 SUMMARY To represent interactive objects, we propose a D ::= A:=G|x=E |∀x D |D∧D |D⊔D 2 choice-disjunctivedeclarationstatementoftheformS⊔Rwhere n S,Rarethe(procedureorfield)declarationstatements withina a class. This statement has the following semantics: request the Intherulesabove,oisanobjectname,xisafieldname, J usertochooseonebetweenS andRwhenanobjectofthisclass E is an expression, and A represents a procedure (or a is created. This statement is useful for representing interactive 9 objects thatrequireinteractionswiththeuser. method) of the form p(t1,...,tn). The notation x=E 2 key words: interactions, object-oriented, computability logic. in G denotes an assignment statement. A D-formula is called a class definition. The no- ] L 1. Introduction tation x = E in D denotes a field x with an initial P value E. The notation A := G in D denotes a proce- . Interactiveprogramming[4],[5]isanimportantmodern dure declaration where G is called a procedure body. s c trend in information technology. Despite much popu- The notation D∧D denotes a conjunction of two D- [ larity, object-oriented languages [6]–[8] have tradition- formulas. ally lackedmechanisms for representing interactive ob- In the transition system to be considered, G- 1 v jects. For example, an object like a lottery ticket is formulas will function as the main program (or pro- 6 in a superposition state of several possible values and cedure bodies), and a set of tuples ho,Di where o is 3 requirefurtherinteractionswiththeenvironmenttode- an object name and D is a D-formula will constitute a 8 termine their final value. program. 6 To represent interactive objects, we propose to We will present an operational semantics for this . 1 adopt a choice-disjunctive operator in computability language via a proof theory. The rules are formalized 0 logic [1],[2]. To be specific, we allow, within a class by means of what it means to execute the main task 3 definition,achoice-disjunctivedeclarationstatementof G from a program P. These rules in fact depend on 1 : the form S ⊔R. This statement has the following se- the top-level constructor in the expression, a property v mantics: requestthe user to chooseonebetweenS and known as uniform provability[3]. Below the notation Xi R when an object is created. This statement is use- ho,Di;P denotes{ho,Di}∪P butwiththeho,Dituple ful for representing interactive objects. For example, a being distinguished (marked for backchaining). Note r a lottery ticket, declared as value=$0⊔ value=$1M, thatexecutionalternatesbetweentwophases: thegoal- indicatesthatithastwopossiblevalues,nothingorone reductionphase(onewithoutadistinguishedtuple)and milliondollars,anditsfinalvaluewillbedeterminedby the backchaining phase (one with a distinguished tu- the environment (or the user). ple). The notation S sand R denotes the following: The remainder of this paper is structured as fol- execute S and execute R sequentially. It is consid- lows. We describe the new language Javai in the next ered a success if both executions succeed. The nota- section. In Section 3, we present some examples. Sec- tion o.G represent an association of o with every field tion 4 concludes the paper. or procedure name appearing in G. For example, if G is p(t1,...,tn), then o.G represents o.p(t1,...,tn). 2. The Language Definition 1. Let o be an object name, let G be a main task and let P be a program. Then the notion The language is a subset of the core (untyped) Java ofexecuting hP,o.Gi successfully andproducing a new with some extensions. It is described by G- and D- program P′– ex(P,o.G,P′) – is defined as follows: formulas given by the syntax rules below: (1) ex(ho,(A := G)i;P,A,P′) if ex(P,o.G,P′) . % G::= A|x=E |G;G|o=new D matching procedure for A is found (2) ex(ho,∀xDi;P,A,P′) if ex(ho,[t/x]Di;P,A,P′). †The authors are with Computer Eng., DongA Univ., % argument passing Korea. {khkwon,openmp}@dau.ac.kr ††The author is with Computer Eng., DongA Univ. kh- (3) ex(ho,D1 ∧ D2i;P,A,P′) if ex(ho,D1i;P,A,P′). [email protected]. The corresponding author. % looking for the procedure A in D1. IEICETRANS.??,VOL.Exx–??,NO.xxXXXX200x 2 (4) ex(ho,D ∧ D i;P,A,P′) if ex(ho,D i;P,A,P′). 1 2 2 % looking for the procedure A in D 5. Acknowledgements 2 (5) ex(P,o.A,P′)ifho,Di∈P andex(ho,Di;P,A,P′). This work was supported by Dong-A University Re- % a procedure call in object o search Fund. (6) ex(P,o.x=E,P′)whereP′ isobtainedfromP by first evaluating E to E′ and updating the value of References the field x to E′ in the object o. [1] G.Japaridze,“Introduction tocomputabilitylogic”,Annals (7) ex(P,G ;G ,P ) if ex(P,G ,P ) sand ofPureandAppliedLogic,vol.123,pp.1–99, 2003. 1 2 2 1 1 ex(P ,G ,P ). [2] G.Japaridze,“Sequential operatorsincomputabilitylogic”, 1 2 2 InformationandComputation,vol.206,No.12,pp.1443-1475, (8) ex(P,o = new D,{ho,D′i} ∪ P) where D′ 2008. [3] D.Miller,G.Nadathur,F.Pfenning,andA.Scedrov, “Uni- is obtained from D by first removing choice- formproofsasafoundationforlogicprogramming,”Annals disjunctions and then by initializing its fields. % ofPureandAppliedLogic,vol.51,pp.125–157, 1991. object creation [4] Lynn Andrea Stein, “Interactive programming: revolution- izing introductory computer science,” ACM Comput. Surv. If ex(P,G,P1) has no derivation, then the machine re- 28,4es,ArticleNo.103,December1996. turnsthe failure. Inthe above,the rules(1)to (4)deal [5] RolyPerera,“First-orderinteractiveprogramming,”12thin- with the backchaining phase, whereas the rules (5) to ternational conference on Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages (PADL’10), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, (8) deal with the goal reduction phase. Our opera- pp.186-200,Jan.2010. tional semantics is a standard one appearing in most [6] Avinash C. Kak, Programming with Objects: A Compar- textbooks. Only the rule (8) is a novel feature. ative Presentation of Object-Oriented Programming with C++ and Java, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY, 3. Examples USA,2003. [7] Joseph Albahari,and BenAlbanhari, C#5.0Pocket Refer- ence, O’ReillyMedia,224pages,May2012. ImagineTempleUniversitycharges$5,000asitstuition [8] Joshua Bloch, Effective Java, Second Edition, Addison- for nonemployees and $3,000 for employees. An exam- Wesley,346pages,May2008. ple of this class is provided by the following program: class TempleU tuition=0 ∧ (employee=true⊔employee=false) ∧ (comp tuition():=if employeethen tuition=$3000 else tuition=$5000) void main() TempleU p=new TempleU; comp tuition(); print(p.tuition) In the above, creating a TempleU object via the new construct basically proceeds as follows: the machine asks the user “are you an employee?”. If the user an- swers yes by choosing the left disjunct, employee will be initialized to true and the machine will eventually print $3000 for its tuition. If the user answers no by choosingtherightdisjunct, employeewillbeinitialized tofalseandthemachinewilleventuallyprint$5000for itstuition. Ourlanguagethusmakesitpossibletocus- tomize the amount for tuition via interaction with the user. 4. Conclusion In this paper, we have considered an extension to the core Java with disjunctive statements within a class definition. Thisextensionallowsstatementsoftheform S⊔R whereS,Rarestatements. Thesestatementsare particularly useful for representing interactive objects.

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