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TOWARDS HILBERT-KUNZ DENSITY FUNCTIONS IN CHARACTERISTIC 0 V.TRIVEDI 6 1 0 Abstract. For a pair (R,I), where R is a standard graded domain over an algebraically 2 closed field of characteristic 0 and I is a graded ideal with ℓ(R/I) < ∞, we prove that, as Jan opthf→elicm∞opn→,vet∞hrgeeecnHocKnev(oeRfrgpfe,mpnI(pcRe)pois,fItephq)eu,iHfvoaKrleadnnetyntsfioixttyehdfeumnexc≥tisiotdeninmfcepP(orRofpjl,iRmIp.p)→T(hi∞nisLℓi(m∞Rppnl/ioeIrsp[mptmh)a]i)ts/tephqmeudiev,xafilosertneatnnctyoe suchfixedm. 8 In particular, in char 0, to define the HK density function f(R,I) (HK multiplicity ] eHK(R,I))itisenoughtoprovetheexistenceoflimp→∞fmp(Rp,Ip)(limp→∞ℓ(Rp/Ip[pm])/pmd C respectively),foranyfixedm≥dim ProjR. A . h t a 1. Introduction m LetRbeaNoetherianringofprimecharacteristicp>0andofdimensiondandletI ⊆Rbe [ anidealof finite colength. Then we recallthat the Hilbert-Kunz multiplicity of R with respect 1 to I is defined as v ℓ(R/I[pn]) e (R,I)= lim , 5 HK n→∞ pnd 7 7 whereI[pn] =n-thFrobeniuspowerofI =idealgeneratedbypn-thpowerofelementsofI. This 1 is an ideal of finite colength and ℓ(R/I[pn]) denotes the length of the R-module R/I[pn]. This 0 invariant had been introduced by E. Kunz and existence of the limit was proved by Monsky . 1 [M]. It carries information about char p related properties of the ring, but at the same time is 0 difficulttocompute(eveninthe gradedcase)asvariousstandardtechniques,usedforstudying 6 multiplicities, are not applicable for the invariante . It is naturalto ask if the notion of this HK 1 invariant can be extended to the ‘char 0’ case. A natural way to attempt this for a pair (R,I) : v (from now onwards,unless stated otherwise, by a pair (R,I), we mean R is a standard graded i ring and I ⊂R is a graded ideal of finite colength) could be as follows: Suppose R is a finitely X generatedalgebraand a domain overa field k of characteristic 0 and I ⊆R is anideal of finite r a colength. Let (A,RA,IA) be a spread of the pair (R,I) (see Definition 3.2), where A ⊂ k is a finitely generated algebra over Z. Then we may (tentatively) define e∞ (R,I):= lim e (R ,I ), HK HK s s s→s0 where R =R ⊗ k¯(s) and I =I ⊗ k¯(s), s = the generic point of Spec A and s∈ closed s A A s A A 0 points of Spec A. Or consider a simpler situation: R is a finitely generated Z-algebra and a domain, I ⊂R such that R/I is an abelian group of finite rank then let e∞HK(R,I):= lim eHK(Rp,Ip), where Rp =R⊗ZZ/pZ and Ip =I⊗ZZ/pZ. p→∞ In case of dimension R = 1, we know that the Hilbert-Kunz multiplicity coincides with the Hilbert-Samuel multiplicity hence it is independent of p, for large p. For homogeneous coordinate rings of plane curves, with respect to the maximal graded ideal (in [T1], [M]), nonsingular curves with respect to a graded ideal I (in [T2]), diagonal hypersurfaces(in [GM]), ithas beenshownthate (R ,I )varieswith p andthe limit exists. HK p p 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 13D40,14H60,14J60,13H15. Key words and phrases. Hilbert-Kunzdensity,Hilbert-Kunzmultiplicity,characteristic0. 1 2 V.TRIVEDI Moreoverusingtheabovementionedresultof[T2]andProposition2.17of[T4],itcanbeproved that, for a Segre product of any finite number of projective curves, such a limit exists. Then there are other cases, where e (R ,I ) is independent of p and therefore the limit exists. HK p p Since ℓ(R /I[pn]) e∞ (R,I):= lim lim p p , HK p→∞n→∞ (pn)d it seems harder to compute as such, as lim ℓ(R /I[pn])/(pn)d itself does not seem easily n→∞ p p computable (evenin the gradedcase). To makethis invariantmore approachablethe following question was posed in [BLM]: Question. Suppose e∞ (R,I) exists, is it true that for any fixed n≥1 HK ℓ(R /I[pn]) e∞ (R,I)= lim p p ? HK p→∞ (pn)d Themainresultoftheirpaperwastoangiveaffirmativeanswerinthecaseofa2dimensional standard graded normal domain R with respect to a homogeneous ideal I. Note that the existence of e∞ (R,I), in this case, was proved earlier in [T2]. HK The proof goes as follows: Recall that for a vector bundle V on a smooth (projective and polarized) variety, we have the well defined HN data, namely {r (V),µ (V)} , where r (V) = i i i i rank(E /E ) and µ (V)=slope of E /E and i i−1 i i i−1 0⊂E ⊂E ⊂···⊂E ⊂V 1 2 l is the Harder-Narasimhanfiltration of V. Let X = Proj R , which is a nonsingular projective curve, and let I be generated by p p p homogeneouselements of degreesd ,...,d then we have the vector bundle V on X givenby 1 µ p p the following canonical exact sequence of O -modules Xp 0−→V −→⊕ O (1−d )−→O (1)−→0. p i Xp i Xp Then,byProposition1.16in[T2],thereisaconstantdeterminedbygenusofX andrankV , p p such that for s≥1 (1.1) r (Fs∗V )µ (Fs∗V )2− r (V )µ (V )2 ≤C/p. j p j p i p i p (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) j i (cid:12) (cid:12)X X (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (Here F is the absolu(cid:12)te Frobenius morphism, and Fs is the s-fold(cid:12)iterate.) Note that the HN (cid:12) (cid:12) filtration and hence the HN data of V stabilizes for p>>0 ([Mar]). p On the other hand, the methods used in [B] and [T1] (relating e and the HN data of HK Fs∗V) imply that, for s≥1, 1 R deg X deg X ℓ p = p r (Fs∗V )µ (Fs∗V )2 − p d2 +O(1/p). (ps)2 Ip[ps]! 2  j j p i p  2 i i! X X   Hence, for any s≥1, by Equation (1.1) 1 R deg X deg X ℓ p = p r (V )µ (V )2 − p d2 +O(1/p), (ps)2 Ip[ps]! 2 i i p i p ! 2 i i! X X which implies deg X deg X e (R ,I )= p r (V )µ (V )2 − p d2 +O(1/p). HK p p 2 i p i p 2 i ! ! i i X X TOWARDS HILBERT-KUNZ DENSITY FUNCTIONS IN CHARACTERISTIC 0 3 Also, here the ‘error term’ |O(1/p)|≤C /p , where C depends on the invariants like genus of 2 2 X and rank V . Hence p p 1 R p lim e (R ,I )= lim ℓ , for any s≥1. p→∞ HK p p p→∞(ps)2 Ip[ps]! Thus here (1) one relates ℓ(R /I[ps]) with the HN data of Fs∗V , for s≥1 ([B] and [T1]). p p p (2) The HN data of Fs∗V is related to the HN data of V ([T2]). p p (3) The restriction of the relative HN filtration of V on X (where V is a spread of V A A A 0 in char 0) remains the HN filtration of V for large p ([Mar]). p In particular for a pair (R,I), where char R = p > 0, with the associated syzygy bundle V (as above), the proof uses the comparison of ℓ(R/I[ps]) with the HN data of the syzygy bundle V andthe otherwell behavedinvariantsof(R, I) (which havewelldefined notioninall characteristics and are well behaved vis-a-vis reduction mod p). However note that (3) is valid for dim R ≥ 2, and (2) also holds for dim R ≥ 3 (proved relatively recently in [T3]). But (1) does not seem to hold in higher dimension, due to the existence of cohomologies other than H0(−) and H1(−) (therefore one can not use anymore the semistability property of a vector bundle to compute h0 of almost all its twists, by a very ample line bundle). Inthispaper,weapproachtheproblembycomparing 1 ℓ(R/I[pn])and 1 ℓ(R/I[pn+1]) (pn)d (pn+1)d directly,forn≥1,takingintoaccountthatbotharegraded. Forthis wephrasetheproblemin a more general setting: By the theory of Hilbert-Kunz density function (which was introduced and developed in [T4]), for a pair (R,I) where R is a domain of char p > 0, there exists a sequence of functions {fp :[0,∞)−→R} such that n n 1 ∞ 1 ∞ ℓ(R/I[pn])= fp(x)dx and lim ℓ(R/I[pn])= fp(x)dx, (pn)d n n→∞(pn)d Z0 Z0 where the map fp : [0,∞) → R is given by fp(x) = lim fp(x) is called the HK density n→∞ n function of (R ,I ) (the existence and properties of the limit defining fp are proved in [T4]). p p We show here that, for all x∈[1,∞), if lim fp(x):= lim lim fp(x) exists then lim fp(x)= lim fp(x), n m p→∞ p→∞n→∞ p→∞ p→∞ for any fixed m≥d−1, where d−1=dimProj R. The main point (Proposition 2.11) is to give a bound on the difference kfp − fp k, in n n+1 terms of a power of p and invariants which are well behaved under reduction mod p, where kgk := sup{g(x) | x ∈ [1,∞)} is the L∞ norm. Since the union of the support of all f n is contained in a compact interval, a similar bound (Corollary 2.12) holds for the difference |ℓ(R/I[pn])/(pn)d−ℓ(R/I[pn+1])/(pn+1)d|. More precisely we prove the following Theorem 1.1. Let R be a standard graded domain of dimension d ≥ 2, over an algebraically closed field k of characteristic 0. Let I ⊂ R be a homogeneous ideal of finite colength. Let (A,R ,I ) be a spread (see Definition 3.2). Then, for a closed point s ∈ Spec(A), let the A A function 1 R fs(x):[1,∞)−→[0,∞) be given by fs(x)= ℓ s . n n qd−1 I[q] (cid:18) s (cid:19)⌊xq⌋ Let the HK density function of (R ,I ) be given by s s fs(x)= lim fs(x). n n→∞ Let s ∈SpecQ(A) denote the generic point of Spec(A). Then 0 (1) there exists a constant C (given in terms of invariants of (R ,I )) and an open dense s0 s0 subset Spec(A′) of Spec(A) such that for every closed point s∈Spec(A′) and n≥1, kfs−fs k<C/pn−d+2, n n+1 4 V.TRIVEDI where p=char k(s). In particular, for any m≥d−1, lim kfs −fsk=0. m s→s0 (2) There exists a constant C (given in terms of invariants of (R ,I )) and an open 1 s0 s0 dense subset Spec(A′) of Spec(A), such that for every closed point s ∈ Spec(A′) and n≥1, we have 1 R 1 R C s s 1 ℓ − ℓ ≤ . pnd I[pn] p(n+1)d I[pn+1] pn−d+2 (cid:12) (cid:18) s (cid:19) (cid:18) s (cid:19)(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (3) For any m≥d(cid:12)−1, (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) 1 R s lim ℓ −e (R ,I ) =0. s→s0(cid:20)pmd (cid:18)Is[pm](cid:19) HK s s (cid:21) As a result we have Corollary 1.2. Let R be a standard graded domain and a finitely generated Z-algebra, let I ⊂ R be a homogeneous ideal of finite colength. such that for almost all p, the fiber over p, Rp :=R⊗ZZ/pZ is a standard graded ring of dimension d, which is geometrically integral, and I ⊂R is a homogenous ideal of finite colength. Then p p (1) there exists a constant C given in terms of invariants of R and I such that, for n≥1, 1 we have 1 R 1 R C p p 1 ℓ − ℓ ≤ . (cid:12)(cid:12)pnd Ip[pn]! p(n+1)d Ip[pn+1]!(cid:12)(cid:12) pn−d+2 (cid:12) (cid:12) (2) For any fixed m(cid:12) ≥d−1, (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) 1 R p lim e (R ,I )− ℓ =0. p→∞" HK p p pmd Ip[pm]!# In particular, for any fixed m≥d−1, 1 R e∞ (R,I):= lim e (R ,I ) exists ⇐⇒ lim ℓ p exists. HK p→∞ HK p p p→∞pmd Ip[pm]! In particular the last assertionof the abovecorollaryanswers the above mentioned question of [BLM] affirmatively, for all (R,I), where R is a standard graded domain and I ⊂ R is a graded ideal of finite colength. Moreovertheproof,eveninthecaseofdimension2(unliketheproofin[BLM])doesnotrely on earlier results of [B], [T1] and [T2]. In particular, since we do not use Harder-Narasimhan filtrations, we do not need a normality hypothesis on the ring R. Remark 1.3. If e∞ (R,I) exists for a pair (R,I), whenever R is a standard graded domain, HK defined overanalgebraicallyclosedfield of characteristic0, then one cancheck that e∞ (R,I) HK exists for any pair (R,I) where R is a standard graded ring over a field k of characteristic 0: Let R¯ = R⊗ k¯. Let {q ,...,q } = {q ∈ Ass(R¯) | dim R¯/q = dim R} then we have a spread k 1 r (A,R¯ ,I¯ ) of (R¯,I¯) such that {q ,...,q }={q ∈Ass(R¯ )|dim R¯ /q =dim R¯ } and, for A A 1s rs s s s s s each i, ℓ((R¯ )q )=l , a constant independent of s. This implies that s is i r R¯ I¯ +q e (R¯ ,I¯)= l e s, s is , HK s s i HK q q i=1 (cid:18) is is (cid:19) X which implies r R¯ I¯ +q ) r R¯ I¯+q lim e (R¯ ,I¯)= l lim e s, s is = l e∞ , i . s→s0 HK s s i=1 is→s0 HK(cid:18)qis qis (cid:19) i=1 i HK(cid:18)qi qi (cid:19) X X TOWARDS HILBERT-KUNZ DENSITY FUNCTIONS IN CHARACTERISTIC 0 5 Hence, in this situation, one can define r R¯ I¯+q e∞ (R,I):=e∞ (R¯,I¯)= l e∞ , i . HK HK i HK q q i=1 (cid:18) i i (cid:19) X 2. A key proposition Throughout this section, R is a Noetherian standard graded integral domain of dimension d over an algebraically closed field k of char p > 0, I is a homogeneous ideal of R such that ℓ(R/I) < ∞. Let h ,··· ,h be a set of homogeneous generators of I of degrees d ,...,d 1 µ 1 µ respectively. Let X = Proj R; then we have an associated canonical short exact sequence of locally free sheaves of O -modules (moreover the sequence is locally split exact) X (2.1) 0−→V −→⊕ O (1−d )−→O (1)−→0, i X i X where O (1−d )−→O (1) is given by the multiplication by the element h . X i X i For a coherent sheaf Q of O -modules, the sequence of O -modules X X 0−→Fn∗V ⊗Q(m)−→⊕ Q(q−qd +m)−→Q(q+m)−→0 i i is exact as the short exact sequence (2.1) is locally split as O -modules (as usual, q =pn and X Fn is the nth iterate of the absolute Frobenius morphism). Therefore we have a long exact sequence of cohomologies (2.2) 0−→H0(X,Fn∗V ⊗Q(m))−→⊕ H0(X,Q(q−qd +m))φm→,q(Q)H0(X,Q(q+m)) i i −→H1(X,Fn∗V ⊗Q(m))−→··· , for m≥0 and q =pn. Definition 2.1. Let Q be a coherentsheafofO -modulesandlet O (1)be a veryample line X X bundle on X. We say that Q is m-regular (or m is a regularity number of Q) with respect to O (1), if for all m≥m X (1) the canonicalmultiplicatieon map H0(Xe,Q(m))⊗H0(X,O (1))−→H0(X,Q(m+1)) X is surjective aned (2) Hi(X,Q(m−i))=0, for i≥1. Notations 2.2. Let m+d−1 m+d−2 P(R,m)(m)=e0 d −e1 d−1 +···+(−1)ded (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) be the Hilbert-SamuelpolynomialofR withrespectto the gradedmaximalideal m. Therefore e e e m+d−1 m+d−2 χ(X,O (m))=e −e +···+(−1)d−1e . X 0 1 d−1 d−1 d−2 (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) Let m¯ be a positive integer such that e e e (1) m¯ is a regularity number for (X,O (1)), and X (2) Rm = h0(X,OX(m)), for all m ≥ m¯. In particular ℓ(R/mm) = P(R,m)(m), for all m≥m¯. Let l =h0(X,O (1)) and let n ≥1 be an integer such that R ⊆I. 1 X 0 n0 We also denote dim Coker φ (Q) by coker φ (Q). k m,q m,q Remark 2.3. (1) The canonical map ⊕ R −→ ⊕ H0(X,O (m)) is injective, as R is m m m X an integral domain. 6 V.TRIVEDI (2) For m+q ≥ m (q) = m¯ +n ( d )q, we have coker φ (O ) = ℓ(R/I[q]) = 0: R 0 i i m,q X m+q Becausem (q)=m¯+n µq+n ( (d −1))q =⇒ q−qd +m≥m¯,foralli. Hencethe R 0 0P i i i mapφ (O )isthemap⊕ R −→R ,wherethemapR →R is givenbmy,qmuXltiplication by thieqe−leqPmdi+enmt hq. Thme+reqfore,cokerφ (Oq−)qd=i+ℓm(R/I[q]m)+q . i m,q X m+q Moreover,by Lemma 2.10, we have ℓ(R/I[q]) =0, as m+q ≥m¯ +n µq. m+q 0 (3) For C =(µ)h0(X,O (m¯)), we have R X (2.3) |coker φ (O )−ℓ(R/I[q]) |≤C , m,q X m+q R for all n,m≥0 and q =pn: Because if m+q <m¯, then |coker φ (O )−ℓ(R/I[q]) |≤h0(X,O (m+q))≤h0(X,O (m¯)). m,q X m+q X X If m+q ≥m¯, then h0(X,O (m+q))=ℓ(R ) and therefore X m+q µ |coker φ (O )−ℓ(R/I[q]) |≤ |h0(X,O (q−qd +m))−ℓ(R )|. m,q X m+q X i q−qdi+m i X Now, ifq−qd +m<m¯ then ℓ(R )≤h0(X,O (q−qd +m))≤h0(X,O (m¯), i q−qdi+m X i X and if q−qd +m≥m¯ then R =H0(X,O (q−qd +m)). i q−qdi+m X i Hence |coker φ (O )−ℓ(R/I[q]) |≤µh0(X,O (m¯)). m,q X m+q X Definition 2.4. Let Q be a coherent sheaf of O -modules of dimension d¯and let m ≥ 1 be X the least integer which is a regularity number for Q with respect to O (1). Then we define X C0(Q) and D0(Q) as follows: Let a1,...,ad¯ ∈ H0(X,OX(1)) be such that we havee a short exact sequence of O -modules X 0→Q (−1)→ai Q →Q →0, for 0<i≤d¯, i i i−1 where Qd =Q and Qi =Q/(ad¯,...,ai+1)Q, for 0≤i<d¯, with dim Qi =i. We define d¯ C0(Q)=min{ h0(X,Qi)|a1,...,ad¯is a Q−sequence as above}, i=0 X D0(Q)=h0(X,Q(m))+2(d¯+1)(max{q0,q1,...,qd¯}), where χ(X,Q(m))=q0 md+¯ed¯ −q1 md+¯−d¯1−1 +···+(−1)d¯qd¯ (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) is the Hilbert polynomial of Q. Lemma 2.5. Let Q be a coherent sheaf of O -modules of dimension d¯. Let P be a locally-free X sheafofO -modules whichfitsintoashortexactsequenceoflocally-free sheaves ofO -modules X X (2.4) 0−→P −→⊕ O (−b )−→P′′ −→0, where b ≥0. i X i i Then, for µ=rk(P)+rk(P′′) and, for all n,m≥0, we have h0(X,Q(m+q))≤D (Q)(m+q)d¯ and h0(Fn∗P ⊗Q(m))≤(µ)C (Q)(md¯+1). 0 0 e Proof. Let m be a regularity number for Q, then by Definition 2.4, we have e h0(X,Q(m+q))≤D (Q)(m+q)d¯, for all n,m≥0. 0 e Let Qd¯=Q. Let ad¯,...,a1 ∈H0(X,OX(1)) with the exact sequence of OX-modules 0−→Q (−1)−a→i Q −→Q −→0, i i i−1 where Qi = Qd¯/(ad¯,...,ai+1)Qd¯, for 0 ≤i ≤ d¯, and realizing the minimal value C0(Q). Now, by the exact sequence (2.4), we have the following short exact sequence of O -sheaves X 0−→Fn∗P ⊗Q −→⊕ Q (−qb )−→Fn∗P′′⊗Q −→0. i j i j i TOWARDS HILBERT-KUNZ DENSITY FUNCTIONS IN CHARACTERISTIC 0 7 This implies H0(X,Fn∗P ⊗Q )֒→⊕ H0(X,Q (−qb )). Therefore i j i j (2.5) h0(X,Fn∗P ⊗Q )≤ h0(X,Q (−qb ))≤(µ)h0(X,Q ), i i j i j X as −b ≤0. Since Fn∗P is a locally-free sheaf of O -modules, wee have j X 0−→Fn∗P ⊗Q (m−1)−a→i Fn∗P ⊗Q (m)−→Fn∗P ⊗Q (m)−→0, i i i−1 which is a short exact sequence of O -sheaves. Now by induction on i, we prove that, for X m≥1, h0(X,Fn∗P ⊗Q (m))≤(µ) h0(X,Q )+···+h0(X,Q ) (mi). i i 0 For i=0, the inequality holds as h0(X,Fn∗P ⊗Q (m))≤(µ)h0(X,Q ) (as dim Q =0). (cid:2) 0 0 (cid:3) 0 Now, for m≥1, by the inequality 2.5 aend by induction on i, we have h0(X,Fn∗P⊗Q (m))≤h0(X,Fn∗P⊗Q )+h0(X,Fn∗P⊗Q e(1))+···+h0(X,Fn∗P⊗Q (m)) i i i−1 i−1 ≤(µ)h0(X,Q )+µ h0(X,Q )+···+h0(X,Q ) (1+2i−1+···+mi−1) i i−1 0 ≤(µ) h0(X,Qi(cid:2))+···+h0(X,Q0) mi. (cid:3) e e This implies (cid:2) (cid:3) h0(X,Fn∗eP ⊗Q(m))=h0(X,Fn∗P ⊗Qd¯(m))≤µC0(Q)md¯, for all m ≥ 1. Therefore, for all 0 ≤ i ≤ d¯, h0(X,Fn∗P ⊗Q(m)) ≤ µC (Q)(md¯+1), for all 0 m≥0. This proves the lemma. e (cid:3) e Lemma 2.6. There exists a short exact sequence of coherent sheaves of O -modules X 0−→⊕pd−1O (−d)−→F O −→Q−→0, X ∗ X where Q is a coherent sheaf of O -modules such that dim supp(Q)<d−1. X Proof. Note that X =Proj R, where R=⊕ R , is a standard graded domain such that R n≥0 n 0 is an algebraically closed field. Therefore there exists a Noether normalization k[X ,...,X ]−→R, 0 d−1 which is an injective, finite separable graded map of degree 0 (as k is an algebraically closed field). This induces a finite separable affine map π :X −→Pd−1 =S. k Note that there is also an isomorphism η :OS⊕n0 ⊕OS(−1)⊕n1 ⊕···⊕OS(−d+1)⊕nd−1 −→F∗OS of O -modules, where n =pd−1. S i Now the isomorphismPof η implies that the map π∗(η) : ⊕di=−01OX(−i)⊕ni −→π∗F∗Os is an isomorphism of O -sheaves. Since 0 ≤ i ≤ d−1, we also have an injective and generically X isomorphic map of O -sheaves X ⊕pd−1O (−d)−→⊕d−1O (−i)⊕ni. X i=0 X Composingthismapwithπ∗(η)givesaninjectiveandgenericallyisomorphicmapofO -sheaves X α:⊕pd−1O (−d)−→π∗F O . X ∗ S Since π is separable, there is a canonical map β : π∗F O −→ F O , of sheaves of O - ∗ S ∗ X X modules, which is generically isomorphic. Now we have the composite map β◦α:⊕pd−1O (−d)−→π∗F O →F O X ∗ S ∗ X which is generically an isomorphism. Hence dimCoker(β◦α) < dim X = d−1 and the map β◦α : ⊕pd−1O (−d) −→ F O is injective, as X is an integral scheme. This proves the X ∗ X lemma. (cid:3) 8 V.TRIVEDI Lemma 2.7. Let 0−→⊕pd−1O (−d)−→F O −→Q−→0 X ∗ X as in the Lemma 2.6. Then (1) Q is m-regular, where m = max{m¯ +d,l −1}, where m¯ and l are as given in Nota- 1 1 tions 2.2. (2) For aegiven d, there exeists a universal polynomial function P¯1d(X0,...,Xd−1,Y) with rational coefficients (and hence independent of p) such that 2C (Q)+D (Q)≤pd−1P¯d(e ,e ,...,e ,m¯). 0 0 1 0 1 d−1 Proof. (1) The above short exact sequence of O -sheaves gives a long exact sequence of coho- X e e e mologies ⊕pd−1Hi(X,O (m−d))−→Hi(X,O (mp))−→Hi(X,Q(m))−→⊕pd−1Hi+1(X,O (m−d)). X X X But hi(X,O (m−d−i))=0, for all m ≥m¯ +d and i≥1, which implies that if m ≥m¯ +d X then hi(X,Q(m−i))=0, for i≥1, and the map f :H0(X,(F O )(m))−→H0(X,Q(m)) 1,m ∗ X is surjective. Moreover the canonical map H0(X,(F O )(m))⊗H0(X,O (1))−→H0(X,(F O )(m+1)) ∗ X X ∗ X is f :H0(X,O (mp))⊗H0(X,O (1))[p] −→H0(X,O (mp+p)), 2,m X X X is surjective for m≥m because it fits into the following canonical diagram R ⊗R[p] −→ R mp 1 mp+p e ↓ ↓ H0(X,O (mp))⊗H0(X,O (1))[p] f−2→,m H0(X,O (mp+p)) X X X where the top horizontal map is surjective for m ≥ l −1. Now the following commutative 1 diagram of canonical maps H0(X,(F O )(m))⊗H0(X,O (1)) −→ H0(X,Q(m))⊗H0(X,O (1)) ∗ X X X ↓f ↓ 2,m H0(X,(F O )(m+1)) f1−,m→+1 H0(X,Q(m+1)) ∗ X implies that the second vertical map is surjective, for m ≥ m, as the maps f and f 2,m 1,m+1 surjective. This proves that Q is m-regular. Hence the assertion (1). (2) If e e m+d−2 m+d−3 (2.6) χ(X,Q(m))=q −q +···+(−1)d−2q , 0 1 d−2 d−2 d−3 (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) then by Lemma 4.1, (in the Appendix, below) |q |≤pd−1Pd(e ,...,e ), i i 0 i+1 where Pd(X ,...,X ) is a universal polynomial function with rational coefficients. i 0 i+1 Now, Q is m-regular implies that, for 0 ≤ i <ed, Qie:= Q/(ad¯,...,ai+1)Q is m-regular, for any Q-sequence a1,...,ad¯∈H0(X,OX(1)). Therefore h0(X,Q )e ≤ h0(X,Q (m))≤h0(X,Q (m))≤···≤h0(X,Q(m))=χ(Xe,Q(m)) i i i+1 m+d−2 m+d−3 ≤ |q | +|q | +···+|q |. 0 1 d−2 d−e2 d−e3 e e (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) This implies h0(X,Q ) ≤epd−1Pd(e ,...,e e,m), where Pd(X ,...,X ,Y) is a universal i 0 d−1 0 d−1 polynomialfunctionwithrationalcoefficients. ThereforeC (Q)≤(d−1)pd−1Pd(e ,...,e ,m). 0 0 d−1 The inequality for D0(Q) followsesimilarely. Tehis proves the assertion (2) and hence the lemma. (cid:3) e e e TOWARDS HILBERT-KUNZ DENSITY FUNCTIONS IN CHARACTERISTIC 0 9 Lemma 2.8. Let m ≥ 0 and n ≥ 0 be two integers. Consider the short exact sequences of 0 2 O -modules X 0−→O (−m )−→O −→Y −→0 and 0−→O −→O (n )−→Y −→0. X 0 X 1 X X 2 2 Then, for given d, there exist universal polynomial functions P¯d(X ,...,X ,Y) and 2 0 d−1 P¯d(X ,...,X ,Y), with rational coefficients such that 3 0 d−1 2C (Y )+D (Y )≤md−1P¯d(e ,...,e ,m¯), 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 d−1 2C (Y )+D (Y )≤nd−1P¯d(e ,...,e ,m¯). 0 2 0 2 2 3 0 d−1 e e Proof. Without loss of generality one can assume m ≥1 and n ≥1. Since O is m¯-regular, 0 0 X e e the sheaf Y is m¯ +m -regularsheaf of O -modules ofdimension d−2. Therefore,for any Y - 1 0 X 1 sequencea ,...,a ,thesheafY :=Y /(a ,...,a )Y ism¯+m -regular,asO -modules. 1 d−2 1i 1 d−2 i+1 1 0 X This implies h0(X,Y ) ≤ h0(X,Y (m¯ +m ))≤h0(X,Y (m¯ +m ))≤h0(X,O (m¯ +m )) 1i 1i 0 1 0 X 0 m¯ +1+d−2 m+1+d−2 ≤ md−1 |e | +|e | +···+|e | 0 0 d−1 1 d−2 d−1 (cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:21) = m d−1Pd(e ,...,e ,m¯), 0 0 d−1 e e e where Pd(X ,...,X ,Y) is a universal polynomial function with rational coefficients. Let e (Y)0denoted−th1e ith ecoeefficienteof the Hilbert polynomial of (Y ,O (1)). Then by i 1 X Lemmae4.1, we have e (Y )≤mi+1Pd(e ,...,e ), where Pd(X ,...,X ) is a universal polyno- i 1 0 i 0 i i 0 i mial with rational coefficients. Now the bound for 2C (Y )+D (Y ) follows. The identical proof follows for Y . (cid:3) 0 1 0 1e e 2 Notations 2.9. For a pair (R,I), where R is a standard graded ring of char p>0, we define (similartothesequencewehaddefinedin[T4]),asequenceoffunctions{f :[1,∞)→[0,∞)} , n n as follows: Fix n ∈ N and denote q = pn. Let x ∈ R then there exists a unique nonnegative integer m such that (m+q)/q ≤x<(m+q+1)/q. We define f (x)=1/qd−1ℓ(R/I[q]) . n m+q Lemma 2.10. Each f : [1,∞) −→ [0,∞), defined as in Notations 2.9, is a compactly sup- n ported function such that ∪ Supp f ⊆[1,n µ], where R ⊆I and µ=µ(I). n≥1 n 0 n0 Proof. Since R is standard graded ring, for m ≥ n µq, we have R ⊆ (R )µq ⊆ Iµq ⊆ I[q]. 0 m n0 This implies ℓ(R/I[q]) = 0, if m ≥ n µq. Therefore support f ⊆ [1,n µ], for every n ≥ 0. m 0 n 0 This proves the lemma. (cid:3) Proposition 2.11. For f as given in Notations 2.9, we have n (1) |f (x)−f (x)|≤C/pn−d+2, for every x∈[1,∞), and for all n≥0. n n+1 (2) In particular, ||f −f ||≤C/pn−d+2 and ||f −f ||≤C/p, n n+1 d−1 d where µ d−2 (2.7) C =C +µ m¯ +n ( d )+1 (P¯d+dd−1P¯d+P¯d) R 0 i 1 2 3 ! i=1 X and the integers m¯ and n are given as in Notations 2.2, and d ,...,d are degrees of a chosen 0 1 µ generators of I. Moreover C = µh0(X,O (m¯)), for X = Proj R, and P¯d, P¯d and P¯d are R X 1 2 3 given as in Lemma 2.7 and Lemma 2.8 respectively. Proof. Fix x ∈ [1,∞). Therefore, for given q = pn, there exists a unique integer m ≥ 0, such that (m+q)/q ≤x<(m+q+1)/q and (m+q)p+n (m+q)p+n +1 2 2 ≤x< , for some 0≤n <p. 2 qp qp 10 V.TRIVEDI Hence 1 R 1 R f (x)= ℓ and f (x)= ℓ . n qd−1 I[q] n+1 (qp)d−1 I[qp] (cid:18) (cid:19)m+q (cid:18) (cid:19)mp+qp+n2 Now, by Equation (2.3) in Remark 2.3, we have coker φ (O ) C coker φ (O ) C (2.8) f (x)− m,q X < R and f (x)− mp+n2,qp X < R . n qd−1 qd−1 n+1 (qp)d−1 (qp)d−1 (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) Conside(cid:12)r the short exact sequenc(cid:12)e of OX-modu(cid:12)les (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) 0−→O (−d)−→O −→Y −→0. X X 1 Then, for any locally free sheaf P of O -modules and for m ≥ 0, we have the following short X exact sequence of O -modules X 0−→Fn∗P ⊗O (−d+m)−→Fn∗P ⊗O (m)−→Fn∗P ⊗Y (m)−→0. X X 1 Since coker φ (O )=h0(X,O (m+q))− h0(X,O (q−qd ))+h0(X,(Fn∗V)(m)) m,q X X X i i X we have (by taking P =V and = O (1−d )) respectively), X i |coker φm,q(OXP)−coker φm−d,q(OX)| ≤h0(X,Y (m+q))+h0(X, O (q−qd )⊗Y (m))+h0(X,Fn∗V ⊗Y (m)) 1 X i 1 1 i X which, by Lemma 2.5 is ≤(µ)D (Y )(m+q)d−2+2(µ)C (Y )(md−2+1)≤(µ)[2C (Y )+D (Y )](m+q)d−2. 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Therefore (2.9) |pd−1cokerφ (O )−pd−1cokerφ (O )|≤(µ)[2C (Y )+D (Y )](m+q)d−2pd−1. m,q X m−d,q X 0 1 0 1 Since, for a locally free sheaf P, we have h0(X,Fn∗P ⊗(F O )(m))=h0(X,F(n+1)∗P ⊗O (mp)), ∗ X X the short exact sequence in the statement of Lemma 2.7 gives a canonical long exact sequence 0−→H0(X,(Fn∗P)(m−d))−→H0(X,(F(n+1)∗P)(mp))−→H0(X,Q(m))−→··· , which implies (2.10) |pd−1coker φ (O )−coker φ (O )|≤(µ)[2C (Q)+D (Q)](m+q)d−2. (m−d),q X mp,qp X 0 0 The short exact sequence of O -modules X 0−→O −→O (n )−→Y −→0 X X 2 2 gives 0−→H0(X,(F(n+1)∗P)(mp))−→H0(X,(F(n+1)∗P)(mp+n ))−→H0(X,(F(n+1)∗P)⊗Y (mp)), 2 2 which gives |coker φ (O )−coker φ (O )| mp,qp X mp+n2,qp X ≤h0(X,F(n+1)∗V ⊗Y (mp))+h0(X, O (qp−qpd )⊗Y (mp))+h0(X,Y (mp+qp)) 2 i X i 2 2 ≤2(µ)C (Y )((mp)d−2+1)+(µ)D (YP)(mp+qp)d−2. 0 2 0 2 Therefore (2.11) |coker φ (O )−coker φ (O )|≤(µ)[2C (Y )+D (Y )](mp+qp)d−2. mp,qp X mp+n2,qp X 0 2 0 2

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