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Towards Affordance-Based Robot Control: International Seminar, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, June 5-9, 2006. Revised Papers PDF

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Preview Towards Affordance-Based Robot Control: International Seminar, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, June 5-9, 2006. Revised Papers

Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 4760 EditedbyJ.G.CarbonellandJ.Siekmann Subseries of Lecture Notes in Computer Science Erich Rome Joachim Hertzberg Georg Dorffner (Eds.) Towards Affordance-Based Robot Control International Seminar Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, June 5-9, 2006 Revised Papers 1 3 SeriesEditors JaimeG.Carbonell,CarnegieMellonUniversity,Pittsburgh,PA,USA JörgSiekmann,UniversityofSaarland,Saarbrücken,Germany VolumeEditors ErichRome FraunhoferInstituteforIntelligentAnalysisandInformationSystems(IAIS) AdaptiveReflectiveTeamsDepartment(ART) SchlossBirlinghoven,53754SanktAugustin,Germany E-mail:[email protected] JoachimHertzberg UniversityofOsnabrück InstituteofComputerScience 49069Osnabrück,Germany E-mail:[email protected] GeorgDorffner AustrianResearchInstituteforArtificialIntelligence(OFAI) NeuralComputationandRobotics and InstituteofMedicalCyberneticsandArtificialIntelligence CenterforBrainResearch,MedicalUniversityVienna Vienna,Austria E-mail:[email protected] LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2008920268 CRSubjectClassification(1998):I.2.9,I.2.10,I.2.8 LNCSSublibrary:SL7–ArtificialIntelligence ISSN 0302-9743 ISBN-10 3-540-77914-0SpringerBerlinHeidelbergNewYork ISBN-13 978-3-540-77914-8SpringerBerlinHeidelbergNewYork Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.Allrightsarereserved,whetherthewholeorpartofthematerialis concerned,specificallytherightsoftranslation,reprinting,re-useofillustrations,recitation,broadcasting, reproductiononmicrofilmsorinanyotherway,andstorageindatabanks.Duplicationofthispublication orpartsthereofispermittedonlyundertheprovisionsoftheGermanCopyrightLawofSeptember9,1965, initscurrentversion,andpermissionforusemustalwaysbeobtainedfromSpringer.Violationsareliable toprosecutionundertheGermanCopyrightLaw. SpringerisapartofSpringerScience+BusinessMedia springer.com ©Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg2008 PrintedinGermany Typesetting:Camera-readybyauthor,dataconversionbyScientificPublishingServices,Chennai,India Printedonacid-freepaper SPIN:12224166 06/3180 543210 Preface Today’s mobile robot perception is insufficient for acting goal-directedly in un- constrained, dynamic everyday environments like a home, a factory, or a city. Subject to restrictions in bandwidth, computer power, and computation time, a robot has to react to a wealth of dynamically changing stimuli in such en- vironments, requiring rapid, selective attention to decisive, action-relevant in- formation of high current utility. Robust and general engineering methods for effectivelyandefficientlycouplingperception,action,andreasoningareunavail- able.Interesting performance,if any,is currentlyonly achievedby sophisticated robot programming exploiting domain features and specialties, which leaves or- dinary users no chance of changing how the robot acts. The latter facts arehigh barriersforintroducing,for example,servicerobots into human living or work environments. In order to overcome these barriers, additonal R&D efforts are required. The European Commission is undertak- ing a determined effort to fund related basic, inter-disciplinary research in a line of Strategic Objectives, including the Cognitive Systems calls in their 6th Framework Programme (FP6, [1]), and continuing in the 7th Framework Pro- gramme.OneofthefundedCognitiveSystemsprojectsisMACS(“multi-sensory autonomous cognitive systems interacting with dynamic environments for per- ceiving and using affordances”). In cognitive science, an affordance in the sense of perceptual psychologist J.J. Gibson [2] is a resourceor support that the environment offers an agentfor action,andthattheagentcandirectlyperceiveandemploy.Onlyrarelyhasthis concept been used in robotics and AI, although it offers an original perspective on coupling perception, action, and reasoning, differing notably from standard hybrid robot-controlarchitectures.Taking it literally as a means or a metaphor for coupling perception and action directly, the potential that affordances offer for designing new powerful and intuitive robot-controlarchitectures is obvious. Perceiving affordances in the environment means that perception is filtered through the individual capabilities for physical action and through the current goals or intentions, thereby coupling perception and action deep down in the control architecture and providing an action-oriented interpretation of percepts inrealtime.Moreover,affordancesprovideonahighgranularitylevelabasisfor agent interaction and for learning or adapting context-dependent, goal-directed action. The main objective of the MACS project is to explore and exploit the con- cept of affordances for the design and implementation of autonomous mobile robots acting goal-directedly in a dynamic environment. The aim is to develop affordance-based control as a method for robotics. The potential of this new methodology will be shownby going beyond navigation-liketasks towardsgoal- directed autonomous manipulation in the project demonstrators. VI Preface During the MACS proposal phase in late 2003, the idea of organizing an interdisciplinary Dagstuhl seminar related to the core MACS topics emerged. The planned purpose of the seminar was threefold, namely, (1) to disseminate the MACS project ideas and concepts into related scientific communities, (2) to receive feedback on and discuss these ideas, and (3) to discuss the usage of affordances in other researchareas. The organizers saw researchers in four broad areas (philosophy and logic, artificialintelligenceandcomputerscience,psychology,andeconomicsandgame theory) addressing highly related (in some cases, the same) problems, in which workinoneareainalllikelihoodwouldbenefitresearchinanother.Henceforthe Dagstuhlseminar,theorganizersfeltthatvaluableinteractionsandcontributions could be anticipated by bringing people together from these areas. The aim of the seminar was to bring together researchers from robotics, informatics, and the cognitive sciences to exchange their experiences and opinions, and generate new ideas regarding the following essential questions: – Howcouldorshouldarobot-controlarchitecturelooklikethatmakesuseof affordances in perceiving the environment? – Howcouldorshouldsuchanarchitecturemakeuse ofaffordancesforaction and reasoning? – Is there more to affordances than function-oriented perception, action, and reasoning? The answers to these questions are currently wide open. Two points can be statedwithcertainty,however.First,anaffordance-basedoraffordance-inspired robot-control architecture cannot simply be an extension (an “added layer,” so to speak) to existing modern control architectures. The reason is that affor- dances would spring into existence in low-level perception, would have to pass filters in the control, such as attentional mechanisms, in order not to flood the robot’s higher processing levels, and serve in some explicitly represented form of a structured result of perception as a resource for action selection, deliber- ation, and learning. So if there is such a thing as an affordance-based control architecture, affordances will have to play a role in all of its layers. Second, the answers to the seminar questions do not depend on whether or not the cognitive sciences agree that Gibson is “right” in the sense that affordancesexistinbiologicalbrainsormindsorexistintheinteractionbetween biologicalindividualsandtheirenvironment.Thepointis,ifGibson’sdescription of phenomena of functional coupling between perception and action is correct, then it is of high interest for robot control designers, independent of how it is bestunderstoodaccordingtocognitivesciencestandards.Therefore,theseminar would profit from either proponents or opponents of the affordance model. The aim here was discussion and exchange, not unanimity. The organizersbroughttogether 32 researchersfrom different scientific com- munities to attend the seminar. Given that the scientific background of the participantswasnothomogeneous,andthattherewasonlylittle technicalwork that directly fit the seminar topic (as remarked above, there are only relatively fewexamplesofusingexplicitlytheconceptofaffordances),theprogram(cf.[3]) Preface VII wascomposedof sixoverviewtalks centeredaroundthe state ofthe art,serving to inform the heterogeneous audience, and 13 technical presentations of mainly young researchers working in related areas. Presentations, an abstract collection of all contributions, and an executive seminarsummarycanbefoundattheDagstuhlWebsite[3].Twelveofthesem- inar contributions havebeen elaboratedasfull articles for this post-proceedings volume. Additionally, a highly relevant paper from Alex Stoytchev has been invited to complement the seminar contributions. The organizers express their gratitude to the Dagstuhl foundation for their support and for hosting this seminar in their exceptional facilities, and to the participants for their contributions and for making the seminar successful and enjoyable.Theworkoforganizingandconductingtheseminarwaspartlyfunded by the European Commission’s 6th Framework ProgrammeIST Project MACS under contract/grant number FP6-004381.The Commission’s support is grate- fully acknowledged. September 2007 Erich Rome Joachim Hertzberg Georg Dorffner References 1. IST priority European Commission. 2nd call, cognitive systems, work programme 2003-4 reference (2003), http://cordis.europa.eu/ist/workprogramme/en/2\ 3\ 2\ 4.htm 2. Gibson, J.J.: The theory of affordances. In: Shaw, R.E., Bransford, J. (eds.) Per- ceiving, Acting,and Knowing, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale (1977) 3. Dagstuhl Foundation. Towards affordance-based robot control. Dagstuhl Seminar 06231 (2006), http://www.dagstuhl.de/06231/ Table of Contents Interpersonal Maps: How to Map Affordances for Interaction Behaviour....................................................... 1 Verena V. Hafner and Fr´ed´eric Kaplan Does It Help a Robot Navigate to Call Navigability an Affordance? .... 16 Joachim Hertzberg, Kai Lingemann, Christopher Lo¨rken, Andreas Nu¨chter, and Stefan Stiene Learning Causality and Intentional Actions.......................... 27 Somboon Hongeng and Jeremy Wyatt GrAM: Reasoning with Grounded Action Models by Combining Knowledge Representation and Data Mining......................... 47 Nicolai v. Hoyningen-Huene, Bernhard Kirchlechner, and Michael Beetz Affordance-Based Human-Robot Interaction ........................ 63 Reinhard Moratz and Thora Tenbrink Reinforcement Learning of Predictive Features in Affordance Perception ...................................................... 77 Lucas Paletta and Gerald Fritz A Functional Model for Affordance-Based Agents .................... 91 Martin Raubal and Reinhard Moratz Affordances in an Ecology of Physically Embedded Intelligent Systems ........................................................ 106 Alessandro Saffiotti and Mathias Broxvall Use of Affordances in Geospatial Ontologies ......................... 122 Sumit Sen Learning the Affordances of Tools Using a Behavior-Grounded Approach ....................................................... 140 Alexander Stoytchev Function-Based Reasoning for Goal-Oriented Image Segmentation...... 159 Melanie A. Sutton and Louise Stark The MACS Project: An Approach to Affordance-Inspired Robot Control......................................................... 173 Erich Rome, Lucas Paletta, Erol S¸ahin, Georg Dorffner, Joachim Hertzberg, Ralph Breithaupt, Gerald Fritz, Jo¨rg Irran, Florian Kintzler, Christopher Lo¨rken, Stefan May, and Emre U˘gur Author Index.................................................. 211 Interpersonal Maps: How to Map Affordances for Interaction Behaviour VerenaV.Hafner1andFre´de´ricKaplan2 1Humboldt-Universita¨tzuBerlin,Institutfu¨rInformatik,Berlin,Germany [email protected] 2EcolePolytechniqueFederaledeLausanne,CRAFT,Lausanne,Switzerland [email protected] Abstract. Inastudyofhowtheconceptofaffordancescouldbeappliedtointer- actionbehaviour,weintroducethenotionof“interpersonalmaps”,ageometrical representation of the relationships between a set of proprioceptive and hetero- ceptive information sources, thus creating a common representation space for comparingone’sownbehaviourandthebehaviourofothers.Suchmapscanbe used to detect specific types of interactions between agents such as imitation. Moreover,incasesofstrongcouplingsbetweenagents,suchrepresentationsper- mittomapdirectlyanagent’sbody structureontothestructureofanobserved body,thusaddressingthebodycorrespondenceproblem.Thesevariouscasesare studied with several robotic experiments using four-legged robots either acting independentlyorbeingengagedindelayedimitation.Throughaprecisestudyof theeffectsoftheimitationdelayonthestructureoftheinterpersonalmaps,we show the potential of this“we-centric” space toaccount for both imitativeand nonimitativeinteractions. 1 Introduction In 1977,perceptualpsychologistJ. J. Gibson defined an affordanceas “a resource or supportthattheenvironmentoffersanagentforaction,andthattheagentcandirectly perceiveand employ”[1]. Even thoughpeople are disagreeingaboutthe possible ap- plicationsofthis theoryin the cognitivesciences, affordancescan be seenas a useful theoryofinteractionformanydisciplinesincludingrobotics.Affordanceslinkpercep- tion and action dependingon the currentgoalsor intentionsof an agent. Gibson also statedthataffordancesarenotclassificationsofobjects,butratherafunction-centered view, and thereforeprovidea more intuitive view of oneself in a certain environment orsituation.Aneverydayexampleforthisviewaresortingsystemsinhumanenviron- ments.FollowingGibson’stheoryofaffordances,puttingapriorityontheaffordanceof anobject(e.g.cutting,connecting)ismoreintuitivethansortingobjectsbytheirname orappearance.Humanscanalso employattentionalprocessestofocusonthepercep- tionofaparticularaffordance.Thisleadstojointattention[2]inthecaseofinteraction behaviour. Mostoftheresearchinaffordanceshasfocusedoninteractionsbetweenanagentand itsenvironment[3].However,webelievethataffordancesarealsoarelevantconceptin thecase oftheinteractionbetweentwoagents.Inanotherresearch,we haveexplored E.Romeetal.(Eds.):Affordance-BasedRobotControl,LNAI4760,pp.1–15,2008. (cid:2)c Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg2008 2 V.V.HafnerandF.Kaplan anovelframeworkpermittingunsupervisedactivityclassification[4]basedoncoordi- nation patterns. Here, we introduce and explore the conceptof “interpersonalmaps”, theapplicationofthesameideatointeractionbehaviour.Thisconceptisdefinedinthe frameworkofinformationtheoryandcanbeappliedinthecontextofinteractionsbe- tweenlivingentitiesaswellasbetweenartifacts.Althoughinformationtheoryhashis- toricallybeenmainlyconcernedwithinformationtransmissionbetweenasenderanda receiver[5,6], severallinesof researchhave focusedon addressing issues concerning relationshipsbetweeninformationsources[7,8,9].Inparticular,ithasbeenshownthat the space of information can be equipped with a metric [10]. It is therefore possible to adapt some of the vocabulary and tools of geometry to the domain of information theory.Interpersonalmaps are geometricalrepresentationsof relationshipsbetween a setofinformationsources. Thenotionofinterpersonalmapsisrelatedtoseveralexistingconceptsinpsychol- ogyandneuroscience.Toaccountforearlyimitation,MeltzoffandMooreargueforthe existenceofanintermodalmappingestablishingequivalencerelationsbetweendiffer- entmodalitiessuchasvisionormotoractions[11,12].Suchamodelsuggeststhatboth perceived(self)andobserved(others)behaviourcouldberepresentedinasharedneu- ralformat.Similarly,Gallesehasarguedthatsincethebeginningofourlifeweinhabit asharedmultidimensionalinterpersonalspace.Whenweobserveotherindividuals,“a meaningfulembodiedinterpersonallinkis established”.Gallese refersto thisformof intersubjectivityasthesharedmanifoldspace.Furthermore,histheorypredictstheex- istence of “somatosensorymirror neurons” givingthe capacity to map differentbody locationsduringtheobservationofthebodiesofothers[13].However,fewmodelstry togivea preciseaccountonhowsuchinterpersonalorintermodalmappingscouldbe developed. The approach presented in this article is directly inspired by several methodscon- cerning unsupervised map building recently described in the field of artificial intel- ligence and autonomous robotics. Pierce and Kuipers present a method for building maps of a sensory apparatus out of raw uninterpreted sensory data [14,15]. This so- called sensory reconstruction method is based on various distances between sensors such as a normalised Hamming distance metric and a frequency metric. Sensors are clustered into subgroupsbased on their relative distance. The dimensionality of each subgroupcanthenbecomputed,relatedsensorscanbeprojectedtoformasensormap. Buildingonthissensoryreconstructionmethod,Olsson,NehanivandPolani[16]have suggested to use the information metric defined by Crutchfield [10] as a more inter- estingmeasureofthedistancebetweentwoinformationsources.Theyhaveconducted experimentswithvarioussensorsetsincludingvisualandproprioceptivesensorsonan AIBOrobot.RelatedapproacheswerealsoinvestigatedbyKuniyoshi’sresearchteam [17].Mostoftheseapproachesinterpretsuchsensoryreconstructionmethodsasaway ofbuildingmapsofsensorsinanunsupervisedmanner.Someoftheseworksmakethe comparisonwithsomatosensorymapsdiscoveredinthebrain. We extend and, more importantly, reinterpret the sensory reconstruction method. Thesensoryreconstructionmethodiswell-adaptedtoaddressprocessesunderlyingthe emergenceofbehaviouralcomplexity,butitmaybemisleadingtointerpretitonlyasa formationofabodymap.Aparticularsetofdistancescapturesnotonlyaspectsofan InterpersonalMaps:HowtoMapAffordancesforInteractionBehaviour 3 agent’sembodiment,butcanalso reflectthe agent’scurrentactivitiesandthesituated natureofitsinteractionwiththeenvironment.Inparticular,aspecificconfigurationmay appearinthecaseofcouplingswithotheragentsorincasesofremarkablecoordination patterns, thusallowing the system to be interpretedas an applicationof the theory of affordances.Wewillnowpresenttheapproachinamoreformalmannerandgiveresults ofpreliminaryexperimentsshowinghowthisframeworkcanbeusedinthecontextof robot-robotimitation. 2 Maps Based onInformationDistances Thissection reviewsandillustrates the basic principlesof map constructionbased on informationdistances as it is used in several other articles (e.g. [14,16,4]) . This will providethebasicelementsforintroducinginthenextsectionthenotionofinterpersonal maps. 2.1 Definition DistanceBetweenInformationSources. LetusassumethattherobotR isequipped X withnsensors(proprioceptiveanddistancesensors).Atanytimetitssensorystatecan becapturedbythevectorX(t) X(t)=(X (t),X (t),...,X (t)) (1) 1 2 n ForanysensorX theentropyH(X )canbecalculatedas i i (cid:2) H(X )=− p(x )log p(x ) i i 2 i xi wherep(x )istheprobabilitymassfunctionoverallpossiblediscretisedvaluesx .To i i calculateit,thedistributionofthevaluesofX hastobecomputedwithacarefulchoice i ofthenumberofbins(see[18]).Agoodsolutiontoavoidthisproblemistointroduce adaptive binning[19]. In such a case, the size of the bins is variable and chosen in a waythatmaximisestheentropyforeachsensor. TheconditionalentropyfortwosensorsX andX canbecalculatedas i j (cid:2)(cid:2) H(X |X )=− p(x ,x )log p(x |x ) j i i j 2 j i xi xj wherep(x |x )=p(x ,x )/p(x ). j i j i i Crutchfielddefinestheinformationdistancebetweentwoinformationsourcesas: d(X ,X )=H(X |X )+H(X |X ) (2) j i i j j i andthenormalisedinformationdistanceas H(X |X )+H(X |X ) d (X ,X )= i j j i (3) N j i H(X ,X ) i j

Today’s mobile robot perception is insufficient for acting goal-directedly in unconstrained, dynamic everyday environments like a home, a factory, or a city. Subject to restrictions in bandwidth, computer power, and computation time, a robot has to react to a wealth of dynamically changing stimuli
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