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Preview Towards a Low Energy Quark-Lepton Family Non Abelian Gauge Symmetry

Ecole Normale Supérieure . • -..» Laboratoire d'Anaecy-le-Vieux de Lyon de Physique des Particules Towards a Low Energy Quark-Lepton Family Non Abelian Gauge Symmetry A. A. Maslikov Institute for High Energy Physics, 142284 Protvino,Moscow Region, Russia and G. G. Laboratoire de Physique Théorique ENSLAPP * Chemin de Bellevue BE HO, F- 74941 Annecy- le Vieux Cedex, France Abstract The main point of our considerations in this paper is to study the next chain: the nature of quark and lepton masses —» the quark and lepton family mixing —» a possible new family dynamics at Tev energy region. The current state of the generation mixing and CP-violation problems is discussed from the standpoint of the hypothetical existence of a new local gauge family symmetry and new heavy fermions. Underlying the analysis of the expected greatness of the symmetry breaking scale are the experimental limitations on the probabilities of typical rare processes. The behaviour of showen the estimates for the family symmetry breaking scale have certain regularities depending on particular symmetry breaking schemes and generation mixing mechanisms (différent ansatzes for quark and lepton mass matrices with 3 and 4 generations have been discussed). As noted, the current understanding of quark and lepton mass spectra leaves room for the existence of an unusually low mass breaking scale of non-abelian gauge SU(3)nv- family symmetry ~ some TeV. Some independent experiments for verifying the relevant hy- potheses have been proposed: light (ir, K) , heavy (B, D) - meson and charged lepton flavour changing rare decays, family symmetry violation effects in e+e~- and pp - collider experiments (LEP, FNAL, LHC 1 SSC). A possible nonuniversal quark - lepton character of these interactions is discussed. Supersymmetry is supposed to be important for the hierarchy problem, certain useful constraints on Yukawa couplings, the super-Higgs effect in the case of a broken local family symmetry, the estimates of the gauge coupling constant gn. -ENSLAPP-A-382/92 May 1992 •f) On leave from the IHEP, 142284 Protvino, Moscow Region, Russia •URA 14-36 du CNRS, associée à l'E.N.S. de Lyon, et au L.A.P.P. 1 Introduction 'I'licio arc no experimental indications which would impel one. to go beyond the framework of the SU(Mr x SU(2)i. x U(\)y Standard Model [SM) with throe generations of ([iiarks and loptons. None of the up- to-date experiments contradict, within the limits of accuracy, the validity of the SM predictions for low energy phenomena. The generation mixing and CP- violation problems are among most exciting puzzle;- in SM. So, it seems more than natural that the most important and interesting investigations in SM are connected with those problems, which could help us to understand the generation mixing dynamics and the CP- violation mechanism. One has ton parameters in the quark sector of the SM with three generations: six quark masses, three mixing angles and the single phase - the Kobayaslii-Maskawa (K M) phase (O < f>K!il < ÎT) . and the definition of the t-quark mass and the CP- violation phase are important for checking of the SM. Recently, the interest in the CP-violation problem was excited again due to the yet contradictory data on the search for the direct, ('!'-violation effects in neutral K-mesons [1] : RrI — ) = ((5.0 ± (U)) x \(r\ KTM(PNAL, 1987- 1988, 1991), (1.1) Rr( - = (2.;j±0.7) x H)"-', NAM(CHRN, 198(i+ 1988+ 1989, 1991). (1.2) Ai the same time, the t-quark mass is known to be bound: 9IdVI' < in, < '20OdVl' [2]. The lower bound is an experimental limit resulting from the search for t-quarks at FNAL collider. The upper bound comes from the NC and LKP data. Moreover, the last estimates obtained give the following range for in, : m, = 125±:îOCoV [:<]. rile major contribution to the CP-violation parameters f/- and s'^ (A "-decays), as well as to the v /J[J — /J[J mixing parameter J\/ = '"^' is duo to the largo t-quark mass contribution. The same r statement holds also for the amplitudes of K- and H-nieson rare decays. The combined analysis of the data on the /J[J - /J[J mixing parameter .!•,, = 0.67 ± 0.10 and e = (2.26 ± 0.02) X 10"3fJ;p(''1:!-7°) K indicated that the lop quark mass should lie in the range of (1H5 ± 35)(îeV. although a very massive top quark ill the range of nil ~ 200CiVV is not excluded, either ['I]. Note that for in, ss O(lOOCiVl') the SM predicts (^) « ( 1.0 ± 0.5) x Kr:i. and the value of l) = aryV' (V - s x (xp(-t> )) in the ui b nb 13 ui second quadrant (f>\;\ > f ) of the unitary triangle ( see Pig. l)is favored. For i», ~ 20OCiVl' one gets the superweak behaviour predicted in the SM. i.e. I £- ) is close to zero. In this case the value of ri.-j is likely to be in the first quadrant (0 < f>\$ < Ç). < p -1/2 1/2 Fig.l Swedish triangle. V* + Vi « sin Oc Vy, K«< b u c h is worthwhile to note that the above conclusions depend strongly on the values of the hadronic matrix elements < Qe >,/K,/B, as well as on the KM mixing angles s,j, which have not been measured with good enough accuracy so far. For example,the determination of Vb — «23 = 0.046 ± 0.006 from the r V(b —> c) decay rate and the determination of the ratio q = by ARGUS and CLKO lead to the model dependent results (1.3) On the other hand, the unitarity triangle [5] constraint yields for |V', |, that \Vtd\ = Is-J(A - q x rxp(i6.i))\ = (0.0035 - 0.0200), (X = sin 0). The value of V, depends rf 3 r c d crucially on the fi\^ phase. For the small values of this matrix element, 6\z tends to be in the first quadrant, whereas the expérimental values for £;\, J^Xj favor larger m values. 1 t Another interesting possibility to check the sign of coséia comes from the experimental observation of the B" - 13° mixing. Due to the following relation between the parameters of the B° - S^ and B° - B" d mixings: J1., (1.4) J'rf \- -S-T2 - 2<isl2cos6i3 + <72 A2 [( 1 - tf + for /),3 « 7T we get ^ = K) - 14 and J-.,. =7-11, whereas for b ;\ « 0 we get ^ = 36 - 100 and X x, = 27 - 70 . TIu; case of the symmetric form for the CKM-mat.rix [6], which leads to Vd = Vb, Vt, — \'<-\, and t u Vtt = i V VrJ= kVrdl't., (q ~ 0.1 in this case), corresponds to ^13-phase ~ 0, x,/td — '00 and -i\, ~ 70. 115 As soon from the above discussion one can see that in the quark sector of the SM there are sev- eral experimental quantities, which are sensitive to the values of the unknown parameters m and 6KM. t Therefore, we need additional experimental information to prove the validity of the SM with three gen- erations and to get convinced that there are no additional contributions to the amplitudes of flavour changing rare processes due to new hypothetical forces beyond the SM - here we have in our minds a local gauge family symmetry. To understand the generation mixing nature several models beyond the SM suggest special forms for the mass matrix of "up" and "down" quarks (Fritzsch ansatz, "improved" Fritzsch ansatz, "Democratic" ansatz, etc.) [7]. These mass matrices have less than ten independent parameters, giving thus some relations between the quark masses, mixing angles and the phase. These relations could be checked experimentally. The construction of these mass matrices is to be based on the dynamics of quark and lepton mass origin and could be closely connected with a new gauge generation symmetry. The fact that the upper bound on the t-quark mass is close to the electroweak symmetry breaking scale motivates that its coupling to the Higgs boson is large so that the symmetry breaking of the SM may be of a dynamical mechanism like as BCS or the Nainbu- Jona- Lasino mechanism. In this mechanism a new fundemental interaction with a very high scale A may be used to form a low energy < // >- condensât. From another point a BCS model of quark and lepton mass generation could lead to the "democratic" ansatz. to make new efforts towards a deeper understanding of nature of the CKM matrix by relating mixing angles to the ratios of quark masses ("Democratic" ansatz). We hope that the horizontal gauge models could shed light upon the understanding of this problem, at least in the quark sector. Thus, these models might lead, in the "up" and "down" quark sectors, to a certain already known mass mixing (like Fritzsch ansatz ," democratic", or some other ansatz ), which could result in observed charged currents consistent with the experimental shape of the CKM matrix. In this connection, a possibility to look autonomously at the mixing angles in the "up" and "down" sectors seems to be one of the specific features of these new hypothetical interactions. The situation is quite different in the electroweak model, where we can study only the resulting mixing matrix l'cKA/ = UD+. So this feature could help us to understand the hierarchy of "up" and "down" quarks (m <£ m <SL m, ; InI -< m <C »i&), and probably the mass lepton hierarchy. It seems also to u c 1 s be impossible to set up the correspondence between qua rk and lepton generations without including horizontal interactions. It is more than natural that some authors try to achieve understanding of the mixing problem, as well as the hierarchy of the quark and lepton mass problem, by searching for some new physics [8]. A very interesting problem is the origin of the KM p'iase. In the SM this parameter can be obtained via complex Yukawa constants However, one knows other, more natural, mechanisms of spontaneous CP-violation. In the framework of spontaneous mechanisms, the KVV Lagrangian is CP-invariant, but the vacuum is not. In this case we have to consider the extension of the SM in which the 6h w-phase conies from the spontaneous mechanism of ('!'-violation on the high energy scale of new gauge interactions. That is why it is more than interesting to consider, first, of all, the local gauge symmetry of quark-lepton families. Now we have to extend the fermionic sector, where in addition to ordinary fermions one can introduce into each generation new heavy quarks, singlet under the SU(2)L group, ("IJ," and "/)," quarks with Q = §, Q = -|, i=l,'2,:i) [S]. Besides, we introduce the SU{2) - Sf'(3)//-singlet complex Vx Di L scalar fields. In this approach it is not so difficult to gel the breaking of CP-invariance spontaneously due to the complex vacuum expectation values of new scalar fields. In this model, the 6KM-phase might appear in the observable sector of the SM. Underlying another mechanism Io got ('P-violation is the suggestion that the C '-invariance (6Klil = O) is conserved in the SM and ('!'-violation duo to only gauge horizontal interactions [9]. Then, due to the horizontal interactions, the superwoak nature of ('!'-violation allows to estimate the upper bound on the lightest horizontal gauge boson mass: Mn < (2 — 3) X 10''7VT[I I]. The lowest bound on A//; can be obtained from the analysis of the branching ratios of ft, ?r, K, D, B, ... rare decays (Br> l(rlr-17) [9-11]. ' "" "* ' l'or ;ill (.lie beauty of this approach, simulating the superweak mechanism of CP-violation for the /v'J'-decays (10~7 < I y I < 10~3~4 [11]), a serious disadvantage of those models is the large number of unknown parameters, i.e. masses of//"J{-gauge bosons (a=l,2, ... ,8), "up" and "down" quark mixing angles. Also, there are many another experiments on the searches for a new physics in pure lepton or quark- lepton flavour changing rare processes but, unfortunately, till now without any sucsess. It is naturally to guess that, our understanding in the existing of the three generations, quark mixing and (JP- violation in neutral K- meson decays must be connected with a new physics at the smaller dis- tances, for example, local family interactions, heavy fermions, dynamical eleclroweak symmetry breaking, further matter composite structure or super-string physics and, may be, it, has a certain relation with the such phenomenon as N = I SUSY, (L-R)- or "mirror" symmetry, H- and L- symmetries, etc. We again come back to the consideration of a possible existing of the local family symmetry and try to investigate its possibilities to solve some abovementioned problems or, at least, to achieve there any progress on this way. The analysis of modern experimental data on search for rare J)IOCeSS(1S in terms of the horizontal gauge symmetry approach allows, in some particular models, the existence of rather light H-bosons: mu > (1 — \Qyi'eV [14]. These estimates imply that the horizontal line structure constant is an ~ CT/JA/ or an < a [11] (Appendix). EM Nevertheless, till now the nonabelian gauge models of horizontal interactions have not attracted much attention in comparison with expérimental data. The reason was the low predictive force of the noiiabelian approach because of the unknown mass spectrum of horizontal gauge bosons. In this paper we will analyze, in the framework of the "minimal" horizontal supersymmetric gauge model, the possibilities to obtain a satisfactory hierarchy for quark masses and to connect it with the splitting of horizontal gauge boson masses. We expect that due to this approach the horizontal model will become more definite since it will allow to study the amplitudes of rare processes and the CP-violation mechanism more thoroughly. In this way we hope to get a deeper insight into the nature of interdependence between the generation mixing mechanism and the local horizontal symmetry breaking scale. As the fundamental model, we have to consider the (7// ( SU(3)nv ) vector-like model in its super- syminetric realization and any its developments. Before getting down to the studies of this model, we ought to make some general statements: (i)The type of C///- symmetry and its posssible breaking scale. A horizontal interaction scale might be rather large (for instance, larger than that of left-right sym- metry res'oration), but today it. does not, seem unreasonable that it might lie in the " TeV"- region, attainable at the accelerators of new generation like LIIC' or SSC. The last possibility may be realized in a gauge horizontal model, provided it. is taken into account that the correlation between the lepton Aj- and quark Qj- family mixings cannot be defined in the frames of the SM. This is a consequence of quark - lepton universality in the SM of olectrovveak interactions. (ii) Quark- lepton Ci'//- family symmetry quantum numbers, vector-like nature of (Jn- symmetry and its connection with GUT. The space-time structure of horizontal interactions depends on the SU('.\)u quantum numbers of quark and lepton superfields and their C- conjugate superfields [9 14]. One can obtain vector-like horizontal in- teractions as far as the particle quantum numbers Ci// are conjugate to those of antiparticles. The question arising in these theories is how such horizontal interactions are related with strong and electroweak ones. All these interactions can be unified within one gauge group, which would allow to calculate the value of the coupling constant of horizontal interactions. The point is that the unification of strong, electrowcak and horizontal interactions can be b based on the group G = SU(4)c x SU(A)W x SU(i)n with the discrete symmetry C <-~ W »-• // (i.e., gc = (Jw = !///)• An alternative unification of horizontal, strong and electrovveak interactions might rest on the OUTs G = GXSU(3)HV (where, for example, G = E(S), G = SUiJy), SO(IQ) or E ), which may be further broken down to SU(3) v xSU(3) x SU(2) x U(l)y. 6 H c L In the alternative case we have to introduce "mirror" superfields. Speaking more definitely, if we want to construct GUTs of the G = GXSU(3)HV type , each generation must encompass double G-matter supermultiplets, mutually conjugate under the SU(3)nv-group. In this approach the first supermulti- plet consists of the superfields / and f' G 3//, while the second is constructed with the help of the n supermultiplets fc and /„, £ 3//- I» this scheme, proton decays are only possible in the case of mixing between ordinary and mirror fermions. In its turn, this mixing must, in particular, be related with the SU(3)nv-symmetry breaking. The 5f/(5)—scale of unification might be there considerably lower. The vector character of horizontal interactions is crucial for the construction of GUTs. The reasons have already been elucidated. We would like to underline that the insertion of horizontal gauge models into tho GUT-structure based on a simple Lie group results, on the one hand, in doubling the matter spectrum and, on the other, can lead to a decrease of the Grand Unification scale. Also, if we compare this approach with the ordinary GUTs, we have to mention the distinctive character of the main proton decay channels in these models. In this case the proton could mainly decay in a multi-particle way: p —» m • / + n • u + (7T and/or K — mesons) ; m + n = '2k + 1. (iii)The N = I SUSY character of the GH- gauge family symmetry. Considering the SUSY version of the SU(3)HV-model, it is natural to ask: why do we need to super- symmetrize the model? Proceeding from our present-day knowledge of the nature of supersymmetry, the answer will be: (a) First, it is necessary to preserve the hierarchy of the scales: MËW < Mgusv < MH < •••?•••< MauT Breaking the horizontal gauge symmetry, one has to preserve SUSY on that scale. Another sample of hierarchy to be considered is : MEW < MSUSY ~ Mn- In this case, the scale Mn should be rather low (Mn < a few TeV). (b) To use the SUSY U(l)rt degrees of freedom for constructing the superpotenttal and forbiding undesired Yukawa couplings. (c) Supcr-Higgs mechanism - it, is possible to describe Higg's bosons by means of massive gauge stiporfields [15]. (d) To connect the vector- like character of the SU(3)HV- gauge horizontal model and N = 2 SUSY. (iv)Quark and lepton mass origin, relations between quark masses, mass ansatzes and quark mixing, ('KM matrix and experiments The predictions of this model depends, to a considerable degree, on our knowledge of the nature of quark and lepton masses. Thus, what we face today is the unsatisfactory understanding of the difference in the origin of the up- ( or down) quarks and charged lepton mass matrices. The vital question arising here is the nature of the v mass. All our predictions for the gauge horizontal breaking symmetry scale, especially those resulting from the experimental search for quark-lepton rare processes, are very sensitive to the origin of quark and lepton mass spectra and their corresponding mixings. It seems- at first glance, at least- that the known quark and lepton mass spectra might imply the existence of new heavy quarks and leptons. (v)The gauge family symmetry as the source of (JP- violation, the types of W- violation- 6KM or super weak mechanisms. The existence of horizontal interactions might be closely connected with the CP-violation problem. Here noteworthy are the following two points: (a) The appearance of the phase in the CKM mixing matrix may be due to new dynamics working at short distances (;• <C jf~;)- Horizontal forces may be the source of this new dynamics [9]. Using this approach, we might have the CP- violation effects- both due to electroweak and horizontal interactions. (b) The CP is conserved in the electroweak sector (hKM = 0), and its breaking is provided i.j the structure of the horizontal interactions ' In particular, this model gives rise to a rather natural mechanism of superweak CP-violation due to the (CP = — 1) part of the effective Lagrangian of horizontal interactions- (e'/()u < 10~4. That part of £// includes the product of the .S'if(3)//-currents /,,, I j e ft (i=l,4,6,3,8; j=2,5,7 or, vice versa, i<—>j ) [9]. In the case of a vector- like SU('.])n- gauge model the CP- violation could be only due to the charge symmetry breaking. In this paper we will investigate the samples of different scenarios of SU(3)nv- breakings up to the SU(2)fi x 1/(1)3//, U(\)iH x U(l)ii and U(1)AII- subgroups [13], as well as the mechanism of the s complete breaking of the base group SU(3)nv- [14]. We will try to realize this program conserving SUSY on the scales where the relevant gauge symmetry is broken. In the framework of these versions of the gauge symmetry breaking, we will search for the spectra of horizontal gauge bosons and gauginos and calculate the amplitudes of some typical rare processes. Theoretical estimates for the branching ratios of some rare processes obtained from these calculations will be compared with the experimental data on the corresponding values. Further on we will get some bounds on the masses of //,,-bosons and the appropriate //-gauginos. Of particular interest is the case of the SU(3)nv-gl'°up which breaks completely on the scale Mn- We calculate the splitting of eight //-boson masses in a model dependent fashion. This splitting, 0 depending on the quark mass spectrum, allows us to reduce considerably the predictive ambiguity of the model. We are interested in the dependence of the unitary compensation for the contributions of horizontal forces to rare processes [9] on different versions of the SU(3)nv- symmetry breaking. The investigation of this dependence allows, first, to understand how low the horizontal symmetry breaking scale Mn may be, and, second, how this scale is determined by a particular choice of a mass matrix ansatz both for quarks and leptons. Section 2 considers the pecularities of the Sll(3)iiv-inod<>!. Then, in Section 3, some possibilities are analyzed for breaking SU(3)nv-»iodeI with SUSY conserved. Sect. '1 explores possible manifestations of horizontal interactions in the models with an intermediate breaking scale. In Sect. 5, we discuss the model of horizontal interactions with (3;/ + 1;/) generations with the Fritzsch ansatz for quark generation mixing. Finally, Sect, (i investigates models of horizontal interactions with 3 generations using two different ansatzes for generation mixings ( modified Fritzsch and democratic ansatzes). Also we discuss a possibility of nonuniversal quark- lepton character of horizontal interactions, which it might be connected with the mass dependence of the local family interactions (chapter 7). In this case we could expect, a new physics at ~ 17VV energy. 2 Construction of the SU(3)nv model 2.1 The SU(3)nv Lagrangian We will consider the supersymnietric version of the Standard Model extended by the family (horizontal) gauge symmetry. The supersymnietric Lagrangian of strong, electroweak and horizontal interactions based on the SU[S)c X SV(2)i. X <'(I)yX SU(3)nv-gauge group has the general form: 1 Let us think of thp situation when f>'1 *' = O. In IIw SM, Mich a rase might be realized just accidentally. J he vanishing phase of the electroweak sector {filK *' = 0) might alise spontaneously due to some additional symmetry. Again, such a situation might occur within the horizontal extension of the electroweak model. C = f ((1O Tr ( Wk Wk ) + J tfiO Sf eEiW- S, + I (1'1O Tr(Q+ eis"V" $ + [(PO Tr(H+ e'2^2+"29'^' e2»"*" H e"2^") y + (Jd2O P(St, «,//„ »/,£,...)+ h.c. ) (2.1) In formula (2.1) index k runs over all gauge groups: SU(%)c,SU(2) , U(\)v, SU(3) v , V = TaV , L H where V are the real vector superficiels , and T" are the generators of the SU('A) , SU(1) , U( 1 )y ,SU(3)HV C L -groups; Si are left-cliiral superfields from fundamental representations, and / = !,1,2; 5; = Q,uc,dc, L,e'\is''- are matter superfields, ,S'i = i),Sn = Ç- are Higgs fundamental superfields; the Higgs left chi- ral superfield <l> is transformed according to the adjoint representation of SU(3)nv-group, the Higgs left chiral stiperfields H : H +i — H, H _i — h are transformed nontrivially under the horizontal 11 Y= Y= SU(3)nv- and electroweak 5(7(2)/, - symmetries ( see Table 1). P in formula (2.1) is a superpotential to be specified below. To construct it, we use the internal (7(1 )R—symmetry which is habitual for a simple N=I supersymmetry. 2.2 Supersymmetry breaking it. is known to be impossible to achieve simultaneously a realistic SUSY breaking and vanishing of a cosmological term in the models with a global supersymmetry. The reason is the semipositive definition of the scalar potential in the rigid supersymmetry approach (in particular, in the case of a broken SUSY we have V > 0 ). The problem of supersymmetry breaking, with the cosmological term A = O mln vanishing, is solved in the framework of the ./V = 1 SUGRA model.?. This could be done under the appropriate choice of the Kaehler potential, in particular, in the frames of "mini-maxi"- or "maxi" type HiO(IeIs[Ki]. In such approaches the spontaneous breaking of the local SUSY is due to the possibility to get noiivanishing VlCVs for the scalar fields from the "hidden' sector of SUCRA[Id]. The appearance of the so-called soft breaking terms in the observable sector comes as a consequence of this effect. In the "flat" limit, i.e. neglecting gravity, one is left with lagrangian (2.1) and soft SUSY breaking terms, which on the scales /t << Mn have the form: (2.2) + - Y] AYfrAJAJ + h.c. + triline.Tr terms, 2 *• where i runs over all the scalar matter fields Q, ùr, dc,L, è'', />° and k -over all gauge groups: SU(3)HV, .S'(/(3)c, SU(2)i., U(\)y. At the energies close to the Plank scale all the masses, as well as the gauge coupling, are correspondingly equal (this is true if the analytic kinetic function satisfies / yj ~ fip )[li], o a but. at low energies they have different values depending on the corresponding renormgroup equation (R(JK). The s(iuvres of some masses may be negative, which permits the spontaneous gauge symmetry breaking (lik» in Ref.[ll]). 2.3 The spontaneous breaking of SUSY SU(3)nv horizontal gauge symmetry. Since the expected scale of the horizontal symmetry breaking is sufficiently large: M >> M,w , 11 Mn >> fol MI SY (where M/.;w is the scale of the electrovveak symmetry breaking, and Msvsv is the value of the splitting into ordinary particles and their supei partners), it is reasonable to search for the SUSY-preserving stationary vacuum solutions. Let us construct the gauge invariant superpotential P of Lagrangiati (2.1). With the fields given in Table 1, the most general superpotential will have the form I' = A f ^7Y(4>3) + rMiT A I ,&Ç + M'tf 1 + A 7V(/i*//) 11 2 1 2 4- kiQlhr + X,tLlhr + f + ( Majorana terms vr ). (2.3) Table 1. The Matter and IIiggs Superfields with their Relative SU(3)nv,.SV/(3)c, SU(2), U([) and U(l)y Quantum Numbers L y H II C L Y Yu II C L Y Y11 Q 3 3 2 1/(5 1 8 1 1 0 0 ur 3 3 1 -2/3 -2 If 8 1 2 -1/2 -1 <r 3 3 I 1/3 0 h 8 1 1/2 1 i. 3 1 2 -1/2 1 3 1 1 0 -4 Ve 3 I 1 0 -2 V 3 1 1 0 4 3 1 1 1 0 Spontaneous breaking of the horizontal symmetry can be constructed by different scenarios -both with intermediate scale, and without it: U) SU(A) ^SU(2)n xf.'(l),, ^ 11 (H) SU(A), -^ C(I);/ x U(\),, ^i 1 1 (Hi) SUCA),, -^W(I) / ^ 1 1 (iv) SU(A), ^a. 1. (2.4) 1 If we assume that the soft breaking mass parameters in formula (2.2) should not be more than 0(1 TeV), then the soft breaking terms on the scale M, of the SU(3)nv- intermediate breaking may be ne- glected, and it is possible to go on working in the approximation of conserved SUSY. The SUSY preserving stationary vacuum solutions are degenerate in the models with global SUSY. In the construction of the stationary solutions, only the following contributions of the scalar potential are taken into account: v = 2^, (2.5) I ()l' OPi- (IP,.- C)Py r - + + (2.6) OF, (')/••„,.. The case < V >= O of supersyminetric vacuum can be realized within different gauge scenarios (2.4). By switching on the SUCiRA, the vanishing scalar potential is no more required to conserve the supersymmetry with the necessity. Hence, different gauge breaking scenarios (2.4) do not result in obligatory vacuum degeneracy, as in the case of the global SUSY version. Let us write down each of the terms of formula (2.6): ^ fffaabbcc444>>a<a<ii>tib >b<t>+c + -1—d da^bc^a^^^b^ c + + - 4x3 4 x3 4 in (TC)U^C + M'rae] + (2.7) JF + A I jfabc hf&Hje" + ^- h?QbHjeij ] + /i.e. 2 L '* 4 Jf The contribution of D-tcrms into the scalar potential will be : VD = 9n\ri+Taii - £+7'"£ + i/'2 fbc<ï>b<ï>c+ + i/2 fabrhbhc+ + i/2 f"bcIibHc+\2 Hh+T1/2 1,+ H+T>/2H\2 + (g')2\l/2 h+h- 1/2 H+H\2 (2.8) The SUSY-preserving condition for scalar potential (2.5) is determined by the flat F; — and D" directions: < Fi >o = < D" >o= 0. It is possible to remove the degeneracy of the supersymmetric vacuum solutions taking into account the interaction with supergravity, which was endeavored in SUSY GUT's, e.g. in the SU(H) ono[12] (5(7(5) — SU(5), 5(7(4) x U(I), SU(Z) x SU(2) x U(I)). The horizontal symmetry spontaneous breaking to the intermediate subgroups in the first three cases of (2.4) can be realized, using the scalar components of the chiral complex superfields <I>, which are single! under the standard gauge group. The <£-superfield transforms as the adjoint representation of SU(?>)JJ. The intermediate scale Mj can be sufficiently large: Mj > 105 — 106GeV. The complete breaking of the remnant symmetry group Vn on the scale MJJ will occur due to the nonvanishing VEVs of the scalars from the chiral superfields r)(3jj) and (,('AJJ). The Vm , again, corre- 1n sponds to the fiat directions: < F,,^ > = 0. The version (iv) corresponds to the minimum of the scalar 0 potential in the case when < $ >o= 0. As for the electroweak breaking, it is due to the VEVs of the fields h and H, providing masses for quarks and leptons. Note that VEVs of the fields h and H must be of the order of Mw as they determine the quark and lepton mass matrices. On the other hand, the masses of physical Higgs fields h and //, which mix generations, must be some orders higher than Mw, so as not to contradict the experimental restrictions on FCNC'. As a careful search for the Higgs potential shows, this is the picture that can be attained. 3 The intermediate horizontal symmetry breaking As noted in the previous Section, the spontaneous horizontal gauge symmetry breaking takes place when the fiflds <t>, i] and £ get nonvanishing VEVs. We are interested in the possibility of realizing the structure, when some of the horizontal gauge bosons (and the corresponding ganginos) may have relatively small masses (M// ~ 1 — 10TeV) [13]. Our consideration of the family symmetry breaking will be done in two steps. To this end, we look for the SUSY stationary vacuum solutions, such as < $ >o ^> < '/ >o, < £ >o- So, the degeneracy of the corresponding //-gauge bosons is assumed near one or two scales. The complete breaking of the SU(3)HV- group corresponds to the "condensation" of all eight, bosons near the MJJ scale. For intermediate SU(3)HV- breakings, some of the gauge massive superfields will have the masses around the scale Mj, while the other superfields from the remnant symmetry group will be condensed on the scale MH(MU « Mj). We will analyze several subgroups of SU(3)HV- and check if the low scale MJJ is 9

lepton masses —» the quark and lepton family mixing —» a possible new A possible nonuniversal quark - lepton character of these interactions is
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