Description:Despite turmoil and breakdown in society and new populist leaders that frighten us we are heading towards a brighter future. This time is the last gasp of an age of selfishness and short-sightedness. It’s difficult to see the big picture when we are in the middle of a storm, but a storm will always calm.
The world does not stand still, changes occur everywhere, in the outside world and in the inside world. This book merges both worlds. First and foremost, change must come from within. This book is about how a change in consciousness has the potential to create a world full of happiness, hope, and optimism.
Here is one review from readers:
«Thanks for the wonderful book you have written! I read it from cover to cover and felt that it did something to me. It lifts your mind and gives positivity and hope. It is easy to read and fluent in form. Truly one of the best I've read in a long time! I am impressed! I would like to introduce the book to someone else, but cannot imagine lending out my own copy, so I'd like to buy two more.»
- Irene H. Aune
From the back cover:
People, Mankind and Mother Earth are plagued by countless problems and crises. Everything from overspending, exploitation, corruption, populist leaders and terrorism to economic differences, poverty, health problems, and loneliness. On top of that, we have huge environmental problems.
These problems can only be taken by their root if we are going to get lasting solutions, otherwise, we only treat the symptoms. By identifying the core causes of our manmade problems and crises, we can change these «vicious circles» we have entangled ourselves into and create «golden circles».
Even if we see breakdowns in society, there are also several breakthroughs, which don’t receive the same amount of attention. This book seeks to reverse this, by offering several «new» thoughts, referrals to solutions, and ways to improve our lives and society.
This book is therefore very much a book of resources and solutions, with a host of references to people, companies, websites, organizations and much more that point to new ways of living and organizing our lives and communities.
The human being is under development and is now having growing pains in form of our global crises. By shifting the focus from problems to solutions, and from symptoms to causes, we would be well on our way to create a new world for the benefit of ourselves and future generations.
About the author
Henning Jon Grini was born in Bergen, Norway, in 1966.
All his adult life he has been concerned with the big questions in life. He is socially engaged, and has started several businesses with the intention of contributing to the wellbeing of our planet, as well as raising human consciousness to a higher level. He has, among other things, founded, run and been an editor of the Norwegian magazine and publisher «Ildsjelen» for 12 years. He writes regularly in magazines and some of the biggest newspapers in Norway.
Currently, he founded the organization GaiaInnovations . Its purpose is to create balance in the world by focusing on the core causes to our crises and how they can be transformed. The organization want to present and inspire new and updated holistic thoughts and sustainable solutions. He has also written the book Towards a brighter future for You, Mankind and Mother Earth which you will find on the website of GaiaInnovations.