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Am.J. Hum. Genet. 58:1286-1302, 1996 Toward Localization of the Syndrome Gene by Linkage Werner Disequilibrium and Ancestral Haplotyping: Lessons Learned from Analysis of 35 Chromosome 8pl1.1 -21.1 Markers Katrina A. B. Goddard,1 Chang-En Yu,5 Junko Oshima,s Tetsuro Mikij Jun Nakura,6 Charles Piussan,7 George M. Martin,2 Gerard D. Schellenberg,3'5 Ellen M. Wijsman,'4 and members of the International Werner's Syndrome Collaborative Group* Departments of'Biostatistics, 2Pathology, and 3Pharmacology and Neurology and 4Division ofMedical Genetics, Department ofMedicine, UniversityofWashington, and 5Geriatric Research, Education, and Clinical Center, Veteran's Affairs Medical Center, Seattle; 6Departmentof Geriatric Medicine, Osaka University Medical School, Osaka; and 7Pediatric Genetics, University ofAmiens, Amiens Summary Introduction Werner syndrome (WS) is an autosomal recessive disorder Werner syndrome (WS) is an autosomal recessive disor- characterized by premature onset of a number of age-re- der thatis characterized by the premature occurrence of lated diseases. The gene forWS, WRN, has been mapped a large number of age-related diseases (Martin 1978). tothe8p11.1-21.1 regionwithfurtherlocalizationthrough Some of these are the most common diseases of the linkagedisequilibriummapping.Herewepresenttheresults elderly, such as diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis, a variety of benign and malignant neoplasms, and arteriosclero- oflinkage disequilibrium and ancestral haplotype analyses of 35 markers to further refine the location ofWRN. We sis. Additionalcharacteristics ofWSinclude ocularcata- racts, graying of hair, and subcutaneous-fat loss, which identifiedanintervalinthisregioninwhich 14of18mark- ers tested show significant evidence of linkage disequilib- is often associatedwithcutaneous ulcers ofthe legs (Ep- riuminatleast oneofthetwopopulations tested. Analysis stein et al. 1966). There is extensive overlap between ofextendedandpartialhaplotypescovering21ofthemark- the WS phenotype and that of "normal" aging. There- ersstudiedsupportstheexistenceofbothobligateandprob- fore, the early onset ofthe symptoms, the early median able ancestral recombinant events which localize WRN al- age atdeath of47years, usuallycausedbyamyocardial infarction (Epstein et al. 1966), and the observation of most certainly to the interval between D8S2196 and reduced replicative potential of WS fibroblasts in cell D8S2186,andmostlikelytothenarrowerintervalbetween D8S2168andD8S2186.Thesehaplotypeanalysesalsosug- culture (Martinetal. 1970)allsuggestthatidentification gestthatthere are multiple WRNmutations in each ofthe of the gene for this disorder could lead to new insights into mechanisms common to a number of aspects of twopopulationsunderstudy.Wealsopresentacomparison of approaches to performing disequilibrium tests with aging. The gene responsible for WS has been mapped to multiallelic markers, and show that some commonly used approximations for such tests perform poorly in compari- chromosome 8 (Goto et al. 1992; Schellenberg et al. son to exact probability tests. Finally, we discuss some of 1992). Initial reports (Goto et al. 1992; Nakura et al. 1993) favored a location of WRN, the WS syndrome the difficulties introduced bythe high mutation rate at mi- gene, between D8S87 and ankyrin 1 (ANK1), two loci crosatellitemarkerswhichinfluenceourabilitytouseances- that are separated by -7 cM (Tomfohrde et al. 1992). tral haplotype analysis to localize disease genes. A location of WRN in regions flanking this interval could not, however, be excluded. More recent analyses with additional markers indicate that a location for Received January 26, 1996; accepted for publication March 12, WRNnearD8S339islikely (Thomasetal. 1993).While 1996. D8S339 was originally thought to be in the interval Address for correspondence and reprints: Dr. Ellen M. Wijsman, DivisionofMedicalGenetics,Box357720,UniversityofWashington, between D8S87 and ANK1, a location that is telomeric Seattle, WA 98195-7720. E-mail: [email protected] to D8S87 is now considered to be more likely than a *Members of the International Werner's Syndrome Collaborative location between D8S87 and ANK1. This evidence is Group:W.T. Brown, G. Burg,D. Cerimele, F. Cottini, C.J. Epstein, based on both results from linkage analysis (Nakura et W. Fischer, M. Fraccaro, Y. Fujiwara, K.-I. Fukuchi, K. Hiwada, H. al. 1994) andthepresenceoflinkagedisequilibriumwith Hoehn,Y. Hosokawa, A. F. Hurlimann, H.Ishawata,K. Kamino,K. WRN with D8S339 and the tightly linked GSR locus Kihara, S. Kiso,Y. Lin,T. Maeda,J. Matthews,T. Matsumura,J. E. McKay,M.I.Melaragno,M.Mitsuda,A.G.Motulsky,T.Murakami, (Yu et al. 1994) and other microsatellite loci in the re- S. Murano, N. Niikawa, M. Poot, T. Ogihara, M. Rizzo, T. Saida, gion (Kihara et al. 1994; Ye et al. 1995), but not for S. Scappaticci, T. C. A. Tannok, S. Tamaki, N. Utsu, B. Uyeno, A. WRN and markers in the D8S87-ANK1 interval (Yu et Wakayama,M. Yanagawa,I. I.Yevich, S. Yoshida, andW. Zigrang. al. 1994), despite ample power to detect even moderate C 1996byTheAmericanSocietyofHumanGenetics. Allrightsreserved. levels of disequilibrium (Olson and Wijsman 1994). 0002-9297/96/5806-0023$02.00 1286 Goddard et al.: Localization ofWerner Syndrome 1287 The existence of linkage disequilibrium between two identification oflinkage disequilibrium between marker loci can provide strong evidence that these loci are very and disease loci provides a valuable clue to narrowing closely linked. Similar evidence, for example, the most probable region containing the disease locus. was ex- tremely important in the identification of the Hunting- However, for very small distances (<60-75 kb) there ton disease locus (Huntington's Disease Collaborative appearstobelittlerelationshipbetweenstrengthofasso- Group 1993) well several other recently identified ciation and distance (Jorde et al. 1994), although it is as as disease loci, including the for ataxia telangiectasia possible that such an association is not detectable be- genes (Savitsky et al. 1995; Uhrhammer et al. 1995) and cause of the high variance of disequilibrium estimates Bloom syndrome (Ellis etal. 1994, 1995). The existence forsmalldistances (Hudson 1985).Itisalsonotstraight- of linkage disequilibrium thus be useful in forward to define a measure ofassociation for a pair of can nar- rowing the genomic region that most likely contains the loci that is independent of allele frequencies (Hedrick disease locus. Use of linkage disequilibrium to localize 1987), nor is a single measure ofstrength ofassociation disease loci is a particularly attractive strategywhenthe easy to define formultiallelic markers (Lewontin 1988). sample sizes that for detecting linkage dis- For multiple loci, which could provide additional infor- are necessary equilibrium compared with those needed in meiotic mation aboutgenelocation, measures ofassociation are are mapping. For localization to a region of -1 cM, the even more difficult to define (Lewontin 1988; Weir sample sizes necessary to provide evidence of linkage 1990). While there have been attempts toward making disequilibrium in case-control study be than use of linkage-disequilibrium data from multiple mark- a can more order of magnitude less (Olson and Wijsman 1994) ers to estimate disease-gene location (Hill and Weir an than the several hundred that for meiotic 1994), the assumptions necessary for the methods limit are necessary mapping to such an interval (Boehnke 1994). For a rare their usefulness to analysis of restricted populations disease such WS, such differences in sample-size (Kaplan et al. 1995). These methods as currently imple- as re- quirements make the difference between feasible and mentedworkpoorlyforaccurategenelocalizationwhen infeasible approaches to disease-gene localization. the population is not well defined and/or has multiple Markers that are used for mapping and searching for disease mutations, as seems likelyformutationsrespon- evidence of linkage disequilibrium typically highly sible for WS. are polymorphic with alleles. However, the of Even though a precise estimate of the location of many use such markers in the search for linkage disequilibrium WRN is thus not likely to be obtainable with current introduces complexities into the analyses that do not methods, the joint information that can be obtained exist for markers with relatively few alleles. For marker fromextendedhaplotypesofmany,closelylinkedmark- loci with few alleles, likelihood ratio or contingency X2 ers could nevertheless provide additional evidence of a tests can be used in most cases (Weir 1979, 1990). For regional localization by suggesting sites forancestralre- sparse tables, small to moderate numbers ofalleles, and combinations. It is likely that there are relatively few of relatively small sample sizes, the computationally themostcommonWSmutationswithineachpopulation more demanding Fisher exact test can be used. However, under study and that each such mutation will have oc- when there are large numbers of alleles, the associated curred on a particular unique haplotype, with recombi- contingency tables can be very sparse. In such cases the nation causing occasional perturbation ofthese original computational demands of the Fisher exact test may haplotypes. Because recombination will almost always exceed available computer resources, and the approxi- involve a haplotype bearing a normal WRN allele and mations provided by likelihood ratio or Pearson X2 tests will occur with such haplotypes in proportion to their may be ill behaved. Therefore, because of concerns frequency in the population, the recombinant parts of aboutthe behaviorofthesestatistical tests insuchsitua- theWShaplotypesarelikelytoreflectthemorecommon tions, many investigators have pooled cells containing controlhaplotypes.Ashortseriesofcloselylinkedmark- rarer alleles, prior to performing such statistical tests, ers that appear to have escaped such apparent recombi- in the hopes of avoiding problems introduced by small nation is a good candidate for the WRN location. expectednumbers ofindividual alleles (cf. Andrewetal. In this paper, we present haplotype and linkage-dis- 1992; Sirugo et al. 1993). The effect of such pooling of equilibrium analyses of 35 markers in the region on classes on the outcome of these tests compared to the chromosome 8 that contains WRN. The identification results from an exact probability test is unknown. of a region in which multiple markers are in linkage In principle, there should be inverse relationship disequilibrium with WRN coupled with identification an between the genetic distance between two loci and the of probable ancestral recombinants that can be defined strength of association between them (Hill and Robert- fromthehaplotypesfurtherrefinestheprobablelocation son 1968). Itis clear from empirical studies that linkage of WRN. We also present a comparison of approaches disequilibrium is frequently detected between disease to performing the disequilibrium tests with multiallelic a locus and one or more marker loci that are within 1 markers and show that some commonly used approxi- cM of the disease locus (cf. Jorde et al. 1994). Thus, mations used for testing hypotheses aboutthe existence 1288 Am.J. Hum. Genet. 58:1286-1302, 1996 oflinkage disequilibrium performpoorlyincomparison cM Marker to the exact tests. r-D8SI33 Subjects, Material, and Methods 7.6 Marker Subjects Patients and family history information were identi- -D8S136 -D8S2194/D8S2192 fied and collected as described by Nakura et al. (1994). I-D8S2196 7.4 E Patients previously described by Nakura et al. (1994) consisted of 17Japanese patients from consanguineous F -D8S2198 marriages and 6 Caucasian patients from consanguine- hD8SI37 G -D8S339 ous marriages. Controls and many of the cases used in 9 -8Sl31 H -D8S2204 thecurrentstudyarethose described byYuetal. (1994) D8S2202 and Nakura et al. (1994). DNA samples from the AG 6.7 J -D8S2206 series of subjects were derived from amplified skin fi- -D8S2202/D8S339 broblast or lymphoblastoid cell lines deposited in the 1.6 -D8S278-D8S87 AgingCellRepositoryofthe Coriell Institute ofMedical K -D8S2134 Research, Camden, NJ. Both isolated cases and individ- 2.5 -FGFRI LJM ,D8S2144/D8S2156 N -D882138 uals for whom family structure information was avail- 2.8 0 -D8S2168 able were used in the analyses presented here. Not all 2.1 -D8S255 Qp -D8S2174 -D8S268/ANK1 sD8S2150 individualswere used inall analyses. Caucasian subjects R D8S2180 were ofmixed ethnic background with respect to coun- 2.8 S -D8S2162 -PLAT try oforigin, as described by Nakura et al. (1994), and included subjects with ancestry from several Western T -D8S2186 European countries, as well countries such as Brazil, Syria, Turkey, and India. Control samples consisted of 11.4 100 unrelated Japanese and 100 Caucasian controls as described by Yu et al. 1994. The studywas approved by the University of Washington Institutional Review 1.0 -D8S165 Board. -D8S166 DNA Samples andMarkers 43.8 Genotypes were determined for 35 chromosome 8pll.1-21.1 markers between and including D8S133 D8S164 and D8S164 (fig. 1) by standard methods essentially as - described byWeber andMay (1989) with the following Figure 1 Map of the WRN region. Markers C-T are included modifications. The denaturing polyacrylamide gels used inhaplotypeanalysesdescribedintables3-7andareshownapproxi- forgenotypingcontained, inaddition to 8 Murea, 12% matelytoscale,spanning 1.2-1.4cM.Markerordersanddistances betweenmarkerstakenfromtheNationalInstitutesofHealth (NIH)/ deionized formamide. For each primer set, one primer CEPH Collaborative Mapping Group (1992), Oshima et al. (1994), was end-labeled using P32-ATP and T4-kinase as de- and C.-E. Yu, J. Oshima, F. Hisama, S. Matthews, B. Trask, and scribed elsewhere (Sambrook et al. 1989, pp. 11.31- G. D. Schellenberg (unpublished data). The interval D8S278-D8S87 11.33). Primer sequences used and accession numbers includes markers D8S259 and D8S283. D8S137, D8S131, and are described by C.-E. Yu, J. Oshima, F. Hisama, S. D8S278 are markers A, B, and U, respectively. Matthews, B. Trask, and G. D. Schellenberg (unpub- lished data) and Nakura et al. (1994). All allele sizes in both Japanese and Caucasian individuals were deter- pared in addition to providinginformation aboutwhich mined from a DNA sequencing ladder and were stan- markers showed evidence ofbeing in linkage disequilib- dardized by comparison to allele sizes in the two CEPH riumwithWRN.AFisherexacttestwascomputedwhen reference samples 133101 and 133102, which were run possible for each n X 2 table of n observed alleles in concurrently as controls. cases versus controls. A Monte-Carlo Markov-chain (MCMC) estimate of the Fisher exact test P-value was Linkage-Disequilibrium Tests computed with methods described by Guo and Thomp- Statisticaltests to determine whetherthere is evidence son (1992).APearsonX2wascomputedforthecomplete oflinkage disequilibrium between the disease locus and n x 2 table without taking into account the possibility marker lociwere done with five different approaches so thatsome expected cell sizeswill be quite low. A second that the properties of the different tests could be com- Pearson x2 (called the "reduced X2 test") was computed Goddard et al.: Localization ofWerner Syndrome 1289 after alleles fromthe rarestclasses werepooled, until all Haplotypes defined in both populations were exam- expected numbers reached at least 5. Choice of alleles ined for evidence of recombination. Definitive evidence for pooling was done by rank ordering alleles on the of recombination within families was obtained when basis of frequency on the WRN chromosomes, after twoaffectedsiblingshaddiscordantmarkergenotype(s). which rare alleles were pooled. Thus, for single-dftests, Presumptive evidence of recombination was obtained the cells were defined as the most common allele on the when an offspring of a consanguineous marriage was WRN chromosomes versus all other alleles. Finally, a homozygousacrossalargenumberofmarkers,followed likelihood ratio X2 was also computed on the complete by a heterozygous marker. Because there is a small, but n X 2 table. Withtheexception oftheMCMC analyses, nonzero, probability that such an individual might not statistical tests were performed with SAS version 6.09 be IBD atWRN, strongpresumptive evidence ofrecom- (SASInstitute, 1990).The35 markersforwhichdisequi- bination required the existence either of two or more librium tests were performed were those within the such individual presumptive recombinant events or of WRNregion, asdefinedbyresults frompreviouslinkage the existence of several heterozygous markers in the re- analyses. gion providing evidence ofrecombination. Presumptive Allele counting prior to the linkage-disequilibrium evidence ofancestral recombinationwas obtainedwhen testing was done as follows: In affected offspring of alleles forseveralneighboringmarkers differedfromthe consanguineous marriages, ifthemarkergenotypeswere consensus haplotype within the haplotypic group. homozygous, consistentwith a highprobabilitythatthe Partial haplotype analyses.-Haplotype frequencies two WRN alleles were derived from a single ancestral were estimated for subsets of the complete collection of chromosome, onlyasinglemarker allelewascounted in markers forthe purpose ofcomparinghaplotype frequen- determining the marker allele frequencies onthe disease cies in cases and controls. These subsets were chosen to chromosomes. Forindividuals fromnonconsanguineous explore further the possibility ofrecombination in the re- matings, or for individuals from consanguineous mat- gion between markers C and T by also accounting for ings where the marker locus was heterozygous and thus haplotype frequencies in controls. A maximum of six not identical by descent (IBD), bothmarker alleles were markers at a time were used to construct partial haplo- counted. Only one affected individual from each pedi- types, because ofcomputational constraints in estimating gree was used to estimate marker allele frequencies on haplotype frequenciesimposedbythepresenceofmultiple the WS chromosomes (the chromosome with mutations allelespermarkerlocusandphaseambiguities inindividu- in WRN). Control-allele frequencies were obtained by als from nonconsanguineous marriages. Haplotype fre- genecounting, ontheassumptionoftwoallelesperlocus quencieswereestimatedwithanEMalgorithm (Ceppelini per control individual. Allele frequencies in both cases et al. 1955; Dempster et al. 1977) under the assumption and controls were estimated separately for theJapanese of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium of haplotype frequencies and Caucasian samples. within each population. Frequencies were estimated sepa- Haplotype Analyses rately for cases and controls for both the Japanese and Extended-haplotypeanalyses.-Haplotypeswerecon- Caucasian populations. Only a single haplotype was structed for the 21 markers between D8S137 and counted for all individuals from consanguineous matings D8S278 (markers A-U in fig. 1) by inspection of the who were homozygous for all markers included in the data for WS cases. For the Japanese cases, haplotypes haplotype reconstructions. Onlycases forwhom no more were constructed for all cases who were homozygous than one marker genotype was missing and only controls across most ofthe region. Haplotypes were grouped for for whom no marker genotypes were missing were used the Japanese cases by apparent similarity, and within inestimatinghaplotypefrequencies, againbecauseofcom- each group a consensus haplotype was defined by the putational difficulties associated with the high degree of mostcommon allele foreachmarker. Forthe Caucasian polymorphism for the systems used. cases, becausetherewerefarfewerhomozygouspatients Haplotypes were grouped into sets that appeared to from consanguineous marriages and because ofthe eth- be descended from common ancestral haplotypes under nic heterogeneity of the sample, cases were either the assumption that a small number ofindependentWS grouped by apparent similarity or by country oforigin, mutations is responsible for the majority of the haplo- after which a consensus haplotype was defined for each types in the population. Evidence of possible ancestral suchgroup. Thepossibilityofregionalclusteringofhap- recombinant events was then evaluated by inspection. lotypes in the Japanese was investigated by looking for Theassumptionwasmadethatthemostfrequenthaplo- evidence of clustering of haplotypes by geographic re- types represented nonrecombinant haplotypes, those gion inJapan. The origin ofthe haplotype was taken to that were similar to these over a large portion of their be the town or prefecture of the case, if known, the length but then diverged may represent recombinant parents or grandparents if the location of the case was haplotypes and those that are divergent at only one unknown,or,ifnoinformationonbirthplaceswasavail- marker locus and only by 2 bp may represent mutation able, thehospitalormedicalcenterreferringthepatient. at the divergent marker locus. 1290 Am.J. Hum. Genet. 58:1286-1302, 1996 Table 1 Results Markers Included in Partial Haplotype Analyses Patients and Pedigrees A total of 68 WS probands were identified and used MARKERS for at least some of the analyses presented here. There SET E G H I J K M P Q R S were 26 consanguineous and 1 nonconsanguineousJap- anesefamiliesand 13 consanguineous and7nonconsan- I ... X ... X ... X ... X X X guineous Caucasian families. Cases used in the current II X X X X X III ... .X.. ...... .X.. .X.. .X.. X study that were not previously described by Nakura et ... ... ... ... al. (1994) are described in table 2. The JV pedigree in NoTE.-Marker labels as in table 3. the Caucasian data set (Nakura et al. 1994) had an unusual and complex pedigree structure (fig. 2). For a few families, additionalaffectedpedigreememberswere sampled, including four Japanese and four Caucasian Three sets of markers were used for comparing case pedigrees (two nonconsanguineous and two consan- andcontrolhaplotype frequencies (table 1). The first set guineous pedigrees foreach population). The additional of markers, set I, spanned the entire region between affected pedigree members were all siblings, with the markers H and S, a region of <800 kb (C.-E. Yu, J. exception of the consanguineous LRV and nonconsan- Oshima, F. Hisama, S. Matthews, B. Trask, and G. D. guineous SYR pedigrees. In the LRV pedigree, the two Schelleberg, unpublished data). This set ofmarkers was affected relatives are fromtwo branches ofthe pedigree, chosen for the purpose of exploring the possibility of each of which represents a consanguineous marriage. detection of ancestral recombination between the two However, the specific relationship between the branches ends of the region. The second set of markers, set II, is unclear (Nakura et al. 1994). In the SYR pedigree, spanned the telomeric region between markers H and one of the three affected individuals was a half-sibling P.aregionof<400 kb (C.-E. Yu,J. Oshima, F. Hisama, of the other two affected full siblings. In 12 pedigrees, S. Matthews, B. Trask, and G. D. Schellenberg, unpub- additional unaffected individuals were sampled (table lished data). Marker set II shared two markers in com- 2). In addition to the 46 individuals for whom family monwith set I: markers H andJ. Marker setIIIcovered structureinformationwas available, therewere 10Japa- the centromeric end ofthe region withthe 5 markers K, nese and 12 Caucasian unrelated cases without such P, Q, R,and S. spanning <350 kb (C.-E. Yu,J. Oshima, familyinformation.Alltheseweretreatedasnonconsan- F. Hisama, S. Matthews, B. Trask, and G. D. Schelle- guineous pedigrees in the analyses. Among the 32 Cau- berg, unpublished data). This set was used to look for casian WS probands, there were 4 each with German, evidence ofrecombination between markers in the cen- Italian (all from Sardinia), and French ancestry. These tromeric region. were the only samples of Caucasians that were suffi- Marker-locus mutation.-Evaluation of evidence of ciently large for use in grouping haplotypes by country ancestral recombinant events between WRN and of origin. marker loci is complicated bythe high mutation rates that are typical of dinucleotide repeat markers (We- Approaches to Disequilibrium Testing ber andWong 1993). There are a number ofWS hap- A comparison of the results from the different pair- lotypes thatwere identicaltoeachother across a large wise tests used to search for markers in linkage disequi- numberofmarkers butwhere one ortwo loci differed librium withWRN is given in figure 3. Seventy marker- between pairs of haplotypes or where a patient from disease comparisons were made, 35 in each population. a consanguineous marriage is homozygous across a Of these comparisons, all but seven of the tests could large stretch ofmarkers in the region, with the excep- be performed with the Fisher exact test, and all but one tion ofone that is heterozygous. The different alleles withthereducedX2test. D8S166 hadtoo smallasample for such loci on the relevant haplotypes were gener- sizeinthe Caucasians topoolalleles andretainexpected ally nearly identical in size. Because ofthis there was cell sizes of at least five alleles, and the seven compari- concern that such differences among haplotypes sons for which the Fisher exact test could not be com- might have been caused by mutation rather than re- puted were limited by available computer memory on combination, consistent with a model of mutation the Sparcstation20/51 used forthese analyses. Itisclear through slipped-strand mispairing (Levinson and that, in comparison to the Fisher exact test, the MCMC Gutman 1987). Mutation at marker loci was consid- approach does outstandingly well, with a correlation of eredto bealikelyexplanation fordifferences between .999 between P-values obtained with the two ap- two haplotypes when (1) there was a single marker proaches. The standard Pearson X2 test, without any that differed between the haplotypes, and (2) the dif- attempt to adjust for small cell sizes, did the next best, ference was 2 bp (a one-step mutation). with a correlation of .983. The likelihood-ratio x2 test, Goddard etal.: Localization ofWerner Syndrome 1291 Table 2 Cases Used in PresentStudy, in Addition toThose Described by Nakuraetal. (1994) Ethnic Affecteds Total Subject Groupa CountryofOrigin Consanguinityb Sampled Sampled AGO7 C Second 1 1 AG3 CC No 1 1 AG33 C No 1 1 AG4 C No 1 1 AG41 C No 1 1 AG52 J Japan Yes 1 1 AG6 C No 1 1 AG78 C First 1 1 CP1 C France No C 1 4 CP3 C France No C 2 3 CTA C India/East Africa No 1 1 DJG Germany No C 1 1 EKL Switzerland (German) No J 1 1 FES No J 1 1 FJ First Japan 1 1 FNH Japan No 1 1 FNJ J Japan No 1 1 FNK J Japan No c 1 1 HA J Japan No c 1 1 HE c France No C 1 1 HK c Turkey First C 1 1 HM J Japan First 1 1 IB J Japan First 1 1 IND2 India First 6 IND3 India No 1 4 J02 J Japan Second 1 1 KKY JC Japan No 1 1 KM Japan No 1 1 KO Jc Japan First 1 1 KUN J Japan No 1 1 LGS C Germany, England No 1 9 MCI Japan No J 2 2 MIMi C Japan First J 1 1 OB Jc Japan No 1 1 PIR Jc Italy First 2 2 SUG Germany, Latvia (Jewish) No 1 1 SY JC Japan First 1 4 SYR c Syria No 3 23 TH Japan No 1 1 TK Japan First 1 1 TUR Turkey No 1 6 UH No 1 1 WMI J Japan First 1 1 aC = Caucasian; J = Japanese. bFirst= offspringoffirst-cousinmarriage;second =offspringofsecond-cousinmarriage;Yes =offspring ofconsanguineous marriage ofundefined degree; No = Noconsanguinity, orconsanguinity unknown. cAlso partNative American. which is sometimes suggested for loci with large num- for the MCMC approach was nominal, requiring <1 bers ofalleles and sparse data (Weir 1979, 1990, 1992; CPU min on an Alphastation 3000/300X, especially as Hernandez and Weir 1989), performed somewhat less compared to the Fisher exact test, which required well than did either the Pearson x2 or the MCMC ap- -11.25 CPUh onthe Sparcstation (-60% ofthe speed proach, with a correlation of .913. The reduced X2 test oftheAlphastation) for analyses thatran tocompletion performed quitepoorlyincomparisontothethreeother and 6-13.75 CPU h before memory usage problems approaches, with a correlation of only .524 compared became apparent for analyses that could not be com- to the Fisher exact test. The computation time needed pleted. 1292 Am.J. Hum. Genet. 58:1286-1302, 1996 equilibrium spans the region between markers F and S. The markers in table 3 are shown in their most likely order along the chromosome with the centromeric markers at the top of the table, as based on meiotic mapping, radiation hybrid mapping, and physical map- pingmethods (Oshimaetal. 1994; C.-E. Yu,J. Oshima, F. Hisama, S. Matthews, B. Trask, and G. D. Schellenb- erg, unpublished data). The total size of the region be- tween markers F and S, based on physical mapping methods, is -1.2-1.4 Mb (C.-E. Yu,J. Oshima, F. Hi- sama, S. Matthews, B. Trask, and G. D. Schellenberg, unpublished data). Ofthe 17 markers in the region be- tween markers F and S, 10 in theJapanese and 8 in the Caucasians gave P-values <.03 with the Fisher exact test or the MCMC approach. Eight ofthese 17markers in the Japanese and 3 in the Caucasians gave P-values <.005. A few additional markers that fell outside this interval also gave statistically significant P-values with MCMC methods: FGFR in the Caucasians and PLAT and D8S164 in the Japanese. For PLAT, inspection of thedataindicatesthattheassociationderivedfromthree relatively common alleles that had lower frequencies in Figure2 StructureoftheJVpedigree.Shadedsymbolrepresents cases than controls, which is inconsistent with a WS Ws. founder effect and probably represents mismatching of cases and controls. For the other two loci, the results The reduced X2 test appeared to give somewhat lower areconsistentwitheitherlinkagedisequilibriumorcase- P-values than did the Fisher exact test. For the 69 com- control mismatching. parisons in which the results of the two approaches Among the markers in this region there appear to be could be compared, 22 had lower P-values with the two regions in which there is some evidence of linkage Fisher exact test, and 41 had lower P-values with the disequilibrium. IntheJapanesedataset, 7ofthe 8mark- reduced x2. The remainder produced approximately ers between markers E and L and 3 of the 5 markers equal P-values or P-values <.001. The reduced x2 test between markers P and T gave highly significant P-val- had somewhat higher numbers of tests with nominally ues with the Fisher exact test when the case versus con- statistically significant results (P < .05) than did the trolmarker allele frequencies werecompared. The three Fisher exact test or its estimate obtained with the markers in between these two regions gave nonsignifi- MCMC approach. Of all the contrasts performed with cant results with the Fisher exact test, although marker N gave a suggestive P-value of .068. In the Caucasian the reduced x2 test, the number for which the P-value <.05 17 and 11 intheJapanese and Caucasian data set, three of the eight markers between markers E was was data sets, respectively, as compared to 12 and 9 with and L and five of the seven markers between markers N and T gave highly significant results. It is also worth the Fisher exact test. There were only two contrasts in noting that, while some markers in the center of this which the Fisher exact test gave a P-value <.05 when region gave nonsignificant evidence of linkage disequi- the reducedx2 testdidnot. Ofthe 16 contrasts inwhich librium with the Fisher exact test, most of these same the P-value obtained by one approach was at least five- markers gave significant (P < .05) or suggestive (P fold greater than that obtained by the other approach, in 11 the reduced x2 test had the lower P-value, while < .08) P-values when the reduced X2 test was used. in only 5 did the Fisher exact test have the lower P- Haplotype Studies value, which suggests that the reduced x2 tends to be Extended-haplotype analyses.-The extended hap- too liberal. lotype analyses provide evidence that there are several Linkage Disequilibrium and WS different WS mutations in each population. Table 4 Thepairwiselinkage-disequilibriumtestsindicatethat shows extended haplotypes for the 21 markers A there is genomic region chromosome 8 between through U. Haplotypes are grouped by similarity in the a on markers CandTinwhichmanymarkers showevidence Japanese data setandbycountryoforigin inthe Cauca- of linkage disequilibrium in both populations sian data set. In both cases there are some haplotypes one or under study (table 3). The region inwhich both popula- that do not fit neatly into one of the subgroups (data tions simultaneously show evidence oflinkage dis- not shown), but there appears to be three groups of some Goddard etal.: Localization ofWerner Syndrome 1293 a) ._ co Go C1) 0a C,, cu 03 co C, 0 C) 0 & 0 0 co Sb 0 's 0 *0 C1) 0 9~~ 0 09 0* 0 0 a) * 0. 0 (1) ._d * 0* 0 0 ~~~R=0.913 9 00 I I I .0 .2 .4 .6 .8 .0 .2 .4 .6 .8 Fisher's Exact Fisher's Exact Co 0 co 0 a) @0 0,0 co 00 h._ 0* C, 0 0 :3 0 0*00*@ 00 0 100~~0 C.) 0.0.. 00~~~ CCa)) 00 90*%~~ A-1 * ** 0 . .0 0 900 *0# o 9 Ago * R=0.983 0 . R=O.999 I I I I I I I I I .0 .2 .4 .6 .8 .0 .2 .4 .6 .8 Fisher's Exact Fisher's Exact Figure 3 P-values obtained for 70 pairs ofmarker-disease association tests. R = correlation coefficient. highly similar haplotypes in the Japanese population, ofJapan; whether this is because the only information and in the Caucasian population there appears to be ongeographic location formany patients is the medical similarity among the haplotypes within both the Ger- center through which they were ascertained or because man and the Italian groups. the mutation(s) on this predominant haplotype is rela- IntheJapanesepopulation, thereislittleevidencethat tively widespread in Japan is unknown. There is, how- individuals within each of the haplotype clusters are ever, some weak evidence for geographic clustering of from a common geographic location (fig. 4). In particu- the haplotypes in the three pedigrees J02, ST-and SK: lar, individuals who appeartohavethemajorhaplotype these three pedigrees all have a roughly central location (Japanese-1) appear to have ancestry from most parts inJapan. It is worth notingthattheextendedhaplotype 1294 Am.J. Hum. Genet. 58:1286-1302, 1996 Table 3 P-Valuesfrom Linkage-Disequilibrium Tests between WRN and Chromosome 8 Markers CAUCASIANS JAPANESE LABELAND MARKER X2-Red. %2 X2-LR MCMC Fisher X2-Red. %2 X2-LR MCMC Fisher D8S133 .477 .472 .500 .488 .487 .436 .258 .418 .284 .270 D8S136 .504 .824 .843 .734 ... .288 .202 .225 .281 .279 AD8S137 .602 .260 .118 .324 .321 .628 .090 .042 .062 .066 B D8S131 .969 .020 .062 .102 .104 .756 .035 .052 .064 .064 C D8S2194b .005 .008 .009 .004 .005 .619 .078 .074 .075 .080 D D8S2192b .038 .342 .381 .184 .179 .004 .100 .032 .093 .097 ED8S2196 1 .547 .310 .504 .511 <.001 .004 .002 .008 FD8S2198 .094 .002 .006 .005 a <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 a G D8S339 .004 .025 .005 .014 .012 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 H D8S2204C .002 .013 .004 .011 .011 <.001 .002 .003 .003 .003 ID8S2202C .524 .267 .164 .342 .341 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 J D8S2206 .257 .646 .655 .604 .604 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 KD8S2134 .232 .210 .091 .235 .236 <.001 .006 <.001 .007 .007 LD8S2144d .034 .535 .200 .599 .588 .06 .460 .261 .552 .551 M D8S2156d .074 .285 .181 .219 .225 .059 .341 .267 .251 .261 ND8S2138 .031 .010 .001 <.001 <.001 .013 .079 .013 .068 .068 0 D8S2168 .125 .034 .009 .013 .017 .169 .226 .033 .174 .... PD8S2174 .011 .044 .009 .018 .018 <.001 .004 <.001 .002 .002 Q D8S2150 .413 .806 .611 .828 .835 .013 .279 .084 .300 .300 RD8S2180 .107 .107 .100 .082 .127 .001 .001 <.001 <.001 <.001 S D8S2162 .023 .024 .011 .087 .032 <.001 .035 .010 .028 .028 TD8S2186 <.001 <.001 .001 <.001 <.001 .264 .536 .342 .657 .659 UD8S278 .715 .379 .497 .477 .475 .504 .792 .790 .800 .796 D8S259 .797 .296 .411 .239 .276 .242 .634 .421 .693 .691 D8S283 .516 .481 .406 .554 ...a .048 .493 .516 .482 .476 D8S87 .580 .773 .659 .856 .857 .607 .849 .854 .804 .815 D8S135 .702 .302 .267 .434 .435 .171 .359 .163 .448 .456 FGFR .015 .059 .096 .017 .018 .155 .221 .232 .139 ...a D8S255 .842 .771 .669 .808 .812 .047 .221 .257 .232 .237 ANK1 .477 .639 .524 .666 .669 .040 .040 .041 .053 .053 D8S268 .048 .178 .228 .203 .205 .096 .329 .378 .230 .230 PLAT .310 .139 .098 .120 .121 .840 .003 .001 .001 <.001 D8S165 .251 .334 .214 .321 .316 .167 .214 .131 .146 .158 D8S166 ...' .273 .110 .182 .177 .575 .881 .769 .947 .948 D8S164 .326 .696 .586 .716 .721 .005 .016 .002 .003 .003 NoTE.-X2-Red = Reduced X2; X2-LR = Likelihood ratio X2; MCMC = Monte-Carlo Markov-chain estimate of Fisher exact test; Fisher = Fisher exacttest. Underline denotes P-value <.05. aInsufficient memoryto calculate the Fisher's exact test bMarkers are unordered with respectto each other. CD8S2204 is GSR1 and D8S2202 is GSR2 fromYuetal. (1992). dMarkers are unordered withrespect to eachother. eSample size too small to reduce the table (Japanese-2) in these individuals is identical to the pre- ofthis region at marker M thus places WRN either into dominant haplotype (Japanese-1) at all markers centro- the centromeric interval between markers A and M or merictoD8S2202, andthusitispossiblethatthesethree into the telomeric interval between markers M and U. individuals represent a single ancestral recombinant be- The extended haplotypes also provide presumptive tween markers I and J on the most common Japanese evidenceofrecombination (fig. 5).Severalsuchprobable WS haplotype. recombinant events place WRN centromeric to marker Among families with two or more affected siblings B with high probability. Others most likely placing there are two obligate recombinants in pedigrees HW WRN centromeric to marker F. Both pedigrees KO and and ZM that bound the interval containing WRN (fig. SEP appear to represent double recombination in the 5) to that between markers A and U. An additional region.InKO,oneoftheserecombinanteventsprobably obligate recombinant in the SYR pedigree in the middle occurred as an ancestralrecombinant, sincethemarkers Goddard etal.: Localization ofWernerSyndrome 1295 Table 4 Extended Haplotypes forJapaneseand Caucasian WSSubjects MARK LQ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U Japanese: Japanese-1 2 4 9 1 4 8 7 5 11 5 5 12 4 3 9 1 3 1 3 2 3 FJ 9 1 6 FUW 1 4 IU 2 3/5 5 Jo0 9 6 KY 11 3 12 6 TK 2/4 4 TO 8 ZM-25 3/4 ZM-30 4 TH 9/10 HA 7 NA 4 1/6 KO 2/5 NA 5 4 6 HW-0 2/4 4/7 9 HW-5 2/3 4/7 9 Japanese-2 2 4 ? 3 12 6 2 4 8 5 5 12 4 3 9 1 3 1 3 2 3 J02 4/7 11 NA 2 SK 2/4 NA 3/5 ST 6 9 4 Japanese-3 2 4 12 4 9 6 1 4 8 4 5 12 4 3 9 1 3 1 3 4 ? HM 6 MH 9/12 4 NN 6 4 3 Caucasian: German-1 4 8 3 9 7 7 5 7 1 5 12 4 ? 9 1 3 1 4 1 3 ? LGS NA NA NA NA NA NA NA SUGjb 1 11 11 NA 2 EKL 1/3 1/8 4/9 6 3 1/2 DJGb NA NA I 4 3 German-2 2 4 ? 3 6 6 4 8 1 ? 12 4 2 9 1 3 1 3 2 5 DJG' 8 1 NA NA NA SUGic 1 11 NA 3 Italian 3 1 9 5 15 7 6 5 7 1 5 12 5 3 9 1 3 1 3 2 3 LRV-0 1/2 8/9 9/12 NA 5/6 8/9 LRV-1 NA 8 5 MSA 1/3 1/2 SEP 4 1 16/17 4 2/4 3/5 PIR 2/3 4 6 3 3 3 4 8 4 12 6 NA French ? 4 1 3 ? 5 1 5 7 1 2 ? 1 12 1 1 6 1 4 4 3 HE 1 9 NA 7 2 1 iv 3 1/4 9 11 1/7 1 4 1 4 CP1 2 1/8 4 4/5 7/8 5 12 4 3 7/9 3 3 1/4 2/3 CP3 1/3 8/10 5/9 1/6 4 7/8 1/5 5 12 2/4 3/13 1/6 1/4 3/4 1/4 4/8 2 2/3 Syrian ? ? 11 3 12 8 7 5 ? 2 2 1 1 ? 1 1 6 ? 4 1 ? SYR-6 NA NA 11 3 12 8 7 S NA 2 2 1 1 NA 1 1 6 NA 4 1 NA SYR-8d NA NA 11 3 12/15 8 7 S NA 2/6 2 1 4 NA 1 1 6 NA 4 1 NA allele, NoTE.-NA =notavailable;? =unknownconsensus ormultiplealleleswiththesamehighestfrequency. aMarkerlabelsA-Urepresentmarkersequivalentlylabeledinfigure1andtable3.Blanksindicateallelesthatarethesameasthoseontheconsensushaplotype. Underlinedallelesdifferfromthealleleontheconsensushaplotypebyonerepeatunit.Allelesarelabelednumericallyinincreasingorderofallelesize.Sequential allelenumbersrepresentallelesdifferingby2bp. Forthe21 loci,correspondence betweenallele 1 andsmallestallele (inbp) isasfollows:A-152;B-132;C-247; D-149;E-217;F-181;G-162;H-115;1-121;J-236;K-175;L-273;M-163;N-138;0-162;P-186;Q-140;R-130;S-136;T-137;U-232. Exceptionstoallelesizing were0-14at187bpratherthan188bpandP-3at189bpratherthan190bp.Dashesfollowedbynumbersinpedigreenames(e.g.,SYR-6andSYR-8)distinguish twoindividualsfromthesamepedigree. bOnehaplotypefromacompoundheterozygote. 'Secondhaplotypefromacompoundheterozygote. dHalfsiblingofindividualsgivingrisetoconsensushaplotype.

Medical School, Osaka; and 7Pediatric Genetics, University of Amiens, Amiens .. anese families and 13 consanguineous and 7 nonconsan-.
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