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Toward an International Virtual Observatory: Proceedings of the ESO/ESA/NASA/NSF Conference Held at Garching, Germany, 10-14 June 2002 PDF

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Preview Toward an International Virtual Observatory: Proceedings of the ESO/ESA/NASA/NSF Conference Held at Garching, Germany, 10-14 June 2002

Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Clouds Over the Twenty-First Century Virtual Observatory P.J.E. Peebles Joseph Henry Laboratories, Jadwin Hall, Princeton University,Princeton NJ 08544, USA Abstract. PhysicalsciencehaschangedinthecenturysinceLordKelvin’scelebrated essayonNineteenth CenturyCloudsovertheDynamicalTheoryofHeatandLight,but somethingsarethesame.Analogsinwhatwashappeninginphysicsthenandwhatis happeninginastronomytodayservetoreminduswhywecanbeconfidenttheVirtual Observatory of thetwenty-firstcenturywill have a rich list of challenges to explore. 1 Introduction Astronomy has enjoyeda very goodcentury. Havethe basic problems now been solved, leaving for the astronomers of the 21st century the task of working out the pesky details? The question is little discussed – astronomers are too busy with ongoing research – but worth considering from time to time. I shall argue thatwehaveausefulguidetothelong-termprospectsforresearchinastronomy fromanalogstothepresentsituationinwashappeninginphysics100yearsago. In both cases there is a basis of fundamental concepts that are strikingly suc- cessful, apart from some stubborn clouds, or, as we would now say, challenges for research.The clouds overelectromagnetismand thermalphysics atthe start of the 20th century foreshadowed relativity and quantum physics. We can’t say what will be learned from the clouds over present-day astronomy – I shall men- tionaspectsofthedarksector,strongspacecurvature,andthe meaningoflife – but we can be sure they will continue to drive difficult but fascinating research in astronomy for quite some time to come. 2 Physics at the Start of the 20th Century The elements of the situation in physics a century ago have been retold to gen- erations of students, and rightly so; these are golden moments in the history of physicalscience.And I think they areanedifying examplefor ourassessmentof the present state of research in astronomy. Atthestartofthe20thcenturyphysicistshadgoodreasontobelievetheyhad securely established laws of electromagnetism and thermal physics, well tested in the laboratory and applied in rapidly growing power and communications industries; Lord Kelvin’s fortune came from his contributions to the design of ESOSymposia:TowardanInternational VirtualObservatory,pp.1–10, 2004. (cid:1)c Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg2004 2 P.J.E. Peebles the transatlantictelegraphcable.Buthe andothers werewell awareofflaws,or clouds, in the physics, as famously summarized in Kelvin’s [1] essay in 1901. Kelvin’sCloud No.I is the luminiferous ether.The experimentalsituationis alsodiscussedinLectureVIII,The Ether,inMichelson’sLight Waves and Their Uses [2]. You can read about the familiar experiments – Michelson’s discovery of the isotropy of the velocity of light, and the Fizeau measurement of the ad- dition of velocities of light and fluid in a moving fluid – and others that are less celebrated but as remarkable.My favorite among the latter is the measurement of annual aberration in a telescope that is filled with water so as to reduce the velocity oflight.The results areno surpriseto us,but a realproblemforKelvin and Michelson. Kelvin mentions with approval the contraction idea of Fitzger- ald and Lorentz,but concludes “I amafraidwe must still regardCloud No. I as verydense”[1].Einstein’sbrilliantinsightclearedthe cloud,andgaveusspecial relativity theory. If that had not happened I have to believe people would soon have pieced together the full theory from these remarkable measurements. Kelvin’s Cloud II is the inconsistency of the law of partition of energy at thermalequilibriumwiththemeasuredratiosC /C ofheatcapacitiesofgasesat p v constantpressureandvolume.1Kelvin[1]quotesRayleigh’sassessment[3]:“The difficulties connectedwiththeapplicationofthelawofequalpartitionofenergy toactualgaseshavelongbeenfelt.Inthecaseofargonandheliumandmercury vapour the ratio of specific heats (1.67) limits the degrees of freedom of each moleculetothethreerequiredfortranslatorymotion.Thevalue(1.4)applicable to the principal diatomic gases gives room for three kinds of translation and for two kinds of rotation. Nothing is left for rotation round the line joining the atoms, nor for relative motion of the atoms in this line. Even if we regard the atomsasmerepoints,whoserotationmeansnothing,theremuststillexistenergy of the last-mentioned kind, and its amount (according to the law) should not be inferior.” Something certainly is wrong. Kelvin accepted the mechanics and questioned the assumptionof strict statistical equilibrium. Planck(1900)hit on the fix, to the mechanics, in the model for blackbody radiation, and Einstein (1907) applied the fix to heat capacities, in early steps to quantum physics. Itisoftensaid,atleastinintroductoryremarksincoursesonmodernphysics, that people were a lot more impressed by the successes of physics in 1900 than by the clouds, that the feeling was that physics is essentially complete, apart from fixing a few problems and adding decimal places. The famous example is Michelson’sstatement(in[2],p.23),thatthe“moreimportantfundamentallaws andfactsofphysicalsciencehaveallbeendiscovered,andthesearenowsofirmly 1 Thismemorablestoryhasbeentaughttogenerationsofstudentsintheintroduction to quantummechanics, some of whom I hopeactually appreciated it. Equipartition in classical mechanics says that at thermal equilibrium at temperature T the mean energy belonging to each quadratic term in the Lagrangian is kT/2. It follows that if each atom or molecule in a gas has ν quadratic terms associated with its internal structure then, taking account of the pdV work at constant p, the ratio of heat capacities is Cp/Cv = (5+ν)/(3+ν). Thus classical physics predicts that a gas of point-like particles has Cp/Cv = 5/3, and a gas of atoms with a rich internal structure, so ν is large, has Cp/Cv close to unity. Clouds OvertheVirtual Observatory 3 established that the possibility of their ever being supplanted in consequence of new discoveries is exceedingly remote.” This is clear enough, and Badash [4] shows Michelson repeated these sentiments elsewhere, so at the time he must have meant it. But consider Michelson’s summary statement in the same book, at the end of the chapter on the ether ([2], p.163): “The phenomenon of the aberration of the fixed stars can be accounted for on the hypothesis that the ether does not partake of the Earth’s motion in its revolution about the sun. Allexperimentsfortestingthishypothesishave,however,givennegativeresults, so that the theory may still be said to be in an unsatisfactory condition.” And earlier in the summary he says “Little as we know about it [the ether], we may saythatourignoranceofordinarymatterisstillgreater.”HereMichelsonsounds like someone who sees very real challenges. Thesechallengesdrovehardwork,asinFizeau’sremarkablewaterworksand Michelson’s[2]massivearrangementstosuppressvibrations:“theapparatuswas mountedona stonesupport,aboutfour feetsquareandone footthick,andthis stonewasmountedonacirculardiscofwoodwhichfloatedinatankofmercury.” I see no evidence of complacency in Kelvin’s ([1], p.17) struggle to visualize mercury vapor atoms, which are capable of producing a rich line spectrum but at thermal equilibrium in laboratory conditions seem to be incapable even of rotating, or in Rowland’s 1899 presidential address to the American Physical Society[5]:“Whatismatter;whatisgravitation;whatisetherandtheradiation throughit; whatis electricityandmagnetism;howarethese connectedtogether andwhatistheirrelationtoheat?Thesearethegreaterproblemsoftheuniverse. But many infinitely smaller problems we must attack and solve before we can even guess at the solution of the greater ones.” Badash [4] gives a valuable survey of opinions across a broader range of the academic community, and concludes that at the end of the 19th century the ideathatscienceisreachingcompleteness‘wasmorea“low-gradeinfection,”but nevertheless veryreal.’Thissoundsright,butmyimpressionisthattheinfection had little effect on the research of leading physicists, including Michelson. The confidence in the established parts of physics at the start of the 20th century was well placed: we still use and teach this electromagnetism and ther- modynamics–thoughwenowthinkofitaspartofahierarchyofapproximations thatforallwewilleverknowmayrunarbitrarilydeep.Concernsaboutthe19th cloudscouldnothaveanticipatedthevastenlargementofphysicsandourworld- view in the 20th century, but the point for our purpose is that the clouds were recognized and driving research. Ioffersomeparallelstothesituationinpresent-dayastronomy.Weknowhow starsliketheSunshine,buttherearebiggapsinourunderstandingofhowstars form, at high redshift and even in our own galaxy. I classify star formation as a Rowland-type“smallerproblem:” itis fiendishly difficult but approachableby well-motivated lines of research involving standard physics (as far as we know). Such Rowland-type problems are the key to a healthy science, and astronomy has them in abundance. We know the universe is evolving, and the evidence is that general relativity theory gives a good description of the dynamics. But we 4 P.J.E. Peebles don’t know what the universe is made of – apart from the five percent or so in the visible sector – or what happens when spacetime curvature gets large, as was the case in the very early universe and happens now in the centers of galaxies. These are Kelvin-level clouds: critical issues whose resolution would greatly advance our understanding of the material world. We don’t know what the present-dayclouds are hiding, but we canbe sure they will continue to be a good focus for research. 3 Astronomy at the Start of the 21st Century The situation in astronomy in 1900 was close to the academic myth about physics. Badash [4] gives a good quote from Newcomb [6]: “we do appear to be fast approaching the limits of our knowledge ... one comet is so much like another that we cannot regard one as adding in any important degree to our knowledge. The result is that the work which really occupies the attention of the astronomeris less the discovery of new things than the elaborationof those already known, and the entire systemization of our knowledge.” The main sys- temization was the cataloging of angular positions, apparent magnitudes, and spectralclassificationsofliterallyhundredsofthousandsofstars.Butthisdreary labor led to wonderful new things; consider these two examples of research tra- jectories.2 Eddington’s (1924) gas spheres gave Bethe (1938) the physical conditions for nuclear reactions in stars, and a way out of the discrepancy between the Helmholz–Kelvin(1860)Solarcoolingtimeandthemuchgreatergeologicaltimes fromradioactivedecayages.Abeautifulrecentdevelopmentisthedemonstration that the Solar neutrino luminosity really is in satisfactory agreement with the theory ofthe Solarnuclear reactionrates,to be understoodwiththe help ofthe demonstration of nonzero neutrino masses. Kapteyn (1901) set the distance scale for star counts in our island universe, Shapley (1918) enlarged the island, and Hubble (1925) placed it in the near homogeneousrealmofthenebulae.Hubble’slinearrelationbetweenhisdistances to the nebulae and Slipher’s (1914) redshifts led Lemaˆıtre (1927) to the now standard model for the expanding universe. The most direct evidence that our universe actually is evolving – expanding and cooling – was completed with the demonstration by the USA COBE and Canadian UBC experiments (1990)that the 3 K cosmic background radiation spectrum is very close to thermal. In the 1930s Hubble commenced the great program of cosmological tests to check the relativistic Friedmann–Lemaˆıtre model for the expanding universe. Now, seven 2 I have taken the liberty of indicating contributions by several people, and even groups, under the name of a representative leading figure, with an approximate year for developments that in some cases occurred over many years. I hope it is understoodthatanotherreviewercouldchooseverydifferentrepresentativeexamples ofwhathappenedin20th centuryastronomy.Harwit[7]presentsawell-documented and much more complete analysis of discoveries in astronomy and theprospects for discoveries of new astronomical phenomena. Clouds OvertheVirtual Observatory 5 decades later, we are approaching a satisfactory application of the tests, which the relativistic cosmology passes so far. A byproduct of the cosmological tests is evidence that structure grew out of a mass distribution at high redshift that is specified by one function of one variable,thenearscale-invariantpowerspectrumofarandomGaussianprocess. There are problems with details, as will be discussed, but the evidence pretty strongly indicates this is a good approximation to the way it is. The Rowland- type problem, of breathtaking scope and complexity, is to demonstrate that standard physics actually can account for the origin of the worlds and their spectacular variety of phenomena out of this simple initial condition. I have mentioned stories with some happy endings, in reasonably conclusive resolutions of lines of research that have occupied generations of astronomers. We cannot say whether more happy endings to big puzzles are in store, but we get some feeling for the prospects by considering present-day clouds over astronomy.I shallcommentontwofromthe 20th centuryandonefromthe 19th century. 3.1 Cloud No. I: the Dark Sector Thedarksectorincludesthenonbaryonicmatterthatisthoughttodominatethe outerpartsofgalaxiesandclustersofgalaxies;Einstein’scosmologicalconstant, Λ, or dark energy that acts like it; and the vacuum energy density. The darkest part of the cloud is over the vacuum energy. I draw these comments from a review of the issues in [8] and the executive summary in [9]. Nernst[10]seemstobethefirsttohavediscussedtheenergyofthequantum vacuum, in 1916. His zero-point energy for each mode of oscillation of the elec- tromagnetic field is off by a factor of two,remarkablygoodconsidering this was before HeisenbergandSchro¨dinger.Nernstshowedthatthe sumoverzero-point energies of the modes with laboratory wavelengths is on the order of 1 g cm−2. Pauli (in [11], p.250) was quite aware that this mass density would be ruinous for relativistic cosmology; he advised that we just ignore the zero-point energy of the electromagnetic field. This is a prescription, of course, and not even a rational one. Pauli certainly knew that one must take account of zero-point en- ergies to get the rightbinding energies in nonrelativisticparticle mechanics.We now know the same applies to gravitational masses. And in standard physics the zero-point energies of fields are just as real. The problem with the vacuum energydensityhaspersisted–ifanythinggrownmorepuzzling–throughallthe spectacular advances in physics in the 20th century. I like Wilczek’s phrase:this aspect of our physics is “profoundly incomplete” [12]. It is a Kelvin-level cloud: within physics that is wonderfully welltested and successful in a broadrangeof applications there is a distinct glitch. We have observational probes that might be helpful. If the vacuum presents the same properties to any inertial observer,its effect on spacetime curvature is the same as Einstein’s cosmological constant, Λ. The evidence from the cosmo- logical tests is that the expansion of the universe actually is dominated a term that acts like Λ – though the absolute value is ridiculously small compared to 6 P.J.E. Peebles what is suggested by current ideas in particle physics. The case for detection is serious, but since it depends on difficult observations and insecure models I am inclined to limit the odds to maybe five to one. But work in progressshould convincingly show us whether a term that acts like Λ really is present. Until recently the tendency in the astronomy community has been to hope that it could get by with Pauli’s prescription,or at worse the phenomenological description of the vacuum by the numerical value of one constant, Λ, leaving the dispersalof this cloud to the physicists.But currentideas are that Λ is only anapproximationto a dynamicalentity,darkenergy,whosemass density varies with time on the scale of cosmic evolution, and varies with position in response to the large-scale irregularities in the matter distribution. Detection of these effects would not solve the vacuum energy density problem, but it would be a spectacularly stimulating clue. We know how it might be done, and I have been hearing ambitious plans to make the astronomical measurements. You may be surethe physicistswillbe hangingoneverywordofprogress;theyaredesperate for something to knock them off dead center. In the standardcosmologythe dark sector alsocontains nonbaryonicmatter that dominates the mass in the outer dark halos of galaxies and the mass in clusters of galaxies. I am in sympathy with those who ask for more evidence this nonbaryonic matter really exists, but I think the case already is close to compelling. The clearest exhibition of dark matter is the giant luminous arcs – the gravitationally lensed images of backgroundgalaxies produced by the grav- itational deflection of light by the masses in clusters of galaxies. No force law I can imagine could produce these smooth arcs out of gravitating matter with the clumpy distribution ofthe starlightin clusters.There has to be cluster dark matter, and if it were baryonic it would cause ugly problems [8]. We have little empirical guidance to the physics of the dark sector: we are workinginthedark.Weaccordinglyadoptthesimplestphysicswecangetaway with,whichisgoodstrategy,butcertainlyneednotbethewholestory:consider that polytropic ideal gas spheres were good enough for Eddington’s analysis of the structure of the Sun, but helioseismology reveals a host of new details. If our model for the dark sector is missing details that matter it will be revealed by problems in fitting the observations. And there are hints of problems, from observationsofthe structureandformationofgalaxies.My listisheadedby the prediction that elliptical galaxies form by mergers at modest redshifts, which seems to be at odds with the observation of massive quasars at z ∼ 6; the predictionofappreciabledebrisinthe voidsdefinedbyL∗ galaxies,whichseems to be at odds with the observation that dwarf, irregular, and L∗ galaxies share quite similar distributions; and the prediction of cusp-like dark matter cores in lowsurfacebrightnessgalaxies,whichisatoddswithwhatisobserved.Theseare Rowland-typeproblemsthatdrawontherichphenomenologyofastronomy,from the latestobservations by the Hubble Space Telescope to the vast accumulation of lore from decades past. Sorting through all this takes time, but I expect will showuswhether the problemswiththe standardpicture forthe darksectorwill Clouds OvertheVirtual Observatory 7 be resolved by better understanding of the observations and theory, or will be promoted to a Kelvin-level cloud. 3.2 Cloud No. II: Strong Spacetime Curvature CloudIIisthesingularitiesofgeneralrelativity,wherethetheorybecomesmean- ingless. It took some time for people to sort out the physical singularities from singular coordinate labels, and to face up to the phenomenological importance of the former. I remember as a graduate student in the late 1950s reading a distinguishedphysicist’selegantpictureofthe bounceinanoscillatinguniverse: like turning a glove inside out, one finger at a time. In the mid 1960s Penrose’s [13] pioneering approach to singularity theorems forced us to accept that we need deeper physics to see past the formal singularity at infinite redshift in the relativistic Friedmann–Lemaˆıtre cosmological model. At about the same time, the discovery of quasars, and the broader recognition of active galactic nuclei, offered an example of strong spacetime curvature in compact objects closer to hand. Now, a half century later, we have rich phenomenologies of compact ob- jects and cosmology, and we still have the singularities. Analyses of the astrophysicsof massive compact objects – those observedat thecentersoflargegalaxies,andstarremnantsmoremassivethanawhitedwarf –usuallytakeasgivenaSchwarzschildorKerrblackholegeometrywithatruly blackinside,indiscussionsofwhathavegrowntobequitedetailedobservations. There are no problems with this approach, a sign of the remarkable predictive power of generalrelativity theory.But good science demands that we seek posi- tiveevidenceinsupportoftheblackholepicture,andwatchforcredibleevidence thatthestandardpicturemaynotbequiteright.Maybeadvancesinfundamen- tal physics will show us what really is happening in the centers of galaxies, or maybe the dispersal of this cloud will be guided by the phenomenology. Analyses of observations in cosmology finesse the formal singularity of the Friedmann–Lemaˆıtre model, and the unknown physics at the Planck scale, by stipulating initial conditions at a more modest redshift, let us say z = 1015. Nowadays the initial conditions often are given a pedigree, from the inflation model, and the observational constraints on the initial conditions are used to inferconditionsonwhatwashappeningduringinflation.But,sincetheinflation scenario can fit a considerable range and variety of initial conditions, we don’t know whether these measures of the very early universe amount to anything more than a “just so” story. Three assignments may help. Welooktoobservationalastronomersandcosmologistsfortighterconstraints on the initial condition at redshift z = 1015. And it behooves us to watch for hints that there is more to learn about cosmic evolution than is encoded in this initial condition within the present standard cosmology. The successes of the extrapolationofstandardphysicstothelengthandtimescalesofcosmologyare impressive, but the enormous extrapolation certainly allows room for surprises. I am watching for them in the problems with galaxy formation I mentioned in connection with the dark sector. 8 P.J.E. Peebles We look to those exploring ideas about the early universe to try to find alternatives to inflation. If all due diligence yielded none we would have an argument by default that inflation really happened, a dismal closure but better than nothing. Alternatives are under discussion; it will be of great interest to know whether some variant of the ekpyrotic universe [14] has a physical basis comparable to that of inflation, which is not asking all that much. We look to the physics community to build a firmer basis for cosmology at high redshift. If fundamental physics converged on a complete theory that pre- dicts a definite versionof inflation, or some other picture for the early universe, which agrees with the astronomical constraints, it will convincingly complete cosmology. The prediction’s the thing, of course. 3.3 Cloud No. III: the Meaning of Life This is a cloud over a much broader community. We can leave to the experts in other fields the philosophical issues, and the analysis of the molecular basis for life.ThetaskforastronomyanditsVirtualObservatoryistosearchforevidence of extraterrestriallife. This is a Kelvin-levelcloud:a powerfuldriver of research whose outcome could profoundly affect our worldview. Maybe life on Earth came from primitive extraterrestrial seeds; Hoyle and Wickramasinghe[15]surveythe history and presentstate of ideas.Maybe there areadvancedformsoflifeonotherworlds,seededorevolvedoutofspontaneously createdlife.The familiar19th century example ofthe searchfor organizedlife is Lowell’s study of possible signs on Mars; the search continues in the SETI and OSETI projects. The TerrestrialPlanet Finder (TPF) will search for Earth-like worlds where life might flourish in a primitive or organized state. I read that the search for extraterrestrial life is the part of astronomy that most interests most people. I offer four observations of how the big ideas and activities in society have influenced the directions of this research. First,CharlesDarwin’sdeeplyinfluentialargumentsforevolutionbynatural selection forced debate on what the first step in the evolution of life might have been. At about the same time, people were coming to the conclusionthat spon- taneous generation is an exceedingly rare event, if it happens at all, and maybe contrary to Darwin’s principle that life evolves out of life [16,17]. It was natu- ral therefore that people turned to the idea of extraterrestrial seeds. Helmholtz (1874),amostinfluentialphysicistandphysiologist,arguedfortheidea,asdidan important chemist, Arrhenius (1908). Kelvin (1871) endorsed the general idea, butnotnaturalselection:he arguedfor“intelligentandbenevolentdesign”[18]. Second,theendofthe19thcenturywasatimeoflarge-scalecivilengineering, including completion of the modern Suez Canal in 1869. It is perhaps not so surprising that Lowell looked for signs of big engineering on Mars. Third, this is an age of computers and information transfer. I think it’s not surprising that people are searching for extraterrestrial bar codes. I don’t mean to mock serious and important science: a source of bar codes would sig- nify self-aware life by any definition. Imagine the effect on our society of the Clouds OvertheVirtual Observatory 9 demonstration that there actually is extraterrestrial self-aware life, that might even have something to say to us. Fourth, this is an age of big science, that is supported by the wealth of na- tions. A logical consequence is that researchin science is influenced by big gov- ernment. The TPF is a recent example: this is pure curiosity-driven big science thatoriginatedwithingovernmentfundingagencies,ratherthanbeingforcedby intense pressure from a scientific community. I offer two lessons from these observations. First, the fascination with the idea of life on other worlds has a long history, back through the 19th century, and, I expect, it has a long future. But societies evolve, and it is natural to expect the focus of the search for extraterrestriallife will evolve too. Second, the means of support of the scientific enterprise are evolving; the TPF is leading the curve. The TPF certainly may yield wonderful results; we have the inspiring precedent of Slipher’s discovery of the cosmological redshift, at the observatory Lowell built with a goal paralleling that of the TPF. But there is the difference thatfunding agencieshaveto tend to many masters;they can’t have the compulsive attention span of curiosity-driven people like Lowell. TheVirtualObservatoryisnotleadingthiscurve:acommunityisfightingforit, in the style of what gave us the space telescope, and what happened in physics in the last half century. These are generally happy examples – apart from such glitches as sunset clauses – of what I suppose is an inevitable development: the directionsofresearchinastronomyareincreasinglyinfluencedbygovernmentas well as society, and astronomers must continue learning how to deal with it. 4 Concluding Remarks Our ability to explore the physical universe is limited by resources and intel- lectual energy: the scientific enterprisemust eventually reach completion by ex- haustion. But we can be sure this will not happen any time soon to astronomy and its Virtual Observatory, because the subject has a rich list of Rowland- type problems to address, and, as I have discussed, a key role to play in the exploration of clear and present Kelvin-level gaps in our understanding of the fundamentalbasis forphysicalscience.Therewasno guaranteein1900that the clouds over physics would clear, with a wonderful expansion of our knowledge. It would be foolish to try to guess what the present clouds might foreshadow, but we can list the general possibilities. Maybe the clouds will resist all efforts atresolution.Ifso,convincingpeopleofthiscertainlywillgeneratealotofwork for astronomers.Maybe the clouds will be clearedand atlast leaveastronomers to tidy up the pesky details.Ormaybe clearing the clouds will reveala new set, as has happened before. I have avoided until now commenting on a serious issue under debate in the astronomy community: is this an appropriate time to commit limited resources to an International Virtual Observatory? I respect the arguments against, but ampersuadedbypersonalexperiencethatthegrowthoftheVirtualObservatory is inevitable and would benefit from intelligent design. Two years ago the walls 10 P.J.E. Peebles of my office were covered by about 25 meters of journal rows, dating back to 1965.Ilovedtheconvenienceofreachingforacopyofthewantedarticle.ButI’ve discardedthejournals;Iloveevenmorethemuchgreaterconvenienceandpower of ADS, arXiv, and JSTOR. I notice many colleagues feel the same: we have become addicted to these Virtual Libraries. Present-day Virtual Observatories are a useful but limited counterpart. Their further development seems to me to be an inevitable part of what we see happening around us, and surely calls for the proactive community response I have observed at this meeting. Acknowledgements I have benefitted from advice from Larry Badash, Neta Bahcall, Jeremy Bern- stein, Masataka Fukugita, Rich Gott, Martin Harwit, Gerald Holton, Stacey McGaugh, Bharat Ratra, Paul Schechter, Max Tegmark, and Ed Turner. This work was supported in part by the USA National Science Foundation. References 1. Lord Kelvin: Phil. Mag. ii– sixth series, 1 (1901) 2. A.A.Michelson:LightWavesandTheirUses(UniversityofChicagoPress,Chicago 1903) 3. Lord Rayleigh: Phil Mag. xlix– fifth series, 98 (1900) 4. L. Badash: Isis 63, 48 (1972) 5. H.A.Rowland: Bulletin of the American Physical Society 1, 4 (1899) 6. S.Newcomb: Sidereal Messenger 7, 65 (1888) 7. M.Harwit:CosmicDiscovery:theSearch,Scope,andHeritageofAstronomy (Basic Books, New York1981) 8. P.J.E. Peebles, B. Ratra: astro-ph/0207347 9. P.J.E. Peebles: astro-ph/0208037 10. W.Nernst:VerhandlungenderDeutschenPhysikalischenGesellschaft18,83(1916) 11. W. Pauli: ‘Die allgemeinen Prinzipien der Wellenmechanik’. In: Handbuch der Physik, Quantentheorie XXIV/1ed. by H.Geiger and K.Scheel (Springer,Berlin 1933), p. 83 12. F. Wilczek: Physics Today 55, August, p.10 (2002) 13. R.Penrose: Phys. Rev.Lett. 14, 57 (1965) 14. J.Khoury,B.A.Ovrut,P.J.Steinhardt,N.Turok:Phys.Rev.D64,123522(2001) 15. F. Hoyle, N.C. Wickramasinghe: Astrophys. Space Sci. 268, pp. vii - vii and 1 - 17 (1999) 16. J.Farley:TheSpontaneousGenerationControversyfromDescartestoOparin(The Johns HopkinsUniversity Press, Baltimore 1974) 17. M.J.Crowe:TheExtraterrestrial LifeDebate, 1750-1900: theIdeaofaPluralityof Worlds from Kant to Lowell (Cambridge UniversityPress, Cambridge 1986) 18. Lord Kelvin: Presidential Addressto the British Association, Edinburgh (1871)

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