Toward an Anthropology of Graphing Semiotic and Activity-Theoretic Perspectives by Wolff-Michael Roth University a/Victoria, British Columbia, Canada SPRINGER SCIENCE+ BUSINESS MEDIA, LLC A C.I.P. Catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress. ISBN 978-1-4020-1376-8 ISBN 978-94-010-0223-3 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-94-010-0223-3 Printed on acid-free paper AII Rights Reserved © 2003 Springer Science+Business Media New York Originally published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 2003 Softcover reprint ofthe hardcover Ist edition 2003 No part of this work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recor ding or otherwise, without written permission from the Publisher, with the exception of any material supplied specifically for the purpose of being entered and executed on a computer system, for exclusive use by the purchaser of the work. Contents Preface ix 1 Toward an Anthropology of Graphing: An Introduction 1 1.1 Graphing is Pervasive 2 1.2 Nature of Practice 5 1.3 Reading Graphs as Semiotic Practice 8 1.4 Graphs as Sign Objects 12 1.5 Graphing as Rhetorical Practice 16 1.6 Graphs as Conscription Devices 18 1.7 Conclusion and Outlook 20 PART ONE: GRAPHING IN CAPTNITY 2 From 'Expertise' to Situated Reason: The Role of Experience, Familiarity, and Usefulness 25 2.1 How Competent are 'Expert' Scientists? 25 2.2 Data and Model of One 'Expert' Reading 31 2.3 What is Missing from the Standard Model? 38 2.4 Reading versus Interpreting 56 2.5 Critique of the Traditional Expert Model 60 2.6 Disciplinary Critique of the Population Graph 61 3 Unfolding Interpretations: Graph Interpretation as Abduction 69 3.1 Abduction 69 vi CONTENTS 3.2 Between Ecology and Representation 72 3.3 Proliferation of Inscriptions 84 3.4 Perceptual Structures and Interpretants 92 3.5 Reference, Sense and Meaning 98 4 Problematic Readings: Case Studies of Scientists Struggling with Graph Interpretation 103 4.1 Toward an Alternative to Mental Deficiency 103 4.2 A Graph that Does not Convey any Infonnation 105 4.3 Graph Demands Knowledge of Population Ecology 115 4.4 Graphs as Open Texts 127 4.5 Are Scientists Experts and Others Novices? 141 5 Articulating Background: Scientists Explain Graphs of their Own Making 147 5.1 From Interpreting to Reading Graphs 147 5.2 Transparent Graphs in Scientific Research 150 5.3 Graphing and Activity Systems 171 5.4 Doing Puzzles versus Articulating Work 175 PART TWO: GRAPHING IN THE WILD 6 Reading Graphs: Transparent Use of Graphs in Everyday Activity 187 6.1 From Captivity to the Wild 187 6.2 Practical Competence in Everyday Situations 189 6.3 Creek, Community, and History 194 6.4 Graphs and the Concrete Lived-in World 199 6.5 Division of Labor 207 6.6 Graphs as Sites of Struggle 212 6.7 Knowing Graphs in Context 217 7 From Writhing Lizards to Graphs: The Development of Embodied Graphing Competence 221 7.1 Graphs: Inside and from Outside 222 7.2 From Writhing and Biting Lizards to Docile Graphs 229 7.3 Fieldwork and Embodied Understanding 233 CONTENTS vii 7.4 Ecological Fieldwork is Coordination Work 237 7.5 Taming Nature: Measuring 248 7.6 Measurement: Adequatio Rei et Instrumenta 256 7.7 Calculating at Last 259 7.8 Mathernatization of Professional Vision 262 8 Fusion of Sign and Referent: From Interpreting to Reading of Graphs 267 8.1 Introduction 267 8.2 Experimenting and Visual Topology 269 8.3 Laboratory and People 271 8.4 One Data Run 275 8.5 Continuity of the Object 284 8.6 Transformations 293 8.7 Into the Community 301 8.8 Mutual Stabilization of Graph and 'Natural Object' 305 Appendix: The Tasks 311 A.l Plant Distributions 312 A.2 Population Dynamics 314 A.3 Isoclines 317 A.4 Scientists' Graphs 320 Notes 321 References 331 Index 337 Preface During the summer of 1990, while taking my holidays to teach a university course of physics for elementary teachers, I also tutored one of the tenth-grade students at my school in physics, chemistry, and mathematics. In return for working with him for free, I had requested permission to audiotape our sessions; I wanted to use the transcripts as data sources for a chapter that I had been in vited to write. It so happened that I discovered and read Jean Lave's Cognition in Practice that very summer, which inspired me to read other books on mathe matics in everyday situations. Two years later, while conducting a study with my teacher colleague G. Michael Bowen on eighth-grade students' learning during an open-inquiry ecology unit, I discovered these students' tremendous data analysis skills that appeared to be a function of the deep familiarity with the objects and events that they had studied and mathematized earlier in the unit. I reported my findings in two articles, 'Mathematization of experience in a grade 8 open-inquiry environment: An introduction to the representational practices of science' and 'Where is the context in contextual word problems?: Mathematical practices and products in Grade 8 students' answers to story problems'. I Begin ning with that study, I developed a research agenda that focused on mathemati cal knowing in science and science-related professions. During the early 1990s, I was also interested in the notion of authentic practice as a metaphor for planning school science curriculum. To achieve the goal of a more 'authentic' curriculum, I wanted to find out what scientists actu ally did at various moments of their work and how their actions and experiences related to their scientific and mathematical competencies. I was particularly in terested in the representations scientists used in their journals and that somehow were the outcomes of complex processes in their workplace. Because of the prevalence of graphs in science, I wanted to find out how scientists interpreted them so that I could develop a normative framework for the appropriation of graph-related competencies in my school-related work. This initially led me to a x PREFACE comparative investigation of graphs and other mathematical representations in scientific journals and high school biology textbooks and subsequently to a study of graph interpretations by scientists.2 During the initial graph interpretation sessions, I was quite stunned noting that scientists were not at all the experts that the science education and expert novice literatures portrayed them to be. I found scientists to make errors similar in structure and kind to those children had been reported to make. But, because of the experience and background that these scientists have had, I could not plausibly seek recourse to the same deficit explanations (variously labeled 'mis conceptions', 'mental deficits', or 'misunderstandings') that had been used with students. I therefore decided to study the phenomenon more exhaustively by seeking situations where I could follow scientists or technicians in their work to understand their work-related graphing expertise and how it related to the prob lems that scientists faced when asked to interpret introductory-level graphs in their own discipline. This book is the result of several years of studying the de velopment and use of graphs by scientists and of the interview study in which scientists responded to several graph interpretation tasks. A book like this does not flow from an author's mind but is the outcome of an agency-structure dialectic. Structure includes the social relations that an author maintains with colleagues, research assistants, research participants, and granting agencies. Without such relations, I could not possibly be the researcher and author that I am. I therefore want to thank all those who, in direct and indi rect ways, allowed me to write this book (my agency). First of all, I am grateful to the scientists who took time out of their busy schedules to comply with my interview request and to those who allowed me (or my graduate students in some cases) to spend time in their laboratory or field research sites to observe them in their activities and, sometimes, to participate as an apprentice in their research in ways that fit the need of the ongoing work. I am also grateful to those individuals who assisted me in collecting the data by interviewing scientists, videotaping the encounters, or transcribing the video and audiotapes. These individuals include G. Michael Bowen, who completed his doctoral dissertation under my supervision during the time that these studies were conducted, and my wife Sylvie Boutonne, who contributed as a research assistant, videotaping sessions, and transcribing the tapes. In the same breath, I acknowledge the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, which supported the work presented here through two regular grants and one major collaborative research initiative grant. Michelle K. McGinn was an early companion in my research on graphing. In our discussions, which also related to her own MA work on mathematics in the kitchen, I developed my understanding PREFACE XI of the situated nature of mathematics in science. Domenico Masciotra and Dan iel Lawless, too, were valuable discussion partners while I attempted to think about developmental aspects in the relationship between individuals and graphs. In many discussions with Kenneth Tobin, I have had opportunities for articulat ing and elaborating issues surrounding activity theory and its application to con crete settings. Tracy Noble, Julian Williams, Jim Kaput, Celia Hoyles, and Richard Noss have been gracious listeners and respondents to various aspects of this work. My ideas and understanding also developed as I attempted to articulate them in articles submitted to a variety of research journals. I attempted to com municate how scientists used graphs, how they responded to my graphing tasks, and how they arrived at and interpreted graphs that issued from their own en gagement in research. But I did not always arrive at making myself clear. The anonymous reviewers of various journals, representing my community of prac tice, have pushed me to articulate my ideas more clearly and therefore deserve special thanks. The resulting publications in Journal for Research in Mathe matics Education, Cognition and Instruction, Journal of Curriculum Studies, Social Studies of Science (Chapter 7), International Journal for Computers in Mathematical Learning, International Journal of Learning Technologies, and Science, Technology, and Human Values were important starting points for the ideas presented here. ONE Toward an Anthropology of Graphing An Introduction The consensual nature of mathematics is expressed and described mathemati cally; that is, it is available in the actions of doing intelligible mathematics. To say this does not imply that mathematicians' practices are given a complete and determinate representation by mathematical formulae but that no such repre sentation can be constructed and none is missing. I This is a book about graphs and graphing both 'in captivity', that is, when sci entists do graphing tasks posed by a social scientist, and 'in the wild', that is, when scientists use, construct, collect data for, and interpret graphs in their eve ryday work. I had come to do this research because early on in my work on sci entific representations I wanted to have some samples of expertise to be used as reference for the graphing practices that I observed among high school and uni versity students. It turned out, and I can say this much without anticipating the results reported in the first part of this book, that a number of practicing scien tists did not exhibit expertise on my tasks in the way that this is often defined in the literature on expertise. The scientists did not exhibit expertise although the tasks were taken from introductory university textbooks in their own field. On the other hand, when the scientists explained graphs that they had produced themselves, they talked a lot about the contextual details of the object they studied, methodology they used, typical problems they encountered, and so on. I had the hunch that expertise in graph interpretation was a function of the famili arity with the 'system' that the graph referred to and with the particular way of constructing graphs in that context. Following this hunch, I subsequently con ducted several ethnographic studies of graphing in the workplace; in this book, I report on graph use and graph interpretation by a water technician working on a farm where she monitored the water levels in the creek, by ecologists concerned with understanding the life history of reptiles, and vision biologists investigating the absorption of light in salmonid retina. My analyses show that scientists en- W.-M. Roth, Toward an Anthropology of Graphing © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2003