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Toward a thermo-hydrodynamic like description of Schrodinger equation via the Madelung formulation and Fisher information PDF

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Preview Toward a thermo-hydrodynamic like description of Schrodinger equation via the Madelung formulation and Fisher information

Noname manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) Toward a thermo-hydrodynamic like description of Schro¨dinger equation via the Madelung formulation and Fisher information Eyal Heifetz, Eliahu Cohen 5 1 0 2 June19,2015 n u J Abstract WerevisittheanalogysuggestedbyMadelungbetweenanon-relativistic 8 time-dependent quantum particle, to a fluid system which is pseudo-barotropic, 1 irrotational and inviscid. We first discuss the hydrodynamical properties of the Madelung descriptionin general,and extracta pressure liketerm from theBohm ] h potential. We show that the existence of a pressure gradient force in the fluid p description does not violate Ehrenfest’s theorem since its expectation value is - zero. We also point out that incompressibilityof the fluid implies conservation of t n density along a fluid parcel trajectory and in 1D this immediately results in the a non-spreading property of wave packets, as the sum of Bohm potential and an u exterior potentialmust be either constant or linear in space. q [ Nextwerelatetothehydrodynamicdescriptionathermodynamiccounterpart, takingtheclassicalbehaviorofanadiabaticbarotopricflowasareference.Weshow 3 v that while the Bohm potential is not a positive definite quantity, as is expected 4 frominternalenergy,itsexpectationvalueisproportionaltotheFisherinformation 4 whose integrand is positive definite. Moreover, this integrand is exactly equal to 9 halfofthesquareoftheimaginarypartofthemomentum,astheintegrandofthe 0 kineticenergyisequaltohalfofthesquareoftherealpartofthemomentum.This 0 suggests a relation between the Fisher information and the thermodynamic like . 1 internalenergy of the Madelung fluid. Furthermore,it provides a physicallinkage 0 between the inverse of the Fisher information and the measure of disorder in 5 quantumsystems-inspontaneousadiabaticgasexpansiontheamountofdisorder 1 increases while the internal energy decreases. : v i X r EyalHeifetz a DepartmentofGeosciences, Tel-AvivUniversity,Tel-Aviv,Israel E-mail:[email protected] EliahuCohen SchoolofPhysicsandAstronomy,Tel-AvivUniversity,Tel-Aviv,Israel E-mail:[email protected] 2 EyalHeifetz,EliahuCohen 1 Introduction AyearafterErwinSchro¨dingerpublishedhiscelebratedequation,ErwinMadelung showed (in 1927) that it can be written in a hydrodynamic form [1]. Madelung’s representationhasaseeminglymajordisadvantagebytransformingthesinglelin- ear Schro¨dinger equation into two nonlinear ones. Nonetheless, despite of its ad- ditional complexity, the hydrodynamic analogy provides important insights with regard to the Schro¨dinger equation [2,3,4,5,6]. The Madelung equations (ME) describe a compressible fluid, and compressibility yields a linkage between hy- drodynamic and thermodynamic effects. The work done by the pressure gradient forcetoexpandtheflowtransformsinternalthermalmicroscopickineticenergyto the macroscopic hydrodynamic kinetic energy of the flow. In this paper we wish to examine to what extent such a linkage can be made and what added value it provides in understanding quantum systems. MEcanbeobtainedwhentakingthenon-relativistictimedependentSchro¨dinger equation(TDSE)ofaparticlewithmassm,underthepresenceofanexternalpo- tentialU(r,t): ∂Ψ pˆ2 ¯h2 i¯h =HˆΨ = +U Ψ = 2+U Ψ. (1) ∂t 2m ! −2m∇ ! Assuming thatthe wavefunction Ψ is continuousand can be writtenin thepolar form Ψ(r,t)=√ρ(r,t)eiS(r,t)/h¯, (2) then together with the de Broglieguiding equation for the velocity u= S˜ (3) ∇ (where the tilde superscript represents hereafter a quantity per unit mass m, so that S˜= S), the real part of the TDSE becomes the continuityequation m D lnρ= u, (4) Dt −∇· and the imaginarypart becomes ∂S˜ = (K˜ +Q˜+U˜), (5) ∂t − where K˜ =u2/2 is the kinetic energy per unit mass and ¯h2 2√ρ Q˜ = ∇ (6) −2m2 √ρ istheBohm potentialper unitmass[7].Generally(u )u= K˜ +ω u,where ω = uisthevorticity,howeverforapotentialflow·∇inthef∇ormof(3×),theflow ∇× is irrotational,i.e., ω =0, and therefore when applying the nabla operator on (5) we obtain D u= Q˜(ρ) U˜, (7) Dt −∇ −∇ TitleSuppressedDuetoExcessiveLength 3 where D ∂ +u , is the material (Lagrangian) time derivative of a fluid Dt ≡ ∂t ·∇ element along its trajectory. Equations (4) and (7) map the TDSE to a pseudo- barotropic, inviscid flow where (7) is its inviscid Navier-Stokes (i.e., Euler) equa- tion. As indicated by [8], in order for this formalism to be equivalent to the Schro¨dinger equation, one should also add a quantizationcondition. Thepaperisorganizedasfollows.InSection2weexaminethehydrodynamical propertiesoftheMadelungequations.InSection3werelatethemtotheirthermo- dynamical properties, and show how the Fisher information provides an analogy to the internal thermal energy of the flow. Discussion of the results appears in Section 4. 2 Hydrodynamic properties of the Madelung equations 2.1 The continuity equation Itissomewhatsurprisingthatwecandescribethequantumstateofasingleparti- cle in terms of a fluid whose mass density ρ (r,t)=δM/δV is the probability fluid density ρ(r,t) of the wave function to find the particle m in location r at time t (δM is an infinitesimal“fluidmass” occupyingan infinitesimalvolumeδV, where M isnon-dimensionalsinceitrepresentsprobability).Thecontinuityequation(4) is usually represented in its Eulerian form ∂ρ = J, (8) ∂t −∇· where J = ρu is the flow mass flux. In its Lagrangian representation however, (4) simply reflects the statement that a “fluid parcel” conserves its mass δM as it moves with velocity u, i.e., D(δM) = 0. (4) is then obtained when noting Dt that u = D ln(δV) is the flow compressibility term. Hence, when the flow is ∇· Dt incompressible Dρ = 0, and that is to say that the density is conserved along Dt a “fluid parcel” trajectory. This is indeed the case when the wave function is representedbyasingleplanewavesincethenu=h¯k˜,wherekisthewavenumber vector.Nonetheless,interferencebetweentwoplanewavesormoreyields u=0 ∇· 6 ingeneral,andthustheprobabilitytofindaparticlealongatrajectoryconstructed from (3) varies along the trajectory itself. In 1D, incompressibility implies that u is not a function of space, and therefore ρ is non-spreading whether or not the flow is accelerating. 2.2 Relating the Bohm potential to a pseudo barotropic pressure Foraninviscidflow,inthepresenceofanexteriorpotentialU,theEulerequation (Newton’s second law essentially)reads: D 1 u= P U˜, (9) Dt −ρ∇ −∇ where the pressure P is a known thermodynamic property. Furthermore, if the flowisbarotropic,thatisthepressureP isafunctionofdensityonly,thepressure 4 EyalHeifetz,EliahuCohen gradient force (PGF) can be writtenas a perfect gradient 1 P(ρ)= Q˜(ρ), (10) − ρ∇ −∇ where Q˜ = dP is defined up to an unspecified time dependent gauge function. ρ Hence, taking then the curl of (9) we obtain R ∂ω = (u ω), (11) ∂t ∇× × therefore, if ω(t = 0) = 0, the vorticity remains zero at all times and thus the velocity field can be represented as a potential flow of the form of (3). In regions where ρ=0, the vorticitycan be non-zero in principle, as in superfluid singulari- ties, however we refrain here from discussing such cases. It is worth noting that Euler had derived equation (9) in 1757 more than a century before the thermodynamic kinetic theory of gases was established by Maxwell and Boltzamnn in 1871. Hence, the knowledge that the pressure results from the aggregated effect of microscopic random motions of molecules or atoms impactingeachother,wasnotnecessarytoEulertoformulateitasamacroscopic forceper unitarea thatis somehowassociatedwiththe intrinsicpropertiesof the fluid. In a sense, this is what we try to do next with respect to the Madelung equation(7).Here,thestartingpointistheknownfunctionoftheBohmpotential Q(ρ), hence we can solve (10) for P to obtain: P =Π(ρ)+f(t) (12) where ¯h 2 Π(ρ)= ρ 2lnρ, (13) − 2m ∇ (cid:18) (cid:19) and f(t) is a time dependent gaugefunction. Here we used the identity 2α ∇ = 2lnα+( lnα)2, (14) α ∇ ∇ to extract Π from Q˜ in (10). As Π depends on spatial derivatives of the density, it cannot be defined as a proper thermodynamic pressure, hence a possible ap- propriate name for it could be a pseudo pressure or a pressure like term 1. An example that makes sense of (13) is a normal probability density function, as it is straightforwardto see that Π ρ, which is true for an ideal isothermalperfect ∝ gas. In the absence of an external potential U, it is surprising that the quantum state of a free particle is mapped into a fluid that can be accelerated by a force, 1 Indeed, more complex interpretations have been suggested with regards to the quantum pressure [3,5], however the proposed pressure like term still seems to us the most straight- forward one as we are seeking for the simplest analogy. A second rank tensor of the Cauchy stresstensor,embeddingshearterms,aswellastheintroductionofturbulencetotheME,or therepresentationofitintermsofnonlineardiffusionareinterestinginterpretations,however theyinvolveanamountofcomplexitythatwetrytoavoidwhenconsideringthedynamicsof asinglequantum particle. TitleSuppressedDuetoExcessiveLength 5 even if this force is the PGF which is internal to the flow. However, defining the accelerationas a= Du, its expectation value can be found to be Dt ∗ a = Ψ aΨdV = ρadV = PdA (15) h i − Z Z Z (wheretheintegrationsaretakenoverthewholedomainV).Thus,ifρisbounded within the domain and vanishes at the domain boundary A, then the net expec- tation value of the accelerationis zero and Ehrenfest’s theorem is not violated. 2.3 Flow incompressibility and non-spreading wave packets As pointed out in Section (2.1), when the flow is incompressible ( u = 0), ∇· density is conserved along “fluid parcel” trajectories.It is worth noting that this statementis equivalent to the one that a wavepacket followingsuch trajectoryis non-spreading. Furthermore, since Du = ∂u +ω u+ (u2/2), and the flow is Dt ∂t × ∇ irrotational,(7) becomes ∂u = K˜ +Q˜+U˜ . (16) ∂t −∇ (cid:16) (cid:17) Specifically, for 1D flow, incompressibility(∂u =0) implies that u can be only a ∂x function of timeand (16) becomes ∂u ∂ = Q˜+U˜ =g(t), (17) ∂t −∂x (cid:16) (cid:17) posingtheconstraintonthepotentials:Q˜+U˜ =a(t)x+b(t).Amongthepotentials mentioned in the literaturewhich satisfy this non spreading condition are: i) the free Airy wave packet (√ρ Ai(x) & U = 0) [9]; ii) the gravitational“quantum ∝ bouncer” (√ρ Ai(x) & U x) [10]; iii) the ground state of the harmonic oscillator(√ρ ∝e−x2 & U x∝2) [10]. ∝ ∝ 3 Thermodynamic like properties of the Madelung equations In this section we examineto what extent one may associatethermodynamiclike properties with the Madelung description, in reference to the thermodynamic of classical barotorpicconservative(adiabatic)flows. 3.1 Energy conservation Consider a classical, adiabatic (entropy conserving, hence inviscid), barotopric flow. In the absence of heat exchange, the first law of thermodynamics reads, dI = PdV, whereI is thethermalinternalenergy,representingthemacroscopic − aggregated effect of the microscopic random thermal fluctuations. Hence, during an adiabatic process, compression of a fluid parcel by its surroundings performs workthatincreasesitsinternalenergy.If,however,theflowisincompressible,the 6 EyalHeifetz,EliahuCohen internal energy remains unchanged. When following materially a fluid parcel in motion,the adiabaticfirst law is transformed into D D ρ I˜= P ln(δV)= P u. (18) Dt − Dt − ∇· Multiplying (9) by ρu and combining it with (18), then for a time independent external potential U, we obtain D ρ K˜ +I˜+U˜ = (uP). (19) Dt −∇· (cid:16) (cid:17) Thus, the totalenergy of a fluid parcel per unit mass E˜ =(K˜ +I˜+U˜), (20) Cl isnotmateriallyconservedsimplybecausethefluidparcelisnotanisolatedsystem (thesubscriptCldenotesclassicalfluid).Thesurroundingpressurecanchangethe parcelinternalenergybycompressionandthepressuregradientcanacceleratethe parcel and hence change its kinetic energy. Nonetheless, the overall total energy of the fluid is conserved in the domain averaged sense. We can use (4) to obtain that for any scalar field α, ρDα = ∂ (ρα)+ (ρuα), and therefore if all fluxes Dt ∂t ∇· vanish on the domain boundaries we obtain ∂ ∂ E˜ = ρE˜ dV =0. (21) Cl Cl ∂t ∂t D E Z Ontheotherhand,directcalculationoftheenergyexpectationvaluefromthe Schro¨dingerequation(1),yieldstheconservationofthetotalenergy(assumingas well that all fluxes vanish on the domain boundaries): E˜ = 1 Ψ∗ ¯h2 2+U ΨdV = K˜ +Q˜+U˜ , (22) Qu m −2m∇ ! D E Z D E whereQ˜ istheBohmpotential(perunitmass)givenby(6),andthesubscriptQu refers to a quantum like fluid. Comparing (20) with (22) suggests therefore that Q˜ = I˜ . A similar argument, arising from a different perspective, has been rDeceEntlyDsuEggestedin[11].TheBohmpotentialbyitself,however,isnotapositive- definiteterm,asisexpectedfrominternalenergy.Nonethelessitsexpectationvalue yields, after integrationby parts, 1 ¯h 2 1 ¯h 2 Q˜ = (lnρ) = FI, (23) D E *2(cid:20)2m∇ (cid:21) + 2(cid:18)2m(cid:19) whereFI = 1( ρ)2dV = ρ[ (lnρ)]2dV is theFisherinformation,intheform ρ ∇ ∇ presented in [12,13]. For instance for normal distribution the Fisher information R R is inversely proportion to its variance, and according to the Cramer-Rao bound thegeneral varianceof any unbiased estimator(likethelocationof a particler at timet) is alwayslarger (or equal for normaldistribution)to 1/FI [13]. Therefore we can choose to define the positivedefinite internal energy per unit mass as 1 ¯h 2 I˜= (lnρ) . (24) 2 2m∇ (cid:20) (cid:21) TitleSuppressedDuetoExcessiveLength 7 Furthermore,thischoicesuggestsarelationbetweenthequantumthermalenergy and the imaginary part of the momentum field. Writing the momentum in the form of pˆΨ =[ i¯h lnΨ]Ψ pΨ, (25) − ∇ ≡ we can define the complex velocity field as v p˜ =v +iv (26) r i ≡ where ¯h v =u= S˜, v = (lnρ). (27) r i ∇ −2m∇ Thispartitionhasbeen suggested,by[14,15] indifferentcontexts.Imaginarymo- mentum is a somewhat strange concept, however here we simply note that in the same sense that under the de Broglie guiding equation (3), the macroscopic ki- netic energy of the flow is K˜ = 1v2, under (24) I˜= 1v2, suggesting that within 2 r 2 i thisanalogy,themicroscopicthermalmotionis representedbytheimaginarymo- mentum.Moreover,theexpectationvalueofrandomfluctuationsmustbezeroby definition, and indeed the expectation value of each component of v is propor- i tional to the Fisher score which is zero. As pointed out by [12,13] the inverse of the Fisher information can be used to measure the degree of disorder in the system and it tends to increase with time. In this sense, the Fisher information measures the “narrowness” of the po- sition distribution around the actual position of the particle [12]. The relation of the internal energy of the Madelung flow to the Fisher information provides a physicalinterpretationofthisstatement.Consideragasexpandingspontaneously in an adiabatic process. The degree of disorder increases and according to the first law of thermodynamics(18) the internal energy decreases. The fact that the Fisher information may provide better estimation to disorder than the negative entropy (negentropy), may result from the fact that during adiabatic expansion the thermodynamic entropy remains unchanged. Furthermore, in the absence of anexternalpotential, K˜ +I˜ isconservedandif I˜ decreasesduringexpansion the kinetic energy andDmomenEtumbecome more pDronEounced. This may suggest a different angleto the relationbetween the Fisher informationand the Heisenberg uncertaintyprinciples [16]. 3.2 The Bohm potential and pseudo enthalpy Equation (10) can be rewritten in the form 1 P P Q˜ = P = ρ+ , (28) ∇ ρ∇ ρ2 ∇ ∇ ρ (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) and forclassicalbarotropicadiabaticflowswecan substitutethecontinuityequa- tion (4) with the first law of thermodynamics (18) to obtain D P D d P (ρ) I˜= ρ I˜ (ρ)= Cl . (29) Dt ρ2Dt ⇒ dρ Cl ρ2 8 EyalHeifetz,EliahuCohen Hence for classical barotropicadaibaticflows, (29) implies that P Q˜ = I˜+ +B˜e(t)=E˜nt+B˜e(t) , (30) ρ (cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:21)Cl whereE˜nt= I˜+ P istheenthalpyperunitmassandB˜e(t)isatimedependent ρ gaugefunction(cid:16)thati(cid:17)s equaltotheBernoullipotential(aswillbe seen in thenext subsection).On the other hand, for the quantum flow, (6),(13) and (24) indicate that the Bohm potentialsatisfies Π Q˜ = I˜+ . (31) − ρ (cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:21)Qu Thismodifiedformofquantumenthalpydoesnotviolatetheequality Q˜ = I˜ , since it is straightforwardto show that ΠdV =2 I˜ . Hence, althoDughEΠ(Dρ)Eis not a positivedefinite quantity,its domaRin averagedDvaElue is alwayspositive. 3.3 The Bernoulli and Hamilton-Jacobi equations For completeness we discuss the relation between the Bernoulli and Hamilton- Jacobi equations in classical and quantum systems. If the flow is potential of the form of (3) we can obtain from (7) the time dependent Bernoulli equation ∂S˜ B˜e(t)=0, B˜e(t)= +(K˜ +Q˜+U˜), (32) ∇ ∂t so that together with (30) ∂S˜ = K˜ +E˜nt+U˜ = H˜ , (33) "∂t − − # (cid:16) (cid:17) Cl whereH˜ differsfromE˜ in(20)bythetermof P.Moreover,sincethethermo- Cl Cl ρ dynamic pressure is positive definite it is clear that H˜ = E˜ . With this 6 Cl alertinmind,(34)canberegardedasthefluidmechanhiDcsvEersioDnoEfitheHamilton- Jacobi equation.Since the velocitypotentialis only a functionof timeand space, S˜=S˜(r,t)(andnotofthemomentump),thematerialderivative DS˜ = ∂S˜+2K˜, Dt ∂t is the total time derivative in the phase space of (r,p). Substituting in (33) we obtain DS˜ =K˜ E˜nt+U˜ =L˜ S˜= L˜Dt, (34) Dt − ⇒ (cid:16) (cid:17) Z where L˜ and the velocity potential S˜ may serve respectively, as the Lagrangian and actionof thissystem (wherethematerialintegrationin timefollowsthefluid parcel). Requiring the action to be stationary by Hamilton’sprinciple, we obtain that(7)becomestheEuler-Lagrangesetofequations.Tothebestofourknowledge this relation between the Bernoulli and the Hamilton-Jacobi equations has not been acknowledged in the literature. In the quantum realm the starting point is equation (5), thus B˜e(t)=0 and H˜ = (K˜ I˜+ Π + U˜). But unlike the classical counterpart, here indeed Qu − ρ H˜ = E˜ . Qu hD E D Ei TitleSuppressedDuetoExcessiveLength 9 4 Discussion The Madelung equations suggests an alternative appealing description to the Schro¨dinger equation by associating the behavior of a non relativistic quantum particletothedynamicofafluid.Thisprovidesanadditionalimportantintuition, although that in principle the nonlinear fluid dynamic equations are much more complex than the single linear Schro¨dinger one. Any compressibleflow exchanges kinetic energy with thermal internal energy as both result from the motion of theparticlescomposingtheflow.TheMadelungflowiscompressible,howeverthe Madelungequationsdonotprovideanexplicitdescriptionoftheinvolvedthermo- dynamicalprocesses.Moreover,theMadelungflowisa(pseudo)barotropic,poten- tial (and hence irrotational),inviscid flow. The thermodynamicsof classicalflows which encompasses such properties, is simple, elegant and intuitive. Therefore, ourmotivationherewastoexaminetowhatextentwecanrelatetotheMadelung flow, thermodynamic like properties. Throughout the text we repeat using terms such as “like” and “pseudo”, in order to keep in mind that the Madelung fluid is apureanalogy.Aspointedoutinsection2.1the“fluiddensity”istheprobability density function to find a single quantum particlein location r at time t. InthefirstpartofthispaperwerevisitedtheMadelunghydrodynamicanalogy to the Schro¨dinger description in the presence of an exterior potential. The aim was to present this alternative, and somewhat surprising view, in a way that is appealingbothtoquantumphysicistsandclassicalfluiddynamicists.Furthermore, afewexampleshavebeenbrieflydiscussed(withrespectto1Dnonspreadingwave packets)inordertoexemplifyhowthehydrodynamicperspectivecanbeintuitive and helpful to understand the behavior of quantum systems. In the second part we suggested a complementary, thermodynamic descrip- tiontotheMadelungequations,wheretheclassicalthermodynamicsis takenasa reference.Wefindthatconservationofenergy,impliedfromtheSchro¨dingerequa- tion, suggests that the expectation value of the Bohm potential is proportional to the expectation value of the internal energy in classical fluids. However, the Bohmpotentialisnotaapositivedefinitefunctionofdensity,asisexpectedfrom the internal energy of barotropic fluids. Nevertheless, since the expectation value of the Bohm potential is proportional to the Fisher information, and the latter’s integrand is a positive definite function of density, we related it to an equivalent thermalinternalenergy.This providesa directphysicallink betweenthedecrease in Fisher information and the amount of disorder increase spontaneously with time. According to the Cramer-Rao bound the variance of the Fisher informa- tion is at least inversely proportional to the variance of the probability density function of the particle location, and as disorder increases with time the Fisher informationdecreases and the probabilityvariance increases. In the compressible adiabatic fluid analogy, spontaneous adiabatic expansion of fluids decreases their internal energy and increases the amount of disorder in the fluids. Since in adi- abatic processes the thermodynamic entropy remains constant by definition, this analogymay strengthen the claims that the (inverseof the) Fisher informationis a moresuitable measure of disorder in quantum systems than entropy. Moreover, the quantum momentum operator is generally a complex function, however the de Broglie guiding equation makes use only of its real component. Nonetheless, if the amplitude of the density is space dependent the momentum has an imaginarycounterpart. We find it elegant that as the macroscopic kinetic 10 EyalHeifetz,EliahuCohen energy of the quantum fluid is proportional to the square of the real part of the momentum, the internal energy is proportional to the square of the imaginary one. Furthermore, the expectation value of components of the imaginary part of the momentum is zero (proportional to the Fisher score), which is expected for random thermalfluctuations.This suggests that within the fluid analogythe real part of the momentum represents the domain averaged momentum of the fluid and the fluctuation from this mean is represented by the imaginarypart. The classical thermo-hydrodynamicsof a barotropicconservativefluid cannot be mapped however, as is, to the Madelung fluid. This results from the different starting points of the two systems. In the classical form the pressure is a well defined thermodynamic property that is a function of density itself (and not of spatial gradients of density). Then the momentum dynamics is described by the Euler equation where the pressure gradient force can be introduced as a perfect gradientofafunctionthatisdensitydependentbutcanbedefineduptosomead- ditionaltime dependent gauge function. Furthermore,an internal thermal energy existsandobeysthefirstlawofthermodynamicsandthisimpliesthatthedensity dependent function of the perfect gradientis the enthalpy of the system. Domain energy conservation is obtained when transforming the momentum equation into mechanical energy one and augmenting it with the first law of thermodynam- ics and the continuity equation. One can also obtain the Bernoulli (which is the Hamilton-Jacobi)equationfromtheEulerequationup totheundefined Bernoulli potentialtime dependent function. In thequantumcase,therealpartoftheSchro¨dingerequationismapped into the classical continuity equation, however its imaginary part is mapped into a Bernoulli like equation with zero gauge function and a well defined density de- pendent Bohm potentialwhich is nottheEnthalpyof thesystem.Then theEuler equationforbarotorpicflowisobtainedwhenthenablaoperatorisappliedonthe Bernoulli like equation. Hence, although the Euler equation in the two systems looks the same, it is obtained in two fundamental different ways. We can then extract a pressure like form from the Bohm potential but this pseudo barotropic pressurehasa functionthatdepends onthedensitygradientratherthen theden- sityitself,andmoreovercanbedefinedonlyuptoatimedependentgaugefunction. Furthermore,nointernalenergyisdefined a-priorifromthermodynamicconsider- ations, and the first law of thermodynamics is not a postulate of the system. On the other hand, the domain averaged conservation of the total energy is obtained directlyfrom the Hamiltonianof theSchro¨dingerequation.Althoughit looks like the Bohm potential plays the role of the internal energy in the Hamiltonian it is not a positive definite quantity, as opposed to the Fisher integrand that provides the same expectation value as the Bohm potential. Overall, the suggested thermodynamic description of the Madelung flow is formed here using a top-down approach in the sense that we do not build the macroscopic thermodynamic parameters bottom-up from a comprehensive statis- ticalmicroscopictheory.ThisissomewhatsimilartotheapproachtakenbyEuler when deriving the simplified momentum equation of fluid flows before the ther- modynamic kinetic theory of gases has been developed. In future works it could be interesting to relate this suggested formalism to Zitterbewegunginasimilarmannerto[14]andalsotothezeropointfieldinQED [17].

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