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Portland State University PDXScholar Dissertations and Theses Dissertations and Theses 1-1-1975 Toward a theory of child abuse: a review of the literature Marc F. Maden Portland State University Let us know how access to this document benefits you. Follow this and additional works at:http://pdxscholar.library.pdx.edu/open_access_etds Recommended Citation Maden, Marc F., "Toward a theory of child abuse: a review of the literature" (1975).Dissertations and Theses.Paper 748. 10.15760/etd.748 This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access. It has been accepted for inclusion in Dissertations and Theses by an authorized administrator of PDXScholar. For more information, please [email protected]. TOWARD A THEORY OF CHILD AB USE: A REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE by MARC F. MADEN A thesis subm.itted in partial fulfillm.ent of the requirem.ents for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in PSYCHOLOGY Portland State University 1975 © Marc F. Maden 1975 "~ TO THE OFFICE OF GRADUATE STUDIES AND RESEARCH: The members of the Committee approve the thesis of Marc F. Maden presented May 20, 1975 .David F. W'reI;ch, Chairman Ronald E. Smith, Head, Department of Psychology Davld T. Clark, Dean of Graduate Studies and Research May 23, 1975 AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Marc F. Maden for the Master of Science in Psychology presented May 20, 1975. Title: Toward a Theory of Child Abuse: A Review of the Literature APPROVED BY MEMBERS OF THE THESIS COMMITTEE David F. Wrench, Chairman Currently, there exists no conclusive etiology of child abuse although there are two major and contrasting theories which attempt to impart a systematic interpretation to the data. The purpose of this study was to determine what are the significant factors in child abuse and to what extent the respective theories render a coherent and com- prehensive explanation of these factors. This study aggregated the data on the demographic, social, economic, and psychological features of the child abuse victim and 2 perpetrator. Each study was analyzed according to a methodology of review which considered the problems involved in eliciting meaningful data from a group of studies grounded on different assumptions and conducted according to disparate research designs. The studies were compared and contrasted to determine what factors were significantly related to child abuse. Thereafter, both major theories of child abuse were tested against the findings of the literature review to determine to what extent the ,respe'dive theories successfully predicted and related significant factors in child abuse. The review of the literature clearly established a demographic profile of the child abuse victim and his family. The abused child is usually very young, typically below the age of three. Neither race nor gender are specifically related to the age of the victim. Abusing families tend to have more than the average number of children, but usually select only one child - frequently, the eldest or the youngest - as the target for abuse. The child is likely to have been born prematurely and to have had more than the usual number of serious physical illnesses or disabilities throughout his life. In addition, a significant number of a bused children display intellectual, social, and psychological dysfunc tion which may have resulted from injuries sustained from previous abuse. Most injuries stemming from child abuse fall into the general category of supe:r.£icial bruises anti welts although compared with acci dental childhood injuries, there is a higher frequency of fractures and 3 head injuries. The pattern that emerges from the somewhat limited data is that abused children are unusually impaired in intellectual, social, and psychological functioning. Nearly all child abuse is committed by parental figures most of whom are the natural mothers and fathers of abused children. Most abusing parents are around twenty-five years old reflecting the fact that the majority of abuse victims are infants and younger children. Mothers are the most frequent child abusers. Although only one parent actually attacks the abuse victim, generally speaking, the other parent is overtly, or a~ least covertly involved in abusing the child. Abusing parents are characterized by a history of anti-social behavior and psychological problems. A general atmosphere of instability and dis ruption surrounds the child abusing family indicated by frequent discord among maorried parents, as well as separations and divorces. On all measures of socioeconomic status, child abusing families have low achievement and face the stresses of poverty and its associated condi tions. However, neither race nor socioeconomic status distinguish the abusing family when compared with the social, rac:ial, and economic groups to which they belong. Abusing families are distinguished by their transience and inability to maintain social contact with the com munity or affiliation with social organizations. Neither a sociocultural or a psychodynamic theory of child abuse effectively relates and explains all the significant findings of the 4 literature review. While the former predicts the several environmental factors significantly related to child abuse and the latter explains the significant findings associated with the perpetrator, neither theory provides an explanation of the role of the child abuse victim. This review suggests that an alternative theoretical framework which incor porates environmental factors and relates significant factors about the child abuse victim and perpetrator will produce the most comprehensive explanation of child abuse. In memory of my mother ~. '.": ACKNOWLEDGMENTS It is a great pleasure to recall and thank the individuals who made contributions to this the sis from its inception to its completion. My deepest appreciation goes to Dr. David Wrench who originally introduced me to the study of child abuse and who, with characteristic energy, perseverance, and care, guided me expertly to completion. During the drafting and re-drafting of the manuscript, each member of my thesis committee offered constructive criticism, good counsel; and strong encouragement. I give m.uch thanks to Dr. Barry Anderson, Dr. Robert Jones, and Dr. Stan Cohen for their help and support. This thesis developed out of a project sponsored by the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education and the University of Oregon Health Sciences Center, Child Psychiatry Program under the direction of Dr. Harold Boverman. I gratefully acknowledge his assistance and the cooperation of the entire staff of the Rosenfeld Center for the Study and Treatment of Child Abuse. I extend thanks to Katie Juhl, Kristen Kotka, and Steve Farris for their assistance in revising the original manuscript and pay special thanks to Susan Teeter for her superb and expeditious rendering of the final draft. Final thanks goes to Patricia Leighton. Finally, I express my warm appreciation to Mel Goldstein and Morris Tiktin for their best wishes. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. iii: LIST OF TABLES •• viii: .,. CHAPTER 1. THEORIES OF CHILD AB USE • • 1 The Sociocultural Theory. • • 2 The Psychodynamic Theory. 10 Chapter Summary • 18 II. THE METHODOLOGY OF REVIEWING THE CHILD ABUSE LITERATURE 24 Definition. 24 Child . 30 Physical Abuse 31 Sexual Abuse 31 Infanticide . 33 Neglect. 35 Intentionality . 38 Study De sign and Sampling 40 Sources . 40 Sampling 45 Design 48 Chapter Summary. 50 III. THE CHILD AB USE VICTIM 52

1. THEORIES OF CHILD AB USE • •. 1. The Sociocultural Theory. • •. 2 . fessional media. activities which contribute to a culture of violence within groups, . agency that relates these intrapsychic forces with the environment. (ego). dehydration are due to deficiencies in mothering that sub
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