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Tourist arrivals and nights, by types of tourist accommodation establishments, 2010 PDF

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Objavljuje i tiska Državni zavod za statistiku Republike Hrvatske, Zagreb, Ilica 3, p. p. 80. Published and printed by the Croatian Bureau of Statistics, Zagreb, Ilica 3, P. O. B. 80 Telefon/ Phone: +385 (0) 1 4806-111 Telefaks/ Fax: +385 (0) 1 4817-666 Elektronička pošta/ E-mail: [email protected] Internetske stranice/ Web site: http://www.dzs.hr Odgovara ravnatelj Marko Krištof. Person responsible: Marko Krištof, Director General Priredile: Jasna Perko, Danka Ražnjević Prepared by: Redaktori: Ivana Brozović, Darko Jukić Sub-editor: Urednica: Ljiljana Ostroški Editor-in-Chief: Lektorica za hrvatski jezik: Anđa Matić Language Editors for the Croatian Language: Prevoditeljica i lektorica za engleski jezik: Gordana Štampar Translator and Language Editor for the English Language: Tehnička urednica: Ankica Bajzek Technical Editor: Statistička izvješća ISSN 1332 – 0297 Statistical Reports Ovaj dokument proizveden je uz financijsku pomoć Europske This document has been produced with the financial assistance of unije. Za sadržaj dokumenta odgovoran je isključivo Državni the European Union. The contents of this document are the sole zavod za statistiku te se ni pod kojim uvjetima ne smije smatrati responsibility of the Croatian Bureau of Statistics and can under no da izražava stav Europske unije. circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union. MOLIMO KORISNIKE DA PRI KORIŠTENJU PODATAKA NAVEDU IZVOR. USERS ARE KINDLY REQUESTED TO STATE THE SOURCE Tiskano u 30 primjeraka. Printed in 30 copies Služba za komunikaciju s korisnicima User Communication Service  Informacije i korisnički zahtjevi  Pretplata publikacija  Novinarski upiti Information and user requests Subscription Press corner Telefon/ Phone: Telefon/ Phone: Telefon/ Phone: +385 (0) 1 4806-138, 4806-154, 4811-212 +385 (0) 1 4814-791 +385 (0) 1 4806-121, 4806-196 Elektronička pošta/ E-mail: Elektronička pošta/ E-mail: Elektronička pošta/ E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Telefaks/ Fax: Telefaks/ Fax: Telefaks/ Fax: +385 (0) 1 4806-148, 4806-199 +385 (0) 1 4806-148, 4806-199 +385 (0) 1 4806-148, 4806-199 SADRŽAJ CONTENTS UVOD INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 KRATICE I ZNAKOVI ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS ........................................................................................................................................................ 6 METODOLOŠKA OBJAŠNJENJA NOTES ON METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................................................................ 7 1. RETROSPEKTIVNI PREGLED RETROSPECTIVE REVIEW ......................................................................................................................................................... 12 1.1. Broj soba i postelja prema vrstama turističkog smještaja od 1977. do 2014. Number of rooms and beds, by type of tourist accommodation, 1977 − 2014 ...................................................................... 12 1.2. Dolasci i noćenja turista od 1977. do 2014. Tourist arrivals and nights, 1977 − 2014 .............................................................................................................................. 13 1.3. Dolasci i noćenja turista prema vrstama turističkih mjesta od 2010. do 2014. Tourist arrivals and nights, by types of tourist resorts, 2010 − 2014 ..................................................................................... 14 1.4. Dolasci i noćenja turista prema zemlji prebivališta od 2010. do 2014. Tourist arrivals and nights, by country of origin, 2010 − 2014 .............................................................................................. 15 1.5. Prosječan broj noćenja po dolasku od 2010. do 2014. Average number of tourist nights, by arrival, 2010 − 2014 ................................................................................................... 16 1.6. Dolasci i noćenja turista prema vrstama turističkih smještajnih objekata od 2010. do 2014. Tourist arrivals and nights, by types of tourist accommodation establishments, 2010 − 2014 .............................................. 17 1.7. Način dolazaka turista prema vrstama turističkih smještajnih objekata od 2010. do 2014. Mode of tourist arrivals, by types of tourist accommodation establishments, 2010 − 2014 .................................................... 20 1.8. Dolasci i noćenja turista u termalnim kupalištima u 2013. i 2014. Tourist arrivals and nights in thermal baths, 2013 and 2014 ................................................................................................ 26 G-1. Dolasci i noćenja stranih turista prema zemlji prebivališta u termalnim kupalištima u 2014. Foreign tourist arrivals and nights in thermal baths, by country of origin, 2014 .................................................................... 26 G-2. Udio dolazaka i noćenja turista u termalnim kupalištima u ukupnom broju dolazaka turista i noćenja u Republici Hrvatskoj u 2014. Share of tourist arrivals and nights in thermal baths in total number of tourist arrivals and nights in Republic of Croatia, 2014 ................................................................................................................................................ 26 1.9. Smještajni kapaciteti prema NKD-u 2007., odjeljak 55, te vrstama i kategorijama turističkih smještajnih objekata u 2013. i 2014. Accommodation capacities according to division 55 of NKD 2007. and by types and categories of tourist accommodation establishments, 2013 and 2014 ................................................................................................................. 27 2. TURIZAM U 2014. TOURISM IN 2014 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 30 2.1. Dolasci i noćenja stranih turista prema zemlji prebivališta i vrstama turističkih mjesta u kojima su boravili u 2014. Foreign tourist arrivals and nights, by country of origin and types of tourist resorts they stayed in, 2014 ............................. 30 2.2. Dolasci stranih turista prema zemlji prebivališta i prema NKD-u 2007., odjeljak 55, u 2014. Foreign tourist arrivals, by country of origin and according to division 55 of NKD 2007., 2014 ............................................. 32 2.3. Noćenja stranih turista prema zemlji prebivališta i prema NKD-u 2007., odjeljak 55, u 2014. Foreign tourist nights, by country of origin and according to division 55 of NKD 2007., 2014 ............................................... 34 STATISTIČKA IZVJEŠĆA 1539/2015. STATISTICAL REPORTS 3 2.4. Dolasci i noćenja turista prema NKD-u 2007., odjeljak 55, vrstama turističkih smještajnih objekata i vrstama turističkih mjesta u 2014. Tourist arrivals and nights, according to division 55 of NKD 2007., by types of tourist accommodation establishments and tourist resorts, 2014 ...................................................................................................................................................... 36 G-3. Struktura noćenja stranih turista prema NKD-u 2007., odjeljak 55, u 2014. Structure of foreign tourist nights, according to division 55 of NKD 2007., 2014 .................................................................. 40 G-4. Struktura stranih turista s najvećim udjelom noćenja u 2014. Structure of foreign tourists with major share of nights, 2014 ............................................................................................... 40 2.5. Stalne postelje, noćenja turista i bruto iskorištenost stalnih postelja prema NKD-u 2007., odjeljak 55, po mjesecima u 2014. Permanent beds, tourist nights and gross occupancy rate of permanent beds, according to division 55 of NKD 2007., by months, 2014 ........................................................................................................................................... 41 2.6. Neto popunjenost soba i stalnih postelja prema NKD-u 2007., u skupini 55.1 Hoteli i sličan smještaj, po mjesecima u 2014. Net occupancy rate of rooms and permanent beds according to NKD 2007., group 55.1. Hotels and similar accommodation, by months, 2014 ....................................................................................................................................... 42 2.7. Dolasci i noćenja turista prema NKD-u 2007., odjeljak 55, te vrstama i kategorijama turističkih smještajnih objekata u 2014. Tourist arrivals and nights, according to division 55 of NKD 2007. and by types and categories of tourist accommodation establishments, 2014 ................................................................................................................................. 42 2.8. Način dolazaka turista prema NKD-u 2007., odjeljak 55, i vrstama turističkih smještajnih objekata u 2014. Mode of tourist arrivals, according to division 55 of NKD 2007. and by types of tourist accommodation establishments, 2014 .......................................................................................................................................................... 44 2.9. Smještajni kapaciteti prema NKD-u 2007., odjeljak 55, po mjesecima i prema vrstama turističkih smještajnih objekata u kojima su ostvarena noćenja u 2014. Accommodation capacities, according to division 55 of NKD 2007., by months and types of tourist accommodation establishments in which tourist nights were realised, 2014 .................................................................................................. 46 2.10. Postelje, dolasci i noćenja turista prema NKPJS-u 2012., gradovima i općinama u 2014. Beds, tourist arrivals and nights at NUTS 2 level, towns and municipalities, 2014 ............................................................... 50 OBJAVLJENE PUBLIKACIJE IZ PODRUČJA STATISTIKE TURIZMA ISSUED PUBLICATIONS ON TOURISM STATISTICS ......................................................................................................................... 57 4 STATISTIČKA IZVJEŠĆA 1539/2015. STATISTICAL REPORTS UVOD INTRODUCTION Statistička izvješća Državnog zavoda za statistiku publikacije The Statistical Reports of the Croatian Bureau of Statistics are su s detaljnim podacima iz različitih područja statističkih publications containing detailed data related to various istraživanja, a sadržavaju cjelovit pregled podataka jednoga statistical subject areas, each of them including the thorough statističkog istraživanja ili više njih. review of data obtained through one or more statistical surveys. Serija publikacija Statistička izvješća nastavak je serije The series entitled the Statistical Reports is a continuation of Dokumentacije, koja se do 1965. objavljivala povremeno, i to the series under the heading Documentations, which was kao Bilteni, Publikacije i Saopćenja. Od 1965. objavljuje se published periodically as Bulletins, Publications and Releases redovito, a od 1997. nosi sadašnje ime. until 1965. Since 1965, it has been published regularly and, since 1997, it has been published under the present heading. Statistička izvješća Turizam kontinuirano se objavljuje od The Statistical Reports Tourism has been issued since 1964. 1964. U ovom broju prikazani su podaci o ukupnom prometu This Report presents data on the total turnover of domestic domaćih i stranih turista i smještajnim kapacitetima u and foreign tourists as well as on accommodation capacities Republici Hrvatskoj u 2014. in the Republic of Croatia in 2014. Rezultati istraživanja iz područja statistike turizma objavljuju Survey results in the field of tourism statistics are also se i u drugim publikacijama: Statističkom ljetopisu, published in other publications: the Statistical Yearbook, the Mjesečnome statističkom izvješću, Statističkim informacijama i Monthly Statistical Report, the Statistical Information and the Priopćenju. First Release. Statistička izvješća sadržavaju uvod, metodološka objašnjenja The Statistical Reports are composed of the introduction, i tablični pregled. notes on methodology and tables. Na kraju Statističkih izvješća objavljuje se popis objavljenih At the end, there is a list of issued publications and publikacija iz obrađenog područja. methodologies concerning a particular field. STATISTIČKA IZVJEŠĆA 1539/2015. STATISTICAL REPORTS 5 KRATICE ABBREVIATIONS NKPJS Nacionalna klasifikacija prostornih jedinica mln million za statistiku NN Narodne novine, official gazette of the NN Narodne novine Republic of Croatia SAD Sjedinjene Američke Države NUTS common classification of territorial units for statistics tis. tisuća USA United States of America UN Ujedinjeni narodi VAT value added tax z podatak zbog povjerljivosti nije objavljen UN United Nations ‘000 thousand z data are not published for confidentiality reasons SYMBOLS ZNAKOVI - no occurrence - nema pojave … data not available ... ne raspolaže se podatkom 0 value not zero but less than 0.5 of the unit 0 podatak je manji od 0,5 upotrijebljene of measure used mjerne jedinice * corrected data * ispravljeni podatak 6 STATISTIČKA IZVJEŠĆA 1539/2015. STATISTICAL REPORTS METODOLOŠKA OBJAŠNJENJA NOTES ON METHODOLOGY Izvori i metode prikupljanja podataka Sources and methods of data collection Izvor podataka o turizmu jest redovito istraživanje Mjesečni The data source for the tourism statistics is the regular survey izvještaj o dolascima i noćenjima turista (TU-11). entitled the Monthly Report on Tourist Arrivals and Nights (TU-11 form). U prvom dijelu, u retrospektivnom pregledu, daju se podaci od The first part, the Retrospective Review, contains data referring 1977. do 2014. odnosno od 2010. do 2014., a u drugom dijelu to the periods from 1977 to 2014 and from 2010 to 2014 daju se podaci za 2014. respectively, while the second one contains data for 2014. Podaci o turističkom prometu (dolazak i noćenja turista) dani su Data on the tourist turnover (tourists and tourist nights) are given na temelju Mjesečnog izvještaja o dolascima i noćenjima turista on the basis of the Monthly Report on Tourist Arrivals and Nights (obrazac TU-11) koji dostavljaju: (TU-11 form) submitted by the following entities:  svi poslovni subjekti (poduzeća/trgovačka društva, obrtnici,  all business entities (enterprises/trade companies, zadruge, ustanove, udruge itd.) i njihovi dijelovi koji obavljaju tradesmen, co-operatives, institutions etc.) and parts thereof djelatnost pružanja usluga smještaja turistima engaged in the activity of rendering accommodation services to tourists  zdravstvene ustanove (registrirane u razredu 86.10  health institutions (registered in the NKD 2007. class 86.10 Djelatnost bolnica prema Nacionalnoj klasifikaciji djelatnosti, Hospital activities) referring to all establishments rendering verzija 2007.) za sve objekte u kojima osobe borave radi services of medical rehabilitation (paid by users) as well as medicinske rehabilitacije (osobe same snose naknadu za taj other institutions engaged in health and re-creative tourism. boravak) te druge ustanove koje se bave zdravstveno- -rekreativnim turizmom  poslovni subjekti i njihovi dijelovi koji se bave posredovanjem  business entities and parts thereof engaged in mediation in u pružanju usluga smještaja (putničke agencije do 2012.) rendering accommodation services (until 2012, travel agencies)  poslovni subjekti koji se bave posredovanjem u smještaju  business entities engaged in mediation in rendering gostiju u seoskim kućanstvima accommodation services in rural households  turističke zajednice i druga ovlaštena tijela za privatne sobe,  tourist boards and other bodies competent for private rooms, apartmane ili kuće koje neposredno iznajmljuju suites and houses directly rented by citizens/households građani/kućanstva  poslovni subjekti i njihovi dijelovi za svoja odmarališta  business entities and parts thereof for their holiday establishments  poslovni subjekti koji su osnovali ili vode brigu i nadzor nad  business entities that founded, or take care of, mountain planinarskim domovima lodges  vojne ustanove za svoje ugostiteljske objekte za smještaj  military institutions for their hotel and restaurant gostiju establishments used for accommodation of tourists  poslovni subjekti koji se za vrijeme školskih praznika koriste  business entities that, during school holidays, use schools, školama, domovima i sličnim objektima kao privremenim boarding homes and similar establishments as temporary smještajnim kapacitetima accommodation capacities  poslovni subjekti spavaći i kušet-vagoni  business entities; sleeping cars and couchettes  poslovni subjekti riječnoga i pomorskog prometa (samo za  business entities in river and sea water traffic (only scheduled redovite linije) lines are included)  luke nautičkog turizma (do 2010.).  nautical ports (until 2010). Od 1992. kategoriju domaćih turista čine samo turisti iz Since 1992, only tourists from the Republic of Croatia have been Republike Hrvatske. U svim tablicama u ovoj publikaciji, za sve included in the category of domestic tourists. In all tables godine unatrag, domaći turisti jesu turisti iz Republike Hrvatske. presented in this publication, for all years, domestic tourists are those from the Republic of Croatia. Zdravstveni turizam jedan je od najstarijih specifičnih oblika Health tourism is one of the oldest specific types of tourism turizma u sklopu kojega se stručno i kontrolirano primjenjuju based on the expert and controlled use of natural healing factors prirodni ljekoviti činitelji i postupci fizikalne terapije radi očuvanja and physical therapy procedures aiming at maintaining and i unapređenja zdravlja te poboljšanja vrsnoće života. Osnovu improving the health and the quality of life. The health tourism is zdravstvenog turizma čini korištenje prirodnih ljekovitih činitelja based on the use of natural healing factors: seaside, thermal koji mogu biti morski, toplički i klimatski. and climatic. U tablici 1.8. iskazani su podaci za sve smještajne objekte koji The data on all accommodation establishments engaged in se bave zdravstvenim turizmom (lječilišta, toplice, talasoterapije) health tourism (spas, thermal baths, thalassoteraphy) are jer svi smještajni objekti koji se bave zdravstvenim turizmom presented in table 1.8., since not all accommodation nisu razvrstani u vrstu lječilišta (kupališno ili klimatsko lječilište), establishments (of the same kind) are categorised as spas nego u vrstu hoteli i slični smještajni objekti. (bathing or climatic health resorts) but also as hotels and similar accommodation establishments. STATISTIČKA IZVJEŠĆA 1539/2015. STATISTICAL REPORTS 7 Nacionalna klasifikacija prostornih jedinica za statistiku statistički The National Classification of Spatial Units for Statistics 2012 je standard koji služi za prikupljanje, upisivanje, obradu, analizu i (NKPJS) is a statistical standard applied for collection, diseminaciju podataka regionalne statistike prema razinama registering, processing, analysis and dissemination of statistical prostorne podjele Republike Hrvatske. data at the level of spatial units by levels of territorial constitution of the Republic of Croatia. NKPJS je hijerarhijska klasifikacija kojom se uspostavljaju The NUTS is a hierarchic classification establishing spatial units prostorne jedinice za statistiku 1., 2. i 3. razine prema kojima se for statistics of 1st, 2nd and 3rd level according to which the whole teritorij Republike Hrvatske dijeli za svrhe regionalne statistike. territory of the Republic of Croatia is divided for the purposes of statistics at the level of spatial units. Prostorna jedinica za statistiku 1. razine jest Republika Hrvatska The spatial unit for statistics of 1st level is the Republic of Croatia kao administrativna jedinica. as an administrative unit. Prostorne jedinice za statistiku 2. razine sastoje se od dviju The spatial units for statistics of 2nd level consist of two non- neadministrativnih jedinica nastalih grupiranjem županija kao -administrative units created by grouping the counties as administrativnih jedinica niže razine. Prostorne jedinice za administrative units at the lower level. The spatial units for statistiku 3. razine sastoje se od 21 administrativne jedinice (20 statistics of 3rd level consist of 21 administrative units (20 županija i Grad Zagreb; NN, br. 35/07.). counties and the City of Zagreb, NN, No. 35/07). Osnovni podaci po županijama (3. razina prema NKPJS-u) The basic data by counties (NUTS 3 level) are published in table objavljeni su u tablici 2.11., a u tablici 2.12. objavljeni su podaci 2.11., while table 2.12. contains the data by counties (NUTS 3 po županijama (3. razina prema NKPJS-u) i prostornim level) and by spatial units for statistics (NUTS 2 level). jedinicama za statistiku 2. razine (2. razina prema NKPJS-u). Podaci po županijama, gradovima i općinama prikazani su po Data by counties are presented according to the territorial teritorijalnom ustroju prema Zakonu o područjima županija, constitution according to the Act on Territories of Counties, gradova i općina u Republici Hrvatskoj (NN, br. 86/06., 125/06., Towns and Municipalities in the Republic of Croatia (NN, Nos 16/07. i 145/10.). 86/06, 125/06, 16/07 and 145/10). Metodologija statistike turizma temelji se na Uredbi br. 692/2011 The methodology of tourism is based on Regulation No Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća o europskoj statistici turizma te 692/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council osnovnim preporukama Svjetske turističke organizacije concerning European statistics on tourism and the basic (UNWTO). recommendations of World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO). Obuhvat Coverage Mjesečnim izvještajem o dolascima i noćenjima turista (obrazac The Monthly Report on Tourist Arrivals and Nights (TU-11 form) TU-11) obuhvaćeni su svi ugostiteljski i drugi poslovni subjekti te covers all hotel and restaurant establishments and other dijelovi poslovnih subjekata koji gostima pružaju usluge business entities and parts thereof that provide accommodation smještaja ili se bave posredovanjem u pružanju tih usluga and agency services. Although the reports cover all entities (putničke agencije do 2012.). Iako su izvještavanjem obuhvaćeni rendering accommodation services, a number of tourist nights is svi subjekti koji daju turističke usluge smještaja, jedan broj still left out as an unregistered turnover, especially in relation to turističkih noćenja ostaje neobuhvaćen kao neregistrirani the private accommodation (in rooms to let, studio-type suites, promet, osobito u privatnom smještaju (u sobama za apartments and summer houses in households). iznajmljivanje, studio-apartmanima, apartmanima i kućama za odmor u kućanstvima). Od 1991. u tablicama je obuhvaćen promet ostvaren u svim Since 1991, tables have covered the turnover realised in all komercijalnim objektima uključujući luke nautičkog turizma commercial establishments, including nautical ports (sidrišta, privezišta, suhe marine i marine). Od 2010. luke (anchorages, moorings, land and water marinas). Since 2010, nautičkog turizma nisu više ni izvještajne jedinice ni vrsta nautical ports have no longer been considered reporting units or smještajnog objekta. Razlog tomu je provedba novog Zakona o types of accommodation establishments. This happened boravišnoj pristojbi, koji propisuje način prijave boravka turista because of the implementation of the new Sojourn Tax Act (NN, na plovnim objektima (NN, br. 152/08. i 59/09.). Nos 152/08 and 59/09), which prescribes how to report sojourns on vessels. Nekomercijalni turistički promet (boravak vlasnika, članova Non-commercial tourist turnover (accommodation of owners and njihovih obitelji i prijatelja u kućama i stanovima za odmor) prati their family members and friends in houses and apartments se posebnim statističkim istraživanjem (obrazac TU-11v). used for rest), which is observed through a separate statistical survey (TU-11v form). Objekti za smještaj dijele se na kolektivne i privatne. Accommodation establishments are divided into collective and private ones. Kolektivni smještajni objekti jesu oni objekti u kojima se pruža Collective accommodation establishments are those providing noćenje turistima u sobi ili nekoj drugoj jedinici, ali broj mjesta overnight accommodation to tourists in a room or another unit, koje osiguravaju mora biti veći od određenog minimuma za but the number of places it provides must be greater than a skupine osoba koje premašuju jednu obitelj, odnosno više od 20 specified minimum for groups of persons exceeding a single postelja, a sva mjesta u objektu moraju biti pod istim zajedničkim family unit, that is, more than 20 beds, and all the places in the komercijalnim tipom rukovođenja, čak i ako objekt ne stvara establishment must come under a common commercial-type profit. management, even if it does not make a profit. 8 STATISTIČKA IZVJEŠĆA 1539/2015. STATISTICAL REPORTS

children, hostels, mounting lodges, hunting lodges, pupils' homes or students' homes, robinson accommodation establishments. Apart from hotel and . ljepote, ljekoviti izvori, kulturno-povijesni spomenici, različite kulturne, zabavne i sportske priredbe), komunikativne. (mogućnost pristupa, promet
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