SOUR OF DUTY CHURCH AND MARKETPLACE AS CATALYSIS FOR S SEW PARADIGM OF WARRIOR MINSIRY ATUESIS SUBMOVTEIHO THE BAG 11 OF GORDON CONE TUBOLOGICAL SEMINARY TY PARTIAT. FULFILLMENT OF REQUIREMENTS FOR IHR DE GRME DOCTOR OF MINISTRY By THOMAS WATSON MAY 2n16 Capyrighe 22016 by thomas Watson, All Rights Reserved Vs My Daal. ase wana vs served homorably. inthe U.S, Navy ae the Chured, aid is snow i ths prosenes of The Great Warrise [hank you tor aigmg me te bea marian fer Chris, Ta My Tai. Favsie, Cole, Kavis as Zeks she lave exe with reeeless abandon ana snake nie much better svar than T ever could fe svithont them. J love yon mare tsi: keno how en rib, A person sturding ulone can he euch and defeated, hi bo can sound buckets-hack and egaquer. Uhr3e ars even beter, fo a iphebralded sead is ot sas bao, COMEENTS TLUSTRATIONS, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: ABSIRACT (Chaptor |The Prodtera sith Waor Soul Care orion 9? Wamor Saul Care Providers (Chaptsr 2. Resoarah and | tera Chapier 3, Theologieel Trinmwaib fer Warior Soul Cave chapcer 4. Solution for Witior Soul Care: Tour of Deny faadership ‘Nonwars ed our 9! Duty Tribe (Chapter 5. Chursl-Dised Pil Prograin fue Wausiur Soul Caco APPENDIN PYSD Sernicar--Coldabuse, NO FISD Conéereace Sursey BIBLIOGRAPLY via 136 HLLUSPRA TIONS 1 Summary of the Top Five lssues ACKNDBLEDGMENIS, if he dll af 7087. had na idea | seanld be vennoring ints the noe path of roilvary ministry. A | enew was, Mia six years oF experience us an enlisted sien ‘Master of Pitvinity degree, and a humble hur compelling State Chaptain af the Novth ‘Covell Datioua? Guard eateading a invitation ty eubraee feof risk and vowed in he me of Chris. Of enuese, fe Holy Spi payed a huge vole x2» new miniary that ‘would demand oxue vf me ia bid ever demanded of myscil. and would Cake mie te ploces i the world Tuever ks lmel exited. Lowe a deht of grail to Chaplain Farry Jones, NCARNG, Rete, for allowing me to sarvs alegre sce tae bos pastes and oisionrics i th weld ust fear, fa yeas later: after engshy daplayonrt to fag. and ave ‘urd: <a lie andl eu 1 ovas woapelloc te row in my unecstanding of lh a pertains to the seas 0” leasership and wo, Th onal 6 blovs. a divine apninemient. | saambed ie nf ths Hest acacsmies and mi of Gad, hex esc eosountera, Dr; Dav Gill and Dr Al Evian gave ie uncon love. enourageneal, and itgpon i desumonl snd we au the aurden for cn md ‘vomgn of war thet ws uma in-my oss and yang wo be lease un sages Ane ‘esi nly dared erase ay level oft wd vnion na woh ae places ke ‘Wall Strot. he Boing Coeporation, and the wash dump 6*"Tegneigalps tr see ethers the way Jesus soos sien. Jam Ha or dane ate! we tac Jer dvs wily w walk ih inthis inevedibe journey wf fith, Their work in the urea leadership oid eth, a it pectnies to the ohurck and our werk inthis warld, sparsd a new eal in me 79 apply the sauns concepts 19 my minlstey to mlcary and vetsrans, Tenank the | orlfesus Ctst Bor a caring moto sare in Hie ingen and fr ecuipping me forthe werk ol inspiring and :notvating is people bere un cath, J never imagined. neving assayed Chri af the age at sis, mons alter wimessing the untimely death of my pastor thal J Wea wnt be enlisted int the halls of Guth seevants pledging to go wherevertae spi eas me myself. [09 all, ane eal tht Cod is & moot euslring and patient God. Thanh you Low Tome adebt af gratinds in my pastor and coniidante Px. Mike Winn of Fes, Boptise Churc®.lnclign Fea? Nowh Cavalina, fe tusting me and gheing me the portunity to stra new paradigm of seterun ministry in ane ofthe rival éynaimie and losing fh commuiies lave ever eeperionced, Paster Mike, your Jove and yrace in rieitorng ane! encouraging te aaints will Forevet be muathel ia tue halls oF 2h, XE fail ts mention my personal fife each anel partner in wanisiny en Fou have committed # grcvsis afeuss, Bil Parehe-, yon hava ben a rk fr my life Fem fe necountable and encouraging me lt sluy the cours, seminary days to now. hei sand for that forever grate. Your ftiondship and counsel fave heer x reat hl ve ol ny Say inal'y, {want tn thank ms loving wite Tacce. and my grains childben, Cale, Xetis and Yoke, “or andieg all he lang days ane weeks away tram hame, as well a8 ruych time spent luburing over this work, Ie mile meu greater ma, el bv fuer, Love you dearly al promise use thin work for he Be-erment of eur alin i (Christ and for is Chueh, ABSTRACT Ton up Duty Feder thy Neawark is x couching, consulting, and eollabocuive inidative d ad mcntership to ehe wanorsleader ine chore ned 09 plavids eaachi and markelplece, bridging failh and mesmingll wor, sur common poi interest ‘Whether cating tex the wattor individvallsshrovgh intentional gersenal counseling and ceoucsing ur collectively sncuigh mastermind group, the gust is ta nurture an develop ‘ae waurierteader Too ef Dis Fe ve i hh based fellowship designed to give wartiorspeint ppesitiom an their coments, dreugh personal relacsnships and soeal networking ‘nice ee become caalsss in reackng other wattors fer Chris. Zour oF Dury Tbe Fellowship. cpom et veterans af faith ox no ith. commits te Bea pice Kar warriors te be bolemg ann Boecane ft opcsaes a5 on evangslistie cutrosch and diseiple-rnakiny. ‘ministry. cumtextzed for ‘ke wari, comming dem w the fo3e pills of sung, fosth, fol, race am fitness Tus intense yest of sist is 10:41 cxpaize a feth-baseet i-puo Jellowship asa eumaestion point for miliary meunbers, vets, an their Flies, 23 Ide, reviews and snalyze the wore aPrniniseios and organizations providing sonl care to retutning wa: eeterans 1) slevelop a teéelag mannal and Teaesmcntasing plata te Ceducuto und equip churches, non-profits, husinesses, and individu in “he simian mentoring. and dev lopment of vercrans, and «1h esablist a sopcessl chreh-hused plo. proyean Lor milky and vets minis: CHAPTER T TUT PRODLEM WITH WARRIOR SOUL. CARE ‘Who fs Caring for the Soul nf the Warrine? At iliszy cuntinus ws dasvnsize el mow wl moss servos meszters ace rolursirg ut American sol i integrate bak inky eiviiun fe. here sil be etere meal mations, and spvitualtansiignal sanecens. the question i: who is helping ca swarvens as they reLarn hone su reposition themselves as civilians in onder te ave nearing ives and Five eu the American dream? Our seici in general dass at vusdestu! dhe eeuipleaity af rerun wo & Snonorallae” stale uf lacey ates bavi fo multiple wars as well as curring the sears and baggage of wer Tis mola ey thing to undlestapd, nich less ongage Burts our dry ant moral obiigaion as (Chinas to han uo understand the plight wC our mites wars setuening hoe tom sar. We emse beens ged not only in erouting wpporcantieslvetke yrossch aad dovelopunent cue secon. but als ia tee Weal peatess a wl, Is na possible 15 ‘wxige war and mol feel the effects throughout the fubrieof wursuciety, We have sll been tower whether we like 1 oF not, whether 9 donned she union rma (hea iterswet ieeal bur han is the heaury at being. a pattie and eee nation, ‘Warriors snrronderthemnvelves volumtatily ln protect Le right and treecem to Eve cur arrears, Whence yew egnoe ith war OF nos It noe fae question ta ne mnswered tao, Tae question t ask again is... Who is caring Gi the sou of die warty? This war: Jnteads ie convey shal there x na adegaate care For the Hal of the wueroe seithin she {vin or wstoemn comrmainy. Phy church was designed and empowers hy Chet tae luape, heal aad wholeness, "The faith community shold nse wait “oe wares 0 seok it 1