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Touchstone Student's Book Level 1 (Touchstone) PDF

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Preview Touchstone Student's Book Level 1 (Touchstone)

MICHAEL MCCARTHY — “au? JEANNE MCCARTEN HELEN SANDIFORD iB’ le Oe Bunueeee | ‘LOUCHS R@NE STUDENT'S Book | ‘Touchstone Is a groundbreaking now series that offer: esh approach te teaching and learning North American pp Ess cans on te Cmte international Cops, "large catabase of conversations and writon tox, © bull 2 sylabus based on how people actualy use Engi. “Tho sarias introduces unique “conversation management _satgies, places special emphasis on teaching vocabulary ‘and vocabularyloarning strategies, and offers exciting Ideas for personalized, learner-cenisred inoracion. Key FEATURES + Grammar presented in natural contexts + Yocabularylearning strategies + Strategies for managing conversation + Inductive leneningtaska, + Uoefulfecte about epoken language Personalized speaking and writing practice + Communicative pronunciation activtios + Listening strategies + Reading tat loads to realistic writing tasks + Clear learning aims + Settassessment tools + Sett-study Audio CD/CD-ROM for Windows" ‘ond Macintosh pe wom ee ‘trough the Inermediete tudant's Boot! Te delgned chee besle grammer, wosabulery, aS rot] cotter peas dadle CUICDNGM, Wockboo Toe isos Alo CDs or Cassettes. The Stucen's Book ond Workbook ee arable in sptedone ‘THE AUTHORS Michael MoCarthy is Emeritus Professor of Applied Linguistics athe University of Nottingham, where he specialized inthe analysis of spoken English and Contributed tothe development of te Cambridge Intemational Corpus. He is currently Adjunct Professor of Applied Linguistics atthe Pennsylvania State Univesity and the University of Limerick. He isthe ‘author of many tiles of interest to teachers, including ‘Spoken Language and Applied Linguistics. Well known {28 an expert on the tesching and leerning of vocsbulery, he ie co-author of the basic ard upper intermediate vels of Vocabulary in Use. Jeanne McCarten has taught English in Sweden, France, Malaysia, and the UK and has many years cf experionce publishing English teaching materials, specializing inthe areas of grammar and vecabulary ‘She was closely involved in the development ff the spoken English sections ofthe Cambridge Intemational Corpus. Holen Sandiford has extensive experiance as en EEnglian teacher teacher trainer. and sales and marketing specialist. She spent nine years in Japan setting up Englih programs and teaching n Japanese senior igh schools anc vocational colleges She hae Conducted training seminars for English teachers! throughout East Asa 5 sos Authors’ acknowledgments {ts the tage ever cnet ‘helenae Alum ib Paulo Sev Sno Bun ho Pal Youn Eats Csustontse oe ac Penelope on i Bayan acon iem ECKForelgn ange, Iau it ng lons Rw Unies af Fore Stas, Pas: sta sue ean rn on yeaa inp: esse tom Pook Gakn Unrest Os Siento agpantin Toe ‘ortanuae sialon, Hon Ranagna am Toko Foveettesgunge Colles fic mpny ir ele wees NU an ey tj be ios ansege to nse ide Mecca Wenz is eno; ano ‘Shwe fom Benga Une So seh are: ied {fn Kenkulnipersty Sen Sth Konshens oy fay Eeveatineray So rh ioe sere ah, en Sai rgd pene Sng imme ene {ar PBK rape tanginge and Computcr Comer Tap Holoe artes ShnthenUnveriy aes ne reer {cls ame cali en a ‘alog Pine, nae US Sheaves aie LPR Langue Pagan Sr as Cara 3 issn iret noms De Goce tre Say ad HES ania rnin 8 ran ional eee USssenne ee hae Canny ee ae i Rewer bite ton ew ne Ne 1S arg an rom aa ery he Neo Yk USA {hen neat romeo arvana Ios rtnn ons Fees fon HEU ode at Mor crew eau rl Sete ‘ein ncn te irr bsatrcnarel Gale ame: rg san ‘nies crete ey langue erterid alanis ek Jn: Don Gilera toneamsnnade icc nara Sis pacar natant foe Scere ae ‘evoke eto tn ipl stnarangedrcigs ecu oul abc coheed en eden flaca Rte ati Sh Pl ute ener even hes: ann Ny ety Sltiedoagean poaeomecmsbremsiouse wnat: Ute arlene i pn yi nig ean Ndi y Mavi lena Marne: Rigel seu einen ano Me Rec on st sre Kaen age, ‘sie esl old Roh Ca ayes anderen ices i especial bertushtal, eye San aes upper Welcome to Touchstone! ‘We creaeu the Touchstone sties with te hep 0 the Camongge international Corpus ot North Amer can English. The corpus is a arg databese of language from ‘everyday conversatons, ratio and television aroadzass and newspapers and Looks. Using computer software, we analyze the srpus to find cut now peape actualy use English We use the ‘corpus as a “touchstone to make sure that each lesson ‘acts you auttentc ant esetul anquane. The corpus hheps us choose and sepa the grammar, vacaaulay, and conwersation strategies you ned to communicate suscesstullin Engl. Unit features oti star on for purer | sentences nas ‘Figure it out chaenges «| yu rte ton garry wes, Building enguage tuts, Sr ‘on the granvmar presented | ‘Lesson A ‘In conversation pansts {et you about ine grammar are vocabulary tht are mast requen in spoken orth Arnecican English | | } Touehstone makes learnirg English fun. It gives you ‘any cifferent oppor unites t interact with your Ccassmates. You can exchange personal infrmaton, take cass surveys, roleoley stuations, pay games, and <dscuss tepes of personal interest, Using Touchstone, you can develop confdencain your bility to understand Feallie English and to express yourset clearly and eectvely in everoay stuations \We hope you enjy using Touchstone and wish you every success with your English classes. Michael MeCarthy Jeanne MeCarten Holon Sandiford “Grammar is presented in lear chats. practice wth new siictuees and cpportunties to exchange persona information wit your | lessmates. J Speaking naturally belps you understano ard use natural ronncaton a intonation, -Builéing vocabulary uses pictures to intoouce now wera ana exaressons, “vcabulry and tho usa fo interact with your cassmates. Talk about it ercourages you to discuss interesting questions its your cassmates Conversation strategy ‘oles you “manage” sunversations beter: fn is fesson, you fear now 0 5K questions the aren't ‘oo dtect. The siatogies ‘are based on examples ‘ran he corpus ‘Reading has interesting tds trom newspapers, Imepazies, and ths Intaeet The actitas halo you devslop reson sts Vocabulary notebook i. 4 page of fon activites 0 jo you organize ad write dow vocabulry ‘On your own isa practical ‘task to lp you ina vocatutery outside of cass. Mica | Other features A Touchstone checkpoint ater every drse ts reviews gramme, vocabulary, ano onersston strategies A Selt-study Audio CO! (CD-ROM gives you more rastioe with fisting, speaking, and vocabulary ‘aug. Sten ls es reniek ones areas! en Wel od fore rate UY 47a on epcig se / are otter practiced together. [unter tosvcey a ‘svt a ona irom oe toon a eis Writing tasks include 2-mats, leters, short ariles, na ‘material for Web pages. Help notes give you ‘oration things Bike unetiaton, inking eas, and Diganing information. h-Free talk helps you engage In fee conversation with your classmates. The Class Audio Program | The Workbook gives you presents the conversations | language practice al exta 4nd istering actutes | reacing and weitng acbvves. atural, ively Ennis Progress checks heln you corer aseess your progress. Touchstone Level 1 Functions} Tops unt)» 3ayreto ane pose Aaboatyos ~ Fioaieeyaurset paves 10” na as, hon saan, alates + Yatnanes 1 Ha pete nit 2 eka ay he epee Inetts “te persora urs ames 20 Fig a ae fee nnsrom 1 Rtetlagsoam iinetow + Hocteaeo Uris + Tak atow tones Favorite ose aac Soran es aoe y+ (aati ens ard papes2i-at * [ni Ea (SEs POF aaa tes tes Osa o-ie Free time Tak 2nnit TW saws ag-s2 oul ad dnt ve pages ASS2 ah anut vena He nits eset esvaroats "stor sn her pes 53.62 Scope and sequence Grammar Vocabulary The wei be wih you, |» Exresonst ap Pevetesanets |” load gn Sonate + Perso infra + Beis mh ey thee pple pesies wn fu, so arciey in| + Classoom bjets Stones perm | Prapastons ant oss, master |" Sossonsat Mites a, aaine Thsane fase Nana Sass ck Wore Psrsines ard Fossussie aces | + ype ofcaeies Seva 1 ek avacives Eniemaaee-ro || feasiveste Wester ineshon |" dear paronlty free oummayy |» famiy arpa + tfginabr guestihs |S ReMBer Or nce Toschstane checkpoint Units 1-3 pages 81-32 Sin osent Yes or omy Baterats ee | ail estos fester | + Desa weak iene Tite saresions formes nl present Tyas TV shews ‘orabreustone |S He he aciies Papen tens |S Seq farveatens + Baresi ras waders Theres and Trews |» Nagiboroat there pases Tigi" |< Berens tar 1 Sigtstonswtnaces |” nyt ting Touchstone checkpoint Units #-8 pages 69-64 Comersation stalegies = Ake about au? be oon rae ae Year ave ans Ask or tap ioe tse mao ua > Show hizest Dreveata ‘maton 8 ‘skp auesone + Heelan ton Inerest of supe * Shoshone Shove enstin +» Stenste wt iieryoe ra imo tomn ert ania ot Sirleys oro Ask eetons nwo wave oer a wll dee «Tent maan ape ‘reas oro * gai 90s Simeone incoran wh + Bean ie ig or ino ame Wersoncort a (Gshow uae tsar Pronunciation Laters rdnuntse - Ena asses = Hs prs ras + seme aaa + b0ja0. ors sas Scope and sequence + fesnonge remorse 10 |» ieewyes ct |» Complete esigs and sets Sseaesieottee |" ecards |" snes inthe passers 0 i ocumers ‘int rssones Pan or peronal reas ‘ri Si ie faraltapatesion or bron in Soros ls aban? ~ Gasiaem Hy Gan acassroon | camesitons Sinking wit funvasaon Soy lees Sat te ow Shs sce ae fc ean ys ‘Falbung seins ‘en anaes ‘hesaeae sion otapeu? rears Tosa ately ae Wits qusiens | ae Se hee pnp sha pean Mina amly ree seat a ‘Send an ie ise wards {ay osu fetttepuele Imes mayen? | wit ene of 0 Ueanera | Werte wets. wts | irestng ats Pat ones and | Sage deta Iesegeabouta | awd ae single | Clases inierte mesons” | "Rrlganoarcl’ | Cassa Betwes oa Beers Ten ars Sesclbng haw rash |» Use capt ietas ard | fcablay ‘mecamgare Tae: ivgmaion | tpg spenon |" peo inacometsa.arand fetid ow orale get stat | atime ‘rapa as Uist as ray any net? vey anime’ ~~» Wie anagetb_De wh Go whae? 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We ecuosin erent vhatyosa Sarit aro reat Teaysctesio ose tos Toe eat Pa ott side fine sn ‘et ening rons Useful language fo: Getting help i Working with a partner | Whats the word for "in aatsh? ) | You go tirt. | ? | AG tH go tis. § me ee | } What do you nave for number 1? What does mean? 4 ate] I Do you want to be A or 8? Fife A You can be. 8. | How do you spelt 1'm sorry, Can you repeat that, please? | walls ta oe an yo sy tat agai please? | That's it. Wo're finished. | Can you explain the activity agin, lease? | ed 3 r Wht dove do nent? ) Can fread your paragraph? fire. a)

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