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TOTARO’S QUESTION FOR ADJOINT GROUPS OF TYPES A and A 1 2n REED LEON GORDON-SARNEY 7 1 0 2 DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS & COMPUTER SCIENCE EMORY UNIVERSITY, ATLANTA, GA 30322 USA n a J 1 Abstract 1 Let G be a smooth connected linear algebraic group over a field k, and let X be a ] G G-torsor. Totaro asked: if X admits a zero-cycle of degree d ≥ 1, then does X have a A closed ´etale point of degree dividing d? We give an affirmative answer for absolutely . simple classical adjoint groups of types A and A over fields of characteristic 6= 2. h 1 2n t a m [ 1. Introduction 1 v Given a variety X over a field k, one can define its index by 4 2 ind(X) := gcd{[L : k] : L/k is a finite field extension such that X(L) 6= ∅}. 1 3 0 The index of a variety equals the minimal positive degree of a zero-cycle of its closed points, . 1 and it is natural to ask: does a variety admit a closed point of degree equal to its index? It 0 is well-known that the answer is negative for general varieties; for example, Parimala [Par05] 7 1 produced a projective homogeneous space under a smooth connected linear algebraic group : over Q ((t)) admitting a zero-cycle of degree 1 with no rational points. One would hope that v p i the question would have an affirmative answer for some nice class of varieties. X Serre originally raised the question in the case of principal homogeneous spaces (or tor- r a sors)ofindex1undersmoothconnectedlinearalgebraicgroups[Ser95]. SincesuchaG-torsor X overk hasarationalpointifandonlyifitscorrespondingcohomologyclass[X] ∈ H1(k,G) is trivial, we can phrase Serre’s question in the language of Galois cohomology. Serre’s Question. Let G be a smooth connected linear algebraic group over a field k, and let L ,...,L /k be finite field extensions with gcd{[L : k]} = 1. Does the natural map 1 m i H1(k,G) → YH1(Li,GLi) have trivial kernel? To date, no counterexamples are known, and the literature contains affirmative proofs in many special cases (e.g., Bayer–Lenstra [BFL90], Bhaskhar [Bha16], and Black [Bla11a, 1 Bla11b]). Refer to Parimala [Par05] for a more comprehensive review of what is known on the question. Totaro generalized Serre’s question, asking about closed´etale points on torsors of arbitrary index under smooth connected linear algebraic groups [Tot04]. Totaro’s Question. Let G be a smooth connected linear algebraic group over a field k, and let [X] ∈ H1(k,G). Is there a separable field extension F/k with [F : k] = ind(X) such that [X ] = 1 ∈ H1(F,G )? F F While it is expected that the answer to Totaro’s question is ‘yes’ in general, affirma- tive proofs in special cases are extremely rare (cf. Black–Parimala [BP14], Totaro [Tot04], Garibaldi–Hoffman [GH06], and G.-S. [GS]). This paper extends what little is known on Totaro’s question with a positive answer for an infinite class of linear algebraic groups. Let us proceed with some notation and definitions. Fix a field k of characteristic 6= 2, let K/k be an ´etale quadratic extension, and let A be a central simple algebra over K. An antiautomorphism σ on A is called an involution if σ2 = id; it is called an involution of the first kind if [K : Kσ] = 1 and of the second kind or unitary if [K : Kσ] = 2. Suppose σ is unitary with fixed field Kσ = k. For clarity, we call σ a K/k–involution. Define the automorphisms of (A,σ) to be the K-automorphisms of A that commute with σ. Then ∼ × × Aut(A,σ)(k) = {Int(a) ∈ Aut (A) : a ∈ A ,σ(a)a ∈ k }, K where Int(a) : A → A is given by Int(a)(x) = axa−1. The elements a ∈ A× such that × σ(a)a ∈ k , called the similitudes of (A,σ), form a group denoted Sim(A,σ)(k); it is clear × that they only determine the automorphisms of (A,σ) up to scalars from K . Viewed functorially, we have a short exact sequence of linear algebraic groups over k Int 1 → R G → Sim(A,σ) −→ Aut(A,σ) → 1. K/k m Linear algebraic groups with trivial center are said to be adjoint. Adjoint groups appear as images of adjoint representations Ad : G → Aut(Lie(G)) where Lie(G) is the Lie algebra associated to a linear algebraic group G. The classification of absolutely simple (i.e., simple over an algebraic closure) linear algebraic groups separates classical groups from exceptional groups where absolutely simple classical groups are classified into types A , B , C , and D n n n n (non-trialitarian D excluded). By work of Weil, classical adjoint groups can be interpreted 4 in the language of algebras with involution; in particular, an absolutely simple classical adjoint group of type A over k is isomorphic to Aut(A,σ) for a central simple algebra A of n degree n+1 over an ´etale quadratic extension K/k and σ a K/k-involution on A. In this paper, we prove Theorem 1.1. Let G be an absolutely simple classical adjoint group of type A or A over 1 2n a field k of characteristic 6= 2, and let X be a G-torsor over k. Then there exists a separable field extension F/k of degree ind(X) such that [X ] = 1 ∈ H1(F,G ). F F Theorem 1.1 has a concrete interpretation in terms of algebras with unitary involution. Let K/k be an ´etale quadratic extension, let A and B be central simple algebras over K of degree 2 or odd degree, and let σ and τ be K/k-involutions on A and B. If L ,...,L /k are 1 m ∼ finite field extensions with gcd{[L : k]} = d such that (A,σ) = (B,τ) for i = 1,...,m, i Li Li ∼ then there is a separable field extension F/k with [F : k] | d such that (A,σ) = (B,τ) . F F 2 2. Preliminaries Proceeding with the notation from above, let K/k be an´etale quadratic extension, let A be a central simple algebra over K, and let σ bea K/k–involution onA. If Ais Brauer–equivalent to a division algebra D, then D also admits a unitary involution δ by the existence criterion: Theorem 2.1 (Albert–Riehm–Scharlau [Sch75], pp. 31). A central simple algebra D over cores K admits a K/k–involution if and only if [D] ∈ ker[BrK −−→ Brk]. Since Totaro’squestion asks about the existence of a separable field extensions over which a given torsor has a point, the following classical theorem will prove essential. Theorem 2.2 (Jacobson [Jac96], Theorem 5.3.18). Let D be a central division algebra over K with K/k–involution δ. Then there exists a maximal subfield E ⊆ D, separable over k, such that δ(E) = E and E = KEδ. If G ∼= Aut(A,σ) is absolutely simple and adjoint of type A , then H1(k,G) classifies n isomorphism classes of algebras of degree n+1 over K with unitary involution. Since this Galois cohomology set has trivial element [(A,σ)], for any field extension L/k, [(B,τ)] = 1 ∈ H1(L,G ) ⇔ (A,σ)⊗ L ∼= (B,τ)⊗ L L L k k ∼ ∼ ⇔ A⊗ L = B ⊗ L and σ ⊗id = τ ⊗id k k L L ⇔ L splits A⊗ Bop and σ ⊗id ∼= τ ⊗id . K L L Our objective then is to find minimal separable field extensions of k that split A ⊗ Bop K followed by minimal separable field extensions to make the involutions isomorphic. In fact, σ is the adjoint involution of some hermitian form on (D,δ) determined up to similarity in × k , and two unitary involutions on A are isomorphic if and only if their associated hermitian formsaresimilar. Sooncetheunderlying algebrasareisomorphic, itsufficestofindaminimal separable field extension to make the corresponding hermitian forms similar. Write W(k) for the Witt ring of quadratic forms over k, and let W(D,δ) denote the Witt group of hermitian forms over (D,δ). The tensor product of forms induces a W(k)–module structure on W(D,δ). The next two claims will be critical to the proof of Theorem 1.1. Lemma 2.3. If σ and τ are K/k–involutions on A, then (A,σ)⊗ K ∼= (A,τ)⊗ K. k k ∼ Proof. By Proposition 2.4 of Knus–Merkurjev–Rost–Tignol [KMRT98], (A,σ)⊗ K = (A× k Aop,ε) where ε is the exchange involution on A×Aop. The same holds for (A,τ)⊗ K. k Proposition 2.4. Let σ and τ be K/k–involutions on A, and let L/k be a field extension of ∼ ∼ odd degree. If (A,σ)⊗ L = (A,τ)⊗ L, then (A,σ) = (A,τ). k k ′ Proof. By the above remarks, it suffices to show that if h and h are hermitian forms over ∼ ′ × ∼ ′ × (D,δ) such that h ⊗ L = λ(h ⊗ L) for some λ ∈ L , then h = νh for some ν ∈ k . k k We first assume that L = k(λ) is a simple field extension of odd degree over k. There is a natural embedding of modules (cf. Proposition 1.2 of Bayer–Lenstra [BFL90]) ∗ r : W(A,σ) → W((A,σ)⊗ L) k 3 induced by the extension of scalars, and any non-vanishing k–linear functional s : L → k induces a homomorphism of modules called the Scharlau transfer with respect to s s∗ : W((A,σ)⊗k L) → W(A,σ), sending a class of hermitian forms [η] on D⊗ L over L with respect to δ⊗1 to the class of k η s s◦η : (D ⊗ L)×(D ⊗ L) −→ L −→ k. k k ArguingasinChapter2,Lemma5.8ofScharlau[Sch85]andProposition1.2ofBayer–Lenstra [BFL90], given the linear functional defined by s(1) = 1 and s(λ) = ··· = s(λ[L:k]−1) = 0, the Scharlau transfer with respect to s satisfies the projection formulas ∗ ∗ s∗([h⊗k L]) = s∗(r ([h])) = s∗(r ([1]))·[h] = [h] and ′ ∗ ′ ′ ′ s∗([λ(h ⊗k L)]) = s∗([λ]·r ([h])) = s∗([λ])·[h] = [NL/k(λ)h]. ∼ ′ ∼ ′ Since h⊗ L = λ(h ⊗ L), comparing dimensions yields that h = N (λ)h. k k L/k Now, if k(λ) ( L, then we can filter L/k(λ) as a tower of simple field extensions k(λ,λ1,...,λn−1,λn) ) k(λ,λ1,...,λn−1) ) ··· ) k(λ), each of odd degree. Let L = k(λ) and L = k(λ,λ ,...,λ ) for i = 1,...,n. For each field 0 i 1 i extension Li/Li−1 of degree di, define an Li−1–linear functional si : Li → Li−1 by si(1) = 1 and si(λ ) = ··· = si(λdi−1) = 0. Each of of these linear functionals is also k(λ)–linear, and i i so each associated Scharlau transfer satisfies si([λ]) = [λ] by the projection formulas. Then ∗ si∗([h⊗k Li]) = [h⊗k Li−1] and si∗([λ(h′ ⊗k Li]) = [λ(h′ ⊗k Li−1)] for each i = 1,...,n. By comparing dimensions, the result is immediate. 3. Proof of Theorem 1.1 The ´etale quadratic extension K is isomorphic to k ×k or a quadratic field extension of k. ∼ Case 1. K = k ×k. In fact, Totaro’s question has a positive answer for adjoint groups of type A for any n n in this case. Proposition 2.4 of Knus–Merkurjev–Rost–Tignol [KMRT98] tells us that (A,σ) ∼= (B×Bop,ε) where B is a central simple algebra of degree n+1 over k and ε is the exchange involution on B ×Bop. So G ∼= Aut(A,σ) ∼= PGL (B). Since H1(k,GL (B)) = 1 1 1 by a generalization of Hilbert 90, taking Galois cohomology of the short exact sequence 1 → G → GL (B) → PGL (B) → 1 m 1 1 4 of linear algebraic groups over k yields an injection H1(k,PGL (B)) ֒→ Brk. A PGL (B)– 1 1 torsor is a Severi–Brauer variety X associated to some central simple algebra C of degree deg(B) over k, and the injection H1(k,PGL (B)) ֒→ Brk is given by [X] 7→ [C ⊗ Bop]. So 1 k ind([X]) = ind (C ⊗ Bop) where ind (C ⊗ Bop) denotes the Schur index of C ⊗ Bop, Sch k Sch k k the degree of its Brauer–equivalent division algebra and therefore the minimal degree of a separable splitting field for C ⊗ Bop (cf. Proposition 4.5.4 from Gille–Szamuely [GS06]). k The PGL (B)-torsor X then has a point over this field, as desired. 1 Case 2.1. K/k is a separable quadratic field extension and G is adjoint of type A . 1 ∼ G = Aut(A,σ) where A is a quaternion algebra over K and σ is a K/k-involution on A. The following theorem of Albert says that quaternion algebras with K/k–involutions are completely determined by certain quaternion subalgebras over k. Theorem 3.1 (Albert [Alb61], pp. 61). Let Q be a quaternion division algebra over K with K/k–involution σ. Then there exists a unique quaternion division subalgebra Q ⊆ Q over k 0 ∼ ∼ with its canonical (symplectic) involution σ such that Q = Q ⊗ K and σ = σ ⊗ ¯ where 0 0 k 0 Gal(K/k) = {id, ¯}. So there is a unique quaternion algebra A over k with canonical involution σ such that 0 0 (A,σ) ∼= (A ,σ ) ⊗ K. Given any [(B,τ)] ∈ H1(k,G) with descent [(B ,τ )], (A,σ) and 0 0 k 0 0 (B,τ) are completely determined by A and B , and for any field extension L/k, 0 0 [(B,τ)] = 1 ∈ H1(L,G ) ⇔ (A,σ)⊗ L ∼= (B,τ)⊗ L L L k k ∼ ∼ ⇔ A⊗ L = B ⊗ L and σ ⊗id = τ ⊗id k k L L ∼ ⇔ A ⊗ L = B ⊗ L 0 k 0 k ⇔ L splits A ⊗ B . 0 k 0 So the field extensions trivializing [(B,τ)] ∈ H1(k,G) are precisely the splitting fields of the centralsimplealgebraA ⊗ B . Inparticular, ind (A ⊗ B ) = ind([B,τ]). Asabove, there 0 k 0 Sch 0 k 0 is a separable splitting field of A ⊗ B of degree ind (A ⊗ B ) over k, yielding the result. 0 k 0 Sch 0 k 0 Case 2.2. K/k is a separable quadratic field extension and G is adjoint of type A . 2n ∼ G = Aut(A,σ) where A is a central simple algebra odd degree 2n + 1 over K. Fix [(B,τ)] ∈ H1(k,G), and let D be the division algebra Brauer–equivalent to A⊗ Bop. If D K is split by some field extension L/k, then so is A⊗ Bop, in which case A⊗ L ∼= B ⊗ L. K k k Then either σ and τ become isomorphic over L, in which case we are done, or σ and τ be- come isomorphic over KL by Lemma 2.3. Since every field extension that trivializes [(B,τ)] necessarily splits D, we see that ind([(B,τ)]) = 2θind (A⊗ Bop) where θ = 0 or 1. Sch K Suppose first that ind([(B,τ)]) = ind (A⊗ Bop). Since Kσ = Kτ = k, Sch K cores(D) = cores(A)cores(Bop) = 0 ∈ Brk. So D admits a unitary involution δ such that Kδ = k by Theorem 2.1. By Theorem 2.2, D contains a maximal subfield E, separable over k, such that δ(E) = E and E = KEδ. Since ind (A⊗ Bop) = deg(D) = [E : K] = [Eδ : k] Sch K 5 and D ⊗ Eδ ∼= D⊗ E is split, A⊗ Eδ ∼= B ⊗ Eδ. Then ind([(B,τ)]) is odd as k K k k ind([(B,τ)]) = ind (A⊗ Bop) | deg(A⊗ Bop) = (2n+1)2. Sch K k ∼ So there is a field extension L/k of odd degree such that (A,σ)⊗ L = (B,τ)⊗ L, hence k k ((A,σ)⊗k Eδ)⊗Eδ (Eδ ⊗k L) ∼= ((B,τ)⊗k Eδ)⊗Eδ (Eδ ⊗k L). Inparticular, σ andτ (viewed asinvolutionsontheisomorphicalgebrasA⊗ Eδ andB⊗ Eδ) k k becomeisomorphicoverEδ⊗ L. Since[L : k]isodd,Eδ⊗ Lisisomorphictoadirectproduct k k of field extensions of Eδ, at least one of which must have odd degree, else dim (Eδ ⊗ L) Eδ k would be even. Call this extension M. Then σ and τ become isomorphic over M. As [M : Eδ] is odd, σ and τ become isomorphic over Eδ by Proposition 2.4, meaning that (A,σ)⊗ Eδ ∼= (B,τ)⊗ Eδ. Since [Eδ : k] = ind([(B,τ)]), it suffices to take F = Eδ. k k Finally, suppose that ind([(B,τ)]) = 2ind (A ⊗ Bop). Proceed exactly as above to Sch K obtain the separable field extension Eδ/k of degree ind (A⊗ Bop) such that A⊗ Eδ ∼= Sch K k B ⊗ Eδ. By Lemma 2.3, (A,σ)⊗ KEδ ∼= (B,τ)⊗ KEδ. Since ind (A⊗ Bop) is odd, k k k Sch K [KEδ : k] = [K : k][Eδ : k] = 2ind (A⊗ Bop) = ind([(B,τ)]), Sch K and so it suffices to take F = KEδ, completing the proof. (cid:3) References [Alb61] A. A. Albert. Structure of algebras. Revised printing. American Mathematical Society Colloquium Publications, Vol. XXIV. American Mathematical Society, Providence, R.I., 1961. [BFL90] E. Bayer-Fluckiger and H. W. Lenstra, Jr. Forms in odd degree extensions and self-dual normal bases. Amer. J. Math., 112(3):359–373, 1990. [Bha16] N. Bhaskhar. On Serre’s injectivity question and norm principle. Comment. Math. Helv., 91(1):145–161, 2016. [Bla11a] J. Black. 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