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TOTAL HARMONY of MANKIND Spirit, Soul, and Body THROUGH Lifestle Choices Donald-Gene: Kraus BIO-CHEMIST/LIFESTYLE CONSULTANT By: Donald-Gene: Kraus © 1960 1 TOTAL HARMONY OF MANKIND (a living soul) THROUGH Lifestyle Choices Lifestyle Choices A foundational approach for the prevention of weakness, sickness, and dis-ease by Donald-Gene: Kraus BY: DONALD G KRAUS © 1960 common law copyright, Donald-Gene: Kraus © 1960 A Publication of Body Life Ministries 6th edition with corrections 2015 3 i About The Author: Donald Gene: Kraus Donald Gene: Kraus was born and raised in Michigan and received his Bachelor of Science Degree in Biochemisty in 1965 at Le Tourneau Universit in Longview, Texas, frtering his educaton at Arizona Stat Universit. Aftr fnishing colege, he was employed wit Uni-Dynamics in Phoenix, Arizona and also at Ferro Corporaton in Tennessee. Te positons he held in both places involved Government Research untl 1972, at which tme he was diagnosed wit Tyroid and Brain Cancer and given 3-6 monts to live by Doctrs of te medical profession. Not wiling t believe tat his Creatr and Savior's plans for him was complet, he began to read and research the Scriptures to fnd altrnatve remedies in order t flfl YHVH's (God's) plan for his life. Witin 5 years he was able to overcome said Cancer, and by te detrminate and wilfl making of major and important adjustments tat were necessary at tat tme of his lifestle. Because of te difcult experience required int making tis lifestle adjustment by himself, he wondered how anyone without training and understanding could possibly make such an adjustment in teir lifestle and succeed. It was at tis tme tat YHVH gave him his caling and present assignment. [See te assignment as it was presentd t him folowing]. Wit tis in mind, Donald Gene ten frtered his studies in te physiology and chemisty of te body…biochemisty. He also studied under Biochemist/Physicist Dr. Carey Reams; Herbalist Dr. John R. Christpher; and Iridologist Dr. Bernard Jenson; tis tok place between te years: 1974-1978. Since tat tme, he has been holding Seminars, writng books and stll to tis day, contnues to consult wit people aiding tem t beter live a healtier lifestle. ii Table of Contents UNDER CONSTRUCTION About the Author –pg 4 _ _____________________________ i Table of Contents: -pg. 5 ii Author's assignment pg 6 iii Introduction- pg. 7 iv CHAPTER ONE: Total Harmony of Mankind discussion pg 8 CHAPTER TWO: LIFESTYLE PRINCIPLES pg. 26 CHAPTER THREE: BREATHING & ITS NECESSITY pg 36 CHAPTER FOUR: Rest & its necessity pg. 52 CHAPTER FIVE: Water & its necessity pg. 61 CHAPTER SIX: Eating Lifestyle pg. 75 CHAPTER SEVEN: Energy use pg. 85 CHAPTER EIGHT: Love our Bodies pg. 98 APPENDIX A: TERMS & CONDITIONS pg. 110 APPENDIX B: Laying the Foundation pg. 117 APPENDIX C: Lifestyles of So-Called Dieting pg. 127 APPENDIX D: Fasting as a lifestyl e pg. 131 APPENDIX E: Lifestyle Causes and Prevention of Allergies pg. 138 APPENDIX F: Lifestyle Causes and Prevention of Arthritis pg. 142 APPENDIX G: Lifestyle Causes and Prevention of Blood Pressure Problems pg. 144 APPENDIX H: Lifestyle Causes and Prevention of Potassium Problems pg. 149 APPENDIX I: Lifestyle Causes and Prevention of Calcium Problems pg. 152 APPENDIX J: Lifestyle Causes and Prevention of Cancer pg. 156 APPENDIX K: Lifestyle Causes and Prevention of Blood Sugar Problems pg, 160 APPENDIX L: Lifestyle Causes and Prevention of Weight Problems pg. 163 APPENDIX M: Lifestyle Causes and Prevention of Colds, Flu and Infections pg. 167 APPENDIX N: Lifestyle Causes and Prevention of Ear Problems pg. 171 APPENDIX O: Lifestyle Causes and Prevention of Eye Problems pg. 174 APPENDIX P: Lifestyle Causes and Prevention of Pain pg. 178 In Process. Thanks for your patience. A Scientific Perspective of the Origin of Life The Method of Evaluating Our Bodies Abilities to Keep Up With Our Lifestyles Seek Wisdom What to Expect When You Improve Your Eating Lifestyle 5 iii YHVH's Assignment t Donald Gene YHVH (Self-existing Creator of mankind)says: “I desire a true Ekklesia (body of believers): the Body of My Only Begotten SonYHVHYSH being fully mature at the return of My Son, demonstrating to the world, the adversary spirit and the people following Me from a distance, the efectiveness of My Light, Life and Love through My people presenting their physical bodies unto Me as a living sacrifce”. YHVH says: “I am needing saints with mortal bodies controlled by My Spirit and The Spirit of My Son,YHVHYSH (Self-existing one that saves) andMshych (Christ-The Anointed One; Messiah); not bodies controlled by the world, drugs, food, and other spirits hindering the release of My Light, Life, Love, and power in and through them.” YHVH says: “I desire an Ekklesia of people who must know how to walk in the Spirit and stand against the world and the adversary spirit while they are sitting with Me inYHVHYSH in heavenly places with their mortal-physical bodies still on the earth.” YHVH says: “I am giving out many assignments to be accomplished before My Son returns to My people. These assignments require tremendous power. I need healthy-mortal bodies to be the channel of the power required. My Son,YHVHYSH, is not coming for His Body (the Ekklesia) before My overcoming power is demonstrated to the world system and the adversary spirit. For accomplishing this, My people’s physical-mortal bodies must be trained and controlled.” YHVH says: “I desire the Body ofYHVHYSH know that I have as great a need for My people’s physical-mortal bodies as I have a need of My people’s soul and spirit.” YHVH says: “I desire the members of My Family know that just as natural-physical life comes from the union of the Breath of Life and My people’s spirit and mortal body, My eternal life is made available to My people through the union of the Spirit of My Son and their mortal-physical body.” YHVH says: “I need My people’s physical bodies presented to Me in order to fll My people with My Eternal Life. The adversary also wants My people’s mortal-physical body to be in union with his spirit or spirits so My people will demonstrate his kind of life, which is darkness. The adversary spirit uses the world system and the fesh in order to claim My people’s physical body. My people cannot have both the adversary's life (darkness) and YHVH Eternal Life. Therefore, in order to follow Me, My people must choose Eternal Life.” YHVH says: “I want My people to know that I love the physical body of my Son,YHVHYSH, with its scars and nail prints He endured for My people on the cross, as much as I love His resurrected body at My right hand, with its scars and nail prints. I desire My people’s scars, and the scars of others be forMe,YHVH, not as a result of My people’s selfshness and love of the world.” YHVH says: “I desire the Body ofYHVHYSH not call their physical bodies 'fesh.' The earth is not evil in and of itself, but when the earth is used selfshly, it produces all kinds of evil. So it is with My people’s physical body; when My people use their body selfshly it becomes feshly. IYHVH, desire that My people use the Fruit of My Spirit, in union with My people’s body, for seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling and touching what I desire, not what the world or the adversary spirit desires.” YHVH says: “I desire My children know that they are weak, sick and dis-eased because they present their physical bodies to the selfsh desires presented to them through the world system, tempting them through the fve senses. Neither the adversary spirit nor the world system has power to cause weakness, sickness or dis-ease without My people’s physical-mortal body with its fve senses selfshly or ignorantly being presented to it.” YHVH says: “I sent My Son to destroy the works of the adversary and to give My people access to eternal Life. My Son's Life has no sickness, weakness or dis-ease. His Life is health to My people’s physical body.YHVH says: “stop coming to Me for healing alone. Submit your bodies to My Spirit and receive health. I desire that My children grow up. YHVH's Son is ready to return again for an Ekklesia that is without spot or blemish; being diligent and disciplined. Do not procrastinate in the preparation of your bodies for My power. The time is now. Do not delay. Submit your bodies to My Spirit and I will show you what you are to do, and give you the ability to do it.” iv introduction Mankind is not just a body, nor is he just a soul, but a living soul and…he is also a spirit. To be in total harmony, mankind needs to be rightly related in every area of his relationships affecting the health of the body. In other words, the body must be rightly related to the physical universe and its laws; and the soul, with its mind and emotions, must be in harmony with others and with one's self; and the spirit of mankind must be rightly related to The Self-Existing Creator: YHVH. Each relationship is vital to mankind; in order to be whole and free of weakness, sickness, and dis-ease. When any part of these relationships… spirit, soul, or body [herein known as Trinity relationships], are not in harmony with each other or their relationships... will cause weakness, sickness and disease. Have you ever wondered how you can improve your health and lifestyle, and that of your family, thereby preventing and overcome weakness, sickness, and dis-ease? The following information will provide an excellent foundation. You will learn about the absolute laws our Creator has established for mankind's total health; and you will discover that NOT being in compliance with the Trinity relationships Immutable1 laws are the basic root cause of of all weakness, sickness and dis-ease. Our Creator has programmed our bodies to heal themselves, but we must first cooperate by making the correct Lifestyle Choices. Weakness, sickness and dis-ease are only evidences and/or symptoms resulting from not making the right choice. Begin by reading the 1st chapter as an overview. Thereafter, go to each chapter that most interests you. Each chapter stands alone, but all are interrelated. The information in this book provides a foundation for understanding you and your family’s health with principles for getting there. The advice in the following pages will teach you how to support your body into restoring its chemical balance and thereby infuse new life into every organ, tissue and every cell. Without a healthy body, what do we really have? Isn’t it our reasonable service to offer our body as a living sacrifice to the Creator who made it? 1 Immutable. a. Not mutable; not subject to or susceptible of change; unalterable. b. Invariable; used e.g. of the markings of a species 1621. 7 CHAPTER ONE Total harmony of mankind Relationship Between the body, soul, and spirit of mankind Before we begin discussing with the cause as well as the prevention of weakness, sickness and dis-ease and its relationship to our body, we need to discover and realize that YHVH created mankind to be in total harmony with themselves, others; and to Him: the Creator: YHVH. When we go back to the beginning… to Adam and Eve, we find that they had a choice between the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil…Gen. 2 &3. They chose the Tree of Knowledge and missed the Tree of Life resulting in the death process (creation of time limits.) Since then, mankind has been searching for the Tree of Life with eternal Life and health, which only now comes from YHVH’s provision through His Son, YHVHYSH. Mankind is not just a body, nor is he just a soul…he is also a spirit. Up until the early 1900's, mankind was referred to as a living soul…not a human being. Somehow this referral has gotten lost and dropped completely. From time to time throughout these pages, I will use this term because it is my belief that we are indeed living souls and not human beings…Genesis 2:7 “So then, YHVH formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the “Breath of Life” and man became a “living soul.” To be in total harmony, mankind needs to be rightly related in every area of His existence. In other words, the body must be rightly related to the physical universe and its laws; and the soul, with its mind and emotions, must be in harmony with others and with one's self. Each relationship is vital to mankind in order to be whole and free of weakness, sickness, and dis-ease. In discussing all these relationships, and before zeroing in on the relationship of the body with the physical laws, which YHVH set up in this universe for our body, we need to understand how a living soul is indeed indivisibly a spirit, soul, and body. In I Thessalonians 5: 23, “And the very (GOD) Yl (Almighty Creator) of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray YHVH your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of YH.” (self-existing one.)The Apostle Paul gives us YHVH's will concerning our spirit, soul, and body. They are not separate parts of us; rather, they just have different relationships. The physical body relates to its environment through its five senses, and the mind relates to others and to self via thoughts, emotions and desires. The spirit of mankind beginning with Adam, was created so we could relate to The Self-Existing Creator. He created us so we could have a relationship with YHVH on His timeless level. If our relationship with YHVH through our spirit by Faith is at His Spirit level, then our soul and its relationship with others can be the way YHVH intended. Mankind unity Sometimes we think we are acting spiritually by neglecting our relationships involving the physical body we live in. Many people live their lives as if their body, soul, and spirit were separate entities. This concept comes from the Greek principle of dualism. The Greeks believed while the soul was immortal and thus good, the body, which has no part of immortality, was evil. Many of the beliefs of societies are based on this premise. To look back even further, the agnostics were against YHVHYSH by stating that He could not truly be the Son of YHVH because He had a physical body. To the Greeks, anything material was evil. Unfortunately, many have picked up this dualism, which relegates the body as something we “try to get by with…,” until we can get a new body. Yet, if we do that, we are not in total harmony. We cannot really have, or be life, the way YHVH intended, if we separate body, soul, and spirit. The body, soul, and spirit are just ways in which we relate to different areas of our total environment, and therefore influence one another just as any part influences its whole. Our spirit and its relationship with its Creator, affects our body and thus body functions as the lymphatics, blood flow, etc. Likewise, when our body is sick, our mind, emotions and volition are also affected by our body’s sickness. There are some who say, “I love YHVH, but I do not love others.” If that is the case, they cannot truly love YHVH…for we cannot be rightly related to YHVH and not be rightly related to one another. I John 4:20 says, “If a man says, I love YHVH, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that love not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love YHVH whom he hath not seen?” What is life? Life is being in total harmony, in a “right relating” with YHVH, others, self, and the physical environment. Life is being whole…physically, socially and spiritually. Life is total health, not just health in the physical body. In other words, health is living life in compliance with YHVH’s will in every one of these relationships. How do we determine if we are rightly relating in these areas? YHVH set up certain laws that govern mankind's relationships to his spirit, soul and body; the physical environment, which are the laws of nature; soul…[to love one another]; and spirit: to be loved and love YHVH. We can call them laws, commandments, principals, YHVH’s Word, or whatever we want. The point is: there are basic relational laws, which were set up at the beginning of time when YHVH created this universe and placed mankind on the earth. These laws were set up, not as restrictions, but as guides, so we would “rightly relate” and know how to live life to the fullest. We cannot break these laws…relationships, if 9 you will, without also harming or destroying some of our Trinity Relationships. For example, without knowing YHVH's unconditional love for us we cannot love YHVH and love others…love = unselfishness, sin = selfishness. There are laws that govern the body’s relationship to its environment. If we break those laws, we will not be “rightly related” to our physical environment, which causes body symptoms of weakness, sickness, and dis-ease. Any symptom can be traced back to some break between physical laws that relate to our body and its environment. The degree of symptoms we experience, whether it is just weakness or whether it has progressed on to sickness and dis-ease, depends upon how often, and the time-span we have lived out of harmony with our body’s physical relationships. Of course many symptoms are evident when the harmony between the living soul and its relationship to others is disrupted. For example, depression, confusion, selfishness, or misguided affections. The spirit should be relating to YHVH, for He created in us a spirit so we could communicate with Him on His level. Some of the symptoms of disharmony in that relationship are condemnation, guilt, fear, stress and lack of assurance, which lead to doubts such as, “Does YHVH really care for me or for others? Does He understand my problems? That lack of assurance is there because our spirit is not in contact with YHVH's Spirit, thus lacking an intimate relationship. Thus, when relational laws are broken…this harmony, certain dis-ease symptoms are bound to appear. And of course, the one affects the other. Many of those whom I have counseled have made the comment to me, “I have this physical body now, but someday I am going to get a new body, so what’s the big deal?” The “big deal” is this: In the first place, the body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit, and in the second, very simply put, the authority of YHVHysh on earth resides in living souls…having a body. Do you know anyone on this earth that YHVH can work through, bless and love, who does not have a body? The body is necessary for our existence on this earth. YHVH gives authority to people, who reside in bodies, on this earth. As Paul says in Romans 12: 1, “I beseech ye therefore, brethren, by the mercies of YHVH, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto YHVH, which should be your reasonable service.” This physical body is our house and the bodies eyes are the Soul's windows. When looking out our body eye “windows,” we see body houses of all different sizes, shapes and colors, but we do not see the real living soul on the inside. That is why Matthew 6: 22-23 states: “The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light, but if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness.” Our houses involve not only our physical body, but also our soul, which includes our mind and emotions. Also residing in our body [house], is our spirit. This house is affected not only by

Carey Reams; Herbalist Dr. John R. Christpher; and Iridologist Dr. Bernard. Jenson; tis tok place (Self-existing one that saves) and Mshych (Christ-The Anointed One; Messiah); not bodies controlled by the world, drugs, food, and
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