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Total Cure: The Antidote to the Health Care Crisis PDF

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Total Cure Total Cure The Antidote to the Health Care Crisis Harold S. Luft HarvardUniversityPress Cambridge,Massachusetts London,England 2008 Copyright©2008bythePresidentandFellowsofHarvardCollege Allrightsreserved PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica SomeoftheideasincorporatedintheSecureChoiceproposalappearedin HaroldS.Luft,“UniversalCareCoverage:APotentialHybridSolution,” JournaloftheAmericanMedicalAssociation297(2007):1115–1118. Copyright©2007,AmericanMedicalAssociation.Allrightsreserved. ACaravanbook.Formoreinformation,visitwww.caravanbooks.org. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Luft,HaroldS. Totalcure:theantidotetohealthcarecrisis/HaroldS.Luft. p.cm. Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN978-0-674-03210-1(alk.paper) 1.Healthcarereform—UnitedStates. 2.Medicalpolicy—UnitedStates. 3.Healthplanning—UnitedStates. 4.Insurance,Health—UnitedStates. I.Title. [DNLM:1.HealthCareReform—methods—UnitedStates. 2.HealthPolicy—UnitedStates. 3.Insurance,Health—UnitedStates. WA540AA1L8955t2008] RA395.A3L822008 362.1′04250973—dc22 2008016220 ToLori ...andtoallwhoneedabetterhealthcaresystem Contents Preface ix Listof TablesandFigures xiii Listof Abbreviations xv Introduction 1 1 BuildonWhatYou’veGot,butRecognize Real-WorldConstraints 13 2 Overviewof aRestructuredHealthCareSystem 32 3 CoveringtheCostof Care:RethinkingHealthInsurance 59 4 OrganizingCareandPayingProviders 89 5 Choices:HarnessingDatatoInformDecisions 117 6 FinancingSecureChoice 151 7 Malpractice,Pharmaceuticals,MedicalEducation, andPrevention 178 8 HowSecureChoiceWouldWorkforPatients andPhysicians 202 9 GettingThere:PolicyChoices,Implementation, andTransition 221 viii Contents Notes 251 Glossary 299 Index 309 Preface The crisis in health care will not be solved with two aspirin and the hopewe’llbeOKinthemorning;insteadweneedtorestructurethe system fundamentally. That is what Total Cure is about. Reform of the American health care system has been a recurrent issue for de- cades.Overthoseyearstheproportionofthegrossdomesticproduct devoted to health care has grown while the proportion of the non- elderlypopulationwithcoveragehasshrunk,andthosetrendsarein- creasinglyrecognizedasbeingunsustainable.Thelastmajorattempt to reform the system—in the beginning of the Clinton administra- tioninthe1990s—failedtogarnerthenecessarypoliticalconsensus. A new administration taking office in 2009 with the baby boomers approaching the age of Medicare eligibility makes the time ripe for seriousconsiderationofchange. Inmid-2004,whenIfirstconsideredthisundertaking,theseissues wereobvious,aswasthehighlikelihoodthatmanyproposalswould beforthcomingfromacademics,policyanalysts,andpoliticians.The question was whether I could contribute something to that discus- sion.Foroverthreedecadesmyfocushadbeenonempiricalworkin understanding how the health care system functions,including top- ics ranging from competition to outcomes measurement,from hos- pitals to HMOs, from storefront clinics to high-tech equipment. Through all these investigations,this remained true:the deeper one ix

Proposals to reform the health care system typically focus on either increasing private insurance or expanding government-sponsored plans. Guaranteeing that everyone is insured, however, does not create a system with the quality of care patients want, the flexibility clinicians need, and the interna
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