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Toroidal Crystals Luca Giomi and Mark J. Bowick Department of Physics, Syracuse University, Syracuse New York, 13244-1130 Crystalline assemblages of identical sub-unitspacked togetherand elastically bent in theform of atorushavebeenfoundinthepasttenyearsinavarietyofsystemsofsurprisinglydifferentnature, suchasviralcapsids,self-assembledmonolayersandcarbonnanomaterials. InthisLetterweanalyze thestructuralpropertiesoftoroidalcrystalsandweprovideaunifieddescriptionbasedontheelastic theory of defects in curved geometries. We find ground states characterized by the presence of 5- fold disclinations on the exterior of the torus and 7-fold disclinations in the interior. The number 8 of excess disclinations is controlled primarily by the aspect ratio of the torus, suggesting a novel 0 mechanismforcreating toroidaltemplateswith preciselycontrolled valencyviafunctionalization of 0 thedefect sites. 2 n Toroidalmicellescanbeformedinthe self-assemblyof a dumbbell-shaped amphiphilic molecules [1]. Molecular J dumbbells dissolved in a selective solvent self-assemble 3 2 in aggregate structures determined by their amphiphilic character. This process yields coexisting spherical and ] open-ended cylindrical micelles which evolve slowly over t f the course of a week to more stable toroidal micelles. o Toroidalgeometriesalso occur in microbiologyin the vi- s . ralcapsidofthe coronavirustorovirus [2]. The torovirus t a is an RNA viral package of maximal diameter between m 120 and 140 nm and is surrounded, as other coronaviri- - dae, by a double wreath/ring of cladding proteins. d n Carbonnanotoriformanotherfascinatingandtechno- o logically promising class of toroidal crystals [3] with re- c markable magnetic and electronic properties. The inter- [ play between the ballistic motion of the π electrons and 1 the geometry of the embedding torus leads to a colossal v paramagnetic moment in metallic carbon tori [4]. The 4 high magnetic susceptibility, together with large ring ra- FIG. 1: (Color online) Isolated defects and scar phases in 8 dius(upto0.03µmforsingletubesof1.4nmindiameter the (r,V) plane. When the number of vertices V increases 4 3 [5]),impliesthatthemobilityoftheelectronsinthehigh- the range of the screening curvature becomes smaller than . estoccupiedmolecularorbitalisseveraltimeslargerthan onelatticespacinganddisclinationsappeardelocalizedinthe 1 form of a 5−7−5 grain boundarymini-scar. that of other ring-shaped molecules such as benzene [6]. 0 8 A unified theoretical framework to describe the struc- 0 ture of toroidalcrystals is providedby the elastic theory : v of defects in a curved background [7, 8, 9, 10]. This sible way to incorporate positive and negative Gaus- i formalism has the advantage of far fewer degrees of free- sian curvature into the cylindrical geometry of nan- X dom than a direct treatment of the microscopic interac- otubes [11]. In the Dunlap construction the curvature is r a tionsandallowsonetoexploretheoriginoftheemergent achieved by the insertion of “knees” in conjunction with symmetry observed and expected in toroidal crystals as eachpentagon-heptagonpairarisingfromthejunctionof the resultofthe interplaybetweendefectsandgeometry. tubular segments ofdifferent chirality. The latter is con- Since defective regions are natural places for biological ventionally specified by two integers (N,M) which iden- activity and chemical linking, a thorough understanding tify the direction along which a planar triangular lattice of the surface topology of crystalline assemblages could isrolledupintheformofatube[12]. Ajunctionbetween represent a significant step toward a first-principle de- an(N,0)andan(N,N)tubeisobtained,forinstance,by signofentirelibrariesofnanoandmesoscalecomponents placing a 7 fold disclination along the internal equator − withpreciselydeterminedvalencythatcouldserveasthe of the torus and a 5 folddisclination along the external − building blocks for mesomolecules or bulk materials via equator [13, 14]. By repeating the 5 7 connection pe- − self-assembly or controlled fabrication. riodically it is possible to construct an infinite number The embedding ofan equalnumber of pentagonaland of toroidal lattices with an even number of disclinations heptagonal disclination defects in a hexagonal carbon pairs and the dihedral symmetry group D (where 2n nh network was first proposed by Dunlap in 1992 as a pos- is the total number of 5 7 pairs). − 2 Another class of crystalline toroids with dihedral an- tiprismaticsymmetryD wasinitiallyproposedbyItoh nd at al [15] shortly after Dunlap. Aimed at producing a structure similar to C60 fullerene, Itoh’s original con- structionimpliedtendisclinationpairsandthesymmetry group D5d. In contrast to Dunlap toroids, the disclina- tions in the antiprismatic torus are not perfectly aligned along the equator but rather staggered at some angular distance δψ from the equatorial plane. A general clas- sification scheme for D symmetric tori can be found nd in Ref. 16. In this paper we will refer to the lattices themselves, with 2n disclination pairs, by the symbols TPn and TAn, with respective symmetry groups D nh and D . nd FIG. 2: (Color online) Elastic energy of a 5−7 disclination Within the elastictheory ofdefects oncurvedsurfaces dipole constrained to lie on thesame meridian, as a function [7, 8, 9, 10] the original interacting particle problem is oftheangularseparation. Intheinset,illustration ofacircu- mapped to asystemof interactingdisclinationdefects in lar torus of radii R1 > R2. Regions of positive and negative acontinuumelasticcurvedbackground. Disclinationsare Gaussian curvaturehavebeenshadedinredandbluerespec- characterizedby their topological or disclination charge, tively. A standard parametrization of the torus is obtained q , representing the departure of a vertex from a prefect byconsidering theangles ψ and φ. i triangular lattice. Thus q =6 c , where c is the coor- i i i − dination number of the ith vertex. A classic theorem of a result, disclinations arrange themselves so to approxi- Euler requires the total disclination charge of any trian- mately match the Gaussian curvature. The second term gulationofatwo-dimensionalmanifoldM tobe equalto in Eq. (1) is the defect core-energy representing the en- 6χ , where χ is the Euler characteristic of M. In the M M ergy required to create a single disclination defect. This caseofthetorusχ =0,andthusdisclinationsmustap- M quantity is related to the short-distance cut-off of the pear in pairs of opposite disclination charge (i.e. 5 fold − elastic theory and is proportional to the square of the and 7 fold vertices with q = 1 and 1 respectively) in − i − topological charge times a constant ǫc. Finally F0 is an order to ensure disclination charge neutrality. The total offsetcorrespondingtothefreeenergyofaflatdefect-free free energy ofa toroidalcrystalwith N disclinations can monolayer. be expressed as UsingstandardanalysisthefunctionΓ(x)canbewrit- ten in the form N 1 Fel = 2Y ZMd2xΓ2(x)+ǫci=1qi2+F0, (1) Γ(x)= π N qkΓd(x,xk) Γs(x), (4) X 3 − k=1 where Y is the 2D-Young modulus and Γ(x) is the so- X where Γ (x) represents the stress field due to the curva- lution of the following Poisson problem with periodic s ture of the torus and is given by: boundary conditions: Γ (x) r+√r2 1 r √r2 1 ∆Γ(x)=Yρ(x), (2) s =log − + − − , (5) Y 2(r+cosψ) r " # where ∆ is the Laplace-Beltrami operator on the torus and ρ(x) is the total topological charge density where r = R1/R2 is the aspect ratio of the torus. The functionΓ (x,x )isthestressfieldatthepointxarising d k π N from the elastic distortion due to a defect at xk and is ρ(x)= q δ(x,x ) K(x) (3) given by k k 3 − Xk=1 Γ (x,x ) κ 2 2 1 d k 2 = ψ ξ (φ φ ) of N disclinations located at the sites xk plus a screen- Y 16π2 k− κ k − 4π2κ − k ing contribution due to the Gaussian curvature K(x) of (cid:18) (cid:19) 1 κ trheseenemtsbtehdedilnogngm-raannigfoelde.laTsthice fidrissttotretiromnidnuEeqt.o(d1)efreecpts- +4π2r log(r+cosψk)− 4π2 Re{Li2(αeiψk)} and curvature. Its form resembles the potential energy 1 z z 2i k of a system of electrical charges. In this analogy the + log ϑ1 − , (6) 2π κ κ GaussiancurvatureK(x)playstheroleofanon-uniform (cid:12) (cid:18) (cid:12) (cid:19)(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) background charge distribution while defects appear as where ξ = κtan 1(ωta(cid:12)nψ/2) is a(cid:12)confo(cid:12)rmal angle aris- − (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) positivelyandnegativelychargedpoint-likeparticles. As ing from the mapping of the torus to the periodic plane, 3 on the microscopic details of the system, the constant 5 3 ǫ /AY 10 for a crystal of roughly 10 atoms. In c − ∼ the range r [3.68, 10.12] and ǫ 0, the structure is c ∈ ∼ dominated by the T10 phase corresponding to a double ringof+1and 1disclinationsdistributedalongthe ex- − ternal and internal equators of the torus at the vertices of a regular decagon. The corresponding lattice has D5h symmetry group. Thatthisstructuremightrepresentastableconfigura- tionforpolygonalcarbontoroidshasbeenconjecturedby the authors of Ref. 13, based on the argument that the 36 angle arising from the insertion of ten pentagonal- ◦ heptagonal pairs into the lattice would optimize the ge- ometry of a nanotorus consistently with the structure of the sp2 bonds of the carbon network (unlike the 30 ◦ angle of the 6 fold symmetric configuration originally − proposedbyDunlap). Inlatermoleculardynamicssimu- FIG. 3: (Color online) Phase diagram for Tp configurations lations, Han [18] found that a 5 fold symmetric lattice, in the plane (r,ǫc/AY). For r ∈[3.68, 10.12] and ǫc ∼0 the suchastheoneobtainedfroma(−9,0)/(5,5)junction,isin structureisgivenbyaT10configurationwithsymmetrygroup fact stable for toroids with aspect ratio less then r 10. D5h. ∼ The stability, in this case, results from the strain energy peratombeingsmallerthanthebindingenergyofcarbon z = ξ+iφ, and α, κ and ω are dimensionless constants atoms. We have shown here, from first principles, that a depending on the aspect ratio r: 5 fold symmetric lattice indeed constitutes a minimum − of the elastic energy for a broad range of aspect ratios 2 r 1 and defect core energies. α= r2 1 r, κ= , ω = − . − − √r2 1 r+1 For small aspect ratios the 5 fold symmetric configu- p − r rationbecomesunstableandis−replacedbytheT9 phase. Finally ϑ1 is a Jacobian theta function and reflects the This configuration, however, does not correspond to a double periodicity of the torus [17]. possible triangulation of the torus. In this regime, we To analyze the elastic energy Eq. (1) we first consider expect the minimal energy structure to consist of ten the simplest case of two opposite sign disclinations lying non-coplanar disclination pairs as in the antiprismatic on the same meridian of a torus of area A = 4π2R1R2. The elastic free energy of this system is shown in Fig. 2 as a function of the angular separation between the two disclinations. The minimum is obtained for the pos- itive disclination along the external equator of the torus (where K(x) is maximally positive) and the negative disclination along the internal equator (where K(x) is maximally negative). The picture emerging from this simple case suggests a procedure to systematically con- structoptimaldefectpatternsforanarbitrarynumberof disclinationpairs,byplacingthesamenumberofequally spaced +1 and 1 disclinations along the internal and − external equators respectively. We name this configura- tion with the symbol T , where p stands for the total p number of disclination dipoles. A comparison between the free energy of different T p configurations as a function of aspect ratio and core en- ergy is summarized in the phase diagram of Fig. 3. We stress here that only T graphs with p even have an em- p beddingonthetoruscorrespondingtolatticesoftheTP2p FIG. 4: (Color online) Phase diagram of a 5−fold symmet- class. Nevertheless a comparison with p odd configura- ric lattice in the plane (r,δψ). For small δψ and r in the − tions can provide additional information regarding the range [3.3, 7.5] the prismatic TP5 configuration is energeti- stability of p even lattices. The defect core energy en- cally favored. For r<3.3, thesystem undergoes a structural tering Eq. (−1) is equal to 2pǫ . Although dependent transition to theantiprismatic phase TA5. c 4 TA5 lattice. The latter can be analyzed by introducing control of the valency by tuning the aspect ratio of the a further degree of freedom, δψ, representing the angu- torus. This could lead to a very efficient scheme for cre- lar displacement of defects from the equatorial plane. A atingavarietyofbasicsurfaceswithwell-definedvalency comparison between the TP5 and TA5 configurations is which subsequently self-assemble into novel molecules shown in Fig. 4 for different values of δψ. For small and bulk structures. δψ and r [3.3, 7.5] the prismatic TP5 configuration is ∈ energetically favored. For r < 3.3, however, the lattice We acknowledge David Nelson and Alex Travesset for undergoes a structural transition to the TA5 phase. For stimulatingdiscussions. 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