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TOPOLOGY OF POLAR WEIGHTED HOMOGENEOUS HYPERSURFACES 8 0 MUTSUO OKA 0 2 Abstract. Polar weighted homogeneous polynomials are the class of n special polynomials of real variable x ,y , i = 1,...,n with z = x + a i i i i √ 1y which enjoys a“ polar action”. In many aspects, theirbehavior J − i lookslikethatofcomplexweightedhomogeneouspolynomials. Westudy 4 basic properties of hypersurfaces which are defined by polar weighted 2 homogeneous polynomials. ] G A h. 1. Introduction t a We consider a polynomial f(z,z¯) = c zν¯zµ where z= (z ,...,z ), m ν,µ ν,µ 1 n z¯ = (z¯ ,...,z¯ ), zν = zν1 zνn for ν = (ν ,...,ν ) (respectively ¯zµ = [ z¯1µ1···z¯1nµn fornµ = (µ1,..1.,µ··n·) nas usuaPl. Here1z¯i is tnhe complex conjugate 1 of z . Writing z = x +√ 1y , it is easy to see that f is a polynomial of i i i i v − 2n-variables x ,y ,...,x ,y . Thus f can beunderstoodas an real analytic 8 1 1 n n function f : Cn C. We call f a mixed polynomial of z ,...,z . 0 1 n → 7 A mixed polynomial f(z,z¯) is called polar weighted homogeneous if there 3 exists integers q ,...,q and p ,...,p and non-zero integers m , m such 1 n 1 n r p . 1 that 0 8 gcd(q ,...,q ) = 1, gcd(p ,...,p ) = 1, 1 n 1 n 0 n q (ν +µ )= m , n p (ν µ ) = m , if c = 0 v: i=1 j j j r i=1 j j − j p ν,µ 6 i We sayPf(z,z¯) is a polar weightedPhomogeneous of radial weight type X (q ,...,q ;m ) and of polar weight type (p ,...,p ;m ). We define vectors r 1 n r 1 n p a ofrationalnumbers(u ,...,u )and(v ,...,v )byu = q /m ,m vector = 1 n 1 n i i r i − p/m and we call them the normalized radial (respectively polar) weights. i p Using a polar coordinate (r,η) of C∗ where r > 0 and η S1 with S1 = ∈ η C η = 1 , we define a polar C∗-action on Cn by { ∈ || | } (r,η) z= (rq1ηp1z ,...,rqnηpnz ), (r,η) R+ S1 1 n ◦ ∈ × (r,η) ¯z= (r,η) z = (rq1η−p1z¯ ,...,rqnη−pnz¯ ). 1 n ◦ ◦ Then f satisfies the functional equality (1) f((r,η) (z,¯z)) = rmrηmpf(z,z¯). ◦ 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 14J17, 32S25. Key words and phrases. Polar weighted homogeneous, Polar action. 1 2 M.OKA This notion is introduced by Ruas-Seade-Verjovsky [12] implicitly and then by Cisneros-Molina [2]. It is easy to see that such a polynomial defines a global fibration f : Cn f−1(0) C∗. − → The purpose of this paper is to study the topology of the hypersurface F = f−1(1) for a given polar weighted homogeneous polynomial, which is a fiber of the above fibration. Note that F has a canonical stratification F = F∗I, F∗I = F C∗I I⊂{1,2,...,n} ∐ ∩ Our main result is Theorem 10, which describes the topology of F∗I for a simplicial polar weighted polynomial. 2. Polar weighted homogeneous hypersurface This section is the preparation for the later sections. Proposition 2 and Proposition 3 are added for consistency but they are essentially known in the series of works by J. Seade and coauthors [12, 13, 10, 11, 14]. 2.1. Smoothness of a mixed hypersurface. Letf(z,z¯)beamixedpoly- nomial and we consider a hypersurface V = z Cn;f(z,z¯) = 0 . Put { ∈ } z = x +iy . Then f(z,z¯) is a real analytic function of 2n variables (x,y) j j j with x = (x ,...,x ) and y= (y ,...,y ). Put f(z,z¯) = g(x,y)+ih(x,y) 1 n 1 n where g, h are real analytic functions. Recall that ∂ = 1 ∂ i ∂ , ∂ = 1 ∂ +i ∂ ∂zj 2 ∂xj − ∂yj ∂z¯j 2 ∂xj ∂yj Thus (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) ∂k = 1 ∂k i∂k , ∂k = 1 ∂h +i∂k ∂zj 2 ∂xj − ∂yj ∂z¯j 2 ∂xj ∂yj (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) for any analytic function k(x,y). Thus for a complex valued function f, we define ∂f = ∂g +i∂h, ∂f = ∂g +i∂g ∂zj ∂zj ∂zj ∂z¯j ∂z¯j ∂z¯j We assume that g, h are non-constant polynomials. Then V is real codi- mension two subvariety. Put dRg(x,y) = ( ∂g ,..., ∂g , ∂g ,..., ∂g ) R2n ∂x1 ∂xn ∂y1 ∂yn ∈ dRh(x,y)= ( ∂h ,..., ∂h , ∂h,..., ∂h ) R2n ∂x1 ∂xn ∂y1 ∂yn ∈ For a complex valued mixed polynomial, we use the notation: df(z,z¯) = (∂f ,..., ∂f ) Cn, d¯f(z,¯z) = (∂f ,..., ∂f ) Cn ∂z1 ∂zn ∈ ∂z¯1 ∂z¯n ∈ Recall that a point z V is a singular point of V if and only if two vec- ∈ tors dg(x,y), dh(x,y) are linearly dependent over R (see Milnor [4]). This condition is not so easy to be checked, as the calculation of g(x,y), h(x,y) from a given f(z,z¯) is not immediate. However we have Proposition 1. The following two conditions are equivalent. TOPOLOGY OF POLAR WEIGHTED HOMOGENEOUS HYPERSURFACES 3 (1) z V is a singular point of V and dimR(V,z)= 2n 2. ∈ − (2) There exists a complex number α, α = 1 such that df(z,¯z) = αd¯f(z,z¯). | | Proof. First assume that dRg, dRh are linearly dependent at z. Suppose for example that dg(x,y) = 0 and write dh(x,y) = tdg(x,y) for some t R. 6 ∈ This implies that ∂f = (1+ti) ∂g , ∂f =(1+ti) ∂g , thus ∂xj ∂xj ∂yj ∂yj ∂f = (1+ti) ∂g i ∂g , ∂f = (1+ti) ∂g +i ∂g . ∂zj ∂xj − ∂yj ∂z¯j ∂xj ∂yj (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) Thus df(z,z¯) = (1+ti) ∂g i ∂g ,..., ∂g i ∂g =2(1+ti)dzg(z,z¯) ∂x1 − ∂y1 ∂xn − ∂yn (cid:16) (cid:17) d¯f(z,z¯)= (1+ti) ∂∂xg1 +i∂∂yg1,...,∂∂xgn +i∂∂ygn = 2(1+ti)dz¯g(z,z¯) (cid:16) (cid:17) Here dzg = (∂∂zg1,..., ∂∂zgn) and dz¯g = (∂∂z¯g1,...,∂∂z¯gn). As g is a real valued polynomial, using the equality dzg(x,y)= dz¯g(x,y) we get 1 ti df(z,z¯)= − d¯f(z,z¯). 1+ti Thus it is enough to take α = 1−ti. 1+ti Conversely assume that df(z,z¯) = αd¯fz,z¯ for some α = a + bi with a2+b2 = 1. Using the notations ∂g ∂g ∂g ∂g d g = ( ,..., ), d g = ( ,..., ), etc, x y ∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y 1 n 1 n we get (1 a)d g+bd g = bd h (1+a)d h x y x y − − − bd g + (1 a)d g = (a+1)d h bd h. x y x y − − − Solving these equations, we get 2b dRg = (dxg,dyg) = (1 −a)2+b2dRh − which proves the assertion. (cid:3) 2.2. Polar weighted homogeneous hypersurfaces. Let f be a polar weighted homogeneous polynomialof radial weight type(q ,...,q ;m )and 1 n r of polar weight type (p ,...,p ;m ). By differentiating (1) in 1, we get 1 n p § (2) m f(z,¯z) = n q (∂f z + ∂f z¯) r i=1 i ∂zi i ∂z¯i i (3) mpf(z,z¯) = Pni=1pi(∂∂zfizi− ∂∂z¯fiz¯i). We call these equalities Euler eqPualities. Recall that Cn has the canonical hermitian inner product defined by (z,w) = z w¯ + +z w¯ . 1 1 n n ··· 4 M.OKA Identifying Cn with R2n by z (x,y), the Euclidean inner product of ←→ R2n is given as (z,w)R = (z,w). Or we can also write as ℜ 1 (z,w)R = ((z,w)+(z¯,w¯)). 2 Proposition 2. For any α = 0, the fiber F := f−1(α) is a smooth 2(n α 6 − 1) real-dimensional manifold and it is canonically diffeomorphic to F = 1 f−1(1). Proof. Take a point z F . We consider two particular vectors v , v α r θ ∈ ∈ TzCn which are the tangent vectors of the respective orbits of R and S1: v = d(r◦z) = (q z ,...,q z ), r dr |r=1 1 1 n n v = d(eiθ◦z) = (ip z ,...,ip z ). θ dθ |θ=0 1 1 n n Taking the differential of the equality f((r,exp(iθ)) z)) = rmr exp(m θi)f(z,z¯), p ◦ we see that dfz : TzCn TαC∗ satisfies → ∂ ∂ df (v ) = m α , df (v ) = m z r r z θ p | |∂r ∂θ where (r,θ) is the polar coordinate of C∗. This implies that f : Cn C → is a submersion at z. Thus F is a smooth codimension 2 submanifold. A α diffeomorphism ϕ :F F is simply given as ϕ(z) = (r1/mr,expiθ/mp) z α 1 α where α = rexp(iθ). → ◦(cid:3) Theabove proofdoesnotworkfor α= 0. Recall thatthepolarR+ action along the radial direction is written in real coordinates as r (x,y)= (rq1x ,...,rqnx ,rq1y ,...,rqny ), r R+. 1 n 1 n ◦ ∈ Proposition 3. Let V = f−1(0). Assume that q > 0 for any j. Then V j is contractible to the origin O. If further O is an isolated singularity of V, V O is smooth. \{ } Proof. A canonical deformation retract β :V V is given as β (z) = t z, t t → ◦ 0 t 1. (More precisely β (z) = lim β (z).) Then β = id and β is 0 t→0 t 1 V 0 ≤ ≤ the contraction to O. Assume that z V O is a singular point. Consider ∈ \{ } the decomposition into real analytic functions f(z) = g(x,y) + ih(x,y). Using the radial R+-action, we see that (4) g(r (x,y)) = rmrg(x,y), h(r (x,y)) = rmrh(x,y). ◦ ◦ This implies that g(x,y), h(x,y) are weighted homogeneous polynomials of (x,y) and the Euler equality can be restated as m g(x,y) = n p x ∂g (x,y)+y ∂g (x,y) r j=1 j j∂xj j∂yj (cid:16) (cid:17) m h(x,y) = Pn p x ∂h (x,y)+y ∂h(x,y) . r j=1 j j∂xj j∂yj (cid:16) (cid:17) P TOPOLOGY OF POLAR WEIGHTED HOMOGENEOUS HYPERSURFACES 5 Differentiating the equalities (4) in r, we get ∂g ∂g ∂h ∂h (r (x,y)) = rmr−qj (x,y), (r (x,y)) = rmr−qj (x,y). ∂x ◦ ∂x ∂x ◦ ∂x j j j j This implies that these differentials are also weighted homogeneous polyno- mials of degree m q . Thus the jacobian matrix r j − ∂(g,h) (r (x,y)) ∂(x ,y ) ◦ (cid:18) i i (cid:19) is the same with the jacobian matrix at z = (x,y) up to scalar multi- plications in the column vectors by rmr−q1,...,rmr−qn,rmr−q1,...,rmr−qn respectively. Thusanypoints oftheorbitr (x,y), r > 0aresingularpoints ◦ ofV. Thisisacontradiction totheassumptionthatO isanisolated singular point of V, as lim r (x,y)= O. (cid:3) r→0 ◦ Proposition 4. (Transversality) Under the same assumption as in Propo- sition 3, the sphere S = z Cn; z = τ intersects transversely with V τ { ∈ | | } for any τ > 0. Proof. Letφ(x,y)= z 2 = n (x2+y2). Then S intersects transversely k k j=1 j j τ with V if and only if the gradient vectors dRg,dRh,dRφ are linearly inde- P pendent over R. Note that dRφ(x,y) = 2(x,y). Suppose that the sphere Skzk is tangent to V at z = (x,y) V. Then we have for example, a linear ∈ relation dg(x,y) = αdh(x,y)+βdφ(x,y) with some α,β R. Note that ∈ the tangent vector v to the R+-oribit is tangent to V and it is written r v = (q x ,...,q x ,q y ,...,q y ) as a real vector. Then we have r 1 1 n n 1 1 n n 0= dg(r◦(x,y) = n q x ∂g (x,y)+y ∂g (x,y) dr |r=1 j=1 j j∂xj j∂yj =P(vr(x,y(cid:16)),dg(x,y))R (cid:17) = (vr(x,y),αdh(x,y))+(vr(x,y),βdφ(x,y))R = 2β n q (x2+y2) j=1 j j j as (vr(x,y),dh(x,y))R = 0 by thPe same reason. This is the case only if β = 0 which is impossible as V O is non-singular by Proposition 3. (cid:3) \{ } 2.2.1. Remark. Let f(z,z¯) be a polar weighted homogeneous polynomial with respective weights (q ,...,q ;m ) and (p ,...,p ;m ). Proposition 3 1 n r 1 n p does not hold if the radial weights contain some negative q . Assume that j q 0 for any j and I := j q = 0 is not empty. Then it is easy to see j 0 j ≥ { | } thatf does nothave monomialwhich does notcontain anyz with i / I , as i 0 ∈ if such monomial exists, its radial degree is 0. This implies that V = f−1(0) contains the coordinate subspace CI0 = z z = 0, i / I . We call CI0 the i 0 { | ∈ } canonical retract coordinate subspace. Then Proposition 3 can be modified as CI0 is a deformation retract of V. Of course, CI0 can be contracted to O but this contraction is not through the action and not related to the geometry of V. 6 M.OKA 2.2.2. Example. Consider the following examples. g (z,¯z) = za1z¯ + +zanz¯ , a 1, and a 2( j) 1 1 2 ··· n 1 ∀ i ≥ j ≥ ∃ g (z,z¯) = za1z¯ + +zan−1z¯ +zan, a 1. 2 1 2 ··· n−1 n n ∀ i ≥ Proposition 5. (1) The radial weight vector (q ,...,q ) of g (z,z¯) is 1 n 1 semi- positive, i.e. q 0 for any j if a 1 for any i. ( j, a 2 is j i j ≥ ≥ ∃ ≥ necessary for the existence of polar action.) It is not strictly positive if and only ifn = 2m isevenand either (a) a = a = = a = 1 3 2m−1 ··· 1 or (b) a = a = = a = 0. 2 4 2m ··· In case (a) (respectively (b)), we have q = q = = q = 0 2 4 2m ··· and q 1, 0 j m 1 (resp. q = q = = q = 0 and 2j+1 1 3 2m−1 ≥ ≤ ≤ − ··· q 1, 1 j m ). 2j ≥ ≤ ≤ (2) The radial weight vector (q ,...,q ) of g (z,z¯) is semi-positive. It 1 n 2 is not strictly positive if and only if a = 1. Let s be the integer n such that a = a = = a = 1 and a 2. Then n n−2 n−2s n−2s−2 ··· ≥ q = = q = 0 and q 1 otherwise. n−1 n−2s+1 j ··· ≥ Proof. Wefirstconsiderg (z,z¯)= za1z¯ + +zanz¯ . Byaneasycalculation, 1 1 2 ··· n 1 using the notation a = a the normalized radial weigts (u ,...,u ) are i+n i 1 n given as u = 1 m−1(a 1)a a , n= 2m j a1···an−1 i=0 j+2i+1− j+2i+2··· j+n−1 u = 1 1+ Pm−1(a 1)a a , n = 2m+1 j a1···an+1 i=0 j+2i+1− j+2i+2··· j+n−1 (cid:16) (cid:17) P and the assertion follows immediately from this expression. Next we consider g2(z,z¯) = z1a1z¯2 +···+znan−1z¯n +znan. Then the nor- malized radial weigts (u ,...,u ) are given as 1 n u = 1 1 + +( 1)n−j 1 j aj − ajaj+1 ··· − ajaj+1···an aj+1−1 + + an−1 , n j : odd ajaj+1 ··· ajaj+1···an − = aj+1−1 + + an−1−1 + 1  ajaj+1 ··· ajaj+1···an−1 ajaj+1···an   n j :even − As ai 1, the assertion follows from the above expression. (cid:3) ≥ 2.3. Simplicial mixed polynomial. Let f(z,z¯) = sj=1cjznjz¯mj be a mixed polynomial. Here we assume that c ,...,c = 0. Put 1 s 6 P s fˆ(w) := c wnj−mj. j j=1 X We call fˆthe the associated Laurent polynomial. This polynomial plays an important role for the determination of the topology of the hypersurface F = f−1(1). Note that TOPOLOGY OF POLAR WEIGHTED HOMOGENEOUS HYPERSURFACES 7 Proposition 6. If f(z,z¯) is a polar weighted homogeneous polynomial of polar weight type (p ,...,p ;m ), fˆ(w) is also a weighted homogeneous Lau- 1 n p rent polynomial of type (p ,...,p ;m ) in the complex variables w ,...,w . 1 n p 1 n A mixed polynomial f(z,z¯) is called simplicial if the exponent vectors n m j = 1,...,a are linearly independent in Zn respectively. In j j { ± | } particular, simplicity implies that s n. When s = n, we say that f is full. ≤ Put n = (n ,...,n ), m = (m ,...,m ) in Nn. Assume that s n. j j,1 j,n j j,1 j,n ≤ Consider two integral matrix N = (n ) and M = (m ) wherethe k-th row i,j i,j vectors are n , m respectively. k k Lemma 7. Let f(z,¯z) be a mixed polynomial as above. If f(z,z¯) is simpli- cial, then f(z,¯z) is a polar weighted homogeneous polynomial. In the case s= n, f(z,¯z) is simplicial if and only if det(N M) = 0. ± 6 Proof. First we assume that s = n and consider the system of linear equa- tions (n +m )u + +(n +m )u = 1 1,1 1,1 1 1,n 1,n n ··· (5)  ···  (nn,1+mn,1)u1+ +(nn,n+mn,n)un = 1 ···  (n1,1 m1,1)v1+ +(n1,n m1,n)vn =1 − ··· − (6)  ···  (nn,1 mn,1)v1+ +(nn,n mn,n)vn = 1 − ··· − It is easy to see that equations (5) and (6) have solutions if det N M = 0  ± 6 which is equivalent for f to be simplicial by definition. Note that the solu- tions (u ,...,u ) and (v ,...,v ) are rational numbers. We call them the 1 n 1 n normalized radial (respectively polar) weights. Now let m , m be the least r p common multiple of the denominators of u ,...,u and v ,...,v respec- 1 n 1 n tively. Then the weights are given as q = u m , p = v m , j = 1,...,n j j r j j p respectively. Now suppose that s < n. It is easy to choose positive integral vec- tors n , j = s + 1,...,n (and put m = 0, j = s + 1,...,n) such that j j det(N˜ M˜) = 0, where N˜ and M˜ are n n-matrices adding (n s) row ± 6 × − vectors n ,...,n . Then the assertion follows from the case s = n. This s+1 n corresponds to considering the mixed polynomial: s n n m n f(z,z¯)= c z j¯z j +0 z j. j j × j=1 j=s+1 X X (cid:3) 2.3.1. Example. Let fa,b(z,z¯) = z1a1z¯2b1 +···+znanz¯1bn, ai,bi ≥ 1, ∀i k(z,z¯)= zd(z¯ +z¯ )+ +zd(z¯ +z¯ ), d 2. 1 1 2 ··· n n 1 ≥ 8 M.OKA The associated Laurent polynomials are fa,b(w)= w1a1w2−b1 +···+wnanw1−bn kˆ(w) = wd(1/w +1/w )+ +wd(1/w +1/w ). d1 1 2 ··· n n 1 Corollary 8. For the polynomial f , the following conditions are equiva- a,b lent. (1) f is simplicial. a,b (2) f is a polar weighted homogeneous polynomial. a,b (3) (SC) a a = b b . 1 n 1 n ··· 6 ··· Proof. The assertion follows from the equality: a 0 b 1 n ··· ± b a 0 1 2 det(n±m)= det ±... ... ·.·.·. ...     0 bn−1 an   ··· ±    a a ...a +( 1)n−1b b ...b forn+m 1 2 n 1 2 n = − ( a1a2...an b1b2...bn for n m. − − The polynomial k(z,z¯) is a polar weighted homogeneous polynomial with respective weight types (1,...,1;d+1) and (1,...,1;d 1). However it is not simplicial. − (cid:3) Now we consider an example which does not satisfy the simplicial con- dition (SC) of Corollary 8: φ := zaz¯a + + zaz¯a. This does not have a 1 1 ··· n n any polar action as they are polynomials of z 2,..., z 2 and it takes 1 n | | | | only non-negative values. Note also that φ−1(1) is real codimension 1 as a φ (x,y)= n (x2+y2)a. a j=1 j As a typical simplicial polar weighted polynomial, we consider again the P following two polar weighted polynomials. g (z,¯z) = za1z¯ + +zanz¯ , a 1, and a 2( j) 1 1 2 ··· n 1 ∀ i ≥ j ≥ ∃ g (z,z¯) = za1z¯ + +zan−1z¯ +zan, a 1. 2 1 2 ··· n−1 n n ∀ i ≥ The polynomial g (z,z¯) with a 2, ( i) is a special case of σ-twisted 1 i ≥ ∀ Brieskorn polynomial and has been studied intensively ([12]). In out case, we only assume a 2 for some i. The existence of i with a 2 is the i i ≥ ≥ condition for the existence of polar action. We consider two hypersurfaces definedby V = g−1(0) for i = 1,2. Thecondition for a hypersurfacedefined i i by apolar weighted homogeneous polynomialto have an isolated singularity ismorecomplicatedthanthatofthesingularitydefinedbyacomplexanaytic hypersurface. For the above examples, we assert the following. Proposition 9. For V , V , we have the following criterion. 1 2 (1) V C∗n, i = 1,2 are non-singular. i ∩ (2) V = g−1(0) has no singularity outside of the origin if and only if 1 1 one of the following conditions is satisfied. TOPOLOGY OF POLAR WEIGHTED HOMOGENEOUS HYPERSURFACES 9 (a) n is odd. (b) n is even and there are (at least) two indices i,j(i < j) such that a , a 2 and j i is odd. i j ≥ − (3) V = g−1(0) has no singularity outside of the origin if and only if 2 2 one of the following conditions is satisfied. (a) a 2. n ≥ (b) a = 1, n= 2m+1 is odd and a = 1 for any 1 j m+1. n 2j−1 ≤ ≤ Proof. We use Proposition 1. So assume that (♯) : df(z,z¯) = αd¯f(z,z¯), α = 1. | | (1) We consider V . Suppose z V C∗n is a singular point. Note that 1 1 ∈ ∩ dfz = (a1z1a1−1z¯2,··· ,anznan−1z¯1), d¯f(z,z¯)= (znan,z1a1,...,znan−−11) (♯) implies that (7) a z¯aj−1z¯ = αzaj−1, j = 1,...,n, α S1. j j j+1 j−1 ∃ ∈ In this case, indices should be understood to be integers modulo n. So z = z , and so on. If z C∗n, multiplying the absolute values of the n+1 1 bonit=h1|szidi|eai.of the above equal∈ity, this give a contradiction: Qni=1ai|zi|ai = Now we consider the smoothness on V O . Assume that z is a singular 1 Q \{ } point of V O . For simplicity, we may assume that a 2 as g is 1 n 1 \{ } ≥ symmetric with the permutation i i+1. Assume that z = 0. Then the →(ι+1)-th component of d¯f is non-zero. ι 6 Thusby(♯), (ι+1)-th componentofdf isalsonon-zero. Thatis,zaι−1z¯ = ι+1 ι+2 6 0. In particular, z = 0. We repeatthe same argumentand get a sequence ι+2 6 of non-zero components z ,z ,.... Thus we arrive to the conclusion that ι ι+2 either z = 0 (if n ι is odd ) or z = 0 ( if n ι is even ). n−1 n 6 − 6 − –If n ι is odd and z = 0, the last component of df is non-zero and we n−1 − 6 have z ,z = 0 as we have assumed that a 2. This creates two non-zero n 1 n 6 ≥ sequencez ,z ,z ,... andz ,z ,.... Thusweconcludethatz C∗n, which n 2 4 1 3 ∈ is impossible by the first argument. –If n ι is even, z ,z ,...,z = 0. Thus we see that the first compo- ι ι+2 n nent of −d¯f is non-zero. By the sam6 e argument, we get non-zero sequence z ,z ,.... 2 4 Thus to show that z C∗n, it is enough to show that z = 0. n−1 ∈ 6 (a) Assumefirst n is odd. If ι is even, then we see that z ,z ,...,z = 0 ι ι+2 n−1 6 and we are done. If ι is odd, we get z = 0, which implies the first component of d¯f(z,z¯) is n 6 non-zero. Thus as the second round, we have non-zero sequence z ,z ,... 2 4 which contains z . Thus we are done. n−1 (b) Now we assume that n is even but there is another integer 1 i < n ≤ such that a 2 and a 2 and i is odd. If ι is odd, we have shown that i n ≥ ≥ z C∗n. ∈ 10 M.OKA If ι is even, we get z = 0 and thus z = 0. Then the sequence z ,z ,... n 2 2 4 6 6 contains z . As a 2, looking at the i-th component of df, we get i−1 i ≥ z z = 0. Thus we get a non-zero sequence z ,z ,... which contains i i+1 i i+2 · 6 z , and we are done. n−1 Now to show that one of the conditions (a) or (b) is necessary, we assume that n is even and a = 1 for any odd ν and a 2. Thus putting n = 2m, ν n ≥ f = (z z¯ +za2z¯ )+ +(z z¯ +za2mz¯ ). 1 2 2 3 ··· 2m−1 2m 2m 1 Consider the subvariety z = z = = z = 0. Then 1 3 n−1 ··· df(z,z¯) = (z¯ ,0,z¯ ,0,...,z¯ ,0), d¯f(z,¯z) = (zan,0,...,za2m−2,0) 2 4 2m n 2m−2 the condition (♯) is written as (♯) z = αzan, z = αza2, ,z = αza2m−2 2 n 4 2 ··· 2m 2m−2 which has real one-dimensional solution z2j = αβjuγj ( j = 1,...,m), αβmuγma2m−1 = 1 j−1 β = 1+ a a a , γ = a a a j i=1 2(j−1) 2(j−2)··· 2(j−i) j 2 4··· 2(j−1) (2) We consider the case V . We will see first V C∗n is non-singular. Take P 2 2 ∩ a singular point of V . Then we have some α S1 so that 2 ∈ (♯) : df(z,z¯) = αd¯f(z,¯z). As we have df(z,z¯) = (a za1−1z¯ , ,a zan−1−1z¯ ,a zan−1), 1 1 2 ··· n−1 n−1 n n n d¯f(z,z¯) =(0,za1,...,zan−1) 1 n−1 we see that (♯) implies that za1−1z¯ = 0. Thus there are no singularities 1 2 on V C∗n. Suppose that z = 0 for some ι. If ι < n 1, this implies 2 ι (ι+1)-∩th component of d¯f(z,z¯)6is non-zero. Thus (♯) impli−es that (ι+1)-th component of df is non-zero. In particular, z is non-zero. (Of course, ι+2 z = 0 if a > 1.) Repeating this argument, we arrive to the conclusion: ι+1 ι+1 6 either z or z is non zero. n−1 n First assume that a 2. Comparing the last components of df(z,z¯) n and d¯f(z,¯z), we observe≥that z and z are both non-zero. Now we go n−1 n in the reverse direction. As the (n 1)-th component of df is non-zero, the corresponding (n 1)-th compone−nt zan−2 of d¯f(z,z¯) is non-zero. Then − n−2 (n 2)-th component of df(z,z¯) is non-zero. Going downword, we see that − z C∗n. However this is impossible, as we have already seen above. ∈ Next we assume that a = 1 and n is odd and a = 1 for any j. Note n 2j−1 that the last component of df(z,z¯) is 1. Thus z = 0. If z = 0, we n−1 n 6 6 get a contradiction as above z C∗n. Thus we may assume that z = 0. n Comparing (2j)-components of ∈df(z,z¯) and αd¯f(z,z¯), we get z = 0, z = αza2,...,z = zan−3 2 4 2 n−1 n−3 which has no solution with z = 0. n−1 6 Now we show that the condition (a) or (b) in (3) is necessary.

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