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Available online at www.sciencedirect.com : P Topolo ScienceDirect aie . Applications ELSEVIER Topology and its Applications 154 (2007) 3173-3182 www.elsevier.conVlocate/topol Author index volume 154 (2007) Abry, M., J.J. Dijkstra and J. van Mill, On one-point connectifications 725-— 733 Aguilar, M.A., J.L. Cisneros-Molina and M.E. Frias-Armenta, Characteristic classes and transversal- ity 1220-1235 Aguilar, M.A. and C. Prieto, Equivariant homotopical homology with coefficients in a Mackey func- tor ‘ 2826-2848 Akhmedov, A., Construction of exotic smooth structures 1134-1140 Akhmedov, A., Surface bundles with non-zero signature 2235-2240 Akin, E. and W. Ott, On a theorem of Shchepin and Repovs concerning the smoothness of compacta 2496-2500 Alonso-Mor6n, M. and A.G. Gémez, Upper semifinite hyperspaces as unifying tools in normal Haus- dorff topology 2142-2153 Anaya, J.G., Making holes in hyperspaces 2000-2008 Antonyan, S., A. Illanes, M. Sanchis, A. Tamariz-Mascartia and M. Tkachenko, Preface 1999-1999 Antonyan, S.A., The Banach-Mazur compactum BM(2) is homeomorphic to the orbit space (exp S!)/O(2) 1236-1244 Apanasov, B., Infinite index subgroups and finiteness properties of intersections of geometrically finite groups 1245-1253 Arai, T. and N. Chinen, P-chaos implies distributional chaos and chaos in the sense of Devaney with positive topological entropy 1254-1262 Arhangel’skii, A.V., Locally compact spaces of countable core and Alexandroff compactification 625- 634 Arhangel’skii, A.V., More on remainders close to metrizable spaces 1084-1088 Arhangel’skii, A.V., First countability, tightness, and other cardinal invariants in remainders of topo- logical groups 2950-2961 Arsuaga, J., see Hua, X. 1381-1397 Artico, G., U. Marconi, R. Moresco and J. Pelant, Selectors in non-Archimedean spaces 540- 551 Asaoka, M., On Reeb components of invariant foliations of projectively Anosov flows 1263-1268 AuBenhofer, L., Free nuclear groups 90- 102 Avilés, A., Linearly ordered Radon—Nikodym compact spaces 404- 409 Babinkostova, L., When does the Haver property imply selective screenability? 1971-1979 Babinkostova, L., Lj.D.R. Kocinac and M. Scheepers, Combinatorics of open covers (XI): Menger- and Rothberger-bounded groups 1269-1280 Baldwin, S., Continuous itinerary functions and dendrite maps 2889 —2938 Balogh, Z. and D.K. Burke, Two results on spaces with a sharp base 1281-1285 Banakh, T. and M. Tuncali, Controlled Hahn—Mazurkiewicz Theorem and some new dimension func- tions of Peano continua 1286-1297 Banakh, T. and R. Voytsitskyy, Characterizing metric spaces whose hyperspaces are absolute neigh- borhood retracts 2009 —2025 Banié, I., On dimension of inverse limits with upper semicontinuous set-valued bonding functions 2771-2778 Barge, M. and R. Swanson, Rigidity in one-dimensional tiling spaces 309—3 509 9 Batko, B. and M. Mrozek, The Euler—Poincaré characteristic of index maps 859-— 866 Baturov, D.P., On perfectly normal dense subspaces of products 374-— 383 Berestovskii, V. and C. Plaut, Uniform universal covers of uniform spaces 1748-1777 Bernhard, J. and J.J.P. Veerman, The topology of surface mediatrices 54- 68 Blackmore, D., see Champanerkar, J. 1650-1663 Blagojevi¢, P.V.M. and A.S. Dimitrijevi¢ Blagojevi¢, Using equivariant obstruction theory in combi- natorial geometry 2635-2655 Bloch, W.L., Fractal boundaries are not typical 533- 539 0166-864 1/2007 Published by Elsevier B.V. doi:10.1016/S0 166-864 1(07)00329-X 3174 Author index / Topology and its Applications 154 (2007) 3173-3182 Boczko, E., W.D. Kalies and K. Mischaikow, Polygonal approximation of flows 2501-2520 Bonsangue, M.M., A. Kurz and I.M. Rewitzky, Coalgebraic representations of distributive lattices with operators 778- 791 Borodulin-Nadzieja, P., Measures on minimally generated Boolean algebras 3107-3124 Bororiski, J.P., P. Mince and M. Turzanski, Algorithms for finding connected separators between an- tipodal points 3156-3166 Borst, P., Some remarks concerning C-spaces 665-— 674 Bouziad, A., Luzin measurability of Carathéodory type mappings 287- 301 Brodskiy, N., J. Dydak, J. Higes and A. Mitra, Dimension zero at all scales 2729-2740 Bruguera, M. and M. Tkachenko, Bounded sets in topological groups and embeddings 1298-1306 Buck, G.R. and J.K. Simon, Total curvature and packing of knots 192-— 204 Bukovsky, L. and J. HaleS, QN-spaces, wQN-spaces and covering properties 848-— 858 Burke, D.K., see Balogh, Z. 1281-1285 Burke, M.R., Large entire cross-sections of second category sets in R’*! 215- 240 Buzyakova, R.Z., Function spaces over GO-spaces: Part I 917- 924 Bykov, A. and M. Texis, Equivariant strong shape 2026-2039 Cadavid, C.A. and J.D. Vélez, On a minimal factorization conjecture 2786-2794 Cai, M., X. Chen and Z. Lii, Small covers over prisms 2228-2234 Camacho, C. and B.A. Scardua, On codimension one foliations with Morse singularities on three- manifolds 1032-1040 Campion, M.J., J.C. Candeal, E. Indurain and G.B. Mehta, Representable topologies and locally connected spaces 2040-2049 Candeal, J.C., see Campion, M.J. 2040-2049 Cao, J. and H.J.K. Junnila, When is a Volterra space Baire? 527- 532 Carballo, C.M., C.A. Morales and B. San Martin, Nonexistence of Bonatti-Langevin examples of Anosov flows on closed four manifolds 326-— 332 Carlson, N., Lower and upper topologies in the Hausdorff partial order on a fixed set 619-— 624 Carlson, N.A., Non-regular power homogeneous spaces 302-— 308 Carrasco, P., A.M. Cegarra and A.R. Garzon, The homotopy categorical crossed module of a CW- complex 834- 847 Casarrubias-Segura, F., A. Contreras-Carreto and A. Ramirez-Paramo, Some new topological cardi- nal inequalities 1307-1313 Cavalcanti, G.R., Formality in generalized Kahler geometry 1119-1125 Cegarra, A.M., see Carrasco, P. 834-— 847 Cencelj, M., J. Dydak, J. Smrekar, A. Vavpetié and Z. Virk, Compact maps and quasi-finite com- plexes 300— 5302 0 Chaber, J. and R. Pol, On nonnormal products and a set of A.H. Stone 867— 869 Champanerkar, J. and D. Blackmore, Pitchfork bifurcations of invariant manifolds 1650-1663 Charatonik, J.J., Mapping properties of weakly arcwise open dendroids 1015-1025 Charatonik, J.J. and P. Pellicer-Covarrubias, Retractions and contractibility in hyperspaces 333- 338 Charatonik, W.J. and M. Insall, Metrics defined via discrepancy functions 1641-1649 Chasco, M.J., E. Martin-Peinador and V. Tarieladze, A class of angelic sequential non-Fréchet- Urysohn topological groups 741-— 748 Chatyrko, V.A. and Y. Hattori, There is no upper bound of small transfinite compactness degree in metrizable spaces 1314-1320 Chen, X., see Cai, M. 2228-2234 Chiang, Y. and Y.S. Wang, Euclidean self-similar sets generated by geometrically independent sets 2376-2390 Chinen, N., see Arai, T. 1254-1262 Choi, M.-J., D.H. Park and D.Y. Suh, Proof of semialgebraic covering mapping cylinder conjecture with semialgebraic covering homotopy theorem 69- 89 Cichon, J., M. Morayne, R. Ratowski, C. Ryll-Nardzewski and S. Zeberski, On nonmeasurable unions 884— 893 Cirié, L., Coincidence and fixed points for maps on topological spaces 3100-3106 Cisneros-Molina, J.L., see Aguilar, M.A. 1220-1235 Clark, A. and R. Fokkink, Self-duality and codings for expansive automorphisms 2521-2532 Clark, A., J. Kennedy and K. Kuperberg, Preface 2495 —2495 Collins, J. and J. Zimmer, An asymmetric Arzela—Ascoli theorem 2312-2322 205- 214 Comfort, W.W. and W. Hu, Resolvability properties via independent families Conner, G. and K. Eda, Correction to: “Algebraic topology of Peano continua” [Topology Appl. 153 (2-3) (2005) 213-226a]n d “Fundagmroeupsn htavaingl t he whole information of spaces” Ti+ 7 [Topology Appl. 146-147 (2005) 317-328] 1307-1313 Contreras-Carreto, A., see Casarrubias-Segura, F Author index / Topology and its Applications 154 (2007) 3173-3182 3175 Costantini, C., A consistent o -compact sequential space which is not hereditarily weakly Whyburn 1726-1736 Costantini, C., On some questions about pp and pPpelosed Spaces 2248-2252 Costenoble, S.R. and S. Waner, A note on the homotopy theory of pro-G-spectra 1178-1194 Costenoble, S.R. and S. Waner, A completion theorem for pro-G-spectra 1679-1689 de Jager, E.P. and H.-P.A. Kiinzi, Infima and complements in the iattice of quasi-uniformities 2117-2126 de J. Lépez, M., see Escobedo, R. 1359-1362 del Portal, F.R.R., see Dydak, J. 2204-2222 Derby-Talbot, R., Stabilizing Heegaard splittings of toroidal 3-manifolds 1841-1853 Devaney, R.L., M.M. Rocha and S. Siegmund, Rational maps with generalized Sierpinski gasket Julia sets l1- 27 Diao, Y. and C. Ernst, Ropelengths of closed braids 491- 501 Di Concilio, A., Group action on zero-dimensional spaces 2050-2055 Dijkstra, J.J., see Abry, M. 725-— 733 Dikranjan, D., CLP-compactness for topological spaces and groups 1321-1340 Dimitrijevi¢é Blagojevi¢, A.S., see Blagojevi¢, P.V.M. 2635-2655 Ding, L. and S. Gao, New metrics on free groups 410- 420 Dolecki, S., Erratum to “Convergence-theoretic characterizations of compactness” [Topology Appl. 125 (3) (2002) 393-417] 1216-1217 Dolecki, S. and D. Gauld, Irregularity 1565-1580 Dost, $. and H.-P.A. Kiinzi, Observations on quasi-uniform products 1157-1169 Dow, A. and K.P. Hart, Cosmic dimensions 2449-2456 Dranishnikov, A.N., Cohomological dimension of Markov compacta 1341-1358 Dranishnikov, A.N. and J. Smith, On asymptotic Assouad—Nagata dimension 934- 952 Dube, T. and P. Matutu, Pointfree pseudocompactness revisited 2056-2062 Duia, G., P. Hilton and H.J. Marcum, A theory of PWD-structures 1541-1560 Durumeric, O.C., Local structure of ideal shapes of knots 3070-3089 Dydak, J. and F.R.R. del Portal, Monomorphisms and epimorphisms in pro-categories 2204-2222 Dydak, J., see Brodskiy, N. 2729-2740 Dydak, J., see Cencelj, M. 300—35 02 0 Dzamonja, M. and G. Plebanek, On Efimov spaces and Radon measures 2063 —2072 Eda, K., see Conner, G. 771- 773 Ernst, C., see Diao, Y. 491- 501 Escobedo, R., M. de J. Lépez and J.F. Tenorio, Disk-like products of continua 1359-1362 Espinoza, B. and S. Macias, On the set function 7 2988-2996 Etayo, F., see Salimov, A.A. 925- 933 Eudave-Mujioz, M., S. Garcia-Ferreira, A.K ono and A. Koyama, Preface 1219-1219 Fabel, P., Metric spaces with discrete topological fundamental group 635— 638 Fabel, P., A retraction theorem for topological fundamental groups with application to the Hawaiian earring 722-— 724 Falbel, E., Geometric structures associated to triangulations as fixed point sets of involutions 1041-1052 Federinov, J. and Y. Felix, Realization of 2-solvable nilpotent groups as groups of classes of homotopy self-equivalences 2425-2433 Fedorchuk, V.V. and A.P. Pyshchev, On iterates of fully closed absolutes 2976-2982 Felix, Y., see Federinov,J . 2425-2433 Ferrando, J.C., Two new properties of the space Cp(X) 1799-1803 Filali, M. and I. Protasov, Asymptotic oscillations 561-— 566 Fokkink, R., see Clark, A. 2521-2532 Freedman, W., Convergence preserving mappings on topological groups 1089-1096 Frias-Armenta, M.E., see Aguilar, M.A. 1220-1235 Galindo, J. and S. Garcia-Ferreira, Compact groups containing dense pseudocompact subgroups with- out non-trivial convergent sequences 476-— 490 Gao, S., see Ding, L. 410- 420 Garcia-Ferreira, S., see Eudave-Munioz, M. 1219-1219 Garcia-Ferreira, S., see Galindo, J. 476-— 490 Gartside, P. and F. Zigin, More stratifiable function spaces 2457-2461 Garzon, A.R., see Carrasco, P. 834- 847 Gauld, D., see Dolecki, S. 1565-1580 Georgiou, D.N. and S.D. Iliadis, On the compact open and finest splitting topologies 2110-2116 Gerenrot, D., Residue formulation of the Chern character on smooth manifolds 2282 —2305 Ghiloni, R., Second order homological obstructions on real algebraic manifolds 3090-3094 Glasner, E., Enveloping semigroups in topological dynamics 2344-2363 Glockner, H., Direct limit groups do not have small subgroups 1126-1133 3176 Author index / Topology and its Applications 154 (2007) 3173-3182 Gomez, A.G., see Alonso-Moron, M. 2142-2153 Gomez-Larrafiaga, J.C., F. Gonzélez-Acufia and W. Heil, A note on Hempel—McMillan coverings of 3-manifolds 1363-1367 Gonzalez-Acuiia, F., see Gomez-Larrafaga, J.C. 1363-1367 Good, C. and L. Haynes, Monotone versions of countable paracompactness 734-— 740 Goodman, S. and S. Shields, Modifying a branched surface to carry a foliation 2962 —2975 Goodman-Strauss, C. and Y. Rieck, Simple geodesics on a punctured surface I55-— 165 Gruenhage, G., T. Natkaniec and Z. Piotrowski, On thin, very thin, and slim dense sets 817- 833 Gruenhage, G. and P.J. Szeptycki, Fréchet—Urysohn for finite sets, II 2856-2872 Guo, X., K.P. Shum and X.-Y. Xie, 82-compact semigroups having congruence extension property 1834-1840 Hacon, D., C. Mendes de Jesus and M.C. Romero Fuster, Stable maps from surfaces to the plane with prescribed branching data 166- 175 Hales, J., see Bukovsky, L. 848-— 858 Halverson, D.M., Detecting codimension one manifold factors with 0-stitched disks 1993-1998 Hamanaka, H., On Samelson products in p-localized unitary groups 573- 583 Hamanaka, H., Nilpotency of unstable K -theory 1368-1376 Hamanaka, H. and A. Kono, A note on the Samelson products in 24(SO(2n)) and the group [SO(27), SO(2n)] 567-— 572 Hamanaka, H. and A. Kono, Homotopy type of gauge groups of SU(3)-bundles over s® 1377-1380 Hardie, K.A. and P.J. Witbooi, Crown multiplications and a higher order Hopf construction 2073 —2080 Hart, K.P., see Dow, A. 2449-2456 Hattori, Y., see Chatyrko, V.A. 1314-1320 Haynes, L., see Good, C. 734-— 740 Heil, W., see G6mez-Larrafiaga, J.C. 1363-1367 Hernandez, S. and A.M. Rédenas, Automatic continuity and representation of group homomorphisms defined between groups of continuous functions 2089-2098 Hernandez-Hernandez, F., Supremum vs. maximum: A-sets 208 1 — 2088 Hernandez-Hernandez, F., O. Pavlov, P.J. Szeptycki and A.H. Tomita, Realcompactness in maximal and submaximal spaces 299— 3700 4 Hernandez-Hernandez, F., see HruSak, M. 304—3 805 5 Herrera, R., The elliptic genus on non-spin even 4-manifolds 1206-1215 Higes, J., see Brodskiy, N. 2729-2740 Hilton, P., see Dula, G. 1541-1560 Hindman, N. and D. Strauss, Discrete groups in BN 2099-2103 Hirashima, Y. and N. Oda, Pairings of function spaces 2412-2424 Hola, L’., R.A. McCoy and J. Pelant, Approximations of relations by continuous functions 2241-2247 Holcomb, M., On the moduli spaces of multipolygonal linkages in the plane 124- 143 HruSak, M., F. Hernandez-Hernandez and I. Martinez-Ruiz, Pseudocompactness of hyperspaces 3048-3055 Hu, W., see Comfort, W.W. 205- 214 Hua, X., D. Nguyen, B. Raghavan, J. Arsuaga and M. Vazquez, Random state transitions of knots: a first step towards modeling unknotting by type II topoisomerases 1381-1397 Humphries, S.P., An action of subgroups of mapping class groups on polynomial algebras 1053-1083 HuSek, M., Characters of ultrafilters and tightness of products of fans 2104-2109 Ichihara, K. and K. Motegi, Hyperbolic sections in surface bundles 1398-1406 lliadis, S.D., see Georgiou, D.N. 2110-2116 Illanes, A., S. Macias and J.T. Rogers Jr, Preface 969-— 969 Illanes, A., see Antonyan, S. 1999-1999 Imaoka, M. and H. Yamasaki, Stably extendible tangent bundles over lens spaces ~~ 3145-3155 Indurdin, E., see Campion, M.J. 2040-2049 Insall, M., see Charatonik, W.J. 1641-1649 Iscan, M., see Salimov, A.A. 925-— 933 Ishii, A. and T. Kanenobu, A relation between the LG polynomial and the Kauffman polynomial 1407-1416 Jain, T. and S. Kundu, Atsuji completions: Equivalent characterisations 28- 38 Jain, T., see McCoy, R.A. 2678-2696 Jordan, F., Continua for which connected partitions are compact 309-— 325 Jordan,F. , Productive local properties of function spaces 870-— 883 Juhasz, I., L. Soukup and Z. Szentmikléssy, Resolvability of spaces having small spread or extent 144- 154 Juhasz, I. and J. van Mill, Covering compacta by discrete subspaces 283- 286 Juhasz, I. and J.E. Vaughan, Countably compact hyperspaces and Frolik sums 2434-2448 Junnila, H.J.K., see Cao, J. 527- 532 Juyumaya, J. and S. Lambropoulou, p-Adic framed braids 1804-1826 Kabaya, Y., Pre-Bloch invariants of 3-manifolds with boundary 2656-2671 Author index / Topology and its Applications 154 (2007) 3173-3182 3177 Kada, M., Covering a bounded set of functions by an increasing chain of slaloms 277- 281 Kalies, W.D., see Boczko, E. 2501-2520 Kallipoliti, M. and P. Papasoglu, Simply connected homogeneous continua are not separated by arcs 303—3 904 7 Kamada, N., Some relations on Miyazawa’s virtual knot invariant 1417-1429 Kamada, S., Graphic descriptions of monodromy representations 1430-1446 Kamiyama, Y. and S. Tsukuda, The configuration space of the n-arms machine in the Euclidean space 1447-1464 KanenT.,o sebe Iushi,i, A. 1407-1416 Kato, H., Topological entropy of maps on regular curves 1027-1031 Kato, H., Higher-dimensional Bruckner—Garg type theorem 1690-1702 Kawamura, K. and T. Miura, On the existence of continuous (approximate) roots of algebraic equa- 434- 442 tions 358- 363 Kemoto, N., Normality and countable paracompactness of hyperspaces of ordinals 758- 770 Kemoto, N. and Y. Yajima, Rectangular products with ordinal factors Kennedy, J., D.R. Stockman and J.A. Yorke, Inverse limits and an implicitly defined difference equa- tion from economics 2533-2552 Kennedy, J., see Clark, A. 2495 —2495 Kilicman, A. and Z. Salleh, On pairwise Lindel6éf bitopological spaces 1600-1607 Kim, I.-S. and M. Vath, Some remarks on measures of noncompactness and retractions onto spheres 305— 3606 9 Kim, Y.D., The Thurston boundary of Teichmiiller space and complex of curves 675— 682 King, S.A., Ideal Turaev—Viro invariants 1141-1156 Kishimoto, D., L-S category of quaternionic Stiefel manifolds 1465-1469 Kitchloo, N. and W.S. Wilson, On the Hopf ring for ER(n) 160— 1864 0 Koéinac, Lj.D.R., see Babinkostova, L. 1269-1280 Kono, A., see Eudave-Muifioz, M. 1219-1219 Kono, A., see Hamanaka, H. 567- 572 Kono, A., see Hamanaka, H. 1377-1380 Koscielniak, P., On the genericity of chaos 1951-1955 KoSscielniak, P., Generic properties of Z?-actions on the interval 2672-2677 Koscielniak, P. and M. Mazur, Chaos and the shadowing property 2553-2557 Koushesh, M.R., On one-point metrizable extensions of locally compact metrizable spaces 698-— 721 Koushesh, M.R., On order structure of the set of one-point Tychonoff extensions of a locally compact space 260— 7263 4 Koyama, A., see Eudave-Mufioz, M. 1219-1219 Krupski, P. and A. Samulewicz, Strongly countable dimensional compacta form the Hurewicz set 996-1001 Kubis, W., Linearly ordered compacta and Banach spaces with a projectional resolution of the iden- 749— 757 tity 421- 427 Kucharski, A. and S. Plewik, Game approach to universally Kuratowski—Ulam spaces 2558-2560 Kulczycki, M., Measure of minimal sets for certain discrete dynamical systems 28- 38 KunS.,d seue Ja,in, T. 2678-2696 Kundu, S., see McCoy, R.A. 716-777 Kiinzi, H.-P.A., Preface 2745-2756 Kiinzi, H.-P.A., Uniform structures in the beginning of the third millenium 2117-2126 Kiinzi, H.-P.A., see de Jager, E.P. 1157-1169 Kiinzi, H.-P.A., see Dost, §. 2495-2495 Kuperberg, K., see Clark, A. 718- 791 Kurz, A., see Bonsangue, M.M. 176- 191 Kwasik, S. and R. Schultz, Cartesian powers of 3-manifolds 1804-1826 Lambropoulou, S., see Juyumaya, J. 241- 262 Lecomte, D., On minimal non-potentially closed subsets of the plane i- 30 Leininger, C.J. and D.B. McReynolds, Separable subgroups of mapping class groups Levy, R. and M. Matveev, Some more examples of monotonically Lindel6f and not monotonically Lindel6f spaces 2333-2343 Li, J. and Y. Wang, Characteristic classes of vector bundles over RP(h) x HP(k) 1778-1793 Li, R., F. Wang and S. Zhong, The strongest intrinsic meaning of sequential-evaluation convergence 1195-1205 Lin, S., see Liu, C. 449-— 454 Liu, C. and S. Lin, On countable-to-one maps 449-— 454 Lii, Z., see Cai, M. 2228-2234 Lundberg, E., Almost all orbit types imply period-3 2741-2744 Luo, J., Boundary local connectivity of tiles in R2 614- 618 Lupton, G. and S.B. Smith, The evaluation subgroup of a fibre inclusion 1107-1118 Ma, J. and B. Yu, The realization of Smale solenoid type attractors in 3-manifolds 3021-3031 Macias, S., Professor Janusz Jerzy Charatonik [May 24, 1934 — July 11, 2004] 970- 971 3178 Author index / Topology and its Applications 154 (2007) 3173-3182 Macias, S. and S.B. Nadler Jr, Various types of local connectedness in n-fold hyperspaces 39- 53 Macias, S., see Espinoza, B. 298—2 899 6 Macias, S., see Illanes, A. 969- 969 Madariaga-Garcia, R.E. and A.H. Tomita, Countably compact topological group topologies on free Abelian groups from selective ultrafilters 1470-1480 Mai, J. and T. Sun, The w-limit set of a graph map 2306-2311 Mai, J.-H. and S. Shao, The structure of graph maps without periodic points 2714-2728 Mai, J.-H. and W.-H. Sun, Almost periodic points and minimal sets in w-regular spaces 2873-2879 MaleSié, J., D. RepovS, W. Rosicki and A. Zastrow, On continua with homotopically fixed boundary 639-— 654 Malicky, P., Category version of the Poincaré recurrence theorem 2709-2713 Marconi, U., see Artico, G. 540- 551 Marcum, H.J., see Dula, G. 1541-1560 Martin-Peinador, E., see Chasco, M.J. 741- 748 Martinez-de-lVeag-a , V., A strong characterization on the S2EP-property 3032-3038 Martinez-Montejano, J.M., Models for C,(X) for atriodic continua 115-— 123 Martinez-Ruiz, I., see HruSak, M. 3048-3055 Matumoto, T. and T. Nishimoto, Lusternik—Schnirelmann 7 ; -category of non-simply connected sim- ple Lie groups 1931-1941 Matutu, P., see Dube, T. 2056-2062 Matveev, M., see Levy, R. 2333-2343 Mazur, M., see Koscielniak, P. 2553-2557 McCoy, R.A., T. Jain and S. Kundu, Factorization and extension of isomorphisms on C(X) to homeo- morphisms on hyperspaces 2678-2696 McCoy, R.A., see Hola, L’. 2241-2247 McLendon, M., Traces on the skein algebra of the torus 3140-3144 McReynolds, D.B., see Leininger, C.J. 1- 10 Mehta, G.B., see Campion, M.J. 2040-2049 Melleray, J., On the geometry of Urysohn’s universal metric space 384- 403 Mendes de Jesus, C., see Hacon, D. 166- 175 Méndez-Lango, H., On the S2 — EP property 2561-2566 Mildenberger, H., S. Shelah and B. Tsaban, The combinatorics of t-covers 263-— 276 Milovich, D., Amalgams, connectifications, and homogeneous compacta 1170-1177 Minc, P., Remainders of arcwise connected compactifications of the plane 1592-1599 Minc, P., see Boronski, J.P. 3156-3166 Mischaikow, K., see Boczko, E. 2501-2520 Mitra, A., see Brodskiy, N. 2729-2740 Miura, T., see Kawamura, K. 434- 442 Montalvo, F., A.A. Pulgarin and B. Requejo, Zero-separating algebras of continuous functions 2135-2141 Moors, W.B., Separate continuity, joint continuity, the Lindel6f property and p-spaces 428- 433 Morales, C.A., see Carballo, C.M. 326- 332 Morayne, M., see Cichon, J. 884- 893 Moresco, R., see Artico, G. 540- 551 Motegi, K., see Ichihara, K. 1398-1406 Motohashi, T., A prime decomposition theorem for handcuff graphs in s3 3135-3139 Mou, L., On Buzyakova’s example; quotients of the Cantor trees 364-— 366 Mouron, C., Positive entropy on nonautonomous interval maps and the topology of the inverse limit space 894- 907 Mréun, J., Sheaf coalgebras and duality 2795-2812 Mrozek, M., see Batko, B. 859-— 866 Mukherjee, M.N., B. Roy and R. Sen, On extensions of topological spaces in terms of ideals 3167-3172 Mullikin, C.A.S., A class of curves in every knot type where chords of high distortion are common 2697-2708 Mynard, F., Products of compact filters and applications to classical product theorems 953-— 968 Nadler Jr, S.B., The nonexistence of almost continuous surjections between certain continua 1008-1014 Nadler Jr, S.B., see Macias, S. 39- 53 Nadler Jr., S.B., P. Pellicer-Covarrubias and I. Puga, 4-Homogeneous continua with cut points 2154-2166 Nall, V.C., Centers and shore points of a dendroid i 2167-2172 Namazi, H., Big Heegaard distance implies finite mapping class group 2939-2949 Natkaniec, T., see Gruenhage, G. 817- 833 Neumann, F. and J.L. Rodriguez, On cellularization for simplicial presheaves and motivic homotopy 1481-1488 Neusel, M.D., Degree bounds—An invitation to postmodern invariant theory 792-— 814 Nguyen, D., see Hua, X. 1381-1397 Niemiec, P., Approximation of the Hausdorff distance by the distance of continuous surjections 655-— 664 Author index / Topology and its Applications 154 (2007) 3173-3182 3179 Nishimoto, T., On the Lusternik—Schnirelmann category of Stiefel manifolds 1956-1960 Nishimoto, T., see Matumoto, T. 1931-1941 Nowik, T., Immersions of non-orientable surfaces 1881-1893 Nusse, H.E. and J.A. Yorke, Bifurcations of basins of attraction from the view point of prime ends 2567-2579 Nyikos, P.J., Non-stratifiability of C,(X) for a class of separable metrizable X 1489-1492 Oda, N., see Hirashima, Y. 2412-2424 O’Hara, J., The configuration space of planar spidery linkages 502- 526 Ott, W., see Akin, E. 2496-2500 Ozbagci, B., Explicit horizontal open books on some Seifert fibered 3-manifolds 908- 916 Padilla, G. and M. Saralegi-Aranguren, Intersection cohomology of the circle actions 2764-2770 Palmgren, E., A constructive and functorial embedding of locally compact metric spaces into locales 1854-1880 Papasoglu, P., see Kallipoliti, M. 3039-3047 Park, D.H., see Choi, M.-J. 69- 89 Pavlov, O., see Hernandez-Hernandez, F. 2997-3004 Pedroza, A. and L.W. Tu, On the localization formula in equivariant cohomology 1493-1501 Pelant, J., see Artico, G. 540- 551 Pelant, J., see Hola, L’. 2241-2247 Pellicer-Covarrubias, P., Cells in hyperspaces 1002-1007 Pellicer-Covarrubias, P., see Charatonik, J.J. 333- 338 Pellicer-Covarrubias, P., see Nadler Jr., S.B. 2154-2166 Peng, L.-X., The D-property of some Lindel6f spaces and related conclusions 469- 475 Peng, L.-X., A note on D-spaces and infinite unions 2223-2227 Pestov, V., The isometry group of the Urysohn space as a Lévy group 2173-2184 Pintea, C., The plane CS® non-criticality of certain closed sets 367- 373 Piotrowski, Z., see Gruenhage, G. 817- 833 Plachta, L., Genera, band sum of knots and Vassiliev invariants 2880 +2887 Plaut, C., see Berestovskii, V. 1748-1777 Plebanek, G., see DZamonja, M. 2063-2072 Plewik, S., see Kucharski, A. 421- 427 Pol, R., see Chaber, J. 867-— 869 Pollicott, M. and R. Sharp, Pseudo-Anosov foliations on periodic surfaces 2365-2375 Prajs, J.R. and K. Whittington, Filament sets and homogeneous continua 1581-1591 Prajs, J.R. and K. Whittington, Filament sets and decompositions of homogeneous continua 1942-1950 Prieto, C., see Aguilar, M.A. 2826-2848 Protasov, I., see Filali, M. 561- 566 Puga, I., see Nadler Jr., S.B. 2154-2166 Pulgarin, A.A., see Montalvo, F. 2135-2141 Pyshchev, A.P., see Fedorchuk, V.V. 2976-2982 Radul, T., On universal spaces and absorbing sets related to a transfinite extension of covering dimen- sion 1794-1798 Raghavan, B., see Hua, X. 1381-1397 Raines, B., Local planarity in one-dimensional continua 972-— 984 Ratowski, R., see Cichon, J. 884- 893 Ramirez-Paramo, A., see Casarrubias-Segura, F. 1307-1313 Repovs, D. and P.V. Semenov, On closedness assumptions in selection theorems 2185-2195 Repovs, D., see MaleSi¢, J. 639- 654 Requejo, B., see Montalvo, F. 2135-2141 Rewitzky, I.M., see Bonsangue, M.M. 778-— 791 Richeson, D. and J. Wiseman, Positively expansive dynamical systems 604- 613 Rieck, Y., see Goodman-Strauss, C. ISS5— 165 Rocha, M.M., see Devaney, R.L. li- 27 Rédenas, A.M., see Hernandez, S. 2089-2098 Rodriguez, J.L., see Neumann, F. 1481-1488 Rogers Jr, J.T., see Illanes, A. 969-— 969 Romaguera, S., A. Sapena and P. Tirado, The Banach fixed point theorem in fuzzy quasi-metric spaces with applito cthea dotmaiin oof nwor ds 2196-2203 Romero Fuster, M.C., see Hacon, D. 166-— 175 Rosicki, W., see MaleSié, J. 639-— 654 Roushon, S.K., Algebraic K -theory of groups wreath product with finite groups 1921-1930 Roy, B., see Mukherjee, M.N. 3167-3172 Rybicki, T., On commutators of equivariant homeomorphisms 1561-1564 Ryden, D.J., The Sarkovskii order for periodic continua 2253-2264 Author index / Topology and its Applications 154 (2007) 3173-3182 Ryll-Nardzewski, C., see Cichon, J. 884— 893 Saint Raymond, J., Preservation of the Borel class under countable-compact-covering mappings 1714-1725 Saito, T., Dehn surgery and (1, 1)-knots in lens spaces 1502-1515 Sakai, M., The sequence selection properties of Cp(X) 552- 560 Sakai, M., «-Fréchet Urysohn property of C,(X) 1516-1520 Salimov, A.A., M. Iscan and F. Etayo, Paraholomorphic B-manifold and its properties 925-— 933 Salleh, Z., see Kilicman, A. 1600-1607 Samulewicz, A., The hyperspace of hereditarily decomposable subcontinua of a cube is the Hurewicz set 985- 995 Samulewicz, A., see Krupski, P. 996-1001 Sanchis, M., see Antonyan, S. 1999-1999 San Martin, B., see Carballo, C.M. 326- 332 Sapena, A., see Romaguera, S. 2196-2203 Saralegi-Aranguren, M., see Padilla, G. 2764-2770 Sawai, H., A construction of lattices on certain solvable Lie groups 3125-3134 Scardua, B.A., see Camacho, C. 1032-1040 Scheepers, M., see Babinkostova, L. 1269-1280 Schultz, R., see Kwasik, S. 176- 191 Semenov, P.V., see Repovs, D 2185-2195 Sen, R., see Mukherjee, M.N. 3167-3172 Shao, S., see Mai, J.-H. 2714-2728 Sharp, R., see Pollicott, M. 2365 —2375 Shelah, S., see Mildenberger, H. 263-— 276 Shi, E., L. Zhou and Y. Zhou, The nonexistence of expansive Z, actions on Peano continua that contain no 6-curves 462- 468 Shields, S., see Goodman, S. 2962-2975 Shum, K.P., see Guo, X. 1834-1840 Siegmund, S., see Devaney, R.L. ll- 27 Simon, J.K., see Buck, G.R. 192-— 204 Sindelafova, P., An example on movable approximations of a minimal set in a continuous flow 1097-1106 Skopenkov, A., A characterization of submanifolds by a homogeneity condition 1894-1897 Smith, J., see Dranishnikov, A.N. 934- 952 Smith, M., Hereditarily indecomposable subcontinua of the inverse limit of lexicographic arcs are metric 2813-2816 Smith, S.B., see Lupton, G. 1107-1118 Smrekar, J., see Cencelj, M. 300— 5302 0 Sobolewski, M., Pseudo-contractibility of chainable continua 2983-2987 Solecki, S., A Fubini theorem 2462-2464 SouLk., suee pJuha,sz, I. 144- 154 Spurny, J., Gs-additive families in absolute Souslin spaces and Borel measurable selectors 2779-2785 Staecker, P.C., On the uniqueness of the coincidence index on orientable differentiable manifolds 1961-1970 Stavrov, I., Vector bundles over Grassmannians and the spectral geometry of the Riemann tensor 2391-2411 Stimac, S., A classification of inverse limit spaces of tent maps with finite critical orbit 2265-2281 Stockman, D.R., see Kennedy, J. 2533-2552 Strauss, D., see Hindman, N. 2099-2103 Suh, D.Y., see Choi, M.-J. 69- 89 Sun, T., see Mai, J. 2306-2311 Sun, W. and E. Vargas, Entropy and ergodic probability for differentiable dynamical systems and their bundle extensions 683-— 697 Sun, W.-H., see Mai, J.-H. 2873-2879 Swanson, R., see Barge, M. 309— 5309 9 Szentmikldssy, Z., see Juhasz, I. 144-— 154 Szeptycki, P.J., see Gruenhage, G. 2856-2872 Szeptycki, P.J., see Hernandez-Hernandez, F 299— 3700 4 Szybowski, J., The external multiplication for the Conley index 1703-1713 Szymik, M., A stable approach to the equivariant Hopf theorem 2323-2332 Takeuchi, Y. and M. Yokoyama, The ws-singular cohomology of orbifolds 1664-1678 Tamariz-Mascarua, A., see Antonyan, S. 1999-1999 Tanaka, K., Inequivalent surface-knots with the same knot quandle 2757-2763 Tanaka, R., A fiberwise analogue of the Borsuk—Ulam theorem for sphere bundles over a 2-cell com- plex 1827-1833 Author index / Topology and its Applications 154 (2007) 3173-3182 3181 Tanaka, R., A fiberwise analogue of the Borsuk—Ulam theorem for sphere bundles over a 2-cell com- 2849-2855 plex Il 741- 748 Tarieladze, V., see Chasco, M.J. 1359-1362 Tenorio, J.F., see Escobedo, R. 2026-2039 Texis, M., see Bykov, A. 2196-2203 Tirado, P., see Romaguera, S. 1999-1999 Tkachenko, M., see Antonyan, S. 1298-1306 Tkachenko, M., see Bruguera, M. 2465-2493 Tkachuk, V.V., A selection of recent results and problems in C,-theory 2127-2134 Tkachuk, V.V., see van Mill,J . 2997-3004 Tomita, A.H., see Hernandez-Hernandez, F. 1470-1480 Tomita, A.H., see Madariaga-Garcia, R.E. 263- 276 Tsaban, B., see Mildenberger, H. 1447-1464 Tsukuda, S., see Kamiyama, Y. 1493-1501 Tu, L.W., see Pedroza, A. 1286-1297 Tuncali, M., see Banakh, T. 455- 461 Turygin, Y.A., A Borsuk—Ulam theorem for (Zp)*-actions on products of (mod p) homology spheres 3156-3166 Turzanski, M., see Boronski, J.P. 584— 603 Valdez-Sanchez, L.G., Toroidal and Klein bottle boundary slopes 443-— 448 Valette-Stasica, A., Asymptotic values of polynomial mappings of the real plane van den Berg, J.B., R.C. Vandervorst and W. Wojcik, Chaos in orientation reversing twist maps of the plane 2580-2606 van Mill, J., V.V. Tkachuk and R.G. Wilson, Classes defined by stars and neighbourhood assignments 2127-2134 van Mill, J., see Abry, M. 725-— 733 van Mill, J., see Juhasz, I. 283- 286 Vandervorst, R.C., see van den Berg, J.B. 2580-2606 Vargas, E., see Sun, W. 683- 697 Vath, M., see Kim, I.-S. 305— 6306 9 VaugJ.E.h, saee nJuha,sz, I. 2434-2448 Vavpeti¢c, A., see Cencelj, M. 300— 5302 0 Vazquez, M., see Hua, X. 1381-1397 Veerman, J.J.P., see Bernhard, J. 54- 68 Vélez, J.D., see Cadavid, C.A. 2786-2794 Virk, Z., see Cencelj, M. 300—3 502 0 Voytsitskyy, R., see Banakh, T. 200—29 02 5 Waner, S., see Costenoble, S.R. 1178-1194 Waner, S., see Costenoble, S.R. 1679-1689 Wang, F., see Li, R. 1195-1205 Wang, Y., see Li, J. 1778-1793 Wang, Y.S., see Chiang, Y. 2376-2390 Whittington, K., see Prajs, J.R. 1581-1591 Whittington, K., see Prajs, J.R. 1942-1950 Wilson, R.G., see van Mill, J. 2127-2134 Wilson, S.0., Cochain algebra on manifolds and convergence under refinement 1898-1920 Wilson, W.S., see Kitchloo, N. 160— 1864 0 Wiseman, J., see Richeson, D. 604- 613 Witbooi, P.J., see Hardie, K.A. 2073-2080 Wojcik, W., see van den Berg, J.B. 2580-2606 Xie, X.-Y., see Guo, X. 1834-1840 Yagasaki, T., Groups of measure-preserving homeomorphisms of noncompact 2-manifolds 1521-1531 Yajima, Y., Normal covers of infinite products and normality of 2 -products 103- 114 Yajima, Y., see Kemoto, N. 758—- 770 YamasakH.i,, s ee Imaoka,M . 3145-3155 Yamazaki, K., Locally bounded set-valued mappings and monotone countable paracompactness 2817-2825 Yang, Z. and X. Zhou, A pair of spaces of upper semi-continuous maps and continuous maps 1737-1747 Yashiro, T., Crossing distances of surface-knots 1532-1539 Yokoyama, M., see Takeuchi, Y. 1664-1678 Yorke, J.A., see Kennedy, J. 2533-2552 Yorke, J.A., see Nusse, H.E. 2567-2579 YoshioI.k, aClo,se d imagofe spsace s having g-functions 1980-1992 Yu, B., see Ma, J 3021-3031 Zastrow, A., see Malesi¢, J. 639-— 654 3182 Author index / Topology and its Applications 154 (2007) 3173-3182 Zeberski, S., see Cichon, J. 884-— 893 Zelenyuk, Y., Almost maximal spaces 339— 357 ZhoS.n, sgee ,Li, R. 1195-1205 Zhou, L., see Shi, E. 462- 468 Zhou, X., see Yang, Z. 1737-1747 Zhou, Y., see Shi, E. 462- 468 Zimmer, J., see Collins, J. 2312-2322 Ziqin, F., see Gartside, P. 2457-2461

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