TOPOLOGY CUMULATIVE INDEX TO VOLUMES 31—40, 1992-2001 PII: S0040-9383(02)00081-2 © PERGAMON TOPOLOGY An International Journal of Mathematics founded by J. H. C. Whitehead PII: S0040-9383(02)00071-X Editors Professor M. R. BRIDSON _ ) Professor N. J. HITCHIN The Mathematical Institute, 24-29 St. Giles, Professor F. C. KIRWAN ~~" Oxford OX1 3LB, England. E-mail: [email protected] Professor D. QUILLEN Professor U. TILLMANN J Professor RALPH COHEN, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, U.S.A. Professor JEAN LANNES, Centre de Mathematiques, Ecole Polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau Cedex, France Professor WOLFGANG LUck, Westfaelische Wilhelms — Universitaet Miinster, Institut fiir Mathematik, Einsteinstr. 62, 48149 Miinster, Germany Professor JOHN Roe, Department of Mathematics, Penn State University, University Park, PA 16802, U.S.A. V. 1. ARNOL’D R. BOTT B. LAWSON S. DONALDSON I. M. GEL’FAND J.-P. SERRE J. W. MILNOR H. CARTAN G. 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All rights reserved USA mailing notice: Topology (ISSN 0040-9383) is published 6 issues per annum, in January, March, May, July, September and November by Elsevier Science Ltd. (P.O. Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Annual subscription price in the USA US$ 1404.00 (valid in North, Central and South America), including air speed delivery. Periodical postage rate paid at Jamaica, Periodical postage rate paid at Jamaica, NY 11431. USA POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Topology, Publications Expediting Inc., 200 Meacham Ave, Elmont, NY 11003. AIRFREIGHT AND MAILING in the USA by Publications Expediting Inc., 200 Meacham Avenue, Elmont, NY 11003. CUMULATIVE INDEX TO VOLUMES 31-40, 1992-2001 Index by Author J.M. AarTS (with R.J. FOKKINK & H. VERMEER): Variations on a theorem of Lusternik and Schnirelmann, 35, 1051-1056. K. ABE (with K. Fuxkut): On the structure of the group of equivariant diffeomorphisms of G-manifolds with codimension one orbit, 40, 1325-1337. C.C. Abas: Toroidally alternating knots and links, 33, 353-369. S. ADAMS: Boundary amenability for word hyperbolic groups and an application to smooth dynamics of simple groups, 33, 765-783. S. ADAMS: Indecomposability of equivalence relations generated by word hyperbolic groups, 33, 785-798. A. ADEM (with RJ. MILGRAM): The cohomology of the Mathieu group M)>, 34, 389-410. J. AGUADE (with C. Broto & D. NoTBoHM): Homotopy classification of spaces with interesting cohomology and a conjecture of Cooke. Part I, 33, 455-492. S. AKBULUT (with H. KING): Algebraicity of immersions in R", 31, 701-712. T. AKITA: Homological infiniteness of Torelli groups, 40, 213-221. L. ALSEDA (with S. BALDwin, J. LLIBRE & M. MIsrtUREWICZ): Entropy of transitive tree maps, 36, 519-532. L. ALSEDA (with J. Guascul, J. Los, F. MANosas & P. MUMBRU): Canonical representatives for patterns of tree maps, 36, 1123-1153. F.D. ANCEL (with C.R. GUILBAULT): #-Compactifications of open manifolds, 38, 1265-1280. J.E. ANDERSEN (with J. MATTES & N. RESHETIKHIN): The Poisson structure on the moduli space of flat connections and chord diagrams, 35, 1069-1083. L. ANDERSON: Topology of combinatorial differential manifolds, 38, 197-221. M. ANDO (with N.P. STRICKLAND): Weil pairings and Morava K-theory, 40, 127—156. D. ANICK (with B. Gray): Small H spaces related to Moore spaces, 34, 859-881. S. ARANSON (with V. GRINES & E. ZHUZHOMA): On Anosov—Weil problem, 40, 475-502. J.L. ARRAUT (with N.M. Dos SANTOs): The characteristic mapping of a foliated bundle, 31, 545-555. W.A. ARVOLA: The fundamental group of the complement of an arrangement of complex hyperplanes, 31, 757-765. A. ASH (with M. MCCONNELL): Mod p cohomology of SL(n, Z), 31, 349-365. O. ATTIE (with S. HURDER): Manifolds which cannot be leaves of foliations, 35, 335-353. D.M. AUSTIN (with P.J. BRAAM): Equivariant Floer theory and gluing Donaldson polynomials, 35, 167-200. E. BABSON (with A. BJORNER, S. LINUSSON, J. SHARESHIAN & V. WELKER): Complexes of not i-connected graphs, 38, 271-299. V. BALAsI (with A.D. KING & P.E. NEWSTEAD): Algebraic cohomology of the moduli space of rank 2 vector bundles on a curve, 36, 567—577. S. BALDWIN (with L. ALSEDA, J. LLIBRE & M. MISIUREWICZ): Entropy of transitive tree maps, 36, 519-532. IV Cumulative Index to Volumes 31—40, 1992—2001/42 (2003) I-XXXII S. BALDWIN: Entropy estimates for transitive maps on trees, 40, 551—569. L. BALKE (with R. KAENDERS): On a certain type of Coxeter-Dynkin diagrams of plane curve singularities, 35, 39-54. L. BALKE (with A. KAgEss, U. NEUSCHAFER, F. ROTHENHAUSLER & S. SCHEIDT): Polyhedral fundamental domains for discrete subgroups of PSL(2, R), 37, 1247-1264. T.F. BANCHOFF (with O. JOHNSON): The normal Euler Class and singularities of projections for polyhedral surfaces in 4-space, 37, 419-439. D. BAR-NATAN: On the Vassiliev knot invariants, 34, 423-472. A. BART: Surface groups in some surgered manifolds, 40, 197-211. T. BARTSCH: On the existence of Borsuk—Ulam theorems, 31, 533-543. V.V. BaTyREV (with D.I. Dats): Strong McKay correspondence, string-theoretic Hodge numbers and mirror symmetry, 35, 901—929. H.-J. BAUES (with P. GOERSs): A homotopy operation spectral sequence for the computation of homotopy groups, 39, 161-192. H.-J. BAUES (with Y. DRrozp): Classification of stable homotopy types with torsion-free homology, 40, 789-821. K. BEKKA (with S. KoIKE): The Kuo condition, an inequality of Thom’s type and (C)-regularity, 37, 45—62. M. BENDERSKY: The v;-periodic Unstable Novikov Spectral Sequence, 31, 47—64. R. BENEDETTI (with R. SILHOL): Spin and Pin™ structures, immersed and embedded surfaces and a result of Segre on real cubic surfaces, 34, 651—678. D.J. BENSON (with M. FESHBACH): Stable splittings of classifying spaces of finite groups, 31, 157-176. D.J. BENSON (with J.A. Woop): Integral invariants and cohomology of B Spin(n), 34, 13-28. J. BERGE: Degree-one maps of handlebodies, 35, 931—938. A.J. BERRICK (with C. CASACUBERTA): A universal space for plus-constructions, 38, 467-477. A.J. BERRICK (with W.G. Dwyer): The spaces that define algebraic K-theory, 39, 225-228. M. BERTHIER: Un probléme de cohomologie relative pour des formes algébriques de R*, 35, 427-437. A. BERTRAM (with A. SZENES): Hilbert polynomials of moduli spaces of rank 2. Vector bundles II, 32, 599-609. M. BESTVINA (with M. HANDEL): Train-tracks for surface homeomorphisms, 34, 109-140. J.S. BIRMAN (with W.W. MENASCO): Special positions for essential tori in link complements, 33, 525—556. J.S. BIRMAN (with W.W. MENASCoO): Erratum: Special positions for essential tori in link complements, BT, 225 I. Biswas (with D.S. NAGARAS): Parabolic ample bundles, II]: Connectivity of zero locus of a class of sections, 37, 781-789. Z. BIZACA (with J. ETNyRE): Smooth structures on collarable ends of 4-manifolds, 37, 461-467. A. BJORNER (with E. BABSON, S. LINUSSON, J. SHARESHIAN & V. WELKER): Complexes of not i-connected graphs, 38, 271-299. D. BLANC: Realizing coalgebras over the Steenrod algebra, 40, 993-1016. C. BLANCHET (with N. HABEGGER, G. MASBAUM & P. VOGEL): Three-manifold invariants derived from the Kauffman bracket, 31, 685-699. C. BLANCHET (with N. HABEGGER, G. MASBAUM & P. VOGEL): Topological quantum field theories derived from the Kauffman bracket, 34, 883-927. C. BLANCHET: Hecke algebras, modular categories and 3-manifolds quantum invariants, 39, 193-223. S.A. BLEILER (with C.D. HopGsoNn): Spherical space forms and Dehn filling, 35, 809-833. Cumulative Index to Volumes 31-40, 1992-200/14 2 (2003) I-XXXII A.M. BLOKH: Trees with snowflakes and zero entropy maps, 33, 379-396. J. BOCHNAK (with W. KUCHARZ): A characterization of dividing real algebraic curves, 35, 451-455. M. BOKSTEDT (with A. NEEMAN): The chromatic tower for D(R), 31, 519-532. F. BONAHON: Transverse H6lder distributions for geodesic laminations, 36, 103—122. M. BoniNo: A dynamical property for planar homeomorphisms and an application to the problem of canonical position around an isolated fixed point, 40, 1241—1257. R.E. BORCHERDS: The moduli space of Enriques surfaces and the fake monster Lie superalgebra, 35, 699-710. P. BouLLay: H3(Diff*(S7);Z ) contains an uncountable Q-vector space, 35, 509-520. A.K. BousFIELD: The K-theory localizations and v)-periodic homotopy groups of H-spaces, 38, 1239-1264. B.H. BowpiTcu: A variation of McShane’s identity for once-punctured torus bundles, 36, 325—334. B.H. BOowDITCH: Group actions on trees and dendrons, 37, 1275-1298. S. BOYER (with X. ZHANG): Virtual Haken 3-manifolds and Dehn filling, 39, 103-114. M. BoyLe: Almost flow equivalence for hyperbolic basic sets, 31, 857-864. P.J. BRAAM (with D.M. AUSTIN): Equivariant Floer theory and gluing Donaldson polynomials, 35, 167-200. S.B. BRADLOW (with G.D. DASKALOPOULOS & R.A. WENTWORTH): Birational equivalences of vortex moduli, 35, 731-748. J.-P. BRASSELET (with L.D. TRANG & J. SEADE): Euler obstruction and indices of vector fields, 39, 1193-1208. M. BRAVERMAN: Holomorphic Morse inequalities and symplectic reduction, 38, 71—78. M.R. BRIDSON: Optimal isoperimetric inequalities for abelian-by-free groups, 34, 547—564. M.R. BrIDSON: Asymptotic cones and polynomial isoperimetric inequalities, 38, 543-554. M. BRITTENHAM: Essential laminations in Seifert-fibered spaces, 32, 61-86. M. BRITTENHAM: Exceptional Seifert-fibered spaces and Dehn surgery on 2-bridge knots, 37, 665-672. C. Broto (with J. AGUADE & D. NotsBouM): Homotopy classification of spaces with interesting cohomology and a conjecture of Cooke. Part I, 33, 455-492. C. Broto (with J.A. CRESPO): H-spaces with noetherian mod two cohomology algebra, 38, 353-386. M. BRUNELLA: Sur les courbes intégrales propres des champs de vecteurs polynomiaux, 37, 1229-1246. J. BRYAN (with M. SANDERS): Instantons on S* and CP’, rank stabilization, and Bott periodicity, 39, 331-352. J.L. BRYANT (with W. Mio): Embeddings of homology manifolds in codimensio>n 3 , 38, 811-821. K. BURNS (with C. PUGH & A. WILKINSON): Stable ergodicity and Anosov flows, 39, 149-159. G. CAIRNS (with M. Ozpemir & E.-H. TJADEN): A counterexample to a conjecture of U. Pinkall, 31, 557-558. R.D. CANARY: A covering theorem for hyperbolic 3-manifolds and its applications, 35, 751-778. A. CANDEL: Laminations with transverse structure, 38, 141-165. S.E. CAPPELL (with R. LEE & E.Y. MILLER): The action of the Torelli group on the homology of representation spaces is nontrivial, 39, 851-871. G. CARLSSON: A survey of equivariant stable homotopy theory, 31, 1—27. G. CARLSSON (with E.K. PEDERSEN): Controlled algebra and the Novikov conjectures for K- and L-theory, 34, 731-758. VI Cumulative Index to Volumes 31-40, 1992-2001 /42 (2003) I-XX XII J.S. CARTER (with M. Saito): A Seifert algorithm for knotted surfaces, 36, 179-201. C. CASACUBERTA (with J.L. RODRIGUEZ): On weak homotopy equivalences between mapping spaces, 37, 709-717. C. CASACUBERTA (with A.J. BERRICK): A universal space for plus-constructions, 38, 467—477. M. CASELLA (with W. KUHNEL): A triangulated K3 surface with the minimum number of vertices, 40, 753-772. D.P. CERVONE: Tight immersions of simplicial surfaces in three space, 35, 863-873. D.P. CERVONE: A tight polyhedral immersion of the twisted surface of Euler characteristic —3, 40, 571-584. W. CHACHOLSKI: A generalization of the Triad Theorem of Blakers—Massey, 36, 1381—1400. C. CHAMPETIER: L’espace des groupes de type fini, 39, 657-680. R.M. CHARNEY (with M.W. Davis): Strict hyperbolization, 34, 329-350. L.M. CuHaves: A theorem of finiteness for fat bundles, 33, 493-497. W. CHEN: Counterexamples to Knaster’s conjecture, 37, 401—405. S.V. CHMUTOV (with A.N. VARCHENKO): Remarks on the Vassiliev knot invariants coming from s/>, 36, 153-178. A. CHRISTENSEN: A Gordon—Luecke-type argument for knots in lens spaces, 37, 935-944. J.D. CHRISTENSEN (with N.P. STRICKLAND): Phantom maps and homology theories, 37, 339-364. J.D. CHRISTENSEN (with B. KELLER & A. NEEMAN): Failure of Brown representability in derived categories, 40, 1339-1361. A. CIMA (with F. MANosAs & J. VILLADELPRAT): A Poincare-Hopf theorem for noncompact manifolds, 37, 261-277. M.M. COHEN (with M. LustiG): Very small group actions on R-trees and Dehn twist automorphisms, 34, 575-617. T.D. COCHRAN (with K.E. Orr): Homology boundary links and Blanchfield forms: concordance classification and new tangle-theoretic constructions, 33, 397-427. T.D. COCHRAN (with K.E. Orr): Stability of lower central series of compact 3-manifold groups, 37, 497-526. T.D. COCHRAN (with P. MELVIN): Quantum cyclotomic orders of 3-manifolds, 40, 95—125. J.-L. COLLIOT-THELENE (with C. SCHEIDERER): Zero-cycles and cohomology on real algebraic varieties, 35, 533-559. H. COLMAN (with E. MACIAS-ViRGOs): Transverse Lusternik—Schnirelmann category of foliated manifolds, 40, 419-430. A. CONNES (with D. SULLIVAN & N. TELEMAN): Quasiconformal mappings, operators on Hilbert space, and local formulae for characteristic classes, 33, 663-681. D. Cooper (with D.D. LONG & A.W. REID): Finite foliations and similarity interval exchange maps, 36, 209-227. O. CoRNEA: Cone-length and Lusternik—Schnirelmann category, 33, 95—111. O. CornEA: Strong LS category equals cone-length, 34, 377-381. O. CoRNEA (with Y. FELrx & J.-M. LEMAIRE): Rational category and cone length of Poincaré complexes, 37, 743-748. M. Coste (with K. KURDYKA): On the link of a stratum in a real algebraic set, 31, 323-336. M. Coste (with K. KURDyYKA): Le discriminant d’un morphisme de varietés algébriques réelles, 37, 393-399. J.A. CRESPO (with C. BRoTo): H-spaces with noetherian mod two cohomology algebra, 38, 353-386. Cumulative Index to Volumes 31-40, 1992-200/14 2 (2003) I-XX XII VII C. CROKE (with A. Fatut & J. FELDMAN): The marked length-spectrum of a surface of nonpositive curvature, 31, 847-855. C.B. CROKE (with P. EBERLEIN & B. KLEINER): Conjugacy and rigidity for nonpositively curved manifolds of higher rank, 35, 273-286. C.B. CROKE (with V.A. SHARAFUTDINOV): Spectral rigidity of a compact negatively curved manifold, 37, 1265-1273. C.B. CROKE (with B. KLEINER): Spaces with nonpositive curvature and their ideal boundaries, 39, 549-556. M. CULLER (with S. HERSONSKY & P.B. SHALEN): The first Betti number of the smallest closed hyperbolic 3-manifold, 37, 805-849. C.L. Curtis: An intersection theory count of the SL2(C)-representations of the fundamental group of a 3-manifold, 40, 773-787. D.I. Dats (with V.V. BATYREV): Strong McKay correspondence, string-theoretic Hodge numbers and mirror symmetry, 35, 901—929. G.D. DASKALOPOULOS (with K.K. UHLENBECK): An application of transversality to the topology of the moduli space of stable bundles, 34, 203-215. G.D. DASKALOPOULOS (with S.B. BRADLOW & R.A. WENTWORTH): Birational equivalences of vortex moduli, 35, 731-748. : D.M. Davis (with M. MAHOWALD): v,-Localizations of finite torsion spectra and spherically resolved spaces, 32, 543-550. D.M. Davis: Elements of large order in 2, (SU(n)), 37, 293-327. J.F. Davis: The rational symmetric signature of manifolds with finite fundamental group, 37, 895-911. M.W. Davis (with R.M. CHARNEY): Strict hyperbolization, 34, 329-350. C. DE CONCINI (with C. Proces! & M. SALveTTI): Arithmetic properties of the cohomology of braid groups, 40, 739-751. R. De Sapio (with G. WALSCHAP): Diffeomorphism of total spaces and equivalence of bundles, 39, 921-929. A. DEGTYAREV (with V. KHARLAMOV): Topological classification of real Enriques surfaces, 35, 711—729. T. DELZANT (with L. PoTyAGAILo): Accessibilite hiérarchique des groupes de présentation fine, 40, 617-629. A. Dessat: Rigidity theorems for Spin*-manifolds, 39, 239-258. A. Dimca (with L. PAUNESCU): On the connectivity of complex affine hypersurfaces, II, 39, 1035-1043. F. DING: Smooth structures on some open 4-manifolds, 36, 203-207. N.M. Dos SANTOS (with J.L. ARRAUT): The characteristic mapping of a foliated bundle, 31, 545-555. A.N. DRANISHNIKOV (with J. KEESLING & V.V. USPENSKIJ): On the Higson corona of uniformly contractible spaces, 37, 791-803. E. DROR FARJOUN (with J.H. SMITH): Homotopy localization nearly preserves fibrations, 34, 359-375. Y. Drozp (with H.-J. BAUEsS): Classification of stable homotopy types with torsion-free homology, 40, 789-821. T.A. DRUMM: Fundamental polyhedra for Margulis space-times, 31, 677—683. T.A. DRUMM (with W.M. GOLDMAN): The geometry of crooked planes, 38, 323-351. P. DUDZINSKI (with A. LECKI, P. NOWAK-PRZYGODZKI & Z. SZAFRANIEC): On topological invariance of the Milnor number mod 2, 32, 573-576. P. DUDZINSKI: On topological invariants mod 2 of weighted homogeneous polynomials, 35, 323-328. Vill Cumulative Index to Volumes 31—40, 1992-200/14 2 (2003) I-XXXII N.M. DunFIELD: Examples of non-trivial roots of unity at ideal points of hyperbolic 3-manifolds, 38, 457-465. N.M. DuNFIELD: A table of boundary slopes of Montesinos knots, 40, 309-315. J.L. Dupont: Characteristic classes for flat bundles and their formulas, 33, 575-590. N. Dupont: A counterexample to the Lemaire—Sigrist conjecture, 38, 189-196. A.H. DuRFEE: The index of grad f(x, y), 37, 1339-1361. O.C. DuRUMERIC: Geometric finiteness in large families in dimension 3, 40, 727-737. W.G. Dwyer (with H.R. MILLER & C.W. WILKERSON): Homotopical uniqueness of classifying spaces, 31, 29-45. W.G. Dwyer (with C.W. WILKERSON): A cohomology decomposition theorem, 31, 433-443. W.G. Dwyer (with E.M. FRIEDLANDER): Topological models for arithmetic, 33, 1—24. W.G. Dwyer: Homology decompositions for classifying spaces of finite groups, 36, 783-804. W.G. Dwyer (with S.A. MITCHELL): On the K-theory spectrum of a smooth curve over a finite field, 36, 899-929. W.G. Dwyer (with A.J. BERRICK): The spaces that define algebraic K-theory, 39, 225-228. J. DyDAK (with J.J. WALSH): Infinite dimensional compacta having cohomological dimension two: an application of the Sullivan Conjecture, 32, 93-104. P. EBERLEIN (with C.B. CROKE & B. KLEINER): Conjugacy and rigidity for nonpositively curved manifolds of higher rank, 35, 273-286. T. EKHOLM: Differential 3-knots in 5-space with and without self-intersections, 40, 157—196. Y.M. ELIASHBERG (with N.M. MISHACHEV): Wrinkling of smooth mappings-II Wrinkling of embeddings and K. Igusa’s theorem, 39, 711—732. A. Et Kacim1 ALAOUI (with G. Guasp & M. NICOLAU): On deformations of transversely homogeneous foliations, 40, 1363-1393. G. ELLIs: Spaces with finitely many non-trivial homotopy groups all of which are finite, 36, 501—504. I. EMMANOUIL: Mittag—Leffler condition and the vanishing of lim’, 35, 267-271. D.B.A. EPSTEIN (with K. FUJIWARA): The second bounded cohomology of word-hyperbolic groups, 36, 1275-1289. J. ETNyRE (with Z. B1ZAcA): Smooth structures on collarable ends of 4-manifolds, 37, 461—467. E. FALBEL (with P.-V. KOSELEFF): Flexibility of ideal triangle groups in complex hyperbolic geometry, 39, 1209-1223. M. FALk: K(x, 1) arrangements, 34, 141—154. F. FANG: Embeddings of nonorientable 4-manifolds in R°, 35, 835-844. B. FarB (with H. MAsur): Superrigidity and mapping class groups, 37, 1169-1176. B. FarB (with P. SHALEN): Lattice actions, 3-manifolds and homology, 39, 573-587. B. FarB (with M. WoLF): Harmonic splittings of surfaces, 40, 1395-1414. M. FARBER (with G. Katz & J. LEVINE): Morse theory of harmonic forms, 37, 469-483. M. FARBER: Topology of closed 1|-forms and their critical points, 40, 235-258. A. FATHI (with C. CROKE & J. FELDMAN): The marked length-spectrum of a surface of nonpositive curvature, 31, 847-855. J. FELDMAN (with C. CROKE & A. Fatui): The marked length-spectrum of a surface of nonpositive curvature, 31, 847-855. | Cumulative Index to Volumes 31-40, 1992-200/14 2 (2003) I-XXXII IX Y. Fevix (with J.-C. THOMAS): Homology and homotopy groups of mapping spaces at large primes, 32, 1-4. Y. FELIX (with O. CORNEA & J.-M. LEMAIRE): Rational category and cone length of Poincaré complexes, 37, 743-748. Y. FELIx (with S. HALPERIN & J.-M. LEMAIRE): The rational LS category of products and of Poincaré duality complexes, 37, 749-756. L. FENGCHUN: A proof of Przytycki’s conjecture on n-relator 3-manifolds, 34, 473-476. S. FENLEY (with L. MOSHER): Quasigeodesic flows in hyperbolic 3-manifolds, 40, 503-537. S.R. FENLEY: Quasi-isometric foliations, 31, 667-676. S.R. FENLEy: Limit sets of foliations in hyperbolic 3-manifolds, 37, 875-894. S.R. FENLEY: Surfaces transverse to pseudo-Anosov flows and virtual fibers in 3-manifolds, 38, 823-859. R. FENN (with R. RIMANYI & C. ROURKE): The braid-permutation group, 36, 123-135. S.C. Ferry: Limits of polyhedra in Gromov—Hausdorff space, 37, 1325-1338. M. FESHBACH (with D.J. BENSON): Stable splittings of classifying spaces of finite groups, 31, 157-176. T. FIEDLER: A small state sum for knots, 32, 281—294. T. FIEDLER: Isotopy invariants for smooth tori in 4-manifolds, 40, 1415-1435. Z. FIEDOROWICZ (with C. OGLE & R.M. VoGT): Volodin K-theory of A.,-ring spaces, 32, 329-352. M. FIELD (with W. Parry): Stable ergodicity of skew extensions by compact Lie groups, 38, 167—187. R. FINTUSHEL (with R.J. STERN): Integer graded instanton homology groups for homology three spheres, 31, 589-604. J. Foisy: The second homology group of the level 2 mapping class group and extended Torelli group of an orientable surface, 38, 1175—1207. R.J. FOKKINK (with JM. AARrTS & H. VERMEER): Variations on a theorem of Lusternik and Schnirelmann, 35, 1051-1056. R. FORMAN: Determinants of Laplacians on graphs, 32, 35—46. R. FORMAN: Hodge theory and spectral sequences, 33, 591-611. R. FORMAN: Witten—Morse theory for cell complexes, 37, 945-979. V. FRANJOU (with T. PrRASHVILI): On the MacLane cohomology for the ring of integers, 37, 109-114. J. FRANKE: On the Brown representability theorem for triangulated categories, 40, 667—680. B. FREEDMAN (with M.H. FREEDMAN): Kneser—Haken finiteness for bounded 3-manifolds, locally free groups, and cyclic covers, 37, 133-147. M.H. FREEDMAN (with B. FREEDMAN): Kneser—Haken finiteness for bounded 3-manifolds, locally free groups, and cyclic covers, 37, 133-147. E.M. FRIEDLANDER (with W.G. Dwyer): Topological models for arithmetic, 33, 1—24. E.M. FRIEDLANDER (with H.B. LAwson): Duality relating spaces of algebraic cocycles and cycles, 36, 533-565. 7 C. FROHMAN (with A. Nicas): An intersection homology invariant for knots in a rational homology 3-sphere, 33, 123-158. C. FROHMAN (with W.H. Meeks III): The ordering theorem for the ends of properly embedded minimal surfaces, 36, 605—617. D. Fucus (with S. TABACHNIKOV): Invariants of Legendrian and transverse knots in the standard contact space, 36, 1025—1053. Cumulative Index to Volumes 31-40, 1992-200/14 2 (2003) I-XXXTI . FustwaRA (with D.B.A. EPSTEIN): The second bounded cohomology of word-hyperbolic groups, 36, 1275-1289. . FUKAYA (with K. ONO): Arnold conjecture and Gromov—Witten invariant, 38, 933-1048. . FUKAYA: Floer homology of connected sum of homology 3-spheres, 35, 89-136. K. Fukui (with K. ABeE): On the structure of the group of equivariant diffeomorphisms of G-manifolds with codimension one orbit, 40, 1325—1337. T. Fuxul: Mapping degree formula for 2-parameter bifurcation of function-germs, 32, 567-571. W. FULTON (with B. STURMFELS): Intersection theory on toric varieties, 36, 335-353. F. FUQUAN: Embedding four manifolds in R’, 33, 447-454. T. GAFFNEY: Polar multiplicities and equisingularity of map germs, 32, 185-224. P. GaJeR: The intersection Dold-Thom Theorem, 35, 939-967. P. GAJER: Corrections to “‘the intersection Dold—Thom theorem’’, 37, 459-460. J.M. GAMBAUDO (with D. SULLIVAN & C. TRESSER): Infinite cascades of braids and smooth dynamical systems, 33, 85-94. J.-M. GAMBAUDO (with E. Guys): Enlacements asymptotiques, 36, 1355-1379. X. GANG (with U. PERSSON & C. PETERS): Geography of spin surfaces, 35, 845-862. S. GAROUFALIDIs: Applications of quantum invariants in low dimensional topology, 37, 219-224. S. GAROUFALIDIS (with T. OHTSUK1I): On finite type 3-manifold invariants III: manifold weight systems, 37, 227-243. C. GASBARRI: Hermitian vector bundles of rank two and adjoint systems on arithmetic surfaces, 38, 1161-1174. H. GeIGes: Applications of contact surgery, 36, 1193-1220. R. GEOGHEGAN (with A. NIcAs): Trace and torsion in the theory of flows, 33, 683-719. R. GEOGHEGAN (with M.L. MIHALIK): The fundamental group at infinity, 35, 655—669. S.M. GERSTEN: Cohomological lower bounds for isoperimetric functions on groups, 37, 1031—1072. S. GERVAIS: A finite presentation of the mapping class group of a punctured surface, 40, 703-725. E. GETZLER: The odd Chern character in cyclic homology and spectral flow, 32, 489-507. R.W. GuristT: Branched two-manifolds supporting all links, 36, 423-448. E. Guys (with J.-M. GAMBAUDO): Enlacements asymptotiques, 36, 1355—1379. P. GILMER (with C. LIvINGSTON): The Casson—Gordon invariant and link concordance, 31, 475-492. V.L. GINZBURG: Calculation of contact and symplectic cobordism groups, 31, 767-773. H.H. GLOVER (with G. MISLIN & Y. X1A): On the Yagita invariant of mapping class groups, 33, 557-574. H. GLuck (with L.-H. PAN): Embedding and knotting of positive curvature surfaces in 3-space, 37, 851-873. M. GosBINo: Topological properties of attractors for dynamical systems, 40, 279-298. P. GOERss (with H.-J. BAUES): A homotopy operation spectral sequence for the computation of homotopy groups, 39, 161-192. W.M. GOLDMAN (with T.A. DRUMM): The geometry of crooked planes, 38, 323-351. J.C. GOMEZ-LARRANAGA (with F. GONZALEZ-ACUNA): Lusternik—Schnirelmann category of 3-manifolds, 31, 791-800. F. GONZALEZ-ACUNA (with J.C. GOMEZ-LARRANAGA): Lusternik—Schnirelmann category of 3-manifolds, 31, 791-800. J. GONZALEZ: A vanishing line in the BP< 1)-Adams spectral sequence, 39, 1137-1153.