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Topological textures and their bifurcation processes in 2D ferromagnetic thin films Jinlu¨ Cao,1,2 Guo-Hong Yang,1,3 and Ying Jiang1,2,3,∗ 1Department of Physics, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, P.R. China 2Qian Weichang College, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, P.R. China 3Key Lab for Astrophysics, Shanghai 200234, P.R. China In this paper, by the use of the topological current theory, the topological structures and the dynamic processes in thin-film ferromagnetic systems are investigated directly from viewpoint of 6 topology. Itisfoundthatthetopologicalchargeofathin-filmferromagneticsystemcanbechanged 1 by annihilation or creation processes of opposite polarized vortex-antivortex pairs taking place at 0 space-time singularities of the normalized magnetization vector field of the system, the variation 2 of the topological charge is integer and can further be expressed in terms of the Hopf indices and n Brouwerdegreesofthemagnetization vectorfieldaroundthesingularities. Moreover,thechangeof a thetopologicalchargeofthesystemiscrucialtovortexcorereversalprocessesinferromagneticthin J films. With thehelp of the topological current theory and implicit function theorem, theprocesses 4 of vortex merging, splitting as well as vortex core reversal are discussed in detail. 1 PACSnumbers: 75.70.Kw,75.60.Jk,03.75.Lm ] l l a I. INTRODUCTION sal can be achieved by applying short bursts of alternat- h ingout-of-planemagneticfield[17,24]orin-planecurrent - s [1, 28, 29]. The reversal of the vortex core is achieved e Many efforts have been devoted to the magnetic by the creation of a vortex-antivortex pair of whose po- m skyrmionsandvorticesinmagneticthinfilmsduetotheir larity is opposite to the initial-existing vortex core [29] potential application in spintronics [1–11]. In ferromag- t. , the newly formed antivortex and the oppositely polar- a netic systems,skyrmionsandvorticesaretwomostcom- izedinitialvortexsubsequentlyannihilate,onlythenewly m mon types of topological solitons[12, 13]. formed vortex survived, leaving the impression that the - Actually, skyrmions or vortices can naturally arise in polarity of the vortex core is reversed. d 2Dmagneticthinfilmsthatexceedcriticalsize[14]. Each n Stimulated by the above mentioned progress, in this ofthesetopologicaltexturesconsistsofacoreanditssur- o paper,byutilizingthetopologicalcurrenttheory[30–33], rounding magnetizationvector field [1, 12, 15]. The core c wearegoingtoinvestigatethetopologicalstructuresand [ is a small region in the 2D medium that has M~ vectors the dynamic processes in a ferromagnetic thin film theo- 1 pointing perpendicular to the plane of the film[16]. The retically from a more fundamental viewpoint, i.e. along v magnetic skyrmions are magnetic configurations whose the avenue of topology. 7 magnetizationvectors at spatial infinity are out of plane The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In sec- 8 andantiparalleltothemagnetizationvectorsatthecores, tion II, by making use of the topological current theory, 4 while the magnetic vortices, on the other hand, have in- the inner structure as well as the change of the topolog- 3 plane magnetic vectors at spatial infinity. 0 ical charge of the system is discussed, we find that an . ThesignoftheMz componentsinthecoreregiongives annihilation or creation process of a vortex-antivortex 1 risetothepolarityλofatopologicaltexture. Apartfrom pairwithoppositepolarityleadstoanintegerleapofthe 0 the core,the M~ vectors around the core vary from point topological charge. In order to investigate the detail in- 6 1 to point. The total number of times the magnetization formation of the vorticity of magnetic vortices and the : vectorswindaroundthe coreis the so-called2Dwinding dynamicprocesses,suchasvortexannihilation,merging, v number S or vorticity of the topological texture. as wellas splitting processes,the correspondingtopolog- i X Due to their potential applications for information icalcurrent is constructed in Section III, and the branch r storage and information manipulation[17–19], the study processesaswell asthe bifurcationproperties ofthe sys- a of the static and dynamic properties of vortices has re- tem is discussed. Section IV is devoted to the discussion centlybecomeoneofthemaintopicsinthisfield[20–26]. of the vortex core switching process by the use of the In fact, magnetic vortex cores have indeed been consid- newly constructed topological current. eredaspossiblecandidatesformagneticdatastorage[27]. In order to store and manipulate information by utiliz- ingvortexcores,mechanismsforacontrolledswitchingof II. THE TOPOLOGICAL CHARGE IN A 2D itsorientationarerequired. Experimentalandnumerical THIN FILM AND ITS CHANGE investigation shows that the magnetic vortex core rever- Asiswellknown,inaferromagneticmediawhosetem- perature is sufficiently below the Curie point [34], the ∗Correspondingauthor;Electronicaddress: [email protected] magnetization vectors M~ is governed by the Landau- 2 Lifshitz equation [1, 29, 34, 42] the singularities of m~ directly correspond to the zero points of M~(t,x,y). The topological charge density in ∂m~ ∂m~ +m~ ×f~=κm~ × (1) Eq. (2) can now be rewritten in terms of M~ as ∂t ∂t 1 in terms of the normalized magnetization vector m~ = q = ǫ0µνǫ ma∂ mb∂ mc abc µ ν M~/||M||, f~ is the effective magnetic field, while the κ 8π 1 Ma termservesasthe(Landau-Gilbert)dissipationterm[35]. = ǫ0µνǫ ∂ Mb∂ Mc. (8) The topological charge of the magnetic configuration 8π abckM k3 µ ν of the system is determined by the so-called skyrmion Inthis expression,the Levi-Civitasymbolsareused,and number [35] forconvenience,thespace-timevariablesarerewrittenas 1 zµ = (t,x,y) where the superscript µ takes the value of Q= m~ ·(∂ m~ ×∂ m~) d2r, (2) x y 0,1 and 2. By making use of topological current method 4π Z [31–33]andLaplacianGreen’sfunctionrelation,straight- Itis a topologicalinvariantprovidingm~(t,x,y) isalways forward calculation shows that[30] welldefinedinthewholesystem. Normally,m~(t,x,y)can be factorizedbythe so-calledstereographicprojectionto ∂ q =D M δ(M~) (9) spherical variables Θ=Θ(t,x,y) and Φ=Φ(t,x,y) as t z (cid:18) (cid:19) mx(t,x,y)=sinΘcosΦ, where D M is the Jacobian of M~ and zµ. Eq. (9) z  my(t,x,y)=sinΘsinΦ, (3) confirms that when M~ possess no zero points, i.e. when m (t,x,y)=cosΘ, (cid:0) (cid:1)  z m~ iswelldefinedinthewholespace-time,thetopological chargeisconserved. However,whenm~ possessessingular this leads to  events, the topological charge Q of the system will be 1 changed. Q = − dm dΦ (4) x z 4π Suppose there are l singularities and the i-th one is located at the space-time coordinates zµ = (t ,x ,y ), it BynotingthatS = 1 dΦisjustthevorticity(winding i i i i 2π is not difficult to verify that number) of the topological texture, it is not difficult to R get that l β δ(M~)= c δ(zµ−zµ), c = i (10) 1 i i i |D(M) | Q=−2S·[mz|ρ=+∞−mz|ρ=0] (5) Xi=1 z z~i whereβ istheHopfindex[37]ofM~-fieldaroundthei-th we then have that the topological charge is expressed as i zero point at z . i 1λS, for vortices, Substituting Eq.(10) back to Eq.(9) yields Q= 2 (6) ( λS, for skyrmions, l ∂ q = β η δ(zµ−zµ) (11) t i i i where λ = m | is the polarity of the topological tex- z core i=1 ture. X However,theaboveparametrizationtotallyneglectthe where η =sgnD(M) is the Brouwer degree [37] of M~- singularities of the system, and cannot be used to in- i z zi field,andβ η isthegeneralizedwindingnumberin2+1- i i vestigate the dynamic processes with topological charge dimensional space-time wrapping around the i-th sin- changed. Actually, the singularities may exist in 2d lat- gular event. Therefore, the total change of topological tice magnetic systems [3, 30, 36]. As is pointed out [36], chargeisthesumoftheallthegeneralizedwindingnum- for a magnetic system with lattice structure, when tak- bers of the singular events emerging in the given time ing continuum limit, singularities of the configurationm~ interval away from the lattice sites may be allowed, and this will violate the topological conservation in the system l [30, 36]. Therefore, in order to investigate the the topo- ∆Q= dt d2x∂tq = βiηi, (12) logicalstructureandthedynamicprocessofthemagnetic Z Z i=1 X configuration generally, the condition for a well-defined due to the second homotopy [38] of sphere π (S2) = Z, m~(t,x,y) has to be relaxed. 2 this change is an integer. As is known, the unit vector m~ is expressed in terms Actually, these singular events correspond to annihi- of the magnetization field as lation (or creation) processes of vortex-antivortex pairs Ma with opposite polarities in the system. In order to illus- ma = , (7) kM k trate this point clearly, let us consider an annihilation 3 process of a vortex-antivortex pair with opposite polari- topologicalchargeQwillkeepunchangedinthisprocess. ties, the vorticity of the vortex (antivortex) is 1 (−1). (cid:3) m The annihilation process is characterized by the phe- z nomena that cores of the vortex and antivortex collide m (cid:32)(cid:14)1 and merge into one, the merging point is denoted as z S(cid:32)(cid:16)1 S(cid:32)(cid:14)1 z =(t ,x ,y ). Apparently, when the annihilation pro- 0 0 0 0 cesshappens,duetotheoppositepolarity,atthemerging point all three component of the magnetization M~ van- ishes,leadingtoasingularityofm~ inthe2Dfilm,accord- m (cid:32)(cid:16)1 z ingtoEq. (12),therewillbeanintegerchangeofQatz . 0 Thismayalsobecross-checkedbyutilizingEq. (5). From thatexpressionofthetopologicalcharge,itiseasytofind FIG.2: (Coloronline)Theredandbluearrowsrepresentthe that the total topological charge before the annihilation mz componentsofthecoreofthevortexandtheanti-vortex, isQ =λ(λ=±1isthepolarityofthevortexbeforethe respectively. Becausetheyhavethesamepolarity,thearrows i pointinthesamedirection. Astheymovecloserandcloserto annihilation) while the total topologicalcharge after the annihilation is Q = 0, thus ∆Q = Q −Q = −λ. The annihilationpoint,mz componentisidenticaltotheprevious f f i core. annihilation process is sketched in Fig. 1. From above discussion, we see that since ∆Q = 0, the annihilation/creation of vortex-antivortex pair par- allel polarized cannot be properly reflected in this sense. Evenfor∆Q6=0processes,i.e. theannihilation/creation ofoppositepolarizedvortex-antivortexpair,the detailed information also need to be decrypted. Hence, we shall take a step further to construct a topological current which is suitable for discussing the corresponding topo- logical property systematically. III. THE TOPOLOGICAL CURRENT THEORY FOR VORTICES IN 2D THIN FILMS Theabovediscussiontakesthetopologicalstructureof thesystemasawhole,thedetailstructureofvorticesand the corresponding processes can not be exposed by the formula in previous fashion, especially for annihilation (creation)processesofvortex-antivortexpairswithequal polarities. Luckily, it is not necessary to take all three componentsofthe magnetizationvectorsintoaccountto constructasuitabletopologicalcurrentforvorticesinthe system. First, it is sufficient to pinpoint the position of thevortexcorebysolvingm =m =0forx(t)andy(t) x y FIG. 1: (Color online) The sketch of an annihilation process atagiventimet. Second,theprimarytopologicalfeature ofavortex-antivortexpairwithoppositepolarities. Thecolor Q canbe decomposedinto twoparameters: the vorticity gradient barontheright handsideindicates thevalueof the S and the polarity λ. Among them, the polarity can be mz component. Eachlayeroftheplanerepresentsatimeslice treated independently, for it is just the value of m at of the magnetic configuration at that moment. z the vortex core which can be directly read out from the configuration. Hence, only the property of the vorticity Without any difficulty, it can also be seen that a cre- of the topological texture need to be concentrated on in ation process of a vortex-antivortex pair with opposite the following. polarities is also accompanied by ∆Q = ±1, this was alsorecognizednumerically[1]. Moreover,processeswith |∆Q| > 1 are also allowed, they correspond to multiple A. Constructing 2D topological current annihilation(creation)eventshappening simultaneously. Forannihilationprocessofvortex-antivortexpairwith By choosing (m (t,x,y),m (t,x,y)) as the two com- x y the same polarities, however, as shown in Fig. 2, the ponents of a vector field ψ~, i.e. m component at the merging point will exactly be the z valueofthecorepolarityofeachonebeforethemerging, ψ1 =m (t,x,y) x , (13) and there is no singular event involved at all and the ψ2 =m (t,x,y) y (cid:26) 4 a topological current can be constructed as follows B. The branch process of topological current 1 jµ = ǫµλρǫ ∂ na∂ nb, (14) With the properly constructed topological current jµ ab λ ρ 2π in place, we can apply the branch process in φ-mapping where na = ψa/ k ψ k. It can be easily verified that jµ theory[32, 33] to provide an understanding of the dy- namical behaviors of the vortices at these topologi- is identically conserved, i.e. cally nontrivial sites with the evolution of time. For a ∗ ∗ ∗ ∂µjµ =0. (15) vo∗rtex-a∗ntivortex pa∗ir loca∗ted at∗ p~i and p~j, i.e. p~i = (x (t),y (t)) and p~ = (x (t),y (t)) are corresponding i i j j j By defining the Jacobian determinants Jµ as solutions of ψ1(t,x,y)=0 ψ (21) ǫabJµ =ǫµλρ∂ ψa∂ ψb, (16) ψ2(t,x,y)=0 λ ρ x (cid:26) (cid:18) (cid:19) For the branch process, say, an annihilation event, to with the help of the relationbetween na and ψa and the occur, the cores of the two vortices have to move closer 2D Laplacian Green’s function relation, a further calcu- ∗ ∗ andcloser,untilp~ andp~ overlap. Asaresult,theanni- lationshowsthat the topologicalcurrentinEq. (14) can i j hilation event can be characterized by p~ = (x (t),y (t)) then be rewritten in terms of ψa as i i i being a repeated root for Eq.(21), thus ψ jµ =Jµ δ(ψ~). (17) ψ ∂(ψ1,ψ2) x J0 = =0. (22) (cid:18) (cid:19) x ∂(x,y) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:12)p~∗i (cid:12)p~i∗ (cid:12) (cid:12) It is obvious that jµ is nonzero only when ψ~ = 0. Ac- (cid:12) (cid:12) Therefore, the sp(cid:12)atial-temporal (cid:12)coordinates of the tually, this expression indicates that all the vortices are located at the zero points of ψ~, i.e. at the zero points of branch process is the solution of ma =(m ,m ), as we expected. Moreover,the vorticity x y ψ1(t,x,y)=0 of each vortex in the system can also be decrypted out of the topological current. ψ2(t,x,y)=0 (23) Suppose ψ~ possessl zeroes,an∗dthe∗i-tho∗ne is located ψ3(t,x,y)≡J0 ψ =0 at the spatial-temporal point ~p = (x (t),y (t)), by de- i i i x choemlppoofstihnegiδm(ψp~l)iciintftuenrmctsioonftδh(e~xo−remp~∗i,)w, htoegnep~th∗earrewritehgutlhaer Infact, there aretwopossible br(cid:18)anch(cid:19)points, namely the i points, the topological current jµ can further be rewrit- limit points and bifurcation points [32, 33]. satisfying ten as [30–33] ψ J1( ) 6=0, (24) jµ = l β η δ(~x−p~∗(t))Jµ ψx , (18) x (cid:12)(cid:12)(t∗,p∗i) Xi=1 i i i J0(cid:16)(cid:16)ψx(cid:17)(cid:17)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)~x=p~∗i and (cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12) ψ β is the Hopf index of the vector field ψ~(cid:12)at zero point J1( ) =0, (25) i x p~∗i and ηi = ±1 the corresponding Brouwer degree [37]. (cid:12)(cid:12)(t∗,p∗i) Actually, the winding number W = β η just represents (cid:12) i i i ∗ respectively. Inthefollowi(cid:12)ng,wearegoingtodiscussthe the vorticity S of the i-th vortex located at ~p , η = 1 i i branchprocessestaking place atthese twodifferent type for vortex and η =−1 for antivortex. The density of the of branch points separately. vorticity of the topological texture of the system reads • Branch Process at Limit Point l ρ=j0 = β η δ(~x−~p∗(t)), (19) i i i Fromimplicit function theorem, we can see that when i=1 X J0(ψ) =0, the solution of the i-th singular event while the velocity of i-th vortex(antivortex) moving in x (t∗,p∗i) the ferromagnetic thin film is xi =x(cid:12)(cid:12)i(t),yi =yi(t) is not unique. However, in the case of limi(cid:12)t point, Eq. (24) is satisfied, it implies that x and Jµ ψ t can change their roles, and the system has a unique x =vµ,µ=1,2 (20) solution of the form D (cid:16)ψ (cid:17)(cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:16)x(cid:17)(cid:12)(cid:12)~x=p~∗i ti =ti(x), yi =yi(x) (26) (cid:12) (cid:12) 5 ∗ ∗ in the vicinity of the limit point (t ,p~ ). By the use of thatthereexistsoneandonlyonefunctionrelationsolved i the third equationinEq. (23)andEq. (24), wesee from from ψ1(t,x,y)=0, that is dt ∂(ψ1,ψ2) ∂(ψ1,ψ2) y =f(x,t) (29) = (27) dx ∂(x,y) ∂(t,y) (cid:30) We denote the partial derivatives as f = ∂f,f = 1 ∂x t that the first term in the Taylor expansion for ti =ti(x) ∂∂ft,f11 = ∂∂2xf2,f1t = ∂∂x2∂ft,ftt = ∂∂2t2f. From Eqs. (23) intheneighborhoodoflimitpoint(t∗,p~∗)vanishes,thus, and (29), we have i theTaylorexpansionuptothesecondorderinthe vicin- ity reads ψ1 =ψ1(t,x,f(x,t))=0 (30) 1 d2t which give t−t∗ = (x−x∗)2 (28) i 2 (dx1)2(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)p∗i i ∂∂ψx1 =ψ11+ ∂∂ψf1∂∂fx =0 (31) Thisisaparabolainthex-tplan(cid:12)e,witheachofitsbranch ∂ψ1 ∂ψ1∂f corresponds to a trajectory of a vortex core hurtling to- =ψ1+ =0 (32) ∗ ∗ ∂t t ∂f ∂t wards the merging point p at time t , and an annihila- i tion event occurs. Generally, (ddx2t)2|p∗i can be either positive or negative, Banyddti,ffearpepnltyiaintigngthEeqGs.a(u3s1si)ananedlim(3i2n)atwioitnhmreestpheocdt,tothxe corresponding to the generation and annihilation of the second order derivatives f ,f and f can be found. 11 1t tt vortex-antivortex pair, respectively. But in either cre- The aboveresultsaremade outquite independent ofthe ationorannihilationcase the winding number S (vortic- last component ψ2(t,x,y). In order to find the different ity), due to Eq. (15), should be conserved. trajectoriesin the bifurcationprocess,the Taylorexpan- sionofthe remainingcomponentψ2(t,x,y)inthe neigh- x1 borhood of (t∗,~p∗i) should be studied. By substituting Eq. (29) into ψ2(t,x,y), we define (cid:3) F(x,t)=ψ2(t,x,f(x,t)) (33) x1(cid:32)x1* i t By using the condition for branch process, i.e. Eq. (23), we have t(cid:32)t* ∗ ∗ F(t ,p~ )=0. (34) i Besides, from Eq. (33), the 1st order derivatives are FIG. 3: (Color online) A parabola in the x1−t plane, with each of its branch corresponds to a trajectory of a vortex ∂F ∂ψ2 ∂F ∂ψ2 coremovingtowardsthemerging pointp∗i at timet∗,andan ∂x1 =ψ12+ ∂f f1 =0, ∂t =ψt2+ ∂f ft =0 (35) annihilation eventemerges. By utilizing Eqs. (31) and (32), the Jacobian determi- nant J0(ψ/x) in the third equation of Eq. (23) can be • Branch Process at Bifurcation Point rewritten as ∂F Apart from the limit point, what constitutes the larger ∂xJ10|t∗,p~∗i =0. (36) variety of the vortices’ behavior comes from the bifur- cation points. A bifurcation process occurs when the As J0 6=0, the above equation gives 1 Jacobian J1(ψ/x) = 0. From Eq. (27), one can easily see that the v(te∗l,opc∗ii)ty of the vortex core is undeter- ∂F (cid:12) =0 (37) mined. Therefore,(cid:12)it is easy to picture the situation that ∂x(cid:12)t∗,p~∗i the trajectory of the core at the bifurcation point will (cid:12) (cid:12) diverge into multiple curves, because the function rela- Similarly, (cid:12) tionship between t and x is not unique in the vicinity of ∗ ∗ ∂F the bifurcation point (t ,p~i). =0 (38) Because the Jacobian J0(ψ/x) = 0, the rank of the ∂t (cid:12)t∗,p~∗i Jacobian will be smaller than 2. As in our case, for (cid:12) (cid:12) practical reasons, we consider the rank to be 1. As- The second order partial(cid:12)derivatives of F, can be cal- sume J0 = ψ1 ≡ ∂ψ1 is nonzero in the Jacobian matrix culated from Eq.(35), and we further denote them by J0(ψx) =1 0. T2hen t∂hye implicit function theorem ensures A= (∂∂2xF)2 t∗,p~∗i,B = ∂∂x2∂Ft t∗,p~∗i,C = ∂∂2tF2 t∗,p~∗i. (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) 6 By virtues of Eqs. (34), (37), and (38) the Taylor processes have been numerically simulated successfully expansionofF(x,t)inthevicinityofbifurcationpointis [29,39]. Immediatelyafterafieldpulse[39]orapolarized currentpulse [29] is applied to a 2D nanodisk possessing A(x−x∗i)2+2B(x−x∗i)(t−t∗)+C(t−t∗)2 =0 (39) a vortex with positive polarity, i.e. λ = mz|core = +1, the magnetization of the nanodisk is heavily distorted ∗ Divide Eq. (39) by (t−t ), and take the limit of t → and a magnetic bubble [34, 35, 40] with negative polar- ∗ ∗ t ,x→x , we get i ityisformed,leadingtoacreationofavortex-antivortex pair. The newly formed antivortex and the oppositely dx dx A( )2+2B +C =0 (40) polarized initial vortex subsequently annihilate, leaving dt dt the new vortex oppositely polarized with respect to the or initial one. Due to its potentialapplicationin informationstorage dt dt C( )2+2B +A=0 (41) and manipulation, it is worthto investigate the topolog- dx dx ical property of the system in the vortex core switching while the remaining component dy is determined from processes. dt Although multiple switching process can be discussed y =f(x,t), which yields in the same fashion, for simplicity and clarity, we only dy dx set out to investigate the single switching process. By =f +f (42) dt 1dt t the use of the topological current theory, we will show that the first step in the core switching process, i.e. the Theaboveequationshowsthatthesecondcomponentsof creation of a vortex-antivortex pair, can be classified as thetrajectoryatthebifurcationpointcandivergeaswell, a∆Q=0bifurcationprocesswhilethelattersubprocess for ddxt may choose different values. This can be used to is a ∆Q = 1 vortex-antivortex pair annihilation process explain phenomena which is categorizedas a bifurcation at a limit point. process. For instance, a case when two vortices coming In order to study the detail topological information into a merging point and then diverge, a single vortex of the dynamic process, an initial state need to be con- due to certain reasons spilt into several, a number of structed to describe the magnetic configuration of the verticesmergeintooneatthebifurcationpoint,etc. Fig. diskrightafterthemagneticbubbleinducedbythepulse. 4 depicts one of the possible scenarios described above. Then, by plugging it back into Landau-Liftshitz-Gilbert equation as an initial state, the property of the vortex system will be revealed. For simplicity but without loss of generality and the topology of the vortex state, the trial state may be constructed by the use of the general static solutions of the Landau-Lifshitz equation, that is the well-known Belavin-Polyakov instanton [35, 41, 42]. This is a staticsolutionofthesimplifiedLandau-Lifshitzequation, which only includes the exchange interactions [35]: ∂m~ =m~ ×∆m~, |m~ |=1, ∂t By re-parameterizing the magnetization vector m~ with the complex quantity m +im x y Ω= 1+m z and using the complex variables z = x + iy, the LLE reduces to FIG. 4: (Color online) A sketch of a single vortex splitting i ∂Ω 2ΩΩ Ω z z into multiple vortices at thebifurcation point. +Ω = . (43) zz 4 ∂t 1+ΩΩ Allsolutionsofthisequationcanbeconstructedfromthe followingfourtypesofbasicsolutionswhich,byproperly IV. THE VORTEX CORE SWITCHING IN A 2D choosing the coordinate system, take forms as FERROMAGNETIC THIN-FILM z a 2 Ω = , Ω = , 1 2 a z With the above established topological current in (cid:18) 1(cid:19) (cid:16) (cid:17) z a hand, we can now investigate the vortex core switching Ω = , Ω = 4 , 3 4 process in detail theoretically. The vortex core reversal (cid:18)a3(cid:19) (cid:16) z (cid:17) 7 inthisexpression,thecorrespondingcoreforeachtypeof basicconfigurationisexactlylocatedattheoriginalpoint of the coordinate system, and a represents the relative i sizeofeachtype ofvortex. It isnotdifficult tocheckthe polarityλ=limρ→0mz =limρ→0 1−ΩΩ ofeachtype and 1+ΩΩ find λ =1, λ =−1, Ω1 Ω2 λ =1, λ =−1. Ω3 Ω4 The vorticities for Ω and Ω are 1, while both Ω and 1 2 3 Ω have vorticity of −1. 4 The pulse creates a magnetic bubble with opposite FIG.5: (Coloronline)ThemagneticconfigurationinEq. (45) polarity with respect to the initial-existing vortex, i.e. λ = −1, only Ω and Ω are suitable candidates to con- 2 4 struct the corresponding magnetic configuration of the whereαistheGilbertdampingconstant,β isthedimen- induced magnetic bubble. Moreover, due to the conser- vation property ofthe topologicalcurrent, i.e. ∂ jµ ≡0, sionless parameter describing the nonadiabatic process, µ and the 2D winding number of the system should be con- served, hence the configuration for the magnetic bubble H~ =∆m~ +γ′(∂ (∂ m ),∂ (∂ m ),0) (46) can only be a superposition of Ω and Ω which reads e x µ µ y µ µ 2 4 a 2 is the effective field containing the exchangeinteractions Ω=Ω2Ω4 = (44) and the magnetostatic energy. By substituting the de- ρ (cid:18) (cid:19) tailed expression of the magnetic configuration in Eq. where ρ = zz = x2 + y2, a2 = a2a4 representing the (45) into above equations, direct calculation shows that relative size of the magnetic bubble [35]. ′ By taking the initially existing vortex with λ=1 and ∂m~ 4bγ(γ +2) = (1,−1,0), (47) S = 1 into account, the total configuration of the entire ∂t a2d(1+α2) (cid:12)ρ→0,t=0 disk is Ω = Ω1Ω2Ω4, for simplicity but without loss of (cid:12) (cid:12) topologicalinformation, the magnetic configurationpos- Further calcul(cid:12)ation leads to sessing the same topological feature as in the simulation [29] reads J1 ψ = ∂(mx,my) =0 (48) m =− 2by x2a+2y2 n (cid:18)x(cid:19)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)ρ→0,t=0 ∂(t,y) (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)ρ→0,t=0 mxy = (((d(−d−2xb)x(2x)+2−+yd2y))(cid:16)2(cid:16))xx(cid:16)22aax++222yya+(cid:17)222y(cid:17)2n2(cid:17)n2+n+b2b2 (45) Nbittnhiroogeanwnsmp,cehrcawotgpicinoteohnesitn,si.btcw,(cid:12)oDebatiuhcrsbceeocDbetrldtea(cid:16)hipntψxaphgt(cid:17)leiticmos=aytmtsihto0eeendmaitoanhftwdetehi(cid:12)dlJaelifs1butce(cid:16)inufrduψxsetrs(cid:17)hcirogaenot=icoiarnne0abpptiarrfituoeocncrtecehdaoses--f in topologicalcurrenttheory yields the differentialequa- wheredmiszth=ebd(2(isd−t−a(cid:0)n(xcde)2−b+extwy)22e)+e(cid:16)(cid:16)nyxt22ha(cid:1)+e2(cid:16)yi2nx(cid:17)(cid:17)2iat2+i2nay2l+(cid:17)vob2n2rtexandthe ttihoensnetihgahtbogrohvoeroAnds(cid:18)otfhddtexth(cid:19)ter2ab+jiefuc2trBocardidtexitson+ofpCtohi=netv,0owrtheixchcoisre(s49in) newly formed magnetic bubble, b reflects the size of the core of the initial vortex. This configuration is shown in dy = ∂f dx + ∂f dt ∂x dt ∂t Fig. 5. Together with Eqs. (13) and (16), for the above mag- where y = f(x,t), and the two solutions of the differ- netic configurationit is found that J0(ψ/x)|ρ→0 = 0, in- ential equations will corresponds to the equation of mo- dicatingthatthesystemwillundergoabranchprocessat tion of the two vortex cores split from the zero-winding- the instant the pulsed current induces the zero-winding numbermagneticbubbleinthevicinityofthebifurcation number vortex. To determine the type of the branch point. Moreover, according to the conserved 2D topo- process, the dynamical equationwhich governs the vor- logicalcurrent,the newly-generatedvorticesshouldhave tex evolution, should be brought into the fold, that is equalbutoppositevorticity,i.e. thesetwovorticesshould the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation be a vortex-antivortex pair. The formation of vortex- ∂m~ ∂m~ antivortex pairs after application of short current pulses =−γm~ ×H~e+αm~ × −(~u·▽)m~ +βm~ ×[(~u·▽)m~], is consistent with recent experimental observations [43]. ∂t ∂t 8 After the bifurcation process,the system possesses to- the splitting vortices drift apart. In order to investigate tally three vortices, one is the initially existing vortex the following dynamic process, the interactions between with λ = +1, the other two are the vortex-antivortex the newly generatedvortex (antivortex)and initially ex- pair with λ = −1, at this stage the topological current isting vortex then need to be taken into account. describing the system now reads Asisknown[44],theeffectiveinteractionbetweenvor- tices in the magnetic environment is l−1 Jµ ψ jµ =Xi=0βiηiδ(~x−p~∗i(t)) D(cid:16)(cid:16)ψxx(cid:17)(cid:17)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)~x=p~∗i F~ij = 2πJXSijiSjXˆij (51) =δ(~x−p~∗(t))Jµ(ψ/x) (cid:12)(cid:12) where J is the magnetic coupling constant in the mag- 0 D(ψ/x) netic system (for our ferromagnetic thin-film system, ∗ Jµ(ψ/x)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)~x=p~∗0 J >0), Xˆij istheunitvectorpointingfromthe centerof +δ(~x−p~ (t)) (cid:12) i-th vortex to the center of j-th vortex, and X the dis- 1 D(ψ/x) ij (cid:12)~x=p~∗1 tancebetweenthesetwovortices,SiandSj arethecorre- (cid:12) ∗ Jµ(ψ/x)(cid:12) sponding vorticities of the two vortices. It is then easily −δ(~x−p~ (t)) (cid:12) (50) 2 D(ψ/x) verifiedthattheinteractionbetweenthenewlygenerated (cid:12)~x=p~∗2 antivortex and the initially existing vortex is attractive (cid:12) (cid:12) ∗ whiletheinteractionbetweenthenewlygeneratedvortex The core positions of the vortices(cid:12)are located at ~p (t), i and the initially existing vortex is repulsive. respectively,andthetrajectoriesofthevorticesinthe2D nanodiskcanbeobtained. Ifwedenotethetimewhenthe y first branch process event happens, i.e. the bifurcation discussed above, to be t , then one can arrive at the 1 sketch in Fig. 6 depicting the motion of x component of (cid:3) the vortex core as a function of time. S(cid:32)(cid:14)1 S(cid:32)(cid:16)1 (cid:3) (cid:79)(cid:32)(cid:14)1 (cid:79)(cid:32)(cid:16)1 (cid:3) (cid:3) x (cid:3) annihilation point P p i p x1 x2 (cid:3) (cid:3) FIG. 7: (Color online) A sketch of a head on collision of a vor(cid:3)tex-antivortexpair with ∆Q=−1 (cid:3) The attractive interaction between the antivortex and the(cid:3) vortex may lead to a collision and merge. Dur- ing the process, due to the conservation of the vortex momentum [35], in the center-of-mass reference frame, the total momentum p~ = p~ +p~ should be vortex antivortex zero all the time during the process. Meanwhile, for the vortex-antivortexpair,thetotalvorticityiszero,thecor- respondingvirialrelationreads[35]~v·p~=−E,whereEis the total energy of this vortex antivortex pair. By prop- erlychoosingthereferencecoordinateasshowninFig. 7, alsotakingintoaccountthatthetotalmomentumiszero while the total energy is finite, we then have 1/v = 0. x Together with Eq. (20), we finally draw the conclusion that at the merging point P∗ we have J0(ψ/x)|P∗ = 0 FIG. 6: (Color online) A sketch of process of the magnetic while J1(ψ/x)|P∗ 6=0, indicating that the merging point bubblewithnegativepolaritycreatedbyapulsedcurrentand in this stage is a limit point. By the use of the topolog- thensplitsintoavortex-antivortexpair. Duringthisprocess, ical current theory at limit point which is discussed in thetotal topological charge, i.e. the skyrmion numberof the preceding section, the relation between x-components of system, keepsunchanged, ∆Q=0 the vortex-corepositions and t is Intheabovebifurcationprocess,thetrajectoriesofthe t−t∗ = 1 d2t (x−x∗)2 (52) newly generated vortex and the antivortex diverge and 2 dx2 (cid:12)P∗ (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) 9 which is a parabola in the x-t plane. From Fig. 3, it can be recognized that the upper and lower branch of the parabola correspond to the x- components of trajectories of the vortex and antivortex cores respectively. More over, if d2t < 0, then the dx2 P∗ opening of the curve is to the left, t(cid:12)herefore with the (cid:12) passing oftime the positionof the vor(cid:12)tex andantivortex corewillbecomecloserandclosertothe limitpoint, and ∗ both vortices cease to exist the moment after t , indi- ∗ cating that an annihilation event takes place at P . On the other hand, if d2t > 0, then this limit process dx2 P∗ will correspondto the c(cid:12)reationof vortex-antivortexpair. (cid:12) Actually, it is not diffic(cid:12)ult to verify that d2t 1 sgn(dx2 )=sgn(v (x−x∗)|P∗). (53) (cid:12)P∗ x (cid:12) In our case, due (cid:12)to the attractive force between the (cid:12) two vortices of the vortex-antivortex pair, the sign of ∗ v is always opposite to the sign of (x−x ), therefore, x d2t < 0, indicating that the branch process at this dx2 P∗ limi(cid:12)t point is a vortex-antivortexannihilation process. (cid:12) W(cid:12)ith the final piece in place, a complete sketch of the single switching process of magnetic vortex core in FIG. 8: (Color online) A sketch of the system’s development a ferromagnetic thin film is drawn in Fig. 8. Long be- throught theswitching process. fore a pulse is applied to the magnetic thin film, there is only one vortex with vorticity S = 1 and polarity 0 λ = 1 in the system. At time t , a pulse is applied 1 whichinducesanegativepolarizedmagneticbubblewith zero winding number. Immediately after the creation the corresponding singular events. We found that such of such a magnetic bubble, it quickly bifurcates into a integer leap of the topological charge of the system is vortex-antivortex pair oppositely polarized with respect alwaysassociatedwithannihilationorcreationprocesses to the initially existing vortex. Since so far m~ is well de- of vortex-antivortex pair with opposite polarities, these fined in the whole system, the topological charge of the processescanbelookeduponasspace-timeskyrmionsor system keeps unchanged during the first sub-process of monopole events in the system. the vortex-core switching. Due to the attractive inter- action between the newly formed antivortex and the ini- In order to investigate the topological properties of tialvortex,they annihilateeachotherattime t , leaving magneticvorticesin2Dferromagneticthinfilms,wehave 2 the newly formed negatively polarized vortex survived constructedatopologicalcurrentoutofthein-planecom- in the system, and the vortex-core switching is accom- ponents of the normalized magnetization vector field of plished. Clearly, the topological charge of the system is the system. We found that the vorticity of a vortex can Q = 1/2 before the annihilation event while Q = −1/2 further be expressedin terms of the Brouwerdegree and afterthat,henceduringthesecondsub-processofvortex- Hopf index of the normalized magnetization vector field core switching, ∆Q = −1, indicating that there is a around the vortex core. We found that the creation space-time singular event involved in the process. (annihilation) of vortex-antivortex pairs correspond to the topological current branch processes at limit points, while the merging and splitting of vortices can be ex- V. CONCLUSION plained by the topological current branch theory at bi- furcation points. By the use of this topological current In summary,by the use ofthe topologicalcurrentthe- theory, the vortex-core switching process in a 2D fer- ory, we have discussed the topological structure and dy- romagnetic nanodisk has been discussed in detail. Our namic processes in a thin-film ferromagnetic system. discussionisconsistentwithrecentnumericalsimulations We found that the topological charge of the magnetic [17, 29]. system can be changed when space-time singularities of normalizedmagnetizationfieldofthesystemareallowed, We believe that the topologicalcurrenttheory used in and the variation of the topological charge can only be this paper may shed a light on theoretical study of the integer which is exactly the total wrapping number of magnetic system directly from topological viewpoint. 10 Acknowledgments portedbyNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina underGrantNo. 11275119andbyPh.D.ProgramsFoun- TheauthorsgreatlyacknowledgeYaowenLiuforstim- dation of Ministry of Education of China under Grant ulating and fruitful discussions. This Work was sup- No. 20123108110004. [1] R.G. El´ıas and Alberto D. Verga, Phys. Rev. B 89, Nature (London) 444, 461 (2006). 134405 (2014). [25] K. Y. Guslienko, B. A. Ivanov, V. Novosad, Y. 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