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Topological structures of adiabatic phase for multi-level quantum systems Zheng-Xin Liu1 , Xiao-Ting Zhou 1, Xin Liu1,2, Xiong-Jun Liu3, Jing-Ling Chen1 ∗ 1.Theoretical Physics Division, Chern Institute of Mathematics, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, P.R.China 2. Department of Physics, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas 77843-4242, USA 3. Department of Physics, National University of Singapore, 2 Science Drive 3, Singapore 117542 (Dated: January 11, 2007) The topological properties of adiabatic gauge fields for multi-level (three-level in particular) quantumsystemsarestudiedindetail. SimilartotheresultthattheadiabaticgaugefieldforSU(2) systems (e.g. two-level quantum system or angular momentum systems, etc) have a monopole 7 structure, the curvature two-forms of the adiabatic holonomies for SU(3) three-level and SU(3) 0 eight-level quantum systems are shown to have monopole-like (for all levels) or instanton-like (for 0 the degenerate levels) structures. 2 n PACS numbers: 03.65.Vf, 11.15.-q, 14.80.Hv a J 1 1 4 I. INTRODUCTION v 0 3 In the past twenty years, geometric phase has attracted much attention in quantum theory. Berry 1 7 firstly showed that the adiabatic phase in a two-level system (or spin-half systems) have a monopole 0 6 field strength in the parameter space [1]. Soon after that, Simon pointed out that Berry phase is 0 the holonomy on the U(1) fibre bundle formed by the parameter manifold and the eigenstates of / h the Hamiltonian, and the connection on the bundle is given by the parallel transport condition [2]. p - Furthermore, the geometric phase has been extended to processes which undergo non-adiabatic (AA t n phase) [3] or non-cyclic (Pancharatnam phase) [4] evolution. On the other hand, the non-Abelian a u adiabaticphase wasfirstdiscussedby Zee andWilczek [5]. The topologicalproperties ofnon-Abelian q Berry phase for SO(2n+1) spinor was studied by M.G. Benedict et.al [6]. After that, P´eter L´evay : v studiedsomemodelswithSU(2)holonomyandpointedoutsomeoftheirproperties[7]. Inparticular, i X S. Murakamiet.al. discussed the SU(2) holonomy of SO(5) spinor and concluded that it is described r a by a Yang-monopole at the degeneracy point [8]. We notice that multi-level (level number N > 3) quantum systems have been widely applied to modern technology, such as many-channel optical interferometry [9], quantum computation [10] and quantummemorywithelectromagneticallyinducedtransparency(EIT)[11,12],etc. Thestudyofthe holonomy of such systems will have many interesting potential applications, e.g. geometric quantum computation & geometric quantum memory, and so on. Specifically, people can take advantage of thesegeometricfeaturestotheaimofquantuminformationprocessing,astherobustnessoftheBerry phasecanresultinaresilienceagainstsomekindsofdecoherencesources[13]. Asaresult,Berryphase in three-level systems (SU(3) systems) has been discussed by many authors [14, 15]. The detection ∗ Electronicaddress: [email protected] 2 of geometric phase shift in a three-level system was achieved by Barry C. Sanders et al through a three-channel optical interferometer [16]. Going beyond SU(3), Berry phase for general compact Lie groups was studied by E. Strahov [17]. The present paper aims to discover new fundamental properties of Geometric phase, mainly in the systemswithSU(3)symmetry,andhopestoopenadiscussiononthetopologyofSU(N)non-Abelian geometricphaseaswellasitsapplicationstophysics. Asmentionedabove,geometricphasehasawide range of applications to many fields of physics such as quantum information science and condensate matter physics, etc. For example, Abelian geometric phase can be used as phase gate (see e.g. [18]). Barry Simon also pointed out that in TKNN’s theory of Integer Quantum Hall Effect, the topology (the firstChernnumber)ofU(1)phaseinthe momentumspace(thefirstBrillouinZone)explainsthe plateau of Hall conductance [2]. On the other hand, non-Abelian Berry phase is promising to realize faulttolerantquantumcomputation[19]. Especially,the topologicalpropertiesfornon-AbelianBerry phase may have also important physical significance, say, that may be found in Fractional Quantum Hall Effect and Quantum Spin Hall Effect(see, e.g. [19][20]). As a result, we here study the Abelian andnon-AbelianBerryphaseforSU(3)systemswithU(2)symmetry,andfindthegeometricphasein such systems has important topological structure. We therefore hope that our results would attract attention of physicists of Quantum Information Science or Condensed Matter Physics, and will be applied to such research topics in future. Thedevelopmenthereinisoutlinedasfollows. InsectionII,webrieflyreviewthemonopolestructure of U(1) holonomy for SU(2) system. In section III and IV, we study the adiabatic gauge fields for a doubly degenerate three-levelsystem. We show that the curvature of the field for the non-degenerate level also has a monopole structure, while the non-Abelian curvature of the field for the degenerate level has a instanton-like structure. The topological properties of the adiabatic gauge fields for a non-degenerate three-level system and a special SU(3) eight-level system are discussed in section V. Inthefinalsectionweconcludeourresultsandpresentsomefurtherremarks. Thedetailedderivation of some results is given in the appendix . II. MONOPOLE STRUCTURES OF THE HOLONOMY FOR SU(2) SYSTEMS Before dealing with SU(3) systems, let us review the holonomy for SU(2) systems. Firstly, we go over the non-degenerate case. The adiabatic phase for a spin 1/2 particle in a magnetic field was firstly studied by Berry[1] , where a monopole structure of the adiabatic gauge field strength was discovered. Here, for a general consideration, we envisage a particle with spin j interacting with an external magnetic field: H (B) = µBJˆ, H(B)=µB Jˆ =U(B)H U(B) , 0 z 0 † · U(B) = exp iJ ϕ exp iJ θ exp iJ ω , (1) z y z {− } {− } {− } whereB(t)=B(sinθ(t)cosϕ(t),sinθ(t)sinϕ(t),cosθ(t)). H istheHamiltonianintherestframe,and 0 the time dependent Hamiltonian H(B) is given by an SU(2) transformof H . Here we adopt Euler’s 0 angels θ,ϕ,ω as the parameters of the SU(2) group. There are three parameters in the Hamiltonian H(B), namely, the magnitude of the magnetic induction B (B > 0, can be seen as the radius of the 3 parameter space) and two direction angles θ and ϕ. They span a three dimensional Euclidian space R3. For the purpose of simplicity, we assume that the magnitude B is independent of time, then the parameter space reduce to a sphere S2. We notice that H is invariant under the action of an U(1) 0 subgroup, U(1)=exp{−iJzω}, and the coset space SU(2)/U(1)∼=CP1 ∼=S2, which is known as the Bloch sphere, gives the (co)adjoint orbit of H under the action of SU(2) group. In fact, this coset 0 space is exactly the parameter space of H(B) for a given B. For this reason, one can rewrite eq.(1) simply: H(B)=U¯(B)H U¯(B) , where U¯(B)=exp iJ ϕ exp iJ θ . 0 † z y {− } {− } The eigenstate of H with eigenvalue E(B) = mµB is ψ = m , m = j, j + 1,...j, 0 0 | i − − and the instantaneous eigenstate of H(B) with the same eigenvalue is ψ(B) = U¯(B)ψ . Then 0 (B,ψ(B)H(B)ψ(B) = E(B)ψB) defines a line bundle over the parameter space. The Berry con- { | } nection one-form for this level is: A= ψ(B)dψ(B) = ψ U¯ (B)dU¯(B)ψ 0 † 0 h | | i h | | i = A dθ+A dϕ, (2) θ ϕ where A =0, A = imcosθ. And the curvature two-form is: θ ϕ − 2 1 F =dA= ψ dU¯ (B) dU¯(B)ψ = F dxi dxj, (3) 0 † 0 ij h | ∧ | i 2 ∧ iX,j=1 where x1 = θ, x2 = ϕ. A straightforward calculation gives: F = imsinθ. The curvature (or the θϕ gauge field strength) can also be written as a vector: F= imBˆ. For a cyclic evolution, the adiabatic B2 phase is given by: γ =i F dS=i F BˆB2dΩ= mΩ , (4) g (S) Z · Z · − S,∂S=C S,∂S=C where C is a closed path of the magnetic induction vector in the parameter space, S is a surface with edge C, andΩ is the solidangle ofthe surface S.The integralF througha surfacesurroundingthe (S) origin gives the first Chern number: i i F dS= F BˆB2dΩ= 2m. (5) 2π IS2 · 2π IS2 · − So, we can conclude that F describes a gauge field with a Dirac monopole at the origin, whose strength (i.e. the first Chern number) is 2m, where m= j, j+1,...j. − − − Now, we turn to the degenerate case. If the Hamiltonian is not a linear but a quadratic combine of the SU(2) generators like this form: H =(µBJˆ)2, H(B)=(µB Jˆ)2 =U¯(B)H U¯(B) . (6) 0 z 0 † · Then for H the spin state ψ = m and ψ = m (m = 0) have the same energy eigenvalue 0 1 2 | i |− i 6 m2µ2B2, that is to say, this eigenvalue is doubly degenerate. Thus in the adiabatic approximation, the connection one-form is: Aik = ψ U¯ (B)dU¯(B)ψ , (i,k = m, m). From Eq.(1), it’s easy to i † k h | | i − get that Aik = 0(i = k) when m ( m) = 2m > 1. So, if m = 1/2, the connection one-form for 6 | − − | 6 the doubly degenerate Hilbert space is Abelian: A = imσ cosθdϕ, and it is equal to the direct z − 4 sum of the connection one-forms of the two components, which we have discussed above. If j is a half-integral, when m= 1/2,the connection one-form is non-Abelian: ± i 1 i 1 A= (j+ )σ dθ+ [ cosθσ +(j+ )sinθσ ]dϕ. (7) y z x −2 2 2 − 2 and the curvature two-form is: i 1 F =dA+A A= [(j+ )2 1]σ sinθdθ dϕ, (8) z ∧ {−2 2 − } ∧ whichcanalsobewrittenasavectorF= i[(j+1)2 1] B σ . Itisinterestingthatwhilethe gauge −2 2 − B3 z potential is not diagonal, the field strength is. Similar to the non-degenerate case, the first Chern number is given by : i Tr(F) dS = Tr( i[(j+ 1)2 1]σ ) = 0. Here each diagonal component 2π · − 2 − z of F is a Dirac monopoleH, yet the total ‘flux’(described by the first Chern number) is zero. Specially, when j = 1, the field strength F is zero (because in this case the Hamiltonian is a constant). 2 As anaturalextension,the adiabaticgaugefieldforSU(m)(m>3)systems hasbeendevelopedby many authors. The non-degenerate holonomy for three-level system has been discussed in [14]. The authors identified the parameter space for a pure state (or its projection space) with the coset space SU(3)/SU(2)(or the coset space SU(3)/U(2)), and found that the geometric phase is proportional to the generalized solid angle in the parameter space. The adiabatic connection and Berry phase for a doubly degenerate three-level system have also been previously calculated [15]. However, the topological structures of the adiabatic gauge fields are still not clear. In the rest part of this paper, we will further investigate the topological features of the Abelian and non-Abelian adiabatic gauge fields for SU(3) systems. In the following two sections, we focus on the topological properties of the a adiabatic gauge fields for a doubly degenerate three-level quantum system (a special kind of SU(3) system). III. COADJOINT ORBIT OF THE DOUBLY DEGENERATE HAMILTONIAN FOR SU(3) SYSTEM AND ITS GEOMETRY Foradoublydegeneratethree-levelsystem,wefirstexplorethestructureofthecoadjointorbit(and the parameter space) of the Hamiltonian, with which we can easily study the adiabatic gauge fields on it. We choose the generators of SU(3) as the eight Gell-Mann matrices, namely, λ , i=1,2,...8: i 0 1 0 0 i 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 − λ1 = 1 0 0 ,λ2 = i 0 0 ,λ3 =0 1 0 ,λ4 =0 0 0, − 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0         0 0 i 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 − 1 λ5 = 0 0 0 ,λ6 = 0 0 1 ,λ7 =0 0 i,λ8 =  0 1 0 . − √3 i 0 0 0 1 0 0 i 0 0 0 2        −  They obey the following rule: Tr λ λ =2δ , (9) i j ij { } [λ ,λ ]=2if λ , (10) i j ijk k 5 where f are the structure constants: ijk √3 1 f =1, f =f = , f =f =f =f =f =f = . (11) 123 458 678 147 246 257 345 516 637 2 2 The Hamiltonian and its eigenstates in the rest frame are given below respectively(We assume that the fist and the second energy level are degenerate): 2E +E E E H =diag E ,E ,E = 1 3I+ 1− 3λ , (12) 0 1 1 3 8 { } 3 √3 1 =(1,0,0)T, 2 =(0,1,0)T, 3 =(0,0,1)T, (13) | i | i | i whereIistheunitmatrix,wecanomitthistermintheHamiltonianbecauseitdoesnotcontributeto thegeometricphase. SothereisonlyoneparameterleftinH0,namely,R= (E1√−3E3). Intheadiabatic approximation,Risalwayspositiveoralwaysnegative(becausewhenR=0the threeeigenvaluesare degenerate and the adiabatic approximation will not be satisfied). The sign of R does not influence the eigenstates. Generally, we take it to be positive and denote it as the radius in the parameter space, which is similar to the magnitude B in SU(2) case. Thus, the Hamiltonian in the rest frame can be rewritten as H =Rλ , and the time-dependent Hamiltonian is given by: 0 8 H(R)=U(R)H0U(R)†, U(R)=e(iαλ23)e(iβλ22)e(iγλ23)e(iθλ25)e(iaλ23)e(ibλ22)e(icλ23)e(iφλ28), 06α,a<2π; 06θ,β,b6π; 06γ,c<4π; 06φ62√3π. (14) Here we have used the Euler’s angles of SU(3) introduced in [15, 21]. R represents the groupparam- eters of SU(3). It’s easy to see that H is invariant under the action of the U(2) subgroup generated 0 by λ ,λ ,λ and λ , i.e. this U(2) group is the isotropy group of the Hamiltonian. Therefore the 1 2 3 8 coadjoint orbit of H is the coset space SU(3)/U(2) = CP2 (see, for example, [22]). In this coset 0 ∼ space, each group element U¯(R) = exp iαλ3 exp iβλ2 exp iγλ3 exp iθλ5 corresponds to a new { 2 } { 2 } { 2 } { 2 } HamiltonianH(R). So,foragivenradiiR,theHamiltonian’sparameterspaceisCP2. Togetherwith the radii R, we get the five-dimensional parameter space of the Hamiltonian. Since CP2 S7 R8 ⊂ ⊂ [23], here we give the eight-dimensional coordinates of the parameter space: 8 1 H(R)= ξiλ , ξi = Tr[H(R)λ ], (15) i i 2 Xi=1 √3 θ √3 θ ξ1 = Rsinβcosαsin2 , ξ2 = Rsinβsinαsin2 , 2 2 − 2 2 √3 θ √3 β α+γ ξ3 = Rcosβsin2 , ξ4 = Rsinθcos cos , − 2 2 2 2 2 √3 β α+γ √3 β α γ ξ5 = Rsinθcos sin , ξ6 = Rsinθsin cos − , 2 2 2 2 2 2 √3 β α γ 1 ξ7 = Rsinθsin sin − , ξ8 = R(3cosθ+1). (16) 2 2 2 4 The north pole and the ‘south sphere’of the manifoldCP2 are intrinsically important for our later discussion. For simplicity, we consider the unite CP2 with R = 1. Considering 1 6 ξ8 6 1, the −2 north pole is the point with coordinates ξ8 = 1,ξi = 0(i = 8), and the south sphere is described by 6 6 the equations: ξ8 = 1, ξ4 = ξ5 = ξ6 = ξ7 = 0, (ξ1)2 +(ξ2)2 +(ξ3)2 = 3. The south sphere S2 −2 4 s describes the property of the ‘infinity’ [24]. Now we give the metric, so that we can judge the self-dual and anti-self dual forms on the CP2 manifold. Since in the Euclidian space R8, the metric is an eight-dimensional unit matrix, so: 8 4 ds2 = dξidξi = g dxmdxn, (17) mn Xi=1 mX,n=1 where x1 =β,x2 =α,x3 =γ,x4 =θ (this gives an orientationon CP2), submitting (16)into (17)we get: 3sin2 θ 0 0 0 4 2 (g )= 0 g22 136cosβsin2θ 0 , mn 0 3 cosβsin2θ 3 sin2θ 0  16 16   0 0 0 3   4  where g = 3 sin2θcos2β+ 3sin2β(1 cosθ). The volume of CP2 is given by: 22 16 8 − π 2π π 4π 9π2 V = dθ dα dβ dγ det(g)= . (18) Z Z Z Z 2 0 0 0 0 p It is known that CP2 is a symplectic (Ka¨hler) space. The symplectic (Ka¨hler) form is given by [24] : 1 η = f ξ dξ dξ , (19) ijk i j k √3 ∧ which is invariantunder SU(3). Let us illustrate that η is self-dual. Using the formula (11) and (16), one can write this symplectic form with the 4-dimensional coordinates: 4 1 η = η dxm dxn, (20) mn 2 ∧ mX,n=1 with 3 θ 3 3 η = sinβsin2 , η = cosβsinθ, η = sinθ, else=0. (21) 12 24 34 4 2 8 8 It is easy to verify that the above form η is self-dual: 4 1 η = g g εabmnη dxc dxd =η. (22) ac bd mn ∗ 4 det(g 1) ∧ − a,b,c,Xd,m,n=1 p whereεabmnistheLevi-Civitasymbol. Nowit’seasytoseethatthevolumeformisgivenbydV = 1η2 2 andthat η,η =9π2,where α,β = α β istheinnerproductforforms. Furthermore,the2-forms ∗ h i h i ∧ like: R Ω =f dξ dξ A (ξ) with Ω ,η =0 (23) 2 ijk i j k 2 h i span the space of anti-selfdual 2-forms. These forms are also invariant under SU(3). 7 IV. TOPOLOGY STRUCTURES OF THE ADIABATIC U(2) AND U(1) FIELDS FOR THREE-LEVEL SYSTEM In the above section, we have introduced the parameter space of the Hamiltonian in the doubly degenerate case. Now we will probe into the features of the adiabatic gauge fields on the parameter space. To study the evolution of the Hamiltonian and its eigen functions, we only need to consider the following 4-parameter group elements: λ λ λ λ U¯(R) = exp iα 3 exp iβ 2 exp iγ 3 exp iθ 5 , { 2 } { 2 } { 2 } { 2 } j(R) =U¯(R)j , | i | i 06 α <2π; 06β, θ 6π; 06γ <4π; j =1,2,3. (24) where 1 and 2 aredegenerateandspantheeigen-spaceoflevelE ,and 3 istheeigen-stateoflevel 1 | i | i | i E , and j(R) is the jth instantaneous eigenstate of the H(R)= U¯(R)H U¯(R) . Now we have two 3 0 † | i adiabaticgaugefieldscorrespondingtothetwolevels. Inotherwords,theparametermanifoldandthe correspondingeigenstatesformtwocomplexbundlesoverthemanifoldCP2,andthestructuregroups are U(1) and U(2) respectively. These two bundles are associated to two principal bundles. The first one is the U(1) principal bundle known as the Hopf bundle P(CP2,U(1)) = S5, and the second one is the U(2) principal bundle which equals to the SU(3) group manifold P(CP2,U(2))=SU(3), U(2) SU(3) −→ ↓ CP2 The connection one-forms of the two gauge fields are given below: A(E1)ij = i(R)dj(R) h | | i = iU¯ (R)dU¯(R)j , i,j =1,2, (25) † h | | i A(E3) = 3U¯ (R)dU¯(R)3 . (26) † h | | i A straightforwardcalculating gives (A= 4 A dxm, where x1 =β,x2 =α,x3 =γ,x4 =θ): m=1 m P i θ θ i θ θ A(E1) = [ sin( +γ)+sin( γ)]σ + [cos( γ) cos( +γ)]σ , 1 4 − 2 2 − x 4 2 − − 2 y i θ θ A(E1) = [ sin2 cosβI+(cos2 +1)cosβσ ] 2 4 − 2 2 z i θ θ θ θ + [sin(β +γ)+sin(β γ)+sin(β+ +γ)+sin(β+ γ)]σ x 8 − 2 − 2 − 2 2 − i θ θ θ θ + [ cos(β +γ)+cos(β γ) cos(β+ +γ)+cos(β+ γ)]σ , y 8 − − 2 − 2 − − 2 2 − i θ θ A(E1) = [ sin2 I+(1+cos2 )σ ], A(E1) =0; 3 4 − 2 2 z 4 i θ i θ A(E3) = 0, A(E3) = cosβsin2 , A(E3) = sin2 , A(E3) =0. (27) 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 4 It is interesting that the connection form for the degenerate level E have a U(1) component (the 1 terms with an unite matrix I), which is proportional to the connection form for level E . Above 3 connection forms are defined on CP2. We can extend the field to the five dimensional parameter 8 space with the connection component along the radius A = 0, (x5 = R). Then one can calculate 5 the geometric phase by a integral of the connections along a path in the parameter space: γ =P g exp A , here P represents path ordering and c is a closed path in the parameter space. Now we { c } focusHon the topological structures of the adiabatic gauge fields. The curvature two-forms are given by: 4 1 F =dA+A A= F dxm dxn. (28) mn ∧ 2 ∧ mX,n=1 The components of the curvatures are given below: i θ θ θ F(E1) = [sinβsin2 (I σ )+cosβcos sin2 (cosγσ +sinγσ )], 12 4 2 − z 2 2 x y i θ θ F(E1) = sin2 cos [cosγσ +sinγσ ], 13 4 2 2 x y i θ F(E1) = sin [cosγσ sinγσ ], 14 4 2 y − x i θ θ F(E1) = sinβsin2 cos [ cosγσ +sinγσ ], 23 4 2 2 − y x i 1 θ F(E1) = [ cosβsinθ(I+σ )+sinβsin (cosγσ +sinγσ )], 24 4 2 z 2 x y i F(E1) = sinθ[I+σ ]; 34 8 z i θ i F(E3) = sinβsin2 , F(E3) = cosβsinθ, 12 −2 2 24 −4 i F(E3) = sinθ, F(E3) =F(E3) =F(E3) =0. (29) 34 −4 23 13 14 Now we can see that the two-form F(E1) can be decomposed into an SU(2) part and an U(1) part F(E1) =FE1[U(1)]+FE1[SU(2)]. The U(1) part FE1[U(1)] together with the two-form F(E3) is propor- tional to the self-dual form given in Eq.(20) and Eq.(21): FE1[U(1)] = iIη, F(E3) = 2iη, whereas 3 −3 the SU(2) part FE1[SU(2)] satisfies Eq.(23) and is anti-selfdual. The de Rham cohomology of CP2 is given by H2(CP2) = Rη and H4(CP2) = Rη2. The integer cohomology H2 (CP2;Z) is generated by ω = η [24], i.e. ∗ 3π ω = ω ω =1, (30) ZSs2 ZCP2 ∧ where the 2- and 4- cycles are represented by the south sphere S2 and CP2 itself. This nontrivial s topological property of CP2 lead to the nontrivial properties of the gauge fields on it. For bundles over CP2, the first and the second Chern classes are well defined: c = i TrF, and c = 1 [Tr(F 1 2π 2 8π2 ∧ F) TrF TrF]. And the Chern numbers are given by: − ∧ i c = TrF, 1 2π ZSs2 1 c = [Tr(F F) TrF TrF]. (31) 2 8π2 ZCP2 ∧ − ∧ One can easily calculate the Chern numbers for the bundles which we have discussed: c (E )=1, c (E )= 1, c (E )=1. (32) 1 3 1 1 2 1 − 9 This indicatesthatthe U(1)gaugefield(forlevelE(3))hasamonopole with‘charge’1,andtheU(2) gauge field (for level E ) has a instanton-like structure. The latter is not a usual instanton, because 3 the field strength is neither self-dual nor anti-selfdual. However, just like the usual instanton, the ’action’ I(E3) of the U(2) gauge field is coincident with the second Chern number c [24]: 2 1 c = [Tr(F(E3) F(E3)) TrF(E3) TrF(E3)] 2 8π2 ZCP2 ∧ − ∧ 1 = Tr[F(E3) F(E3)] −8π2 ZCP2 ∧∗ I(E3). (33) ∝ It is known that CP2 is not a spin manifold but a spinc manifold. There is no global SU(2) spinor section on CP2, but here we have induced a bundle whose structure group is U(2). It is interesting that this bundle has the properties of both monopole (described by c ) and instanton (described by 1 c ). 2 V. ADIABATIC GAUGE FIELDS FOR THE COMPLETELY NON-DEGENERATE THREE-LEVEL SYSTEM AND THE DEGENERATE SU(3) EIGHT-LEVEL SYSTEM Above we have discussed the two-fold degenerate system. For a non-degenerate three-level system, the Hamiltonian have a symmetry of U(1) U(1)(generated by λ and λ ), and the parameter space 3 8 ⊗ is given by the coset SU(3)/U(1) U(1)=F , which is a flag space. This flag space is topologically 2 ⊗ a S2 bundle overCP2 [26]. The groupelements in the coset space and the Hamiltonian are given by: H =R λ +R λ , H(R)=U(R)H U (R), 0 3 3 8 8 0 † λ λ U(R)=U¯(R)exp ia 3 exp ib 2e, (06e b6π, 06a<2π). (34) { 2 } { 2 } e whereU¯(R)isgivenbyEq.(24). TheadiabaticgaugefieldsareallU(1)fields. Thereissomediscussion about the propertyof these fields in [14], here we reinspect it fromanother point ofview. In fact, the threeeigenstatesareequivalent,thatistosay,wecanchangetheorderofthethreeeigenvaluesofH 0 via a similarity transformation. Therefore, we only need to consider the adiabatic field for the third eigenstate (0,0,1)T. Since the projective space for a three-dimensional Hilbert space is just CP2, the parameter space for the Hamiltonian gives redundant information for its eigenstate (the angles a and b in U(R) are redundant), thus the components of the gauge potential components along these variables eare zero. The nonzero components of the adiabatic gauge potential are the same as A(E3) [see Eq.(27)], and the curvature two-form F is the same as F(E3) [see Eq.(29)]. SincethethesecondBettinumber(thedimensionofthesecondcohomologygroup)oftheflagspace F is b = 2 [27], and we can easily find two closed two-forms on F : one is η which is defined by 2 2 2 equations (20)&(21), the other is τ = sinbdb da, which is the volume form on the fiber S2. so the ∧ second de Rham cohomology of F can be written as: H2(F ) = Rη+Rτ. Since the parameters on 2 2 the fiber S2 is redundant, so the two-form τ doesn’t give a topological number for the bundles over F . And the self-dual form η corresponds to the fist Chern number (F =F(E3) = 2iη): 2 −3 i c = F =1. (35) 1 2π ISs2 10 So the U(1) monopole defined on CP2 in the degenerate case also exists on the parameter space in the non-degenerate case. Above we have discussed the degenerate and non-degenerate SU(3) three-level systems. Since the U(1) monopole of SU(2) system can be extended to high-dimensional representation of SU(2), the fibrebundlesforSU(3)systemscanalsobeextendedtohigh-dimensionalrepresentationofSU(3). As anexample,westudyheretheadjointrepresentationofSU(3),whichdescribesaneight-levelsystem. For this we chose the generators as (Λ ) = if , where f is given by Eq.(11). Since Λ and Λ i jk ijk ijk 3 8 ′ are not diagonal, we can diagonalize them simultaneously by a unitary transformation: Λ =V Λ V i † i (See the appendix). Since the geometric phase for a general SU(3) eight-level system has no new topological structure, we only considerthe Hamiltonian with anU(2) symmetry (then the eigenvalues havean extradegen- ′ eracy). Similar to Eq.(12), the Hamiltonian in the rest frame is H =RΛ . And the time dependent 0 8 Hamiltonian is given by: H(R) = U¯(R)H U¯(R) , 0 † ′ ′ ′ ′ Λ Λ Λ Λ U¯(R) = exp iα 3 exp iβ 2 exp iγ 3 exp iθ 5 . (36) { 2 } { 2 } { 2 } { 2 } The parameter space of the Hamiltonian for a given R is also CP2. The Hamiltonian have three eigenvalues: √3R and 0. The former two levels are both doubly degenerate, and the third one is ± 2 four-fold degenerate. Now we have two U(2) adiabatic fields and a quasi-U(4) gauge field (because the field strength of the four-fold degenerate space is traceless and reducible). The gauge potential and the strength of the fields are given in the appendix . The first Chern number and second Chern number is given by (the marks and 0 symbol the energy levels): ± i c1(−) = 2π ZSs2TrF(−) =3, i c(0) = TrF(0) =0, 1 2π ZSs2 i c(+) = TrF(+) = 3; 1 2π ZSs2 − 1 c2(−) = 8π2 ZCP2[Tr(F(−)∧F(−))−TrF(−)∧TrF(−)]=3, i c(0) = [Tr(F(0) F(0)) TrF(0) TrF(0)]=3, 2 8π2 ZCP2 ∧ − ∧ i c(+) = [Tr(F(+) F(+)) TrF(+) TrF(+)]=3. (37) 2 8π2 ZCP2 ∧ − ∧ So, for the adiabatic U(2) fields with level √3R, we have gotsimilar results to our former discus- ± 2 sion. However, for level 0, it is very interesting that the strength of the four dimensional gauge field can be divided into an U(1) field whose field strength is zero and a three-dimensional SU(2) gauge field (or a spin-1 SU(2) gauge field). This SU(2) gauge filed is anti-self dual with finite ’Yang-Mills Action’,whichisdescribedbythesecondChernnumber. Sowecansaythatwehavegotaninstanton on CP2. Remembering that the parameter space is a five-dimensional manifold spanned by the radii R and a four-dimensional ’surface’ CP2, analogous to the SU(2) Yang-monopole gauge field on S4

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