Kohtaro Kato Fabian Furrer, Mio Murao University of Tokyo 1 Motivation Entanglement is an important resource for quantum information protocols such as quantum teleportation. In a topological phase, entanglement entropy has an characteristic term called topological entanglement entropy* which depends on the quantum dimension of anyons. Q. Can we use topological entanglement entropy as a resource for quantum information protocols? *A.Kitaev et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 110404 (2006) M.Levin et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 110405 (2006) K. Hikami. Ann. Phys. 323, 1729 (2008) 2 Outline Anyon models Entanglement entropy in anyonic systems • Previous research • My research Entanglement distillation in anyonic systems Summary 3 Anyon models • Charges • Fusion rules Anyon model • Braiding • R- & F- matrices vacuum Charges A finite label set Fusion rules Fusion of representation theory SU(2) 4 Fusion space We restrict : Fusion space Commutatively of fusion rules Associativity of fusion rules Braiding F-matrix 5 Quantum dimension Def. Quantum dimension A positive number corresponding to a label Th. Dim. of fusion space of anyons n 6 Example of anyon models • Toric anyon {1,m,e,ε} • Ising anyon {1,σ,ψ} • Fibonacci anyon {1,τ} Non-Abelian 7 States of anyonic Hilbert space • Fibonacci anyon 1 qubit ! 2 qubit + NC 8 Entanglement entropy Alice Bob Entanglement entropy is the unique entanglement measure of bipartite pure states. is “entangled’’ :Density matrix :Reduced density matrix Def. Entanglement entropy of system A 9 E.E. of anyonic systems Anyonic system : The fusion space does not have tensor product structure!!! Alice Bob How to define “entanglement entropy’’ ? A1. using TQFT (previous research) A2. embedding (my research) Non-abelian anyons 10