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INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR MECHANICAL SCIENCES COURSES AND LECTURES No. 2'6 TOPICS IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE EDITED BY A. MARZOLLO UNIVERSITY OF TRIESTE SPRINGER-VERLAG WIEN GMBH This work is subject to copyright. AII rights are reselVed, whether the whole or part of the material is concemed specificaIly those of translation, ,reprinting, re-use of illustrations, broadcasting, reproduction by photocopying machine or similar means, and storage in data hanks. ©1976 by Springer-Verlag Wien Originally published by Springer Verlag Wien-New York in 1976 ISBN 978-3-211-81466-6 ISBN 978-3-7091-4358-2 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091-4358-2 PREFACE The mechanization of some tasks which are considered as typical of the human intelligence has been a challenge for a long time, at least since the times of Leibniz and Pascal. At present, within the vast developments of computer science, the discipline called Artificial Intellingence (A.I.) has inherited this challenge and is now confronting itself with matters like automatic problem solving, "under standing" and translating natural languages, recognizing visual images and spoken sounds, etc ... It does so by borrowing its theoretical tools from other sciences and, also, by trying to build its own theoretical bases. The present volume reflects this situation and aims at offering an appreciation of the wide scope of A.I. by collecting contributions of various researchers active in this field. The two first contributions, by Meltzer and by Marzollo and Ukovich are both concerned with the general problem of giving appropriate definitions of mathematical objects and its importance in connection with the task of automatic theorem proving. B. Meltzer tends to broaden our view of the reasoning activity involved in mathematics and gives a closer look at what a proof is, trying to discover general principles governing its design. The contribution of Marzollo and Ukovich deals with computable functions and proposes a new look at their properties. These are considered as independent of any description of the functions themselves and simply follow from the existence of a finite sentence unambiguously indicating their behaviour in correspondence to each natural number. The three next contributions (by Mandrioli, Sangiovanni Vincentelli and Somalvico, by Kulikowski and by Levelt) consider more specific aspects 0rA.I.: problem solving, visual images recognition and natural languages understanding. The first one extensively illustrates an algebraic approach to problem solving, based on the state-space, naive, syntactic and semantic descriptions. }. Kulikowski shows an interesting approach to the problem of pattern recognition which is based on a linguistic description and which treats a picture as a set of local and global features. He suggests a general scheme ofp attern recognition based on semi-ordering relations between pictures. The last contribution by W. Levelt deals with the theory of formal grammars and the linguistic aspects of mathematical psychology. It clarifies the empirical domain of linguistic theory and the empiric interpretation of the elements and relations which appear in it. A. Marzollo March 1978 CONTENTS Page Preface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Proof, abstraction and semantics in mathematics and artificial intellingence B. Meltzer. . . . . . . . . .. .............................. 1 An introduction to some 1?asic concepts and techniques in the theory of computable functions A. Marzollo, W. Ukovich. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11 Toward a Theory of problem solving D. Mandrioli, A. Sangiovanni Vincentelli, M. Somalvico. . . . . . . . 47 Recognition of composite patterns J.L. Kulikowski. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 Formal grammars and the natural language user: a review W.J.M. Levelt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 List of Contributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 291 BERNARD MELT ZER(*) PROOF, ABSTRACTION AND SEMANTICS IN MATHEMATICS AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (*) School of Artificial Intelligence, Department of Computational Logic. Fniversity of Edinburgh. 2 B. Meltzer Abstract The paradigm of a chain of inference from axioms is inadequate as an account of proof. A re-analysis of what proof is leads to a proposal for a semantic framework, which in a natural way accommodates abstraction, generalization and specialization involved in proof. It can be applied to other languages than that of mathematics, and in fact appears likely to be useful in considering the problems of free-ranging reasoning in programming languages of artificial intelligence. Introduction Researchers in artificial intelligence, in designing their programs and examining their results, are constantly made aware of how rich and how poorly understood are the cognitive activities. involved in doing mathematics and other kinds of reasoning. Demonstrating a truth in mathematics involves far more than drawing a chain of inferences from a given collection of axioms. For example, introspection of one's mental activities in solving a school geometry problem might reveal that all of, and maybe more than, the following are involved: a perception, a thought experiment, a guess, rationalization of the guess by means of a vague concept, failure to intuit a proof, induction and generalization, drawing from memory a related complex concept, back-tracking because a line of attack looks like being clumsy and tedious, feeling of discomfort that a proof arrived at is peripherally not water-tight, examining special cases and carrying out a proof only in outline. In fact, it is often the case that one finally has a satisfying demonstration without even having carried through the small nitty-gritty chains of inference which constitute the major part of many modern automatic theorem- proving programs. of course it is the aim of A.!, research in the first place to develop computational models of such and other activities and try to discover general principles governing their design. The considerations below constitute an attempt to broaden our view of t~e reasoning activity involved in mathematics and similar kinds of reasoning beyond the framework of the proof and model theory of formal logic. No pretence is made that the kind of conceptual framework this leads to is adequate for all the rich structure of cognitive activity we are interested in, but it is a tentative in this direction. The point of departure is a closer look at what proof is, epistemologically speaking. Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 3 ----------------------------------------- What are Proofs About? Suppose one proves a theorem in plane geometry about all squares. If the proof made use of the fact that a square is a four-sided rectilinear figure and its sides are equal, but not that its angles are right-angles, then -in any strict sense - the theorem proved is not about squares but about rhombuses. And this is a general feature of mathematical proofs: they do not use ali the properties of the object the theorem is supposed to be about, but only a selection of them. In fact they could not use them all, since mathematical objects have in general an infinite number of properties and a finite proof can use only a finite number of them. So, inherent in a proof of a theorem there is involved some abstraction, namely a selection of features of the object the theorem is supposed to be about. The rhombus is obtained by abstraction from the square when the feature of right- angledness is left out of the selection; and our theorem is about this 'more general' object, its application to the square involving a 'special instance' of this object. The implication of this insight is more far-reaching than migh t at first appear. To illustrate: suppose in arithmetic we prove something about the number 2. for instance that its square root is irrational. Now 2 certainly has an infinite number of properties (including, for example, that it is less than 3, that it is less than 4, that it is less than 5, etc.) and only a finite number of them are used in the proof. The theorem proved is therefore essentially not about 2 as we intuitively understand it but about some other 'more general' object 21 , say, for which unfortunately we may not have a generally accepted name like 'rhombus' in the previous example. In this case actually a proof might use of 2 only the facts that it is a natural number and that it is a prime; so that it would be more correct to say that the theorem proved is not about 2 but about any prime number. Even this would not be entirely correct since only some of the properties of prime numbers are used. as indeed for that matter in the earlier example only some of the properties of a rhombus are used; but, provided we are clear about the epistemological situation, we have to reconcile ourselves to the inade(juacy and ambiguity of natural language in such cases. Thus. proof implicitly involves not only deduction but abstraction and generalization, traditionally thought of as the province of induction: and the proof of any theorem implicitly creates a new mathematical object. namely that one defined by the (explicit and implicit) premises actually used in the deduction. Recognizing this feature of mathematical reasoning. or for that m;ltter of the kind of reasoning implemented in many A.!. programs, has interesting COllSCljUCnces. 4 B. Meltzer Semantics For a fuller grasp of the epistemological situation we need to have a general notion of what we mean by 'mathematical object'. The above discussion and a classical definition of Leibniz's suggest what this might be. Leibniz defined identity as follows: two things are identical if everything that can be truthfully asserted about either can be similarly asserted about the other. It seems natural then to take the meaning of a mathematical object, like a number or a triangle or a vector or whatnot, to be the collection of true assertions about it. Then the operation of abstraction, which occurs in proofs as illustrated" above, consists in making a selection from this collection. The meaning of 'a square' is the collection of true statements about squares, the meaning of a 'rhombus' is a sub-collection of the latter. The square, being a special case of the rhombus, has to have ~ said about it than the rhombus, to help identify it from among all possible types of rhombus. One has to say, though it sounds at first a little odd, that the 'meaning' of 'rhombus' is contained in that of 'square', when the latter is a special case of the former. (But it seems sound epistemology to do so, since selection is of the essence of the acquisition of knowledge at all levels, starting at the most elementary levels of perception ). A few comments: firstly, this notion of meaning is on the face of it language-dependent; for example, the meaning of 'triangle' would be a different collection of assertions if one's language was English than if it was French. This is not a serious defect. The important consequences and issues depend only on the fact that one language is posited, not on which it is; and in any case one might have some standard language into which other languages can be translated. Secondly, it has been left open whether the collection is of all true assertions about the object, or only of all known true ones, or even of all known true but putatively not irrelevant ones. This is deliberate, since the choice should be determined by the purpose, mathematical, philosophical or practical of the user. For instance, in some of the most successful modern A.1. programs the implicit semantics used is of the third kind. The Role ofAxiomatization From the present point of view, the long rich history ofaxiomatization in mathematics from Greek times to the present, might be looked upon as an effort to put in a more manageable form the general notion of a mathematical object. That Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 5 is to say, since the object's meaning is in general infinite, deal instead with its definition - the latter being a hopefully finite subset of the assertions constituting the meaning, from which by 'logical inference' all the other true assertions could, in principle, be derived. If A be the collection of axioms constituting the defmition of the object, and A * its 'logical closure', i.e. the collecting of assertions consisting of those of A and all others which can be truly inferred from A, then A* constitutes the meaning of the object. Proofs in an axiomatized theory can then be looked upon as efforts to explore and display some of the meaning of the objects the theorems are about. The analysis of the nature of logical closure for formal languages is one of the important achievements of 20th century logic, so that we have a good understanding of the relationship between definition and meaning in the above sense 1 .. But, in spite of the triumphs ofaxiomatization in algebra and other fields, it is clear from other logical studies that it is not possible or even desirable to replace the notion of meaning by that of defmition, since - for example - for integer arithmetic one would need a non-denumberably infinite number of axioms in the definition! The formal representation of niathematical objects requires, in our semantics, a systematic method of naming them, since in fact - as we have seen - only some of them, like rhombus and 2, have conventional names. This requirement is similar to that met by Church's lambda-calculus in the naming of functions, and can be dealt with in a similar way. We need an operator, say 11 ('eta') which binds a variable in an assertion or conjunction of assertions. Thus: let S(x) be an assertion or conjunction of assertions about the unspecified object represented by the variable x. Then by nx . S(x) we mean that object which has the properties asserted by S. Note that this is the 1 It is perhaps a misnomer to call this traditional (Tarskian) model theory 'semantics', since it does not really deal with thl' mea-iogs of terms or sentences, but only with conditions those meanings satisfy if they are to agree without intuitive notion of logical consequences: in fact it deals essentially only with the meanings of logical constant and quantifiers. But it is interesting that some of the contributors to this theory seem to have used Tarskian models which are collections of assertions; cf. Henkin's proofs of completeness of lst-order and type logic, and Hintikka's modt'l sets_

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