Topical Formulation Comprising Fatty Acid Extract from Cod-liver Oil: Development, Evaluation and Stability Studies Biljana Ilievska MS thesis in Pharmaceutical Sciences Supervisor: Þorsteinn Loftsson Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences School of Health Sciences, University of Iceland May 2016 Þróun útvortis lyfs sem inniheldur fitusýrur unnar úr þorskalýsi Biljana Ilievska Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences siy of Iceland tararitgerð í lyfjafræ Umsjónar daofoojsvikp4áskóla Íslands Meistararitgerð í lyfjavísindum Umsjónarkennari: Þorsteinn Loftsson Lyfjafræðideild Heilbrigðisvísindasvið Háskóla Íslands Maí 2016 This thesis is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of a MS degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences and may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the author ©Biljana Ilievska 2016 Printing: Háskólaprent Reykjavik, Iceland 2016 Author Biljana Ilievska Supervisor Þorsteinn Loftsson Professor of Physical Pharmacy Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences University of Iceland Masters committee Þorsteinn Loftsson Professor of Physical Pharmacy Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences University of Iceland Þórdís Kristmundsdóttir Professor of Pharmaceutics Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences University of Iceland Guðrún Marta Ásgrímsdóttir Pharmacist at Lipid Pharmaceuticals iv List of Contents Abstract List of Tables List of Figures List of Abbreviations 1 Introduction………………………………………………………………………….1 1.1 Fatty Acids………………………………………………………………........…1 1.1.1 Chemistry of Fatty Acids…………………………………………...……..1 1.1.2 Essential Fatty Acids……………………………………………………...3 Metabolism of EFAs in the skin…………………………………..4 PUFAs and skin inflammation………………………………….…7 1.1.3 Antibacterial and antiviral effects of PUFAs ……………………………..9 Mechanism of antimicrobial action of fatty acids………………..12 1.2 Fish oil………………………………………………………….……………...14 1.2.1 Fish oil and oxidation………………………………………………….…15 1.2.2 Fish oil and health benefits………………………………………...…….18 1.3 Topical and transdermal delivery……………………………………...……….20 1.3.1 Skin structure and function……………………………………...…….…20 Lipid composition in stratum corneum…………………………..23 Lipid organization in stratum corneum…………………………..24 1.3.2 Dermal drug delivery………………………………...…………….26 1.3.3 Topical formulations…………………………………...…………….….28 Semisolid dosage forms………………………………….……....29 Waxes……………………………………………………........….30 2. Aims………………………………………………………………………….….32 3. Materials, Equipment and Methods………………………...………………..….33 3.1 Materials………………………………………………………………...…….33 3.1.1 Materials used in ointment compositions………………………………..33 v 3.1.2 Reagents………………………………………………………………...35 3.1.3 Materials that used for in-vitro antibacterial activity testing…...……….…35 3.2 Equipment…………….………………………………………………………….36 3.3 Methods…………………………………………………………………..……....36 3.3.1 Preparations of ointment………………………………………..….............36 3.3.2 Evaluation of in vitro antibacterial efficacy of FFAs……………………...37 3.3.3 Determination of peroxide value (PV)……….……………………........….38 3.3.4 Measurements of pH……………………………………………...…….….39 3.3.5 Physical evaluation of ointment…………………………………...…….…39 Spreadability measurement……………………………...……….…39 Tube Extrudability………………………………………...…….….40 3.3.6 Sensory examination….………………………………..…..…………….…40 3.3.7 Microscopic evaluation…………………...………………………..…….…41 3.3.8 Stability study …...………………………………………………...…….…41 4. Results and Discussion……………………………………………………………42 4.1 In vitro evaluation of antibacterial efficiency of FFAs extract…...…………..42 4.2 Ointment design.........................................................................................…...44 4.3 Choice of ointment base………………………………………………………46 4.4 Changes in the peroxide value of ointment……………….…………........…..47 4.5. pH determination…………………………..…………………………………51 4.6 Influence of ointment base on spreadability…………………………………..53 4.7 Influence of ointment base on tube extrudability………………………….….55 4.8 Sensory evaluation…………………………...…………………….………….56 4.9 Microscopic evolution……………...……………………………..….……….58 4.10 Stability study…………………………………...…………………………...60 5. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………....…...62 6. Acknowledgement…………………………………………………………...…....63 7. References ………………………………………………………………………..64 Appendix A: PV measurements (mmolO2/kg) Appendix B: Full data on pH, spreadability and extrudability measurements vi Appendix C: Sensory evaluation on ointments Appendix D: Certificate of analysis of free fatty acids Appendix E: Paper I published in Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology Manuscript submitted to Marine Drugs vii Ágrip Tilgangur rannsóknarinnar var að þróa lyfjaform úr fiskiolíu sem væri rík af omega-3 fríum fitusýrum, s.s. EPA og DHA til staðbundinnar notkunar á húð. Sýnt hefur verið fram á með ótal rannsóknum og það almennt viðurkennt, að dagleg inntaka þorskalýsis og annarra fiskiolía hefur jákvæð áhrif á heilsufar fólks og því ljóst að líffræðileg virkni þeirra er hefur ekki verið rannsökuð til fulls.Samkvæmt in vitro rannsóknum eru fríar fitusýrur (20% (v / v)) mjög öflugar gegn gram-jákvæðum bakteríum á borð við Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis, Streptococcus pyogenes og Streptococcus pneumoniae og með því að vinna fjölómettaðar fitusýrur (PUFA) úr þorskalýsi eða öðrum fiskiolíum er möguleiki að þróa gagnlegt, öruggt og náttúrulegt sýklalyf. Algengt er að nota ýmis afbrigði af náttúrulegu og tilbúnu vaxi í snyrtivörur, lyf og matvæli til að bæta áferð og útlit vörunnar. Frá lyfjafræðilegu sjónarmiði, er notkun á vaxi viðurkennt til að bæta útlit, uppbyggingu og seigjustig húðlyfja auk þess sem vax getur lengt geymslutíma. Í þessari rannsókn voru þróuð smyrsl þar sem virka efnið er fríar fitusýrur ríkar af omega-3 fitusýrum. Fríar fitusýrur hafa bakteríu-, veiru- og sveppadrepandi áhrif auk þess sem þekkt eru bólgueyðandi áhrif omega-3 fitusýra. Hjálparefni sem notuð voru eru ýmsar tegundir af náttúrulegu vaxi. Áhrif mismunandi tegunda vaxs s.s. carnauba, ozokerite, laurel, býflugnavax, hrísgrjónaklíð, candelilla og sellulósa vax, í styrkleika frá 1- 5% (w/w), voru metin m.t.t. áferðar, þéttleika og stöðugleika. Niðurstöður hvað varðar áferð og skynjun (sensory profile) voru mjög mismunandi háð vaxi og styrkleika. Ástæðan var rakin til eðli vaxins og keðjusamsetningar. Sellulósavax gaf bestan árangur en laurelvax, býflugnavax og hrísgrjónaklíðisvax gáfu einnig mjög góða áferð, þ.e. svipaða skynjun (sensory profile) og viðeigandi seigjustig. viii Abstract The current study was designed to develop a pharmaceutical formulation that contained fish oil extract rich in free omega 3 FAs such as EPA and DHA for topical use. Although the health benefits of cod-liver oil and other fish oils taken as a dietary supplement have been vastly acknowledged and exploited, it is clear that their use could be further extended to cover other biological properties. Based on in vitro evaluation, 20% (v/v) fish oil extract was found to be highly potent against gram-positive bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis, Streptoccoccus pyogenes and Streptoccoccus pneumonia. Therefore, free PUFAs from cod-liver oil or other fish oils could be useful as safe and natural antibacterial agents. Today, varieties of natural and synthetic waxes are used in numerous cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food applications for texture enhancement and benefits in sensory profile. Seen from a pharmacological aspect, waxes are recognized as a potential for enhancing aesthetics and maximizing therapeutic benefits on topical formulation by viscosity building and prolonging the retention time. In this study, ointment compositions containing FFAs as active antibacterial agents were prepared by using various natural waxes and characterized. The effects of different waxes, such as carnauba, ozokerite, laurel, beeswax, rice bran, candelilla and microcrystalline wax, in the concentration range 1 to 5% (w/w) on the ointment texture, consistency and stability were evaluated. The results showed significant variations in texture and sensory profile. This was attributed to the wax nature and chain composition. Microcristalline wax gave the best results but laurel wax, beeswax and rice bran wax also gave excellent texturing, similar sensory profile and well-balanced rheological properties. ix List of Tables Table 1. The systematic and trivial names of PUFAs ………………………...………….………3 Table 2. Representative bioactivities of various polyunsaturated fatty acids…………………....10 Table 3. Fatty acids composition of cod liver oil…………………………......………………….33 Table 4. Waxes tested in the ointment preparation………………………………………………34 Table 5. MIC concentration……………………………………………………………………...43 Table 6. Summarized compositions of ointments……………………………………………….45 x