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Top Gear Rally 2 N64 Manual [NUS-NL2E-USA] PDF

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by  Kemco
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Preview Top Gear Rally 2 N64 Manual [NUS-NL2E-USA]

KEMCO BUT RW CAC GT mn led STTreCesC r y CIEL < < a 4 f f f= 4 4 4 J WARNING: PLEASE CAREFULLY READ THE CONSUMER INFORMATION AND > : js : PRECAUTIONS BOOKLET INCLUDED WITH THIS PRODUCT BEFORE USING YOUR NINTENDO® HAROWARE SYSTEM. GAME PAK OR ACCESSORY, THIS BOOKLET x \ Cont \ CONTAINS IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION. \ \ Getting Started. . THE OFFICIAL SEAL IS YOUR ASSURANCE THAT NINTENDO HAS Control Stick Functions Pr APPROVED THE QUALITY OF THIS PRODUCT. ALWAYS LOOK FOR THIS SEAL WHEN BUYING GAMES AND ACCESSORIES TO ENSURE COMPLETE COMPATIBILITY. ALL NINTENDO PRODUCTS ARE LICENSED BY SALE FOR US ONLY WITH OTHER AUTHORIZED PRODUCTS BEARING THE OFFICIAL NINTENDO SEAL OF QUALITY. Your View of The Road. Words From The Winner's Circle. oo THIS PRODUCT HAS BEEN RATED BY THE ENTERTAINMENT SOFTWARE Limit d Warranty yp RATING BOARD, FOR INFORMATION ABOUTT HE ESRB RATING, OR TO * COMMENT ABOUT THE APPROPRIATENESS OF THE RATING, PLEASE CONTACT THE ESRB AT 1-800-771-3772 ©1999 KEMCO Top Gear® is a registered trademark of KEMCO eee 8 Qiintendo) 4 if ovaon oct iLA DO6 a o 9 LOG ARE f y a HUSUNI Gr CR We c o l e = IMPORTANT-WARNING: NEVER TRY TO The Nintendo 64 Control Stick® uses an analog INSERT OR REMOVE A GAME PAK WHEN THE system to read the angles and directions of its d POWER Is ON! notp oseint .T his allows. precision control thati s x Qos notp ossibllee using the Sueno Contra Rad. © < turnt he power OFF oh your N64. When crn the Control Deck power S Then insert the fort into the slot of your not move the-Control Stick from itsn eutral po: i: N64®. tion on the controller. Pak in places « 4 # Aé hag firmly f Re ie Game Ki pie’ ® 7 “Tf the Coljteol Sticks held at aransled ye “SY ye position ( shown in the picture onthe Turn the POWER switch ON. Aftert he appear- left) when the pawer is turned OW, eis Soa the title ard legal screens, Fenway ‘I position will $et_a5, neutral. This will-cause bypags at any time bypressing START.~ games using the Gontrol Stick to ono incorrectly. ‘Tgsreset the neutral position once the game has started, let'go of the Control Stick so¥tcan retufn to its on position (as shownin the picture on the\eft)then press Sta holding down the L and R buttons. “~\ ~ XS ~“ SS The Control Stick is a precision instrument. Make sure not to spi juids or place Any foreign objects into ite ‘B e This game is compatible with the Controller Pak™ and the eae aM Cee eae ee Pee Retra e Caan as ers icy carefully. Follow the on-screen instructions to determine when you should insert or remove the Controller Pak™ and Rumble Laie ete ee CButtons Cregeen eat cee ee a i “Nihe DefaultC ontraviek ButtonL ocation road. Press the Up C Button to see the view directly behind your car. ~ er hen tae ur euro mi emt ea ease eel aes _« Outlined below are,the default settings fonop Gear® Rally 2 =< Sie estas Controller Functions. Once you've mastéred racing in the defatlt configuration, try edstomizing your Contreller Setup in the Game* Options Menu at the es oe ww j AButton Be eee ir ae ete ears \ sian ainsiacn) % erage nom BB utton eee tar uke Bea ceca aig eer ag eo ciel eRe gece) will incur a small time penal- Dale Ctra murat ea eae! Button to shift up. Start Button Ores eel tu oun aye ates ee ie a en eae pa Rare Control Stick Cree Recueil eer as Pees Z Button if you have the manual transmission option selected, press the Z Button CO a cea era che ae eR eee Genin oaur cy Tce ae(Y Like the Control Stick, you can use the Control Pad to steer your vehicle. \ Versus \ . ~~ Top Geary 2 features three high-rewing modes ofpl aj,for up to Versus Mode is a'sahdard four players. We'll break down all of ‘the modes in detail over the head-to-head, arcade race next couple of pagés, but if you can't wait to hit the road, keep,the game for up to four play manual open to this page so you'll have a handy game summary ready ers. In this simplified ver-_. ae an sion of Championship * Mode, youwon't have to Se \ > worry about Wear and \ tear on your catparts. Champtenship This is a one-player road rally challenge that pits you Options spaguatienrs-tc otnhtrreoel loetdh edrr ivceorms,- The Top/Geaf® Rally 2 Options A Menu isstHe Nintentlo.64 version: Thie_object is to finish\thes_ ofa mechanic's toolbox This is rhultiple legs on each the place to go for sa¥ing or sé with the best ovek Meading a game to or froma all tite, Coittcoller Pak, rearranging button configuration on your ~ N64 Controller or adjusting the volume for the game music, sound dL effects orinavigator voice. Team Championship ) Team*Championship is exactly like the one-play- er Championship Mode, except you and another player work.tégether on a road rallyteam, racing against a rival computer controlled team. \ X > \ ' ' " x + Team Chain hip A, \ ~~ x You and your*hypiay companion ~ Top Gear® Ra RaceModes SQ are a team pitted against a com- puter-controlled team with two dfivers. This mode plays exact- _ Championship —_ J 3 . ly.Jike Championship Mode— = This is a one-player roadycally challenge that pitsyyou against three you need.to monitoryour car, odometer conraltOMeyes Like reral ire each leg of » © damage ange “equipment ther acéstarts with the cabs starting one at a tim&—the object is to when necéssary=—but it's also complet@&the course with the Best overall time. ASyol}complete \CA important tcboB perate as a more winning seasons, youlle detoew courses and hidden vehicles. Q team in order twin. Keep racingu ntil you've found all of them! Team Championship’ Mode features a wide-angle, split screen view. You'll need to work as a team in order to win. 4 ~~ RNy S ee \ ad with up to three other players. Unlike thSet ag gered timed starts in Championship and Team Championship Modes, this is a wild, four-vehiéle free-for-all off the starting line. With all that jbumping around in the field, consider yourself/lucky that you won't have go worry abotesifesa ndo ther car patts/Breaking down. Salo compete for more eup, you'll Heed to \ get behind the wheel at'theA RSG Rally {School Certification program - See the - : ~a bout “homework.” \ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ Homework Was Never This Much Fun! There are five different cups to:win in Championship and Team ee or eee eC eC Up tdxfolinnplayers can compete dyainstone another inV ersubMbte's wild, School to compete for an advanced cup. In order to earn a license, you'll four-vehicle free-for-all \ Ree ketes chee ace eee eR ca Cee es cee isa ear eR eo Pee eee eta em ee ec eT CR Peete eeu cute eee etiet res rea stcCcen ale Scre Mews eae es et ee em CesT te . : 3 een eau Championship & Team Championship Modes Fe eeu Check Point Times TTT Renee ea CMO et nc: Thig. shows the total times ofthe This is your overall time-on the p but not necessarily all four simulta ne » cic between each chéc course, UgeWthis counter as a ref- SS Ls poirit. THése times disappear \ erence when ydlire out to beat , Sa na wherka camreaches the next \ your personal best,time in later a Op RCSL checksongt ~~ races. ~ is over before replacing broken Re ec Cite ee Cece ess ers 4 3 Mckee for broken parts marked withared = ounce ag ee ure eee t Renee oes rae = ‘Gy = < ~ ™ “ Fee vo Versus Mode 5 : OVERALL TIMER Navigator Instructions VE Sieeuencixs q ” The main objectivien ’Va enrs us » ‘ A é “The exclamation point\méans This shows, how fast you're going. | J Mode\js‘to finish the race before fe 00:28.34 caution should be exercised While avigating around an obstruction Tachometer 5 the other cars, so you don't need . yabout checkpoint times Suh as a big rock or creekb ed. This tells you Your engine RPM— Eo Worl Ng) ps imesh something you'll néedt o follow if With the exception of the missing [eects you're shifting gears with a checkpoint timés, the statistical Manual Transmission information for Versus Mode is These icons change from green to yellow.tofed as they wear |e aCTe almo"st1 identical to SGohamrpicons hi dowrydifinga r acesFrom left tg) This stows the gear joie cur- A _# and Team Champioonshi p Modes. right, the icons are Engine Condition, Electrical Rowér~ , Se ly inh,S Gi ad lly, eec a. . . ast SeveralF et imes during\ a Versus Mote y Temperature, Tiu re Condition, gTreeaalt fofror Nghilals ia ndW ph ifgaht s gear is x te \, race, you'lel see ta “yG ap,T infea "f lash on “SShocks and Muffler. “S h the screen—this is theltime differ- eae ~ ~ “sence between you and thellead car. It Loma This shows your place in the field ~ lle snaps ppinibor unten That's you, pal: for this leg of the race. OURS Nar ee f 49 ae we a Ps Z . A A . i a Wé ordStrb omT he é iS S. ‘Wmité edW arraé nty ~\ me y ‘Winner's Circle ~ - Fatt i gh aie aetna ffom defects in materials and workmanship for a period of ningty (90) days from the date Of purchase. This KEMCO product is sold “as is” without expressed or implied warranty ~The fastest car doesn’t always win the ‘ofa ny kind, and KEMCO is nor ible for any losses or damages Ofa ny kind resulting from, 4 inf act,t he smartésqdriver usu~ ‘the use of thisp roduct. Ifa d efect cove this warranty-eccurs durigg.this 90-day warranty pacidt,KEMCO Will repair or ré é all it. Look for steiner charge. Send\prodge postage paid, along wi the tourses. Don't worry if you can’t shown below. find ahidden road. Sometim TO RECEIVE THIRSE MEDY simplest Faute—even an ultra-th |. DO NOT returmydur defective KEMCO s . line through a turn-is enough to shave 2. Send the defective product via registered mail, along with receipt as proof of purchase to the KEMCO another half second off your best time: Warranty Return Center at: f f = < a < g . KEMCQ,TOP GEAR® RALLY 2 Z . WN. # S eC Warranty Return Cefiter NS & Unless you're playing in Yersus Mode, Nee ieee stay.away from the othercars.In rally Vernon, CA'90058 \ racingsyour main battle is jst the . clock, not the other cars on the road. The TOP GEAR® RALLY 2 Custoiner Support telephone numberi Pass your competitors with care and 323-234-9911 j don’t let themyrun you off the road. When you write to us, please provide us with your telephohe number and a brief explana- / __J ostling against your, rivals will usually tion of what appears to be wrahg with the product. The remedy provided above is your exclusive remedy if the KEMCO software product doesnoteomply with this Limited \ Sresult in*Unnecessary damage and limit (oa & . hh {Z Warral \, yur car’s performance. This wartanty Shall not be applicable cere void if the defect in theKEMGO product \ x arises through abuse, unreasonable use, mistreatment or neglect. THIS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ABL OTHERS WARRANTIES At NO. OTHER REPRESENTATIGNS OR. \ CLAIMS OF NATURE SHALL BE BIND} ON OR OBLIGATE KEM NY. . ~ IMPLIED WARRANTIES APPLICABLE TO THIS PRODUCT, INCLUDING WARRANTIES Go back toschool. The ASRG Rally TOOPMT EHRCEHA NNITNAEBTIYL IT(Y9 0) DAYA.N DP ERFIIOTDN ESDSE SFCORRI BAE DP AARBTOIVCEU.L AIRN NPOU'RPEOVSEEN,T WAIRE LL LIKMIE MCO. ; School in Top Gear® Rally 2 isn’t just j s BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, about e ting a series of exereiges - Tre rs RESULTING FROM POSSESSION, USE OR oN es THIS PRODUCT, j in orgér to earn e racing lic y 5 ” 7 Some,states do not alf itations.as to how long an injplied warranty lasts and/or / \ continually practicing with the school excisions of limitatigf of incidental\or-consequentiak@mages, so the’above limitat and/oh\exelusions ofl iability may not applyto you. Thisw arranty givesyoucspecific rights, ‘| cars, you'll understand and anticipate and yotkmay have other rights, which vary frém state to state. : the handling idiosynérasies for each _\ yz Vehicle, which will makeyyou a better 4 yy yj driver when you return to face on the f rally circuits” y ~ : 7.S AB dl eT a

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