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Tom Ahern 11-09 Direct Mail PDF

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Preview Tom Ahern 11-09 Direct Mail

Making a Best Case Part 1 in Your Year-End Appeal Making the Case ~ T o m A h e r n ~ Direct Mail | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 1 Direct Mail | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 2 “Because without your Why do you want my money, some worthy money? good can’t happen.” Direct Mail | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 3 Direct Mail | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 4 “Absolutely. Your trust Do you want me as well and confidence are as my money? important, NOT the size of your gift.” Direct Mail | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 5 Direct Mail | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 6 Donor-NEGLIGENT: “Friend-raisers” raise “We did this. We did more money than that. We were amazing. fundraisers. Oh, by the way, thanks.” Direct Mail | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 7 Donor Comm Self-Audit | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 8 Donor-CENTRIC: All best cases, 3 things: “With your help, all these amazing things Make a promise. happened. And without Prove you have results. your help, they won’t.” Acknowledge the donor. Donor Comm Self-Audit | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 9 Case for Support | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 10 Promise Proof Promise Donor Proof Donor Case for Support | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 11 Case for Support | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 12 “Donors are staggeringly A case is not a description ignorant of the causes of what you do. they support.” (Though a BRIEF reminder is welcome.) --Richard Radcliffe, dean of UK donor researchers Case for Support | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 13 Case for Support | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 14 A case is a description of what you promise. Just as good… Case for Support | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 15 Case for Support | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 16 Promise Case for Support | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 17 Case for Support | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 18 Promise Your case talks about why you matter (i.e., what the donor will achieve by supporting you) Case for Support | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 19 Case for Support | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 20 The “Why we matter” Problem page from a case in progress Solution Case for Support | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 21 Case for Support | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 22 Not sure why you matter? A campaign case talks about where you’re headed. Pretend you’ve gone away. Case for Support | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 23 Case for Support | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 24 People are living longer in America all the time. And for 3 out of 5, it’s a very bitter You’re at A. ending …for themselves and their families. Why? Because 3 out of 5 Americans over the age of 85 today get Alzheimer’s. Case for Support | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 25 Case for Support | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 26 But that grim outlook could soon improve. Our research could help shrink the number What’s your B? afflicted with Alzheimer’s significantly, maybe down to 1 in 5 --within a decade. We’re ready. But we can’t do it without your help. Case for Support | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 27 Case for Support | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 28 Yale College is thriving, Promise: building perhaps as never before. multinational graduates Blah, blah, blah, problem, blah, Recognizing that excellence is no excuse Promise: bringing a Yale A for complacency… B education within reach of blah, blah, evil… anyone good enough to be admitted …recommended substantial improvements in the curriculum… Promise: perpetual glory. These But it doesn’t have to be that way. are mostly named endowments. Promise: “science-rich” B In a nutshell:We researched. And we discovered weaknesses Promise: arts expansion that this $3 billion campaign will fix. It’s just a matter of money. Case for Support | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 29 Case for Support | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 30 A case answers common questions and doubts. This has 2 B’s: the “fork in the road”story. Case for Support | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 31 Case for Support | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 32 Talking right. Case for Support | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 33 Case for Support | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 34 The Shelter for Women, Inc. helps at-risk You’re not talking to other teen girls from CT towards recovery from abuse and neglectby supporting them to specialists. make sustainable gains towards independence. We provide these fragile young women with therapeutic treatment, Zero jargonis the goal. residentialand educational support, and accessto community resources…. Case for Support | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 35 Case for Support | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 36 You love your All fundraising copy should “multidisciplinary.” sound like someone talking. --George Smith, Tiny Essentials of Writing for Fundraising They’re left unmoved. Case for Support | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 37 Case for Support | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 38 Emotionally worthy goals XYZ University's strategic plan is designed to amplify the university's academic excellence. The result of a 13-month planning effort, the plan identifies strategies to enhance the university’s work for students on Within a decade, if all goes according to three fronts: plan, XYZ University will emerge as the top • Reinterpreting the liberal arts skills of communication and school in its class, leaving behind our ‘peer critical thinking to take into account 21st-century challenges and opportunities schools’of today. Admittedly, the plan is • Multiplying connections between students and faculty members by building on the faculty’s record of original research and ambitious. And it won’t be cheap: creativity excellence in education at this level never iPs.la in • Building on XYZ University’s strong sense of community, talk locally and globally But we will get there, thanks to your vision, your commitment, and your help. What’s wrong? Too much insider jargon. No worthy emotional goal. No donor in sight. The donor is the hero Case for Support | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 39 Case for Support | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 40 “Is 22 pages If someone reads 150 enough?” words, you’re lucky. Case for Support | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 41 Case for Support | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 42 $50 million raised Case for Support | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 43 Case for Support | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 44 Part 2 Your case for support is your arrow. Direct Mail, Practically Speaking Direct mail is your bow. Direct Mail | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 45 Direct Mail | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 46 Direct mail appeal essentials Make a gift to this special "Help Your Neighbors" appeal --and you'll • You have to be out there and vulnerable. earn the community's profound thanks Don’t be uptight and inhibited. throughout 2010. • Sew your heart to your sleeve. This is an Dear Tom, emotional conversation with a friend. I am writing today --on behalf of a select group of charities --to ask your • Keep it simple. Tell a relevant story and help. make your ask at least three times. More than a few of your neighbors in DutchessCounty need you. Desperatelyneed you, to be perfectly honest. • Stay focused. It’s about the donor. It’s not Neighbors like Shiobahn. about you. Talk about how much good the Pretty name,you might be thinking. It's Irish for Joan. But Shiobahnwas donor can do by making a gift. trapped in an ugly, terrifying, secret life. Direct Mail | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 48 Dear Tom, Dear Tom, You came to Sharp as a patient, in need of help. one of I3t 0w0a ssu ac hty dpaicyasl y woaur amn,d b Ir iegnhjto my oerancihn yg eianr ".sun-sational" San Diego, Thank you for that profound act of trust. Mr. Russ Moore, age 74, felt grand. Now I come to you, humbly, to ask for your help in turn. Then an unsuspected clot drifted into a narrow artery and stopped The cause of community health care here in San Diego needs you. the blood flow to his brain. Sharp HealthWCailrle yFoouu ncodnatsiiodne rt hbiesc hoomliidnagy i stse acshoanm?pion ... by making a gift to the MooreS. uHded feonulgyh at wfoarr hmi,s blirfieg,h itm mpoarlnedin bgy t uar snterodk dea.rk as death for Russ health care. IA sisn ac epraetliyen hto, pyeo uy'ovue wexepree rsiaetniscfeide dfi wrsitthha ynodu Srh oaurtpc'os amwe.ard-winning --and Ie sapme cwiarliltyin tgo ttohdaanyk tyoo tuh oannk b yehoaul df eoefp pleyo fpolre a llilk yeo Ruur sssu Mppooorrt eo.f Sharp What patients perhaps don't realize is just how much these good Russ had you by his side. oreusticdoemntess. depend on the generosity of people like you and other San Diego discovTerh eth tartu bthe hisi nthdi ist:s n caomneti nauneydt soupc hcoessps isttaaln idn tAhmouesraicnad,s a onfd s yeolfu-'ll Philanthropy makes a huge contribution here at Sharp. sacrificing benefactors like you. Great community health care is no accident. It depends in critical ways on the generous hearts of you and other donors. Direct Mail | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 49 Direct Mail | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 50 What is the purpose of direct mail? The special purpose of direct mail for smaller nonprofits? To get inside a person’s home and carry on a brief, persuasive To build your base, in onesies- conversation, hoping it will earn twosies, a few dozen at a time. your cause a gift. Direct Mail | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 51 Direct Mail | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 52 The Society for Nice, Middle-Class, Older Who is most likely to People (SONMOP) give to you? needs your help to feel good about themselves Source: Mark Phillips, Bluefrog, via Jeff Brooks Direct Mail | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 53 Direct Mail | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 54 How we read direct mail Which means your letter Step #1: The open or trash decision is NOT about you. Who? X1Y2oY3uZ rS twOowergenpa,ni CnizgTa St0it1or2ene3t4 Me? Ms. Jane Smith Your letter is about the 567 Main Street Your town, CT 01234 donor’s emotions and interests. What? Direct Mail | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 55 Direct Mail | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 56 How we read direct mail How we read direct mail Step #2: Do I really care? Step #3: What do you want me to do? Who? Logo What? [ Optional important message ] Me? DkiedaIsfr r yuMonusn’.ir nSeg ml iakirteho ,umned, othne sstiagghet ionf silly What? Yes!I want to support children’s community theatre in cdoelsitguhmt.es makes you giggle with my town. Here’s my tax-deductible gift of... Email address SMins.c Serinelcye,rity Champion, ED Who? PS: ytuytggygkigkygkygigikgy Direct Mail | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 57 Direct Mail | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 58 Ask yourself 1st: Kinds of letters “What am I going to write today?” Direct Mail | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 59 Direct Mail | ©2009 Tom Ahern | WWW.AHERNCOMM.COM 60

AHERNCOMM.COM. 1 . But that grim outlook could soon improve. George Smith, Tiny Essentials of Writing for Fundraising . Jerry Huntsinger. 71.
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