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Today We Die a Little!: the Inimitable Emil Zátopek, the Greatest Olympic Runner of All Time PDF

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TODAY WE DIE A LITTLE! ALSO BY RICHARD ASKWITH Feet in the Clouds: A Tale of Fell-Running and Obsession Running Free: A Runner’s Journey Back to Nature TODAY WE DIE A LITTLE! The Inimitable Emil Zátopek, The Greatest Olympic Runner of All Time RICHARD ASKWITH Copyright © 2016 by Richard Askwith Published in the United States by Nation Books, A Member of the Perseus Books Group 116 East 16th Street, 8th Floor New York, NY 10003 Nation Books is a co-publishing venture of the Nation Institute and the Perseus Books Group All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For information, address the Perseus Books Group, 250 West 57th Street, 15th Floor, New York, NY 10107. Books published by Nation Books are available at special discounts for bulk purchases in the United States by corporations, institutions, and other organizations. For more information, please contact the Special Markets Department at the Perseus Books Group, 2300 Chestnut Street, Suite 200, Philadelphia, PA 19103, or call (800) 810-4145, ext. 5000, or e-mail [email protected]. Typeset in India by Thomson Digital Pvt Ltd, Noida, Delhi A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress. LCCN: 2016933228 ISBN: 978-1-56858-549-9 (hardcover) ISBN: 978-1-56858-550-5 (e-book) Published in the United Kingdom by Yellow Jersey Press, an imprint of Vintage, 20 Vauzhall Bridge Road, London SW1V 2SA UK ISBN: 9780224100342 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Contents Prologue: Th e curious incident vii 1. ‘Zá-to-pek! Zá-to-pek!’ 1 2. Th e Kopřivnice kid 8 3. Shoemaking 20 4. Th e soldier 46 5. Beginnings 67 6. Th e lights come on again 80 7. Love and death 97 8. Th e Czech locomotive 122 9. Mission: invincible 143 1 0. Fairy-tale Pete 158 11. Th e longest day 181 12. Th e people’s champion 194 13. ‘Today we die a little’ 218 14. Th e ambassador 232 15. Spring fever 259 16. Disgrace 276 17. Exile 290 18. In the drawer 313 19. ‘Say it ain’t so, Emil’ 331 2 0. Th e last lap 351 Epilogue: Gold dust 363 Sources 379 Notes 387 Acknowledgements 443 List of illustrations 445 Index 447 Photo section appears aft er page 180 Prologue Th e curious incident On a sun-scorched runway in Prague, a twin-engined Československé Aerolinie airliner is waiting for take-off from Ruzyně International Airport. More than a hundred young men and women, the fi nest athletes in the Communist state of Czechoslovakia, are bound for Helsinki, a seven-hour fl ight away, where the XVth Olympic Games will begin in nine days’ time. But there is a problem. Th e brightest and best of them all, Emil Zátopek, is absent. Th e greatest runner of his generation – perhaps of all time – is missing from the fl ight that is due to take him to the Games that will defi ne his sporting life. He is at the height of his powers: twenty-nine years old, a world record holder, a reigning Olympic champion who has lost only one of his last seventy races at his specialist distances, with his sights set on an unprecedented and never-to-be-repeated clean sweep of endurance running events. It is the most important journey of his life. And he is late. vii today we die a little! At least, that is how it looks. Emil’s wife, Dana, knows better. A javelin thrower with Olympic ambitions of her own, she is on the plane already, weeping. She knows the real reason why Emil is not beside her. She knows that he is engaged in a high-stakes game of ‘chicken’ that could not just end his career but quite plausibly see him sent to a labour camp. It is Th ursday, 10 July 1952. Th e Iron Curtain that fell across Europe at the end of the Second World War has grown more oppressive in recent years, especially in Czechoslovakia. Th e Communists seized power there in 1948; a ruthless secret service, the Státní bezpečnost (StB), has helped them keep it. By 1950, show trials had begun. Th e most notorious, the Slánský trial, is still being prepared, but already scores of enemies of the revolution, real and imagined, have been executed. Tens of thou- sands are under surveillance by the StB. And now, with the Soviet Union preparing to take part in its fi rst ever Olympic Games, the shadow of Stalin looms ever larger over Czechoslovak life – literally so in central Prague, where the world’s biggest statue of the Soviet dictator, eventually to be nearly thirty metres high (if you include the base), is under construction. No one is immune from the obsessive and brutal enforcement of political conformity. Athletes of all kinds have been among those rounded up in the purges. You don’t have to be guilty of anything: just out of favour. It is less than eight months since the entire national ice hockey team was arrested, on the evening of its depar- ture to London to defend its world title. Twelve players were condemned to camps for, supposedly, contemplat- ing defection (and, in some cases, singing disrespectful viii prologue songs); the combined total of their sentences was seventy-seven years and eight months. By those standards, the problem with Stanislav Jungwirth, Emil’s teammate and a future 1,500m world record holder, is a trivial one. Stanislav himself is not in trouble. It is Emil’s response to the problem that is poten- tially catastrophic. Stanislav’s father is in prison for polit- ical off ences – and that, the Party has decided, makes it inappropriate for Jungwirth junior to travel abroad, except to other Warsaw Pact countries. It is a modest restriction; unless, like Jungwirth, you are an Olympic athlete who has spent the past four years dreaming of Helsinki. News of Jungwirth’s exclusion emerged the evening before the athletes were due to fl y, when they turned up at the Ministry of Sport to collect their travel docu- ments. Jungwirth was devastated to fi nd that there were none for him, but quickly accepted that making a scene would only make matters worse. But Emil was incandes- cent. ‘No way,’ he told the offi cials. ‘If Standa does not go, nor will I.’ Th en he stormed out, leaving his paperwork behind him. Th e next day, on the morning of the fl ight, Jungwirth implores Zátopek to calm down. Emil insists on stand- ing his ground. He gives Jungwirth his team outfi t and tells him to return it to the Ministry when he returns his own. Th en he goes off to train alone at Prague’s Strahov stadium.  Th e stand-off continues for days, by which time the plane has long since left without Zátopek. Dana is incon- solable: the stress causes her to lose her voice. It is barely a decade since her own father was taken away by the ix

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