Canton (Observer SEVENTYFTVE CENTS THI K-SDAY. JUNE 22. 1996 • CANTON. MICHIGAN . 112 PACKS VOLUME 20 NUMEKR 99 Fun arrives in form of festival IN THE P A P ER of chance such a* blackjack end TODAY a.m. Friday until 9 a.m. Sunday along Bl roulette. The fund raiser will contin Canton Center Road. Cherry Hill to Fun arrive® tills weekend In the form of the annu- ue until about midnight under a big Palmer, as well aa on Proctor Road, al Canton Liberty Feet at Heritage Perk. west from Canton Cantor. top tent between the amphitheater and the Canton Public Library. Summertime activities are planned for thoee of The feat begins Friday with an eve Another new feature of the feat is ning of country and western music. ail ages. Organizers are hoping for minimal rain. Bingo Night, hosted by the Canton The Willow Creek Band will perform Chamber of Commerce with coopera- Airport mooting: Congresswom- a two-hour concert at 7:30 p.m. in the BY JOANNE MAU8MWBK1 erty Feet planning committee. Heritage Park amphitheater stage. tion from the Canton Community an Lynn Rivers will host a meet- ST AFT Wuni Whatever the weather this Prior to the show, Fran Mint* of J ex Foundation. Bingo, which will pro- ing on the Willow Run expansion It may be »teaming hot, but what- end, feet planner* are just hoping zeroise will lead a line dance demon- vide money for scholarships, will be and tradeport at 9:30 a.m. Satur- ever you do, don't hope for r«in this tdhidat l aitst d yoeeaarn.' t" Aracintu aclolyn,s tlaansttl yye alirk ew aist stration. otop tehne 7 L-1a1s pV.emg.a sa nNdi gbhet tinen at. tent next weekend when the fourth annual Friday night also provides a debut day. /2A Canton Liberty Feet takea over Heri- as bad as it could get Anything will for new Liberty Feet event*. A Las The Liberty Feet will help feature be an improvement 1 need to do an new highlights in and near Heritage tage Park. Vegas Night, boated by the St. Thom- snti-rain dance," Dates added. 'Fore' a good cause: The "It's OK if it rein* midnight to 4 Because of expected heavy traffic, as A' Becket Booetor Club, will begin See FESTIVAL, 4A a.m.," uid Bob Datea. Canton recre- at 7 p.m. It will feature classic games Friends of the Canton Public Li- ation supervisor and chair of the Lib- parking will be prohibited from 11 Program brary are planning a Sept. 13 golf outing. /2A Aimingjrigh develops Condo development: Condomin- iums in the $170,000 price range are being added to the Pheasant Run Golf Course community. /3A leaders COUNTY NEWS BY JOANNE MAUSZEWSKI Voc-tech OK: For the second JiTAfr Warrxs time, the state House of Repre- Now that the inaugural claw of sentatives has passed a high Leadership Canton has graduated, applications are available for the sec-. school voc-tech bill. /5A 1 session of the program to begin tn Tou realize that the more you OPINION learn, the more you find out whet there i* to learn." said graduate Carol Thompeon of the Hurflto Valley Girl Mitlago win: Voter support of the Scout Council. Wayne- Westland school millage The 22 graduates of the first Lead- package should have some payoff ership Canton — sponsored by the Canton Chamber of Commerce — en for Canton. /10A courage new participants to sign up for the nine-month program that be- gins with an overnight retreat Sept ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT 14-15. Some graduates of the first class Arts & Entertainment: The will serve on the program's 1996-96 Checking It out Gerry Poehlman tries out Bob Pingston s steering committee, which plans the games people play aren't just for ^nTdaughter Anne Marie Block, enjoys her dad's enthusiasm. Pingston showed visitors course of study, including field tripe, kids anymore. Gaming has become visit* to community business*, his plane at the annual pancake breakfast, sponsored by the Experimental Aircraft a new favorite with many adults. court, a prison, social service agencies tion-Chapter 113 at Mettetal Airport on Father's Day. For more photos and a story, turn to /IB SaeLIAMftS, 4A Page 3A. ___ • Exhibit: Artist Saundra Weed Cable TV manager set for new challenges creates quilt paintings that beg to be touched. /IB 1 SPORTS involved with Omnicom in the early BY JOANNE MAUSZEWSM STATT wuni day*. "It came easy to me. It's cre- You've probably heard her name. ative. It'* organi**tion. It's a lot of HlftM Park hero: Former Plym- It'* generally associated with cable strategic planning." outh Canton pitching star Craig television. But if you can believe it, Great fun i* how Boland described Omnicom general manager Use Bo- thoee early year* in *ale* and market- Benedict guided Hines Park to a land originally had her sights on be- ing. which involved * lot of traveling. i, 7-2 victory over Livonia Collegiate coming a physician. In her 20* and married, but without Baseball League rival Little Cae- "In college I took classes in every children, the job wa* *n experience. thing imaginable," said Boland. who Two year* later. Boland was pro- sars Monday. /1C will be leaving Omnicom June 30 to moted to the director of marketing in become the product manager for basic Michigan. Best in soccer: The all-Observer and satellite servicee for Continetal In 1986, Capital Citie* left Omni- Cable, which ia buying Omnicom com and bought ABC Television. girls soccer team has been selected, 8« Omnicom owner Harry Suri bought and once again it features some of Boland signed up for cable televi- the company. Continental ha* been a the top players in the state. /4C sion classes. "I really fall in love with minoritypartner *in« 1992. When telecommunications," said Boland. Boland leavee. Rick Collman now the who switched out of pre med at Mich- director of corporate development and BUSINESS igan State University and sat her Omnicom'* first general manager, will sight* on television. "I Ml broedceet take over Boland * poet. wasn't growing as fast as cable. And 1 "It'* a complex businees It has al- Datebook: Area groups offer wanted to grow with it" ways been a changing industry. Bo- Our WAasBM/Sr*rr pHorrocRAruM seminars, workshops for small She ha*. Boland hae been general land said. She recalls the early i960* SSYIH* goodbyt: Lisa Boland. general manager at Omnicom 7sc' manager at Omnicom *ince 1968. But when 12 channel* were available and business owners. she started in cable television aa a the industry wa* not regulated aa it is ObkSuTl988, will leaue June 30to take a new door-to-door sale* representative "I today. product manager for basic and satellite services wUh Cont,- kind of stumbled into ealea and mar- She ha* been overseeing major nental Cable, which is buying Omnicom. AT HOME keting. I had thee* great ideas of technological changes at Omnicom in being * director and producer." recent month*, including the iaatalla ny 1* also rebuilding it* system and converter boxes — used tor premium But Boland was steered into mar- tion of 60 miles of fiber optic cable channel* such a* Di*ney — to what i * will increase available channels from Bonsai: Little trees mean a lot. keting and sales And she can't aay that will reduce service interruptions called an addressable system that al- 63 to an expected 110. Sneivee trhsiasr yli vsihnogw a ortf atht et hFeo 2u2r nSde aa-n- smhaer rkeegtrientgs d Iitr eIcnto 1r9 o6f1 O, h*hio* f wora sC ampaidta*l fUonr ec.u stomers at the end of the service lcouws*to cmoemr manudni Ocamtinoincom Twheeen co mthpea - See MANAGER, 4A Cities Communications, which wa* Omnicom is switching sons Bonsai Club of Michigan this Coping with summertime heat is no easy task weekend. /Section D Hot Job: Charles Burks of INDEX BYK*VWB»OWN Ron's Asphalt works outside •TAT Warn* Monday, as temperatures Freeh heaps of cod-black aaphalt soared to the mid-90s. SIA steamed in the hot ISA 1C dripped off Charles IB 10-11A (ace as he raked it la The teftsperaturs early this was in th* mid-90*. That's plenty hot HERE S HOW TO REACH US for moat of us, but It had to be for Burks and torn follow bars, laying hat patch on a driveway for Ron s Asphalt fm: 313 <114224 he deal with the beet? "1 * five gallons of Onlerade ert* 3134S3-21** Uir 31*053-2042 "You got to gst work whan you e*n ' Dtthmy 313-001 cms/TV wmktf 313 0S3-2132 80s W. - - - - (C)3A The Observer! THURSDAY. JUNE 22, 1995 Tht Observer * HI HSOAY JUNE 22. 1995 Proceeds from golf outing will benefit library da Garrett, Maria McCabe, Peg Canton community by promoting B•TYUA TJ ( OWoAilaNr romNuEaU MDA| I S EeUpEt.W 1S3UU o n the oCpraagrnattinoc nnip apatrniootgsn rihanamd t Thwehnew yU ha hedeltplpne hfdriop um s fcSihetr.a aPntcluaesy teionr* a w h iaonllseo ain w o1i9nll9*6 cho aDrvneoedagl .ae 0th9e9I n9Ft reireensdtesd aptla lyhears l iabrera raya,ka 3d9 7to pdseiurrbevlciictc ef asin.w aTanhrceeian lFe srasise snoidfss ttah neacles loi bf rooarfr fytehr es• JMLueodayodn eT raesnahdcihp BC waarnoktreotrhn,. B oa gabra wZdauulllakte ear a, new Pheasant Run Golf Club will with It this year But next mr. round up their friends and col purchaae of new equipment, Brian Bunker and Debbie Zevalk ; be • fir* for the Fnends of th« ibe Friends will take it over and Outing fee* are $100 for a single leagues to help make the Friends books aa well aa special programs ink. Leadership Canton, spoo ; i'an tan Public bhrtn do it oureelvea." Barker added golfer and >400 for a foursome first outing a success Contact the for children and adulta, Barker sored by the Canton Chamber ,.if • The Friends are sacking sponsors library- to participate, 397 0999. or Commerce, is a program rtwigna*/ 'It will be the first |wd chance The public is invited to pevtici- for each of the 18 holes on the Ar- mail a check to Friends of the Li- to provide leadership skills and for th« public to see the new golf pate in the ouung. which will be thur Hills designed course that brary. 1200 S. Canton Canter Because the Friends has a spa community knowledge u. perticC course on an outing.' *aid Mania gsttna rwt iinth a•n a 8c:n3w0n hafmo*. » fhoortmguanl msioeanns.d seorsu tthhr oofu gChhe frirvye H silulb,d wiveis-t iRsotraadt.i oCna dnetoand,li Mnei cith .J u4l8y1 8I.8 . Reg cial non-profit status, participa- pvoalnvte*d i ninte rtehseted co mInm ufantittiyng " Tn S1 Barker Fnenda library volunteer Brwakfoat. lunch and dinner wtll of Canton Center. Sponaorahipa tion ia tax deductible, Barker outing waa one of a number coordinator be served A traveling trophy will are 1100 per hole. Anyone who is The Friends group ia dedicated added. projects Leadership CanUm To get the ball rolling an the be offered, aa will other conteata interested in sponaorahip or in to establishing a cloae relation The outing ia being planned by uatea worked on. Fnends* new fund-raiser and prttea. including a 50-50 raf donating prises should contact ship between the library and the Friends committee members Lin- FORK Friends — the oon profit Willow Run project focus of weekend meeting IC- oVmLS-HmFUuILnAity Schoola. TT»h e founda . wRuiClnl o heooxfeprtav anMs mieooeneati iasnnfgid L o yntrn enthdes pR Woivritlelr oasw t • CONNECTION GFooTulhnfe do aEutditouinnc agwt iiolln aSlpon Esxocre iltlsen sceec ocHauoltleiindngeg l i,Es 4E 1TF6h-1u 7trr4sud2s.a tye.e Ju Rnaey m22o,n db y pfBollara ytc hkAe w heol l1l eF9-o9inr5d o inMae ut chsoetna gntergasnt.d f rpormis e ltBihoaenn P Epmpxooteurnttshde pd Cro aDgnratayomn sC Ca slrouetchh Pinr ago*- " jlluaivs tatr nha iihnsein lspgiz: eaSt iw xt-hhyeiel eaar ng-norauldnadl Bppaearnnecn aLtksie sJtio mbnre p aarknafdacst itMc eaastry iMn A eantnt ep tlSaauln le- 9th:3e0 C aamnto Sna tPuurdbaliyc. L Jiburnaery .24 1.2 0in0 You do not have u> be present to oWnded annensudaaly. g Joulfne o u2t8in.g a ta tF e8ll oa.wms a fFuollr $r1o3u5n.d g oolffe grsol wf,i lclo tnretianteednt atol forT thhee ou ntionng-p rhoeflipta rfaoiusned amtioonne,y gprraomgr.a am ,m aassthist a/rnecaedi nfogr e fdfiiscaiebnlceyd Airport. Sli.c *ia a innivointe dC enter Road The pub- win CrTeehke Glaosltf dCaoyu rtsoe rineg Cisatenrto fno.r the banreda akfa sstte, alkunc dhin onner, th efol lcoowuirnsge wlehaircnhi negn hina ntchee* Pl ytemaochuithng Ca anntdo n cahnidl dpraerne,n atcinagde emdiucca tmioinn.i -grant* Organizers flip Eyes on design Soccer tryouts Seven Canton and Plymouth ST PHOTOS SY BUX BaaaL*a Giris U-15 soccer tryouts for residents and their classic autoa the Canton Soccer Club Select were among the more than 200 over day's doings Flipping flapjacks: John Bros and John Maxfield were among Experimental Aircraft Aviation members who will be at 6:30 p m Fnda>. June participants in the prestigious made about 2,000 pancakes for the annual pancake breakfast at Mettetal Airport on Father a Day. 23, and 10 am Saturday. June Eye* on Classic Design auto show 24. in Heritage Park. Canton For a fund raiser for the Detroit more information contact Greg Institute of Ophthalmology — Schupra, 397 8991. or Brian June 18 on the grounds of the BR JOANNE MALISZEWBIU • The organization al- hmaaldf-eg malolorens t hofa no r2a.n0g0e0 jpuaincce.a k"eWs.e" McCormick. 469-8654 Edael and Eleanor Ford House. BTAFT Warm ready awarded SS00 Purdy said. Canton residents who partici- Better weather brought more scholarship* to honor The pancake breakfast is si so a Beef raffle pated included: George Goaheff gpwda to the annual pancake student* Darren T. perfect time for pilots to give free The Canton Historical Society with a 1951 two door Mercury, breakfast sponsored by the Exper- rides. The recent graduates and ia sponsoring its "2nd Annual Beef Tom and Mary Kowal with a 1937 imental Aircraft Association at Schlndel, a Canton scholarship recipienU. Schindel Raffle during the Canton Libertv Ford Cabnolet, Jeff Coleman with Settetal Airport on Father's Day. High School graduate, and LaGrow. were flying the Feat this weekend. a 1971 Ford Thunderbird Landau I "We actually had a 150 percent and Samuel i. LaOrow, skies, as were their families D H HI Tickets are still available from Plymouth residents included Increase in traffic this year." said Pilots also signed up kids for any member of the historical soci- Robert Laird with a 1995 Phil- Ed Purdy. president of the EAA a Salem High School the Young Eagles program, which ety or at the Liberty Feat June 23 hps Laird Special Roadster. John Chapter 113, which haa about 75 graduate. introduces the youngsters to avia- 25 The society will have two Pnce Jr.. with a 1940 Ford Deluxe members. tion with free plane rides. "We dberaefw, winhgi,c hea cwhill fo cro mae q upaacrtkearg eodf Ccboeurpoe a. n1d96 419 4F1or dLi nFcaollcnon Z eRpahny r The pancake breakfast serves gfoavrme os.u"t P aubrodyut s a1i0d0. Young Eagle b ib and ready for the freeier The Coupe. Paul Rebann with a 1967 as the EAA's fund-raiser for the drawings will be at 4 p.m. Sun Shelby 427 Cobra. D Mark Troa organisation that provides schol- Pilots will give rides at Mette- day. June 25 in Heritage Park tie with a 1932 Ford Roadster arships to graduating high school tal Saturday. June 24. If more aaniors interested in aviation. kids come than expected, the pi- "I think we will be able to five lot* will schedule them for subse two more scholarships this year. quent Saturdays. "Kids can still Purdy said. The organisation al a Salem High School graduate. come to the airport on Saturday Canton Observer ready awarded iSOO scholarships but they will probably be in the : to hpnor students Darren T. In all. 700 breakfasts of pan group that we have to schedule Comparing note* Bob'Pingston (left) shows Gerry Poehlman his plane, a Stearman, at «S43 -U6? C vxwn* jSpcrhadinudaetel., aar tCda Snatomnu eHl iJg.h L aSGchroowol, c1a0k0e ps owuenrdes se orfve sda.u Taahgaet i nancdlud 3e0d later," Purdy said. the annual breakfast. v» *4 \l IJJI.1 m -i i «j * a *u mfn S*: -AOt Condo project and eatery OaMW S»€ vcf «a m. "C J.l «S»2J» "•* c* lecommended for approval Where IU A l )l R s 1 R V IC I a covered entry and windows on the condominiums BY JOANNB MAUSZKWSKI P H O NE I I N ES THURSDAY. FRIDAY, SATURDAY i HTAIT Warms will be spaced appropriately for a traditional look. Planning commissioner* also asked for an im- IE3 -^Attached condominiums in the $170,000 and up CHOOSE FROM: $19.98 YOUR CHOICE wica range are expected to round out the Pheasant proved design on the rear oftJ*a-eoj>dominiumB that canyou find will be featured in two-untfr%a^unit and four-unit Hun Golf Course community. • VIDEO GAMES "You caught the spirit, the impetus of the town- buildings While the rear eWVations were improved HOMEUNR: 953-2020 to have their own unique appearance. Robertaon Hasbro ship." said Vic Gustafaon. Planning Commission Open houses and new developments, in your area TWIST 'N fTYLi •DOLLS chairman. Monday night aa repreaentativea of Rob said it's impossible to have a brick fascia on the chimneys on the two-story rear elevations. free real estate seminar information iTir^NT • PRESCHOOL TOYS ertaon Brothers Co. developers offered their latest "You can't put real brick up there because there plans for tha condominium project 1 ORIG. 22.99 •SEGA are too many angle irons and the roof load (would be 9»» Tha Planning Commission recommended approv CLASSIFIED AFTER HOURS: 591-0900 • INFANT TOYS TOEJAJA I EARL al of the site plan for the condominiums, called the too heavy)." Robertson said. anew Saturn Place classified *&> at your convenience •TIME WARNER Links at Phaaaant Run. which will offer 218 uniU Robertaon developers also improved the design of • ACTION FIGURES MS. PACMAN on a little more than 48 acrea, south of the Summit a condominium clubhouse which will be the first structure that greets residents and visitors when CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT: 591-0500 • CRAFTS •US GOLD Parkway, west of Canton Center Road. they enter the complex. tf you have a question about home delivery or if you did not WINTER 0iY*PKS Commissioners also recommended approval of a Commissioner Melissa McLaughlin, also a town- receive your paper, please call one oi' our customer service rep- ALL AT UNBELIEVABLY site plan for a new McDonald s restaurant north of ship trustee, lauded the improved designs. I think resentatives during the following hours: LOW PRICESI AND MORE SELECTED TITLES v BMelliecvhiilglean Arovaednsu. e., . .b etween Canton Center and it punched up the curb appeal tremendously." • Monday and Thursday: 8 a.m — 8 p jn. ; ^ Recommended approval of boA site plana came Commissioner Ron Lieberman agreed. "In my for $9,995? • Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday; «J0 a.m. — 5:30 pjn SAVE 4 6% SAVE 5 0% SAVE 6 0% elUr representatives of both companies were aaked view it didn't have pixxaxx. Now it does." The Township Board must now approve the site ' la revise their individual deaigns. FAX UNE: 1 -300-967-5904 plans for both companies. Robertaon developers • Robertson Brothers, which is buying the acreage You can use J MasierCard- or Visa* to access the following TTTfrrrrr *om Canton Township, revised the daaip of the have yet to receive approval for engineering plans. "I information from our classified ads. This service «s available by I — available in two and three bed- think they would like to start this fall." Canton com- noon Wednesday and Saturday munity planner Jeff Goulet said. 1 rooms — to create a New England appearance. No. 9492: Loofong for a place to rent or someone Commissioners had aaked McDonald s represent- "I like to think we listened very hard to what you to share an *»artment wilW Get a listing of our renul atives to improve the appearance of what is called ^kad to say," said Paul Robertson, adding that the classdieds. Cost $5.95. the playacape portion of their restaurant. Commis - Iplans are now "significantly batter. * Hem No. 970* Collectibles Auction sales. AntK^es : "We deserved what we got two weeks ago. Rob sioners said original deaigns made it look like a car aalea showroom. crate, rummage sales. Coct: $5.95 - ertaon said. "It ia certainly not the kind of elevations To make the playscape — designed for children — • Mem No. fmO: Recreation: boats, motorcycles, campers, 98 airplanes, etc Cost $5.95 ZEST* A Ml 'M SAY STOBY 2 R^Urtaon architect added stone, horisootai appear compatible with the remainder of the restau- A MM NO. 9622: Vehicles: Used trucks, vans and all MLMOM MUM* 1 ^ 98 MAK1S - elding, shake-style siding, board and batten on the rant, the McDonald's architect added columns to break up the lengthy window*. The architect also makes of automobiles Co* $39.95 ORIG. 29.99 6tl6. *4.*9 -exteriors Aleo added were maeonry fireplaces to the designed the whole building in brick with dark-col O«K?. i a .^ condominium., M ored block to serve as an accent. SAVE 6 0% M M, split garage doors and steeper pitch roofs O&E ON-LINE "I'm far more pleased with what we have here, : ^ " *e think the two-story unit* are going tohe™al I AMD SUMOUNCNNC MM; Ml -4711 strong now." Robertaon said. Ranch units will have Commiasioner Bob Wade said. UVONU AND fUHKMXNG HBMc. S91-0W3 ». Ysoofutw caanre —acPceCs sor O Mna-cliinneto O jnu-slt ianbeo uutse arnsy c cano:m munications Mottsl PMoMrkDerV AKK IUrtTl TU ANMl Sound of music will fill park By now you've probably seen our SLs all over the a Send and receive unlimited email. ORIG. 19.99 neighborhood picking the kids up after school, going to a Access ail of the Internet— Tefoel Gopher, dtid. \*M / W^ WWW and mom ' Canton realdanU and _ • Tha coacarta are at 7:30 p.m. every Ttaursdiy the grocery store, or just resting in the driveway. K| editions of the the Observer i Eccentric : will he treated again this summer beginning iaaa 2» through Aag. 10. The final • Chat with users across town or across the country. " to s series of free outdoor concert* concert la the series, Tha Laredos with But those Saturn SLs probably aren't for sale. • the amphitheater In Heritage To b<yn your On-line eiyforafton, call 591 -0903 or 901 -4711 Park ionathan Stars, will be at 7 p.m. Thursday, jUg. No, you have to come see us to pick up a new Saturn. 17, aad costs SB par carload. Concert-goers s t t w ri r The concerts aw at 7:30 p.m. : every Thursday beginning Juna are lavtted to brtag their Maaketa aad lawa But that's not so bad. You might even think we're fun. Al #»e key prompt, type: 70*2 ; 20 through Aug. 10. The final oy»- THE WORLD S BIGGEST TOY STORE! In the aeries, TW Laredee ON-LINE HOTLINE: 953-2266 -ftth Jonathan Stare, will be • p.m. Thursday. Aug. 17, and coat* If yow noedhdpor he*quedfom. ca«OnlineHodme * There's a 1 vaul * IS per carload 3SA*In IW«rN. oF/A FAAM«INMG«IGOTNOH HHIiLuLjSi S_Ao4T U*N of LUOSIDC SATI ** NO*™ the number r ~ r -r '*****-«. *• Concert-goers are invited to • June » Bobby Lewis and the Big Band SATLTLN of TROY : bring their bUnketa andjeem Crackajack Band • Aug. 3; Doug Jacobs 4 the Red SATUILN V Sot TH FIELD SATL RN Q/ In (Sr Tny Motor Maft BlfiMMiV* • July * Geerfs Bedeid and tha ^ ' ^ w lU be available at the °en Garter Band. Observer PLIASC CAUL 1-800-522-5000 teored by Centea Parks • JufrU: Plymouth Symphony • Aug. 10: The Saaay Band. Obr o<Ser D«** ana Sanaa mm ~aall parks and • July » Wave King and the B -Ant. 17: Larados with A DIRVIMNT KIND of COM>AWY. A PiyriaiwT KINO of C*T. NEWSPAPERS • « i»7 sua. [Httllif Jonathan Stars • July 27: The Nest Generation Han s the *5A The Observer Tm KSIUY JI. SK 22, 1995 The Observer/ THURSDAY. JUNE 22, 1995 4A(C) tech bill Festival from page IA No festival is truly an event lH*earrkit. algUef kHi da*eo uthte npelwaylyaca bpuel.l l newSa ptruarcdtaiyc* o frfaenrg** • fuil day of cathicartnoe*rus ga whndoilul ot tt hmheeir* w wee ewlklie tkhnndo wvinai ctohra*r - waviathiloaubtl eto ants a mofyr fioadod o,f swthanicdhs, i as s Glenn Oiander, R-Sturgi* They • The Houaa **ta was **-•• All area trhuenr*e .s Touhtehre o ifa tahne e xstpardeaiuamwa y(s tihtea)t paca nC.e Tnhtruarls dHaiyg,h J.u 3n0e0 2 2W, .in H Puornotni,- witfk of man\ teal event*. *» well rvenU. activities and treat* for all Kid* will be entertained by well as at the popular Taata of . Fwd»*Mod Ume. the state developed tha idee after tripe to attv*> voted yes Jaae 13. and one that runs north," said with speakers from the Oakland a. the r.«« Ptimillt Run Golf i|r« of fsatival goer* Saturday Ronald McDonald. Twiaty the Canton and the Picnic in tha Houao at R»pr«aaa*aH»— has Germany's hochschule system of Canton, waa absent Hart. County prosecutor's office and i\»ur»* «i»i Summit on the Park wiU conclude With the popular Park, sponsored by Plymouth- pwaaed a high sefcool voc-tach bill. 'vocational training students who Madison Height* police depart- Clown, 14 year old magician Phil >. o»muiUt> center, which i* *till and powerful fir-eworka apectacu Canton Drug Abuse Resistance Laat year the bill died in the Sen - aren't coUegebound. ment. lip Leja, as well a* the Flying ur*ier i.xm*truction tar at about 10 pm A new laser Education, which features food £ The House vote waa 88-9. All "Look at the new Cleveland -»mrttT*ietf hrSf e."w ( Ace rnoeemtg *Eam.r"leu »gn 7aiotnfyt H1 0 ilPtu enpoemumkrf i a ceFtlMrd iS.drua twmya if l l spchohoTniwtjhhu aIen* afcit trapierolw aninno wrnk ieHt*dhe tan»hrthaoao guwfeinrde w wP toiahlrlrekk* .la a miant Asfwuicoenesn *toa ,na la*id .t ejKhr eooidfo *Mfpei sw notiiifvll aMFl hr igiadarvwboeeuaeyn ldo po*arn do* fteh ose-f fdtrhaoeyLm Cao fcOataneult rtoonbrnoagocank nC ih zSaattmaiaobknehsr,ou oasfauc h CSou mana- s'JHtyaHhtte"eo4 -Cuc*asoe'bm iBsnmtiealitlne e4odin1ao9r ow Iftoe* uuanal dtdiao esanraahtlr ut ah panen da aJCuraenane ti o1sn3p,.r ew eDasaen batsobtrsiaevhneat .W hvoytmedan, y eRa- Feravramtiloann dA actn. d Open Space Pros dDLeeevtgeriolsoiltpa w tauir tnehe. owut T iagpeprro Svtaald ioufm t hine Smoteptiaaelmldniioe utdnbm atinh.t aT t ihdae es bit npat,rd ofi ijuaresnmctdt. pi atHlha eecnryeoe,w jis au6os2l td8a mBbeloScotoaoiinmmdge fS itbeheelendt. t Tperr oGo wegadnrruaysmchai: ptPe ,"ad wUt eahnrnoalde, is arse Dpa wrl-oley- n,ewr the front of the festival. • about 40 minute* It will be pre Again this year, viaitor* will be mere* and other*, will be promi information system on what )ob 'Snoufru Trail*' Bennett credited Vicki Maple out for every game, yet they're $28 start to focus on giving our youth gHuo*e raowrAnintd.a »m g tlemh-a eH» wiisd Vaei ekoagwu fatau*> n ptd lfea ea Trtphh eefeo r b a* itninhtd e cbAeyrd mtehWyde eBb yi a4n n0cpd-rape tbiareisecoegetdiinc n TtmihOneuglha iascth D o8piwr vpoi vsm iiiodn ne* d eSwwnhihltolie wcbrhet S a3 isa0nhtueo ddrwd nwnay iiatihnl da tno hjdfued msaiocyb, iCl aeat*r Tnssepehconeotn cnsthdhoa rra omonufbng euthhrao,elu twBfehus itstch,ihne we isis slwl e shEeox kmspetnoaj ,dio.t rsa SHAW*. LaMOftS/STW* pH0TO0**faSS tnsprfkaacitiililnlols*in n sasgtn.a pI ntard eoaaaglrdsrdoae*md w .fsoo cauronl dvodar wdrciirooneruakastt ii oooonnnc cp uooi-f-i t6sh4aeT iad Shc Seare easenat.aa oft Lferao fawroer iTneller tapBsiuel tsan n unidnpe t Wtmw,eeo Retnlt-ealCynaand fndso-,.r aTnrda iTl*h efor pFrroiemnodtsing o fthe S iassssuaef. ras CathmleHe emtanrraedtnn massn,pe dtonrtri te taDodtoi ouS ntgoen abC taueatdtra glB,cehit l-Rl - TtM3h0het4e. , mftiinoidlnl yihooenur erins ein ldv Deebsett. rion Yi tao,"u s 'hireme i agldaordine pgdo. stio- athne a pltreorbnlaetmive ia t oon ljyoi gnoiningg g taon ggse,t will feature sample* of daeaerta from last year." Date* said, urging A fine art* show, featuring 80 well as a Health Expo. Ipt "school to apprentice" pro ton. Strike 2 Senate rejected House amend The program ia designed to trom Oregnrs- t offee and punch visitors to arrive at leaat by 7 p.m. 100 artists, as well a* art work- "We have had tremendous co- Winner: Andrea DeZell of Plymouth (left) won first Iframa. It's part of House Bill 4422, the Sen. George Z. Hart, D-Dear- menu to the bill and sent it to a Youth gangs help parents and other adulta rec- *(lfiioo»pitolfm ewCq ivoluliui sbprisetmeo ser ea*ntrtv D oP thr >le)aa ysoa*u-ntt A nR eguwon l f toLponli e b(uneenttrytt iy alf oF rpfe i*aartre fkwa iamnocgritkliyv ssi ptt otiaiec mdseoe a" rATehll er>r eitnh*e » secss honoLolrtilhepvedrsica n btalgiylnb vdl eHit ssfhii aestscohteoro C*r wpya aA n iiSsntnoa tfn imaennapg ttH,luie qiirrsseu,t deso ,susr pira ceao*an n tldio s omtwhphuaeonnr kaihtt ayaivo lfleno r f wvr otoohmlreuk n eftdtehese eta irobvsua hsl a.iann rIdde sw so tan hcnoo ttemh eteo pAUllaniccweei nNin itco thohokels Ft h(arirrimgdh.i ht)gt wonon A rsteisctosnd C, launbd sCphrirnisgt ienxeh ibit. td•ie rTned hC eRi tabypi,l.l a W nwdiala lcia aprmiroi enKdeee iortnehd. b Dyby- RG eraepr--. Jnpuauntruecr h1aa6la re eb eywoi tullhrec be eest ma bteaudd Segee unt,nad tpee.ars T stehhdee bchaoiglrlhn h,w ilsaoys tefuf ofnondrst a n fTro oum npr rbeeecvionergndt eud sset adrot eltlo conference committee. already on Ath pero Mgroavme "ca wlleildl "rYunou ftrhom Ga 6n-g8s ohgelnpi sien s cigonmsb oaftt ignagn git. activity and cart will shuttle visitor* from the The amphitheater will be alive Society festival," Dates said. Summit on the Park tent to the with muaic. while strolling musi- Zoo Manager Heat from page IA from page IA extends aoon be responsible for 400,000,"i eaSedsbddPinnxproeaeoleg paSrynOcwCnP,vkerkmtt 'flnk*thibcies yc lttteo amna lhemaoeod,rurd edn nwibs tolt.ncd ha e htenuwdat oeis,hch dtl phabu leem Sh*itoteautaeo.a pst sirt .tNi larifIl n onuei*at n drdeoAscptogioasefhm o sgfvlt enlaiheCyaoc rae lep la.llluie, eentV"nfo<ttt ttlt-Wo po •ease b*iinlrartl eiey*gii ,k cbadaa kyirt, mtr cehnad ustg aten eIhioth rr d n e fke stWttcacnscbhhnuoitnooiteeoCg'indnysnr"n rghb.m s hteg"tsPWeoatuhu t arraisti»res sceulnhr4el i, ktcsrre e0ne ye e eaptprBte sie l)ss eeoosssp taal s*ooenulSeti lppad nc tlw m oyl.rsiicli enaoonoereeaeglaljrhd llke ta y .wiePmcnn d altoo dgdowuy.torw"uprmk wie2 em nthiM h o-nnfeedolo rugtitar r roost tteiioehhawn nofrse,i knodn osD s m tf d asrk T inatene tmithhhineddh deaioetk se- n f dsaPuhhWaPrbthilheennoylteuiOyadasTtri trprb ovoattmt wf,ehrt elryru frhiistytreeo icecgehew inc aua sdtwdehHi tianit o aehooMhdeadten lneeunn tcesaTerritts i nv cslwr St ToWtytioh hesruwiun itowrasgh e enoMone ayaesosfsrmnnnrd tudoh Caders aeteniPgi pdapDy ncredClanoe,ttyea rid-too bmyo' kp Do rtsuu nnehaom oen sadserwuputibtayg nmata o Tn hDdbhtreudeoeyuttsetmran westa t trv e tnneouto hsoot dnrso ioel ytte f Onfoticraiohirnseueunotmaa vBahgtnldInWsnthnamnoeo o ct*t tadrwihtthrslih c niheatmai arai ooddielnevgnsetmefm eeiddelt otlafph el' ah ws de anie,taclse ndhlsel i pht spgtaet eaifhoehi nrs rrold froit ac dnd erwm.Cahlai"w riutyfa eeneaya essrvrg nnrw taee deyi.ortgl aeyof oy ubgtaD. y mnfoNnleors ,aabe"*oeoo w tnmeI ,wnntdlrit.chi ot.te 'acvhsaesh nrore 1upv e Bssk c0smPsei aeo. le onwlwpdhlbtly fteiM aeiel iismn.fe attnvt ihfhigh nende- ie rbgtfbddauew3oeoeroenesp.5gre Hit dBlwdc. 0Iti eie hcio eiC vso ldvd0faa rn. eflf"doeme i0baoanre ntri0nlleneuerfgye t dwuoerfdrit inew amfnhn'tca froetim eho i ei.Mdnjncnnim onig ceTelwti ibt,hwtlspanco ihhtlghao ehb i iinnic bncn iajguythsh oen thfa Sabic o enCnti wnouccni.hg nnoucsauwhe etThnsbttario hhlealtttlaha lmeeihfian eani1 i p nees i mew rcs1ocnmrlednody8*iolnc lta0us u lmls all ultwnaisia lle dbnprdteebnimgerlee ldaredysel - - - BwRwttnaomAsoeleopoiphrlccSat"s l oenehhItikashWnnnnud n.ene* -*aghise d eawclOe ah Dlnhadsl.eyi "ohldaaplr. l t idii esotowIdvodi i' oedm nla afq eetstdheu o i pk vstaneo otlnea sfaw no mt ns Cilwat htoehahsaelanere een krrisadn nn t.elacoggef tka o neoiatiIbnfn.h rraflgn emi ei tsaIceer t carerdid ebmots i idwtu wur oteuoe*pha ndhfotciesl oof-- e . hdhuttm-ahao n."nT eyuuPtTd nihroetrlhsehiee ve5 tdvr uyeD o inpn b otuuseio.teucmngticl rshhgea.ol e. n8 yuri"oAdtj,sn o puesutZ yha.Wslg eome aiutdoreh.ea de BhiRte a.nOw a vDo seeOenaeaxrnyt d t tKrbweao eWtnayaihegtdasnee aiZ nd nocogn ,poeoe emiids -ntiia--n - around Heritage Park in Canton Cindy Harrington, co owner of gan. 8, and Katie, 6. ny serves West land. Dearborn Boland also spent days on the aactor of the Detroit Zoological In- with fnend Mike Wrobel. *aid Kid Kingdom in Canton, said The agencies ordered residents "1 have thoroughly enjoyed my Heights. Southfield, West Bloom- telephone as a customer service stitute, in a proas release. MAni- that while it's good to be.around business was up this week, clue and businesses to follow an odd 14-plus years here My favorite field. Rose vi He snd Madison representative "Unless you have mals are more active during sun- ai." conditioning when rt * hot. partly to hot weather. even schedule on outdoor water part has been working with em- Heights thst type of exposure, you will set hours, and it's a great place to "It's still fun to get out and ride When we opened the business use. according to address Water- ployees. customer* and the coun- "Right now I'm reaponsible to never understand what your em- relax after work." "You got to get out and enjoy two snd a half years ago we as ing csn be done at an even cil*.'* Boland added about 40.000 customer*. I will ployees are going through. On the other six days of the the weather." Wrobel added turned summer would be s slow numbered address on even-num week, the too ia open 10 a.m. to 5 Marge Arcoci of Canton said time for us," she said. Instead, ber dates, and at odd numbered p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thurs- she wa* spending lota of time summer business has been addresses on odd-number dates day, Friday and Saturday and 10 floating in the pool at her apart steady, and when it gets warm. COURTYARD MANOR a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday. meat complex, listening to Tigers We do see our business in- Residents with questions are Otfrwtf a mmm aW mfe . Admission ia free for individu- games on the radio crease." she said. "People are directed to call their local public ate up to age 2, *3 for individuals "It's great, you soak up the looking for s comfortable air-con- works department- ag* 2-12, 16 for individuala age 13-61 and S4 for individuals age Leaders 62 and up. from page IA The Detroit Zoo ia located at the northweet corner of tha Wood- ward Avenue and 10 Mile Road and nde* with the police pant* from nonprofit groups business and economic develop- * 'g' -Amy intersection in Royal Oak. just off s Linda Shapona. chamber exec Requirement* for application ment. education, local snd county fcf 1-696. utive director, urge* anyone inter include living or working in Can government, human services, and eated in the leadership program to ton. and having an interest in the finally, the challenge of the fu- apply by the Aug 14 deadline. community. Participant* must ture. Fishing .Applications are available al the agree to attend the retreat and all "I learned how people around We oiler Assisted Living through a carefully structured and comprehensive program.: chamber, 5820 Canton Center session* throughout the year. you can really make an impact. If Personalized care and activities designed to stimulate each resident to maximize Uieir social, Road. Suite 106. Canton, or call The program kick* off with the you can make a small impact intellectual and phystcal capabilities By focusing our efforts in small groups in our residential « 4S3-4040 retreat, designed to allow partici that's where it ail start*,' said setting we are able to accommodate Active/Alert, Memory Impaired. Frart/Recovenng. ana iclasses Leadership Canton is limited to pant* to get to know each other, to program graduate Sally Bailey of Alzheimers residents 2Tss5etuen pi ctbaoiyroatnti* ctu,hi pem $a7en sa0tt*l0es.e wra winhndhogi c mwh cai olctlmeo rvbmieearilst sct eh bfeoao.-- r lanaecnaadttreu ntrro ieas b togiofce ustlt e os aftodh lmeeeriearsd h lieeinrpass diagenhrdts h tihinpeto sct hytalheres- CtSeeamGrtv hrieacrdeisun easa tMeid CcA alreuoalledy eFre sHlhkeieaprlt hCofa S nKyteosy-n- SNDtueardtseiec L aoitnceed sn iStsetead fWf PaMlnaedndenirceadtion s Aecc tMuivraietndiea/sbg aeDrmariieelynr.t free SIOnnpca oscintietomu Pseh naycpsyai cmrti,aa nsnta yvgliesei mtssue aintvet as ilable offered 'the program Limited partial The session* that follow in shows participant* how to take Servicing Oakland and Wayne County in four locations. scholarships are available to non- dude: growing pain* of Canton, the first step toward involvement : The state Department of Natu- sponsored participant* or partici quality of Isle, the justice system. and actiyism in the community. Aurburn Hills Livonia ngt Wixom Tal Resources offer* free clinics (810) 340-9296 (810) 442-7780. (810) 539-0104 (810) 669-5263 for youngsters who wish to learn how to fiah. The dinica are of Theo Miles cotton knit dresses are fared at various state parks through Aug. 18 perfect for the lazy days of summer Weekday dinica run 6:30-6 p.m. and are scheduled at the followin| Mother Can Take Care Of Herself They're affordable, casual, comfortable, •^Mondaya at Port Custer Recre- ation Area, Augusta, (616) 731- |200 and Maybury State Park, cool, and machine washable. So Jorthville, (810) 349-8390. I j Tueeday* at Ionia Recreation area, Ionia, (616) 627-3780 and come choose yours today. Pontine Lake Recreation Area, % <? iTatarfard. (810)666-1020. ft4 € 9 Wedneaday* at Yankee Spnng* Recreation Area. Middleville, 4616) 796-9081 and Island Lake •Recreation Area, Brighton, (610) $29 7067. A Thursdays at Muaksgon State Yark, North Muskegon, (616) 744- 3480 and Sevan Lakee State Park, Jenton, (810) 634-7271. f Fridays at Sleepy Hollow State ^>nrk Leingsburg. (617) 661-621' 5nd Proud Lake Recreation Area, Car or !}rfilford, (810) 686-2433. Truck ? Furthermore, eight wmkvxi loni fishing dinica will provide FIXED jytore extensive instruction and 8.50 Janda-on experience Theee din- begin 7:16 p.m. Friday* and VOW APR But She Can't Do It Alone. and 11 a.m Sunday* The scb^ ails for the remaining weekend 49 momm Sinica la aa followa: Al Grand River Village mm receives the support that she 9 July 7-9 at Muakallonge Uko needs and the INDEPENDENCE that she deserves. 3tate Park in Newberry. (906) 8.50% ftxrd 48 mon*n • Private Apartment • Freedom from Household Chores and Meal S^July^4-l6 at Lake Gogebic 8.75* ftucd API. 60 mon#w APR preparation • Assistance with Dally Living Activities. As Needed |tate Park in Maroniaco, (906) 8.50% teed AW. 48 monrtw, 1993-1995 modeH CO mONTM . Around the Clock Emergency Responie»Now Offering Respite & Adult Day Care S3 oJu-3ly34 121 _-23 at Sl uew Ho .U. jm 875% t*ed AP*. 60 monrfn, 1993 A 1994 modcH Grand River Village ytate Park in Leingsburg. (617) 9.50% flaed APt. 48 montftt, 1990-1992 models oi • l<>% nil l s 461-4217. o , . M July 28-30 at Sevan Lakoa r* fay your iwwtf CowtmunWy fodafoi brooch LMag at Ma FtnaM XtetaPark in Fenton. (610) 634- Our foot ium around w« hone you In your new car m no ie nG Hraanldsc eMdM &* O• fsfaca*t 8 1 0 - 4 7 6 - 7 4 78 3 Aug. 11-13 at Rifl* i dip and mad to Grand Mwer VWagt — —. Jtioei Area in Lupton, (906) bM »VMaai wuieai I Mala. (St9) 470-7*70 Ana. 18-30 at Tawaa Point 500 Sou* Harney 400 U Community Federal • 10-5 00 Mo* -frt Parti, Boat Taw^ (617) (313) 453*1200 (•101 348-3920 f-atocwdav Credit Union 12-5 Sunday 5 'Pwjj»erta ahauM hrta| y 4355 H (313)4554)400 6- & >9 K»»#a«UT10N£al 163-7500 CHAHQC IT: PnUOn NcHnM»aa OfOon Oadl Cnd. MMMrCard Vtaa. 9* Amsncan Ca-c cr CUcawc*a rt Komesof WfS L ? 2 f !_ -L- tram M0U*fc IM* p* opsr s*. 12-6.^Mon -S* I *7A The Observer! THURSDAY. JUNE 22, 1995 The Observer THVICSDAY. JUNE 22, 1995 6A<P.C> Boot & Motor MHS hosts Focus Answers scarce in airport debate service & Repair annual tolsuifftamMt •aftAhatftfte- Hi BYJOANNE MAUSZEWBKJ • Some experts will tell yon .W y.o. n w -*a-2rt: as preoqrautiare asv simataiol ln—er b kpuslisaainine enasa.s a,u wwhhiirc h Home's history highlighted by researchers meeting Btatt Warns international transport, you'll sever make It -Again, tha runway and the (313)421-0766 Wayne County Commissioner wHkost a 10,000-foot niswsy,' Henry saM, tradeport are related," McCotter Bruce Pattaraon wants some an- WESTLAND MARINE Tha Michigan Humana Society swer* on tha proposed extension adding that the task fores is also looking But Henry told the economic invites tha public to attend iU toward Canton of one of five Into the corporate aviation business, which development committee, chaired «hdBhualcHt*prUtvpalsm0iy-hohooteoo<nitYaeri« u o Igecawuc1ammrI e»1srBt nrneueet t»aJnsh0rtssr An 'r ebkanci«leI>s4>emibieiiat tsl tcofL« ny6s>nt ao dt»wik D,oLhgmHat Ihhcatw eWr aaetn ouiCa a rHiyuaotuseh9t•dsdsnincmhhnebilgnhrosc7i lhdgeu usacjwed Piayumt efeumihn tredu nuwat'rtrwi t> e tnheointeameth comreslsqiAnhak otsnyl t m ota*aeeuirgaSudod ms*t sn r Teesmptr su .. f , aceoamao h*su t oawr o ,s ahwuec at r honnent cntnhrpsiatt aahuadmeahcae hltrl tssrep«h rdhtce oeahadbtire cplhot u wcoabsmey ra o n tL*ahlh nrerdmlao Ddro teaaceio oeVdr mhtdnm noorrdfsc aio iiioay"ffbbcngia» ectcfigtlpfh aee g nttltocaUtwho eoneerg iui initged isirzr nrnna aehridots* t >el eU l *s,iaoatd f -s l stt(lJBsPatthcfge"hffhouhhehaopIeiraolreeevcaea r iMrCeyeolpcg"mh drhttlet mlhlmukhS hrh iyoa. a" oiiev eioya p!im,mmon nmbod s ew.cT r.msbm"tdCyt euc eippoChmoo i oamshtaebebtare rftthhta tswesei myue hyitahp ,tmensohd tlt erateaxlhspdhnekih cr p toe aabaeasbod eo t bodir tpmvlncoguevAm eteofe realadmlhrrehlepoel ltonAeybrle p ,oe ksl lo, duapeewrglos euU lclsep rhda adona lasaw e oaa.eWnidaoegrr rls rdsmrychdkcowre ee e .hahscohdau f nda.po inotao" na tln hrupo rd k erldl wstaodfuassttefo h e.ianoiewfn ais asenaolitob scbdlrenh ia nigw arelstadstanmted ,tph nna tnr.a"w s hp aioe oicsp ntidnnsdiWreonrrshlenadun. kde d si egy t r -e CfsPDsdPaelpwHtncpectophhyaraliooalvuelhTneeeoyieWvnyealunrTeta eg r usmnehecdmhfwphrv n hr oesh eh yioahleotCo feeeonou e tdeontheroCmo u hgohn.nuon cmwlfa C tdd edtiSatClre o jthtntohaoy ewuoma aurh hags t ,,lrmas i yrepeh od aaCpu t ttefl asflre sehulmpdobvribe kabs rivriplecboecu eroumae oodCeyhahoe 'lnt tc s asuallu,hepofualdk set ntlofy r ammbanp disafs ndnre snpieeel t tteepa aae hti gshp cltss s"dlsnrlttbl aaalttaela.lul. iar vne iei t alrioT revtd»te enl dfe larkunte lte.reh taoh.lh hteo.dr ud aenAt peela pi m i nrhtiT"sbse ilntvhn rr1,ta fintDe hteteoaenoateo o aedsta dtr orr bllh uutfy ai c ir ,dul htktr teft. piaoo i hrttheynegaea inooneuoio-ere,, cidsp r -r f thpssttsfhcntchrlahhce•hhlhoehhoaailoloainare eueaeuesmsbnmaTelmwIydrBe g as s dto btsdewoh h eepee nbleueathr'rJetwyeae trrrisi astar fhioaiio snneste rem,ondnkmpfhtopu -fs-gedor.s drebeaa euebftt oea eilriira. ys rosv tesnsvwiOfasg t Cvne dverh"au ta netlijodisoetM nem hay llenunihdyCl sif.nmes by gs seeito ye,b ra tn" yo har s t p ssetre mCW l hhcrrehnottus ssbeh atihee eat"tftempt hheot sethoontuoham i toibtlewe ob gpeeirtolohtmmalernip sauohui onmsroeanhrl gco vbybrtwalmgho be. kse be.o nbt fyoha"eefuuiheoylrid e ei efno dltstls,raat nw'eshahe esedeme a star,nst rs,eaivdlsaedhrtsse e i e ekan .i, med ag trd dst rorshdotw .rpe i ir aahtoatjc icn i e hhnan suiteMcgoua wonnhoadsd heaisrns r-kt-et -y test e Tratierhoccinseh iioovtfleedcd Uth uaonruia vlslae esrn:isdg iTmtnyhiafi isrWckao naQmcwueeaenre.d na. s T Afh,rn eow'nmees -lhls ott hyamlesee iA t hwsmSo aTrem*siTrceTi h ccPai mth nereode rtuAci stefs aonssgroti leBcy iiI LtasL- Bssslkx 71tTGRwctpshsehA:i9oksantan3onnataroiin9Trin>tyHdw0Tgeoi dsdTynri6iDdRAdF.yhe koa hnm w eid aphh, os.deotavneesoldg nr. euoefweira dn mB ifdumibpgaara n dx nlrf nmt"ivvbyaierrhan.te lehutin euotiliaa l.dswtios ceh ai dca T ig r antsthpunarbl neee hTilegirr ebh lmrtsnogewooeeaFl mire lud" tsas nvm iaabmoe htso e Srnsrbee phrc eneuoaifs cf eheesekrw n cratndowo teqa ocs hGotrdh difarmtch wubfspi lnaweieimarytalult ierrnslsaphei wtfr,n eei ebagacHeieAtleea ocsisr oeliduetr dmJstett uib vs ne rr hnos au.oanL ebmf e ama,ibnra 2nS nntsooeditolede t0dea,tiusowgnouf d to r ,n so inclig yr srhn ttebnhe 2faaMssseaeeth o,an o9 olte.ltslas sH r lo reiSi,wreew arttetan(hhv.ahs redo it8 a inatagieva.tnfeaancue 1s ttr,fds a gnrsi -d-d 0 -t - ) WwatlcWnwmiatReofofrwrcBRwoaoisoe.albeennchoi liunBiumalDhcmluo h"pg oa stlenBnnl Thcy iIiiolutrhsmoruniaelacifhe aohenreuint tecewita vlhlrcosn wae ttute stg xc q aeyp,ehhe cDn 2 d e"lio RH pnhtpCul earafuWni 6n eowoenoCssoaarmrearuesoc,ptwovapegonww p0eas*.nionl Wuu oimseomlimtsr0ou f dmreslnsie yctlrii 0oysd Aohoarhteomsyhntf ewmseyg eyhannpno.itDtd saor scnoantsi Tmuic Pppn ei ietnw eRJpa lsnaCl towyesa1wd d gWiornelgsesu,m nrtt1gaae eeCkdbh ryttn ht ctnoyeJanenejst.o h oaa o , roostoytsr eWIau oFvuru*s enb nnrn ngaHhlnebonona fsed o teonD oteE rtwnt eeJ otow adediyacwf, or n i ncCa naefnrohsne hfa roltWa, y deCretlo iy oameE cantlrcgswsr t ar uoi hnac,iohp stdViatcn lal hnm hroiohdaotomaklnaatangm*oaoet-i,-nfs-ly sy-y- d-o ne - w -, saahebReMtrlnmpqawarncftrroodre leeosbuldreaa9icJegacsaw egaIwovideria:oqtrCtennrnah3dyeh lxoeue eadct tt0oj.d,udpt pepc c e o ooc abtCT 1 caeodttrh bbtbfmil ah2huotceohrr ooriyyse.w0eemuntstr epmmsmes,et0'i no i aiha Udn acdnt.p ss momwa enhCpoice egu u.nStr8ti Srayoiusagao ib ped sso.WaystW.i—lnongslsohgdp t i mc anteiRuerHceCan aoi ool—stt laarx reuweys tnl tanpeildlni aoedtepsntaennneooedhadwn i . xrerlitfttnouPitydnyo elhlopn nslL ,u m ueCcnnTd aejtv iR a xy toborot tbra Jriohhatailnt btulm ncouh ahi e*Ceatuidn osnkk.pocle2na,ed dpnef leenste6ara y. d apil Rtnt woc air,fGy ys Lneo0 attaiwt2nith eh n ieMluv0rirbh4rdsJ eo-rletggres-0ee-, ,so - o e b ss .a sttl1twCnwfwWhPNyhReopoarfl0aeyeioootaahlkiouPou,gtely u 6nrud"oet rlalsvhrnlcsE Sim0 tlte uaaiabitw.,ednhtoor0 d o incnlepo gyo afpdna ai 1bamowffnawavo ou,.nn.0ee in etucnea 'rttsBdi,e hf 0thoatTi y a l tt,. hDeasau1 yl0h t sssdmshlGxnbht1i,0t eod e nt uepoe i c nf oNai ilicgscrde fuaoo nernwefaoaoorritd vgor ytx retrgDnao orwe eske eeedtoolcttomnrr eliahx ea tveyon wnncrn ym hvt eruWwtegaasedionera rlnt uan C elt ilegi7itvmkw rondd oo ld loi ,7tirl eHLa0ttpinteolaioo4 ynhlln0 rciml awy eu7We,gi levuped0iltt .snto e"ohn l n yi ti a af d nen w nRwzlrjatotHr nnlreeaiehtita onuoiudaonoa edt yenetsmdwoysn ,gosh nk es if r- f - - bnopMakp"ctiymbpofstas"ohustPleorn h ohaiittTcoW2teorttMmogrcoi TriweahtiPC6gr vvihdr.l unnatt mhioie .ueeaceepeeo ." gc0inniR e't ordldtCrm arntBtt0ag ydcit fpte aeihohttte0rao e r oueuy rtno oatia tmruetrtt ennaDthsldn a nfnrs htanwyWrrdtt efteouleeoent*a rg,,ek ertionw " l i4fta i 6c.iohwmpuiaar aul ,n punt,inrlHo a4tls roie0lneojteifohpgrod0t iordhd 0erwp mtpe'nr u0taaab 0dnao,ea ooR da nass i taflrqMrsnRberna eldty o k ba iutalwyawrdtd d,uom c eoadtuhl ac .soe tlhewhwin r tuewrcleahftdture neiie,hvhtyttio iec"stloiI trdsutey ehu sthfac .u a. r, lhst aao o "rAdeol H hoh ae d"eheituaew p frereirrI aHixeon teprs spm a atcotmsnplpiua'oe id oroi msiun raoaoedilf.ndarevyfrd dleeninnetr- tedrr er o - ty-- .ri - f l MMlSJ -Ur•S•5 eG3A2VLy 0 3 iSomI3*VomM.W4 nF 7EP0ino* &yarW•0c*ei O kaS'Hn1. as rUn •riTg fW. gOfUre7 aa*NM oorpIwStLoSnsaBjY*dz dr*•l e*s •u ( y BnJ »•aB•« »• s« aBa e7T3r» e o AGrSp3 ky eS lOnem48dyu3 a- ~SB3iie1ot tr1a' » with Its stately Vlctort- 862-7420. AAUWs landmark group an-era architecture, Scholarship "Every veer. before we decide that led to Its recent D E T R O IT on a particular structure, we take a tour of tha area. Of course, liv- landmark award desig- applications ing m tha area, we already have ft nation by the Plym- torn ideas We had been driving around town, looking at different outh branch of the sought house* and building* This home American Association was on our list, and as toon as we of University Women. began . investigating the back The award was pre- The Schoolcraft College Faun eeo! ground, w* knew we hit the jack dation is taking scholarship ap- ouaaA*** pot. " said Dugan sented during n cere- AT THE plications through Friday, July mony held at the home 21, for the 1996 96 academic year. A U T H O R I TY SPORTS AUTHORITY! Designation criteria last month. Most of the scholarships re- quire the recipient to be a full- Structure* considered for the time student with a minimum landmark designation must meet grade point average of 3.0. College specific cntana, Dugan said. The transcripts and a 150-200 word structure must be at least 75-100 essay much accompany each ap- year* old, and have architactural plication. significance. A strong local his to Scholarships are available for ry adds to the attraction al a par student* of Irish descent, stu ticular sit* Dugan. along with dent* with financial difficulty, other members oi the group, con nursing student*, culinary art* ducted extensive interview* anth Old days: This solid wood student*, electronics students, past inhabitant* aa well as pre* SPECIAL ent Twners and occupant* Jerry table adds to the Victorian business students, students inter- PURCHASE and Becky Campbell Tha Draper atmosphere of the interior Formarty of HiiWaOS ^ ested in writing, art students, dia- Fumture i Accan*. Livonia 1 betic student* and more House met all oi tha qualifica tions and then some. Dugan said of the house. Applications are available in the financial aid office, located in £ Built in 1898 for prominent the McDowell Center. Plymouth businessman Charles CP Draper and his mother, Draper laved in the home with hi* DIA offers wife. Sadie Merrel. after their NEED COUNSELING? 1902 marriage youth program The couple's two children, Dr Call (313) 981-3800 AfC SOLO OM PCTST*. u[J| Merrel 1 Draper a dentist, snd IEK5 liMiSSRj HEAD Whoiunsnei eC Camamayay, i awe trhee ra misoatdh einr t ohfe Historic home: As self-styled "caretakers of the past," the ferTs hseu mDemtreorit " YInosutitthuAtert "of Aharntsd os-f- OCEAN PA BRREEEABKAOWKA Y MlOfl SMASH III | Street optometrist Jim Car Campbells have tried to maintain a sense of history in mod Trrndmonm! Dmsorm+ne on workshops for families and pu COURT CANVAS LADIES' MEN'S BASKETBALL SHOE MEN'S TENNIS SHOE »*y furnishing their Victorian-era home. The home boasts PHE ACSTAtaNOTr RarUtfNA MPLrA ZA pils of all agea and skill levels. TENNIS SHOEi the original natural woodwork throughout. Juai West o( Hsoearty Ad • Now During July, pupils may create SUPER . Winnie Camay, now Imng in CENTER FOR (Sie) 471*190 ceramics, paper, self-portrait* and VALUE! Florida, recently spoke with mem BEHAVIOR & MEDICINE a* >•» as h "st is st<Miaa collages in one- or three-day »es- ber* of tha landmark group and recalled food memories of the , Dugan said The Hr--— are small, permit- ting instructors to give individual Historic attention to each student. Tuition la $10 to 130 and in- Camay, who lived in the home cludes all materials. Advance reg- utrnipti*l btoa rt hma aOrpne^ria aHto 2u5s.e ,ta llokceadt eodf eveIr'vye d wayo rfkoerd t haelm poasstt ifsotrrmaatitoionn l, ac arlelq u(3ir1e3d). 8F3o3r- 4m2o4r9e. in- CLASSIC NYlB RPREINECBEOSKS LADIES'FITNESS SHOE RCLEUEBB CO HKE N'S TBBUS SHOE MPC INSIGNIA HEN'S TENNIS MEN'S OR LADIES'JUMME® where city hall now nta. She also 3S years. SUPER SUPER VALUE! VALUE! I've tried to put money S A LE aside for retirement. MELNICK'S But will it be enough! CURIOSITY SHOP ooui. mm • couiamB a. ii. It's a linle late in the game to be taking risks. up to 63% ofi OseOag Cards 2Sr REEBOK EXOFIT HEN'S FITNESS SHOE^-J NJKE 1 know I need some u« v»> taw-Ms NIKE AIRL FREESTYLE HI LADIES' FITNESS SHOE .144.96^ Affi CONDITIONER LADIES AEROBIC SHOE help managing my ia»e> 47*-407T> FREESTYLE LOW LADIES7 FITNESS SHOE tHILDREN'S money, but who Sg fthould I talk tor M U o SS / "' Your Furs Need A Summer ^FURSPA R«fr«blBt34,F Storag: V suits Atteatb-r Staff CaterisgToYour Fee's Every Need Modem FecUitie* emprthemfc* FurCheck-ep * Spedew ledivtdaal SmartPlan. The Simple Solution To A Secure Future. VaeH Space MADISON HEIGHTS THE SPORTS AUTHORITY IS The Sport* Authority J*aft*d A SUPPORTING SPONSOR OF Aa you apewmch retirement, onr inrv«Wy art« Will you h«vr enrMgh money f To hn4 >»' • S—ifWi PRICE GUARAMTEE For mm ai us, how*** the of rOc^iur hard-eamr.1 "vtnjptr, • n^> fat tana iha < c*f momMwlAn *m maariiustlhtfl'you •RRfisrAf THISFK1AL 0LYHPKS ID yew local OU Ksm ha. h As a lower companion pdes. •• I aaW ** CUKTOM TOWNSHIP • U T I CW WOtLDGAMESj Bu. <hnr ia • anlutinn .. a mvtmenc ^ srdMtMMOU ~C0NMCTKUT| map bf ynmlna*C*d Kent branch and bd • SmartPlan Special!*, or c»U i» «t 1-8OO4I06-KENT. Free Personal Investment Profile. 1995 YouH he amaaed how simple ancllijrnr mvottng can he hf'iiHii'i'iiB (X O LD K E NT Athletic Footwear At Everyday Low Prices...Every Day! *9A The Obnerverl THURSDAY, JUNE 22. 1995 The Observer! THURSDAY. JUNK 22, 1996 •AIF.C) Attend the races Commission keeps golf course open at Ford Museum Tcnroer umtnte+cteit amonfe toytp. esnenrtate rtn teo a n nBm ntdcngaeti DDD eiDetgryooe irats.f. tteo treo —nco Uomfy pJ wluedttyuinn g1w aDd my teo r sS aonf jP1o9liy9n4me do tuhteh CMaanrtinoen CHoigrhp* S icnh Jouolry AhJaarcsm keysn oPtnev.rt e.Cd To blhuoomomkbai star. aG Si.n. DG aeitoG rFigooiror t igPMnr uaaJdriuidunnoaiatM eA1 9,oc 8faT 6dte.hex aFma UUsy,p,. S ajKoo.i i MnUnagaed*r 1 tcPh9heo8a6i nnN tt a. vy SaInnmdai. ,Ut hwn iiittvh ae ra 1a 9lBt9y.3A. 1. dagree. of I»di turTeh aet s pHoetnlirgyht F woridll bMeu osne utmhe fsui - athltee rhnisattoivryo- eoofe rthgey vSeuhnicraleyso,e t.r aapneds BSerTYsWA kRraerA ypWLtn PaetrH hCres oaR c u.on EutyCntHy cT'soWm nAemWwis essito gno lf mtlwioaeInnte lwnRa ao1tes-a2d p7lau6 sjr tucash nytdae stoaehrfdfe a afEaoiur prpr ea$okr1rta.t2 o mbfei -la- rMimMnaeraeoi katnlhiyndne"sag yuCf to nnoheteemsilc mfeo s siitsltpheateedercye ioa nWcltoo aau yml k7dsee-e7 eep t xatiaann tlmgdhl ey- . eAU4r8irc. 1 F7kg7ot4r0 ra4Rt d* pu mAaBtnicergdum ,tf afPrnio-fm CyBmia lblncyavta oDttcn*. t. Pr a*0iin*0nccsihnef g)o > aCm<IStwbrioooauoinuqtnna\s te tTrihthdndegh tol teahtlhvhtaeeee et1 riN A 9aosPeai8nnreav0.dc*n ywe rgi ar dahirsfnneaitocp d n AchGluao uHaiuryngrtliemifcuge ls hoernutfn e d U S1ta e9cSrd 9hS 0o .o l •JJtgmSb oarcI*nenaMh n* dAPot Uu oPaipraluSar, tFl toeiTe*o g otPtr r*fsDcaa c ePmtoh' alsf.ey u CdDmP,uaa eoelntleuo*atdntoyth ene f.o od,S f rae aF E ne1lrnenl9eimll9dsii0tss e attH-d n-id gi nh gT•BCNRi hoaaMiaec rnvIbh styPpoaa rtLLnrrhiadv iOeH. aCF siJVtl.egooi VnhpD hia sn DeoSe G facfR o ihfT1.of o9 h rFPog9olll3ii.moy p mg aaorsafoa. uCRd st-uaoh nan,att nerooed fno- f NC•1PM 9o.aMY9alsi2rt.fC.i g. gn,wrt orMwaai dt2diThuntuL kdaaaat YteLB eM L.S o9AcMDf.h tdoAo hdeuoeOeglg g.UrUl erMn.eeASea o.a WT nnNt dtOea rave ayl , oNPawW1fi1la ixDyat7vh-rm)yamn ,Cv oeLioinaumdCngrt trb h WhjSi-,a e gqo.rrr. veku aGAcoeanedrriddeern rab agtPobaloonyraorri y naa1ddec r1eeRdi 7ppEl lalB taa(ohrVru teyiBecyAm dkau Wi,ec rlkn-o- str oo anf suvSvtoaeiUu tthTbnee-tushrlbel eiilyuilseytdn-e ,obm i 1stvi ,ei eae1n9cnor8h6usln0anti,ie tro aJym- llpup oiarno glocneewyofd, i3em ea r0ctaoap-road2laelal9tc reoi. k-t gvfispe eotohnh wtmieecw iail4nneme0-s-d- s pcsctMtohhooroeelmlialcv 1eCrphi 9cdveri9tgoetei0iswaoht niind dGco seSeln:Mrteu ,a*t nhiiC tlS ersfou rualo nlnal mesUnbrgoeeo entyru hi ,ioTvtneee Sc tw mrlhUAauiiulnRsSdtsnyAe yeseP,reuh taamoow ronfe' 'ofdss ct1sVlhooa0iaunnA-c3t.dre m s h,tCe owao hovnh aepgeoie sr tnb th aaKeel beMsanoly iyo s c enhrBshedeapa argryvgrerodees tb,deeey nnrD ssat sl-vlW o w f Gtseeeieaenarasregt - - ptNufTfhrrrsoohioaenmmetpde are tbtteyhro ontme y pneba-wedueir synfoc eri eqttundnhuhgneteeiwre acig a lotopoyifoulo f gnrnc ttco athipyonoverun eo sbrrgo semnlre cdma o ba.mcneu maTeni meyslth ot ee. w* csT•thooghenCu"au ,Irfio r sRenfmseees-d sltomCta paMayie ps,ntn oshpbt.ienor uoondtn vma eTvyiren.o o eBgtwteridunn gca ttehhoe it phaP,paa tfpvtotro eeootsrecv -d-e •.j•A:BN4Ii u0v *natitpCvhtl V.hoWy— PenH wPw«1i-eouIel0 tl.otle T t«iTgJy nI HrM Kt. kaiOiu WgdiAa>efhrui*fTyr ai PS c tFM ieecooadrhiacr o cChn3>oerooild r. aB i 1» Cw9osf alfncta*h MPa .«as l fmSys rJmoaoio dnm e l •MoCw2t efMnai uaTtdnhFnr otMi eO2onn.noy nafSd, fr PJ Tir Cnf eBSacec.nae TAdtnD ttrhnali eoyvglP*ii ea o1srl u9ioneDo9l.paUn 3 oJ1,T r0 CM tgYCteahr d aiaCr mdMo afu.poiaarr roLts iedone nuo-oe ftf*y . mtNtTtchreaeoaeecrxvin heAna.ten is2iriirn,n 9c fg hFia Uteelcoh l otpedrirscuo.a e rnrsie'snsceg hi gu snierilngxada r-d uSiw nulaAeean dtiethr ik A etnFo gn bog ta rreofeacrnnceioecei m oroiav,n le ccdcinSneoaeeancrmpamrltrliulpo yeIRdlyrr ere aamUtedqyit en.Sbudgn SurTut nrat hnaCye ebsdo ii Ho1n nxta9ios- grt8mtd hhe1Seo la t lS gnhnaPcertt ehaDih roa dooainiueovir,gaalce now trroe*a f h Ga* foitf*fc ut *hel f r JScSCCroiemcnhhnaheoenito tlasC yhoEtto ,eol.g. rrsr rTptStoaoo*nhmdnna u .oiiH ntafI1h in t9NNge 8dohdoi9,fc v fS hPjgerocolomriyhlmanabomdesoe duT orlHa u hti1.thntae9 he a 8Bo,n 8 Mfdar .e aa-i c ccot1Uhrou9aenit9nf hi1Ntv. CceTgaarvrahsrayneirdtt i yi1oeun r9naw 8UMt ie6HtS hao igSygf arh Ma1A B 9dSbi.9uccAr2ahha..tioh e gdBoa aelomungf cjr okPSeLielt inyi.ans em td ea- atstoCIoeanfnom rdtWtdsleh o i cltewai.olo tin hivtmla e lteap rphG abo eipcellctokeuils bes a, ahsta bIhgl nlae aeo dsPif . n p,ott oshraeteei ctytobtoiainuo sptetenrt a i oGa invlnnngooe,tocloldt a Svhfte rtiiyeonahosrm,ien.- - ntpt2hhi7oxeeF1wT, c-sohte1ourher9 nemem 7mdt mio6 fnub.ri eeyesrrsen ti u tonsa mofcfl oal1arr9r ma U8tno iitteor eravndgvi,yl elcla a Sgd latleua c(rtr3 ieoa1nsrsg3 es ) dTBMroeeournCpcCuwt hCrCcooen eoTimssm ttPeohytmnem,awirptti, s RessaPshrsn-lisdLyiiopoomi,nvnn o,evoceruoonr ttmTi h eMaRdh,m a-i a nCincwsdodhash.d ineo oPetln loluayenesl mr s o- cpcrctchuooheaenunrloS lmwrssciesentodaaer cu nuyn ieirno.sce stttne hitet,o ehtlxnoyep ab ie Pnpciecrarogtp eerlnioakdvntstrisie tont o uDu o 1sepn e9bep9 e rtra6 shuo rocewn tlnwmon nnnheieeeeneernlwdg n t vV a - AcpTMplaiounurghwiorc badurrceli.ereine ddcs"ads Ad wsthMu eatneardyhoesda e nsrmt iehwid nyfetaaghs tyoyta foaot hbwubtf oaejml adeeiwascsa i.ohptdl i clemr"boco enure veimrnnic, *dttegao*el lod , v f tf ohho foaetoenen lr - Tha exhibit explores the role of open 9 am. to 5 p.m. daily. Plawecki. D-Dearborn Height*, to supervise the continued oper- By Monday. Patterson said, who also represents Redford stion. "we had now gone ahead and OBITUARIES Township, was absent snd The Psrks Department ia dotted our i's and crossed our didn't vote. supposed to keep enough money Bruce Pattoraon fa." SPMrHeMrocoiMevmnnatLette elKCiy tYs ahae n.tAr t7vtLo6hinYc,ee Co CsMfF hfC coaMCarp nOeaStlbho.Ne inrT lFwVeuyren rmAeerl ayh lce eld IitflHnonoreo wndP mgwilnayt asWinmsmha ia oeapay u nrmsnteduehesp . imdCde iHroebevendueitr ns w F toooyarfrfai., dP t Hathalhneeyyed. m Fw fJriooaeuruartsnmitt e rahee .d1 r 6. aCnrfrenioactdHmyne e dti iov Mniwene d1di.a a9s H hTm 8bei5hsio uc rafJnarraaosm acmidnoeoac b yLSti*o,eti vt bJ teLohuu'soninss uiieda nice .s1eog, 6Hsmrs, eMe em ic noou .l•, - -':m EhctchoaaxeCduTle l rfoceshseduaueee tin eTdpidtv aayowe rl wt la-eEhtndr ehdOemyr wniaeni'akt enw r,aa idt,s oph1tupe 8ri lrsaM-do hte vooco vserlNneeshdna.u Wtcmuton atau dhthrrhaeasre rt-e , twsBmmoa hriiscTedsadosuh tevai'enso eit . rrnoi lpse wsof eutr htxer eaopni ve rsdeneear issrce ehts ocge rtdre o eatqrhen uentdhes e Rsat soi r efbcp enweooedrmssrtss .t - , Apbatolelmr aeAaeinop anv npdatogsyra t ok wetbvhe aeeeodsin ncc tgt ouoTh mrcha rehtumepa nrtirpsthsgrd seeofayiedvoye.e n, hse a J tr"dhuste' enn emc efo vepImeeBors -, aMroveioupcOottehCrnf e aoetTshgtreoteaanewi, rtOn s,no s bRsPnths -llteyiyLhprmeiv,v eofor eu cn-Tetaoihsharn e,M ataai dnnw ocdudnhoeoe dmPdau lmaysy l.mti soso - She was born Jan. IS. 1919, in Presbyterian Church. Veterans of lege in Dayton. Ohio, in 1948. He * Detroit and died Tuesday, June Foreign Wars and the Plymouth was in the Army from June 13, * Seniors, women driving a lot, survey says 13, at Oakwood Healthcare Center Elks. He served in England in the 1944, to June 3,1946. He retired - in Canton. U.S. Army Air Force in World from Industrial Control Tempera- * CARRIAGE PARK War 11. ture in 1982. He was a member of. She is survived by her husband, 700% JMDtJShaOearmorveMnveeitdis Nceg MeiMrDtsah o.onf HoonndrftCtce ehJTtiioWittrhlhhad;nt vroN e esfD ron Ps..n e lsM y,C mcCiEtoyliwu fattehnon;dn. a 3n7d, gfZAMraAi eHrmcMneCeedt, omsEi os.l lof Wos rPucilarh.y vl.M m i6sveC8oer,Cudv otiO fbho yL;eC L aahOfnnioadCto r wmnZHi aawf nenae,y s W M F.a rri-- ttJsWdPhroarieinnHceaq L,iyneuea .tMni a ivAeS,si o;O cc snMshhuhiiiaasrciftoev CfEel;iero vlrMa.kle nloNsdocdf Cca Lb Gthnyooh;acld ryrlh egoddie escaCe.h un glweg roCmihaffint eete,dynr ,cPs. ha oi-lf -' • r Se*ni*o*r *H OO PCoUmEmunSNity E BSthesoTvhYo eALowCu rTwosroyorIecr sMmdWhak. la,om yRapl ,udreIbn,Ctou esap Hy arnlsiAedn iRg n amrDer e ag1mki9 oodi5nnrr3eigavl id mncrg aoosrurv selreov tn eprogyienep rer s zirts7msnoueec, l0nsemthDdrh0smo ab a0 tdotvhblt hrhalyeeeieal o'vcrsrt usse haS a. ,slmae nE aEestxesnhhMa ctebuoscl Ce aulhfl drlcaduOos olenmmlGm dc pea)h eewef artG twhiaeistnnoeaohr ngsnsun eu.roe larr o o1"vasn n8slk(e,pp,gye0 radiTA0ekt 0-a eoset -difo"t ••matht•l ra igPEoIoialenep uann tosgcrs ym a phrep1 ovdlhie9euealor 5ehlpil3ls do. ya,. e ugpaa ttseevcrhesrheiehspro oa s wan6gl vd(4ee4ee-sr.7 k5 da 4ad9)gava. ei4aeyl smyr : hta .tr aog1hikuep1e esEs4s e2.a h5 m cT4a-oh.si3o4 l ld4-- Td"tdtohhMefrae TeratTi noshttrc a te racoaaeiv attm't ospeea elmddetd ,hoia dniue ypnbetrled o' e1c t tc9ah th ma9rtre tihe4tpae,rakg i t sitfeposouosr rrS ay vdp bE, ee"reseoMyxrt cTpohaoCp maa fmoiipO pgtfdsef uGlus e r caprue.hiisa n .lgt - \i>\ o2afl2 P.H alotym mtheoe uw Stihcthh w rtaehdreee rRT-eHhvuo rwDsredla lJy Fa.m uJnueesnr e- dnFaeoyrra,s lhJ Hueeno eom f1ef6i ,cw iaiattth iV nteghre mT Rheeeuv lb.eun Dr iFwauli -ght maMdee mtoo Hrioals pcoicnet roifb uWtiaosnhste mnaayw .b e * * "A Picn i*c At The Pa rJkL". ttrwip"oI -pnien 1rc9o 6dm3a,ey , hd ortuoivdseearhys,o ld d1rs.o3 vine tcr rifepoasrs ea1.s 6 cffoiorrms otp ncleoemt edp aarye .thh eIotnrso wiuvagesh t rStarEvaveMleCl s OudrGivaeryy s wosinazese v3he.a5hd ipc selehr.srou Bnnysk a t1no9d9 24h.a6 d,h oalue sdsseeh ctlohilnadne woonno etr rkoinipns gtr ioannnto stiw tao nr idsdm eorasuhtlli peor.f s ttuhherev se eoyvsthe —ne-r 30 Month CI). SkHime iwnass o bffoimcia Atiungg. 24, 1907. in wtearsy .a t Parkview Memorial Ceme- 8M0i6c Ah.i 4rp8o1r0t8 B lvd., Ann Arbor. Thursday, June 29, 1*9 95 + mttaho seiotn kaau fv2fte7e rsm am tgoeeimn t uhbdteereirirvs ,eoj"rof sb ctashoi de.m. .PSm aoIuunutleth 1T et9ara9iis4plt,, •s iFnKecmeey a1 l9fei6ns8,d,i Tnpgaasir:tt iscauidla. rly home os1hfh.o 73iu p5—s pe peh eraor l hc7doe.5 nu-ptsee Bhrcuoetlnd tv he ihandiccrl egear osoewwn npe etrro- , cvmoeo"uysWsnt ta ychro eermne gr pdeioarandet.ayh ,e fn rwsoiemve wal iltlrl at hhnrasevpeeo rs ttuhar-e- 2:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. ^ Michigan Council of Govern- makers, make slightly more trips tion planning foundation ever menu. , than males. "I would have loved to have available in this region — and one Celebrating independent living for seniors at The old morning and quittin • People age 75 and older make seen the diary on each of my four of the most comprehensive in the teen-age daughters had we been Carriage Park, the newest addition to the time rush hours? Gone. As more as many daily trips (4.2) as the selected for the survey." said nation," he said. housewives, teens and senior citi- 16-24 age group. Singh Management Co. family of properties. * ** femo BO f LORAL SHOP Please phone lew rese<vat>ons c>sse» MU 313-397-8300 . Special Occasion Flowers CELLULAR ONE After 50, some things get 2250 Canton Center Rd Cemetery Cones • Delivery Anywhere Canton. Ml 46187 a lot more interesting. A Smgn Communrty W BELMES M YOUR RIGHT AU FIATS OF ANNUALS will receive free travelers checks, no monthly Some things gft better with age Our Advantage -r -t t checking fees and other free benefits. To open your fifty* Checking Account, designed for people fifty ind oWn, o one of than. But it's also available ft* account, all it takes c a minimum balance of S5000 To FREE SPEECH. m new deposits. So stop by your nearest Old Kent people under fifty You get a special bonus rate on branch office to open ar Advantage Fifty Account CDs with it Your APY will jump from 6.74% to 700% And with Advantage Fifty Checking, you « O LD KENT O*r*no« Sense Unoorew Serve** |ALL( Rw more information call 1 -800-544-4804. ROSE BUSHES 1.4 MOOD COB I CLASSES STARTING NOW igh Sunday, get a free phone MICHIGAN ACADEMY Dec* TO PueWo CdoadotfOOB Now throu^ OF MARTIAL ARTS linutes of tree local airtime and 60 minutes KOREAN KARATE CLASSES with a one-year service contract. (WORLD MOO DUK KWAMTANG SOO DO FEDERATION) LOW RATES • FAMILY DISCOUNTS .. . • I /A I.%MI .urtirv Now v™ an a <r« NEC poruble crtluUr phone jnd 60 m.nuh-s o» tm- local 1 Member ONE (1) MONTH COURSE: $25.00 • NO LON6 TERM CONTRACTS • vour Cellular Or*' value worth than $200 Sohurrv ,o for Cellular fk . NO MIDOEN COSTS • fk One", unprecedented tour-day sale You'll a free phone, free local a.rtime. and somethmg el« ADULTS-TEENS the founding fathers for** to mention Cellular One » quality tcrs ic*. CHILDREN 10 VRS. and OLDER CELLULARONE Uam SMf OttanM • Look Ben* . Physical F*no— • fooi BoOot 20-25% OFF Safety Magic Show , 1M— 1 • Healthy LH« •Cellular quality you can count on. a Excellence in customer serv ice. CLASSES: MONDAY 6:00-7:30 PM. 455 E. Grand River • Brighton a THURSDAY 5:30-7:00 PM. Friday, June 23 42695 Ford Rd. • Canton 1A Mile East of Main Street WESTIAMD'S FRIENDSHIP CENTER 11:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. • Center Court In Canton Corners i Across From Lucky Duck Nursery 1119 N. NEWSURGH ROAD Tksr entire gtodL of Ssw Svrw& Kxut& Near The Outback Steakhouse 810-227-7440 WESTLAND, Mil 4S1S6 Keep Kid* Safe thi* summer' Bring the kid* Un * fun and WovSti Skirt* Dsnirv SKoru & ttort MwIeCwmHnstwItoGano RAJuNrmre tAovCT HCA0mFDtFf0E* 04MW24Y 7 -2962 LEVI'SV •IS WIOKBNEA 1•D J •B0 RUOIC YJW0* UU •N •PI OTUNN0C NBHAI6 Y• • K •Z RGEAHUZEAYS •KS CA KHTNA •IMT 4SP I MOONR •E C 0€0 eDnit Sercthauinlicnng. mnwagMictarl i llleu^soionn iisnt* s afety Printed hy *ill«aro and 53 e t 1-800-CELL-MQRE V . - 23 Nt roao ro ?S. v/ijk H would ttfvtr 6ni But it will ••••LIMITED OFFER"" Thta coupon la good lor Sagebrush Special Sal* Hour*: Thur*. - Frl. 8:30-9:00; Sat. 9:00-7:00; Sun 10:00-6:00 , - rn. O.^V-^.vv, w — JtSK FREE • NO MUQATION 30 Yemrx Of Your Favorlir Thing*' undor dtroct aup^vteton of a tamrucUx Wayne sad Wsnen Rnedv WcOlsad LEVI'r HEAOOUARTER8 Over 10 Specialty S«ore» Hotm : 11 * n m r n S T- ( U t T Y E A R t lJ (PjOIIA Th+ (ihnfrttrri Thursday JlJNE 22. 1995 Canton ©b server POINTS OF VIEW Hoisting the flag OPINION 744 WING. PLYMOUTH, MI 48170 THURSDAY. JUNE 22,1995 Ethnic backgrounds aside, we're all Americans School elections ARKIE HUDKINS BY EUYKONKAD must do. from cradle to grave. The well must VCaotnntecrt ;-<Wmtv* pt*ohrloev ana vlrv noeefw -aWsh sfeocshret oCioaalnnl dmtopilnl a STgceoehw opodnalsc hkDi »p s -bysssccchhhAOooenoo ndll out mbphtlheoeedera rm mrf domioirs inass celji oyolwornl s i h iistasnosesgutu hu eetgessh .refi s a tPaoce nwre oad eeplel lo bokesyw mOa lt eah 1ne ct hanKwreayawrst - sepcr a hro-ol GstRgwwwhptrmhriaooIotoSt'hunmn T b padgaC l r s waweueswllotcivpXl irityiaktstrrMtthohtyhiml ienAuoN n atgpt? ugMmhwh k tf ieAaet nrlheoat warrrSi et 'itfbsg htcel c eauyaa,vi osrgo eoi isiem ussr sswo t sp rm "bftcne a hdelododecaeixrlne sc wpiuS,ottkgsrmu tni,lei rtero lhnsinoybtfp"sri e amees medbWtds tel l?y h Lia.t ht nr hcoutAeakliiw-ke cts n. e' nsd . OGeaspsNbrnhnohoeeeAduoMsirrawo nsum nG wyi c ldsYbida oene twlnt ornrayh hem itrtt befhkeher euaobn i a f'ssftnlsolv lnlyt ay erebchfd?gn.daoo e.b tHu hrirsehnneenlieers' t tnstriern h ym grwmJe n.rOeo syaaPAwsthnt ho feliiEdssoesllpyaantrh bnaca g. wbeld erlWsyeri-s o.shLsn .h hF'Ha to Psa sHrrbeta or cio bnalswforielic nsaupaneehgslesn di r n - tme•ltANnahohv deawmeoieWQiaysrnrg.,ee t cehhhrCA Ui oiabas cesAnvor Eianeaetramnit s ; pnSrnsc e atoet ooorslhnstTim n ec sAtttd.hreiahmbe e n Wewffis relo ne.eooirr ot min Lyeaacrl,rae rty tehtett h hha A nuoaesensotymnn d At d lenCa ye Sltv orrs hseoeNitOosecn u kauofa tooslLtrtnhshhrnts ohgr .eUlA e y eyo ygC tm nMei aoole-nunr--Nr, iifpaahphetnrgc rdorso ieStpe.asvmmi ffioeeB oegnee r mnturb,ir,ph ev, eetieme e,ntecnett n tanietouhwimi.ldnia ala gatB ilscleyic ri tes tvush.sar te wiwly eWtrln hioaihiehtf nuethes. eamnygs .lt eacph,en ery Isheoae n nrwodav ue tcunht elh ahhd— gictew raeieiln sevnniri td l afeaocitcl,otnn.efltae r f s y w Bsbi st oeeroher aumfude e s ottbgu t,hla arupun icmethrvrye ieayneaeve t n ranoeoide odf n- n , sffinthachnloouooamea roSgnM s u omnaa,e or nt z li ,snguholco eeiieooesthfde,wtrk si hMdftg miel hrbsagaiyr afien.arub stto an.ekreL enue oela Haidtdsnt oe mhmstdi vh sty edlep ha roiy irsnhkv ipuoots iii ht u soo nnymhoa,ftg o suo an i,auhsutt w sss h sri tysr lntt etheobee h rbeiof tueesehe.dekr.cye e guiUii ktrnsH in.csneeng g aa.1titl s let H fio eah soofhmeoeo srnwe,rk h-ap riaoe naoyf sgt While voters in the PI y mou thC an ton ticularly important The 3-mill levy would black or whits? controlled by many nations, several ica. your own; don't start crying the blues from Right to Left! ehri>v a.t eD fiostrr ibcot nrkrsje acntded c oam 2p 3u tmeirlsl, p trwoope Wrty a ytanxe - rfeaeisse. r$e3s.t moriell isoenc oanndda eryli mscihnoaotel bthuesi npga,y -hteol-pp ltahye whIo d loivueb tin if t haeny Uonniet,e eds pSetcaitaelsl,y a trheo ssoe tUimnieosn, .b My aGyebrem waney s,h boyu ltdh efl yol dth eS oPvaipeta l HeM isr. s L caimtizpeknin o fn teheed sU tnoi treed- eSvtaaltueast, e. ebxeaclatuedse r yaonuk wofe rceo nrpoot realteivonat pedre tsoid tehne t. Guest columnist Ray Konrad is a two senior high schools retain important ac- pure blooded that they can call any flag. Tor that you need something that must longtime resident of Livonia and a re- Wfettiand roiliages were approved just like me, andhe is no better nor creditation and reduce the projected budget country, other than this, their nation of How about my children, to what flag come from within. tired bricklayer whose hobby is history. «r"P-eodrt ti~oNn st h»et WCaavnnteoAn NTo ewstnlsahnidp a anrde \a lasno Bu- deficit. oIrriisghin (.R Io hmaapnpe Cna ttoh oblei ct)h em portohderu,c bt uotf an srehaolulyld b eth ceayl lreedla Atem?e Irnic faancst, i nw et hcean p nuoret amnoyr ew tohrasen nI.o rH iiss naen ceensttiotlresd w toer ae,n yp er- Your G1 loan that helped get that Ganude satb cooulut mtwnos, a tnydp ead ,h adlof upbalgee-ssp ianc ed rt-n -*hool* The health of those districts af- Proposal 2 is the non-homestead tax to he born in this country — in Ohio Does sense of the word. The only real haps. slaves. But white people went to home must be paid back, from money length, may be mailed to the Observer, %vt.- potentiai growth in Canton Strong levied on businesses, industries and rental this msan that 1 should display the "Americans" were here wearing feath- war and killed each other over that earned by you. It should not be the re- 744 Wing Street, Plymouth, MI 43170, ~c-o h>o*o:hi s vin» ttehme» e wasitlle renn spuorreti omno roef Creasnidtoenn tial alipona ritnm reenvte dneuvees lopments and raise $10 mil* INriosrht hReernp uIbrelilcaannd? fl aPge rohra tphse efvlaegn otfh e erersd .s Ondf cposuinrst;e, t lheety u sw enroet cfoorngseitd ethreadt qfeuneds tfioorn t ahnedm tsheelv selsa, vjeu swt aass saeitl forfe eu st o sgpoovnesrnibmileintyt toof bthee a tna xupmabyreerlsl an ofro rt hyeo u Attn: Jeff Counts. At the sane time, voters elected Martha With election returns now his tor.-, the Ob- Court's in session for major reform debate Pitx-nbarger and David James to four-year server wants to offer its public thanks, on be- half of the community, for the contributions terms, effects eJuiy 1 They were the top made by school board members Vicki Welty vole-- getters in a three-person race F.d Turner and Laurel Raisanen, who will close out their •A as eliminated Of*b aelibenlre*k ietnor gh g oarphaeesspad tthh teeo n ctehowem npbeloixcatard tfeo dmu rep moyleibcaeyrrss ,is twshuiele l s fao sueTrc-hyoeena dtrw t toeer rcmmhs ose J uenaerl i3e0r this year not to seek Eiyoy gour sumner coeannnty concerts. afoTCohote!u rPctla ratey'sf ob oramultl!, o af ltohneg b-efegs.t Terhieng g spmroeb -s htsr ahonaitdn Rldeefscu molr a(dfjeiovrre's )c ijovufid lc gcieracss,ue iast,u jsgunmddge e2ns9t,e hdDa ebn-y- Jlipcesry mto etberhlmsie sHi c iineknsl setdetyyua nddisai oemcsfhi tcimie nfrak ajjoteuhrrsie tsnritcg rte arBtnouru irscnatkdla - t- iwtfnioeegrss m ttuoeen loW. cjkuayd mniceoir aaeln ojdup dWegraaesst ihfootnersn O aawarek lcraeon-udn,- facing the district in the areas of finance, cur- Over the past four years. Welty and Raisa- LETTERS lem, is emerging in Michigan as a ma- dle felony cases. i the edges with sandpaper. As lieuten- • Sen. Wm. VanRegenmorter, R-Jeni- riculum and community relations nen have lent common sense in the wacky jor issue, in the same ballpark with To put it another way. Detroiters ant governor. Brickley was Gov. Bill son. attending Geake's news confer- This fall's school opening will be unusually business of a school board trying to set policy Disappointment pie affected by their decision Wayne County reform in i960 and elect their judges and hsve half the Milliken's hammer in launching a ence. suggested that reforming Friend difficult for new board members to handle in an era of uncertain state financing and con- Critics who have alleged a racial motivation school finance reform in 1993-1994. votes to elect countywide judges. charter chief executive in Wayne Coun- of the Court is tied to reforming overall Major changes to be implemented in the fall stant changes in messages and state aid from T for Rep Why man's proposed legislation: 1) Let's define "court reform." It's s What's theirs is theirs, sndhslf of ours ty. Brickley was active on school court structure. involve the grade structure, the related ere-, Lansing he enhancement millage lost by 197 Miss the fundamental point of making elected simplified structure — perhsps even s is theirs. Nsturslly, the racists in De- finance reform before most politico* The chair of the Senate Judiciary asbwutooibuoArsnnktt diaotnahnfger tt iiwh easeslai t mchdhie saa tn trnigimecewtse's, s i tnfuhip ressec tnrh iemonwoitlde bdnaoldtetaeer nsdnctd. hwao Dniolclules ab, ne ae n d wctiomemTTlele.hh a eegny oOd osb deesr fegvfroeovdvrete srtr ,hn eams se twnuetd,lle t nhatsasn o katnh tdehr etsma xw pfhoaory w etrhesle ir sthuepHipra ordrvih tgtoa hohtvfeote ss tt!eboh Iee t pev eniionnot c1pferu.9l ee8rai ads Petoe,lnys ewm mjhouoeus tttdh htih dartane t'stt,ih detehxereeenrt cscmhi saiienly- prttiynheu epCbt hrrlieeiarcscc peoiuanrfiletft;i smCc e2ion)aat ulkAs ref traul;eacp owpc roroe ef3dum) nt shtHayaetbas uftvlreueeem tt luoay r e tvshep eWse tcpeauedyrl nasienoti tnCnesgro et uohsntne - y scI—lcoitoon'csr ugnad tnlloehelttyrei 'te ss rfsst,iu ntmlIre tdoce'-seobp d ruaaae tridcvedtome isnucninuronsdetuistes r dbitatnrisadsa stt iteonhriifev cDf e ctoo ei rstcrt hiceromeouvuriipertt rt,l8 syi s2rf.on ei --nd e ta•vfFr owiSrolriltaimeetay n,ts a edDaql nlueoy dSfat r p weatorhn kiebe.tes' i sRdeCp no apottbrohuetewdarirtst et,ta r "hnwG.te hBhecireairuce kyplhw"ell. , s h a noRarf en t-fo dNrtai loteekasrnik tndhegs - ewvsenrty rjeufodrgme.'s T BeIMvuet Rr ytIh CaecH tfAeioeRtnD )i ss ntdhs dto ang'-t " ofccofoa rnAluce rsebvt e echarh saesis .xeo frpTne ejehcucoe ostm etSpidmtcu ietepoo,nnr dBep eimrnudiesc rh ke aC lfteooh yrsumai o'o slBlped rtts aiitco rsakinka l lleo yt Ccfwwteuooohnrnmrresddet mo icsinf,sti gl tt mynh t,oeeoi ftelw hlsc iata ooraltuenst oevtsrhte shewmn ic uiimnotgehtuoh e slltnddho e,qa c yciurafo ilif nmtI og g rheso. he f vfIuaarneorrlrld imon ns tm hgth aieemtrne ts TSMoKoootrhe ,Lh ewev ohFnoei r sctop mAem s etfond temhee dncto mtsom tu hneoi tUyS ufr Comotn stoi- f myeTnhsiioso nrisug ihnt r tohfe p gcrrivoawociyn ghm ahsi gthapk-teencuh o ncy tnbeeewr- dri- dgtssvrihmetpperoeoyaeaseetrT mcnyytoinnedhhf eddnmloee e ossef v nrnus P ds$a$Petecl usl51wwly hu cyi,d,m-to5e0a msontsu0t0eon eio0 la0xmuod'eutpt n tdp mtbaphsh heyewoue-aod-rCoap vCir dll eksepamlae ston a nucpnigs rtlratdeotool eornaaten tantd gtn sihseg e tm tseenscru c,c epop i hdht sanemraoocoetrocnohoonp vr dcllyoleutseos. oeaP.dt m aealsI iwlsTfrnresyms do tsh bmP,Lr,uue yi lt iaolcnrtyr vdphtneuaim o edtfaithynhonos a iqtrsi uavahneui tenn,egha dgi. l r - GoMhtChnaielvIcyrrfehe eM Oi tnghhsioaecitnooiht r vb ijiv .guecn oJaad tnaosgegneh erjss nsuo M h 'cdbuEroegtuincaeuctergrl shyMddn,la e bteibreoaculyl eh t rciJc iea.ocstgcno r abeGrsu nOoenlecdt tahvhtlr yi ob ontoOteh uue ejh c,rnfusi o ivodPe rnceg cljaoie'euylnud ,esd mlwdt d tiocoo ae euu l'le't dhc t cd•Csatwh aeieSnasstmhLndtincneoas e rtdDrisntsetoseel '. teesbn eecI t ,i np flr rlRefseloau ive Wlenzitloto elpayin nn al., tRlyc ytoy DaMsoe ngn.e cne euedisobsctn s Cohroahcedellroisoiwegra udrsrh aaknwa'nsny ettdW,he sydc e, mc oWhw t ihcu yralaeisrcomjrrstyouco.s nar uick.Ete nio T ctv,lc m Ciihe ocvkRermiouieyr-l u r cs-otryusnts i--t epvetssttsshhhohoroa eenarmoaFmyct mnuOOmm eeeddl eCdaoecsto nik tpn asebimrttlssuts.easa eten pn a ns,i b'ognint,d twu em s b asobuw ipyerdtuenehlsom rnaodwy u scingieos itnhfgrsrtnr hoi' eo s,gsfuw gm tja ecnaruoinwinad ndmrtegtnehncirirace iuavucn nilie jarstgc iuolcl ai do p jorpcrwugcp eusroduoeeapn f(gsriri otltdk,sayeor e.itjwsto - iu g Fokoahdofno or vgser t-- gt•tmGherb•o he rAeeaAe iamea sertraki"fnrtvourkty ei yveseleems.edernor dpss don mt eG lo eeu1 tan"ne.h2e nnosa nn Tade y f t.bris.fahee m aiF eFnfaoccosdrr OfeGrkasg mrCg nwhioesnrk."ana oiecn ek mdKohtvedhfie ea e ecetTnlndhfol sceeS e ncsye a uasaucsm tprno pgeiwr'ut'apts eu"viro mtettteph.riamt leo ktTaF hnp ewnCOhe al h olsoC teyu n-r t, Ho•mfRt8•lw u uomS2eGaiirnu tnsepcmaoaddei oilvtas eiesdeuu.ntbronsrsn go,e a ed Jt w Rvuatoi aooietegifetohl fr siatlpsny n.or in Mn ao iyaEuTss ftleiesn a os afvhccgtm o refohon .rltutu e auio hBMnmerrgre utldt pgsaolse ioa.titgsr nnaaswehseggstn i tkec hdes yrtfei uh o efnmlfb.eoraouty . rr rut lDLc alh dtmelee- heis'Ggs azrrtoiedae r staradaetlheena tn ce eda-d rn d -- i (iftspHn3hutl1 ieainrTcs3T rea dd)hTitttmeieeiuo o9ndb urRgn6g.ncs s3ai htco -meof-h2foTff a0ero ort4' vnsh dl7sieee tfsr a tr elf tvietooxenroptc oigi.aoaactn r l!el1ttds sh8cI•' ne8 o rbo 1muebben,ga ruictiitrk ols trd nhs ena.eaef unonl mlrd omeobc vfpeae rilhcne otaciissmsue. rs-t, tution. which guarantees freedom of speech and prohibits Congress from in- space wonderful place to raise a family. Please con- proposal — the "renaissance zone" — Academy shows potential sider this with the next millage increase to revitalize distressed urban and rur- terfering with that right, is under attack Governmental agencies at all levels have Jeanne M. Stevenson. Plymouth al areas in Michigan by creating defined geo- again shown that once they grab onto a piece of in- graphic areas where all state taxes would be This time Congress and the special interest formation — computerized or not — they Millage message waived except the sales tax The tax-free zone groups that have its political ear are targeting refuse to let go their latest attack an what they consider Can you imagine what the Internal Rev- Y could exist for up to 15 years, with taxes being Of alt the arguments now taking place in our editorial of June 15 concerning the phased back in over some period of time abuses of the Internet, an international collec- enue Service or FBI could do snooping into Michigan, it is the debste sbout school tion of linked computer networks which also your private electronic-mail communications0 recent Plymouth-Canton millage elec- Small-business owners located within the reform thst will hsve the most profound tion is subtitled "Voters send message zone would receive waivers on the single busi- can be accessed through commercial on-line I itr» private mail or telephone conversations, to board " We sent it. but they won't get it. ness tax. property tax and personal property impact on the lives of most people. And it's "CHEEPER" services the Observer feels that what's private is pri- It's plain that the K-12 school system is not The prior composition of the board supported t*x and individuals living in the zone also at Dearborn Federal The latest moves to curb your right to see vate and if the feds feel a law is being violat- producing graduates with the skills required to and read what you want without governmen- ed. they can collect evidence elsewhere and the millage and all eight candidates running would receive a waiver of state income taxes compete in a global economy, much less meet Credit Union. for the board were quoted as supporting the 'not federal taxes I. tal interference are taking two routes get a judge to sign a warrant to investigate millage, so what can we expect9 Basically, un- While the proposed concept would be valu- the current needs of employers That's not in You, 100, can havr more Both focus on prohibiting explicit messages further. doubt What is st issue is how to go sbout it. til the board really communicates with the able for small businesses located within the and material which are accessible to children. Many proponents of the First Amendment community, especially those who disagreed designated zone, it could have a greater im- The hard-right ideological majority on the flexible borrowing The Senate passed a version last week with and rights of privacy feel that if there is a per- and earned the vote, nothing will change pact on Michigan's economy if we take it to state Board of Education is talking about sell- 11 tohwenW H leeo ghuiosseplea ot ifpo eRno epplere wsehnot avtailvuees tchoenirsi driegrhintg to i tos b- cgeopvItfei oarnn m moafej noat rpailrty oinb otlfee rmtfh,ee ri etcn occuaenn t rbye's s oclovmedp uwtietrh out Ttahnhedem yp susepslehvniendsg at onaodsi mdseuup ctphhoo trsiteme rwes, ht oawl dkhiiisnleagg a arvemoeio d<nig nw gi th- tnrhaeets hsneeersx ttbh alasenevde gl :oe noag s"roraempnheay i msseaanscuere z oonfe s"iz feo r— b usi- isrneugal st"sos"nh iiasnr gteo ts h"tra ietn at tth hesec w hposuyobl lstio ca sg se ctthh "oobuoulgssh,i nethevesidysle iwnkteelry er e - PHILIP POWER p• olowwere rw iitnh terest rates tain information through any source — via users want some controls over materials made out really finding out why they disagree). This is not a new or radical concept. Recent- corporations. merce's Manufacturer's Network. l-ia- a l l W .l • no closing costs tehr es eProvsitcaels S pearivdi cfoe,r tbhye uloscearsl l—ib rwariyll porro ctoemst put- amvaatiiloanb lhei gtoh wthaeyi,r tchheiyld craenn ethxreorcuigshe tshoem ein fdoisr-- Gary B. McCombs, Canton ly passed single business tax reforms exempt The teachers unions like the Michigan Edu- With the need clear, the passage of Proposal ;V- ^ ^ jx. ' f. j W t* fl • higher maximum such unwanted and potentially illegal govern- cretion in their homes or use lock-out device businesses with less than $250,000 in gross re- cation Association sound ss though there is A laat year authorized creating charter schools credit lines mental intrusion. ; software. to thoee used by cable-TV' Court reform ceipts And many Michigan regulations make nothing wrong with the schools that lots snd and opened the wsy to sction. Earlier this expWlihciitl em maotesrti pale osphloeu wldil ble a gkreepet tohuatt o sfe txhuea lly comItp'sa tniimese for Congress and federal agencies • applaud the courage state Rep. Deborah einxgc eapnt i"oinnsc ubbaasetodr "on o rb suasfien ehsasr bsiozre .e nEvsitraobnlimshe-nt ltoimtse o sfp mreoandeiyn gco tualledsn 'otf c gulroeo,m w henilde dsto othme tshasmt e sitpsr cinhga,r ttehre sLpipvrionvgesdto nby T Cecehnntriacle lM Aicchaidgeamny U hnaid- We have redesigned and hands of children, the federal government has to recognize that the wide-ranging benefits of I Whyrnan has demonstrated by introducing for Michigan's small businesses, regardless of Gov. John Engler and his allies are out to de- versity end collected s total of $65,000 in grants. expanded our home shown in past regulatory actions that it ia computerized services is a "plus" for everyone I legislation to correct a fundamental flaw their location, would be entirely consistent stroy the public schools. It's now trying to pick s site, select s president usually unable to keep from expanding ita — government, business and individuals. in our court system. with the governor's renaissance zone concept. The moderates keep pointing to the school snd enroll its first class starting this fall. equuy program to serve The present system provides for two sepa- For every small business that succeeds, an- powers after it gets ita political foot in the But Congress shouldn't let a complaint, rate courts, of equal authority and overlap- other one succumbs to the pressures of the reform efforts si ready under way through things What's remarkable about the LTA is its a broader range of home front or back door. without valid, supporting data, lead to ping jurisdiction (Recorder's Court and Wayne marketplace within the first five years Fledg like diploma certificetion by the state and the focus: Less on what goes on in its own class- r H * j fl peoInp laed sdhiotiuolnd troe mth*e afrneyed gomove orfn mspeenetcahl iisnstuere , regTuhlea tfieodns o sfh cooumldp ulette rt hseer mviacreks.e tplace deal Cseoruvne tWy Cayirnceu iCto Cuonutyrt;) ,h othwaetv seirm, ualllt aWneaoyunsel y lfirnogm samna elln bvuirsoinnemsesenst wwhouerlde btheenyef cita ng rgeraotwly and MmeEeAsuPr ete wsthsa tn okwid sus aecdt uthalrloyu lgehaornu,t yMeiecrh biyg ayne ator, aronodm s ksinldle dm omraes otenr t chrsa eftqsumipenm eonnt t,h tee cshhnoopl ofgloyo r • Jmk\1 owners ference on the basis of protecting privacy. with it. It will do a much better job. County voters elect the Wayne County Circuit prosper, provide jobs and capital investment. building by building. of local employers. "We consider the classroom Court judges but only Detroit voters elect the It is important to remember that every large The debete has been marked so far by an to be our various businesses where students Whether you're pur- Recorder's Court judges. Unless an affirma- company in Michigan started out as a small snormous amount of hot air and relatively few will leera by doing," says Tom Erhart, chair- chasing major quantities tive election ia made within a short period of business and every small business that suc- facts The time, however, is coming when re- men of the LTA. • JiUU time in a Wayne County criminal case, you ceeds and grows becomes a significant invest- sults are going to count for a whole lot I'd have That makes sense. 1 remember taking shop • it-: • 9S ooff bbiirrdd sseeeedd,, aa ffllyy--aawwaayy can have a Recorder's Court judge hearing a ment in the economic well-being of Michigan. to say that on first blush, it's employer-driven way back when I was in high school. Ths equip- COMMUNITY VOICE involving an alleged crime committed Charlee Owens, State Director changes working through charter schools that ment and tools ws used then might, just berely, I ^ ^9 vacation or repairing outside of Detroit. The result is a judge hear National Federation of Independent hsvs the beat chance for success. have made it into Henry Ford's first sssembly Bueineee/Mlchigan yyoouurr nneesstt,, wwee rree hheerree ttoo ing the case who is not accountable to the peo- Here's an example: The Livingston Technical line st the beginning of the century. There's no Hfc- • QUESTION: Academy, a charter school designed to provids substitute for the actual tools and high-tech 1 ' I assist you For mem- equipment being used in industry ss ths class- an initial class of 100 students with the skills Canton CObs truer room for tomorrow's employees. bership eligibility and that ate needsd by the area's growing list of rel- atively high tech manufacturers liks Ogihsra I'm optimistic about LTA's prospscts. The more details, call toll- >kJ tm Counts. COMMUNTT EffTOS. 45*2700 America, in Hosrell. group running the show seems to hsve s more K KA wMAtmMmGMmG M Eaowrruom*.* O. Ossswsvmtsv cM* Nwrtwwm»»ssw. s9.5 935231-4291 77 The LTA ia baaed on the good groundwork results-orisnted focus than all ths ideologues free 800-730-2770 Mmmocs or Cmcuiaton. Ossmvw Newwwi. 953-2234 done by the Livingston Applied Technology Ed now running sround the school debete. And I've i nr. Ja., Pususmu. Oescavw Ntwv**cas, 953-2100 always felt thet the key to school reform was ucation Consortium, which ovsr the past 10 Wa sskod thts At my m"AgJ —rco Intd'sM a»k w dfo\nmt botffc eMWI.f cyeo u dBmh*jp psj ik*x Ostrwtrtesw «s E ILcc sPmsewsc O tNNCtwSMse.s eMtaasm, m95c3s2. -252 years has provided vocational sducstion to arererla nnegeindgs tohfi nsgmsp sloo ymerasr kfoert nfoerwce hsi r—es t hssk ills quaatton out- sons 2300 kids from all ftvs of Livingston side Canton there's a i the on* thing. Canton SutaiAN COMMUNICATIONS CO»PO«ATION County's high schools. — could bs brought to bear. CMMSMAM or Tie Bo*no Ihsuaae A Let's ses what they've accomplished in a year. Canton But aa Urns went on, the arse manufacturers Canton Canton Oua ff r—" 'Beeoust we publish community newspapers, we think about community journalism kept nseding more end more technology snd the (For mors information on the Livingston De a r b o rn in a fundamentally different way than our bigger competition. They consider themselves to be pod of school-leavers kept dwindling Ws nsed Technical Academy, call (810) 227-6609 1 Federal Credit Union independent from the etoriee and communities they cover, swooping in to write the unusual or 1 with more technically sound ftinda- |_ Phil Power ia chairman of the company that sensational and then dashing off to cover something elas. We regard ourselves as both accurate I skills." according to Tom 01st, vies owns this newspaper. His Touch-Tone voice toumalists and as caring ettisens of the communities whore we work " Id fciat Ptadarts la Howell and mail number is (313) 963 9047, Ext 1890. - Philip Power , efthe Howell Aree Chamber of Com- 7fa OUervtr! THURSDAY. Juni 22, 1095 12A<*.C) 1,000 flock * to 'Y' races fc /# The Plymouth YMCAs 16th This ia the flret year the MUM Annual Run on Sunday. Father's man won the 1 mile. 5K and 10K Day. drew mora than 1.000 partic- runs," said Janet Murphy of the ipant* — evidence at the continu- Plymouth YMCA. Ptaquaa ware ing popularity of the event. •warded to the top three male and female overall finisher* and p Under bright aunny skiae. this medals warn awarded to the top year's event drew runner* of all three finishers in each aga divt- IK. wound the state and aa far aerey as Cincinnati. Competitions Dual: Mart Stuenkel. 30, included • one mik run. 5 kilome- Money raised in the event, the YMCA's biggest annual fund-re (left) of Brighton and Jim ter run. 10K run. Junior Jog for «- iser, comes from runner's fees and Forshee, 69, of Ann Arbor 8 year olds and Tot Trot for 3-6 helps pay for YMCA programs year old*. were on the pace. that benefit youth. In the 5 kilometer run the over all male winner was Clint Vsrran of Ypeiianti; the overall female winner waa Lynn Boven of Weet- r / land. "j§^ • l Varran was also the male over- ill winner in the 10K run. while Kimberly Bruce of Bradanton Beach was the overall female utm nwwirHi Wm winner. Doubling up: Mike Gaule of Canton took his twins, Kyle and Kelly, along for the ride. Gabrielle Crandall of Plymouth was the third place woman in the In the One Mile Run-Walk. event. Verran finished first in the male category while Bath Knight of In the 6K Walk, tha male Mats start: Runners in the 5K Father's Day run in Canton was tha top female. winner waa William Swearengin Plymouth brave the rough streets, which are torn up for a of Ann Arbor. Jennie Pettereon of Mary Walton of Plymouth fin- ished third in that event. streetscape project. Plymouth was the female winner. K A N N U A LS m, »tm . W Mtnm* 4pm* A U o DO 12" Impstients Rutting Brian Wolcott of Plymouth talks to his son, Planters Michael, 5, after the race, as Deborah Pinnock and !Sow COLTS Celeste Hamilton give Wolcott a post-race rubdown. SQ.99 YOUTH FOOTBALL re a 19*9 THE NORTHVILLE NOVI COLTS SINCE 1968 POTTING SOIL The Colts are looking for a few young men who want ^EDGE-PRO to play organized football with a team steeped in ASMtmfMMn Pro/mammal Or tradition. Eligible candidates should be between 100 RECORDING SECRETARY and 150 pounds. No experience necessary, desire and Only ST7 99 commitment is a must. Per league rules, every player Noflhtrtie Township la seal** an ***** tor psrtUaa tsKfcts srnptoyrrient Sow gets 10 plays minimum in every game. Unsurpassed as a record*] secretary Job rsaponsMMas include sr-'tfun at Ptenrang Conv wr, sioa^SSw mason (Ibeeday evenings) snd Zoning Boerdol Appeals dm and]H*d Monday coaching and equipment is provided for the fee of evernngs) meenngs and minuts iranscripgon. tAM am or haw scceas to M15.00. The jersey with your name on it is your s to ccrvSi squipmenL FEVERGREENS ft SHRUBS ^ / WHISKEY BARREL keep when the season is over. $7.97-$ 13.00 per hour depending on qusNcalon. No benefit. NortwUs Tosnertp M sn opporkjnity smptoysr Tha Charter Townersp at NortwUs does not <*e- IPLANTERI crvrwtaW on «w basa ol dsabttty m *e admission ot sccem * or teaimeni ot Now only 11 YR-120 - 150 LBS smpiovment m its programs or adMbat _ .. .. Send letter ol aytcrton and reeums to Tamara Hanln. taiUSp Manager. >14" VARSITY 12 YR-115-150 LBS Charm Tbwr** o» NorfMle. 41600 Sta MKe Road. Northv*e. Mcttgan 46167 by 50% Off ±*f 7.1806. 13 YR-100- 150 LBS (6-22BM6 NR) 14 YR- 100- 140 LBS SHOWPtACI For Registration Info. Call (810) 348-3029 453-5500 WE START SOON! CALL N OW 9900 Ann Arbor Rd. Just 10 minutes u « \f of I 275 wm M a k es H o me O W N E R S H IP n hit i • A mLiiLu L# Lrwm 1 ome of dosing or at the rate you lotted Enjoy the aecurtty of a low ftxed-rale mortgage and start saving today. in at application, whichever ts lower / a V A J I. Tb get your number, just caD one The Original Home Loan Team at number - 1-800/643-9600 - for more Standard Federal Bank hat the numbers Information and the location ot one at you need to make home ownerihip more the 175 conveniently located Standard affordable You can choose from a variety Federal Banking Cemen nearest you d home loan programs, Including a 30-year faed-rate mortgage tha ofien security combined wtth today's low Helping You Along The Way' interest rae». Aad to make sure there are no unpleasani surprise*, you c*i take advance of our unique Rate Lock Usedst* Fsasrsl Bssk Sawngtfnnaal Ssnwet or Lower h ensures that while it u m effect, your lom wdl be ckwed at etther Standard PederaTstntereat raw a« the S JSSTJgrTV»Z 'SmXZm u- aiaitea.Ns«a. • ''ft She (Dbserver INSIDE: 5*t t Mason. Bonus Bridal Registry, Page ISA till Religious News, Page ISA COMMUNITY LIFE Page ISA THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1995 KAREN MEIER So mulch ado about mowing M ention summer camp and images of glamor- My lawn mower and I are *rest friends ised Hollywood flicks rum. We get together two. sometimes might come to mind - three, times a week Eapeoally this time Bill Murray as the of year when rain Call* more frequently and the wacky counselor in nights are cool the film "Meatballs." teenager with emphasis on learning "Chimp Chat" and "Not So Creepy But I have to tell you, there was a time last Haley Mills discovering a twin sis- Crawlers" for children ages 4-5, . year when the lawn mower and 1 were on shaky ter in "Parent Trap." and Wednes- * "Monkey Business" (sges 6-9), ground The relationship turned ugly. Really day snd Pugstey enduring s sum- "Dino Digs" (ages 4-5), "Whose ugly. The lawn mower did terrible, mean things mer camp experience in "Addams Habitat?" (ages 6-9). "Junior Zoolo- to me And then 1 said some ugly things to the Family Values." gist* (ages 6-9) and "Who in the lawn mower because I was so mad And then the At one time, summer camp mer brochure, call New For more information, Zoo" (agea 10-12). An overnight lawn mower kept doing the same terrible, mean meant residential camp: buses Morning School at (313) call Continuing Educa- adventure. "Zoo Snoozzz ..." also things .• filled with screaming kids headed 420-3331. tion Services st (313) is offered for children ages 8-10. We nearly split- It came this close , this close. for cabins in the woods by a lake A short hike up Hag- 462-4448 Call the Detroit Zoological Soci- But then we sought some outside help. And and the three Cs - counselors, gerty Road, School- Henry Ford Muse- ety at (810) 541-6717 for dates, that's what saved us. And so here we are. Back canoeing and crafts. craft College is offering um and Greenfield fees and program brochure. on track Engine purring, blade slicing, happily But come the '70s, working par- Adventures in Learning Village is again offer- The Detroit Science Center is mulching along. ents in need of coet-effective child for Talented and Gifted ing its Tech-Trekkers offering Camp Intervention, a The trouble started not long after we first met. care found an alternative to resi- students agee 4-16. More summer camps The week-long summer camp that will This lawn mower was new last spring; the old dential camps, day camps: those than 34 two-week cours- current session is Build- give children an exciting new way one had served well, but it just got old and quite week-long, close-to-home adven- es are being offered in ing the Future: Archi- to create and invent in a challeng- useless really. So rather unceremoniously we got tures for children. While there are computers, biology, tecture and Engineer- ing atmosphere. rid of it. Nobody even fetched it off the curb on still counselors and crafts, bus chemistry, archaeology, ing, with three more The camp, offered in three ses- gsrbage day. Garbage robbers didn't even give it rides are for * creative dramatics. Span- two-week camps sched- sions July 10-14. July 17-21 and a second glance field trips ish. French. Japanese, uled for July 10-21 Aug. 7-1L ia for children in the So mulch newness and grassy music and literature. (Playing with Power), first through fifth grades. Cost is ymoBuuul cct ohthueelrd/ m nseotwiwck eo rno wen i wtthhae sa b ada eclotkao,ck ihefa Iluet wdbiaadgsn gsle rw tahnitn gto rfclieaaepkbldleias.n cshe sbddy t hthe e MbeCs rilela-cisensi evrsee gdbi ebsgytirn aJ tuJiounnely 2m 57u., s-t JW(TuTlaeytch ehe2r 4-)cT,-a Aarmenukdpgk . Ahe 4rou 'su(gW .rBs 7oe a-sr1rlted)8. 9o f $fbo1er0r sD0 ae(n$trd8o 0$it 1f So5rc0 ie e(an$cc1he1 s0Cd fedonirtt ieeoran cmahle amcdh-dilid-) mdowsuhiNuedtin lonmtctwh'ht noe , we Au tsshatnsi.endd IBt ef . wiutir oftVsa t ys bef o frarieuygmaw n depiknxi rtdlcei yntemsh.'lstel eei esU wdrn et atubah.n ryent,w lityaUoiowl l umninn euc gmwolncunoehlewsd,ss eass rtn hoa daon ng odydte o t u I- ecNavoroAeonw ltnluio dpnto iautokhrenieens n.g t s ws2oiscf6itfhS-trih2ecca 7dehtwi uoiioannlone l ltktd chfh -roefeiaron f Mrc tKr oa9ecallg Dllsseeiouogsimd wteiros'.esa s lUat clricoeo cC7pgnee eipps:nt.t tmiArena. rgtC .iJ ooruenln-g e- adiafin.nremcedldnl. u4 ttad-or6gei pe4s pe e p.c xm1.omt1s.e)-t.n.s;1 .di4t feh. d reTe ccqhaaeur me$esp3 t(2e 7i0ds:3, f f0aoe-ner9d c ah.iml-. ttT5ieo0hrFTn2e, aqh0 cDlre a Jc melAohlt ohri(nlon3rdnei1 )tR .3A i S,n) r cfD5boi7eeor7nmtrr-co8 aeHi4t tiC0a o0nen,nd oEtser-xr tOt oi an4 r 1ea7tg .i s- moving in the first place bugged me ... a lot. for camps with and educational lege for Kids for students sges 8- Registration is on a first-come, Museum has expanded its sum- The ignition pull string would get bung up. and twist Forget the buses and cabins. 16. The summer program is for ele- first-served basis and can be com- mer science camp program. The I'd scrape my knuckles. It's classrooms at schools, colleges, mentary, middle and high school pleted by calling the Youth and camp program has been expanded And ones I got it untangled. I then was faced museums and even the 100. And students to enhance their academic Family Programs at (313) 271- to take place at both Mack and with the chore of actually getting the engine to while there's still crafts, the skill* and stimulate their creativi- 1620. Ext. 562 or 636. Henry Ford ' Logan Elementary Schools in Ann turn over To do that the ignition pull string had emphasis is on learning - as in ty. Museum and Greenfield Village is Arbor. Half-day, fijll-day and lunch to be pulled a minimum of 20 times And at each computers, biology, chemistry, the Classes include Cartoon Capers. at 20900 Oakwood Blvd.. Dear- programs are available. "Hie camps subsequent meeting, the number increased fine arts and languages. Keyboarding and Word Processing, born. runs from the last week of June Sometime in May of last year I began counting, For parents looking for a camp^ Detective School for Kids, theater, Youngsters sges 4-12 can explore through just for observation purposes, just to drive ing experience for their children English, cooking and study skills. and experience the fascinating ani- August. myself craxy I waa up to, and this is no lie. you this summer, there are several All classes are scheduled for one, mal world through week-long, sin- More can ask my neighbors, 60 pulls by the middle of from which to chooee. Some are two or three weeks Monday gle-day and overnight adventures informstion May. close to home; others require some through Thursday, beginning July ss part of the 1995 Summer Safari is available By June. 1 was up over s hundred. A^am. I drive time. But all have one thing 10. Mail-in registration must be Series st the Detroit Zoological at the muse- deceive you not 1 am stubborn as the day ia long in common - learning. received by July 3, Walk-in regis- Park. um, 219 E. when I'm pitted against a machine. Especially a New Moraine School in Ply- tration will be accepted 9 am. to 7 Happening now through August Huron St, new one. especially one that costs as much as a mouth is serving up a variety of p.m. June 26-27 in the registration st the zoo, 10 Mile Road and Wood- Ann Arbor, lawn mower. The stupid pile of metal and bolts educational opportunities for chil- office. ward Avenue. Royal Oak, the or by filing (313) 995-5439. and blades wasn't going to get me best of me. I'd dren 3-12 years of age July 10-Aug. Safari series is conducted by Naturalist Lisa Lava-Kellar of show it who's boee. If it dished out 100 pulls, 8 at the school, 14601 Haggerty "safari guides" made up of too staff Naturally Speaking will be than fine. I was up to it. I hsd a lawn to cut after Road. members and docents. teaching hands-on biological sci- all. And that lawn wasn't going to stop growing Discovery Day classes let stu- Week-long adventures include ence campe full of hiking, experi- just because my stupid lawn mower wouldn't dents choose from such topics as "Zoo Quest" and "Zoovival menta, games and projects for chil- start Wigglee and Giggles, Lunch Bunch Instincts" for children ages 4-5 and dren 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. July 10-14 So mulch pulling and Itsy Bitay Science There will 6-9. Single day adventures include and July 17-21 at the Ann Arbor By June 24. s day that "will live in infamy" be three sessions of half day class- Free Methodist Church, 1951 New- around here, it took 263 pulls of the ignition cord es July 10-14, July 17-21 and July port Road, Ann Arbor The first to get my new lawn mower started. I was 24-28 session will be for children who drenched in sweat and my arm was hanging on The science campe luck off with have completed the first and sec- by a tendon by the time 1 cut the first swath in the Magic School Bus July 31-Aug. ond grades, with the second ses- the front yard. 1 was mad. But tha machine 4, followed by Searching for the sion for children who have complet- hadnt beaten ma. I had woo. Perseverance won Mystery Planet Aug. 7-1L Math ed the third and fourth grades. Camp - Through the Looking out again. A third session, 9 a.m. to noon Glass will maet Aug. 14-18. The A third party intervened that evening. My hue- July 31-Aug. 4, will feature a series camps are for children 6-12 years said. TT!h e lawn looks nice, dear." of age of half-day field trips to study -Thank you " I gasped Then I wheeled and plants and animals that comprise a sputtered. Technology Day classes will offer variety of habitats sround Ann •What's tha matter? You look terrible. Like Preschool Computers for the Arbor. It's for children who hsve you've been in a boxing ring all day." younger sat (ages 3-6) July 10-14, completed the fifth, sixth and sev- "Wall, I have. Tha good news is I knocked my Programming with Moo and enth grades oppooent on his grass. The bednews ia I threw HyperCard (agaa 8-11) July 17-28 For more information and a reg- 263 punch as to do it." and LEGO Logo with electricity istration brochure, call (313) 663- Ron couldn't understand how it could possibly and Physics (ages 8-11) July 17-28. 9661. take so much to get the stupid lawn mower . For more information and a sum- started. Waa I weakling or something? Weskling or something Indeed. Tm tough aa steel. Tougher Celebrate summer: 20 places meant for families . At any rate, wa all went in tha garags and had a face-to-face. Tha lawn mower just sat there, not saying a dat blame thing. Taking it all in, 1 suppose And Ron kept asking roe my sids of ths BT SUB MASON lies in need of something to do. story. So 1 went over the whois thing, in detail, i (1) At the Detroit Zoological Park, 10 Mile The formal Road and Woodward. Royal Oak, introduce the Finally, Ron shook his head, rolled Ma syas. and perenni- Ah, summer ... ths meet favorite tame of the kids to more than 1,000 wild and exotic animals, and made a bunch of breath come out ofhia nose al gardens year (next to Christmas) for children. The last many in their natural habitat. Summer hours And then he press id the primer bulb three times outside are school ball has rung and if you'rs counting, (through Oct. 31) are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday snd gave ths cord on* pull and ths engine spot' an introduc- there's roughly 10 weeks of no more school, no through Saturday and 10 am. to 6 p.m. Sundays tersdto lift Tm not kidding One measly pull tion to the more books, no more ... and holidays through Labor Day. That's all that was needed aftar priming ths engins with that little primer bulb. That's it tropical flow- For kids old enough, there are summer jobs to Admission is S6 for adults (13-62 years), $4 for keep them busy. For tha youngsr crowd, dsy seniors dtixens (62 years snd older). $3 for chil- And that's how it was for the remainder of the ers, ferns, camp, parks and recreation activities and just dren (2-12 years) snd children under 2 free. Psrk- summer Three pnesee on the primer bulb and palms and playing with friends can nibble away st summer ing is $3 for cars and vans and $6 for buses For one pull on the starter eotd. Every time without lily pool more information, call (810) 39k 0903 instde the • But by July, kids generally have begun tha you Belle lale in the Detroit River offers plenty of and I lived happily ever aftar i is a Anna know-tt's-summer-if lament of -there's nothing to things for ths fhmily to do with its BOO, aquanum. Scripps do." Parents can nip those woes in the bud with a conservatory and maritime museum The bridge Whitcomb few selective day trips or a morning or afternoon entrance Is at East Grand Boulevard and Jeffer- If you hot* a qmnUon or comment for Karen Conservatory excursion doss to horns son in Detroit UTtter:, call her'at 963-2047, ma dbTax nHumber on Belle Isle. Nsad some ideas? Hare are 20 to chooee from (2) Tha Bella lata Zoo features a natural habi- SoflM are what you'd claaaify as old sundbys, t ti *r'* *** while others are fairly new attractions for femi WA ma 48160. s M a a a a a M M a aa *1BA The Obnerverj TrtUKiilMY, Jlkk 22, 1996 The Observer! THURSDAY, JUNE 22. 1995 ENGAGEMENTS Places from page ISA Savona-O'Maara Owsley-Ward Jackson-Duncan worked trim. Hours sre 9 a.m. to 4 . imwpmtkian*nfpaWm-swhDtcr siaem(qir*ieeaie ool meohaUloso<<slull(fkikns.ln tsemtit5o3ayg oemea s wcitoidd alv- ar f ioart*hho 4r h6asnftaiAiiwcnie f ee)boia2iduynp anm ld osn$wliT riyo smnrat G it» 1 1 umayoo oh Csdeprhts1(. rq herdriviefe bcth 0r yoo ana$ut ohiia lr io rdip ngi rBf2nCel arrlsaiel n*ofdee t'yf'o nhts espbeAf s rrmiuonf U* cureoo a tm ot giL.npiopnica mhtsehnnoarh hn oale aeontaed2lgld o inow liadl2k a 1ofe el s G O0geeoaee di(a25soii1s0 ll,a an etlrcuaconslr0 l daropye tnav,lw Sd. en fot lde wAa n woMrmreesatel kcad fme.em hrl n3i rt Lre*qh ls oa*1si omAudsa$v,llhm aatnhierr 1*padskrw t do y iifBmoAsmvtmetpplea ean id« tsio dinrfafrtdama5htii . noioh t , e su 0nehdIe*er-rr -t -a m , ddpaftiAiamCcpJpOlllioM4errarlneouuoyheoe*err yuaHoc(dpcm rln n.etoiTrn n7mryeau itt .ta,omlf r)tnmpit,ehaea hs 4a.e o eoca3ug l aTnto ersan25aDan 0 ngtar oipfiW inhPe*e2tltmc1nr.r fiulaeu" pers0e ieea 2aet a. eAgr uirui(0 gianrp7xn imraa3id hn*mM sotnroy6ehnDh,sl1nt g e d*eds cg W ti. 3masei uise "n ashbofRF1tfchnsm torreri olo rF d rdrs'o si ortlooooam4arovioeiocaowmfsemnd uo 9 dreciyu sio I ns *acg4Ntncrwt tsfl watoyhifesh omt p lo e1ootar ,ahtaa lsae atwh 2ohI nrtopAtle inunwlgide4en1m n,rl ared1W re$u ceo0aGcns M e 1g1 pt . lautmlA,A t oPil u 0 usia 1 ahtog ip®mrt0v6i uh nndn1esnhtmkun e e detrecs fc a r s e.thpo Mooegxa u.eFehn oearuc "uarts omimhPlmagDtCri -l l npodef hliePoieseo9 s sacloersta ro od 0lo - yf-s- , «daMyacaOumSrm"latySlA.agadaeynoamtMmoaoTeholye goau.wd(rdlEk"uurH9. ,.onyre bhla 3m (.*wnG)nd.i.tjtAt pdei3do s o osh gldeAit,iao of1ee.rud eshh si: ayr afioe3 A tn $6rosemneoiirT n s)ndn esi4tlnena bud yo h, hHpin afeg5' Wtr rsnse rBuFrf sw eh 7AaseAmoeA5 iloetl7iahr n l 0eoeum vM Morammi a-9a aSrlg gdnor8sd nfmel yee etheuahc.aaon4mdrh. rnrntros t 0eig ei1imLuco l i n uxc0 coVFDoFc0i ca r raBiaga.rhvi ce .ohnndietntn .i hio rlahi crPada agbl loc Aldi liIoyor anamdailoatn1 n bttd5dyulLh"grrgm,6nfo k reT ese Meoitt .apee nro"e5fh r thrn pnn a e*rMs0hetmLuae do",rnh2 e n aua2awdeo ma t 0 dA4docseCbnS t t 9 hpSfu-taouaiu o duu y0v i1omeo1m itmlnwsrctenmc0il2rori1neoadyrle ufel- n -- ,--e e d - adcpvoHApmaaTaSdotoadstnaafsh.inirlaomnfaarhm sidlao ya(MdrfnyTyblddgssti1d. syoe n.tu tpso( ir h.ae1 (fo.r3msuu.t3so oarrra o ic)oe .rcp,gd1eairnnu l ru osnrMlpNahpfls3dgayee.p an ale lcy)5. .ua sl eFAaiaempsyi Aah m1csa Mgo(9eaunslt cuo.13mhrpr aue9rmne hog bo01 novi.sond8rMtef.amyg0lo3)naia t d.roigt 1r ir nog 11c iic0asGsaeFono78a ua0r-hM6ryr,d6yco 5e mi h e a1*o rfk4catud e oir.rtfhw .ys l- msx odghein oe0m aptr i$ehee1 isdsos4 Hlm n.st02o isedna 7r U h bffhf d.omrl yidl 8oO5eorae cAiionmu ae.ot0frsrSu nwsmver tmis omsuiUts su ve.fnn Nsp hge Siaa.naeftfe.hrn uasato amara dotorNaihem ottr tsA oar unwroediuu F poimay1nladgnltiwrerre i l..,isy lh1-iniale -r9lass - l - -s 2l eTwaWsbmfTnsdi$m4dTRagtslloenieoe1oir0nh.uueaoughredoaoremcH ron3(n i ednnefhr anoca reca1na0 ao . seiot de,fhi L1uu4 io'6n n.5drl ' trtsu t u. Ti)oontsdgt7iiawo-an nsrezimr g1 W 0o ySksa$fmtfI t e 2r dt -..aagt o5rhte4Tantaoh esiuenc esnr rhrs Ieelysiu e"ume tldsotfr pt prs epe"kofs oA t e i Gta.amlammsnraoen uimo 1dnt r gdlf hdgda ooashrror sAv ftd io i esbundBidieniSit nut nfsa,esoahly1eui ua sinlsea-Ss0 r tam m nnftibatncp.h gesi sosaaeh Aae.ra dl,a tA notls .aclsu iH ma f ua rilrnyo $rfdaom sibtyrI niro agr 3onuon(mli"mr.od mfssu3mod iaia rt rant is p1 ofr f eeMABusy r 4hs o3r$ r "csi"uWestMrsoe-td)4frau Thmei do 1.Hlsv nopm s noHair yucor 47 aince.icenFgrh dicim8r aGldihabalnosdeloieede d3n,eini- i.lsgf, r .drrs--8 s --- . pie1hsdhaotNHspeiMtcSndd i-0otfacootmveaoga u iaV(y hC1u(utooltaeH 4 ns1.olnht1.to0er-prnnieat . h 8u,o(7id.PmsMdu polp td sc)5 rri)mwseudaoeur.srti.otaa 1m,o sr oyTtouor liiy lhAuu7,otsepnl.m crp rrohim )gss l aiyindStlacFa(lg rree hphae .53hl3oiraeaohen u ucs emro1A y7r ertgMsipemoto ar7ud3 aiv vas nltu.t . s)mn9rra-mt, beeehalvm ge 3dhgds a.tFe3nl t,h ,a5hoara ov shot 7 oS 4 oiym5a-wrcaetire3r l 5masoua9cgekFtta i-emo at .krhug a s.2bmra m eutonhheionr U3hn,k o troidsdoiiati wdi4neh.d tgwmonasrFw 8he fas hO aeyfounttMn1o. aeayo h.t o4nl tsnrdylii.I oer seJ otmoig ltna f 1 Oasyc orcoSnhypaf0 a h ta fw osthfate6g gtf lusi aor paitli a augua paon2cum armlplnmtil afdni. 0rknndtdhsdsm-asn o8 d ,d n-e l . * LmlsDLSbAeIWSFKeosrmihinoteguGnvniTvHaesAA.xdnen peo uoy tohl tntge i dcliHsonJnfs neCorceooana iutei yit nayfnhfmHabenUl hnin. e S ml rr a taieCoeus andiihnnstnfdsp gn id hanceRwC bnteldhCYe-teduiioyeeor-eoar r Wa pvytJ D dunw uicLdotUna.oesdnhhno -a rdiitHh Henicbietlionaunna lrateie ib nldu ygegWvggnJ y.s grDhtH l ehiart sChaih iCa tlrcat.iuK ee s l dhSI gMka anurip nehuuc e.tsnbcglys h at no daR,CRaru.nStnog naen i PeraacHao Jd,noa nmhdlgloooe ufeyna otieffy -sdoah me c- oicn Feeta leeidoE .an uil or-t-fh . JdnnWWBpBBiipCoLFsanioleleaJa ioahuT aueaHaAM,llueoruyugr lmnlnhhdtdepl eeerohMcoenoi vrhvpd culaoeto n pei i lbhJfefat fOdbllro iOti.rrl B drlaohyo m CeSye,iwcinwee edn heAacaHaL res n edsWleg saen ln&Sile1-e ae nget rbgtm9ayt iano ia9 mrhWne c- na o6dM ToSbaM a gf,aO Hfe o cpe ie wEn gBiiBawhncw iimddirlgntoeheogaeasawnhkngd le aoilllTdlasnledi n ale eeuSon-hb hyeyti lgvvfaanceuie'o sir ioopntgherDPyllmae ff..dllro C ee rde oi itL.aoso ron h uali .s aflsali dgte a yvn nh uait -eordeionc n-m ldt ois- cf ogOMMAUehsbtnUnfvfpPKaimo oia'olneoelAagDaMnTrnnlAocsrnsmpiierreia lpvhhossyinivHln lelmgndieiae oiemereete aatct,iPercidnn yrlyerar gdsbknaioesgte a snael n hobrigmdriP rf ir,dntfititO ymertk u yordace sByCiooSe ob afkCn' rore Afm MoemHyee k atrn - iibhebfaitrnnamnst i t h ePuin oonaCotdMgtf oocaeearesdar-oanfnhfare aorbircirrh iryln rganRisn d,tmLceAckSi co-i o ts dehomb iieIo oacnrM,u iFcvsnaie uD-nnfaa hgmsgan1hoDcul n i o 1Le rnae a.caeSndcgaaM1etaole nPa irieihpdcah.isglvdva.n gin gsiaiateHmtt r eoig caeelaSeruhe seaSavecnrehreinl lred hd net a. oenS, iaidi yeedod uaUsn gar ireaL vf i. pdsa ta ninvn e eahsuhttonb - omi ernaiec -rusan- c ya- o-sao tif e-- cpColhnaAunt rrNnoceolhdl.v e iern.m Sbte.r Cwyerdild oinfg J eisr usalem painting aijd a reconstructed and 11 am to 5 p m. Saturday seum is separate and is $12.50 for (12) Also in Ann Arbor is the $1 per person weekdays snd $3 more animals are the highlights of Wslled Lake snnounce the en- ship's bridge as wall as the special and Sunday A donation is re- adults. $11.50 for senior citizens Ann Arbor Handa-On Museum. per person on weekends and holi- fairs, and there are two you can gagement of their dsughter, Jen- Janice and David Vaughters of H v edNgW$1aThc6eauJecdxau287intumonllihancuuhls ed H1 drllelvEyfyepn iidd8di ao d1oeycnbtlli mee)nno5lar3na a hgu.i TKee"dty dayr1gyui ra snsP *lh"as3a*i asstdddJtr eM.n)hri. e a ubu lroacoca >F rSyur»eylyl lulioonheooyCmdn7utc. dlluios rt hlmt"wb hh. kg e1u1€uai4f iori hDc.i$mogr0emtnna4lot 1ainr aaddea0di auoeloknAot t t ur rendcgausrfrn eru mle hmsonohr ao gnre aeai ronouuai1 tsn 'c Sspdsi ,f^me2s Pitnts*1 d uotio adrfi1 hv unrM yooo o soip o ddnehfrrlct nul leuo iucmaaiai5 aes rywnbersinnh sneastmnitedni o*u stte pl tcuBiiilfu aiet. rhoo nmr1fm aseji uneanginbnio2n-el cnsne. e, r*- . - qcracthdma-MaoSbGeehaduJteannicalreaio(reulomn dlN,lrol8tTne sul dnu d( 5)myaoaw"ott3ur srdsr0telwTT n1nee dss im ad2oSsthno3shc seayh0 snneeth)ed iyfy.hFdr eno aai 8aWoa soniJandyr rDnntc3wTro ntckeetiei3s dlhrdsleadie f idOuona nidn td Tcmanagd ' rnp ecmmSf 9monedeieRoo u0cdissiin nrro,ats0andpie eeul T" adr t tDsxiCSmiSynh ha hontRihteceeeoyunnuac iatai,axmdfr ib r eitros nopsonewp ihncppfdtdrltinhrehsceumaita o, teatsFect 8ysh j Fatefe owe4eoo rtrrCpc riir hf aeattoOdt lfe eonhhfrsia eanateonotrnndyeehrry ,e n - - erse e (dnas orry $enAunantm1oednsn u2eitsr C dr0eoe5a ustneteR t<)rfsmn rh-no tnddaova.* o,1s.Fnas id rrina 2D awce c s*fsoe d atadaikseao arehr nn n1.1i ldayirr iild doa 0Bly5ltue n tvyne(Alu e al,od 3af o g artfnmritne1ttllasoir* lnmadaon.3etr rrephho egge)n drtd $eo t ecorua ty eiA1hfr2.oFk rae7 rowteaosfar$ t eb 1rcsoe1ls g 46ina oc-oer8tae: .1nho1r3*mn2 0r ,s9dne G2 0f, 50slacfol7tse o o o hnh atpre86po frrr evrNodorrvh.efo a omvae rdf.g raep- ile.aec r t rren mi cD tortnasadhbccnfhsoh.rnd.niaihaao esyrilx dliei lr ily t a --,l- o ) 2nimcpbgThtSszioMino1nonoeiateifuuoot 9us ontfvnH5uv(Yenerlto old1scaeEoroioasdo rp r3neeapt gay.rdgeatmue)snpcty.y ynh ua,ad ylsa .ms gi wsxahp tuhnv ,eA aih toni hiee Sr$ohc arstfitdo2 y4ehat hintrsb mn5mps ootc,i Yi 0i ou hWl1rtfiutic oisdiSeoefa0rlys gaclifidrnrcistonshltnel.e lhic aai glafktnrn ao ceyoinr(hs LymrnodeyFs3w oe,aa ,oevu1r.ahlt ncicoa a 3ml o dsidbaRattet)nsg u otsaAiiaotind asy u.vreny9sttet t,inc de h.ea$e9tr,5i Fr,1cenr n2e5: aa o r3-1yiiAi. pm- frr5tndr5o0F0 tKatewi0ri,a o rrm slai Iatp patsapiarpcDi in t.onf.ito c rcchildmaenmo dStreaers iin i-er-nt y, .-.- - - d5Tm2gemtInrpamfso2oanx0oauann.o o,cmyT6inr(cclTodd rrks 1nhs0noil sure hssSt.*5nuco.Tet r iiegwi) c huodapno auRn nekdFoigcdeneanetfeloadne used cdo tsh itast n*etsnrdrriii od h,nt tooemtstoah,e ousent$tnyn r eaor htt3ClJ'he h rs t ures5 .aMiieyue8rsn n oc ta ton5nwd pahk an dss nodt5ro.r ke.pstiemfp0eof rse sooa srMrecoput. .cren ,rnt asnlge Uon,o - Salps5 h a5 ivl t 1yS2diuaa,Toh2ues 0 s1cr-urnfe( tir1Stre 1 5s psd lstiaea2 1to1, af tacreM sa ma7otteyti . urntrc)Mtm n . io iEiadwrot$ A4svdo-mt2r heh.ouF5M3teoai d.nih eg70t1yoln-- e.-nse5.i-5r - tfCvtsFsfastoeMigtEyaaithnnlthinlgroa k liaidadiddacor(iurlgsiuetna1coer lr ru shN ecnod em9 tshuiRnJpsto nnt-st) toig u8y ediei oMuht sgYrhan dlne sae tnriyFtaht ,iitairadothSot nalsaetWctrue i ep eat ayiG rsMitStu2r pnt ilthhoe Rgson5a rf ttgsi xsso.eyarat i-rcmo,i euiho n3ddissthnt4arxeem.0uewmou .idg od h nng anm, e meoafeFeiWt nda. rfmar bnDmnmdasead t titaarui et hoe1t.Dor rsy tsehtr w.leS-,frA heniee9Gf o tt ieseYm v 4vc liaoi cteelot.oitehtnootear s.en CnmeaWiuusn GnAuido D ttanlmBn declaaiFn rtuoartetpleyru a,oaigiuanfryldnn o niilbdt ita ne'reedan2 hseyiyt-easd- t 5le nWSPucRCBiBiJsaioahaoef i aoTueetHtpAesprealrum rrhhllpinioe t safoeoc.L 1r pcrrn oAf 1 piiteylebfa nn1rio Fpiumkdnnr Ba. eWoyaiFg gn ndotdprIerscua ,htn.ramedilee resngonlt-r tmo loi ebyt ei Rn os iaywoobeiTnsg-nnednfy ebaB ht dg H FDodea oof-t1aBnsadfi ooem9miFgr u i nsrtTa7Hnhmrdra a9 og anhr.Hsil fi S gi r on 1 ogtFaiJhhec.9glmtr oaehel8 atssmtssSloao4.dhate scon etenu Cph lg n a ca.hHoornee t aHoeu drid ll re.lo-t s f LmiFJLSrddFadueZoeiuseh ioecervLcTav nleHantnAnaonotasoo chntotn ienr sen uaeiJFkiradondinaf ui d alMs fu,abfielUi le cienlt LymrcatoaFerthsanhi lnio mnHdderpet wvienrnacirvierl ioiieockseeoonrg-el onpooandk t yukh rdbolanifr,sd/enlayae lz L-ii dPiSCt.scotnbsu on oay eLclfneeegag ym. hH nD nsii hG t miavoiHtyt haiitosaaee oongeeose utorla hn-par mu i. g, gr e ivtilag tgas linarSeeThnaroea ngdc. dPsaeni fdanihamndor cugRenPMooaruaepdadovr o al-IMatl o^l ienbtoi-.-de n eya o rreo tfd f 0*SCt h. uM*rcahtt -ihne wLi vUonniitae.d Methodist omEobuSMvfLfolae c eLKiEiTtrHthAznhceesideohtahve i fson eotbroioFvoyuf gl nefnfbe r maa oetiLmiiirtahnanflthi-imhen, e ddv Me UrBa crteoeai ole nirn-ryinnas tcn iJddriniwo vahsao.oda-u Te ei ftMuabu Cg tr.dWLnetegsa mhidtFcinihc neeuiivteedhs.yntnn roi e geitcwdld anrnhielhy .ine igeir1n ais,S e l9g .BYK E le thp8 nhapatHil9aleghiraslsnl ikea gtin egsnelgm rynhoaUorea, nenna n-dn dn t -ii. - . accompanied by en adult. There Mary Jackaon of Novi an- Hospice offers Camp Phoenix for kids also is s two-generation fsmily (20) And just as summer fsdes nounces the engagement of her Churchman rate of $11. For informstion. call into foil, the 16th annual Michi- daughter, Maureen Anne, to Rob Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Levi HI (517) 787 4425 gan Renaissance Festival will ert Thomas Frost, the aon of Ralph of Clinton Township announce (16) In Lansing, fsmilies can open on weekends at the festival and Sharlene Frost of Detroit. Dave and Diane Zadorozny of the engagement of their daughter, wcwhieCilell dokarmegenanmdin aubg neoeirf*tefyea r6Hv- eoC1m5sape meincrptbeo Pc hhaSomaeevrpnevii xcs f,euosf r a aisbsede necumokltt ,fa r isgotrm iimfe va ttyihhnee gs leco eahsmtisl. da aTl slho. ai sfcoo r tbmh oietpu lc nimhccaiaelytdde titcoanagk nie toss ien noe r Cti hgtaheipnii naStlogt liaa pt Aelpivke Ceeenra auptnhei.ectoe Rl. E evBnsigtusoliiitrlsoedhrd- s gtwf(werriesoetihtueni nvn1 o ad6Prlst oh rsonuhn tnciisenn nDee )t1iux0 awriyne eda em. kHm Fee.irlngri hdntiosmt. ew A7 nFsuty gi,p lb. l.teme h1 d e2 LiWai Tevemoihnnepgi laboa rRyriudee denS- tuatlaopey- pabl eyHse iiigcsnhr aeF tSgaacrrrhymaod ibounylag. tt eSo nho ef RmEWEdedeed wnasfttnio nodlra fdC n K tadhhan.ue tnrhircol ehduemannucaeg nCh t hJtherue.rr, ,ec tAnhhgmmea aygsn.eo -n too f o f SBBlehrreuuanmmn Piwwtaaree.kl ltll o .oo tffMh LBeai rslvicoogonnhl mitoaof.n JM aamandlecs oK lmat h- fered a significant loss of s loved the matter, frequently the loaa glass floor tiles, copper and iron through Sept. 30. For more infor Hills. The bride-to-be and her fiance which affects the child has also chandeliers by Tiflsny and Co. Her fiance is a graduate of St. The bride-to-be is employed by- mation. call (800) 601-4848. are graduates of the University of The camp takes place Aug 25 had a profound impact on the and an impressive dome of hand- Agatha High School and School- Michigan-Dearborn with degrees in Ford Motor Co. Her fiance also is Aug 27 at the YMCA's Camp adult in the child's life The adult craft College with an associate'a computer science. They are both employed by Ford Motor Co. Ohiyeaa in the northwest Oakland may be overwhelmed in their own degree in criminal justice. He ia employed by the Ford Motor Co. Ctphioecue W nCtoyamr aC'snHk CsSo m itsom isatbt lgeeera ftnootr foHrfoofceenr cfeeer•tlM iWndgh,s ec orhefi ggldrnireeeffn. aanred oloftaesn atrhee cfoonr- MOTOR CAPRLRYIEMRO FUUTHEL C ITTAYX C LOIDCEE NSES AND eSmoAupt lJhoufylieyedl w d ad ipnogli ic6e polfafnicneerd i nin St. pClhaAunnrn cAehdp i rinnil D S1e9t.a9 r6Lb iownruensd H dCienaigtgh hiost lsi.c ptyl aACn hnSueerdpc thien.m AFbiuvebre u wPrneodi Hndtiisnllg sC. ios mmuni- Camp Phoenix at no charge to gotten one*,' " Strand said. "The TRIP PERMITS ORDINANCE Agatha'a Catholic Church. Redford. importance of assisting children ORDINANCE NO. t$-4 i "On their own. children and ad- to identify, acknowledge and n ulaansaf lack the resources, cog presa their grief cannot be under- _ ordinance to amend Um Code of UM City at PTymostt by adding s see mtrve ability and life experiences stated. If we validate and ac- Chapter wkick sew Chapter *all be designated as Cksptsr 1M ot TttJe X. to deal effectively with a signifi knowledge the importance of chil Traffic, oi said Code; to prescribe a privilege taz (or tfee me of pebbc reeds sad cdairnetc ltoosre o,"f ssaoicdia Yl v osenrnveic eSstra fnodr , dserecnu r•e fweealyinsg isn, gwihveic hth teom d seaafle w ainthd hmsaigodbt opwre snfrea*el tloi efw sth ilteott raC v itttoyoU beU yC cmiety o ,totooir tpckraiosmv oiedrdreai nl obaryn c tiremi pp opseinrmg istpse acaifdic t toa xp rsopvaind eth leo r« falsa aas t x W- - CwHhoS c "aWreit ahnodut u nhdeleprs ftaronmd, a cdhuillt-s tthheemir sgerlievfe,s, awse wgievlel c ahsild erxepnr etshse THE CTTY OT PLYMOUTH ORDAIVS S DiscoSunentio rD •ays m4 ^ dren can Snd often do tail to gift of empowerment. Chapter 1M of Title X. Traffic, entitled Motor Carrier Fmi Tax Uceneea sod Monday ft ^ Trip Permits Ordinance ia hereby adopted y thrive from their loseea; converse Wednesday ly. with help these same children Children need to have a safe, can learn and grow from their ex trusting environment for the ex- | wramnvUM raw* UKWd pression of feelings that are some maftem. _• s track hsvtag mora tksa t axles, U the road tractor, sr track tractor, H R I 'Children will integrate into times overlooked or discounted in Young campers: Youngsters like Tony Rushlow and Greg or track a propelled by motor faaL FOUR DAY SALE their Iteea what they see and eX their daily lives. Camp Phoenix Moore added their artistic talents to a banner they paint fb) "Commercial motor reticle" sksll sot nrtede a read tractor, or a parience. As aduha. we may as- was d — to provide such an track er a track tractor owned by a farmer aad mad la i sume that children don't grieve." environment. ed during the inaugural Camp Phoenix last August. ths fanner's (srming operation aad aot esed lor Mrs Mid Kelly Rhoades director of (c). am a person who aparalm er caaam toi _s_ r- bereavement and spiritual care The weekend camp experience sd a commercial motor raMde oa a pahttc road er hlghwsy la tha for CHS. "But any child wbo ia is designed to facilitate a healthy Plymouth PLYMOUTH CITY CODE old enough to love ia old enough grieving pcocaaa in an accepting (d) "Motor feet" mesne _ I by Act Ho 1M of toe TAKE AN ADDITIONAL 20% OFF topwe*." environment for children wbo COMMERCIAL MOTOR VEHICLE Pahttc Acts of 1R7. aa sacOom MCi. Ml.191 to It aw be difficult to recognise have lost a loved ooe through INTAOCXCICIADTEINNTGS L-DIQRUIOVRINSG O URNDDINEARN CE M7.1M. HESLQP'S EVERYDAY Low PRICES a child ia pieeing. To an i a aatoral paraoa. partaarsktp. firm, ORDINANCE NO. t$-2 dtcsto, or coreoranoa. aad any raoa aarvstor. or officar, other thas a astt of .. . ON SELECT DINNEKWARE, FLATWARE, the Cede oi tke City o< !%••** aad coatrol of prepsrty by vlrtaa of ls« er by PLYMOUTH CTTY CODE iptor shsll ho Smtpsstod aa Chapter 1» al TWs X. If) Tebhc rood or highway" means a road, street, or place BseSaetoed STEMWARE, AND GIFTWARE. COMMERCIAL MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic, of sasd Cod* la pnaasto aalaty apoa psM* highways by ragatoUag by the Qty ef Plymouth sad gaaaraDy opes Is ma by the pahttc as a OUT-OF-SERVTCE veksde driver*, by ptari^ag ftmMm matter of rtgM far the purpose of vshiralar travel, aatwlthataailag that by pimldiag lor wsrrstlem arrests; sad to provide ORDERS ORDIN ANCE ORDINANCE NO. W-J sad Ram lor vttattaa tf das erdtaeace Heslop's brings you the Come on Over to THE CTTY OT PLYMOUTH 0HDAD« largest selection of in-stock 1X3 of Title X, Traffic, eatKtod Commercial Motor Vehicle-Cttviag merchandise in Michigan: V2 la hanky adopted Pepperidge Farm rfly lar the traaaportattoa of property Choose from famous names like Atlantis. Block. Dansk. SS4* er asore bat ast saore thaa MT* by elm aad aat taeatiSLlsTtoatry a laad Thrift Store the veMde aad loed betog draw* Fltz&Fkjyd, Lenox, No peraoe shall act m a carrier M ths City of i a a holder of w sarevoked Motor Csrrlor Faasall Tsx Mlkasa, Noritake, Oneida. 1 by the fUvoase DHiatos of tha Depertmam of Tramery lor the > of by Act 1H of the Pebhc Acta of IMS, bstog MC L Reed & Barton , Royal w 1 mail at sag. Doulton. Royal Worcester ...Jaa 1 nsooaaoat of Lteeam. Tha Motor Carrier Fael Tax As part of ths U affined to the rf I lis! rtdo of the cah of ovary i l I aaator vahtde Sasaki, Spode. Towie. and I 4 DAYS ONLY _r,igittsim whUo • to bokag operated la the CMy of nyaaoath by a VlUeroy & Boch* FRI • SAT • SUN • MON b&eCtty of njaiistt alto net a Malar Carrtar Fasi Tax'LI i ma i June 23 • 24 • 25 • 26, 1995 •Sate doaa not Inch** pra*ou*y ; te«C r H pan" m M in. n aiiwissnTSTltCL. atfiSSS martwKtowni The coart she! aet order the secretary of «eto to lams s Special Hours for Sale: Fri. 9-7. Sat. 9 6:30. Sun. 1 14, Mon. 9-7 HALF OFF* fSa JmmmTZ!?* MSM. ^bmhhTptS— 5 e h r i . a m n T ^ a ^ ^ r[^ g| ) ( l M n( THURSI 22 - SUNDAY, [UNI 25 ALL PKPPERIDGE FARM COOKIES. vehtoM as ths puhhc reeds or hl»asjs of too Chy af Ptymoatk ascapt to C RACKERS. GOLDFISH. LAYER CAKES. B T ii mOmmm. MX.L wsstm. 2cZ ni u - * *"??ii?itTr reaaea It fram the pahhe rae< ar Wgmer lar parpama of parMag ar Martag Ike INTRODUCE THE TO HtSLOP'S Mil rURNOVERS. AND BREAD ITEMS. tof ili.aalflahoeameralrlpparmnia I)n mil toMXi> WTJll at or CHOICE U S T s i ^ t C ? ^ r S rS " or (». fommdETli* t • (8101 717-8080 t «a est s W 4m1> • » • Mar HCL W JMh. ah* eparaOaa a T_fc_e _H_ei gjhts bSoUraf tHtMeigh Htse •ig (h1t1s) 1• (287140-18 220407 -8111 (Orchard Lake and I * Mile) ^ r y. ] ilheUdeyef Jea1 e«l«SMMa ls Ku*« ct-mnr~ o fp iM~ .. •"'» "3:Uf C(Onr lEaiasaenahiao.w Aern• aMP kA.w Kryba o.l rawa •eia a3ts 1oo1fo 1f t•7n 6(a64r1w-61o)0o 01d22 M7-a7ll9)1 1 L2I9V1O15N IBAi ght MUc Rd. t PEPPEHHG? FARMJ31. 1990 SBoIuRtMhfIiNelGdH RAdM. •wtlaaf IMoaDaaa. TMs — l n^i a..—rills • (8101 293-M61 ia0. Loaatag • (117) 121-6261 (810) 642-4242 (810) 477-2046 T H R 1 F T S T O RE •rem lie thrd day of iaaa. ItM ip HA udMMr • (810117V0821 Mai. Okaaaoa • (517) 149-4008 DOUGLAS A. j Meal • 1810114^-80W Mall. Graad RapMa • (6161917-2141 Hears: M-P SoL a-5:30, 11-4 TWf'i 1MJ i tm yUWT The Obaerveri ThiMDAY. JuN* 22, 1995 •17 A ISA* The ObservtrfTHVHSDAi, JUNE 22,1995 Writer gets to the important aspects Your Invitation to ANNIVERSARIES Fawkes Dear Lorene. purtant aspects D?( K i in ruid'Alt!, hardMxitj Worship My frlaad. Our writer's intelligence ia Pun. had her above average. Her ideas are often A family dinner was h«id st handwriting innovative and original She alao <3Ur £ Ke*uurul in Uankn analysed by you has a well developed sense for Cil v u> orWbnU Dale an«l Linda Iftat year. 1 structure and proportion. FwkH 25th ••aiding anniver thought It This is a woman who can viau •ary would be Inter alite the large picture Details are Mail Copy To OBSERVER & ECCENTRIC NEWSPAPERS Hmr> Foci High School »wr*< eating to find alao important and I can almost 36251 Schoolcraft, Livonia 48150 haert*. the couple baa two wn> — out what you •ee her checking to be certain they Ctk&jfr I rtULSl" I P&"? K>aa. a at the University think about are handled correctly. A retentive FOR CHURCH PAGE COPY CHANGES OR INFORMATION ON ACVERTISING IN THIS DIRECTORY ostf rM%vidnk»iufoa aH,i gDha rSinc,hool s atu Ldievnotn ia andinmei.t 11 mpruinstt mLietmtleo reys cisap mesu chher i nw aetvcihdfeunlc eey, etao.o . Hme, & 1 '"s PLEASE CALL: LINDA RIG DON AT 953-2181 bTAeisBle«enoo Dctthciia slettiirrwo*iQb emu tmot orptrh lmseo ya ILnoeacdvv aaovtnteu deBare* hHa anoveeerk e> this is "cursive"mt iemonoaet,u gsoohf tIo th haoenp ae rhtraoaiTmsitehaedi sh MI anwavnoey ma baen ofefenm w hsaeahlraeap pe edpdrroso mobbynianab ltalihytteyi sd pitshr eeg hopeiennrgss iotvone s ha aibnpovpuoetlnv s eiondm tSehotehm ifneug tau ntrxehia eot- r oyloefof tfuniecnari gtshu gms oemaoenumd.c f htoMoo aadspt taeapnrneiddaa ll toihs uefmot .rb ,e aathtuhit-ay LUTHERAN CHURCH MISSOURI SYNOD EVANGELICAL ly** . . background But she ia a very in- ty is suggested here. Her signature ia large and the BAPTIST # 1 am 39 years old I write with dependent woman with a need to Criticism has an adverse effect surname is almost illegible. Is SAn ^a-elpepb ration with the mSdofrna eCa nfpao -pnra t ao oLes a tatr hn5ryrd9e ae ywn emdiafra ewsr ,rM iitfeheade rL y ci Jnhadilna-e mhf<o.a-yron wlrduia mgtrohdnt Ttp ohhl aasayenned kis,np gy obo rmuutst y ulIe'smtete r ml oiyno k ylieonfugtr eamsxg pOa ru uerpers, bsw ethrhlei itrser mi nhaady*iv haida nvueeael dilta yfb.oer lG esdtrao hwtue rs umafo phuloleco nwhw h ao ehnfret rie tP do ei wtnrohn ah bspeetrsa ir n,e dsahrelepye hlniedfaeern dwt htaoenond teahrnsidWs? kaSint hhwoe wsi soashp mbtpooeu wacbrhe st o get oongii endgtge mim tfa,o attrionc hod t.e o sr.p o astchhee IBFNEADLPELTPOIESWNTS DBHEIBINPLT E BET29H542E75L5- 3 WB6 6AS4iP xoTr M I2Si6leT1,- L9Ti2vE7oM6n iPa LE CHR1IC4S1hT7u5r Oc FhUa •R r5m2i2 Sn-6gA6to3Vn0I SORcRdh.o (o JLl/uDUaatTy NH. Eo CfR 1a-rA9eN6 •) 5 • 1 CL3iH-v6o4Un13Ria CH PCrheusrbcyh terian ctPl6aCtMeS oC 0tnWvhaeo?at TtRre bh*-.yflu H Cea EeiM a4m»2rmaesCmr5i Piiytci-d,cihl- t yre D1xhe Jsn•9. iu hfp tI3KofseaiN5care l rodmmp.a iu6r t«ntt-e—s n*asDnrc i B IiA hrSe vJNtoeatyunaetbrnrcrV oaaesosgk npie••tatIei rp rCmTV dvLiay teoi nioaAnvrv a df tnouHaorh Tw .fBo:nLeo oVK u*JIicida OvrAk a oo Crnoo N ax r*vS-«.i p:> ohafetw ?•irf lul v oaiuMLsH5enoidbii at e%gv eheanD r or iangWes invhdoea iea ostxl aOfT e m g,e2 Wl oair3ge fgnmaoT af hdyneir h n tedd •o eC a gce/fNirahn rrC aariir onlnepoh dClgtdlmoir e rncPbeasemhxnebn,efi c deilF eordo Vsctnfrhe ealiDel n nTiie r h aa ennydd tHptdaltafaihhioti inmtoseetfOirtWdseif wsi eeth lei p gifuaocleh atnid.eufdvei nmtsta imleenhetdsttsr ii ycaarfiw.fnn ose oernIIgsamrtrseu du etiwstl ritw rsriiunenaiinontn gsxrggdaSgugigphteietlhente dim s eoinnct in dhpn dgt elho ioegtn epkn ishawddtlmeh naa ot n ees ecd hcitnpaseoir w ie ctettmessao irhr ser Bcaaai e i p, outftynrtelsh aiidip se gnno ecsshb hoAheigtua. eaenhiutm.l.m v oaFt tesoAioyten ra. f . apatDmhmodstenhnuoveaereaddinisrCeHmcyrsnf risivuset aecgitsotehdirnrecorsigmf red oeoah mtaeode k ntep nnabroiaenaisoeodnytnr v r luonrdangf yyiscabros v ,e claot- s lelps va itn mS sEehanrodi t shdetecmnraie aeslbseot ale dsoce tljis csuseertutm u. oyieratr isohrroes m.eaftAei nel ytgT eli t r ayhgbnoueah l leeeelrpau ii lsblr amswt.ttsoa eteiwd lwpode oieeusanipt dgsw ri eah oahd t apshiduenhtldhl oyeegdses-e n shatwh«csiaiinlah iomnxhhspgIneTlTdoteendl*ih do nem lnh d tg vwis r gseutbotiaee eo vrs iiyo pgiiniihnten tttnalpi.segsh ie orhenu a d tnha afgfr ihsioibrer ss.nnuiai brruesTgetr oye hlaenahora esi ndsi•dynl r shssi sao a cntpeeie lmieh nage.rnlcaonfnn gb a o.tadOjua niefn pvt nttclefd o eai toiapf ,nnl roeceswhe twceno e hkconhtrp h neaaht sal epnshsfoeeesnoir.ewro i a trontatInsolsootf - dslhnG3pjPuaieuokae6ennlrcIreewren2edlfest s idati d5e ysnnhovf snwp1oooueeenent,a udl rw Sflsuap i etscoptishseeei n hriaeeecnwrldggdompe,g b n iou oraewtn aaoulatl rstaicfrc tloin,fpuudidrr kiatewelear elbrilAdefrc tye ats ietg.z wsaghtiti e eikvaorr eLnead.seeeae lhgi L c pvt hiehhsn o oeohemoy aerwmlnroo.f fln e t -pioluewthdaaonuhf.arieulghe esd d4lii st n8fOCetie1,r,b ss5as t0t i2eMtLj2 5f2t9>6 GRrpan dC R6SMEWH:i0vuvoee0enrdUrdnn p•a1FiiAnnA.ay1Rmvggf eT S 0C.WWnC tc0f"uhhyT ooaeoHurhr ssH omr«ahh-loc tii.P puph 7" rr . 7eJ TM. su.WhU.ena ena«i itRr a n2sot ii5Cnoatgndho* no F»cr eothmme.. 1e1 JR6 071OoAe:::000 h v3M 000ne0 X A"lA aXP PMJtM.iIMoM P n "e ople' C1 fBxSiMfhTc tO.oNi nMS4l.vdoM atlASnFytcsT aoh E WrToCfvolHetBblsn rEsscsiMnsalW egI.Wps S SvSLsesS nsUr4Ivao siT1iNcnf1HeR dA S .7e*-EM0.uv230RS.nK0 P.AL udSAP£ruJnaeM» . a a hSrryo ic AnoWhl.g o.Wo IofrQhsleG nrh&etROhi p 2,BAsL S Pr8SigoCba:aMM3vslreEt0t eoaQ I * CSWnr L4MS1o .SlU uSaoND1tOn rsT 1aCOsdfUs:hHy 0a (iht C9Ry«pE01r : 1vaR S4SIiA:rn 0sc5eAsS Mh0tSr YAv"AoNI .i NoBM cJ CleICO E.. CHDMU 0R*LCYH ctNwt1iaooF0esgnrn1hwoyet0 met st 1Womoon " U fdSW np omLtM rDsnrhA aIr lsicra BFhnptwykmhW nd aSeemE e Are GoM eur r»Ltvvsb io Simeioc1chrSIr,-aee N: 1rWtRd e raard5l omatenLE« nmvdI9, taDRP sa" na 3l,oDy1t 0 q 1mtnm ruwa <oReesiusts0h dht--M h S oLue i 8§E: v0aW0Jna,Sio nn9urdfn:s S11hd •e5a2i pryv,: 10iScS5e0ecr : hU7Pv4o:i5..0c-Mo0Oe l. A s PO ..MMA.M. . t S Cancc tew* Ptati • Muranwft • CV^ved '•*>**•• • / ^ ff Sundsy WorshiRp Se dMfo Ard ,M M Cichhuirgchan • 533-230 0S chool 10:4* All. a^yD 9:H15u frst 1s1r:y0 0 PAiJwA.K tsd SUNOAV SCH001 (NURSBff PWWDB)) WUFl-AM 1030 E Pw. o«s Vtowrtt • tWH • 8c «fs • w r Xl/f^ [ astn S «6 ? M Mer VMM F II—inW **a» £ 1 8wcvj bC >kx•«tt '• * U .*rN- t' -•rt • * xdf* 9c *Afr>va Me - Handmade LOOSE LOWER DENTURES? A YoJuutnhe! 25th Risen Christ Lutheran CHURCHES Of UNITED CHURCH LIVONIA PARTI A LS? 40250 Am Aitxx Roed THE NAZARENE OF CHRIST : I \hit ia (>o/(ecti/>/ex, ////<*. lnvtt«s You to pI—tamwi Xo—otuurrw Qn wSwwyuwM S ooc P(ty1 mUoHuWlhM • M45S3h-M52c5n2i Oeeee* fl« Ihkwc Dorma a—or Worship Service 8:30 A 11:00 A.M H0SANNA-TAB0R E 30175 Ford Rd 421 -5754 PERHAPS I M P L A N TS ARE THE ANSWER! Family SKunMd aMy sShrclh PoBoSlIC 9K:4 5 A.M. LUMT0H0 ELRe«AemN *C •H SUoR RC«)Hk> &rd S• C93H7O-2O42L4 POLaFeYi T M* HtOaEU N*TaHAMZ CA H•R UERMCEH MTTYMTT3STU HUvsWonrqTtrCs R«D1m SC9 NIa>Ut «aNMiC4 MNC MO fc aC«No WJT MODEL IN A LIVONIA VILLAGE DENTAL ASSOCIATES EPISCOPAL Hutf. McMsrSn. Lsy Mnf« Rev Oem Koppsi. Rev Lswrsncs W«o IN BBLES uSn7Uda0yT E4 vSaInOeBiQSr t-P 6»4 050 4p Mm IT1 AC AH SUMMER SCHEDULE W A N T E D: S M A RT B U Y E R S! BFAASCHKI-OTNO -SSHCOHWO OL F8EMU1AM0RQ-LU7BE8C.L 8E&SA- KH6NO8MM1MC3 ES HER(B8E1R0T) G4 7A8R-D3N1E1R0 , DDS ST, Will's LUTHHAN CHUCH 4 SCH001 SAudnudWlta ByO iRMbSloeH rCInPiln aWge eI1T 90H.:-00 O00 SAA - MM. NEWFA "NM OmILNaYOs ONNIGSH *To e--T oTWusueLss dOf l73h00e0aA «PMsMs ^ i«s 9:30H aujrfamt. nWC Choaurnsr hcinhia pSilw chi ool Brochures * Info at ST. ANDREWS Faith Covenant Church Chnesan School Pr*-Scho«-«n G^ds SAVE US ON A CARRIER ciiomrrs uvoau EPISCOPAL CHURCH Making PsKti sWsyotUte HMkMidL Mr* r*l Sadai 937-2233 Classes beyin 1S3S0 HuMMrd Rosd Sunday School tor Al lAgsa 9^0 A.M. WO«SHIP SERVICES 90% FURNACE AND at Crowley • •MpanSSIM Sunday Worship 10:46 am Siiurdh Ivrfun* fc A PRESBYTERIAN (U.SA) Livonia JuTy I5tn 421-a451 Wednesday Night ActtvWaa hind* Mamm| H5** HIGH EFFICIENCY Dinner 6K» p.m. 8*kOa»4S>ml* Wvwl >0«5 rm»m aipfc t. Ueptr « 474afc7^ AIR CONDITIONING Morv-ffl 9 JO AM Hoir Euchsnsl Youth 7:00 pjn. Rosedale Gardens A Caring Practice For Women •\Ve haw been making beautiful WrUtnnMtOdaayy 580000 PPMM HDolmly sEf u>c hOarSwS M A35d41uSltW B Mibl eM Sl*t uhdoay0 17:«0 O0 Mp. mRo. atfl LUTHERAN CHURCH Presbyterian Church (USA) custom draperies for over 40 years " teMOKlSl WISCONSIN SYNOD 9801 Hufeart al W Q»a« Lgn*- Scrtdsy 7 45 4 10A.M Holy Euchsrei 610461-9191 Gmpiorii iasalH Now Accepting New Patients m The Fttt • Thousands of Fabrics 1000 AM ChrisSsnEducsBonlorslaoss Pm, Oonx EngsMMor • 0ei*4 Nowsn EVANCttlCALLUTHBAN ' ***" (313M22-0494 Obstetrics and Gynecology Practices of: TRAluvnTNtfeiitn ol IW • Horizontal Blinds Soxlsy Momng • N^ssry Can AvsMPis CHURCH IN AMERICA wSoursnhdiapy S Secrvhiocoel ft s2 9 89 • Vertical Blinds Lola Park 9:30 a-m FREt m V-nrfoew DfC OIRNA-HTOOMR Sf f RVHIE •• SDhuaedtetesH s ighest Quality Evcmtvr*yM knM*e s»ftws* JDssou*s uCnhan msim mr yL toonn)p js Ev. Luther1a4n75 C0 hKuinrlocchh FtfE Custom KUdr DrApertc* PMZIt | '-TSi ALL SAINTS CHURCH j Timothy Lutheran Church Redford Twp MEASUREMENTS jt the Most Competitive SS20 Wayne Rd. 532-8655 SC8DA*M®O<GW3M5 tPEEOAT«PflSC ESTFIMREATEE S taOHr ISWU« nllbOcr snd DHamroaeenct 1k <n*oD» psrttctp Hs-tcin,g » ji tVh MBC. B*_SD prrnstsJ csre ESTIFMRAETEE S •S*A«*V <Ed t it7mP0dr S-imc8me 0sU >iand —OTo F4w FDn " frw' •eMt MSCmO HPOALLY C HSPUIRPCITH | ceaa U f ntw"M RMw AewA War Oi J iSMI" , Su(nBdsaiwy sSsUne evUAvo*ninren2y le6TAae1-Cl -t94o e2 0T70h-S 2f2l tA 910 0J o:3y0 R AosJdA). WESUDaMS. EIM TVthEo8Ea:R aN3lu I0mnWNi w fGOai t 1aRW1 *0S%r•OG:H0»m Ri0*eI oSAgS nSHoJ ErS«IyRPa. n GV7a:atIt1Co 5oE mPS. M . Sau SnFdTatmr iSlyc T nWoliooOlr aSTM^HOeY 'ae jaCn*.H AaU_SRm AC «HM '42OIIMwS caFAKaruW*J eaeya a .B SloludcMigt..e C»e Mt SWt. SJ oSsTepAh nAMnF eATr rMctwyE rXH BotsKpSit aolf A25E2|7MR*O l TST eoDekMrtfR*ra * AaPAt lP1u St0i Mo «uUtEtifWcSe l>d PCAAR|CinOSI€NlS FSOI oCO« rtTM *DY MaR Tlk RAOheWPaberENfdt R C MITEto.S o d S 00 SJa Holy Euchsnet APOSTOLIC LUTHERAN WCAR IOW SUNDAY 10 30 A M FIRMSaTin PftR CEhSuBprtcYrhaT a•E« (RT3I1«A3 N) 4 C53H-6U4R6C4H "SonJ Tuonws 2n 5FBa\m. Vil8yS LECAECA&LSEHRI P V—t*IJfcl -o. e•4ir—e <T »h •r>e* €• MI *nmM*sri"«dx te tr ntGs iiu WyiO (C3«1M3)« ^v 1M-l^ 45S5H67 CheUlsneiav eCrosimtym ouf nMitiyc hHigoasnp ital 3i 5M3u-x8 T0un00 W ad IW* A VI 10 tm • 4p2m1 >-r0. 01000 J m * f> m I H sua He*y Eochertsl A Nurssnr LFUITRHSETR AAPNO CSHTUORUCC H S1t7.l8 Pu10at hFuselrn'nsvna geniov Cfai hRnougsRed lc•i hLc walo rns PtiaSc sMnncgNensix HMsUeMr y8 M3PI0tIiIwt IMkodH s1AO0Hl »E mAJaHn*. 'a GENEVA PRESBsaYsTsC SM3ttA1o3Ho)4 nSC Haa<U*0 RC1CJaH r(VtLo&rA .) IEATisi 4 p un (313)261-1360 : im Sm«s^aiwha4 0*i 26325 Haietaad Road at 11 Mile N ew L i fe Sunday Wor*l«p ; tautinau (313) 4 6 4 - 3 8 88 (313) 8 6 4 - 8 4 43 CATHOLIC Lutheran Church 4M o3rv0tJ*a w1 0E w00ta AQ M Eacasw For AS 4ga* ® SAerlvsioc e1ss tE Ave r3yr tS uSnudnaday y« M 10 7 S 0O0 AP MM Sunday Worship 9 ajn. 7MPJL Sunday School-9:15 AM at the Masonic Temple on the K I C H L E R B«s CJaas - Tussday 7 30 PM square in downtown Plymouth MICHIGAN'S LARGEST & FINEST Sser.^ AsJTOMT.S PKtaMs AXN • CtnAdTltBtMOMUCl UCuHs1M1CsHa Songo S>e Mnnocneths -7 0L0as Pt SMun day 7)0 Prnnunan INTERDENOMINATIONAL 2»»I0 Joy Auad . a«Har«l. MkIHSSS Pastor-Devclopei Ken Robem CHRISTIAN 5 Hlarla E T«Wf«p* • <»!» 313/459-8181 SCIENCE * .(aiOlTM-9511 LANDSCAPt , CHARISMATIC V\ 1 AGAPE CHRISTIAN CENTER PH. rrn+m. EPISCOPAL Cmmcn on rtm mom" Hnt Church of Ckrifl. Soentifl. Hymoolh T A - A PRACTICAL 7 a--- a 10 1 LIGHTING IIMta. PENTECOSTAL 1100 WSu. ArtdnflnT ASrebnornr rT 1ra0i lJ POh *m «onu th. MI 41550 Ann Arbor !>««• Ptymc •uth. Ml 4S170-0S55* (313>45S^240 Church of the Rben Lord Sundnr Srhool lO W>.m c CWMMk ls*ie«l Owfc •« Nai* Awrla tM Ewn.njt Tnximanv Mrrtinn " «l p m ) MMa.d^aiti A*O>u SwmwAsSmii .M anM* d V ORpeeadnm Me- RS o1o0m « -4n4*» >-5 5p wTyS.u Pnl y7rm-9iu pth m HVRN SATUMOAY MWMT AT AO AMI J /W SALE OUR LADY «»F llilla— P>i* U» CMlMu ik .i aM IS, SU aWfc k1a1a1l*i 1 FULL GOSPEL CHURCH 45J-1676 SunSay «e*aal • fcOO •* OF PLYMOUTH G11O6O0 DPe CnnOuUnsNn SAEvLe. IhlHMmmnIa JrILtMtM7 7n1UW . 2 «oc2k9l 1H E d. USPaRt ItNSGm MSTf. dMS ••Minaey PaasSy MlpM • TOO PRlyevm. nJuodh)n •J .4 S5uJ-lOlivJa2n6 MHMMU (Mtab-TSIfta Paster Mark S. Msar* •aa <au«(i«'i (e*"Mpi HCm2mL. ,M SOaa.*-P IOnO •<O* »* A M M m. ntai> 1IP20S 0P PMM SEVENTH DAY ' SMS4BJ ASSEMBLIES OF GOD .MHgwl Ch 4SK02S AOVENTIST UNITED METHODIST . i. im KmmvLwmnuimam 6500 V Yesterday's Treasures, Antiques. Select 1 0% O FF R4SE7S8UAR WREanCeTnI OAN* CCaAraTpHr,0 U»«C* gCsHnU aRiC*H The Answer NARD1N PARK UNITED ST. MATTHEWS Collectibles Nostalgia. & Vintage Items flfV ROMflOA PfPftTTO to Life isn't METHODIST CHURCH UNITED METHOOIST SOSOO 9> uia as ISSI Uwww. 4 Wdawam Including: Old A Rare Books. Victorian Period Our 40%-50% SUMMER SCHEDULE 2«M7 wm Eleven Mile Road Furniture. Pattern Glass. Reference Books. Already Discounted 111 1:30pm.99*w»ayk«ia in the Stars, Ju« w4m7 6o-t8 M86td0d lrbclt 10:1010: 1A5J AI. JWI. oArsdhuilpt Sftt uCdhyu rCclha sSscehso ol Porcelain. Toys. Movie Items. China. Pottery. It s in I he Son, Farming! onHUls Prices! Silver; Plus Much Morel • oo fc laes *.« rai Clarenceville United Met hod i« CHRISTIAN HARMONY MMISTRIES June 25th CHURCHES OF CHRIST 24230 WaatMcMchoM *A Grateful Nation Remembers" Beautiful landscape fixtures like these l BbcaMwa»aeaP> Wonhtp • are Ideal for direct path and spread SWunaddanye eMdeoym MlngM W Sotrusdhyip 71:00:03 0p maa.i . I . CMWhlur rA4cnh nI WI4:aIhf«o AotnMl r-.t Slca.hPam0SP mAMlM moiuAL emmen or crausT Fnday Pralas and Worahlp 7« pm Man • *aL ci—» m res lighting for decks. Durable die-cast Sunday Paan Ooraa Lac* 532 '000 P U B L IC M A R K ET aBluromnizneu, mB lapcakt ha nlidg hVtienrdgi garvias iflaobr lse aIfne llemorialM SMervs tColaa s1s0 :00 A.U. SCPHsMOOhuL a( 4I*M»» AM »ia4l AM TtMl-JCCHIIT KUYJAO CHNH TAR VBIASI ST*T IH AOANPN MCNE7 A9N NT A*D* MNEETWHOBUORISGT UCNHIUTRECDH UNITEADL MDETEHROSOQISTA CTHEU RCH Wednesdays 100 PM • M41S4SAM SUN 8:IJA. IIOOA. 400P 12-volt applications for easy Installation. Mitt PsHuMs, LVonM' 428-7110 uftQmtasMOP* OF GOD 36600 Ann Arbor TisJ 10000 BEECH DALY ROAD 7 W t 5i rods under . m «tCXS Of P*£D «MWJNG • Qf*H F000 422-0149 Redtord. Ml 46239 937-3170 .«• - -~k.i_ J • a~ i••* — a ftmylab fttvrscttXAfte* SALE LASTS 10 DAYS ONLYI Worship fcOO A 10:00 AM. Brightmoor Tabernacle ChHdram Sunday School "Worry, Faar 1 Wild Ftow^s" 1M0AJL P*sm, a4 CCssiHtssgg H hmrn tfmm btssrsyr I, W' mrng «sppi- ft L«fe I a Al CkGaaonMur WornWChiptl Worship Sit 5:00 pjft. . Tusa Wpd Isl 930 jL.! AssemMles of God • ICNa .R oal Htzaf,tds yp Ianns't •o ^r 2-6JOO B R O SE Thum Fa 930400 n I 92:61151 1a ar*rw. Fhakm*i lUy .S. uVnadnhalyW SMch. oMoll (H1-o6u*r a 7.-00 pjn. "Family Nigh«" Juna 25th "Parabla of tha Sowar" ELECTRICAL QPJ mm 10: JO am Special guest. Sam Farina 19:4-15 CONSTRUCTION, »*C ™ •Ml 37400 W Sever MM Roed • Ixm. Ml 49182•(S1J)4S44H1> 1.7* 6: JO pm. Pastor Cahin Ran Pastors Bob ft Diana Ooudla mm